Little Red Riding Hood: the story of the seduction of a gray wolf by a treacherous girl in a red headdress. under the red hat



GUROV. Phew. The snow is falling, and there are puddles underfoot. Are you not sleeping?

VARVARA MIKHAILOVNA. It's three degrees now. And snow. Why is this so, Dimitri?

GUROV. Heat is only on the surface of the earth. And in the upper layers - a different temperature ...

VARVARA MIKHAILOVNA. Will you have dinner?

GUROV. No. At the club, I ate a portion of hodgepodge. Then another. Unthinkable gluttony. For some reason I drank vodka. Hard.

VARVARA MIKHAILOVNA. Why is there no thunder in winter? (Silence.) I went to bed early. And then a man came.

GUROV. Human?


GUROV. What kind of person? What is his last name?

VARVARA MIKHAILOVNA. Ordinary person. Coachman or messenger.

GUROV. Did he ask for something?

VARVARA MIKHAILOVNA. Didn't ask for anything. Gone. You won't believe it, but Mr. Smirnov sent me a letter. Here, listen. “Madame ... you, therefore, know the nature of women by yourself ... and tell me honestly, have you ever seen a woman in your life who would be sincere, faithful and constant in love? I don't think they saw it. Only old women and freaks are faithful and constant. And sooner you will meet a horned cat ... "and so on ... and the like ...

GUROV. Are there a lot of weirdos in the world? They said his mother was crazy...

VARVARA MIKHAILOVNA. Faithful and constant are only old women and freaks ... Isn't that so, Dimitri?

GUROV. All right, dear. Why do we need drama, if it's good without drama?

VARVARA MIKHAILOVNA. I remembered. He had a red hat on.

GUROV. I'm sorry, what?

VARVARA MIKHAILOVNA. The person who was looking for you. He had a red hat on. This is a ridiculous detail. I remembered her.

GUROV. Overeat. Now I won't sleep.

VARVARA MIKHAILOVNA. You nervous person, Dimitri.

GUROV. I am a nervous person, and I ... And the role of a veil suits me terribly. Tired as a ballerina ... And tomorrow is the anniversary. Have you forgotten? Did you buy your gloves? Well, what about you, dear? God knows what's going on in the city... And here it's quiet... and warm.

VARVARA MIKHAILOVNA. Heat is only on the surface, Dimitri. And in the upper layers - a completely different temperature.

Episode 23

ANNA and her Pomeranian at the hotel Slavic Marketplace". Some vulgar tune is playing on the piano behind the wall. ANNA calls.

LAKEY-IVANOV. Yes, sir. (Seeing a spitz.) Lord forgive me.

ANNA. He doesn't bite. My messenger didn't come back?

LAKEY. Not at all. What's going on there, ma'am... Horror! Pure fantasy.

ANNA. What time is it now?

LAKEY. Twelve to a quarter. When he returns, I will let you know in a moment, Mrs. von Diederitz.

ANNA. Okay, okay, go. (Lake leaves.) Listen... this music...

LAKEY. I'll tell you to be quiet...

ANNA. Yes Yes. Come on. (One.) And sooner you will meet a horned cat. Than a permanent woman. Horned cat. Horned cat. Why are you looking at me like that? I am a bad, low woman. Inferior race.

ANNA walks from corner to corner. You can hear the blizzard howling. ANNU is surrounded by memories. Spitz whines plaintively.

GUROV goes on foot. Mr. IVANOV calls him.

IVANOV. Gurov Mr. Gurov Mr. Hold on... hold on...

GUROV. A? Did you call me? Ah... it's you, honey... That's the meeting, sir...

IVANOV. Ivanov.

GUROV. Yes Yes. And there are exactly so many of us Ivanovs on earth ...

IVANOV. How many herrings in the sea! Well, blizzard. I'll take you a little.

GUROV. What time is it now?

IVANOV. Midnight strikes somewhere. Do you hear?

GUROV. You can't find a cab... Did something carry you out into the street?

IVANOV. Ah... It's easier, you know, to die yourself than to see a dead person in your own house.

GUROV. dead man?

IVANOV. That's exactly what it is. First, the undertaker calls, his nose is red, he climbs in the door and is not embarrassed by anything. “The best ones, from the coffin, sir, a little sprout, on legs ...” He chased him, and another knocked after him, then a third ... Readers crawl in between the undertakers - small ones ... but there are many of them, such, you know , nimble, like red cockroaches ... Where did they crawl out from, how did they hear about the deceased? It is not known ... Then you hire choristers, rulers, buy a grave. All this, you know, is greedy, drunken and rude... bargaining is awkward... crazy house or in prison companies. I escaped by force... I'll wander the streets... otherwise the house smells of incense, wood oil, some kind of cones... It's hard.

GUROV. For mercy... and who died with you? When?

IVANOV. How, don't you know? Curious...

GUROV. But how? How is your Venice? I heard you definitely went there for good?

IVANOV. And they definitely left. They just didn’t get there: Natasha, my wife, died along the way. Throat bled. Here brought her here. Tomorrow is the funeral at Vagankovsky. Don't come. No need.

GUROV. Hold on, hold on, sir...

IVANOV. Ivanov. I can't see all these drunkards, friends, buddies... It's kind of embarrassing to do without them... Some kind of nonsense.

GUROV. No no. Believe me, this is not nonsense, this is a different life ... that's all this ... banking, going to anniversaries, it's all true, a shell, you don't need to take it seriously, it doesn't mean anything, but there is another, completely different life ...

IVANOV. You may have it. And I don't have anything. And why did I marry her? But goodbye...

The hotel "Slavianski Bazaar". ANNA and spitz. The music fades, then plays louder. ANNA calls, but no one comes. She walks around the room, listens and calls again.

ANNA. Why is there no one? And that terrible music. What time is it now? You and I don't even have hours. And suddenly they were all gone. And empty. Where are they? (Calling.) Footmen, bellboys, maids? No. Disappeared. flew away to hot-air balloon. Yes, what is it really! No. Nobody. And nowhere. Just me and you. Lady with a dog. (Music gets louder.) Listen! Can't it be quieter?

ANNA calls. Mimosa-san appears. She is somewhat reminiscent of VARVARA MIKHAILOVNA.

ANNA. Who you are? (Silence.) Are you in the wrong room? What is this? What you want from me?

MIMOSA. I want to teach you one dance.

ANNA. I... I don't understand...

MIMOSA (sees a spitz). Oh my God... dog...

ANNA. He doesn't bite.

MIMOSA. Is it true? Then I'll show you. Like this. And now together. Please stand right here. Bend your knees. And now slowly, slowly grow... Even more slowly. Like this. And I am the neighboring bamboo, swayed by the wind. Very good. Over there, you see - the sea. Lilac water. Fog. Steamboat. And here is a cozy tea house.

ANNA. No. I can not.

MIMOSA. Then I'll teach you something easy. Laugh, for example.

ANNA. Laugh?

MIMOSA. Yes. Let's try. Please stand right here. Haha. Haha. And now together. Ha ha ha.

ANNA. No, it doesn't work.

MIMOSA. Tilt your head. Like this. And now sharply - back! Ha ha ha!

ANNA. It's horrible. I despise myself. I will never be like you.

Gurov on the street. Blizzard. Goes to the hotel "Slavianski Bazaar". Suddenly, somewhere ahead, a shadow runs through: a lady with a dog. GUROV stops, runs after her.

GUROV. Anna! What the hell is this! Anna, where are you?

FIGURE (reminds me of a drooping SMIRNOV) (turns around, and his face and gait are reminiscent of Mr. Smirnov). Give, your honor, to a noble man, ex-father family ... the parent of seven children-e-her ... pa-a-suffering in battles ... yes, on a campaign-a-ah on the sea of ​​\u200b\u200blife! Pa-a-give me thirty kopecks, pa-a-please, your bla-a-a-city ...

GUROV. Here, take it, take it, just shut up, my dear ... What kind of intersection is this? Where is the "Slavianski Bazaar"?

FIGURE. God bless you, dear ga-a-aspadin... Fatal whirlwind... There was a case near Polta-a-a-a-howl! Bundet and more! (Sings.)

GUROV. What street is this, brother? I need "Slavianski Bazaar".

FIGURE. Mom-a-asha! What market? Pa-a-a-agoda is the meanest. Why are these birds singing? Crocodiles crawl... Lions and tigers...

GUROV. Listen, this is Meshchanskaya, right? Take me to the "Slavianski Bazaar", I'll give you a ruble, my dear. You know where he is, which way to go, right? What's glowing there?

FIGURE. Vagankovo ​​... Monuments, crosses ... Give, your honor, to a noble man, the former father of the family ... There was a case near Polta-a-a-a-howl! Bundet and more! Take me Home. Ga-aspadin...

GUROV. Here comes the adventure. Where to go now? Cab! Cab!

GUROV and THE BEGGAR go aimlessly. Fantastic scene, they are surrounded by ghosts. ANNA and Spitz are right there. GUROV cannot get through to ANNA and finally loses his way. But suddenly everything ends, GUROV finds himself in the "Slavianski Bazaar" and enters ANNA's room.

"Little Red Riding Hood" by Charles Perrault - only a lazy lover of fairy tales and psychology did not try to find a double bottom in the story about a girl in a red hat. I am no exception: so here it is - Red Hat from the point of view pop.psychology. (I emphasize just in case: parsing fairy tales is a subjective matter and easily contested, so don’t throw your slippers if anything).

"Little Red Riding Hood" is a story with very obvious sexual overtones. Don't believe? Go online. The first couple of pages honestly give out the text of the fairy tale, and then a deep sea of ​​links to various sites with the content of "+18" opens up. Why? Yes, precisely because of this subtext. Remember how many jokes about Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf were invented. And they … how to say this … in general, in front of children and in a decent society, they should not be told. Here's just a question: it's all about human depravity and a fairy tale has nothing to do with it? No matter how! If you look at this story as a drama involving real people, then you can see that each hero of a fairy tale has his own sins ... Even a grandmother and a hunter are not free from suspicion.


Start over. From the moment when the mother sent the girl to the dark forest. Despite the fact that mother, as it is said in the fairy tale, “loved the girl without memory,” she, nevertheless, with an unwavering hand threw pies into her basket, put a bottle of wine and in an orderly tone ordered her to scratch her granny. What are your thoughts on this? I have a very banal.

First; KSH's mom is a holy simplicity and believes in world peace, but that's hardly a fit for a grown woman raising her daughter alone. The second version is that the mother wants to get rid of her daughter forever. The third opinion is that my mother decided to have fun and “fuse” her out of the house, after all, she is still a young lady (up to 30, if you remember that in those days they gave birth from 14-16), free, and her daughter in the house interferes with love meetings .. The second version is more logical, although it is the most cruel. If you don't agree then how to explain it:

1) What kind of mother will send a little girl on her way through the forest where wolves live?
2) Why didn’t she bring the food herself or go with her daughter?
3) If the grandmother is so helpless, why does the mother allow her to live alone in a remote hut?
4) But if the girl definitely had to go, then why didn’t her mother forbid her to stop and talk to wolves, why didn’t she describe in detail what wolves look like and what threatens the girl to communicate with them?

It is clear from history that Little Red Riding Hood was not warned of the possible danger. none real mother cannot be so careless in real life, so the fact remains, but mother did not care about her daughter at all.

TO rasnaya Beanie (for brevity further KSh or Hat)

A little girl lives with her mother, who is addicted to bright, colorful blue dresses. First question: where is this girl's father? Does it exist in nature or is it dead? Unknown. We can only operate with facts, but they are stubborn: this is a family where there is no man. Awww, psychologists! What are you talking about girls who grew up in a family without men in the house?

Eric Berne believes that such incomplete family generates the same patterns from generation to generation, and if the grandmother somehow "ate" the grandfather, the mother put the father somewhere - then how can the granddaughter violate the family prescription and not entertain herself in this way! Seduce - and quit, use - and reject. Little Red Riding Hood knows a lot about how to ruin the life of a man who fancies himself a Wolf. In fact, the real predator is the little girl Little Red Riding Hood.

What is the "highlight" of our heroine? That's right, her red headdress. Red is the color associated with sexuality in all cultures. It is the color of blood, the color associated with passion. If a woman wants to be noticed, she chooses scarlet. She provokes. Her ostentatious naivety is also a provocation - she lays out the whole truth to the unfamiliar Wolf: where, why and how she is going. She is not surprised that some unknown Wolf also wants to visit her grandmother. She walks calmly long road, tears flowers and is in no hurry. Maybe such uncles-Wolves also visited her mother, and Little Red Riding Hood knows that it is better for her to take a walk at this time?


The wolf too interesting character. Instead of eating rabbits and other living creatures, he clearly lives above his abilities. He could have known that he would end badly and bring disaster upon himself. It turns out that the wolf is a kind of promiscuous man, succumbing to various temptations, quickly joining the game with thoughtful Little Red Riding Hoods.

The Wolf has a plan - he wants to eat two women at once: both Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood. A reasonable man would ask about the family. After all, if neither the grandmother nor the mother has a husband, it means that the men in this family disappear somewhere. But the Wolf considers himself a top predator, when in fact he is a stupid, naive sucker!


Grandmother seemed to be specially prepared and is already in bed. Considering that in the time of Perrault people married early, then the grandmother, obviously, is not even fifty years old - a mature and free woman. And it’s not just that she doesn’t live with her daughter - apparently, it’s more fun for her to live alone on the edge of the village. The Wolf knocks - and the naive grandmother does not distinguish his voice from the voice of her granddaughter. Seriously? She lives alone in a house far from civilization - clearly she cannot be so helpless and unprepared for danger. It's just that the lady clearly wanted adventure.

Wolf And KSh

Little Red Riding Hood did not recognize her grandmother's voice from behind the door - it is hard to believe in this either. She knew that the Wolf also ran to her grandmother. And she could not help but be surprised by the rough voice of the “grandmother” from behind the door, because she is waiting for the beast to also be in this house. So the girl entered the game. A normal girl would have run for help a long time ago, and Little Red Riding Hood boldly enters her grandmother's house. Further more.

KS is not surprised that the "grandmother" offers to put the basket on the table and ... lie down next to her! If the grandmother is unwell, she will be afraid to infect her granddaughter. And in general, it is somehow not customary, having come to visit, to go to bed with the hostess. But Riding Hood obediently fits next to her (in the original basis, she generally crawls there naked) - and “naively” wonders: why, they say, you, grandmother, have everything so big - hands, ears, eyes ... It seems that she already knows what the end is waiting for the stupid Wolf, and therefore confidently plays his game.

Little Red Riding Hood knows that there will always be a hunter, a lumberjack or a knight who will stand up for the poor girl and punish the evil Wolf.

The moral of the tale is this: think about what Little Red Riding Hood will become with such a family and with such experience in the future, when she grows up? Wolves need to stay away from such little girls and their grandmothers and never walk through the forest alone.

source: (c) Eric Bern, Natalia Olifirovis (" A happy family"`2008), Robert Darnton

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You recognize the fool in the red hat

You recognize a fool in a red cap.

Wed On lui a fait porter le chapeau rouge.

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  • - foreigner: drive away Wed. The director and the producers want to take everything into their own hands... The first duty is to cut costs for us too! P. Boborykin. Three posters. 9...

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  • - In a red hat you recognize a fool. Wed On lui a fait porter le chapeau rouge. Oudin. Curiosites fr. p. 82...

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  • - On the cap - foreigner. drive away. Wed The director and the masters want to take everything into their own paws... The first duty is to cut costs and we're on our toes! P. Boborykin. Three posters. 9...

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    Phraseological dictionary of Russian literary language

  • - Simple. Shuttle. The same as the Case in the hat. - Where, they say, to live for him, he was killed long ago, tea, somewhere - for the mention of the soul they served, and it’s all about the hat ...

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  • - whom, what. Neglect Down, away. you solved the problem: life under the cloth, creativity - on the hat ...

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  • - See ESSENCE -...
  • - Glad as a fool to a red hat ...

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  • - See KARA -...

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  • - adj., number of synonyms: 45

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 2 was expelled was fired ...

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39. Give a hat

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Under the red cap is obsolete. Prost. In the army (to serve, be, etc.). - Our swan has not yet grown feathers, - said Mikhail. - Early on the side to fly. - There is nothing, - Ilya put in his word, - and our hunter is not overkill. - That's it! This hunter still needs to walk under a red hat for another three years. - Are you talking about the army, Misha? Stepan Andreyanovich asked briskly.(F. Abramov. Two winters and three summers).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .

See what "Under the Red Hat" is in other dictionaries:

    Be under the red cap- Nizhegorsk. Obsolete To serve in the military. SRNG 15, 196 …

    A CAP- wives. cap, hat; hat, night, hat, hat, common name head covers, esp. soft or warm: a round hat, a Tatar, a Cossack, a man's, a coachman's hat, a three-piece hat, etc. In a Monomakh's hat, the weight is 2 f. 20 gold without sable, ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    A CAP - Talking hat. Jarg. avia. Shuttle. Headset. BSRG, 682. Red cap. Razg. Obsolete About a soldier. /i> Related to the color of the soldiers' hats. BMS 1998, 634. Fire hat. Psk. About ball lightning. SPP 2001, 81. Oh, you are heavy, Monomakh's hat! Razg. Shuttle. ABOUT… … Big Dictionary Russian sayings

    Red Hat- (inosk.) soldier Under the red cap to be (in soldiers) Cf. To be your Alyoshka under a red hat, not to pass, scoundrel, shaved forehead. P.I. Melnikov. In forests. 1, 3. See the forehead ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    Barnaul- This term has other meanings, see Barnaul (meanings). City Barnaul Flag Coat of arms ... Wikipedia

    OCASEY Sean- OCasey (OCasey) Sean (18801964), Irish writer, public figure. Member Communist UK parties. Dramatic tril. "Shadow of the Arrow", "Juno and Peacock" (both 1925), "Plow and Stars" (1926). Plays "Silver ... ... Literary Encyclopedic Dictionary

    PLANT - AGRICULTURE- Antoshka stands on one leg (mushroom). Little baby, walked through the dungeon, stood in front of the sun, took off the cap (mushroom). Not a knot, not a leaf, but a (sponge) grows on a tree. A girl is sitting in a dark dungeon, a scythe on the street (carrots). Flea fir (fir) ... ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Birth trauma of newborns- a pathological condition that developed during childbirth and is characterized by damage to the tissues and organs of the child, accompanied, as a rule, by a disorder in their functions. The factors predisposing to the development of R. so-called are incorrect ... ... Medical Encyclopedia

    O "CASEY Sean- (O Casey, Sean) SEAN O CASEY (1880 1964), Irish playwright, a controversial, radical representative of the Irish literary revival of the early 20th century. Born March 30, 1880 in Dublin, in a Protestant family, named at baptism ... ... Collier Encyclopedia

    Freedom Tree- (arbre de la liberté, Freiheitsbaum) originates from the common among many European nations the custom to meet the onset of spring, as well as big holidays, by planting green trees (May trees). symbolic meaning… … Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

The fairy tale of Charles Perrault Little Red Riding Hood is one of the undoubted leaders of fairy tale characters all over the world. The story that happened to the girl is short, but it teaches a lot. The love for Grandmother, fearlessness, kindness of the Riding Hood is put at the ready of the malice of the wolf, who lives alone in dark forest. The fairy tale is perfect for reading at night, many parents choose this fairy tale as the first fairy tale for their child.

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The moral of Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood is one of the most popular fairy tales and not only among the tales of Charles Perrault, but also among the tales of all authors throughout the world.

This fairy tale is included in the list of those that are read among the first to a child. A simple and at first glance uncomplicated story of a girl in a red cap, in fact, is a fairy tale with deep meaning and psychological overtones.

Fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood is a story with morals and clear conclusions:

  • You can't do what mom doesn't tell you to
  • Can't talk to strangers
  • Can't get off track
  • You can't be too trusting

However, Little Red Riding Hood does bad things. At the first meeting with danger, with a wolf, she forgets all the instructions of her mother and begins to talk with the beast. That is why the girl was eaten at the end of the tale. The sad ending turns into a kind and happy ending with the arrival of the hunters, who kill the wolf and free Red and her grandmother.

Do not try to interpret this tale more seriously and look for hidden subtext in it - this will be wrong. The story has a very clear and subtle meaning.

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