It is better to be king in the village proverb. In the footsteps of fathers


Muslim Magomaev. Photo –

August 17, 1942 was born the legendary crooner Muslim Magomayev, who had a unique baritone. Now we can only remember that era - when our country had its own Sinatra and Lennon.

They say that if Magomayev was born in another country, he could outshine the glory of Sinatra and Lennon. But in the 70s, when he was at the peak of popularity in the USSR, there was no question of international pop music.

“Now love for the motherland is strange”

Muslim Magomayev was loved in the Soviet Union, truly loved. Young, handsome, artistic, with a chic baritone - his romances conquered female hearts countrywide.

There is a legend that in one of the touring cities his car was carried for three kilometers in his arms - his fans loved him so much. Not a single government concert was complete without the participation of Magomayev, and the best foreign scenes fought to get him into their troupe. But the singer was rarely and reluctantly released from the USSR: oddly enough, they did not want to share such property with anyone.

“At one time I was invited by the director of the Parisian Olympia. He suggested to Furtseva: “Let him go for a year, I will make him a golden singer, you will be proud of him,”

Muslim Magometovich told in an interview. To which the minister replied, they say, we have many government concerts a year, to which Magomayev is always invited. And then they were afraid for a long time generally let out abroad so that he does not run away.

Muslim Magomayev performs on stage, 1963. Photo - RIA Novosti / Valery Shustov

But he never tried to escape. Magomayev often performed in the Union republics, toured all over the country - until Nakhodka itself, but did not particularly strive abroad.

“Now it sounds strange, but I love my Motherland and my parents. And my uncle was a party leader, if I left, he would be expelled from the party, he would lose his job. I couldn't give him such a bug.

And then I wouldn't be able to live there, I'm a different person. I can’t see this prudence, talking only about money and, sorry, a little mental limitation, ”

He spoke.

Even after perestroika, it would seem, opened all the world scenes for him at once, Magomayev quite rarely traveled abroad. Yes, and in Russia he began to appear on the big stage not often.

“I believe that my time was then, in the 70s, when I was young,

The singer confessed. But he was probably wrong: Magomayev's time was and always remains - in the hearts of his listeners and admirers, which almost the entire vast country once became.

In the footsteps of fathers

Muslim Magometovich Magomayev was born in Baku on August 17, 1942 in the most artistic family. father was theater artist, mother - a dramatic actress, grandfather - a famous Azerbaijani composer, founder of the folk opera. It is not for nothing that the Azerbaijan Philharmonic Society bears his name.

Choosing between painting, theater and music, Magomayev followed in the footsteps of his grandfather - first he studied at music school at the Baku Conservatory, then entered the singing class of the Azerbaijan Conservatory, from which he graduated in 1968.

However, by that time, the young singer was already practically a star. As a boy, performing with the orchestra of the Sailors Club, he received gold medal at the Youth Festival in Helsinki, and in 1962 received a standing ovation in the main concert hall countries - Kremlin Palace. For the young man, this event, of course, was fateful: it not only showed him further way in life and career, but also opened a very important door - the door to the hearts of those in power.

Although, in addition to grandfather's, father's genes also clearly affected Magomayev: in more adulthood Magomayev discovered the artist's talent in himself and developed it successfully for many years.

Between opera and fame

After the 62nd in the life of Magomaev, one continuous white stripe, even, if I may say so, golden. After graduating from the conservatory, he became a soloist with the Azerbaijan Opera and Ballet Theatre, in 1964 he went on an internship at the Milanese La Scala opera, in 1972 he received the title People's Artist USSR.

Despite the fact that he was literally favored by the authorities (Brezhnev loved Magomayev very much), he always remained truly folk singer- the glory of Magomayev was ubiquitous. His songs were known by heart and they actually came from “every iron”.

Naturally, great envy accompanied great popularity. Detractors accused Magomayev of abandoning the opera, which made him a star, and went to the stage, because he realized that in theater world will not last long - they say it is rather weak. As the singer himself admitted, then these rumors greatly influenced him.

“When I left the opera, I did not sing it for 10 years, there was not a single performance at all. And everyone began to say, they say, Magomayev as an opera singer is over. I got angry, came to Baku, locked myself in the concert hall with the accompanist, surrounded myself with records only classical music, no stage and TV.

I listened, studied, and six months later came out and sang “ Barber of Seville as an opera singer, and with great success. And after that, he left the opera forever.

I sang in it for quite some time, but then I decided that I would not become so great. opera singer. And for me it’s better to be the first guy in the village than the last one in the city.”

Robert Rozhdestvensky (left), Arno Babadzhanyan (center) and Muslim Magomayev (right) take part in a television shoot, 1974. Photo: RIA Novosti

Magomayev was famous not only for his singing talent: the fans knew him as a person for real broad soul. Earning a lot at that time, Magomayev spent money without sparing - he arranged chic banquets and holidays on a Caucasian scale, made expensive gifts to friends and family.

But he continued to sing, as they say, by no means for the sake of money. Once, the singer performed for several hours ... on the balcony of a hotel room, so that people who did not get to the concert could listen to their idol.

To rest

Having sung over 600 songs, writing about 20 of his own and releasing a book about the singer Mario Lanza, Magomayev left big scene, yielding it to other artists - Alla Pugacheva, Mikhail Boyarsky, Valery Leontiev ... And he returned to it no longer as an artist, but as a leader - until the 89th he toured the USSR with his Azerbaijan State Variety Symphony Orchestra, although former glory has not returned.

But Magomayev was not forgotten. In 1997 an entire planet was named after him. And this is perhaps the most durable monument to the great singer.

Muslim Magomayev was awarded the Order of Honor. Photo - RIA Novosti / Vladimir Rodionov

In 2002, when Magomayev celebrated his 60th birthday, he was awarded the Order of Honor by presidential decree. In 2005, for an outstanding personal contribution to the development of Russian culture, he was awarded National Prize named after Peter the Great.

In the last years of the singer's life, his health was bad, there were problems with the heart. He often ended up in a hospital bed. On the night of October 25, 2008, the singer's heart stopped.

Better to be first in the country than second in the city (in Rome)

The ancient Greek historian Plutarch in his work “The Sayings of Kings and Generals” wrote about the Roman emperor Julius Caesar (100-44 BC): “They say that when Caesar crossed the Alps and passed by a poor town with an extremely small barbarian population, his friends jokingly asked with a laugh: "Is there really a competition in honors, a dispute over primacy, strife among the nobility?" - "As for me," Caesar answered them with complete seriousness. - then I would rather be the first here than the second in Rome ”(Plutarch. Selected biographies. M.; L., 1941).

Allegorically: about life position ambitious person.

Quoted also as a consolation to one who, though not attained to great degrees in high spheres, but achieved success in his place, received recognition from professionals, is respected among like-minded people, etc.

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  • - Cæsar Wed. Plutarch. Caesar. eleven). Wed He lives for the second summer in this stinking town, because it is better to be the first in the village than the second in the city. Ant. P. Chekhov. Duel. 9. Wed. Numa Pompilius, if I'm not mistaken .....

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Better to be first in the country than second in the city
The ancient Greek historian Plutarch in his work “The sayings of uapeii and generals” wrote about the Roman emperor Julius Caesar (100-44 BC): “They say that when Caesar crossed the Alps and passed by a poor town with an extremely small barbarian population, his friends jokingly asked with a laugh: "Is there really a competition in honors, a dispute over primacy, strife among the nobility?" - “As for me,” Caesar answered them with complete seriousness, “I would rather be the first here than the second in Rome” (Plutarch. Selected Biographies. M.; L., 1941).
Allegorically: about the life position of an ambitious person.
Quoted: also as a consolation to one who, although not attaining great degrees in high spheres, has succeeded in his place, has been recognized by professionals, is respected by like-minded people, etc.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

Better to be first in the country than second in the city

Plutarch ("The Sayings of Kings and Generals. Julius Caesar", 5) says that Caesar said, passing through a miserable alpine town: "I would rather be the first here than the second in Rome." This phrase of Caesar, characterizing the ambitious, has acquired wingedness in a modified edition.

Dictionary of winged words. Plutex. 2004

See what "Better to be first in a village than second in a city" is in other dictionaries:

    Better to be first in the country than second in the city- wing. sl. Plutarch (“The Sayings of Kings and Generals. Julius Caesar”, 5) tells that Caesar said, passing through a miserable alpine town: “I would rather be the first here than the second in Rome.” This phrase of Caesar, characterizing the ambitious ... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

    The ancient Greek historian Plutarch in his work “The Sayings of Kings and Generals” wrote about the Roman emperor Julius Caesar (100 44 BC): “They say that when Caesar crossed the Alps and passed by a poor town with extremely few ... ... Dictionary of winged words and expressions

    Cæsar Wed. Plutarch. Caesar. eleven). Wed He lives for the second summer in this stinking town, because it is better to be the first in the village than the second in the city. Ant. P. Chekhov. Duel. 9. Wed. Numa Pompilius, if I'm not mistaken... has always said that he prefers to be... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    - - was born on May 26, 1799 in Moscow, on Nemetskaya Street in the house of Skvortsov; died January 29, 1837 in St. Petersburg. On his father's side, Pushkin belonged to the ancient noble family, which, according to the legend of genealogies, came from a native "from ... ...

    Writer, born October 30, 1821 in Moscow, died January 29, 1881, in St. Petersburg. His father, Mikhail Andreevich, married to the daughter of a merchant, Marya Fedorovna Nechaeva, served as the headquarters of the doctor at the Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor. Employed in the hospital and… … Big biographical encyclopedia

    Prince Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov (Golenishchev Kutuzov Smolensky), 40th General Field Marshal. Prince Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev Kutuzov [The Golenishchev Kutuzovs descended from Germany, who left for Russia to Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia- Ukrainian SSR (Ukrainian Radianska Socialist Republic), Ukraine (Ukraine). I. General information The Ukrainian SSR was formed on December 25, 1917. With the creation of the USSR on December 30, 1922, it became part of it as a union republic. Located on… … Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Better to be first in the country than second in the city (in Rome)

The ancient Greek historian Plutarch in his work “The Sayings of Kings and Generals” wrote about the Roman emperor Julius Caesar (100-44 BC): “They say that when Caesar crossed the Alps and passed by a poor town with an extremely small barbarian population, his friends jokingly asked with a laugh: "Is there really a competition in honors, a dispute over primacy, strife among the nobility?" - "As for me," Caesar answered them with complete seriousness. - then I would rather be the first here than the second in Rome ”(Plutarch. Selected Biographies. M.; L., 1941).

Allegorically: about the life position of an ambitious person.

It is also cited as a consolation to one who, although he has not reached great degrees in high spheres, has succeeded in his place, has received recognition from professionals, is respected among like-minded people, etc.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

See what "Better to be first in a village than second in a city (in Rome)" is in other dictionaries:

    The ancient Greek historian Plutarch in his work “The sayings of uapeii and generals” wrote about the Roman emperor Julius Caesar (100 44 BC): “They say that when Caesar crossed the Alps and passed by a poor town with extremely few ... ... Dictionary of winged words and expressions

    Better to be first in the country than second in the city- wing. sl. Plutarch (“The Sayings of Kings and Generals. Julius Caesar”, 5) tells that Caesar said, passing through a miserable alpine town: “I would rather be the first here than the second in Rome.” This phrase of Caesar, characterizing the ambitious ... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

    Cæsar Wed. Plutarch. Caesar. eleven). Wed He lives for the second summer in this stinking town, because it is better to be the first in the village than the second in the city. Ant. P. Chekhov. Duel. 9. Wed. Numa Pompilius, if I'm not mistaken... has always said that he prefers to be... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    - - was born on May 26, 1799 in Moscow, on Nemetskaya Street in the house of Skvortsov; died January 29, 1837 in St. Petersburg. On his father's side, Pushkin belonged to an old noble family, descended, according to the genealogy, from a native "from ... ...

    Writer, born October 30, 1821 in Moscow, died January 29, 1881, in St. Petersburg. His father, Mikhail Andreevich, married to the daughter of a merchant, Marya Fedorovna Nechaeva, served as the headquarters of the doctor at the Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor. Employed in the hospital and… … Big biographical encyclopedia

    France- (France) French Republic, physical geographical characteristic France, history French Republic Symbols of France, state political structure of France, armed forces and the French police, French activities in NATO, ... ... Encyclopedia of the investor

    Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov Work unknown artist. Oil ... Wikipedia

    - (1809 1852) one of the greatest writers Russian literature, whose influence determines its newest character and reaches to the present moment. He was born on March 19, 1809 in the town of Sorochintsy (on the border of Poltava and Mirgorod counties) and ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    I (France, Frankreich). Location, boundaries, space. From the north F. washes the German Sea and the English Channel, from the west the Atlantic Ocean, from southeast Mediterranean Sea; in the northeast it borders on Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany, on ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    This term has other meanings, see Little Dorrit (TV series). Little Dorrit ... Wikipedia

100 ways to change your life book. Part two". In it, an expert in the field of personal change, speaker, motivator, writer Larisa Parfentyeva, who herself once quit her job and left the capital for her native Ufa, writes about other ways you can improve your life. The Village publishes a chapter on when to return to small homeland and why one can become more successful there than in Moscow.

Moscow does not believe in tears: how to “leave” the capital and return to your hometown?

“I have a sister who lives in Moscow. She is totally unhappy. But he does not want to return to Chelyabinsk, because he is afraid of being labeled a loser. What to say to her? - a girl from Chelyabinsk wrote to me recently. I'll tell you some stories about leaving major cities where provincials come for big dream or money, and how they return to their native land.

My history

... I came to Moscow from Ufa to enter the university. On the day when my feet had just set foot on the Kazansky railway station, I said to myself with the face of a winner: “I will never return to Ufa!” I adored our beautiful capital, and I had many hopes connected with Moscow. Everything seemed to work out right here. I was almost sure that at the age of 21 I would have everything I want. When I left the provinces, my friends said: “Moscow is a city of great opportunities. There are more chances to succeed.”

And outwardly everything seemed to be fine - I already told my story in the first part of the book. But in 2012, completely lost, I returned to native city. And then she said: “I will never return to Moscow!” Now (I want to believe) I have become wiser and just do not promise. I don't know where I'll be in a couple of years. main conclusion very simple: "Sometimes in order to take two steps forward, you need to take a step back."

Four Insights

... 4.5 years have passed. I have published the first book, I am writing the second. I fly to Moscow to perform and give master classes. If that girl had been told 12 years ago that the main changes and major triumph start from Ufa, she would not have believed. And here are four things that I would like to say to myself then. (Don't be embarrassed by the fact that I will call other cities "provincial". This is for ease of understanding.)

You can return if you know why

My colleague Marina returned to her native Perm after several years in Moscow. She told how she left because she started to go crazy. “My life was unbearable. I worked 16 hours [a day] in order to pay for a rented apartment and food. And it was unbearable! Some vicious circle. But I had a dream - to create clothes. When I returned to Perm, I did this. In five years, I have never regretted my decision. I got married in Perm, and my brand is entering the Russian level. Small towns have their advantages. There is usually less competition. And if you return with "Moscow baggage", then you have a clear head start. If you know why you are coming back, you don’t need to become attached to Moscow.” And, by the way, now Marina, who has successfully got on her feet, is thinking about returning to Moscow. But already as a designer.

Sometimes it's better to be a king in the provinces than nobody in Moscow

I remember once, when I was still living in Moscow, a friend from Samara came to visit me. He was a restaurant manager, and he was doing brilliantly. "Why don't you move to Moscow?" I wondered. And he replied: “I made a choice for myself. Sometimes it is better to be a king in the provinces than nobody in Moscow.” Here, too, everyone chooses for himself: where and how he wants to feel.

Taking a step back, you don't lose

Our own Way is unique. And he's a weird guy who loves flexibility. Giving up a "prestigious" job or leaving for country town you don't take a step back. This is just part of the path. This happened to my friend, 29-year-old Sasha, who did not immediately see all the greatness of his Path. “At first in Moscow, nothing worked out for me. I had to leave with my tail between my legs. I felt like a huge loser. I was embarrassed in front of my relatives. But inner voice said, "You need to come back." I went to Penza and opened my own pizzeria. And then I realized that I needed to move to Moscow again with new experience and already here I launched a pizzeria. And everything went down! Maybe it was a “step back”, but it was he who pushed me a few meters forward. This is such a paradox,” says Sasha.

Every city is good for certain things

For example, in Ufa there are fewer things going on and far fewer distractions. And this is very good for writing. My friend, a native Muscovite, moved from the capital to Sochi. When I heard this, I told her: “Well done!” She replied: “Please say it again! And I have such a feeling of guilt ... All my friends say that I “got drunk”. And I just want peace." You need to learn to feel your Way. It is impossible to confidently say: "In Moscow, you will succeed." And it cannot be said that those who returned are losers. If you feel that you need to go “home” or to another city, go. Nobody knows what awaits you there. The question is not where is better: in Moscow or on the periphery. The question is where is the best for you. And right now. Good luck returnees!

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