Official speech on the last call. Parents' last call speech


A touching, inspirational and beautiful speech at the last bell at school is an important attribute of the holiday. It should sound optimistic, bright and bravura, automatically setting everyone who hears it to positive. The director and representatives of the local administration, the class teacher, members of the teaching staff and parents of students in grades 9 and 11 can say parting words. We offer the best ideas for texts for such speeches from our examples presented below, both in verse and in prose.

Sincere speech on the last call from parents Grade 9 - options for thank you texts

The last bell in the 9th grade is a little different from all similar events in that for some students it symbolizes the end of school, while for others it is just the beginning of the next vacation before the new school year. Parents are no less worried about this day. After all, for them, the education of the child at school also does not pass without a trace and causes a variety of emotions. They are proud of the first achievements of their sons and daughters, but they are terribly worried when a child brings bad grades and receives reprimands or comments for incorrect behavior. However, during the holiday of the last call, all the worst is erased from memory and the soul resurrects only the best, kindest memories. And the parents come out to the microphone to thank the teaching staff for the love and care given to the students from the bottom of their hearts. In their sincere and touching speech, fathers and mothers admire the patience and endurance shown by teachers, and promise that in the future children will show more attention to their mentors. Schoolchildren wish to be even more diligent in comprehending knowledge and always remember their classmates, who on this day will forever leave their native school walls and leave to conquer the big adult world.

The last bell has rung! The results of the next academic year have been summed up. Our children spent nine years shoulder to shoulder with each other. Now someone will leave to conquer new horizons, and someone else will sit at their desk for a couple of years. We wish you to find yourself, find your purpose and decide on the place you want to take in this world. I wish you success, good luck, ease and great achievements!

Nine years of study behind.
Our children have changed a lot.
And on this difficult path
They have learned a lot from you.

Dear our teachers,
We thank you today.
You gave our children a way
In this very complex adult world.

Let your work be a pleasure,
Let every student be happy.
All turns lead only to the best.
May every moment be happy.

You have already come a long way in school life. For some of you, today is really the last school call, and adult worries are ahead. We wish them to achieve their goal, to get the desired profession. And someone has only a couple of school years left before the coveted certificate. We wish you a good rest on vacation - and forward, into battle, for new knowledge. After all, you should not relax, ahead of you is a large number of formulas, tasks, works of art. Special thanks to the teachers. Thank you for investing in our children knowledge and soul. Your work is invaluable! Thank you very much!

Beautiful, inspirational speech on the last call in grade 11 from parents

Graduation from high school is an exciting time for every parent. This means that the beloved baby has finally grown up and is preparing to enter adulthood. In the soul of fathers and mothers at this time, a variety of emotions are mixed up - from boundless joy to slight sadness. On the one hand, parents are proud and happy that their child has successfully completed the school curriculum, having received the knowledge necessary for a future life and building a career. On the other hand, they are worried that now a son or daughter will leave their home to continue their education and will independently make all the most important decisions. Parents talk about all this in beautiful, inspirational and reverent speeches at the last bell holiday in 11th grade. They thank the teachers for their work and patience, and wish the graduates to believe in themselves, overcome difficulties with a smile and always remember their beloved school, which gave children not only knowledge in specialized disciplines, but also an understanding of basic moral principles and life postulates.

Our dear children, behind 11 wonderful years of school carefree life. Today you have received your certificates and are ready to enter adulthood. We sincerely wish each of you to enter the university you want, to get the profession you dream of. May everything go smoothly in your life. Be happy. Dear teachers, thank you for giving our children a “ticket to life”, enduring their antics, putting a piece of their soul into each. Low bow to you!

We will never forget how small you were. It seems that just recently we were collecting you in the first class, and today we were already collecting you in the last one. I remember your first meeting with the school: everyone was fussing, afraid, worried, and we confidently led you to the first grade, promising that everything would be fine. And now, after so many years, nothing will change - we will always be with you, we will be your support, support, your faith. After all, you are our children, our world, our happiness. Today, not only you have matured, but we have grown up along with you. Our dear ones, we wish you that this last call will be the beginning of a new life for you, in which you will definitely succeed and make all your dreams come true!

How quickly time has flown by
How fast did you grow up?
And it seems, until recently,
We took you all to first grade.

You were so cute
They were afraid to let go.
Our dear children
Let's remember our childhood.

Today is your last call
You are graduates
And don't go to class
The school ball is waiting for you ahead!

Good luck, success, happiness!
And we will always be there.
We wish you not to know bad weather,
For us, you are the same kids!

Speech on the last call from graduates to teachers

The last bell rings in the school building. Young graduates smile at each other, teachers and parents, and furtively brush away tears from their eyelashes. Today, carefree childhood is officially over for them and the door to the vast, bright and shining world of responsible adult life has opened. You no longer have to run to school in the morning, worry about tests, play nice jokes on teachers and enjoy the holidays. All this is over and will never happen again. And that thought makes me a little sad. But there are so many roads, interesting events and the most vivid emotions ahead. And the school years will always remain in memory as one of the significant segments of the life path, which has become the foundation for future success. And now is the time to thank our beloved teachers for the knowledge, love, care, attention and instilled human qualities. It is best to do this by speaking to the teaching staff with a beautiful, inspirational and reverent speech. One of the students can read it on behalf of the whole class, and the guys will say the final phrase with gratitude and good wishes in a friendly chorus. Mentors will be very pleased and flattered to hear on the day of the holiday heartfelt, warm words and the promise of their wards never to forget all the good things they learned in the walls of the alma mater.

Here is the high school graduation:
The last bell rang slightly alarmingly.
After all, the school has become so dear to us,
Of course, it is impossible to forget her.
Thank you, teachers, for the great work,
You taught us, sparing no effort.
Bow, parents, we give you ours.
Thank you all sincerely for everything!

Passed the whole stage, the door will slam,
We are anxiously waiting for the last call.
Leave here each piece of the heart,
And we have a new round of life ahead of us.
We will remember the golden days forever,
Warmly remember all the strict teachers,
From this memory of you, dear ones,
We will instantly feel more cheerful.

The bell will ring for us today
For the last and farewell time.
The teacher will quietly invite us all,
In a decorated, beloved by us, class.
Teachers, we thank you
For all your lessons and efforts!
We sincerely repeat today:
“Forgive us for all our pranks!”

Touching speech of the class teacher at the last call in grades 9 and 11 - texts in verse and prose

The class teacher is a special person for each student. It is he who accepts the children at the end of the first four classes and stays with them until the very last school day - the last bell holiday. He spends the maximum amount of time with boys and girls and watches almost every minute of their growing up. He, sometimes better than parents, knows about all the problems that disturb schoolchildren and never refuses to help on any issues. When graduations come in grades 9 and 11, the mentor is happy for his wards, but at the same time he is worried. After all, over the long school years, the children became like family to him, and he really wants their life to be successful and prosperous.

When planning a speech at events in honor of the last bell in grades 9 and 11, the class teacher prepares a touching, heartfelt and very sincere speech for the students, in which he wishes the children never to turn off the chosen path, to appreciate friendship and the good attitude of loved ones, to always come to the rescue of those who needs it and in any, even the most difficult situation, remain human and act according to their conscience. Because such qualities as kindness, responsiveness and humanity are no less important for everyone than knowledge of specialized subjects and disciplines.

Speech of the class teacher at the last call at school - texts in verse

Go boldly along the road:
Take risks, act wisely.
Look into the distance, not under your feet,
Let life take its course.

Don't forget about each other
Stick together always.
Help in difficult times
School friends can help you.

Don't forget your parents.
They are wiser than the wise!
Don't give extra advice
And beware of the scoundrels!

From class teacher
Take a little advice:
You love your destiny and life,
Then you will not meet troubles,
I wish you inspiration
Today is your graduation ball,
I want you to be happy
So that every person becomes!

Dear and relatives, my children,
The last bell has rung for you,
And today is graduation, let your evening
It will be like a farewell class lesson.

I wish you well and good luck
Meet more kind people in life
Do not run away from difficulties, do not give up,
Don't be afraid of closed doors.

I wish the way to the top
Everyone chose, albeit difficult, but his own,
So that everyone becomes the master of life,
And I could be proud of my fate.

Examples of texts in prose for the class teacher's speech on the occasion of the last bell

Dear graduates! From now on, you begin a difficult and unpredictable path to an independent life full of exciting events. The school has become a familiar haven for you, where teachers generously shared useful knowledge and experience. Now you are called upon to apply your own knowledge and experience correctly in solving the problems of life. Good luck!

My dear children, we walked the path of knowledge together. Now it's time for you to leave school. And I want to wish you life ups and aspirations for your desires, great human happiness and blooming youth. May everyone succeed, may luck be near, may each of you meet true love. All the best and good health.

My dear graduates! It seems that quite recently I was sitting in your place and listening to the parting words of my class teacher, and today I am standing in front of you as your teacher, mentor, and I am already saying parting words to my children. How quickly time flies!

Today seemed very far away to us, but this one has come. The day when you and I will have to part, and part not for the summer, as it usually happened, but forever. The day when the door with the beautiful and kind name "CHILDHOOD" closes behind your backs. You have a big, mature and difficult life ahead of you. No one knows what surprises she has prepared for you. Everything will be in your life: ups and downs, and joys, and failures. It's okay, that's life, my good ones. Take all the twists and turns of fate for granted.
I sincerely wish each of you to reach your goal, so that it does not cost you. Rather, find your happiness, find your place "under the sun." I wish you and your loved ones great health. Let comfort, harmony and peace be regular guests in your homes, and adversity always bypasses it.

I love you my dear children!

Solemn speech on the last call from the director of the school for students and teachers

The speech of the principal of the school at the event dedicated to the last call is a very important and crucial moment. A suitable solemn speech must be prepared in advance and be sure to write it in a penetrating and sublime style. First of all, you need to turn to the graduates, because for the most part this is their holiday, very joyful and at the same time a little sad. For these boys and girls, a wonderful and carefree time, called childhood, ends and a completely new, important and responsible stage of fate begins - youth and adulthood. Eleventh-graders will be pleased to hear that the director is proud of the students leaving the school today, and very much hopes for their future success. It is quite appropriate to say two or three phrases to those schoolchildren who are just finishing the school year and will return to their desks in the fall after the summer holidays. They need to be wished to pass exams quickly and effortlessly, have a great rest and gain strength for the next academic year. Separately, it is necessary to thank the entire teaching staff for the fact that every day the teachers tirelessly take care of the children and strive to give them as much knowledge and various important and useful information as possible.

So the school years are over - this unforgettable time called “childhood”, but ahead of you is already a wonderful time of youth. The last bell rang. There are many new unexplored roads ahead. With all my heart I want to wish you good luck on your path. From the many paths, choose the one that will lead you to your goal.

Carry through your whole life the trills of school bells, the uniqueness of the first school lesson, the bright sadness of the graduation ball, the spirit of school camaraderie, heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to your teachers.

Proudly bear the title of a graduate of your school. Let the knowledge gained at school be useful to you in making your dreams come true. Good luck, graduates! May everything be perfect for you!

Dear Guys! Today is a very solemn day in your life, because all roads open before you. From this day on, you are considered adults, and this is a very responsible thing. You will have to make decisions on your own, and your future life will depend only on you. You are the young generation that is coming to replace us, and the life of the whole society will depend on how you build your life. From now on you are responsible for the future. I want to wish you a smooth life road, good friends, good luck and the easiest trials! Be confident in yourself and your knowledge. Once again, good luck and be happy!

The last call is the end of an important life stage and the beginning of a new, no less exciting one. I wish that vivid memories warm hearts, and the future attracts with vast opportunities. Believe in yourself, in your strengths and dreams. May all your plans come true, plans come true, victories and triumphs appear on the horizon. Have a merry holiday and enjoy the moment, bright grandiose prospects!

Official speech on the last call from the administration - ideas and examples of text

Not only members of the teaching staff, the head teacher and director, but also representatives of the city, district, regional or state administration, deputies and social service workers can address graduates and other schoolchildren during the last bell ceremony. The speech should sound formal, but at the same time not too dry and serious. Still, this is an appeal to children, even if they are preparing to enter adulthood. It is better to choose good, kind and optimistic parting words for this purpose, inspiring students with hope for a brighter future and conquering new horizons. The main emphasis should be placed on appealing to graduates, because all the other children will still return to school and will repeatedly hear beautiful and touching phrases about the last call. As for the 11th graders, for them these words will sound like the final chord that puts an end to school life, but at the same time opens the door to a huge world full of exciting impressions.

Dear friends, in a moment the long-awaited bell will sound - a symbol of the end of the school year, a new stage, on the threshold of adulthood. For some, this call will be the last, because today many students, like birds, will fly out of the school nest, to new heights, to new knowledge and new victories. Today I really want to wish them: strive for the best, new and bright, let the barriers recede on the way. Let the wings get stronger. Let school life be a strong foundation for a happy future. Congratulations, dear students!

So difficult lessons, fun breaks, control robots and exams are left behind. A fabulous graduation party awaits you ahead, which will allow you to forget for a moment! And the very next day a completely different life awaits you, you will be, as if thrown into a whirlpool of events, people, mistakes and victories. You should not be afraid of difficulties, without which life is impossible! You must have a goal in front of which nothing should stop you! Happy Holidays and good luck to you!

Dear Guys! Today the last school bell will sound for you. Soon you will pass your final exams, and unforgettable school years will be left behind. During this time, you have learned a lot: you have mastered the basics of science, began to understand the process of social life, have known the joy of communication, friendship, and maybe love. You defended the honor of the school at sports competitions, subject Olympiads, and amateur art shows. Thank you for this dear guys! I wish you to successfully pass the exams, choose the right path in life and do not forget your native school! I also thank the parents, from whom we have always met with understanding and support.

On May 22, the last bells of 2015 sounded in the schools of the rural settlement Uspenskoe.

The children were congratulated and parting speeches were made by the directors of schools, teachers and class teachers.

Congratulated the graduates and the Head of the rural settlement Uspenskoe Vladimir GORYAEV. " The last bell is a symbol of graduation, it is a cheerful and sad holiday at the same time. Behind the lessons, tests and homework. For those students who are finishing the 11th grade this year, the last bell closes the student's time, and ahead is the long road of adulthood, and what it will be - it's up to you! I am sure that, despite all the difficulties and problems that have been during these years of study at school, no matter what, you will remember these years with warmth and love.I wish you to always be people with pure thoughts, noble deeds and a happy fate! Of course, good luck in the exams, have a good summer mood and have a great rest!"- said Vladimir Vladimirovich.

This day is special for those guys who complete their studies. The graduates had their last school line today. Elegant dresses, bows and ribbons of graduates are a holiday that will forever remain in the memory of graduates, parents and teachers.

Of course, there were some surprises. The younger generation prepared colorful numbers for graduates. They danced, recited poetry and sang songs.

In response, 11-graders said a lot of good words about teachers and directors. They also pleased the audience of today's holiday with small performances and a traditional waltz.

So the solemn lines are coming to an end, our graduates passed the last circle of honor in the school yard. We wish them further success in their adult life and that everything they have planned will work out!

We brought you to these walls years ago - to the first school bell in your life on the first day of autumn. And although you have grown, matured and gained knowledge, your shining eyes and clear smiles have remained exactly the same, like deja vu.

We have experienced many different vivid emotions together over the years. A new stage of your life - exciting and responsible - is already on the way. In the meantime, let's carelessly celebrate the Last Call, not remembering all the things. It's not every day that our children become adults overnight.

Dear graduates, our dear grown-up children! The last bell, the school call - these are our parental bright holiday, and the teachers who gave you knowledge and taught you to be citizens. We, parents, sent you to school, experienced failures together, but were proud of successes. And the teachers did everything necessary to introduce you to the vast world of knowledge, helped you grow up. This moment is warm, solemn, although a little sad for everyone. With gratitude, remember the school and those who shared their souls with you here for so many years!

I remember that yesterday we, with a bouquet, smartly dressed children, were in a hurry to get acquainted with the school teacher. Children, from surprised, thirsty for knowledge boys and girls, turned into worthy and intelligent graduates. Parents in the family, and teachers in the classroom brought up and taught life lessons. Together we overcame the school way as sailors, with storms, calm and new lands, moving only forward. We wish the graduates to continue their journey in a vast living space, learning new things. And parents will be able to provide practical advice, parting words and their love.

Today is a holiday of a large and friendly family, because school is the initial and bright stage in the life of our children. We are parents, we are grateful to the teachers for the fact that they have become the same parents to our children, their friends and mentors. Let the final bell ring! For some, this is a joy, because there is a hot summer ahead. For many, this is sadness and farewell to school. We are grateful to the teachers! After all, their smile met and saw off our kids, for many years their hand led our children to new knowledge and heights. Thank you for that. Happy last call!

Dear our beloved children! So the last bell rang. It's time for you to enter adulthood. Let it not be easy, we want to choose the right path in life. The path to a happy life full of bright events and colorful moments. A life where there will be no bitter losses, misfortunes, wrong, cruel deeds. Always, dear ones, do as we taught you, as the school taught you. A high school diploma is your ticket to life. Try to make sure that you do not miss the chance to make your life happy. And today we all say in unison: "Thank you, school! We will never forget you. You made our children adults and independent. Prosperity and well-being for you, and patience for us!"

Dear friends, in a moment the long-awaited bell will sound - a symbol of the end of the school year, a new stage, on the threshold of adulthood. For some, this call will be the last, because today many of our students, like birds, will fly out of the school nest, to new heights, to new knowledge and new victories. As a class teacher, I want to wish: strive for the best, new and bright, let the barriers recede on the way. Let the wings get stronger. Let school life be a strong foundation for a happy future. Congratulations, dear students!

Giving a farewell speech after graduation from high school is a difficult but interesting task that brings pleasure not only to the audience, but also to the speaker himself. The purpose of such a performance is to say words of gratitude to their teachers, once again remind everyone about the end of school and cheer up. In addition to words of farewell to teachers, your speech should include inspiring parting words. Fitting all this into one short speech is a rather difficult task for the speaker. However, you will make a great speech if you plan and prepare ahead of time.


Part 1

Plan your speech

    Read other graduation speeches. One of the best ways to prepare for what you need to do is to find people who have already done it. Ask your classmates to read their graduation speeches to you, listen to how these speeches sound, what jokes they use. There is no need to copy these speeches, just find something interesting in each speech, some ideas and themes that you can use for your speech.

    Find a topic for your speech. Your speech should be built around something that you are trying to convey to your classmates and teachers. Once you find a topic, you can build your speech around that main idea. The topic makes it easy to understand which phrases and sentences to include in your speech.

    Make a sketch. Before you sit down and start writing a moving speech, sketch it out. Find a big topic, write down everything you want to include in the speech. Mention a few jokes or funny stories in your speech. Such a plan will help you navigate when writing a speech and not forget any of the points. In addition, this way you can estimate how long your speech will turn out. It is possible that some aspects will have to be reduced.

    Talk to other students. This ceremony is arranged not only for you, but for all other graduates, so everyone's opinion about this event will be different. Talk to other students, not just your friends, but those with whom you don't interact much. Find out what their school time was like, what memories they had.

    Be mindful of your audience. This speech is not only for you, it is also for your classmates and teachers. Therefore, it would be a good idea to thank your teachers and parents for giving you an education. Remember that the main focus should be on you and your classmates. First of all, your speech should be dedicated to graduates.

    Try not to drag out your speech. If your performance is part of some kind of solemn ceremony, most likely the guests are not in the mood to listen for half an hour about nature, friendship and the universe. Try to speak clearly and to the point. Also, if you are shy about public speaking, a short speech will make you feel more confident.

    Leave the most important for last. Most likely, your viewers will not listen to every word. Therefore, the most important idea for which you prepared this speech should be said at the end of the speech, even if it is just a paraphrase of the thought that you already said at the beginning of the speech. The last sentence of your speech that the audience hears is likely to be the one they remember the most.

    Part 2

    Include important points in your speech
    1. Express gratitude to people. Even if you were writing a graduation speech, take a few minutes to thank the people who helped you get your education. You can make a list of the names of those who need to be thanked. Include the names of your parents, teachers, friends. Do not drag out your speech, briefly thank your family and go back to the main part of the speech.

      • One way to end the words of thanks is to remind the rest of the graduates to also thank their families and teachers.
    2. Add some humor and jokes. A few funny stories or jokes are needed to cheer up and relieve tension. In addition, humor is needed to dilute your speech so as not to strain the audience after a serious topic. Of course, you don't have to act like a clown to make your listeners smile. Just relax and be confident, even if the audience doesn't laugh at your joke, act like nothing happened and keep talking.

      Think about the past. Pay tribute to your shared past with your classmates and the different things you did together at school. Graduation is the time to remember everything that connects you with the school, up to the day of graduation.

      • You need to mention your accomplishments in your speech. Think of sports competitions, awards, charitable events - everything in which you or your classmates took an active part. The more school-related events you can remember, the better. It is important to celebrate the achievements of your entire class, not just your own.
    3. Talk about what's next. Graduation is a time to look into the future. Talk about what you can expect after graduation. You don't know for sure what will happen to you in the future, so this part of the speech can be vague and dreamy. Think positively and think that there are many good things ahead of you.

      • Perhaps after graduation you will go to college. It's unlikely that all of your classmates will do this, so be sure to mention other possible paths others might take to get an education and a job. If you don't know what your classmates plan to do after graduation, talk to them about it.
    4. Tell some story. This is a good way to expand on the topic of the speech and connect your story with real events that happened within the walls of your school. Think about what happened to you at school, what lessons you learned for yourself, how they relate to your topic. If this topic concerns not only you, but also your friends and other acquaintances, it will be even more interesting. This is a good way to open up a topic and tell your classmates about something interesting that happened at school.

      Avoid templates. Of course, the topic of the speech is a wonderful thing, but try not to use clichés like “the real world,” “the future belongs to us,” or “today is not the end of our education, but only the beginning.” Such phrases and sentences sound beautiful, but are used so often that they already seem meaningless to us. If the audience hears a few of these phrases, they may lose interest in your speech, and you definitely do not want this.

    Part 3

    Present your speech

      Practice speaking. Before graduation, you should read your speech aloud several times. You can practice in front of a mirror or in front of friends. In this way, you will understand how long your speech takes (for example, it may be too long), as well as evaluate how it sounds when you speak it out loud.

    1. Take a copy of your speech with you. Even if you do a great job rehearsing in front of a mirror or friends, prom will make it harder for you to focus. Therefore, a copy of the speech as a reminder will not bother you.
    2. Warnings

    • Try not to get distracted while performing. This means that you need to turn off your phone, take out noisy key chains and coins from your pocket, and do not chew gum during the performance. It will be difficult for people to understand you if they do not listen to you carefully.
    • Many schools will check your speech first to make sure it is on topic and does not touch on controversial issues. Therefore, rehearsing one speech and delivering another is not a good idea.
    • Avoid plagiarism. It should be your speech, not someone else's speech. Your speech must be original and unique. Keep in mind that there are many different speeches to be found on the Internet, and it can be tempting to just copy one for yourself, but remember that people will easily be able to expose your deceit.

Many foreign universities have a tradition of inviting famous people to the presentation of diplomas, who should admonish and inspire graduates. And very often famous people tell graduates about their failures - perhaps because it is failures that yesterday's students are most afraid of. JK Rowling, Steve Jobs and Steven Spielberg explain why you shouldn't be afraid.

For those who are preparing for the main school exam

JK Rowling, writer

This year, 51-year-old JK Rowling is in the top 25 most influential authors in Hollywood according to The Hollywood Reporter magazine. Twenty years ago, before Bloomsbury published the first Harry Potter book in 1997, she was an obscure single mother living on welfare and irregular earnings.

“Seven years after my graduation, by any measure, I suffered the most terrible failure. My marriage broke up, I was left alone with a child, without work and money. I'm not going to convince you that failure is great. That period of my life was the blackest streak, and I could not imagine that it would turn out to be a fairy tale with a happy ending, as they now write in the newspapers. But failure set me free - my main fear had already come true, while I was alive, I had a beloved daughter, an old typewriter and many ideas. If I had been successful in something else, I might never have worked up the courage to do what I truly love.

It's impossible to avoid failure unless you live so carefully that it's hard to call life at all. True, in this case you fail by definition.”

Steven Spielberg, film director

One of the most successful directors in history did not receive a higher education diploma until 2002, when he was already 55 years old. In his youth, he twice tried to enter the California film school, but he was not accepted, calling him "talentless". Then he entered a technical college, which he soon dropped out to take a "dream job" at Universal Studios. Five years later, the thriller "Jaws" was released, which made Spielberg famous.

“I left college because I knew exactly what I wanted, and so did some of you. Maybe you're sitting right now trying to figure out how to tell your parents that you really want to be a doctor, not a comedy writer. I told my parents that if the cinema didn't work out, I would go back to university. But everything turned out great.

For the first 25 years of our lives, we are taught to listen to the voices of others. Parents and teachers fill our heads with wisdom and information, and then bosses take their places to tell us how the world really works. And even when we think: “I look at the world in a completely different way,” it’s still easier to just agree and nod.

The films I made up until the 1980s were mostly far from reality. I was like in a bubble because I lacked education, my worldview was limited to what I could think of in my head, and not to life experience. And then I shot "Purple Flowers of the Fields." This story was filled with deep pain and deep truth, such as when Step Avery says, "Everything in the world wants to be loved." While making this film, I realized that cinema can be a mission. I hope that each of you will experience this feeling.”

Steve Jobs, entrepreneur

In 1976, 20-year-old Steve Jobs founded Apple in his parents' garage with Steve Wozniak. In 10 years, the company has grown into a $2 billion company with more than 6,000 employees. Among them was marketer John Scully, who led Apple at the invitation of Jobs. Over time, their views on the future diverged, the board of directors supported Scully, and Steve Jobs had to leave Apple.

“At 30, I was furiously fired from the company I founded. Everything I had dedicated my adult life to was gone, I felt empty. I didn't realize then that being fired from Apple was the best thing that could have happened to me. The heavy burden of success was replaced by ease - I again became a beginner. With this feeling began one of the most creative periods in my life. Over the next five years, I founded NeXT and Pixar and fell in love with a beautiful woman who became my wife. I'm sure none of this would have happened if I hadn't been fired from Apple. The medicine tasted terrible, but the patient seemed to need it.

I am convinced that I did not give up and continued to move forward only because I loved my job. If you haven't found what you love yet, keep looking."

Jim Carrey, actor

Jim Carrey first appeared on stage with a comedy number at the age of 15 - his debut was a failure. The film Once Bitten (1985), in which the 23-year-old Kerry, after many unsuccessful castings, received his first major film role, was also coolly received by the public. And only at the age of 31, fame came to him after the low-budget film Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, the script for which, like the image of Ventura, Jim came up with himself. For the film, Carrey was nominated for the "Golden Raspberry", an award for the worst acting work, but among the audience the film was a great success, and Ace Ventura became one of the most famous comedy characters. Carrey's next films - "The Mask", "Dumb and Dumber", "The Truman Show" - became classics of cinema.

“So many people choose the path of fear, calling it 'practicality'. My father wanted to be a comedian and he had every chance. But he did not believe that this was possible, and preferred to have a quiet "warm" place, becoming an accountant. When I was 12 years old, he was fired, and our family had a hard time. On his example, I realized that you can fail in an unloved business - so why not try your luck at what you really want. It may seem impossible or ridiculous, and we don't even try to ask the Universe for it. I tell you, I'm living proof that you can ask for anything you want."

Oprah Winfrey, TV presenter

Oprah Winfrey was educated because of her talent: winning the eloquence competition gave her the opportunity to enter the university. In interviews, she repeatedly talked about her dysfunctional childhood and running away from home. Yet she became the first black female reporter in her city, and then the first black female billionaire in history. The Oprah Winfrey Show is rightfully called one of the greatest TV shows of all time.

“I have done over 35,000 interviews in my career. Every time the camera turned off, the guest of the program turned to me and asked: “Did everything go well?”. I heard it from President Bush and from President Obama. I heard it from heroes and housewives.

It doesn't matter how high you reach. At some point, you will definitely stumble, because the bar is constantly being raised. If you constantly strive higher and higher, then, as the myth of Icarus predicts, at some point you will begin to fall down. And when that happens, I want you to know and remember that failure doesn't exist. Failure is the way life tries to convince you to change direction.

I have often had to say these words to myself. When you fall to the very bottom, it is normal to feel bad for a while. Give yourself this time to mourn what you think you have lost. And then realize that you actually hold the key, because mistakes teach you and make you more of who you are."

Whoopi Goldberg, actress

Caryn Elaine Johnson, an ugly girl from a poor family, had to leave school because of dyslexia: she had problems with writing and reading. But dyslexia did not interfere with Helen Rubenstein's children's theater, and her unusual appearance and strange behavior, which made it difficult for Karin to communicate with her peers, fell just in place. In addition, the theater was free. There, Karin received her first acting lessons, and later took the pseudonym Whoopi Goldberg and became a great actress who was the laureate of the most prestigious American ones and was awarded a nominal star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

“I was lucky - I had a really unusual mother. She told me: “It's okay that you are strange. But are you ready for the fact that not everyone will be ready to accept you, not everyone will see and feel the same as you? Someone won't like you. Can you be yourself?"

When I was little, I dreamed of the world of cinema, television, fashion. I couldn't read because I was dyslexic and didn't start studying until I was 15, but I knew what I wanted. You have to be able to stand up for what you believe in. Don't just be afraid to be wrong or wrong. If you feel in your heart that you are moving in the wrong direction, you can stop at any moment and say: “You know what? I changed my mind"".

Ellen DeGeneres, comedian and TV presenter

Ellen DeGeneres' speech, which she gave at Tulane University in New Orleans in 2009, is not exactly ordinary. At the graduation ceremony, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton delivered the official speech, and Ellen decided to speak spontaneously to the students. New Orleans was the actress's hometown, and her graduation year consisted of students who began their studies just two days before the terrible hurricane Katrina, which in 2005 caused terrible destruction to the city.

“When I finished school, I was completely lost. I didn't have any ambitions and didn't know what I wanted. I did everything: peeled oysters, worked as a bartender, as a waitress, painted houses, sold vacuum cleaners. All I wanted was to just settle into some kind of job so I could earn enough money to pay the rent. I lived in an apartment in the basement, where I had neither heat nor air, only a mattress on the floor and fleas. I thought I knew who I was, but I had no idea.

One day I sat down and started writing, I had an imaginary conversation with God. I looked at him and said to myself: “Why have I never tried stand-up? I'm going to do it on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson." He was king at the time and I was going to be the first woman in the history of the show to be on the air with him. And so it happened.

Follow your dreams, stay true to yourself. Never follow someone unless you are lost in the woods. And even if you are lost, but you see the path, you must follow it by all means. Don't take other people's advice. And my only advice is this: be true to yourself, and everything will be fine.

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