Paintings by Zichy Mikhail Alexandrovich 1829 1906. Russian page of the work of the Hungarian artist Mihail Zichy


"Historian courtier

Performance at the Moscow Bolshoi Theater on the occasion

The most famous representative of the Hungarian
romanticism, whose life and work were closely connected with the Russian
empire. According to the curator of the pre-war Gatchina Palace Museum V.K.
Makarova, the artist was a "historian of court life": hunting scenes, court
life, theatrical performances amaze with the historical accuracy of transmission
details and recognizability of characters. The artist is also known for his magnificent
erotic drawings. These works surprise with openness and courage.
presentation of the theme of carnal love.

Count Mikhail Alexandrovich (as he was called
in Russia) was born in the town of Zala (Hungary) in October 1827. Started to draw
almost from diapers. He called the Pest painter his first teacher of painting.
artist Jacob Marashtoni. And in 1844, Mihaly Zichy entered the
workshop of the very famous Viennese painter Ferdinand Walmüller,
who made a name for himself in the aristocratic society of Europe thanks to an unusual
technique that he used in his work, subtle observation,
the ability to exquisitely convey the romantic atmosphere in landscapes, to identify
the most characteristic personality traits in portraits. Creativity of the aesthetic master
Viennese Biedermeier shaped the taste, direction in painting, drawings
young Hungarian artist. In 1847 Grand Duchess Elena
Pavlovna, sister of the Russian Tsar Nicholas I, turned to Ferdinand
Walmüller with a request to teach her daughter painting. The capricious crown did not want
leave his native city for the northern capital, and he sent to St. Petersburg
your best student. So Mihai Zichy ended up in Russia.

brought to His Majesty Emperor Alexander II by members of the imperial family
after the coronation on August 26, 1856

To the capital of the Russian
artist Mihaly Zichy arrived in 1847. In two years
teaching in the family of the Grand Duchess had to be left - the artist is sent
for free bread. Now he sells his drawings and rules
light-painted portraits, retouching them. Times are hard for the artist.
Some support these days was provided by Prince Alexander from the family

Folk holiday on the Khodynka field in Moscow on the occasion
Sacred Coronation of Emperor Alexander II

Positive life changes
Mihai Zichy
indebted to the then famous French poet
Theophile Gauthier. Having visited St. Petersburg in 1858, he, on the basis of his
impressions writes the book "Journey to Russia". Dedicated to Michael
Alexandrovich Zichy, the head raised the reputation of the artist among the Russian beau monde,
and already in 1859 he became a court painter, having been in this post
for almost 15 years, until 1873. During these years, in his drawings and paintings,
Mikhail Zichy captured many moments of court life: state affairs and
life of imperial persons, royal hunting, caricatures of persons close to the court and
much more.

Empress Maria Alexandrovna, Dowager Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and
Grand Duchess Alexandra Iosifovna. 1857

watercolor works
, written in 1856 and dedicated to the coronation of the Russian
autocrat Alexander II, appreciated by the Academy of Arts of the city
Petersburg and awarded Mihai Zichy the title of academician. In 1869 there was
arranged a personal exhibition of the artist. In 1874 the artist leaves for Paris
and returned to Russia only in 1880. He was again accepted to his former position -
draftsman-chronicler at the imperial Russian court. The artist died
Zichy Mihai
(Mikhail Alexandrovich) in St. Petersburg. It happened 28
February 1906.

Alexander II with courtiers in the Arsenal Hall
Gatchina Palace. 1859

Costumed ball in the palace of Princess Elena Kochubey in
honor of Emperor Alexander II February 5, 1865

The wedding of Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich and
Grand Duchess Maria Feodorovna. 1867

Breakfast of Emperors Alexander II and Wilhelm I
winter palace

Scenes of the meeting between Alexander III and the Austrian emperor
Franz Josef in Kremsier in August 1885. 1887

Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna and Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich 25
July 1894 in the Great Church of the Peterhof Palace.

Congratulation of Alexander II from
diplomatic corps on January 1, 1863. State

Princess Alice of Hesse to Livadia October 10, 1894

cavalry guards
at a meeting of the Persian Shah Nasir ad-Din


Removal of the body
Alexander III from the Small Palace in Livadia

The descent of the coffin with the body of Alexander III in

Mihai Zichy.
Funeral of Tsar Alexander III Source

in the Winter Palace of Shah Nasir-ad-Din Grand Duchess

Ball in
Concert Hall of the Winter Palace during the official visit of Shah Nasir ad-Din to
May 1873. 1874

Persian Shah Nasr-ed-Din in St. Petersburg during his official

Coronation of Alexander II in the Dormition Cathedral of Moscow
Kremlin August 26

Entry Procession Alexander II

Prozession Alexandra Fjodorownas in die
Uspenskij-Kathedrale, 1856

Ceremonial performance in honor of the German Emperor
Wilhelm I at the Mikhailovsky Theater


Alexander II and Nasir al-Din Shah during the parade in

Cavalry attack. An episode of the parade on Marsovy

Alexander II with a group of military men at the table in the Gothic

Ceremonial dinner at the Zimny ​​Concert Hall

Gala dinner in Granovitaya

Taras Bulba. Illustration.

Celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Life Guards Pavlovsky

saint's day

Coronation of Nicholas

The name of the artist M.A. Zichy says little to our contemporaries. It is known only to connoisseurs of Russian painting. But in the middle of the 19th century, his works were very popular in Russia, although they were almost unknown abroad. Gautier, in his notes on a trip to Russia, jokingly remarks that the Russians keep Zichy only for themselves. However, he was quite a peculiar and interesting person. My story about M. Zichi is divided into two parts: M. Zichi is a court painter, M. Zichi is an illustrator and artist of nature and life.

Born on October 15, 1827, the future artist Mihai Zichy (and in Russia his name was Mikhail Alexandrovich) received his education at the Vienna Academy of Arts, studied painting in Italy and France, where he was hired by the daughter of Nicholas I Catherine as a drawing teacher. In 1848, together with the Grand Duchess, he left Paris for St. Petersburg. But a year later, in protest against the suppression of the liberation war of the Hungarians against the Habsburgs by the "gendarme of all Europe", he leaves the court. Having remained in St. Petersburg, he lives by retouching photographs, lives in poverty, marries, and soon finds himself again at the royal court. In 1856, he depicted on canvas the coronation ceremony of Alexander II. Two years later he becomes a member of the Russian Academy of Arts. In 1859 he received the title of "Painter of His Imperial Majesty".

Ball in honor of Alexander II, organized by the city of Helsingfors in September 1863 in the building of the railway station, 1864

Wedding of Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich and Grand Duchess Maria Feodorovna, 1867

Portrait of Empress Maria Alexandrovna, Dowager Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and Grand Duchess Alexandra Iosifovna, 1857

For 30 years the artist was a "historian of court life." He entered both ceremonial and family events on the pages of his albums: court balls, theatrical performances, parades, camp life, imperial hunting and caricatures of courtiers. He was a favorite portrait painter of Nicholas I, Alexander II. Alexander III collected his works and decorated his rooms in the Gatchina Palace.

Cornation of Alexander II in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin on August 26, 1856, 1857

Front in the Imperial Palace in Tsarskoye Selo, 1865

During the Hungarian campaign, Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich instructed him to illustrate military reports. After the war, the emperor ordered the artist an album of drawings from Petersburg life. Zichy until the death of Nikolai Pavlovich remained a chronicler-illustrator of court life in Gatchina. But Zichy's fame was ensured only after the enthusiastic review of him by the French writer Theophile Gauthier. In 1858, Zichy was recognized as an academician for three watercolors depicting a slain wolf, a fox and a lynx. In 1859, Emperor Alexander II appointed him court painter.

Portrait of Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich, 1852

Nicholas I at construction work, 1853

Zichy performed up to 500 illustrations of the most interesting events from court life in 15 years. In 1869, at an exhibition organized by the Royal Family in favor of the wounded, all his works were collected. Of these, paintings were issued: "Messiah", "Luther in Worms", "Florentine Orgy", "Death of King Candaulus" and "Martyrs of the Spanish Inquisition". Of his remarkable paintings of court life, it is necessary to mention a painting executed on the occasion of the celebration of the silver wedding of Emperor Alexander II according to the sovereign's own notes. The favorite material used by Zichy, depending on the tone, is watercolors, pencil, shading, or a mixture of both.

Costume ball in the palace of Princess Elena Kochubey in honor of Emperor Alexander II on February 5, 1865, 1865

Cavalry attack. An episode of the parade on the Champ de Mars in honor of the visit of the German Emperor Wilhelm I, 1873

Ceremonial dinner in the Concert Hall of the Winter Palace on the occasion of the visit to St. Petersburg of the German Emperor Wilhelm I, 1873

Alexander II and Nasir-ad-Din Shah during the parade on the Tsaritsyn Meadow, 1874

Ball in the Concert Hall of the Winter Palace during the official visit of Shah Nasir-ad-Din in May 1873, 1874

The ability to notice the funny in the sad and vice versa, to express it in the colorful language of watercolor allowed Zichy to create the most interesting court hunting scenes on playing cards. "Persons who have the good fortune to be invited to hunts carried out in the Highest Presence," as the guests who accompanied Alexander II during hunting fun were called, are depicted by Zichy with a great deal of humor, some were frequent objects of jokes. The obese Adjutant General Ogaryov, who, apparently, was a good-natured person, especially got it. Among the characters who became the heroes of funny hunting scenes are Suvorov's grandson, the future governor-general of St. Petersburg, Alexander Arkadyevich Suvorov and His Grace Prince of Warsaw, Count of Erivan Fedor Ivanovich Paskevich, the son of a famous commander.

Hunting cards. Reprint of playing cards with hunting scenes of Emperor Alexander II.

Self-portrait caricature, 1861

Maecenas. A game of charades, 1859

Mihai Zichy, who was at the imperial court, was charged with recording events of national importance - military reviews, parades, exercises, receptions and various other important ceremonies! Accompanying the emperor on trips around the country, Zichy made many sketches, which later served as material for working on large compositions.

Folk holiday on the Khodynka field in Moscow on the occasion of the sacred coronation of Emperor Alexander II

Breakfast of Alexander II and Wilhelm I in the Winter Palace, 1873

At the 1869 exhibition, there were many works that fully reflected the artist's creative passions, with one, however, very important exception: the exhibition almost completely lacked drawings and watercolors on the topics of modern Russian life. The responses in the press amounted to a high assessment of the technical skill of the artist, but they criticized the content of his works. " Zichy does not live the life of his people - the Hungarians, but he does not live the life of ours, Russian , critics wrote. The results of the exhibition, its assessment in the circles of Russian artists, brought Zichy closer to Russian artists.
The freedom-loving disposition of the artist could not long endure the despotic atmosphere of the royal court, aimed at persecuting the progressive intelligentsia. In 1874, the well-established life path of Zichy changed dramatically: he asks for and receives a resignation and, together with his family, leaves for Hungary.

Reception of the Persian Shah Nasr-ed-Din in St. Petersburg during his visit May 11-14, 1889, 1889

Meeting of the State Council in 1884, 1885

In 1883, the artist was forced to become a court painter again. The amount of work done by Zichy in this position is astounding. Almost every day he had to sketch the life of the court. In 1898 he was elected an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts. The already weakening artist continued to create until the last days of his life. Zichy died on February 15, 1903 at the age of 79. In the obituary of the magazine "Niva" it was written: " In the person of M.A. Zichy, the Russian art world has lost one of its most important representatives. Russian art - one of the devoted and ardent champions, and the entire Russian society - a rare soul of a person who devoted the best years of his life to his second homeland ". Zichy was buried in Budapest. The motherland arranged a solemn funeral for the artist at the Kerepesh cemetery.

Scenes of the meeting of Alexander III and the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph in Kremsir in August 1885, 1887

Gala dinner in the Palace of Facets, 1883 - 1895

Alexander III on his deathbed, surrounded by angels with a mourning young man, symbolizing the Romanov dynasty, 1895

The descent of the coffin with the body of Alexander III in Sevastopol, 1895

In Budapest, in the Matthias Church, there is a chapel dedicated to St. Imre, the son of the first Hungarian king Stephen. The doors of the carved wooden altar are decorated with paintings by the Hungarian artist Mihaly Zichy, who was born in Zala. There, in the artist's family estate, there is now a museum of Mihai Zichy or Mikhail Alexandrovich, as it was called at the royal court in St. Petersburg.

The next small chapter is a continuation of Mikhail Alexandrovich Zichy - an illustrator and just an artist. I.E. Repin called him one of the best illustrators in Russia, caustically adding that " he should illustrate and illustrate, but he is engaged in all sorts of nonsense ”(About stupidity a little further ...). " Between us, artists, there are no illustrators at all, and people like Zichy are centuries "(N. Alexandrov).

The name of Zichy the illustrator is found already in the 1850s. In the tradition of Russian book graphics, in 1853 his lithographs were made for The Tale of Igor's Campaign (Igor, Prince Seversky. Translation by N. Gerbel. St. Petersburg, 1854. 4 tone lithographs). In the early 1970s, Zichy turned to illustrating modern works of Russian literature, often choosing works that were topical and topical in their social sound. His illustration for the “Song of the Prophetic Oleg” by A.S. Pushkin. These works are accompanied by a watercolor sheet "Maria and Zarema" on the theme of Pushkin's "Bakhchisarai Fountain" (State Tretyakov Gallery).

M. Zichy's drawings for Lermontov's poem "The Demon" are very famous. The poem "Demon" during the life of M.Yu. Lermontov was not published for censorship reasons. The full text was published in 1856 abroad, and in 1860 in Russia. This event could not fail to attract the attention of the artist.

Zichy, brought up on classical Western European literature and well aware of the "demonic" theme from the works of J. Milton, I.-V. Goethe, J. Byron, was fascinated by the romantic element of Lermontov's poetry. "

Since I learned Russian warehouses - wrote M. Zichy, - Lermontov's work gave rise to a true cult of this poet in me<...>I tried to illustrate ”(from a letter to A.A. Bilderling, organizer of the Lermontov Museum at the Nikolaev Cavalry School in St. Petersburg). Transferring his initial sketches of illustrations to the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "Demon" to the newly formed museum, the author dated them to 1860. Nineteen signature sheets of this series are now kept in the Museum of the Institute of Russian Literature. The sketches tell about the struggle between good and evil for Tamara's soul: "The Flying Demon", "Tamara at the Spring", "The Demon over the Weeping Tamara", "Sleeping Tamara and the Demon", "Praying Tamara in the Church", "Tamara in the Demon's Embrace", "Angel Carrying Tamara's Soul", "Angel with Tamara's Soul and Demon".

Engraving "Tamara. From Lermontov "Demon". Simmons by M.A. Zichy

The drawings gradually made up a whole cycle of easel illustrations for the most significant episodes of the poem. In the same letter, M.A. Zichy says in one of his letters: “ Right now I'm working on a large illustrated vrazh, conceived by Mr. Glazunov. This edition will have about a hundred sheets of drawings in which I will try to correct the shortcomings of my previous drawings.<...>There is no doubt that among the mass of these drawings and many different options, there will be a few that I will try to add to those dedicated to the memory of your great poet ... "

Intention I.I. Glazunov to issue a separate, with illustrations, luxurious edition (Edition de luxe) of the poem marked in 1879 the beginning of a new stage in the history of illustrating Lermontov's works, associated with the name of Mikhail Alexandrovich Zichy.


In 1881, he made several trips to the Caucasus, visiting places associated with the Caucasian theme in the work of M. Yu. Lermontov, and made sketches of landscapes and buildings. In 1883, Zichy presented his collections of drawings as a gift to the Lermontov Museum in Pyatigorsk.

Recalling his trip, Zichy said: " Traveling around the Caucasus in order to study the nature and types of the country for illustrations of Lermontov's works, I was struck by the extraordinary accuracy of his description of very unpicturesque areas, as well as buildings, where, according to his story, the novel "Princess Mary" would take place ... accuracy such a description was foreseen and pursued by Lermontov in advance, as a means to achieve the greatest impression and assure the plausibility of his story ... my drawings are not something invented and fantastic, but, so to speak, an exact copy from the described originals.
Having placed several figures in the drawings in the form of staffage, I conveyed all the outstanding scenes of the novel. So, the collection of landscapes available here is an almost complete illustration of the novel "Princess Mary".

Illustrations for M.Yu. Lermontov's novel "Princess Mary"

Zichy's illustrations for "Princess Mary" were partially published in 1891 in the form of an album with the corresponding fragments of the text ("Picturesque supplement to M. Yu. Lermontov's novel "Princess Mary", St. Petersburg, 1891; the album was republished in a phototype way in 1900).

Illustration for M.Yu. Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time": duel between Pechorin and Grushnitsky

The epilogue of M. Zichy's attempts to illustrate Lermontov's poem "The Demon" was its publication in Tiflis in 1891. The small book is decorated with five engravings made anonymously from Zichy's drawings, without identifying the author of the originals. The engravings "Guardian Angel", "Temptation", "The Kiss", "Tamara in the Coffin", "The Triumph of the Good Angel", brought together and placed in the context of a literary work, only partly give an idea of ​​the series of drawings that the artist conceived back in 1860s. He worked on it extensively in the 1870s and on a grand scale intended to complete this work in the early 1880s.


For illustrating the Georgian epic "The Knight in the Panther's Skin", Georgia considers Zichy its national artist.

In 1883, the artist was forced to again become a court painter. Giving a lot of time to the duties of a chronicler of court life, Zichy strove not to limit his creative life only to this. A significant place in his artistic life is occupied, among other things, by illustrations for the works of Hungarian poets. The most significant work of this plan was the illustration of Imre Madach's poem "The Tragedy of Man". The philosophical work of Madach "The Tragedy of Man", which unfolds throughout the history of mankind, provided fertile material for such an artist as Zichy.

Illustrations for Imre Madac's poem "The Tragedy of Man"

M.A. Zichy illustrated not only Russian classics, but also Goethe, Shakespeare and other famous writers. Here are some pretty funny illustrations by this artist.

Of the watercolor works of M. Zichy, unique images of the favorite "royal fun" - hunting attract attention.

In 1858, Alexander II, a passionate hunter himself, made Gatchina the official site of the Court Hunt. At that time, the Gatchina Menagerie was filled with various animals, even such exotic ones as bison. The archives preserved reporting documents on how many Russian bears, bison and smaller game were “filled up” by the autocrat.
On many of the artist’s sheets, hunting scenes are accompanied by amusing comments, for example, such an inscription was made on the watercolor “Bear Hunt”: “ Morally struck by the accuracy of the hunters' shots at the bear, four sensitive dogs fell victims of sudden apoplexy. Evil tongues assure that a bullet was found in each of those dogs; but this is sheer slander ". It can be seen in the heat of the moment the hunters shot their own dogs.

In 1867, Hungary received some political rights by a compromise Austro-Hungarian agreement, forming a dual empire together with Austria. These circumstances played a certain role in Zichy's decision to settle down for further work in Paris, where the conditions for his work were more favorable than at home. Here he creates his most significant work - the painting "The Triumph of the Genius of Destruction" (Zichy Estate Museum, Zala village, Hungary). Its idea was born from real events that shook Europe in those years: the devastating Franco-Prussian war, the Ottoman atrocities against the Slavic population of the Balkans and the Russian-Turkish war. On the canvas, you can distinguish the features of Alexander II, the German Emperor Wilhelm and Pope Pius IX. Despotic monarchs, in their base interests, unleashed wars, and the ruling church, on each side, blessed them.

"The Triumph of the Genius of Destruction"

Demon (sketch for a painting)

Museum-Estate Zichy

You can view this work in detail here: Triumph of the genius of destruction

Some more rather interesting works by Mikhail Aleksandrovich Zichy. It can be seen from them that he was quite a talented artist.


Falstaff with glass of wine and pipe, 1873

Rescue boat, 1847

dog family

Well, now a little about what the artist's house looked like. His description was left to us by the same Gauthier, who managed to meet with Zichy.
...A spacious living room, one of the walls of which was hung with hunting weapons. Rifles, carbines, knives, hunting bags and powder flasks hung on deer antlers and skins of lynx, wolf and fox. Everything was like in the house of the Chief Jägermeister or the sportsman-hunter. But there were prints and framed paintings on other walls, and a few empty frames waiting for canvases. This already pointed to the artist's home. There were flowerpots with hothouse plants on the window. There was a large round table in the middle of the room, where invited guests gathered on Fridays.

Immediately after it was a second, much smaller room. The corner sofa adorned two walls in it at once. Opposite it stood a carved partition (Gaultier notes that such partitions are masterpieces of Russian carpentry art). Outwardly, it resembled a work of wrought iron, because, obeying the master's imagination, there were arabesques, and lattices, and a tree-like ornament, and various curls. Ivy and other climbing plants stretched out from the jardinières, hanging their real leaves on carved wooden ones. All together it looked charming. With the help of such openwork partitions, you can retire in the corner of the living room or in the middle of the room, you can make yourself a bedroom, office or boudoir, i.e. you can retire and at the same time be in the general atmosphere of the house. Pollet figurines stood on the consoles formed by the protrusions of the ornament. Through the bars one could see the national costumes of the Circassians, Lezgins and Cossacks hung on the wall. On the side walls hung magnificent engravings from the frescoes by Kaulbach that adorned the staircase of the Berlin Museum. There was also a painting by Paul Delaroshi "The Assassination of the Duke of Guise", several medallions with portraits by Zichy himself, as well as other trifles.

In the room where Zichy received Gauthier, children's armor of the 16th century stood out, which stood on the mantelpiece, where the clock usually stands. Instead of a mirror, armor and weapons of various nations hung on the fireplace. Here were: Toledo swords, Damascus blades, scimitars, Malay daggers, daggers, guns with long black barrels, the butts of which were inlaid with turquoise and corals. The wall was hung with quivers, bows, large blunderbusses, pistols, Georgian mail helmets, Persian bayonets, Corassan steel narghiles, African darts, and many other items. Weapons were the passion of Zichy, who sought them out wherever possible. Another wall was occupied by bookcases containing masterpieces of almost all European literature in the original languages. The other two walls were occupied by windows covered with beautiful heavy curtains. The artist's music stand stood near the window, in the corner, and the artist could work only during daylight hours.

Well, now a little about the promised "nonsense" for which I.E. Repin so scolded the artist. These are funny pictures from the life of the people, often of a rather frivolous content. But they are masterfully done.

The Artist's Love, 1861

Selling love, 1861

Herring seller, 1850s

Other works of the artist: M.A.Zichy works

Well, for more serious nonsense, he is loved and known by lovers of "strawberries" or, as they say now, erotica and pornography. Mikhail Alexandrovich is probably familiar to them only from this side ... alas. I'll take the liberty of posting some of his work here. No comments...

For those who want to see the details and other similar works of the artist, continue here:
Erotica M.A.Zichy

But still I hope that the latter will not be the main one in the legacy of this wonderful and interesting artist. Many of his works have become rarities, collectors tear books with illustrations with their hands ...

Mihai Zichy - Performance at the Moscow Bolshoi Theater on the occasion of the sacred coronation of Emperor Alexander II

Mikhail Alexandrovich Zichy or Mihai Zichy (Zichy Mihály), (1827, Hall (territory of Hungary), Austria - 1906, St. Petersburg, Russian Empire), - a Hungarian draftsman and painter from the noble family of Zichy, who worked a lot in Russia.
He received a gymnasium and university education in Budapest, and then studied drawing and painting, first there, with the Italian artist Marostoni, and then at the Vienna Academy of Arts, where F. G. Waldmuller was his main mentor.

Mihai Zichy

In 1847, Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna, sister of the Russian Tsar Nicholas I, turned to Ferdinand Waldmuller with a request to teach her daughter painting. The capricious crown did not want to leave his native city for the northern capital, and he sent his best student to St. Petersburg. So Mihai Zichy ended up in Russia.

In 1859, Zichy was appointed court painter, a position he held until 1873. During this 15-year period of his activity, he made many drawings depicting various incidents of court life, scenes of imperial hunting, caricatures of people close to the court, etc. (they were mainly in the imperial palaces and albums of the highest persons).
Even before that, in 1856, he reproduced in watercolors the main sketches of the coronation of Emperor Alexander II, for which the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts awarded him the title of academician.

Congratulations brought to His Majesty Emperor Alexander II by members of the imperial family after the coronation on August 26, 1856

Alexander II with a group of military men at a table in a Gothic interior

Alexander II with courtiers in the Arsenal Hall of the Gatchina Palace - 1859

Breakfast of Emperors Alexander II and Wilhelm I in the Winter Palace

Entrance of the procession of Alexander II

Portrait of Empress Maria Alexandrovna, Dowager Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and Grand Duchess Alexandra Iosifovna - 1857

Ball in the Concert Hall of the Winter Palace during the official visit of Shah Nasir-ad-Din in May 1873 - 1874

Ceremonial dinner in the Concert Hall of the Winter Palace

Gala dinner at the Palace of Facets

Celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Pavlovsky Life Guards Regiment

Alexander III hunting in Belovezhskaya Pushcha in August 1894

Costumed ball in the palace of Princess Elena Kochubey in honor of Emperor Alexander II on February 5, 1865

Wedding of Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich and Grand Duchess Maria Feodorovna - 1867

Scenes of the meeting between Alexander III and the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph in Kremsier in August 1885 - 1887

Empress Maria Feodorovna next to the body of Alexander III - Series "Death of Alexander III in Livadia" - 1895 - Hermitage

Removal of the body of Alexander III from the Small Palace in Livadia

The descent of the coffin with the body of Alexander III in Sevastopol

Funeral of Tsar Alexander III

The wedding of Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna and Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich on July 25, 1894 in the Great Church of the Peterhof Palace - 1895

Princess Maria Feodorovna Baryatinsky (1793-1858) - 1859

Portrait of Count Ivan Nikolaevich Tolstoy - 1854 - The State Tretyakov Gallery

Entrance hall in the Imperial Palace in Tsarskoye Selo - 1865 - Hermitage

Taras Bulba - Illustration

For reading. Young man (Morning) - 1867 - Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin

Falstaff with a glass of wine and a pipe - 1873 - Hermitage

demon flying over the Caucasus-1881
In the summer of 1881, together with Maria Etlinger, Zichy went to the Caucasus. For the first time in many years, he can dispose of his freedom, dedicate it to the work of Lermontov, his favorite Russian poet. The artist is fascinated by nature, people, their way of life, visits the places where Lermontov lived, makes numerous sketches in the vicinity of Pyatigorsk and Kislovodsk, he is received by a relative of the poet. Zichy meets the local intelligentsia and lives a vibrant creative life.

Hidden text

The artist's artistic talent finds expression in theatrical activity. In 1882, in the Tiflis theater (and then in the Kutaisi theater), he staged 10 live paintings based on scenes borrowed from Shota Rustaveli's The Knight in the Panther's Skin. Fantasy, passions, warlike battles filled with pathos resonate in the romantic worldview of Zichy, who was brought up on the national traditions of Hungarian art. He carefully develops mise-en-scenes, costumes of characters, their color scheme, being at the same time a theater artist, decorator and director. The performance was a success. Theatrical sketches, which made up a whole album, served to further work on illustrating the poem itself - in 1888 it was published in Georgian with 26 illustrations printed according to his drawings using zincography, and with one title chromolithography. Later, in 1937, the artist's original drawings were included in the anniversary Moscow edition of the poem. Zichy is interested in everything that happens in the Caucasus, and especially related to the name of Lermontov. He is a member of the jury of the competition announced in 1883 for the monument to Lermontov in Pyatigorsk.

Having collected the necessary material to work on illustrations for "The Demon" and other works by Lermontov (the publishers by this time had significantly expanded their plans), Zichy moved to St. Petersburg. In 1882, he had already prepared large page and text drawings for The Demon, a number of easel compositions for Princess Mary, but by the end of the year he was in for a bitter disappointment - Glazunov unexpectedly terminated the contract with Zichy. The cycle of drawings for "The Demon" remained fragmented, and only some sheets were published in different years.

Finding himself without a livelihood, the artist is forced to accept the offer of the Minister of the Court Vorontsov-Dashkov (who replaced the ill-wisher Zichy Adlerberg in this post) to again take the position of court painter. He is included in the whirlpool of duties already known to him. At first, the artist will have to capture the events associated with the coronation of Alexander III, and compile a solemn coronation album. Work for Zichy is not new, once he performed a similar order for Alexander II.

Hermitage: Zichy, Mihai - One of the episodes of the coronation rank is the coronation of the “emperor of the sovereign empress”. From the time of Ivan IV the Terrible, it took place in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. August 26, 1856

Hermitage: Zichy, Mihai - The marriage of Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich and Grand Duchess Maria Feodorovna took place on 28 October 1866 in the Cathedral of the Winter Palace.

Congratulations from the imperial family to Emperor Alexander II.

Hermitage: Zichy, Mihai - Gala Dinner at the Palace of Facets

Coronation banquet for envoys in the golden hall

Alexander II with courtiers in the Arsenal Hall of the Great Gatchina Palace

Ball in honor of Emperor Alexander II, organized by the city of Helsingfors in
September 1863 in the building of the railway station.

M.A. Zichy. "The highest reception at the Winter Palace on April 5, 1866 after the first attempt on the life of Emperor Alexander II.", Made in 1866 (paper, watercolor, whitewash).

Hermitage: Zichy, Mihai - Ball in the Concert Hall of the Winter Palace during the official visit of Shah Nasir ad-Din in May 1873

Hermitage: Zichy, Mihaly - A costume ball in the palace of Princess Elena Kochubey in honor of Emperor Alexander II on February 5, 1865

Hermitage: Zichy, Mihaly - Ceremonial performance in honor of the German Emperor Wilhelm I at the Mikhailovsky Theater

Hermitage: Zichy, Mihai - Cavalry guards at the meeting of the Persian Shah Nasir ad-Din

Hermitage: Mihai Zichy. Alexander II and Shah Nasr-ed-Din during the parade on the Tsaritsyn Meadow. 1873 Shah Nasr-ed-Din, Alexander II and Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich on horseback, accompanied by a large retinue, go around the front line of troops on the Tsaritsyn Meadow.

Hermitage: Zichy, Mihaly - Parade in front of the Anichkov Palace on February 26, 1870

Hermitage: Zichy, Mihai - Anteroom in the Imperial Palace in Tsarskoe Selo
(Cabinet of Alexander II)

Hermitage: Zichy, Mihaly - Breakfast of Emperors Alexander II and Wilhelm I in the Winter Palace

Hermitage: Zichy, Mihai - Arrival of Princess Alice of Hesse to Livadia on October 10, 1894

Triumphal arrival in Moscow of Emperor Alexander II

Folk holiday on the Khodynka field in Moscow on the occasion of the sacred coronation
Emperor Alexander II

1. Mihai Zichy. Scenes of the meeting between Alexander III and the Austrian emperor
Franz Josef in Kremsier on August 13-14, 1885.
2. Portrait of Prince Peter Romanovich Bagration

Death of Alexander III in Livadia.

Memorial service for Alexander III in his bedroom in the Small Palace in Livadia Depicted: Alexander III on his deathbed; on the left, Archpriest I.N. Yanyshev with a censer; family members around, including Empress Maria Feodorovna, Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna, Greek Queen Olga Konstantinovna, Princess Alice of Hesse, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna and others; on the right is a group of grand dukes, among them Sergei Alexandrovich and Vladimir Alexandrovich.

Removal of the body of Alexander III from the Small Palace in Livadia

Hermitage: Zichy, Mihai - The descent of the coffin with the body of Alexander III in Sevastopol

Hermitage: Zichy, Mihaly - Carrying out the coffin with the body of Alexander III

Mikhail Aleksandrovich Zichy or Mihai Zichy (Hungarian Zichy Mihály; October 14 or 15, 1827, Zala (Hungary) - February 28, 1906, St. Petersburg) - a Hungarian draftsman and painter from the noble family of Zichy, who worked a lot in Russia.

He received a gymnasium and university education in Budapest, and then studied drawing and painting, first there, with the Italian artist Marostoni, and then at the Vienna Academy of Arts, where F. G. Waldmuller was his main mentor. Having already earned some fame with his paintings exhibited in Vienna, he was invited by Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna to teach drawing and painting to her daughter, Grand Duchess Ekaterina Mikhailovna.

He arrived in St. Petersburg in 1847 and, in addition to studying with Her Highness, received lessons in some aristocratic St. Petersburg houses. After two years, he had to give up teaching and find his livelihood by making drawings for sale and retouching light-painted portraits. During this difficult time in his life, Zichy found some support in Prince Alexander of Hesse-Darmstadt. Zichy owes the improvement of his position to Theophile Gauthier, who visited St. Petersburg in 1858.

In 1859, Zichy was appointed court painter, a position he held until 1873.
Even before that, in 1856, he reproduced in watercolors the main sketches of the coronation of Emperor Alexander II, for which the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts awarded him the title of academician. In 1869 an exhibition of his works was arranged. In 1874 he left for Paris.

Since 1880, Zichy was back in Russia, in his former position, and worked as a draftsman-chronicler of ceremonies, entertainment and family events of the royal court.
Died in St. Petersburg.

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