Beautiful maiden names. Beautiful surnames


Periodically it is useful to update something, including the surname. A is a good addition to their appearance, to which all men pay increased attention. It is easier for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity in such matters than for men - if her surname is not liked or she is dissonant, then the girl can change her when she gets married. But it also happens that a girl with an ugly surname marries a guy with an even more dissonant surname. And this is a real paradox. After all, it is impossible to choose a husband purposefully with a beautiful male surname. After all, then you live with a person, and not with his euphonious surname ... However, you should not be sad about this, you can always rewrite the surname to another by appearing at the registry office (passport office) and insisting on it.

Let's look at beautiful Russian surnames for girls list

In the Russian language, probably, like in no other, there is a huge selection of harmonious female surnames. For maximum harmony, it is desirable that the beautiful Russian surname of the girl harmonizes well with her name and patronymic.

Women's surnames with a military-historical connotation sound very good - Kutuzova, Suvorova, Nevskaya, Brusilova, Zhukova.

Beautiful surnames for girls formed by adjectives - Beautiful, Queen, Magical, Happy

Girls are well suited for surnames formed from male names - Ivanova, Vladimirskaya, Maksimova, Pavlovskaya.

And from the names of beautiful birds - Zhuravlev, Lebedev, Solovyov, Sokolov, Snegirev.

Literary and poetic surnames - Goncharova, Akhmatova, Yesenin, Nekrasov, Pushkin

A truly ancient Russian beautiful surname is Bereza.

Beautiful foreign surnames for girls: list

However, you can also look for a new surname in a foreign language. It can also be unique in its own way.

Surnames from the cinema world, are elitism and flair - Lauren, Monroe, Audrey, Cruz, O'Hara, Jolly, Diaz.

Ukrainians and Poles also have excellent examples of beautiful surnames for girls - Kamenetskaya, Podolskaya, Khmelnitskaya, Vilyanska, Lyubminskaya, Dombrovskaya, Kovalevskaya, Lvovskaya, Varshavskaya.

And Bulgaria is making its contribution - Toneev, Botev, Vladlenov, Ankhelov, Stoyanov.

And here are the beautiful English surnames for girls (give the feeling of a true lady) - Tylor, Tills, Chisholm, Mills, Day, Stuart, Tudor.

Austrian and German listing. Such surnames are suitable for blond girls - Wald, Wichter, Ditter, Falzfein, Vetter, List, Mittel.

Original variants of surnames with eccentric notes - Slanting, Fairytale, Love, Beautiful, Noble.

Indeclinable surnames. They give a flair of individuality and rebellion - Forest, Bader, Cloud, Grass

Beautiful surnames for girls Vkontakte

It is very difficult psychologically to update the official surname in one movement. And with such a super choice of beautiful surnames, it is difficult to stop at the final version. For a start, make a kind of experiment - change your last name on the Vkontakte social network. After all, social networks give you a great opportunity to “try on” a new beautiful surname. Plus, you will have the opportunity to virtually feel yourself in a completely different way.

When choosing a harmonious surname for yourself, feel responsible - after all, this is a really specific action. There is every reason to assert that a beautiful surname for a girl and a change in personal data are, as it were, the beginning of changes in her life path. Always think about whether changing your last name will hurt your family. After all, your surname is a sign of your family!

No one will argue that some names are considered funny. There were several boys and/or girls in each class who were teased about it. The Kozlovs, the Durakovs, the Petukhovs... We can say that they were not very lucky: the "second name" was successfully transformed into an offensive nickname. How many boys and girls have received serious psychological complexes just because they were born in the Korytkin or Trusikhin family? Many people even strive to start a family as soon as possible just to change their last name, and one of the main criteria for choosing a "soulmate" is the harmony of his "second name". This is especially true for girls: some of them are ready to forgive the chosen one for many shortcomings just because he is the bearer of a noble or beautiful foreign surname.

The most beautiful surnames in the world, harmonious and giving self-confidence, will be listed in this article.

What is a surname?

The word "surname" literally translates as "family". That is, this value indicates that a person belongs to a certain genus. In Russia, most of the surnames come from the profession or the village where the family lived. The ancestors of the Kuznetsovs were the most skilled blacksmiths, the Popovs were clergymen, and the Tolmachev family was probably initiated by a translator from the Tatar language - an interpreter. You can list such examples endlessly: the Rybakovs, the Goncharovs, the Melnikovs... If you are the bearer of such a generic name, you should think about it: maybe the genes of your ancestors are dormant in you and you should change your occupation, focusing on your own middle name?

Surnames that originated from the name of the ancestor of the family are very popular in Russia: Ivanovs (Ivan), Semenovs (Semyon), Zakharyevs (Zakhar) and so on.

Initially, in Russia there was no such difference - there were only names and patronymics. In the XIV century, the first owners of surnames were noble people - boyars and nobles. The peasants received the right to a "second name" only after the abolition of serfdom.

Beautiful Russian surnames

Interestingly, the most beautiful surnames for Russians are those that once belonged to nobles: Vyazemsky, Orlovsky, Obolensky. This is not surprising, because it emphasizes belonging to the aristocracy, giving its owner an indescribable charm. However, surnames ending in -sky can also belong to people whose ancestors were from Poland.

By the way, the surname Romanov, which was worn by representatives of the last ruling dynasty of the Russian Empire, is considered one of the most beautiful in the world. This is not surprising, because Rome has always been one of the most powerful powers that created a unique cultural heritage. In Russia, she is considered not only one of the most beautiful, but also crowned.

Naturally, a rather positive impression is made by Russian male surnames formed from the names of animals. Of course, we are not talking about banal roosters, cows or even pigs. Volkov, Orlov, Lebedev - male surnames that evoke associations with sublime, noble animals and, of course, seem beautiful and pleasant. Similarly, the best female surnames are those associated with beauty, tenderness, kindness, motherhood. It can be: Krasnikova, Mariinsky, Rucheykova, Tsvetkova.

"Cool" Russian surnames are very popular, the carriers of which left a mark in the history of the Russian state. For example, Mamontovs, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Golitsyns, Trubetskoy, Yusupovs, Potemkins. Usually their carriers really belong to a noble family: such "second names" were given to high-ranking people, while the rest had to be content with a surname derived from the profession or the name of a great-grandfather.

The most beautiful foreign surnames

Polls show that the most popular surname in the world is Rodriguez. She seems beautiful and very melodious. Maybe that's why the actor Antonio Rodriguez managed to achieve his popularity?

By the way, a huge number of people have such a surname: it is very common in the world. Interestingly, it came from the name of Rodrigo, which, in turn, comes from the ancient Germanic name Rodrigo. The first part of the name - "kind" - is translated as "glory", and the second - "rig" - means "strength", "power". So, the Rodriguez are simply doomed to loud fame and inexhaustible energy.

In second place on this list is Francois. The sound of this word evokes associations with a leisurely walk through the quiet Parisian streets, the aroma of coffee and croissants and wonderful French chanson. Yes, and by ear it is perceived easily, unusually soft and euphonious.
Fitzgerald is rightfully in third place. This "middle name" was taken as a pseudonym by writers, musicians and artists: apparently, it contains a creative charge that feeds creators and gives them strength for new works. This surname is a transliteration of the Norman phrase, which can be translated as "son of Gerald."

Another beautiful foreign generic name is Werner. It is of German origin and translates as "protect and arm". However, there is another, very prosaic hypothesis: some researchers believe that the word "Werner" means a banal barley on the eye. Therefore, it is possible that the ancestors of all living Werners had a common physical defect. Of course, this does not exclude the fact that they were brave warriors. But be that as it may, the surname sounds just great: it is associated with the "gloomy German genius", pedantry and accuracy.

Beautiful English surname - Buckingham, Clifford, Mortimer, Lincoln, Cornwall, Wiltshire. As you can see, English famous family names are associated with the aristocracy.

This list must also include oriental motifs. The Japanese surname Yakomoto is considered one of the most beautiful in the world. When you hear it, there are associations with cherry blossoms, medieval Japanese engravings and concise, capacious haiku. And this is no coincidence, because it is translated as "the foot of the mountain." Probably, the ancestors of all Yakomoto lived near the famous Fujiyama and, admiring its peak, composed magnificent poems.

American residents prefer the ancestral name King. It seems to them very beautiful and, so to speak, prestigious. Indeed, "king" is translated from English as "king". It is this generic name that the recognized king of horrors Stephen King bears: it is possible that it was a beautiful surname that brought him worldwide fame and good luck. At the very least, it's hard to imagine a king being a shy and insecure person.

The surname Miller is extremely popular in the English-speaking world. It is she who is usually chosen by people who decide to change their "second name". Miller points to the nature of the occupation of the ancestor of the family, as it literally translates as "miller". In England, you can meet a huge number of Millers: the profession of a miller in this country was in great demand. Very often American subjects are also Millers.

Completes the list of Lehmann. This name sounds pretty good. In addition, psychologists have found that its carriers inspire the trust of business partners. Therefore, if you are planning to do business abroad, you should start collecting documents for changing your passport, as Lehmann will become a real talisman for you!

Should I change my last name?

A logical question may arise: maybe you should just take and change your last name? After all, people automatically treat the owners of beautiful surnames a little better, giving them certain qualities associated with the second name. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine that Durakov and Vyazemsky will be treated equally. Should I change my last name? The answer to this question will be ambiguous.

On the one hand, people really react to how your name sounds. If it evokes pleasant associations, then those around you will subconsciously perceive you a little better. However, it is known that they are greeted by clothes, but escorted by mind. Before becoming Dostoevsky or Romanov, it is worth considering whether you will match the chosen big name.

Many dream of becoming owners of a foreign surname. After all, it has always been customary to treat foreigners in Russia with some reverence. But do not rush to change documents. "Cool" foreign surnames are beautiful in combination with foreign names: you should think about how this combination will turn out in your case. Owners of international names, such as Elena or Maria, are lucky: they can safely take foreign surnames. But for the girls "Love King", "Hope François" or for the guys "Sergey Rodriguez", "Vasily Miller" sounds pretty ridiculous.

In addition, the surname has some influence on you. We are talking about the fact that the full name contains some information about your gender. Do you want to erase this information and write a new one? This issue should concern girls who get married: fortunately, in our society there is no need to take the husband's surname. In extreme cases, you may well become the owner of a double surname. By the way, they seem to many people especially beautiful and noble.

This list is subjective. Each family name is beautiful in its own way, because all of them are evidence of the history of our country and your family!

Established at the end of the 18th century the American nation combines not only the descendants of immigrants from all parts of the world, but also the indigenous population - the Indians. For a long time, under the influence of the traditions of other countries and peoples, the culture of the American people was formed, which was reflected in the names of the Americans themselves. Many common American names take their origins from Greek, Italian, Latin, Asian, Old Germanic origin.

Rare names are very popular among the American population, which originate not only from the reduction of place names associated with history, but also from the names of famous people, the combination of several names into one, etc.

We conditionally divide American names by origin into the following groups:

  • names associated with human character traits (cheerful, smart, brave, brave);
  • names associated with the names of animals and plants, natural phenomena; - names meaning various professions;
  • names taken from the Bible.

America is a colonial country, so in different states of the country the same names enjoy different popularity. For example, in Spanish villages, the popular male name is Federico (Federico), in the Irish regions - Patrick (Patrick), in Italian - Paulo (Paulo).

The choice of a name for a newborn is also of great importance. When choosing a name for a child, Americans are guided by the following principles: the combination of a first and last name, the origin of the name and its secret meaning. To pay tribute to family traditions and the memory of ancestors, parents give the name of the child, which was borne by the father, grandfather or great-grandfather. If the family already has a person with the same name, then the prefix “senior” or “junior” is added at the beginning of the name.

The desire of Americans to give a "zest" to the name of the child is not limited to choosing just a beautiful and memorable name. The imagination of parents knows no limits - a child can become a “happy” owner of the name of the brand of his parents’ favorite car, a politician whose speeches did not leave his parents indifferent, another celebrity, a city he liked, etc. In this situation, the choice falls on the most unexpected objects. You can meet children named Lexus (Lexus), Madison (Madison), Infinity (Infiniti).

Surely not everyone knows that Sarah Jessica Parker, Mary-Kate Olsen or Sean William Scott are double names. What is the tradition of giving a child a middle name at birth? The tradition of the second (or middle name - middle name) developed in the 19th century. European immigration in the 1830s and 1840s led to an increase in the population of the United States, and as a result, the number of people with the same first and last names increased. As an additional means of identification, a middle name began to be used. Children were given middle names in honor of famous political, religious, public figures and the military (for example, George Washington, the first president of the United States, or John Wesley, one of the founders of Methodism).

Another version is the protection of the child from evil spirits and death. At baptism, the child was given several names in order to confuse death in case of danger that threatened the child during an outbreak of deadly diseases.

Sometimes the middle name is associated with some locality or the names of ancestors, as well as the surnames of other people.

This tradition still "lives" in modern American families.

Most Popular Modern American Names

  • Alex(Alex) - from Greek, "protector". James (James) - from English, "invader".
  • Anthony(Anthony) - from English, "invaluable", "competing".
  • Brandon(Brandon) - from German, "prince".
  • Christopher(Christopher) - from English, "follower of Christ."
  • David(David) - Hebrew, "beloved", "beloved".
  • Dillon(Dillon) - Welsh origin, "big sea". Philip (Philip) - from Greek, "lover of horses."
  • Ethan(Ethan) - from English, "durable."
  • Fred(Fred) - from English, "peaceful ruler."
  • Josh(Josh) - Hebrew, "god, salvation."
  • Justin(Justin) - from English, "fair". Matthew (Matthew) - from English, "gift of God", "God's man."
  • Kevin(Kevin) - from Irish, "beautiful", "cute."
  • Ryan(Rayan) - from Arabic, "little king." Nicholas (Nicholas) - from the French, "winner of the peoples."
  • Thomas(Thomas) - Polish, "twin".
  • Tyler(Tyler) - from English, "stylish." Caleb (Caleb) - from Hebrew, "devoted, brave."
  • William(William) - from English, "desired."

List of common American surnames

Modern American surnames have changed over the years.

Immigration of representatives of different peoples to America, their gradual mixing with local residents, and as a result, the change and reduction (reduction) of surnames in the American way.

List of the most famous surnames in America

Bearers of the surnames Jones (Jones), Smith (Smith), Williams (Williams), Wilson (Wilson) according to statistics, more than a million. The following surnames are no less popular:

  • Allen (Allen)
  • Anderson (Anderson)
  • Brown (Brown)
  • Clark (Clark)
  • Davis (Davis)
  • Garcia (Garcia)
  • Hall (Hall)
  • Harris (Harris)
  • Hernandez (Hernandez)
  • Jackson (Jackson)
  • Johnson (Johnson)
  • King (King)
  • Lee (Lee)
  • Lewis (Lewis)
  • Martin (Martin)
  • Martinez (Martinez)
  • Miller (Miller)
  • Moore
  • Robinson (Robinson)
  • Rodrigues (Rodriguez)
  • Taylor (Taylor)
  • Thomas (Thomas)
  • Thompson (Thompson)
  • Walker (Walker)
  • White (White)
  • Wilson (Wilson)
  • Young (Young)

The melodiousness, the beauty of the sound of the surname is another reason for the pride of their carriers. A person's desire for change in life could not but be reflected in the desire to change his last name or first name to the name of a famous person in the entertainment industry or politics. Sources for inspiration can be found in the names of natural phenomena, representatives of flora and fauna, names of geographical objects. In search of a more beautiful name or surname, improvisation is not a hindrance.

Some of the most beautiful and common American surnames are:

  • Beverly (Beverly)
  • Collins (Collins)
  • Daniels (Daniels)
  • Evans (Evans)
  • Ford (Ford)
  • Gilmore (Gilmore)
  • Harris (Harris)
  • Holmes (Holmes)
  • Labert (Labert)
  • Moore
  • Newman (Newman)
  • Riley (Riley)
  • Stephenson (Stephenson)
  • Wallace (Wallace)
  • Washington (Washington)

The respectful attitude of a person to his name as the heritage of his ancestors is a kind of valuable relic, which its bearers pass on from generation to generation, keeping their history and family traditions in the name of the family.

English female names

In order not to be out of trend, you should choose interesting and memorable fakes.

There are many sources from which you can borrow a pseudonym or name. This trend is observed not only in girls, but also in guys.

A fake surname will require verification by the administration. This will take some time, especially if the data changes frequently.

In order for the site moderator to miss the changes, you should know what surname you can put.

After all, the site administration does not approve information without confirmation. The application may be rejected or delayed if the change uses non-standard words.

Surnames for VK are set as follows:

  1. Login to the page using your own username and password.
  2. Open spoiler with personal information.
  3. Activate the "Edit" button. By clicking on it once.
  4. In the line "Last name" is entered. The fake is entered in this field.
  5. Confirm the change by clicking the "Save" button.
  6. Within some time, the administration will respond to a request to change personal data.

In the process of changing, you can use cool nicknames that you think are the most relevant.

If the data is not too complex or rare, then fake entries will be stored in the system with the confirmation of the site moderator.

Such difficulties on the part of the administration are made in order to reduce the percentage of hacking the pages of network users.

Top surnames for VK

There are top aliases for guys that are most often used when compiling a profile on VK.

The most popular options may occur too often, so it is worth picking up rare aliases as well.

Note! It is important to write the last name correctly so as not to spoil the profile with a funny inscription. To do this, you can check the spelling from the original source.

The original surname can be presented as standard Russian, or you can take the surname of your favorite movie actor or character from the movie.

Sometimes surnames are chosen, which mean the names of countries, regions of the world, and other geographical objects.

Top popular men's options in 2018:

List of popular aliases for guys on the social network VK Why are they so popular among VK users
Gromov, Admiral, Derzhavin, Sobolev Surnames related to military service and princely titles are relevant for the modern social network
Rodriguez, Sanchez, Perez, Martinez foreign surnames. Spanish and Mexican surnames are associated with masculinity and passion.
Moreau, Durar, Reshar, Bernard French surnames of this type are not only romantic, but also have a rather complex historical context in their name.
Zimmermann, Werner, Jacobi, Schmidt, Weiss, Lang German surnames sound original and non-standard, as many of them in translation mean natural phenomena
Turkish, Japanese and Chinese surnames are very rare, but interesting in terms of pronunciation.

In this case, it is enough to use a dictionary and put the meaning of the word in the personal data column

Popular and trendy names for guys

For many guys, it is important to have not only a non-standard surname, but also a first name. In the understanding of young people, awesome names will attract the attention of the opposite sex and help you get to know each other.

Popular names within VK for guys:

  • Old Slavonic names are unique and inimitable: Makar, Rodion, Svyatoslav, Arkady, Konstantin.
  • Slavic names that were taken from foreign sources are no less popular: Alain, Michael, Arnold, John, David, Daniel, Dementy.
  • Recently, double names have been especially popular, which consist of Slavic and foreign at the same time: Dmitry-Amethyst, Nikolai-Nikita-Nil, Luka-Happiness Summerset Ocean.
  • Non-standard names that are not determined by attitude to culture or nationality: Mercury, March, Angel, World.

Cool names should match certain character traits or behaviors.

Attention! Before choosing a foreign or little-known name, you should find out its meaning or translation. The finished version can be slightly modified.

Unusual names can be found on the Internet, magazines. Currently, parents call their children quite original names, so it makes no sense to change them.

You can interpret your own name. At the same time, it will seem no less original or fashionable.

List of the best in English with translation

The best option is foreign surnames, in particular English ones.

Note! Along with English in terms of popularity, German surnames remain. Sometimes American variants are used.

It is worth choosing not only fashionable and cool, but also pleasing to the ear. There is a list of the most popular surnames for guys.

The best options for English surnames for guys and men at the current time:

Beautiful female names and surnames are undoubtedly the pride and a kind of adornment of a woman.

Below are collected Russian and foreign lists of various origins. They will be useful for those who are expecting a daughter and choose a harmonious combination of first and last name for her, and for those who plan to change their first or last name, thereby changing their fate.


Ladies' names are very diverse, so it is not surprising that at the birth of a girl, parents often argue about what to name the baby. Most of the names common in Russia are of completely non-Slavic origin. There are few primordially Russian names, but they are distinguished by their beauty and euphony.

Once upon a time, names were very popular in Rus', which eventually acquired their modern form: Nastasya (from Anastasia), Aksinya (Xenia). Today, on playgrounds, you can increasingly hear these names in their original form.

Separately, one can note such primordially Russian names as Joy, Dragomila, Efrosinya, Evpraksia, Evdokia, Bogdana, Anisya, Stanimira, Krasimira, Mlada, Radoslava, Lada, Velislava, Gorimira, Dobromira, Zabava, Dobrava, Krasava, Lubomira, Jaromira.

As if from Russian fairy tales, the names sound: Elena, Marya, Daria, Vasilisa, Yaroslavna.

Such names as Nadezhda, Vera, Elizabeth, Ekaterina, Xenia, Tatyana, Natalya, Yulia, Anna have gained a new round of popularity.


A beautiful Russian surname should be distinguished by sonority, well remembered. No wonder the most beautiful options include royal families: the Romanovs, Rurikovich.

Getting a beautiful Russian surname from birth is a gift of fate. It helps to make new acquaintances and win over those around you.

Aristocratic families are distinguished by their special beauty: Bestuzheva, Rzhevskaya, Golitsyna, Sheremetyeva, Vorontsova.

Surnames formed from geographical names sound no less beautiful: Smolenskaya, Baltic, Rzhevskaya, Siberian, Yaroslavtseva.

It is worth noting the names derived from the names of tree plants: Dubinin, Rozov, Yasenev, Kalinin, Topolev, Tsvetkov, Orekhov.

There are many beautiful Russian surnames that do not necessarily belong to any category: Artemova, Afanaseva, Bakhmeteva, Borisoglebskaya, Borovskaya, Vinogradova, Volskaya, Vostokova, Goncharova, Gronskaya, Dal, Dolinina, Donskaya, Zhemchugova, Znamenskaya, Zorina, Ignatiev, Kamenskaya, Lazarev, Lvov, Makarov, Maksimov, Nikitin, Ozerov, Parisian, Rakhmanov, Titov, Umanskaya, Filatov, Tsarevskaya, Shemetov, Yuriev.

Beautiful English surnames for women

English surnames have a beautiful sound. Most of them are worn not only by the inhabitants of foggy Albion. They are quite popular all over the planet.

Below is a list of the most beautiful English surnames in alphabetical order.

  • Anderson, Adamson, Abramson;
  • Bakker, Black, Brown, Bradberry, Buckingham;
  • Campbell, Carroll, Cook;
  • Davidson, Duncan, Daniels;
  • Edington, Erickson;
  • Fisher, Ford, Fordster;
  • Gardner, Gilbert;
  • Haley, Hoggart;
  • James, Johnson;
  • Kelly, Kennedy;
  • Lamberts, Little, Lincoln;
  • Mackenzie, MacDonald, Milton, Morrison;
  • Neville, Nelson;
  • Oliver, Otis;
  • Page, Paterson;
  • Richards, Roberts;
  • Stanley, Simpson;
  • Taylor, Turner;
  • Warren, Weasley.

Beautiful American (female) surnames

Interestingly, most of the American surnames come from common nicknames, mostly Indian ones.

Many beautiful surnames appeared from the names of professions: Smith, Taylor, Miller, as well as from geographical objects: Bush, Moore, Lancaster.

It is worth noting such beautiful (female) American surnames that originated from the names of animals, phenomena and flowers: Kat, Fish, Winter, White, Young, Rose. In America, singers and actors often take such surnames as pseudonyms.

Beautiful French surnames can be classified in the same way as Russian ones. Some of them originate from the ancient aristocrats, others are popular because they are worn by famous people.

Below is just a small list of beautiful French surnames:

  • Azoulay, Arnaud, Harcourt, André;
  • Boisselle, Benard, Bonnier;
  • Viardot, Vien;
  • Grosso, Galliano, Gabin;
  • Dubois, Deneuve, Delaunay;
  • Jacquard, Julien, Girard;
  • Kamber, Curie;
  • Lambert, Luc, Legrand;
  • Martini, Monty, Monsoon, Murai;
  • Noiret;
  • Prejean, Pascal;
  • Roussel, Revial, Richard;
  • Sorel, Simon;
  • Tournier, Trial;
  • Ouvrard;
  • Freel;
  • Chabrol, Sherro.

Doubles sound especially beautiful: Benoit de Sainte-Maur, Ducange-Cassan, Catrou-Quelus, Lacourt-Delatre, Michel-Sedin; Saint Evremond, Favre de Paul, Cherezy-Chicault.


Almost all German surnames consist of one word. After all, back in 1993 in Germany it was forbidden to have polysyllabic and trisyllabic surnames.

The most beautiful surnames in Germany are also the most common: Schmidt, Wolf, Müller, Schroeder, Werner, König, Krause, Neumann, Schwartz, Gref, Mayer.

Japan always knows how to surprise the world.

Therefore, even the names of the inhabitants of this country sound more than interesting, but this does not mean at all that there are no beautiful and euphonious ones among them, however, they do not always sound familiar to the Russian ear: Tanako, Yamaguchi, Yamasaki, Mori, Ikeda, Ogawa, Goto, Ueno, Kubo, Noguchi, Matsuo, Honda, Iwamoto, Hagiwara.

The Italian language is melodious, it is heard very beautifully and melodiously, therefore, the female surnames of Italians are distinguished by melodiousness and beauty: Russia, Rousseau, Bruno, Ricci, Allegro, Rinaldi, Leone, Martini, Valentino, Monti, Bellini, Milano.

Modern Russian surnames

Despite the variety of beautiful native Russian surnames, new surnames continue to be born in Russia every year.

Here are the most beautiful of them: Avdeeva, Avdonina, Vadeeva, Vadimova, Daineko, Dankova, Kagan, Kasatkina, Nadezhdin, Ukraintseva, Rosomahin, Yagodkina.

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