Literary comments. The system of types of commentary to the classical text


My father has a birthday, moreover, a beautiful and solid anniversary, the fiftieth year is on the threshold! According to tradition, it is customary to celebrate the birth of a loved one magnificently, solemnly, to give pleasant and useful gifts, speak kind words.

But congratulations on the anniversary of 50 years to dad should be special, these words should be different from everything said earlier. On this unique day, you need to pick up special phrases so that they come from the depths of the soul and tell the father, the birthday man, how dear he is to his children, how much they love him, and so that at his fifty years old daddy would be truly happy.

How can this be achieved if you are not a poet, you don’t know how to speak beautifully, and even come up with unusual congratulations Happy 50th birthday to dear dad, even in prose it doesn’t work out very well? Only banal, general and superficial phrases come to mind that cannot express all the love, gratitude and admiration for the father?

Don't worry. You can choose a suitable, worthy congratulation to dad on his anniversary, and the 50th anniversary will be a wonderful holiday that the sea will bring joyful emotions and will be remembered for a long time! How exactly to congratulate dear dad? Here are the options:

  • Short original text sms messages.
  • Beautiful words on a holiday card.
  • Congratulatory verses.
  • Congratulations to your beloved dad for 50 years in prose.
  • Unusual toast for father.
  • Congratulations to dad from a daughter or from a son.

There are many options, and all of them are worthy of congratulating the hero of the day beautifully, from the heart, in an original way. Choose what is closer to you, what you can say from the bottom of your heart, and do not forget: you can and should even add something from yourself to any congratulation, because this is your close person, and only you know what words to evoke the most pleasant feelings in him!


It's easy to prepare a festive poem for dear dad for 50 years, say beautiful words from yourself in the form of prose, make a toast or somehow bring him joy - it's easy! Remember that on this anniversary, sincere words, sincere attention and love of loved ones are much more important than any gifts. So do not spare the warmth of your heart and express everything that is in your soul! This day is the best!

1. Every year, close people say a lot of nice words to each other on birthdays, but the 50th anniversary is a special date when words should be special. Let it be poetry! What could be better? Poems are solemn, very festive, beautiful and dignified. Great choice for an anniversary! The father will definitely appreciate and be moved, having heard so much pleasant in beautiful verses.

2. Poems - this is optional, and if neither you nor your birthday person are lovers of poetry, then prepare prose for him. Beautiful and solemn lines that can tell a lot, will come from your very heart and touch all the strings of your father's soul.

The main thing is to speak frankly, to believe in every word, to wish everything you want, and all wishes will certainly come true. So do not regret your love on this day, say something that you have not said to your dear father before!

3. On this magnificent holiday, 50 years old, congratulations, wishes, words of admiration, respect and gratitude sound to your dad. And don't forget the toast! After all, they are the decoration of any feast, and on such a big and important anniversary, you can’t do without original toasts. From a beloved daughter or son, the hero of the day will be so pleased to hear a congratulatory toast with meaning and love!

4. And if you can't wait to please the hero of the day right from the very morning, don't wait until the evening, send him an SMS message! There are many good short texts that will cheer up the birthday man for the whole day.

From daughter or son?

Individual congratulations are very good, especially on the anniversary of the pope, on his 50th birthday. The hero of the day will be so pleased to hear sincere sincere words from his beloved daughter, from his son or grateful grandchildren!

1. For any dad, his daughter will always remain a beloved girl, a favorite joy, a joy for the soul. Congratulatory words from the daughter can be both in verse and in prose, the main thing is that they be sincere, warm, so that they warm the soul of the hero of the day and touch him to happy tears. Congratulations dad from the bottom of my heart!

2. Well, the son, of course, is his father's pride and joy, his continuation. Warm words from a beloved son should not only sound beautiful, but also carry gratitude, respect for years, filial love and endless gratitude.

Every son on his father's birthday should express how proud and happy he is that he has such a dad! Choose phrases that will help you fully express all these wonderful feelings. And the hero of the day will appreciate it very much!

3. Or maybe grandchildren are already growing up at the birthday boy? Then don't forget about them! Because a man at the age of 50 wants to receive attention and care not only from children, but also from beloved grandchildren, because it is so pleasant and joyful! There are quite a few beautiful congratulations from children and grandchildren, and these beautiful poems with prose are simply created to give happiness and warmth on an anniversary!

Even if your family doesn't talk much beautiful words or you yourself are not accustomed to scatter in compliments, epithets and poetry, today it does not matter. Because the 50th anniversary happens only once in a man's life and is milestone in his fate, half a century.

On this day, you need to congratulate not for the sake of a “tick”, not just with common, familiar phrases, but try to pick up special, sincere words. May your congratulations be the most desired, may it bring a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness to the hero of the day and leave the best memories of this wonderful holiday! Author: Vasilina Serova, sources:,,,,,

Congratulations to dad today
After all, dad's anniversary,
The date is round
Our dear, you are all relatives.

You are 50 today
It's not much yet
You are so young
And don't judge yourself harshly.

Now we wish from the bottom of our hearts
To you we climb the mountain,
Don't rush into pensioners
You will give odds to many young people!

Fifty is a little
Fifty is a lot.
half life,
Maturity beginning.

Congratulations dad
With the date, happy anniversary.
Years fly by
You are not getting old.

Kiss on the cheek
I will hug you with love.
I wish you
Good health.

When they got there so fast
Are we fifty by your date?
Recently it was like twenty,
However, how should I know?

You have always been wise to me
Like a four-hundred-year-old guide
Strong and very witty
You don't have to be different.

Today is a holiday, birthday,
You are fifty today.
And we drink not out of consolation,
A man's age is only a brother.

So let adversity dissolve
In the fun of life and in hops,
And happiness is harder than diamonds
Let it protect your life.

Fifty dollars is the score of life,
It's not morning, it's not evening yet
But according to your deeds, honor
It's time to pay tribute to this meeting.

Meeting relatives, meeting friends
Here we raise our glasses
For your wonderful anniversary.
To make you warmer!

Our precious daddy,
Years flew by like bullets!
You are fifty today
But, as before, a vigilant look!
Stay the same as before
Young, perky, tender!
Be our best friend
Mom is a loving husband!
Be strong like a cedar!
Be happy, healthy and generous!
Despite all adversity,
May your days be easy!
We respect, we love, we appreciate!
You are priceless to us, like life!
Happy anniversary, our dear,
Be favored by fate!

Congratulations on the anniversary of 50 years to dad from children

Fifty to you and what
You are so young
I look so much like you
Daddy you are my dear,
You loved me madly
Often pampered, praised,
And you always followed strictly
Who walked with me
Happy Anniversary Dear Dad
Be happy, live a hundred years
You won't notice it will pass
You will, daddy, you are a grandfather!

To you today children personally
Hurry up for the anniversary
And you look great
What is the age - fifty!
And for a loved one
We all wanted to wish
(You're only half a century old)
Hurry to create, love, dream!

Congratulations dear dad
Happy big anniversary - fifty!
From the bottom of my heart I wish you
May you be optimistic!

For everything to be well
At your work and in your family,
I have you, dad, the best,
So let everything be lucky for you!

Fifty times fulfilled
In our life, my beloved daddy,
And from a thousand colorful phrases
I dedicate one without pathos!
May your day be like a glass of cognac
Filled with the scent of dreams
And eyes shine with happiness
What is intended, everything works out.

Five, zero! What a great score
It's time to hide from worries
Forget important things
And remember - our life is a game!

For your wonderful anniversary,
Daddy let's drink quickly!
Let's eat, as always!
Wonderful life to be!

Take care of your health,
With smoking, urgently become "you",
And put joy in your heart
Bad, erase in memory!

Father, you are already half a century old,
And happy anniversary to you, now, congratulating,
Wish to be happy man,
Love, good health to you, without edge.

Let your luck come to you
And will stay with you forever.
And it will be kind, supportive, not otherwise.
And may it bestow a joyful fate!

How happy we all are, father,
Congratulations on your anniversary
AND best words, warmth of hearts
We do not regret congratulations!

You are my only one:
And at fifty - you look like a hero!
Let there be happiness ahead
Good luck to you, health - three times,
Big victories - you deserve
All my life this, by the way!
I want you to live to a hundred
With the same strong brave article!

Dad is sweet and dear,
Your holiday has come
Invite guests quickly
Both neighbors and friends.
Anniversary fifty
Let's celebrate together
I wish you a lot of strength
To always be healthy.

Dear, dear, beloved, best
Dad, Happy Anniversary!
Half a century behind you
I wish you at least as much!
I wish you joy and happiness
Health, youthful brilliance in the eyes.
You are my idol and it suits you
Gray hair in beautiful hair!

Wonderful, round date,
Papule is now fifty,
Let everything in life be great
Let your eyes shine with happiness!
We wish you health
You are the most beautiful, dear,
Be bright, cheerful, successful,
We are proud of you dad!

Congratulate dad on his 50th birthday from children

Daddy is unrecognizable today
A stern look turned into a smile
We want to congratulate and say
To strive for new success!
After all, for us it is more important than all the awards
Know that you will support with a kind word
Happy Anniversary, Dad! At fifty
Youth will return to the soul again!

Children often think
That their ancestors suck!
Well, we know for sure
That our folder is cool!
On this anniversary day
Congratulations do not count -
It takes a lot of patience
To read them all!
We are all happy with the folder!
Stay like this
As before, funny
And always funny!

Daddy our dear!
Happy anniversary, dear!
And we wish, dear,
Don't waste your energy
Though you are always cheerful,
Regardless of the years!
You save your health
Must certainly
There will be many more meetings
It is certain!
Need to rest more
Breathe fresh air!
The whole family loves you
Congratulations together!
We will do for you
Everything that will be needed!
And we will always help in everything -
There is nothing dearer to us than you!

Gathered as if for a parade -
Father is fifty today!
You created a strong rear for yourself,
And for the family you are a general.
We wish the army of children
Came for a centenary.
So that in the ranks of your cars
There was a Merc, and a limousine,
For the dog to wear slippers,
And Arshavin scored a goal,
Always on the table
Next to the vodka food.

Daddy, you're so solid
And important today is a fact!
Always intelligent, strong in spirit,
Everyone is happy to congratulate you!

Special restaurant booked
And friends have been waiting for him for a long time,
But first all wishes
Your family is talking to you again!

Find time for hobbies again
Let the work wait
And a super feeling of happiness,
Lives in your soul again!

So you turned 50, daddy, I want to say that I am happy that I have such a father. Kind, purposeful, wise, fair and with an iron rod inside. I wish you health, which many will envy, whose happiness few deserve and prosperous decades of life ahead!

Daddy! You are the most wonderful! And on this warm day, I want to wish you a happy birthday! 50 years is a serious date. But it is very hard to believe that you are already 50. In your eyes, there are still the same eggs, there are so few wrinkles on your face. I want to wish you to always be cheerful, healthy and happy. For you!

Dear daddy, you are no longer young, but you are still beautiful, smart and quick-witted. Let it be 50 years on your shoulders, and you be cheerful, smart, mischievous. I want to see you as a happy person again. I would have watched you endlessly hugging your mother, hopping after my sister as a child. I love you, and I raise a glass to your good health!

We want to say that better than dad us to find! You are the most courageous, kind and very skillful in all matters. In any trouble you will find a way out and a solution. From evil enemies you always saved us and always gave us wise advice. Today is your 50th birthday! On this day, we want to wish you as much health, energy, good luck and strength as possible for all your undertakings!

My dad is always young at heart. He understands me perfectly. understands youth humor, is aware of all events and trends. It is a great rarity for an adult not to grow old in soul. Dad, I congratulate you on your anniversary and I want you to always feel young and fresh!

Daddy, love. You have always been my rock, and you are. You love me just for who I am. I thank you for the life you have given me and for your presence in it. May your years continue to be filled with crazy ideas and happy moments. Happy fiftieth!

Dear Dad! Fifty years is not a long time, because long haul waiting for you ahead. May God give you health, may a friendly family surround you with love, may the evening of life be cozy and joyful. May your soul grow younger with every dawn.
Happy anniversary!

Dad! I congratulate you on your anniversary and from the bottom of my heart I wish you happiness in life, self-sufficiency in your career, sincere love with our dear mother. I also wish to remain always the same young, cheerful and punchy! We wish that fortune was always on your side and fate favored you with its wonderful gifts! Happy Anniversary, Daddy!

Papules, be happy on your anniversary - it will not become superfluous. Let fifty dollars not interfere with your desired personal life. No wonder there is a number 5 - "excellent". All plans should work!

Oh how many songs really
We sang to our own mother!
But what about dad?... Forgot dad...
Not a single song about dad.

Anything our dad can -
Works miracles in the economy.
But on TV he can too
Stare into all eyes.

Let's not scold dad for this.
Dad's birthday today
"Fifty kopecks" - after all, this is a round date
And a good reason to gather friends.

We will join in the congratulations,
We will give crafts, we will tell poems.
From tenderness, let him shed a tear
After all, these tears are not bitter at all!

Kind you do not exist man
At your age you are full of vigor and strength,
You have lived with pride for half a century,
More important for us you are world luminaries.

May life become tastier every year
Let our family grow stronger like French wine,
Let the impressions become juicier
And may warmth always live in your soul.

Today daddy is only 5 dozen,
Doesn't like our daddy at the bottom of the leftovers.
Our good, beloved, young breadwinner.
Thank you daddy for not leaving for another.

The grandchildren ask for a computer, and if you don’t unfasten it,
A stash that you will no longer find under the bath.
Here the guests appear at the festive table,
You are our smart and generous, we are next to you.

Fifty kopecks for dad ... Really
We managed to live up to it,
After all, you are a man hoo,
To reach far to you?

What is youth? Neither mind nor experience
They are not familiar - only laughter
And the weakness of the spirit, finally,
And you, dad, well done.

Let the boys envy -
They are like teddy bears.
They stand when you are near
Their dream come true.

Do not think that you are no longer young:
Your anniversary is a great occasion
Find a crane in the sky
And start life again from scratch.

Gathered as if for a parade -
Father is fifty today!
You created a strong rear for yourself,
And for the family you are a general.
We wish the army of children
Came for a centenary.
So that in the ranks of your cars
There was a Merc, and a limousine,
For the dog to wear slippers,
And Arshavin scored a goal,
Always on the table
Next to the vodka food.

Beloved daddy and husband,
Our kind and great botanist,
Leisure for us in all matters,
Our friend, assistant and mentor!

You are only fifty.
Everything is ahead! What years!
Something to say and write
Family, science and people.

Why Michurin and Linnaeus!
For us - only you are a great scientist,
More talented than all, smarter
And insanely addicted!

We love friends. Well, we
We just adore you
And, in the midst of worldly confusion,
We protect from any stress!

We wish you happiness, our hero,
Relax more often with friends
Success in business life,
But, don't forget about us!

May your wise mind not grow old,
At the dacha there will be order and harmony.
And let love sow in the soul
Only good deeds mighty garden!

Dad, our dear, beloved,
Grandfather is glorious, irreplaceable,
We congratulate you on fifty dollars
And we wish you all the best.
To never get sick!
To never grow old!
To be forever young
Wise, kind and gentle like that!
After all, fifty is not so much,
It's just life's run.
Let adversity pass by,
And success accompanies more often,
And I ask you all to raise your glasses
For our beloved father
And so that a flame ignites from every spark in the heart!
AND New World and a new dawn!

Beloved dad! You're 50 today and you're still as young as ever since I started school. I wish you never grow old, love your mother, me, your work and always remain as cheerful and cheerful as now. I am glad that I can celebrate this holiday with you and I am extremely proud that you are my father. At 50, you have achieved a lot, but my mother and I love you simply for what you are. Happy anniversary!

Childhood days have flown away forever
Youth has blossomed like a rose.
You became an adult and almost white,
And you're fifty today.

The white beard fluttered
Like a blanket under a mustache.
May you shine in the life of the kids
And God gives grandchildren.

Let him not know at all
Your troubles and tears
None of your hair
Even from the head.

Dear daddy! We congratulate you on a serious date - the 50th anniversary of your birth. On your solemn anniversary, we declare to you that you are the most best father in the world, and all your efforts, the forces put into our upbringing, were not in vain. Thank you for doing everything possible to put us on our feet and make us real people. You are wonderful, strong-willed person who has the gift of kindness, justice and love for his family. Spend this day in blissful rest and joy, like all subsequent ones. Congratulations, dad, again. Please accept our respect and love.

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