Strawberry jam for the winter. How to make strawberry jam with whole berries


20.03.2018, 17:35

How to cook thick strawberry jam for the winter with whole berries. 5 detailed cooking recipes

Posted on March 20, 2018

Good afternoon dear friends. Today we’ll talk about how to cook thick, delicious strawberry jam to keep the berries whole, and also to keep all the vitamins.

Strawberries are one of the first sweet berries to appear in the garden and delight us with their aroma and taste. After all, when there is a plate of strawberries on the table, it is simply impossible to pass by without trying these red berries.


Many hostesses try to prepare it for the winter so that later in the cold season they can enjoy delicious strawberry jam. There are really a lot of recipes on how to cook strawberry jam. But today we will analyze the most popular and most proven recipes for preparing strawberries for the winter.

In order to make any jam, not only strawberry thick, you need to cook it for a very long time. Yes, it takes much more time, but the taste only benefits from this.


  • Strawberries 1 kg.
  • Sugar 1 kg.

Cooking process.

In order for the strawberries to boil well, do not try to buy larger berries in this recipe, small berries are welcome.

Be sure to wash the strawberries and dry them. After washing, I spread it on a towel for about 20-30 minutes and periodically turn it over so that all the excess water is absorbed into the towel.

Leave the berries in sugar for 7-9 hours. I do this in the evening and leave it on all night.

In the morning you will see that the strawberries have given a lot of juice, which is good. Now with the help of a slotted spoon you need to get the berries. So to speak, separate the berries from the juice.

We put the berries separately, and put the syrup on the stove and cook it for about 20-30 minutes after boiling. Don't forget to stir it so it doesn't burn. During cooking, the syrup will become thick and will decrease in size by about one third.

Take it off the heat and put the berries in it. We leave the berries in hot syrup again for 8-10 hours.

In the evening, when you come back from work, we again take out the strawberries from the syrup and cook the syrup for 20-30 minutes after boiling, stirring occasionally.

And again we fall asleep strawberries in syrup and leave overnight in syrup. In the morning we repeat the process again, but now when the syrup is boiled for 20 minutes, we put the berries in boiling syrup and cook everything together for about 5-7 minutes. After that, you can lay out the jam in jars and close it with lids.

Everything is ready for strawberry jam. Turn the twisted jars over and cover with something warm, such as a blanket. Keep jars with lids down until completely cool.

Strawberry jam for the winter with gelatin

In recent years, strawberry jam cooked with the addition of gelatin has begun to gain momentum. To be honest, this is practically not jam, but strawberry jam, but there are no whole berries in the jam, which means that it is still jam and, moreover, very thick jam.


  • 1 kg. Strawberries.
  • 1 kg. Sahara.
  • 10 g of gelatin.
  • Half a lemon.

Cooking process.

As always, sort through the strawberries and remove the leaves and stalks from it. Rinse well and dry in a towel or colander.

Pour the prepared berries with sugar and leave for 2-3 hours. During this time, the berry will release juice. To speed up the process, gently stir the strawberries with sugar every hour.

After 3-4 hours, you can put the pan on the stove and boil the strawberries. When foam appears, remove it with a spoon.

After boiling, leave the strawberries in the room for 7-8 hours to infuse.

Next, select half of the strawberries in a separate container, and turn the rest into puree using a blender. Then we shift the whole berries into the resulting strawberry puree and add the juice from half a lemon.

Prepare gelatin according to package instructions.

We put all the strawberries on the stove, bring to a boil, add gelatin and cook for another 5-6 minutes.

After that, you can spread the jam in sterilized jars.

We twist the jars with lids and store until completely cooled with the lids down under a warm blanket. Of course, when hot, the jam will be liquid, but when it cools down enough and stands, the gelatin will thicken and the jam will be as thick as jelly.

Classic recipe for strawberry jam with whole berries

Cooking thick strawberry jam according to the classic recipe is easier. It also turns thick by boiling the syrup. True, when mixing, you need to be careful not to break the berries and then you will succeed.


  • Strawberries 2 kg.
  • Sugar 1.2 kg.

Cooking process.

Of course, it is best to start preparing strawberry jam in the evening so that the berries have time to soak in sugar and let the juice flow in the morning.

Sort through the strawberries, removing leaves and twigs from it; it is also important not to miss spoiled berries in the jam. Only whole ripe and hard specimens are allowed to be used for making jam.

Rinse the sorted strawberries, dry them and sprinkle with sugar. Alternate layers of strawberries and sugar. After adding sugar, leave the bowl with strawberries overnight.

In the morning, carefully remove all the strawberries with a slotted spoon so that only the released syrup remains in the basin. We put the basin on a slow fire and begin to boil the syrup, stirring it constantly. It is important that all the sugar is dissolved.

After the syrup boils for 5 minutes, add all the strawberries to it. Wait until everything boils again, boil for 5-6 minutes and turn off the heat completely. Leave the jam on the stove to cool for the next 7-8 hours.

After 8 hours, boil the jam again and cook it for at least 10-15 minutes. Then you can check how thick it has become. Take a spoonful of jam and put a little on a plate. After a couple of minutes, the drop will cool down and it will immediately become clear how thick the jam is. If the density becomes obsolete, we stop cooking and lay out the jam in sterilized jars. And if not, then cook until the density you need.

We turn the jars twisted with lids upside down, wrap them in a warm blanket and leave them in this position until they cool completely.
Then we transfer to a cool place for long-term storage.

Five minutes on thick syrup

The task is to cook fragrant and thick jam so that the berries remain whole and unharmed. And it is also important that this jam retains all the vitamins and the aroma of summer strawberries well.


  • 1 kg of sugar.
  • 1.2 strawberries.

Cooking process.

Wash and sort strawberries.

1 kg. sugar pour 100 ml of water and mix. Sugar, of course, does not immediately dissolve, but some part of it is for sure.

We put the pan with sugar on a slow fire and heat the sugar over low heat, stirring constantly. It's not easy, but it can be done. As soon as the mass begins to boil, this means that the sugar has begun to turn into syrup. Watch especially carefully so that it does not burn and does not take a lump. After the syrup boils, add the berries and mix gently. Mixing so as not to damage the berries is also not an easy task. It is easier to do this if you take a towel in your hands and grab the pan and shake it a little so that the strawberries gradually sink into the syrup. Bring it to a boil again. Cook jam for 5 minutes and remove from heat.

We lay out on the banks and twist the lids.

As in other cases, it may seem to you that the jam is not thick enough, but I assure you that when the syrup cools it will become much thicker.

Fragrant strawberry jam with mint and lemon

Try making a fragrant strawberry jam with mint and lemon. This recipe came across to me last year and I tried to make a few jars for the sake of experiment. When we tried it in winter, we decided that this year we will cook more of this miracle.


  • 1 kg. Strawberries.
  • 800 gr. Sahara.
  • 5-6 sprigs of mint.
  • 1 Lemon.

Cooking process.

Rinse strawberries first, then sort through. If done in reverse, then the berries can absorb a lot of excess moisture, which we don’t really need.

Sprinkle the sorted berries with sugar and leave overnight in a cool place. So if you leave it warm overnight, there is a risk that by morning the strawberries may ferment and the jam will no longer work.

In the morning, boil the strawberries over low heat for 5-10 minutes and leave to cool until the evening.

In the evening, rinse the mint sprigs well.

In winter, when you open the jam, you will certainly feel not only the aroma of mint and lemon, but also a slight aftertaste. In truth, the jam is not too thick, but it is very suitable for pies and dessert.

Fragrant thick strawberry jam is loved by everyone without exception! If in winter you can taste whole sweet berries and drink them with hot tea, then we can say that there is definitely happiness.

The simple recipes for strawberry jam that I have selected for you will help stock up on this summer treat for the future and while away the long winter evenings with a cup of tea with your favorite girlfriends.

And if you get tired of the seagulls, then look here. There are a couple of delicious ladies' liqueurs of their own preparation here!

Strawberry jam without boiling berries

The perfect no-boil jam recipe. In summer, in hot weather, you don’t really want to stand by the stove - it’s hot. So try my recipe. It will help keep strawberries almost fresh.

For jam you will need:

  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 800 gr.


We wash the strawberries and clean them from the stalks.

The berry for jam should be dense and dry! Even a slight substandard will bring all our efforts to naught.

In a large container, sprinkle the berries with layers of granulated sugar. Leave the bowl at room temperature overnight.

In the morning we prepare jars and sterilize them in a proven way. The sugar should completely dissolve overnight. To verify this, you can check the juice by gently stirring the jam with a spoon.

We spread the jam over hot jars and close the lid.

It is better to store it in the refrigerator or a cold cellar.

Strawberry jam with whole berries - a classic recipe with step by step photos

Strawberry jam, cooked according to the classic recipe, is thick and viscous. This is how our grandmothers cooked it. Strawberries in it turn out whole, as they say "berry to berry." A detailed description with a step-by-step photo will help you master the preparation of real strawberry jam.


  • strawberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1,200 kg;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons.


We wash the berries and dry them on a kitchen towel. In the bowl in which we will prepare the jam, pour the peeled strawberries and granulated sugar in layers. We leave the blank for the night and start the process in the morning.

First, very carefully transfer the berries to a separate bowl and boil the syrup. There is a lot of sugar at the bottom of the bowl. It should completely dissolve in the juice.

We put the container on a strong fire, bring to a boil, wait 5-7 minutes, remove the foam and lay the berries.

Cook over high heat until boiling again, gently stirring the strawberries in the syrup. We leave the jam for 8 hours.

If you started cooking in the morning, then the next stage will be just in the evening. Thus, boil the jam 2-3 times for 5 minutes with boiling and set aside to stand for 8 hours each time.

The last step is to boil the delicacy to the desired density. Boil the strawberries on low heat for 15-20 minutes, and check the density with droplets on a plate. But I personally always try myself. In a spoon, the jam cools quickly and it becomes clear what it will become in a jar. So you can't really go wrong.

The photo shows a fully prepared dessert - after all cooking. This is such a strong berry.

Before the last cooking, add 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice. It will keep the sweet preparation from mold and sugaring!

In sterilized jars, we lay out the finished delicacy hot, close the lids and turn over. It is better to store it in a cool place! Maybe in the cellar.

The classic jam differs from the "quick" desserts in maroon color and honey texture. And on winter evenings it will delight both children and adults with its fragrant sweetness!

Strawberry jam "five minutes"

Strawberry jam "Pyatiminutka" is probably known to everyone. In our family, it is the most beloved, because the berry in it turns out to be almost “alive”. The recipe for its preparation is very simple and even novice cooks can do it.

You will need:

  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • a pinch of citric acid.


  1. Strawberries need to be washed, rid of the stalks and cut in half large berries. We fill the workpiece with sugar and gently shake the basin so as not to crush the strawberries. We leave the future jam under the lid for 8 hours. During this time, the berries will give a lot of juice.
  2. Then we put the strawberries with sugar on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes, removing the foam.
  3. We repeat the operation 2 more times. After each cooking, the jam should cool completely. At the end of the last cooking, add a pinch of citric acid and that's it - our dessert is ready.

How to make thick strawberry jam

Another way to make thick strawberry jam. It turns out fragrant and incredibly tasty.

You'll need:

  • strawberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • half a lemon with zest.


  1. Pour the berries prepared in advance with sugar and leave overnight. The strawberries will release the juice and it will begin to dissolve the sugar.
  2. In the morning, put the workpiece on the fire and boil for about 10 minutes. We catch the berries with a slotted spoon, transfer them to a separate bowl, and cook the syrup for an hour with the lid open.
  3. Then add the finely chopped half of the lemon with zest and cook for another hour.
  4. Now you can return the berries to the syrup and continue cooking at a minimum heat for 20-30 minutes.

We check the density of the jam like this - pour syrup on a plate and draw a dividing line, if it does not leak, then the dessert is completely ready!

Bon appetit!

strawberry banana jam recipe

To please family and friends, we sometimes have to make a lot of effort! A simple recipe for strawberry and banana jam can be taken as a note and written down in a notebook. This is a completely new solution to the well-known strawberry flavor - fresh and unconventional!


  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • bananas - 2 pcs;
  • sugar - 700-800 gr.


  1. We leave the berries covered with sugar to brew overnight so that the juice stands out.
  2. In the morning we put the strawberries on a small fire and cook until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Peel bananas, cut into cubes and send to a saucepan with jam.
  4. Cook for another 15 minutes, remove from heat, and leave the delicacy for 3-4 hours.
  5. Then boil the dessert again until fully cooked. Pour into jars and store them.

And delicious foams can be served with morning tea.

Strawberry jam with gelatin - recipe and photo

Strawberry jam with gelatin is thick and very tasty. It is prepared according to a simple and quick recipe, and it is stored for a long time at room temperature.

We will need:

  • strawberries - 500 gr;
  • sugar - 300 gr;
  • gelatin - 10 gr;
  • mint optional.


  1. Sprinkle washed and peeled strawberries with sugar. For taste, you can add a sprig of mint.
  2. Let the berries stand for several hours, and then place the bowl on low heat. The foam must be removed, and after a while, the mint sprigs should also be removed.
  3. While the berries are cooking, prepare the gelatin according to the standard recipe. As a rule, it is indicated on the pack.
  4. After 10 minutes of cooking, gradually pour in the gelatin and stir the jam.
  5. We keep the dessert on the stove for another 5-7 minutes, turn it off and let it cool completely.

Grind the boiled strawberries with a blender until smooth and add gelatin.

The liquid jam will become thick very soon. It can be served at the table to the delight of relatives and dear guests!

Strawberry jam with mint

Fragrant strawberry jam can be supplemented with new notes of mint and oriental spices. The original recipe is worthy of the next culinary exploits and surprised admiration!


  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 200 gr;
  • basil (mint) or mint - 1 sprig;
  • lemon - 1 pc;
  • spices - ginger root, nutmeg, cinnamon powder, lemon zest and juice.


  1. First, let's make a syrup of sugar and water.
  2. Then add 20 grams of finely chopped ginger root, 2 tablespoons (without a slide) of nutmeg, a teaspoon without a slide of cinnamon, juice and zest of one lemon. The taste and aroma of jam will give basil and sprigs of mint.
  3. Bring the syrup to a boil and begin to spread the berries in it. At the beginning of cooking, remove the foam and occasionally stir gently.
  4. In total, boil the jam for 5 minutes, let it cool, and repeat the procedure 2 more times.

Spices and mint will give the dessert a unique exotic taste. Jam will charm children and adults with its sweet taste and delicate mint aroma!

And as always, finally, a video recipe for thick strawberry jam with hard berries.

Bon appetit and see you soon!

In fact, the cooking process is very simple and does not take much time, the most popular recipe is five-minute jam, which is boiled for five minutes, then the delicacy is allowed to cool and the procedure is repeated again. How to cook strawberry jam so that the berries are whole, read about it below.

In addition, many novice housewives are looking for recipes on how to cook strawberry jam so that the berries are whole, because putting such a delicacy on a saucer will not only be tasty, but also beautiful. There are a lot of methods on how to cook such jam, here we will describe two options, one will use cooking in its own juice, while the other hostess will be able to use syrup to speed up the preparation process. With syrup, there is no need to keep the berry in sugar for a long time, which will certainly reduce the time to prepare the product.

Ripe strawberry jam with whole berries


Sugar - about two kilograms;
Ripe strawberries - about 2300 grams;
Drinking water - half a liter.

Cooking process:

To cook such a jam, you need to collect the most ripe berries, if you want to get a beautiful delicacy, you should choose berries of approximately the same size. Strawberries are carefully sorted out so as not to mash, and then washed in water, it is best to simply lower all the berries into a pot of water. Excess ponytails are removed immediately after washing, it is also very important to remove rotten and rumpled fruits, as they can spoil the finished jam ahead of time.

It may seem to many housewives that this recipe is complicated, since you must first boil the syrup, and then boil the delicacy in it three times, but the process itself is absolutely not laborious. The advantage of this method of preparation is the fact that the berries themselves remain perfectly whole, there is not much liquid left, and the syrup thickens quickly. Half a liter of water is poured into a large saucepan, then the required amount of sugar is poured there, the resulting mixture is heated on fire until the sugar is completely dissolved, while it is better not to boil the syrup.

Already prepared berries are poured with hot syrup, in this form the fruits are left for a couple of hours so that the strawberries give juice, then you can put the delicacy on the stove. Cook the jam over low heat, while it is best to increase the fire before boiling, and after boiling, switch to a slow mode. Cooking is carried out for thirty minutes, then the pan is removed from the heat and the jam is allowed to cool, usually it takes about two hours, after which the cooking is repeated twice again. The finished jam is poured into prepared jars and the delicacy is allowed to cool, then the blanks are sent for storage until winter.

Whole strawberry jam without syrup


Strawberries - about two kilograms;
Citric acid - a pinch (optional);
Sugar - not less than two kilograms.

The process of preparing treats:

As in the first recipe, first you need to sort out the berries, for this all rotten and crumpled fruits are removed, and the stalks are also removed. Ready berries are transferred to a saucepan or bowl in which a delicacy will be cooked, strawberries are sprinkled with sugar on top. It is very important for this recipe to take a little more sugar than the strawberries themselves, so that the jam is not too thick. In this form, the berries are left for about three hours, it is even better to leave the fruits all night, so the strawberries will give more juice.

After the allotted time, the pan with the fruits is moved to the stove, the first minutes before boiling, you can cook the jam over high heat, and immediately after boiling, the fire is reduced to a minimum, and the foam is also removed from the delicacy. Such jam is brewed in several stages, the only way to preserve the integrity of the berries.

To begin with, you can boil the delicacy for no more than five minutes, then turn off the fire and let the jam cool for twelve hours, if the hostess is in a hurry, you can reduce this time to six hours. After twelve hours, the cooking process is repeated, so the jam must be boiled about three times, it is even better to do this about five times, so the delicacy will be thicker.

In the last stage of cooking, you can add a small amount of citric acid for taste, but this ingredient is not necessary at all, especially if the strawberries are not too ripe. It is worth noting that there are other options for preparing strawberry treats, for example, additional ingredients are added to the jam, such as crushed nuts, cinnamon, lemon zest and more. To get a more interesting aroma and taste, it is allowed to deviate slightly from the traditional recipe.

Cooking simple strawberry jam is not difficult even for an inept cook. But there are original recipes that will help diversify winter twists with new interesting delicacies. Such sweetness is often served as a topping for pancakes or pancakes, and sometimes used as a filling in pastries.

How to cook strawberry jam?

Simple strawberry jam, the recipe of which is known to most housewives, is not difficult to prepare. There are no special tricks and secrets of its manufacture, but there are nuances that must be followed.

  1. The collected berries must be washed and the tails removed.
  2. Pour the berries with sugar and leave to separate the juice.
  3. Cook delicious strawberry jam according to the chosen recipe. Cooking time can take from half an hour to two days.

To prepare thick strawberry jam, you need to spend a lot of time. Cook a delicacy for a long time, cool a couple of times. As a result, the sweetness of a dense consistency comes out, but not jam, more this jam will remind you of jam or confiture. The workpiece will thicken during storage, after about a month it will be possible to try it.


  • strawberries - 5 kg;
  • sugar - 4 kg.


  1. Wash and clean strawberries.
  2. Sprinkle the berries with layers of sugar. Leave for 5-7 hours.
  3. Put to boil over medium heat, skimming off the foam until it boils.
  4. Boil strawberry jam should be 25-30 minutes.
  5. Cool the jam for 5 hours.
  6. Repeat cooking, boil for 35 minutes on minimum heat.
  7. Pour into sterile jars and seal tightly.

This recipe will help you prepare deliciously delicious wild strawberry jam for the winter. The berry is very different from the one grown in the home garden, it has an unusual taste and aroma. Its one main drawback is its small size, it will not be easy to collect strawberries, but if you still managed to collect a little, take the opportunity to close an unusual workpiece.


  • wild berry - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • citric acid - 1 small pinch.


  1. Wash the strawberries, removing the tails is not necessary.
  2. Sprinkle with sugar.
  3. Dilute citric acid in water, pour over berries.
  4. Leave for 5 hours.
  5. Boil strawberry jam on minimum heat, it should boil for 15 minutes. Leave until completely cool.
  6. Boil again, boil for 10 minutes.
  7. Pour into sterile containers and seal tightly.

Strawberry jam with whole berries - recipe

The fastest strawberry jam is cooked in just 15 minutes and only once. You don’t need to wait until the berries release juice; the delicacy is cooked immediately after picking the strawberries. It is stored for a long time and comes out with whole berries in syrup. This blank can be used as a filling for homemade cakes, and pancakes or ice cream can be poured with syrup.


  • strawberries - 3 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • water - 150 ml.


  1. Peel the strawberries from the tails, rinse, sprinkle with sugar.
  2. Pour in water and put on medium heat.
  3. Boil strawberry quick jam for 15 minutes.
  4. Pour into sterile jars, seal and store.

Strawberry jam "Five minutes" - recipe

Delicious strawberry jam for the winter can be cooked according to the five-minute recipe. A delicacy will turn out with whole, soft berries in a thick fragrant syrup. The delicacy is not cooked quickly, it may take a whole day to make it. Strawberry jam is made in two stages: boiling for 5 minutes and cooling. Repeat the procedure three times.


  • strawberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg.


  1. Rinse the strawberries, sprinkle with layers of sugar. Leave for 5 hours.
  2. Cook over high heat, the jam should boil for 5 minutes. Cool down.
  3. Repeat the boiling and cooling procedure three times.
  4. After the third boil, pour the jam into jars and cork.

Strawberry jam with gelatin - recipe

Only ripe, healthy berries that are approximately the same size and characteristic aroma are suitable for preservation. Bruised or rotten strawberries should be sorted out. The rest of the berries should be carefully poured into a colander and rinsed. It is better to do this under a scattered cool stream of running water. When excess liquid drains, strawberries must be peeled from the stalks with leaves.

Prepared berries should be transferred immediately to a spacious container in which jam will be prepared. It is best to take an enamel basin or a wide pan. Layers of strawberries should be alternated with layers of granulated sugar.

A container with berries should stand in a cool place for at least 4 hours. During this time, the strawberries should release juice. If it is not enough, then you can wait another 2-3 hours.

A bowl with berries should be put on medium heat. To prevent the sugar from burning, it must be lifted from the bottom with gentle movements of the spoon from the bottom up. Gradually, the liquid will become more. When it boils, the container must be removed from the heat. Then the foam must be removed from the surface of the jam.

After that, the syrup with berries should be covered and left to cool slowly. After 6-8 hours, strawberry jam should be boiled again and cooled again.

Prepare sterilized jars. The third boil should last 20-30 minutes. This is necessary in order for the syrup to thicken.

A drop of jam should keep its shape well on a clean saucer.

Arrange the berries in jars. Then pour syrup over them. Roll up hot jars and quickly cool in cold water.

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