NOT with nouns, adjectives and adverbs in -O (-E). The risk is high, but so is the reward



  • - See ANIMAL -...
  • - about the appearance of h-ka, appearance subject...

    live speech. Dictionary colloquial expressions

  • - high word...

    Dictionary Ozhegov

  • - ...

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

  • - ...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - Wasted without you White light. See LOVE -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See HUMILITY -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See A LOT -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - No matter how high the tower is, but the tumbler is higher. See MUCH -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See ESSENCE -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - The water outlet is not high, but it holds rivers ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See HAPPINESS -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See ESSENCE -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See TALK -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 1 beautiful ...

    Synonym dictionary

"He's not handsome, he's not tall" in books

Why is our MPI so high?

author Wright Robert

Why is our MPI so high?

From the book Moral Animal author Wright Robert

Why is our MPI so high? There is no shortage of arguments as to why men tend to take care of their young. In our recent evolutionary past, there are several factors that may make parental care important in terms of a male's genes. Others

And the poplar is so tall

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And the poplar is so high And the poplar is so high That not a shadow will fall on the dry sand. Withered grass Pressed against its roots. She's barely alive

"Dear friend, how beautiful this view is! .. Look ..."

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107. "How beautiful, how good the fading call ..."

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107. “How beautiful, how good the fading call ...” How beautiful, how good the fading call These distant, like childhood, and vague bows ... It all seems to me as if I were a child my visions are pouring whispers of dreams and swaying

Arthur Capel. "The boy was handsome, very handsome..."

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Handsome like a dracula

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1.4.1 The risk is high, but so is the reward

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6. And he left all that he had in the hands of Joseph, and knew nothing by him except the bread which he ate. Joseph was handsome in body and handsome in face. Seeing the special benevolence of his deeds with the arrival of Joseph in his house, Potiphar entrusted him with all the administration of life, except (only) bread,

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You know, when he came to us for the first time, I was already suffocated by his beauty. Such beauty simply does not exist, I thought then. I was 14. My grandmother was 65 then. She also said - he is a god. I don’t know where my father met him, but he began to appear in our house regularly.

With their father, they either rewrote some music, or simply laid out sandwiches on plates to the music and drank vodka. While drinking - talking, laughing, joking. He was not only handsome as a god, but also charming.

When he came, I canceled all my parties with friends. What can be a movie when in the house itself ....

He was a military pilot. Once he even came in uniform. It was generally in vain, because for me, a fourteen-year-old girl, it was too much.

And he began to dream of me at night.

But it wasn't even childish love. Love is for a person, and he is a god.

And one day it happened - he invited his parents to visit. I asked for it or they took it like that, without humiliation and crawling on my knees - I don’t remember. But the fact that they took it, and I was looking forward to meeting his wife. What a beauty she must be, I thought, then going with my parents to him, if he, God, paid attention to her.

I can't describe what I felt when she opened the door. I will only say that if I had been hit on the head with a sledgehammer, I would have been less upset and disappointed in the world around me. She was not pretty. At all. And not an ounce of makeup on her face. Gray, blond, colorless ... ... mouse.

Confused, I went into the house with the feeling that my world had turned upside down, that I was now a 14-year-old girl with a broken psyche. And that if there is injustice in the world, then here it is, in front of me.

Then we sat down at the table and this woman began to speak.

She turned out to have a Ph.D. in biology and was insanely interesting person, I sat at the table, mouth open, and caught her every word. And then I caught myself thinking that I stopped seeing that she was not beautiful.

And then I looked at him, and it seemed to me that he, too, was no longer so handsome, and they became equal and quite suitable for each other. And I left there with the feeling that in general everything is logical and understandable.

He came to our house several more times, and then they left for Russia. A military pilot, probably, he was simply transferred to another duty station.

And many years later I found out that he had a stroke. He was paralyzed, and his wife became for him both arms and legs, and a nurse, and a mother. That she replaced the whole world for him. And that she loves him and does not leave him, and that he is now nothing without her.

I don’t know what he, a handsome man, whose equals I never met later in my life, saw in this gray girl when he decided to marry her. Mind? Maybe. I think she was smart before she had a PhD in biology. Charisma? Maybe. I think she might have had that when she was young. But….

We do not know why God gives us companions of life and how we snatch them out of the crowd with our eyes. What draws us to each other? It's a mystery.

But when I remember him very often, I think that he was in the crowd, when he saw this unsightly girl, he saw in her his support and rear.

And I wasn't wrong.

1. Russian spelling exercise NOT with adjectives
1) I was immediately seized by an unpleasant, motionless dampness.
The adjective is written together with NOT, since the word “unpleasant” can be replaced with a synonym without NOT (nasty, disgusting). The adjective "fixed" can be replaced by a synonym without NOT (inert, idle). 2) The moon is not dim, not pale, not thoughtful, not foggy, like ours, but CLEAN, TRANSPARENT, like crystal. NOT written separately, as there is a contrast with the union "A" 3) Days and nights, a mild but persistent wind roamed. It is NOT written together in the adjective "not strong", since when contrasted with the union "BUT", the particle is NOT written together. NOT spelled together in the adjective "persistent", as it can be replaced by a synonym without NOT (obtrusive). 4) Now we were not tall impregnable mountains, but small hills with inconspicuous, inconspicuous vegetation. The adjective "not high" is written with NOT separately, since there is an opposition "A". The adjective "impregnable" is written together with NOT, since it is not used without NE-. The adjective "small" is written together with NOT, as it can be replaced by a synonym without NOT (small). The adjectives “inconspicuous”, “inconspicuous” are written together with NOT, since they are not used without HE-. 5) Distant and incomprehensible stars quietly froze in an immense height and look with envy at the restless life on Earth. The adjective “incomprehensible” is written with NOT together, since it can be replaced with a synonym without NOT (strange, wonderful). The adjectives “immense”, “restless” are written together with NOT, since they are not used without HE-. 6) Solotcha - a shallow winding river. The adjective "shallow" is written with NOT together, as it can be replaced by a synonym without NOT (shallow) 7) In our lake, the fish is found far from being large. The adjective "medium-sized" is written with NOT together, as it can be replaced by a synonym without NOT (small, small) 8) Autumn dragged on, no longer damp and rainy, but dry and frosty. NOT written separately in the adjective "not raw", as there is an opposition "A". 9) At first glance, this is a quiet and unwise land under a dim sky. The adjective "non-wise" is written with NOT together, as it can be replaced by a synonym without NOT (stupid). The adjective "dim" is written with NOT together, as it can be replaced by a synonym without NOT (dim) 10) His story was not at all interesting. The adjective "uninteresting" is written with NOT together, as it can be replaced by a synonym without NOT (boring) 11) He was neither handsome nor ugly, neither tall nor short. Short adjectives are written with NOT separately, as they are not negations.
2. Morphemic analysis of words:

1. Fixed: not, by - prefixes, move - root (single-root word - movement), n - suffix, aya - ending (changeable part of the word - fixed (s, th), stem - fixed. Prefixed-suffixal way of word formation.
2. Thoughtful: for - prefix, dum - root (single-root word - think, thought), chiv - suffix, and - ending (changeable part of the word - thoughtful (th), base - thoughtful. Prefix-suffixal way of word formation.
3. Unapproachable: not, with - prefixes, stupas - root (transgress, ledge), n - suffix, s - ending (changeable part of the word - impregnable (th), stem - impregnable. Attachment-suffix method of word formation.
4. Sinuous: from - prefix, fork - root (one-root word - meander, wag), ist - suffix, aya - ending (variable part of the word - sinuous (s), stem - sinuous. Prefixed-suffixal way of word formation.
Parsing a sentence
: The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, simple, two-part (the stars froze and look), widespread, complete, with two homogeneous predicates (froze and look), with two homogeneous definitions (distant and incomprehensible) related to the word stars.

You know, when he came to us for the first time, I was already suffocated by his beauty. Such beauty simply does not exist, I thought then. I was 14. My grandmother was 65 then. She also said - he is a god. I don’t know where my father met him, but he began to appear in our house regularly. With their father, they either rewrote some music, or simply laid out sandwiches on plates to the music and drank vodka. While drinking - conversations, laughter, jokes. He was not only handsome as a god, but also charming.

When he came, I canceled all my parties with friends. What can be a movie when in the house itself ....

He was a military pilot. Once he even came in uniform. It was generally in vain, because for me, a fourteen-year-old girl, it was too much.

And he began to dream of me at night.

But it wasn't even childish love. Love is for a person, and he is a god.

And one day it happened - he invited his parents to visit. I asked for it or they took it like that, without humiliation and crawling on my knees - I don’t remember. But the fact that they took it, and I was looking forward to meeting his wife. What a beauty she must be, I thought, then going with my parents to him, if he, God, paid attention to her.

I can't describe what I felt when she opened the door. I will only say that if I had been hit on the head with a sledgehammer, I would have been less upset and disappointed in the world around me. She was not pretty. At all. And not an ounce of makeup on her face. Gray, blond, colorless ... ... mouse.

Confused, I went into the house with the feeling that my world had turned upside down, that I was now a 14-year-old girl with a broken psyche. And that if there is injustice in the world, then here it is, in front of me.

Then we sat down at the table and this woman began to speak.

She turned out to be a PhD in biology and an insanely interesting person, I sat at the table, mouth open, and hung on her every word. And then I caught myself thinking that I stopped seeing that she was not beautiful.

And then I looked at him, and it seemed to me that he, too, was no longer so handsome, and they became equal and quite suitable for each other. And I left there with the feeling that in general everything is logical and understandable.

He came to our house several more times, and then they left for Russia. A military pilot, probably, he was simply transferred to another duty station.

And many years later I found out that he had a stroke. He was paralyzed, and his wife became for him both arms and legs, and a nurse, and a mother. That she replaced the whole world for him. And that she loves him and does not leave him, and that he is now nothing without her.

I don’t know what he, a handsome man, whose equals I later never met in my life, saw in this gray girl when he decided to marry her. Mind? Maybe. I think she was smart before she had a PhD in biology. Charisma? Maybe. I think she might have had that when she was young. But….

We do not know why God gives us companions of life and how we snatch them out of the crowd with our eyes. What draws us to each other? It's a mystery.

But when I remember him very often, I think that he was in the crowd, when he saw this unsightly girl, he saw in her his support and rear.

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