Oriental dances what movements will help to tighten the stomach. Belly dance at home for weight loss


Belly dancing is a beautiful and sensual part of the culture of the Middle East, has many hundreds of years of history of its existence. The movements of this dance are very round, feminine and sensual. However, our compatriots value belly dance not only because its mastery allows you to comprehend the basics of seduction. Many are sure that belly dancing helps to reduce weight, helps to remove extra pounds from the sides, abdomen and hips. Let's talk today about whether it is possible to effectively lose weight by moving beautifully to oriental rhythms?


The main types of physical activity in belly dancing are steps, swaying the hips, belly punches and graceful hand movements. When we learn all kinds of arabesques, the heartbeat quickens, and the body begins to spend calories more actively.

  • According to calculations, on average, up to 450 kcal is burned per hour of belly dancing, and if you perform complex composition movements in public, then about 600 kcal are burned per hour.

By doing belly dancing for an hour 3-4 times a week, you can get rid of 1600 kcal in total. This is not much compared to the energy expenditure of intense cardio or strength training.

Nevertheless, it should be said that belly dancing helps to develop the grace of movement, confidence in one's feminine charms and keep the body in good shape. If you pay attention to how the famous belly dancers look, you will notice that there are few thin women among them. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that in the East their ideals of beauty and excessively thin women are “not respected”. In addition, for a beautiful performance of this oriental dance, a rounded tummy and hips are simply necessary.

If you still intend to lose weight with the help of belly dancing, then in this case it is worth reviewing your nutrition plan and sticking to one of the low-calorie diets for some time.

If you plan to exercise in order to achieve beautiful and rounded shapes, correct your posture and make movements more graceful (and your list of priorities does not include urgently getting rid of 5-10 kilograms excess weight), then belly dancing is the best option for you.

During the performance of the belly dance involved:

  • Hands. During the performance of this oriental dance, the arms are for the most part raised to parallel with the floor and are in constant smooth movement. It helps to improve joint function, relieve tension in the neck and improve flexibility.
  • Hips. Rhythmically swaying your hips, you make all the back muscle groups work, and the abdominal muscles and buttocks are also involved in these movements. By pushing your hips, you make your muscles more elastic, stimulate the work of internal organs, and effectively fight cellulite.
  • Head. During the performance of the belly dance, the neck muscles work quite actively, the blood flow to the brain improves, the process of enriching it with oxygen is accelerated and, as a result, mental activity is stimulated.
  • Stomach. All kinds of pushes with the stomach, performed during the dance, strengthen the muscles of the press, keep them in good shape and contribute to the solution of some gynecological problems.

However, if you really want to do belly dancing, but also need to get rid of a few extra pounds, to make the press and buttocks more prominent, then in addition to dance movements, you should give your muscles an appropriate power load, regularly performing several standard exercises on “problem areas”.


Belly dancing can be practiced under the supervision of a professional trainer who will help you master this art in its entirety and perfection. However, you can also practice belly dancing at home - it’s good that there are a lot of fairly detailed video lessons on the Internet today.

Since belly dancing is a moderate exercise, almost anyone can do it. It is about belly dancing that we can say that this is a type of physical activity that you can do with pleasure, without torturing yourself and your body.

However, as in all other forms of physical activity, in belly dancing you must remember to be regular and systematic - if you want to keep your body in good shape and move gracefully, you should not think about training only from time to time. Get ready for the fact that it will take you at least an hour to take classes and you will be engaged in belly dancing for at least three times in Week.

We all know very well that the art of belly dancing comes from the Middle East. In those times oriental women performed it at certain moments of life, symbolizing their extraordinary femininity and sensuality.

Admirers of this direction of dance sincerely believe that with its help you can also easily get rid of extra pounds, the main thing is to learn the right movements.

This, in fact, makes belly dancing not only a pleasant experience, but also a good alternative to various and sports activities.

Although what is there to be surprised!? Since ancient times, there have been special techniques that today are superior to many modern methods of body shaping.

What are the benefits of belly dancing for weight loss?

Oh, how many women dream of a thin aspen waist and beautiful toned hips. And how often it happens - it is these parts of the body that are the main culprits of all their claims and troubles.

And this is primarily due to the fact that female body due to certain anatomical and physiological features, fat deposits accumulate precisely in the hips and abdomen, which, moreover, are very difficult to eliminate from there. And not every exercise stress is able to cope with this, since many, paying special attention to the whole body, do not have sufficient influence on these zones.

But Eastern dance for the stomach - this is something extraordinary! A pleasant rhythmic melody sounds, you are dressed in a beautiful outfit and perform smooth and plastic movements, but at the same time quite intense. This will allow you not only to remove extra centimeters of the waist, but also cheer you up, help make your muscles more elastic, and your posture especially graceful.

The dance must be continued as long as the music continues. But, fortunately, oriental compositions are built in such a way that there is enough time for qualitative changes in the body.

In addition, during the dance, very positive changes occur in the body: blood flow increases, metabolic processes, which is an additional advantage in the breakdown of fat.

As the main axiom of weight loss says - in order to reduce excess weight, you need to spend more energy than you get with food during the day. AND the best option to achieve such a calorie deficit is recognized as a regular physical activity. So, belly dancing is the very sports method that, according to experts, can easily replace.

But do not forget that in any sports to achieve desired effect will help unquestioning adherence to the principles proper nutrition. You can follow a low-calorie diet or even just eat moderately, the main thing is not to overdo it with various sweets, fatty and fried foods.

By the way, with the help of such dances you will not be able to pump up your muscles, but only bring them into excellent tone. Therefore, if you want to make your buttocks more rounded, you need to additionally perform a set of strength exercises.

How to choose the right place to learn belly dancing?

1. Before you decide to take up belly dancing, ask yourself if you really want to. Very often, character and temperament are not the best allies in such endeavors, and further training simply will not bring you the expected satisfaction. Maybe bellydance is not for you and you should look for something more rhythmic and intense.

2. If you still decide to do oriental dancing, in no case stop at the first sports club which you will get. Now there is a huge selection of different dance schools, fitness centers and individual instructors that run up your eyes. Choose the course in which the load will be distributed most competently. Also ask for advice from friends who are already engaged.

3. Before joining a group, ask about the age of the other members. And if possible, it is better to attend a trial training session as an observer. This will help you navigate the level of training and get a practical idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthese.

4. And most importantly - do not skip classes, because this business also needs to be systematic.

Basic belly dance moves

If you decide to learn dance at home, then you need to familiarize yourself with several of its basic movements. Of course, it is very difficult to learn all the intricacies of dance, but there are a couple of points that will come in handy sooner or later anyway.

  • Hip swing exercise. Starting position: legs together, knees slightly bent. Begin to move your hips, as if alternately swinging them up and down. This exercise perfectly improves the tone of many muscles: the internal, external and posterior muscles of the thigh, as well as the back, buttocks and abs.
  • Exercise eight. Starting position: straighten up, legs pressed to each other. Perform hip movements in the form of a figure eight (rhythmically and as smoothly as possible). When doing this, make sure that the upper body always remains motionless.
  • Smile exercise. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, posture as straight as a string. The movement must be performed with the pubic part of the abdomen, lifting sharply up. This exercise is not always possible for beginners to do, but its technique must be mastered, as it perfectly strengthens the abdominal muscles.
  • Exercise "undressing". Take a deep slow breath and imitate as if you are taking off your jacket (at least three times).

Many naively believe that home workouts are a great alternative to dance school. However, this opinion is very controversial, because it is quite difficult to master the technique of correct movements on your own.

But if you nevertheless decide to fulfill this desire, then you should purchase a special disc for beginner dancers, in which good master class from famous oriental dancers or watch the next video.

Video belly dance lesson for beginners

Losing weight with belly dance: reviews of girls

Alice: “... I have been doing oriental dances for more than seven years, and three of them I have already taught them myself. So, if you are engaged and something does not work out for you, do not despair, for beginners this is quite normal. The main thing is not to stop! As for losing weight, everything is different here: someone succeeds, and someone doesn’t ... For example, my stomach, on the contrary, became more round, but I even really like it and my husband too ... "

Lena: “... When I first came to the dance, I didn’t have a stomach at all. My teacher always said that it would be more difficult for me to do all the necessary movements, because there is no adipose tissue. Now the tummy is already rounded, though. Miracles … "

Svetlana: “... For me, belly dancing literally replaces everything - gymnastics, sports, and the mood rises that my husband does not stop admiring. For the first time I got acquainted with oriental dances visiting friends, and real professionals performed it, it was something!!! I was just crazy with delight, and upon arrival home I decided to reproduce it all in front of the mirror. Of course, it was funny, but, nevertheless, I lost kilograms in a couple of days! Then a trip to a professional, and for 14 years now I have been dancing. I became thin (a dream come true since childhood) and I got a waist! … »

Daria: “... Thanks to the dance, I lost my rounded tummy, but my sides still don’t want to leave, although I additionally do twisting and others - but so far to no avail! In general, my mood, of course, is fighting, and I don’t even plan to stop ... "

Zoya: “... A couple of years ago I was very full, then I got tired of everything, my husband became uninteresting, I don’t live as I want, but I go with the flow. And then at one point I decided to change everything. At first I decided to run in the morning, swim in the pond every day (we just have one not far from home), even in the cold season. I reviewed my diet and went to oriental dances with a friend, so to speak for the company.

At first I thought that it would not be for long, but then, when the first results appeared, the decision to leave disappeared by itself. Now I am not overjoyed at my reflection in the mirror, not only did I lose a decent amount of excess weight, but I also began to feel much better. The back stopped hurting, shortness of breath disappeared, the intestines returned to normal. In short, I advise everyone! … »

Oriental dances have always been a success. After all, it is they who allow a woman to make her figure seductive, toned and rounded, which, of course, cannot be overlooked by the male part of the population.

Belly dancing is one of the methods of seducing men. Graceful and graceful movements to oriental music simply enchant a man. But besides this, oriental dances are also excellent method weight loss for those who need it. How? Now you will know everything.

Belly dance for weight loss is aimed primarily at burning fat deposits localized in the abdomen and thighs. Oriental dances are not just plastic movements, but movements in which all muscle groups take part at the same time, creating an enormous load on the body, as a result of which it begins to spend a huge amount of energy.

In just one hour session, the body spends about 400 kcal. With a lesson of 2 - 3 hours, this is approximately 800 - 1200 kcal. Agree, not bad. And if you provide such a load at least 3 times a week, and at the same time try to consume no more than 1500 kcal per day per day, then in a couple of weeks weight loss will be noticeable not only for you, but also for the people around you.
Well, if you eat the same way as before, weight loss will occur gradually, almost imperceptibly for you. However, the body will still take on other forms, more rounded and feminine. Therefore, even if you have only 2 - 3 extra pounds, belly dancing will allow you to easily lose them, even without adhering to special ones.

Belly dance lessons for weight loss are best taken from experienced teachers. However, there are also such lessons that are simply aimed at improving plasticity and flexibility. If during classes you feel how all your muscles begin to actively work, then these are exactly the exercises that you need to burn body fat. Well, if you don’t feel this during classes, it means that the process of losing weight does not start and classes simply help you increase your flexibility.

Oriental dances have a great effect on the work of the whole organism as a whole. Metabolic processes are being established, which improves the condition of the internal organs and systems, as well as the skin color improves, it acquires a healthy and radiant shade.

With regular attendance of belly dance courses, the cardiovascular system, immune system, as well as nervous system. In a favorable way, they also affect the functioning of the digestive tract. Comes from all harmful substances.

During exercise, the body secretes through the sweat glands a large number of liquid, with which toxins and toxins come out of the body, preventing the normal functioning of internal organs and systems, as well as slowing down metabolism.

These harmful substances also come out naturally by improving bowel function. For people suffering from constipation, belly dancing will be more useful than ever. During dancing, the anterior part of the peritoneum works most actively, which, accordingly, has a softening or “breaking” effect on stagnant feces, which produce poisoning of the body, due to the release of toxic substances in the process of decay.


Unfortunately, not everyone can attend oriental dance courses. There are contraindications in which this becomes impossible. This:

  • the period of menstruation, especially with its abundant flow;
  • the period of pregnancy (shaking negatively affects the condition of the fetus and can cause premature birth or miscarriage in the early stages);
  • malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • any acute inflammatory processes occurring in the body;
  • displacement of the vertebrae (attending courses is possible only if the alignment of the vertebrae is no more than 8 mm and after the approval of the doctor);
  • flat feet;
  • diseases of the liver, duodenum, stomach and pancreas.

This great opportunity“combining” the useful with the pleasant. This is a great replacement for all diets in the world! Didn't believe? Hurry up to check out the dance for weight loss! "Dance and lose weight!".

Girls, try to dance! The fact is that beautiful movements burn much more calories than a regular dance (which is danced for the sake of "excuses"). What does it take to learn how to dance well?

  • Feel every musical note! Music must be felt completely (to the very depth).
  • Set yourself up for pleasure and excellent results. If the "tuning" does not happen - wait for better times.
  • Buy a short top (the stomach in it should be completely open) and sports pants (made of light fabric) or a skirt. We have listed the clothes in which you will feel most comfortable.
  • Before class, treat yourself to light snacks. Such products, dishes and drinks are suitable: natural yogurt, fat-free kefir, mashed soup (vegetarian), fresh vegetables, fresh fruits.
  • Keep track of your calorie intake. On the days when you should be exercising, your "calorie figure" is five hundred. On weekends - three hundred (if you do not follow diets).
  • Never dance barefoot! You need to do it either in socks or in light shoes.
  • Decorate your hips with a ringing handkerchief. Such items will emphasize the grace of your figure and cheer you up.

Accessories needed for belly dancing:

  • Drums (small)
  • Sabers
  • Fire
  • Wings
  • Sagat (metal discs)
  • Handkerchief (transparent, long)
  • Tambourine

There are several types of dances (classical and "non-standard"). Choose the first option, as it is aimed at healing and supporting the body in good shape. Belly dancing involves not only the movement of the abdomen, the whole body moves! Each movement is responsible for "its" action, achievement, weight loss:

  • Hand movements liberate the entire shoulder girdle, train plasticity, relieve tension in the neck and hands.
  • Swinging the hips helps to lose weight in the "area" of the buttocks, lower back, abdomen and legs.
  • Raising the hips gives elasticity to the buttocks and abdomen, massages the internal organs, “gives” relief to the whole body.
  • Head movements also play a “beneficial” role: they bring blood pressure back to normal, improve blood circulation, and completely relieve migraines and headaches.

A low-calorie diet that goes great with belly dancing: a 3-day menu

The menu lists kilocalories:

First day



  • Several slices of bread (ninety-nine)
  • A glass of carrot juice (thirty-six)


  • Smoked cod (forty-six)
  • Plate of barley gruel (ninety-two)
  • Five tablespoons of pasta (thirty-nine)
  • glass of water

Afternoon snack:

  • Grapefruit (sixty-seven)
  • glass of water


  • Any low calorie salad
  • A glass of water

Second day


  • Tea without sugar
  • Apple (forty-two)
  • A glass of butter (ninety-five)
  • Half a slice of processed cheese (one hundred twenty-eight)


  • glass of water
  • Apple (forty-two)
  • A few slices of bread (ninety-nine)
  • Two pieces of pork (forty-five)


  • A piece of boiled meat (two hundred)
  • glass of water
  • A plate of vegetable soup (sixty-two)

Afternoon snack:

  • Banana (ninety six)
  • A glass of water (as much as you like)


  • Yogurt (fifty one)
  • Eggplants (twenty-four)
  • A few pieces of pork (forty-five)

The third day


  • Multifruit juice (fifty two)
  • Tea with honey (thirty-two)
  • Portion of tomato soup (eleven)


  • glass of water
  • A serving of beetroot (twenty-nine)


  • A glass of water
  • Sour cabbage soup (twenty-two)
Afternoon snack:
  • Fruits (as much as you like)
  • Several glasses of water


  • Tea without sugar
  • glass of water
  • Portion of crumbly buckwheat (ninety-eight)

Do not “sit” on such a diet if its menu does not suit you at all. and not only. Use the foods you love, but most importantly, make the most of your dancing time! Best Dance belly is the dance that "happens" on fresh air and not indoors.

Belly dancing will help you get rid of four hundred kilocalories per hour. Dancing is not only an excellent “remedy” for excess weight! It turns out that they save women from many psychological problems. Any belly dance is not capable of "lightning" weight loss. But the result will definitely come to you!

Most of the movements are performed on slightly bent legs. This "nuance" allows you to use dance moves all muscles. Belly dancing does not pump up the muscles, because the movements in the dances are repeated and amaze everyone with their smoothness and "airiness". Each belly dance keeps the body in good shape, “charges” the body with adrenaline, and significantly improves metabolism.

Do not be upset if everything does not work out for you and! You can master any dance for weight loss. The main thing is the presence of great desire and spiritual harmony. If something bothers you, thoughts will constantly distract you.

Do not dance if you are taking any medications. The dance will wait for you, but health must be protected in time.

Since everything new and beautiful is very interesting and attracts people, belly dancing has become very popular in Russia for some time now, not only women, but also men. This type of dance came to us from the countries of the Middle East, which is why it is often called oriental.

main feature lies in the fact that it mainly involves the stomach, and the rest of the body only complements and decorates the movements, turning them into a real erotic dance.

In the East, since ancient times, belly dance was considered not a means for losing weight, but the main art of seduction, with the help of which women charmed and seduced their men, and more recently, our Russian beauties have been actively using oriental charms for the same purpose.

Thanks to the flamboyant and revealing outfits, belly dancing is now seen more as a mesmerizing show to make money on, or as part of a fitness routine.

What are the benefits of belly dancing for the body?

To begin with, it is worth noting that this particular dance is the most in a positive way affects women's health.

  1. Firstly, thanks to classes, you can get rid of many gynecological diseases, which is due to the active flow of blood to the genitals.
  2. Secondly, strengthen and give elasticity to the muscles involved in childbirth.
  3. Third, lose weight and turn your figure into a real masterpiece with slim waist, elastic booty and taut muscles on the arms and legs.

Also normalizes metabolism, and this contributes to the improvement of the condition of hair, nails and skin. Unlike other dances, due to the smoothness of all movements, belly dance eliminates various injuries and sprains, so even pregnant women can practice it, of course, under the guidance of the attending physician. And, of course, it gives a woman confidence in herself and in her attractiveness, thereby improving her mood and increasing self-esteem.

Is belly dancing effective for weight loss?

Besides being a belly dance burns approximately 400 kcal per hour of exercise- it contributes to the fact that a woman begins to eat less food than usual. All this is due to the good mood that is created in the dance, because when a person is happy, he does not need to look for antidepressants, which are often products, especially starchy foods.

Oriental dances may well replace the usual fitness, which many people go to without great fun, perceiving it as the only measure for weight loss. In contrast, belly dance improves the figure and teaches to move beautifully, which allows the practitioner to feel like a real seductive woman.

If you want to not only lose extra pounds, but also pump up muscle mass, then you can combine classes with some strength exercises.

On this issue, it is best to consult with a trainer so that he recommends and makes up a complex just for you, based on individual physical training.

The only thing worth considering for weight loss is to combine classes with balanced diet and don't start exercising on a full stomach.

Where to learn dancing?

Absolutely any girl can learn belly dancing, because everyone wants to be desirable and seductive for her man. There are several options to master oriental skills,

  1. Firstly, you can enroll in courses where you will study in a group,
  2. Secondly, you can master the course yourself by purchasing a special disk with a training program.

Thus, everyone chooses for himself the most acceptable option both at will and for money. Of course, doing at home is much more profitable than in the studio, however, who likes what.

Now in the markets or in shops there is always an oriental department where you can buy all the necessary attributes for classes: a suit with coins, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, etc. At home, you can not only learn the basics of this erotic dance, but also apply imagination by adding some elements, for example, a scarf, a candelabra, a saber, as oriental mistresses do.

If you want to definitely engage in a group, then on the Internet you will definitely find many dance schools that teach, including oriental ones. Usually you can sign up either for a one-time visit or, if you like, purchase a subscription for a month.

Contraindications for belly dancing

On initial stage Belly dancing has no special contraindications - it is suitable for almost everyone for weight loss, however, as the intensity of the classes, several factors should be taken into account. For example, not recommended to do certain movements for people with heart failure, musculoskeletal problems, spinal disorders, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and individual features, for example, contraindications for stretching and deflection.

It is important to take into account age features, thus, after 50 years it is best to limit yourself to light dance elements without strong shaking and hitting.

In general, with the right approach, oriental dances do no harm, but only one benefit, especially for the fair sex.

Basic movements (exercises) of belly dance

Rocking chair. It consists of moving the hips up and down. Stand up straight, bend your knees slightly, begin to raise your hips without turning your body.

Wave. In this exercise, only the hips are involved, and the upper part remains without movement. Describe a circle with your hips from top to bottom, while taking small steps forward.

Eight. You need to mentally imagine a figure eight at waist level and describe it with your hips. The figure eight in the belly dance can be deep - for slimming the sides, in this case the hips are retracted to the side as much as possible and rise up.

Circles. They can be performed with both hips and chest. In both cases, you need to describe a circle with the maximum possible deflections.

Strikes to the stomach, buttocks and thigh. Throw the stomach up due to the movement of the hips, after which it should lower in a relaxed position and return to its original position. When hitting the buttocks, it is necessary to sharply raise them and fix them for a moment. When hitting with the hip, you need to bring one hip up as much as possible and also fix this position.

Pendulum. Bring the right thigh to the side, and then up towards the armpit, lower it diagonally down and do the same with the left thigh.

Shaking. They can be completely different. Allocate shaking of the stomach, arms, hips, as well as vertical shaking and shaking on the go. In all cases, it is a vibrating movement. At first, it will not be possible to perform it for more than one or two minutes, because the pace is lost very quickly, and all the muscles get tired. However, over time, this exercise will not present any difficulty for you. By the way, some dances generally consist of one shaking and last for 10-15 minutes.

Belly dance for weight loss for beginners

To maximize the effectiveness of belly dancing, you must consider a few basic recommendations:

Do not forget that even the first lesson costs money, so if you want to not only sign up, but also attend it, take your wallet with you.

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