Fundamentals of business communication. Business communication: concept, features, structure



Business communication is a process in which business information and work experience are exchanged, involving the achievement of a certain result in joint work, the solution of a specific problem or the implementation of a specific goal. The specificity of this process is the moment of regulation, that is, the obedience to the established restrictions, which are determined by the national and cultural traditions adopted in the given territory, professional ethical principles adopted in this professional circle of people. Business communication is conditionally divided into direct (direct contact) and indirect (when during communication there is a certain spatio-temporal distance, that is, letters, telephone conversations, business notes, etc.).

Direct communication has a greater effectiveness, the power of emotional impact and suggestion, while indirect communication does not have such a strong result, some socio-psychological mechanisms directly operate in it. In general, business communication differs from informal communication in that its process sets specific tasks and specific goals that require a certain resolution, which does not allow us to stop the negotiation process with a partner or negotiating partners at any time (at least without certain losses in obtaining information for both parties). In an ordinary friendly one, questions such as specific tasks and goals are most often not raised, so such communication can be stopped (at the request of both parties) at any time without fear of losing the opportunity to restore the communication process again.

Types of business communication:

2. negotiations

3. meeting

4. visits

5. public speaking.

Business communication today penetrates into all spheres of public life of society. Enterprises of all types and forms of ownership, as well as individuals as private entrepreneurs, enter the commercial, business spheres of life.

Competence in the field of business communication is directly related to success or failure in every field: in the field of science, art, production, trade. As for managers, businessmen, production organizers, people employed in the field of management, private entrepreneurs, communicative competence, that is, the ability to adequately respond in any situation in the process of communication, for representatives of these professions is one of the most important components of their professional image.

Business communication as a process involves establishing contact between participants, exchanging certain information to build joint activities, establish cooperation, etc.

Service contacts are built on a partnership basis, proceeding from mutual needs, from the interests of a common cause. Undoubtedly, such communication increases labor and creative activity, is an important factor in a successful business.

The ability to behave with people during a conversation is one of the main factors that determine your chances of success in business, office or entrepreneurial activities. The success of a person in his affairs, even in the technical field or the scientific field, is only fifteen percent dependent on his professional knowledge and eighty-five percent on his ability to communicate with people with whom he works. This paper discusses the mechanisms, structure and principles of business communication, without knowledge of which it is very difficult to succeed in business and entrepreneurship.

I . Structure of business communication

Consists of five basic phrases:

1) Start a conversation.

2) Transfer of information.

3) Argumentation.

4) Refutation of the arguments of the interlocutor.

5) Decision making.

The correct beginning of the conversation involves: an accurate description of the goals of the conversation, the mutual introduction of the interlocutors, the name of the topic, the presentation of the person conducting the conversation, the announcement of the sequence of consideration of issues.

At the end of the conversation, the procedure should be reversed: the leader of the conversation takes the floor and ends it with an appeal to the interlocutor.

What should you pay attention to when establishing personal contact with the interlocutor?

First, to clear, concise and meaningful introductory phrases and explanations.

Secondly, it is obligatory to address interlocutors by name and patronymic.

Thirdly, the appropriate appearance (clothing, smartness, facial expression) is important.

Showing respect for the personality of the interlocutor, attention to his opinions and interests is an integral part of any communication, and even more so in a business conversation ....

The conversation should be built in the form of a dialogue, to build which, as often as possible, appeal to the opinion and answers of the interlocutor.

The interlocutor's comments mean that he is actively listening to you, following your performance, carefully checking your argument and thinking everything over. It is believed that an interlocutor without comments is a person without his own opinion. That is why the comments and arguments of the interlocutor should not be considered as obstacles in the course of the conversation. They facilitate the conversation, as they give us the opportunity to understand what else needs to be convinced of the interlocutor and what he generally thinks about the essence of the matter.

There are the following types of remarks: unspoken remarks, prejudice, ironic remarks, remarks for the purpose of obtaining information, remarks for the purpose of expressing oneself, subjective remarks, objective remarks, remarks for the purpose of resistance.

Let's consider them in more detail. We will be interested in what are the reasons for such comments, how they should be treated and how to respond to them.

Unspoken remarks. These are such remarks that the interlocutor does not have time, does not want or does not dare to express, therefore we ourselves must identify and neutralize them.

Prejudice. They are among the reasons that cause unpleasant remarks, especially in cases where the interlocutor's point of view is completely erroneous. His position has an emotional basis, and all logical arguments are useless here. We see that the interlocutor uses aggressive arguments, puts forward special demands and sees only the negative aspects of the conversation.

The reason for such remarks is, most likely, the wrong approach on your part, antipathy towards you, unpleasant impressions. In such a situation, you need to find out the motives and point of view of the interlocutor, come to an understanding.

Ironic (sarcastic) remarks. Such remarks are the result of the interlocutor's bad mood, and sometimes his desire to test your endurance and patience. You will notice that the remarks are not closely related to the course of the conversation, they are defiant and even offensive.

How to act in such a situation? It should be checked whether the remark was made seriously or is in the nature of a challenge. In any case, you can not go on about the interlocutor. Your reaction can be either witty, or you should not react to such remarks.

Notes for the purpose of obtaining information. Such remarks are proof of the interest of your interlocutor and the existing shortcomings in the transfer of information.

Most likely, the reason is that your argument cannot be called clear. The interlocutor wants to get additional information or he listened to some details. You must give a calm and confident answer.

Notes to express yourself. These remarks can be explained by the desire of the interlocutor to express his own opinion. He wants to show that he did not succumb to your influence and that in this matter he is as impartial as possible.

Remarks of this kind may be caused by too strong an argument on your part and, perhaps, by your self-confident tone. How to act in such a situation? It is necessary that your interlocutor find confirmation of his ideas and opinions.

subjective remarks. Such remarks are typical for a certain category of people. A typical formulation of such interlocutors is: “All this is fine, but it doesn’t suit me.”

What is the reason for such remarks? Your information is unconvincing, you pay insufficient attention to the personality of the interlocutor. He does not trust your information and therefore does not appreciate the facts given. How to act in such a situation? You should put yourself in the place of the interlocutor, take into account his problems.

objective remarks. These are remarks that the interlocutor makes in order to dispel his doubts. These remarks are sincere, without any gimmicks. The interlocutor wants to get an answer in order to develop his own opinion.

The reason for such comments is that your interlocutor has a different solution to the problem and does not agree with yours. How to behave in such a situation? You should not contradict the interlocutor openly, but bring to his attention that you take into account his views, and then explain to him what advantage your solution gives to the problem.

Remarks for the purpose of resistance. These remarks tend to come at the beginning of a conversation, so they are not and cannot be specific.

The reason for them most often lies in the fact that your interlocutor has not got acquainted with your arguments, and the topic of the conversation is not clearly defined. How to act in such a situation? The topic of the conversation should be clearly defined, and if resistance increases, then tactics should be reconsidered, and in extreme cases, the topic of the conversation should also be changed.

II . Mechanisms of business communication.

The effectiveness of negotiations, the degree of mutual understanding with partners, employees, employee satisfaction with their work, and the moral and psychological climate in the organization depend on how competently business communication is built. Almost all business problems are in one way or another related to communication - the process of transferring ideas, thoughts, feelings, bringing them to understanding by other people. Managers spend an average of 80% of their time on various types of communication.

Understanding the processes of information transfer, the patterns that exist in these processes, the development of skills for effective interaction with people are necessary for a manager of any level. Today, an experienced leader spends most of his time not on solving financial, technical or organizational problems, but on solving psychological problems that arise in the process of communicating with subordinates, colleagues and superiors. Knowledge and skills in the field of communication are necessary not only for managers, but also for any of us, because through communication a person organizes and optimizes his production, scientific, commercial, educational and any other activity. Communication allows you to solve not only the issues of the organization, but also the problems of its employees.

The patterns that determine the processes of interpersonal relationships include the following:

1. Dependence of communication on the perception of a partner.

Perception is understood as the image of another person, formed on the basis of an assessment of his appearance and behavior.

All people are different, they differ from each other in their social status, life experience, intelligence, etc. In view of this, errors of inequality arise in perception, which are called the factors of superiority, attractiveness and attitude towards us.

When meeting a person who is superior to us in some important parameter for us, we evaluate him somewhat more positively than we would if he were equal to us. If we are dealing with a person whom we are superior in some way, then we underestimate him. Moreover, superiority is fixed in one parameter, and overestimation (or underestimation) occurs in many parameters. This scheme of perception does not start working for everyone, but only for really important, significant for us inequality.

The effect of the attractiveness factor in the perception of a person lies in the fact that under its influence some qualities of a person are overestimated or underestimated by other people. The mistake here is that if we like a person outwardly, then at the same time we tend to consider him more intelligent, interesting, etc., i.e. overestimate many of his personal characteristics. If a person is unattractive, then his other qualities are underestimated.

The factor of attitude towards us acts in such a way that people who treat us well are valued higher than those who treat us badly. So, for example, the closer a person's opinion is to our own, the higher the assessment of the person who expressed this opinion.

People inadequately "display" each other. There are good reasons for this:

Man is too complicated. La Rochefoucauld owns the words: "... It is easier to know people in general than one person";

A person consciously or unconsciously defends himself from attempts to reveal his features and capabilities;

A person often cannot give information about himself simply because he does not know himself.

underestimated, depending on the psychological characteristics of the individual.

3. Conditionality of the process of understanding each other by the process of reflection .

Reflection is an individual's awareness of how he perceives a communication partner. It's just another's knowledge. But knowing how the other understands me, i.e. a kind of double process of mirror reflection of each other.

4. Splitting the meaning of the transmitted information.

The reasons for this are:

Different interpretation of information caused by allegorical

language capabilities;

Differences in education, intellectual development, needs


wealth, dignity.

6. Compensation. The lack of some qualities is consciously or unconsciously compensated by others.

All these patterns are manifested in business communication. In order for it to be constructive, it is necessary:

1. Understanding the goals, objectives, hopes, psychological state of the partner.

2. The ability to model the personal characteristics of a communication partner.

3. The ability to put yourself in the place of a communication partner.

4. Confidence in communications.

What is meant by trust?

Open demonstration of their intentions;

Showing kindness towards your partner

Business competence;

Persuasive manner;

Eliminate misunderstandings.

Misunderstandings are often caused by:

The tendency not to say what they really think and want;

The desire to say what seems appropriate in a given situation, and not what you really would like to say;

Indefatigable desire to speak themselves, inability to listen to others;

The desire to listen to others not to hear, but to evaluate the speaker.

The constructiveness of business communication is often hindered by a variety of communication barriers. These include:

1. Social barriers - political, religious, etc. They give rise to misunderstanding, suspicion, lead to blocking of interpersonal communication;

2. Ethnocultural barriers. National and cultural features strongly influence the perception of other peoples. Their traditions and habits are perceived as the norm, their absence in others is perceived as a disadvantage;

3. Psychological barriers - individual personality traits (isolation, shyness, importunity, absurdity, etc.); psychological relations of communicating (mutual sympathy, hostility, incompatibility, etc.); lack of necessary communication skills.

III . Principles of business communication.

Principles are abstract, generalized ideas that enable those who rely on them to correctly shape their behavior, their actions, their attitude to something.

The principles of business communication provide a particular employee in any organization with a conceptual ethical platform for decisions, actions, actions, interactions, etc.

First principle : The central position of the so-called gold standard is generally accepted: actions that you would not want to see in relation to yourself.

Second principle : Equity is needed when allocating employees with the resources necessary for their official activities (cash, raw materials, material, etc.)

Third principle requires mandatory correction of an ethical violation, regardless of when and by whom it was committed.

According to fourth principle , called the principle of maximum progress, the official behavior and actions of an employee are recognized as ethical if they contribute to the development of the organization (or its divisions) from a moral point of view.

The logical continuation of the fourth principle is fifth principle - the principle of minimum progress, according to which the actions of an employee or organization as a whole are ethical, if they at least do not violate ethical standards.

Essence sixth principle in the following: ethical is the tolerant attitude of the employees of the organization to the moral principles, traditions and other things that take place in other organizations, regions, countries.

According to eighth principle individual and collective principles are equally recognized as the basis for the development and decision-making in business relations.

Ninth principle reminds you that you should not be afraid to have your own opinion when solving any official issues. However, nonconformism as a personality trait should be manifested within reasonable limits.

Tenth principle - no violence, i.e. “pressure” on subordinates, expressed in various forms, for example, in an orderly, command manner of conducting an official conversation.

Eleventh principle - constancy of impact, expressed in the fact that ethical standards can be implemented in the life of the organization not by a one-time order, but only with the help of ongoing efforts on the part of both the manager and ordinary employees.

Twelfth Principle - when exposed (on a team, on individual employees, on a consumer, etc.), take into account the strength of possible counteraction.

Thirteenth Principle consists in the expediency of advancing trust in the employee's sense of responsibility, in his competence, in a sense of duty, etc.

Fourteenth Principle strongly recommends striving for non-conflict.

Fifteenth Principle - freedom that does not restrict the freedom of others.

Sixteenth Principle can be called the principle of promotion: the employee must not only act ethically himself, but also contribute to the same behavior of his colleagues.

Seventeenth Principle says: do not criticize a competitor.

This refers not only to a competing organization, but also to an "internal competitor" - a team of another department, a colleague in which one can "see" a competitor.

The principles of business ethics should serve as the basis for the development of each employee of any company of his own personal ethical system.

The list of principles can be continued, taking into account the specifics of the activities of a particular organization. There are principles of professional ethics.

Common to all professions is the requirement of the highest possible quality of work within the stipulated possibilities. Contrasting corporate interests with the interests of the client is unacceptable.

The requirement to treat a client, visitor, buyer, etc. as a subject, not an object of professional activity, the inadmissibility of manipulation, misleading people, is commonly understood in many professions as the principle of "informed consent".

Informed consent exists in all professions and reflects the requirement to respect a person's right to information concerning himself or his interests, guaranteed by the Declaration of Human Rights. It also means the inadmissibility of misinformation and suppression of important information.

Informed consent means the maximum amount of information provided by professionals regarding health, time, material costs, possible consequences or losses, loss of opportunities or moral harm to dignity.

This information is a condition for the voluntary acceptance by the client, patient, student, visitor of the content of forms, methods, techniques, time, price and quality of his service (treatment), training and the expected result, taking into account possible complications.

Common to all professions is the principle of maintaining professional secrecy, confidentiality of customer information, information requests, services, technologies, recipes.

Confidentiality in relation to the work of a specialist should be understood as the non-disclosure of information relating to a specialist and which has become the property of a specialist as a result of the performance of his official duties or in connection with them.

Respect for property rights is an important principle of professional ethics.

Collegiality is the principle in many professions today.

An important principle of professional activity in a democracy is the right to criticism.

The ecological principle obliges specialists to take care of the cleanliness of rooms and air, preventive measures during periods of epidemics, saving heat, water, electricity as a condition for protecting nature and people.

Hedonism is the principle of ethics, according to which the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of suffering is a natural human right.

Hedonism requires a professional to be optimistic, energetic, able to inspire and be inspired.

The culture of oral and written speech is often the core of professional ethics. Its important indicators are communication style, functional literacy.

The ethical requirements for language and speech in professional communication are simple, but their implementation is not easy. This is the responsibility for every word spoken. It is the correctness of speech and language. This is brevity, expressiveness and compliance with the norms of speech etiquette.


Not a single person from the field of business and entrepreneurship can currently avoid the process of communicating with their own personnel of their company and trading partners, with representatives of the authorities, employees of legal or judicial authorities, with agents or contractors, which requires certain skills and knowledge from the field of business psychology. communication.

The ability to behave correctly and adequately during business communication is one of the main components of the success of a business person and leader. The ability to conduct this process without conflict and productively is one of the most necessary qualities for someone who wants to achieve success in the business field.


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3. Kuznetsov I.N. "Technology of business communication". Minsk, 1999.

4. Lisenkova L.F. "Psychology and ethics of business communication". Moscow, 1998.

5. Fomin Yu.A. "Psychology of business communication". Minsk, 1999.

Botavina R.N. Ethics of business relations: Uch. allowance.- M.: Finance and statistics, 2002. S. 5

Protanskaya E.S. Professional ethics. Moral propaedeutics of business behavior.: Uch. allowance. - St. Petersburg: Aleteyya, 2003. S. 84

Universal Declaration of Human Rights of December 10, 1948.// International law in documents. M., 1982

In the socio-cultural sphere, communication from a factor that accompanies activity turns into a professionally significant category, which lies in the nature of social activity itself. This is especially true for areas of activity that are directly related to working with clients.

Business communication today penetrates into all spheres of public life of society. Enterprises of all types and forms of ownership, as well as individuals as private entrepreneurs, enter the commercial, business spheres of life.

Competence in the field of business communication is directly related to success or failure in every field: in the field of science, art, production, trade. As for managers, businessmen, production organizers, people employed in the field of management, private entrepreneurs, communicative competence, that is, the ability to adequately respond in any situation in the process of communication, for representatives of these professions is one of the most important components of their professional image.

Business conversation- this is a process in which there is an exchange of business information and work experience, involving the achievement of a certain result in joint work, the solution of a specific problem or the implementation of a specific goal.

The specificity of this process is the moment regulations, that is, obedience to the established restrictions, which are determined by the national and cultural traditions adopted in the given territory, professional ethical principles, adopted in this professional circle of people.

Business communication is conditionally divided into direct (direct contact) and indirect (when during communication there is a certain spatio-temporal distance, that is, letters, telephone conversations, business notes, etc.).

Direct communication has a greater effectiveness, the power of emotional impact and suggestion, while indirect communication does not have such a strong result, some socio-psychological mechanisms directly operate in it. In general, business communication differs from informal communication in that its process sets specific tasks and specific goals that require a certain resolution, which does not allow us to stop the negotiation process with a partner or negotiating partners at any time (at least without certain losses in obtaining information for both parties). In an ordinary friendly one, questions such as specific tasks and goals are most often not raised, so such communication can be stopped (at the request of both parties) at any time without fear of losing the opportunity to restore the communication process again.

Types of business communication:

1. Business conversation is a type of business communication, a specially organized substantive conversation that serves to solve managerial problems. A business conversation, although it always has a specific subject, does not imply the conclusion of an agreement or the development of binding decisions, it is personally oriented and takes place between representatives of one organization.

On such a basis as the types and goals of the conversation, it is customary to single out as independent types: job interview, job interview, problem and disciplinary conversations.

Conducting a conversation involves a number of mandatory steps:

1) preparatory stage. During the period of preparation for the upcoming conversation, it is necessary to think over the issues of its expediency, the conditions and time of its holding, prepare the necessary materials and documents;

2) start a conversation. The tasks that are solved at the beginning of the conversation are primarily related to establishing contact with the interlocutor, creating an atmosphere of mutual understanding, awakening interest in the conversation;

3) discussion of the problem. The main part of the conversation is aimed at collecting and evaluating information on the problem under discussion; identifying the motives and goals of the interlocutor; transmission of scheduled information;

4) decision-making;

5) end of conversation. The tasks of this stage are: achievement of the main or reserve goal; providing a favorable atmosphere at the end of the conversation; stimulating the interlocutor to perform the intended activity; maintaining, if necessary, further contact with the interlocutor

2. Business meeting- this is a type of joint activity with a partner, usually aimed at solving a problem. They always assume at least two participants, whose interests partially coincide and partially diverge. Negotiations are of an official, specific nature and, as a rule, provide for the signing of documents defining the mutual obligations of the parties (agreements, contracts, etc.).

Main preparation elements for negotiations: determining the subject (problems) of negotiations, searching for partners to solve them, clarifying your interests and partners’ interests, developing a plan and program for negotiations, selecting specialists for the delegation, solving organizational issues and preparing the necessary materials - documents, drawings, tables, diagrams , samples of offered products, etc.

The course of negotiations fits into the following scheme: the beginning of a conversation - the exchange of information - argumentation and counter-argumentation - the development and adoption of decisions - the completion of negotiations.

3. business meetings- this is a form of organized, purposeful interaction of the leader with the team through the exchange of opinions. Since a business meeting is an activity related to decision-making by a group of people, the nature of the speeches of its participants and its results are seriously influenced by such features of group behavior, as the distribution of roles in the group, the relationship between group members, group pressure.

Meetings are divided into instructive, operational(control rooms), problematic. Goals briefings- transmission of the necessary information and orders from top to bottom in the control scheme for their speedy implementation. The decisions taken by the head of the enterprise or organization are brought to the attention of the meeting participants, tasks are distributed with appropriate briefing, unclear issues are clarified, the timing and methods of fulfilling orders are determined.

Goals operational (dispatch) meetings- Obtaining information about the current state of affairs. Unlike briefing meetings, information flows from the bottom up through the control scheme. Participants of such a meeting report on the progress of work in the field. Operational meetings are held regularly, always at the same time, the list of participants is permanent, there is no special agenda, they are devoted to urgent tasks of the current and next 2-3 days.

Goals problem meetings- search for the best solutions to the problem in the shortest possible time, bringing economic problems for discussion, consideration of organizational prospects, discussion of innovative projects.

4. Public performance- This is an oral monologue statement with the aim of influencing the audience. In the field of business communication, such genres as a report, informational, welcome and sales speech are most often used. There are 3 main stages in oratory activity: pre-communicative, communicative and post-communicative. Each of the stages contains a list of specific actions.


1) definition of the topic and purpose of the speech;

2) assessment of the audience and environment;

3) selection of material;

4) creating text.

5) rehearsal.


1) making a speech:

a) introduction;

b) the main part;

c) conclusions;

2) answers to questions;

3) conducting polemics.

post-communicative: speech analysis.

Material - the exchange of objects and products of activity;

Cognitive - knowledge sharing;

Motivational - exchange of motives, goals, interests, motives, needs;

Activity - the exchange of actions, operations, skills and abilities.

Creating a favorable socio-psychological climate in business communication.

Before starting negotiations, it is very important for their successful outcome. create a favorable psychological climate. There are several effective techniques that allow you to quickly win over your partner at the very beginning of negotiations and, if necessary, painlessly for his pride to persuade him to your point of view.

At the very beginning of negotiations, one should unobtrusively instill in the partner a consciousness of either his own significance or the authority of the company he represents. But this should be done sincerely, without getting lost in cheap compliments.

During business negotiations it is very important to show exceptional attention to the partner. You need to talk about what your partner is more interested in or about what he knows well. Ask questions that your partner will be happy to answer.

During negotiations, it can be very difficult to defend your point of view. However, in no way can this be done with the help of a dispute, since it is known that in nine cases out of ten disputes end with the fact that each of its participants is even more convinced than before that he is right.

Business communication today penetrates into all spheres of public life. Enterprises of all forms of ownership, private individuals enter into commercial, business relations. Competence in the field of business communication is directly related to success or failure in any business: science, art, production, trade. As for managers, entrepreneurs, production organizers, people employed in the field of management, communicative competence for representatives of these professions is the most important part of their professional image.

"Business is the ability to talk to people," say enterprising Americans.

One of the outstanding US managers, the president of the world's largest auto giant - the companies "Ford" and "Chrysler" Lee Iacocca in his book "Career Manager" writes: "Management is nothing more than setting people to work. The only way to set people to energetic activity is to communicate with them." The specificity of business communication lies in the fact that the collision, the interaction of economic interests and social regulation is carried out within the legal framework. Most often, people enter into business relationships in order to legally formalize interactions in a particular area. The ideal result of interaction and legal formalization of relations is partnerships built on the foundations of mutual respect and trust.

Another specific feature of business communication is its regulation , i.e. compliance with established rules and restrictions.

These rules are determined by the type of business communication, its form, the degree of officiality and those specific goals and objectives that are facing those communicating. These rules are determined by national cultural traditions and social norms of behavior.

They are fixed in the form protocol (business, diplomatic), exist in the form of generally accepted norms of social behavior, in the form of etiquette requirements, restrictions on the time frame of communication.

Depending on the various characteristics, business communication is divided into:

1) oral - written (in terms of the form of speech);

2) dialogic - monologue(in terms of unidirectional / bidirectional speech between the speaker and the listener);

3) interpersonal - public (in terms of the number of participants);

4) direct - indirect (from the point of view of the absence / presence of a mediating apparatus);

5) contact - remote (in terms of the position of the communicants in space).

All these factors of business communication form the characteristic features of business speech.

To a greater extent, oral and written business speech differ: both forms of speech represent systemically different varieties of the Russian literary language. If business written speech represents an official business style of speech, then oral business speech represents various forms of hybrid style formations.

There are significant linguistic differences between dialogic and monologue business speech. If monologue speech tends to a greater extent to book speech, then dialogic speech tends to colloquial speech, which is reflected primarily in the text organization and syntactic features of speech. Dialogical communication is predominantly interpersonal communication, and public speech is monologue speech.

distant , Always indirect communication (telephone conversation, mail and fax, paging, etc.) is different from contact , immediate increased attention to the intonational pattern of speech (oral communication), brevity and regimentation, the impossibility of using gestures and objects as information carriers.

Business communication is a wide range of genre varieties of written and oral communication.

Written business speech, in which dialogic relations are realized, is represented by all types of business letters, documents fixing social and legal relations - contracts (contracts), agreements and all types of related documents. Oral business speech, in which dialogic relations are realized, is represented by the genres of business negotiations, meetings, consultations, etc.

Meetings, meetings are a special type of protocol communication, in which for the most part monologue business speech is presented, not only of a written nature, but also existing in two forms at once - oral and written.

Today, the scope of business communication is expanding. Advertising, secular communication become an integral part of business communication. The success of an enterprise and business today largely depends on the ability to present one's positions in the most favorable light, to interest a potential partner, and to create a favorable impression. Therefore, in addition to readable monologue speech, prepared but unreadable monologue speech (presentation speech, solemn speech, opening speech at various meetings), congratulatory letters and other etiquette texts are increasingly being included in the practice of business communication.

Possession of all the listed genres of business communication is included in the professional competence of a manager, leader. (See the denotation graph on p.26).

Whatever area the concept of "speech culture" belongs to, it always includes three main aspects: orthological, communicative and ethical.

orthology - the science of correct speech, language norms and their change. In the minds of the speaker and writer, the norm acts as a model, a tracing paper, a scheme, a template on which a word, sentence, statement is built. Norms are formed under the influence of literary creativity and the speech practice of the nation and are an indispensable condition for the unity of the language and the normal functioning of the language system. They are codified, i.e. are described, fixed as a model in dictionaries, reference books, textbooks.

The codified norms of the literary language are those norms that all native speakers must follow, and the concept of normativity includes the scope of language use. The assignment of variants to various spheres and forms of language use is determined by the principle of communicative expediency. What is normative for written speech (complication of syntactic construction by participial and participial phrases) is non-normative for oral speech.

Often, the norm acts as a double standard - mandatory and acceptable options. For example, in the practice of oral business communication, the colloquial form d O talk - contract A supersedes the book version great danes O r - Great Danes O ry.

The variability of the norm is the reason for its change, and the rate of change in the norm is different for different levels of the language. The most conservative are grammatical norms. The grammatical structure of the Russian literary language has not changed much since Pushkin's time. Phonetic norms, on the contrary, are very mobile. The word "marketing", which has recently entered the Russian language, already has pronunciation options fixed as valid: m A Marketing and Mark e ting.

Correctness of speech - this is the basic requirement of the culture of speech, its basis.

Is it important to know the norms of the Russian literary language for a person whose daily practice is business communication? This question can only be answered unambiguously in the affirmative. Because a person with a low level of speech culture, who does not know how to clearly express his thoughts, makes mistakes in his speech, is doomed to communicative failures, often finds himself in an awkward position. Literacy in the broad sense of the word is an indispensable condition for success in business communication.

It is especially important for a manager, leader, municipal employee to imagine the normative aspect of the language of documents and oral business speech.

The normative aspect of speech culture is one of the most important, but not the only one. It is possible, without violating the norms of the Russian literary language, to make a repulsive impression on the interlocutor. One can cite a large number of different texts, including business texts, which are impeccable from the point of view of normativity, but not very intelligible.

The language has a huge arsenal of tools. They should be used taking into account the scope, situation, tasks and genre of speech and be mobilized to achieve a communicative goal. The communicative aspect of speech culture just considers these issues.

What in modern linguistics is called the communicative aspect of the culture of speech was known in antiquity as one of the revered sciences - rhetoric. At first, rhetoric was the science of oratory, of "the ability to captivate souls with words" (Plato). Then rhetoric began to be understood as the science of good speech, highlighting its qualities such as accuracy, clarity, expressiveness, consistency, purity, relevance. All these qualities are interconnected. Accuracy, achieved due to the correctness of word usage and organization of speech, provides such qualities of speech as clarity, accessibility. Logic speech is closely related to accuracy, which is, as it were, a "precondition" of logic. This communicative quality of speech is associated not so much with word usage as with the syntactic organization of the statement, which should ensure consistency in the assimilation of the expressed thought, its consistency.

Purity And relevance speeches are, in turn, closely related to each other. The selection of words in accordance with the goals and conditions of communication is determined by the requirement of purity and relevance of speech, which implies knowledge of the styles of the literary language. So, the abundance of terms and clichés, standard expressions is typical for written business speech, but it is not at all typical for colloquial speech. All these communicative qualities of speech are characteristics of correct and skillful speech.

Today, modern rhetoric, or neo-rhetoric, is primarily the science of effective speech, the ability to achieve the goal set by speech means. This involves taking into account the psychological and ethical aspects of communication.

The ethical aspect of speech culture is represented by a linguistic discipline - speech etiquette. Speech etiquette studies special speech means of regulating social and interpersonal relations: speech etiquette formulas, etiquette texts and the rules for their use, as well as the rules of speech behavior in certain conditions.

Etiquette norms of behavior are national in nature. What is a sign of respect in European countries (at a meeting, ask about the health of your wife and loved ones), in Muslim countries can be perceived as an insult.

Business communication very often not only includes etiquette communication, but necessarily provides for it. There are special etiquette genres of business communication: expression of condolences, gratitude, congratulations. Managers, managers, employees should know well and adequately use the means of speech etiquette, since the result of business communication largely depends on the successful use of these tools.

"They meet by their clothes, but see them off by their mind," says Russian folk wisdom. Moreover, the word "mind" means the ability to communicate, get along with people. Words spoken at the right time and place were called "golden" among the people.

Thus, speech culture is the use of the means and capabilities of the language, adequate to the content, setting and purpose of the statement, while observing the language norms.

The high speech culture of a manager, leader is manifested in knowledge of the requirements for the language of documents, and the ability to choose from the richest arsenal of speech means of business written speech necessary for compiling a text, conducting a business conversation, and being able to convince oneself that one is right.

An indicator of a manager's linguistic competence can be considered his ability to "translate" information from one type of speech to another (from the language of reference genres to the language of oral spontaneous speech), to collapse and expand it, i.e. perform the operations of nomination*, verbalization*, thesis*, paraphrasing*, summarizing*.

Possession of etiquette means, tactical methods of conducting business negotiations, meetings, genres of public monologue speech is also among the necessary speech skills of a manager.

It is easy and pleasant to speak with a person of high speech culture. If this is a business person, he succeeds in various contacts and negotiations, he manages to convince people that he is right and influences his interlocutors, he can write or edit a document himself, write a thank you letter, a congratulatory letter or a presentation speech. And these are all the most important components of the professional image of a business person.

Huge masses of the most diverse people in terms of cultural, educational level and social status have joined the sphere of commercial and administrative-legal relations today. Naturally, they are carriers of various types of intranational speech cultures.

ABOUT. Sirotinin and V.E. Goldin in their works presented a typology of intra-national speech cultures that coexist in business communication and are directly related to the general educational and general cultural level of speakers and writers.

The highest type is elitist type of speech culture. The speech of a representative of an elite speech culture is not only impeccable in terms of compliance with language norms, it is distinguished by richness, expressiveness, reasoning, logicality, accessibility, clarity of presentation, etc.

No less important for the elite speech culture is strict observance of all ethical norms of communication: observance of the principle of politeness and cooperation in the process of dialogue, the absence of rude, especially obscene expressions, the absence of "notes" of categoricalness and an increased tone of communication, especially with subordinates.

A representative of an elite speech culture must master all the functional styles of the Russian literary language: official business, scientific, journalistic, colloquial. This means that a business person, for example, can with equal ease write a scientific report or article, speak at a press conference, give an interview, write a presentation speech, congratulations, an address, not to mention professional speech activity - drafting documents, holding meetings, negotiations, business meetings, etc.

"It can be said that the elite speech culture is the art of using the language, all the richness of its possibilities, with the strict appropriateness of this use," they write in one of the works of O.B. Sirotinin and V.E. Goldin*.

*Goldin V.E., Sirotinina O.B. Intranational speech cultures and their interaction // Questions of stylistics. Issue 25. Problems of speech culture. Saratov, 1993. P.10.

It is clear that the elite speech culture characterizes only a few representatives of our society. In the practice of researching business oral and written speech, the author of this book did not record this type of speech culture. But this does not mean that it is absent in business speech, and, moreover, it does not mean that one should not strive to master it. It is this type of speech culture that constitutes the subject of training.

Middle literary speech culture is also a fairly high type of speech culture. It is characterized by less strict compliance with all norms, however, errors in oral and written speech are not of a systemic nature.

Unlike carriers of an elite speech culture, who actively master all styles, carriers of an average literary speech culture usually actively master only one or two styles (for example, business and conversational), while the rest are only passive.

The average literary speech culture is characterized in part by a mixture of the norms of oral and written speech, when book cliches, participial or participle phrases are used in oral speech, and when colloquial constructions and jargon penetrate into written speech, in particular into the language of documents.

Unlike the elite, the average literary speech culture is not a reference, but this type of speech culture is the most massive in all spheres of our social life. This type of speech culture represents the speech of the majority of television and radio journalists. Hence the replication of errors like " sq. A rotal", "in A catchy", " uh expert", "provide e nie", "noting that", "talk on the economy", "calculation by plates" and so on.

The average literary speech culture is characterized by non-strict fulfillment of etiquette requirements: the transition to You-communication at every opportunity, the low frequency of use of etiquette formulas and etiquette lexemes, the latter being represented by a very limited set ( "thank you", "hello", "goodbye", "sorry"). This type of speech culture can in no way be the subject of training.

Literary and colloquial speech culture and familiar colloquial speech culture can be a kind of elite and average literary speech culture, if communication takes place in an informal setting, in the sphere of closely related, closely friendly communication.

These types of speech culture allow the use of reduced vocabulary: jargon, colloquial expressions, swear words, with general observance of orthological norms.

The same types of speech culture can be independent, the only ones for a native speaker, if he does not take into account the factor of official communication, using, for example, in official conditions the words of farewell: bye be instead of common ones: goodbye, all the best, all the best. The latter is typical for carriers of a familiar-colloquial culture. Even lower types of intranational speech cultures include vernacular And professional limited speech culture.

Realizing the inferiority of their speech culture, vernacular speakers often include foreign and book words in their speech without taking into account their lexical meaning: no agreement can be reached without consensus; we can manage without your contingent; specifically made and so on.

As a rule, the carriers of colloquial culture are unaware of the existence of dictionaries and reference manuals that could help them adequately use vocabulary, correctly build phrases and sentences.

Errors in the speech of representatives of low types of speech cultures are systemic. Moreover, accentological and lexical errors prevail in oral speech, and grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors prevail in written speech.

In business communication, vernacular in its pure form is extremely rare, and professional limited speech culture - quite often. It is characterized by everything that is characteristic of low types of speech cultures: the systemic nature of orthological disorders, the indistinguishability of the sphere of You - and You - communication, the indistinguishability of stylistic layers of vocabulary (jargon is not recognized as such), lack of command of monologue speech, lack of conscious use of speech means, - in short speaking, linguistic limitations and inferiority of speech consciousness.

Do these types of intranational speech cultures interact? Undoubtedly, they experience mutual influence and form hybrid, marginal varieties: the average literary one interacts with lower types of speech cultures - familiar-colloquial, professional-limited, colloquial. And such marginal formations, according to our observations, prevail in business speech.

Does a future manager, manager, municipal employee need to know these types of speech cultures? In our opinion, it is certainly necessary, because the exact qualification of the speech culture of the interlocutor will help you choose the right strategy for speech behavior, avoid communicative shock when carriers of high and low types of speech cultures collide.

In this chapter, it is necessary to note the general process of reducing the level of the speech culture of society, which has not yet been stopped. For ten years now, linguists have been sounding the alarm about dangerous trends in the loosening of linguistic norms. Anxiety about the state and fate of the Russian language is permeated with the statements of many well-known figures of culture and science in our society. D.S. Likhachev, A.I. Solzhenitsyn, Academician E.P. Chelyshev and many others spoke about the need to keep clean the national heritage - the Russian language, the existence and improvement of which is an indispensable condition for the existence of the nation.

The term "speech behavior" refers to the totality of speech actions and their forms, considered primarily in the socio-communicative aspect. For a manager and manager, these are speech actions that, if necessary, are performed by him in professional business communication. Outstanding linguist T.G. Vinokur wrote that "speech behavior appears as a visiting card of a person in society." Let us cite the formulation of J. Austin, one of the developers of the theory of speech acts - "word as action" - i.e. a word is an action under certain conditions in relation to a certain addressee.

To the greatest extent, the effectiveness of speech is palpable precisely in business communication: in writing, it is the language of documents that guide the actions of people, in oral form - dialogues during which opinions and interests of groups of people collide, general principles of interaction and specific plans for cooperation are developed, are ways out of conflict situations.

According to the traditional definition, a manager is a manager, agent, broker, who ensures the intrastructural activities of an enterprise, establishes relationships with partners, customers (suppliers) or explores the sales market.

The social roles in which managers find themselves are determined by the types of their contacts with other people: "producer" - "consumer"; "seller buyer"; "client" - "customer"; "leader" - "subordinate".

So, intrastructural activity determines the distribution of social roles "leader" - "subordinate", foreign trade activity - "seller" - "buyer", "client" - "customer".

Each of the social roles requires a special type of speech behavior. With the emergence of new economic relations, these types of speech behavior have changed dramatically. Ten years ago it was possible to direct only directive methods, however, even then such a method was ineffective. Today it is impossible in principle. Directive speech acts remained in business communication in the genres of organizational and administrative documentation: orders, resolutions, orders. Otherwise, business communication is based on the principles cooperation, consideration of mutual interests, parity And equality in hierarchical relationships. Not administration, but openness to contact and stimulation of subordinates, not opposing the interests of the "buyer" and "seller", "client" and "customer", but the desire to identify common interests and search for a consensus solution - this is the basis of the speech behavior of a modern business person.

The central principle of speech behavior in business communication, therefore, is the principle of cooperation, which is realized according to the theory of G.P. Grice in seven maxims (principles of behavior):

the maxim of tact;

maxim of generosity;

the maxim of the relevance of the statement;

maxim of completeness of information;

maxim of sympathy;

maxim of consent;

maxim of modesty.

Not all of these maxims can be realized in one speech act: it is not always necessary to agree with the interlocutor, show him sympathy, but be tactful, correct, respect the interlocutor's right to receive accurate and complete information and to express it on his part should be a leader of any rank.

The basic principle of modern business communication is that initially communication is based on the definition of the interlocutor as a partner, an equal participant in the dialogue, regardless of his social position and his communicative position.

Not " Bring me the papers" A " Kindly grab a folder with documents" - will say a civilized leader, referring to a subordinate.

Formulating orders and requests in an interrogative form formally gives the subordinate the right to choose and removes the emphasis of administration from hierarchical relations. The readiness to admit one's mistake, to apologize, to render a service, to settle minor misunderstandings is as natural for a well-mannered person in business communication as in everyday business.

Replacing direct speech acts with indirect ones (not " You need to solve the problem with payment for our services by November 13th", A " Until November 13th, we would like to receive information from you about the repayment of the debt") is a sign of a sufficiently high speech culture, a conventional code of civilized communication not only in Russian, but also in other languages.

Compliance with the basic principle of cooperation is the most important postulate of the speech behavior of a business person and determines the choice of speech means depending on the situation of communication.

The concept of "speech situation" is the basic concept of linguopragmatics - a science that studies how a person uses language to influence the addressee (perceiving speech) and how he behaves in the process of verbal communication.

What do the features of speech and speech behavior of a person depend on? As it turned out, from many reasons and factors. The combination of these factors is called the speech situation. Its main components are external and internal conditions of communication, participants in communication, their relationship.

The general scheme of the speech situation can be represented as follows.

In addition to the main factors identified in this scheme that affect the characteristics of business speech and speech behavior of communicants, one can also distinguish such factors as the degree of acquaintance, the degree of remoteness of communicants from each other, the presence of observers, etc. However, these factors do not determine the quality of business speech to the extent that the main factors or components of the speech situation.

Let's consider them. The official setting implies a special legal significance of business communication. This is due to the fact that specific people - individuals - not only represent the interests of legal entities (firms, enterprises), but also act on behalf of legal entities in business negotiations, in the process of business meetings.

Official communication takes place in the office - office, reception, conference room, etc.

Official communication can also be intra-corporate, for example, protocol business communication, represented by the genres of meetings, conferences, board of directors.

The official setting requires compliance with the relevant etiquette norms of speech behavior:

Mandatory two-way You-communication in relation to the interlocutor of any age group and any social status;

Strict observance of the etiquette frame of communication (words of greeting and farewell);

Use of etiquette standard politeness formulas ( "be kind", "be kind", "allow me..." etc.).

The official situation imposes requirements on the lexical composition of speech, which should not include swear words, slang, colloquial words and dialectisms.

There are requirements regarding the pronunciation of words. The official setting determines the choice of a literary type of pronunciation, and not mumbling, not tongue twisters or careless phonetic shaping of speech. Not [hello "], but [hello" e], not [when], but [when].

The main tone with strict official relations is calm, restrained, with less strict official relations - calm, friendly, affable.

In an informal setting, presentations, anniversaries, business meetings take place outside the walls of an institution or office, for example, in a restaurant, at home, everyday communication in a work team. In such an environment, the interlocutors feel much freer in the choice of speech means than in an official setting. This means that speakers are guided by the same rules and norms of speech behavior as in everyday life:

You - or You - communication is selected depending on the degree of acquaintance, age and position of the interlocutor;

Words of greeting and farewell are used;

The use of label formulas can be kept to a minimum.

Less stringent requirements of lexical selection do not exclude, however, the undesirability of using the same lexical layers that are undesirable in official communication.

The same can be said about pronunciation norms.

The determining factor in an informal setting is the degree of familiarity. A conversation with a stranger or unfamiliar person imposes essentially the same etiquette requirements as official communication. Even the presence of an "outsider" person (visitor, client) requires people who are in the same room with him to switch to the rules of official communication.

The exception is municipal employees of all ranks, employees of ministries and departments. For employees of the listed specialties, official communication is the only type of business communication. The corporate culture of government representatives, law enforcement agencies and ministries does not provide for an informal environment of business communication as a working environment. The strictness of hierarchical relations does not provide for the possibility of using You-communication during working hours.

Factor addressee V business communication is no less important than the conditions of communication. Destination - the person to whom the speech is addressed. The communicative tactics and the choice of etiquette means will depend on the role and communicative relations that the speaker or writer (addresser) enters into with him.

The areas of management implementation involve the performance of various social roles by the manager, which are determined by:

External production relations of the firm (organization);

administrative activities;

commercial relations.

Entering into relations "producer" - "consumer", "leader" - "subordinate", "partner" - "partner", the manager, the leader determines for himself the principles on which relations are built, and, depending on them, develops a communication strategy .

Target settings are defined and grouped depending on how the leading principle of communication is chosen in a particular area (professional area of ​​management). At present, priority is given to the principle consensus in partnerships, responsiveness in market relations and equality in corporate relations.

The general principle of politeness does not exclude the richness of specific situations in which speech means have to be differentiated. When choosing an appeal, for example, the most important criterion is the social status of the addressee.

Dear Nikolai Stepanovich!

Dear Mr. Kutyu!

Dear Alexander Sergeevich!

The designation of the social status of the addressee can be verbal and non-verbal (indicated by intonation).

Indexes of social status are official position, social position, financial position, merit. According to the Russian tradition, gender differences are not emphasized in business communication; a woman has the same social status as a man.

During the years of Soviet power, a tradition of piety towards the "bosses" developed. A high official position ensured fawning and even servility on the part of subordinates or people of a lower position. Official position is still the main one in determining social status, but the tone of attitude towards high-ranking officials is changing today. Of course, the personal merits of the addressee of the speech are also taken into account.

The social status and social role of a person may not coincide. In the era of market relations, hierarchical organizations, such as parent and subsidiary firms, often act as partners.

The social role largely determines the nature of the communicative expectation of the interlocutor, which cannot be ignored. If you are a boss, a subordinate, while communicating with you, expects you to be correct, polite, caring, sometimes patronizing and always respectful. Aggression, the desire to attribute miscalculations and mistakes to the account of a subordinate are a violation of the norm of the manager's speech behavior. Such symptoms of not mastering the social role of a leader, unfortunately, have not yet been completely eliminated.

Communication "on an equal footing" with a subordinate is a necessary condition for creating a cohesive team that is able to survive in a competitive environment.

Communicative roles, unlike social ones, are changeable. One and the same person in the process of dialogue (polylogue) acts as an addresser, addressee and observer.

Addresser - dialogue initiator, speaker, writer, active communicator. This is certainly a tactically advantageous role. The sender sets the tone, pace and thematic program of communication. It is not for nothing that the speech activity of managers, the ability to direct the conversation and regulate, which is especially important, its time frame, are valued all over the world.

The initiator of the speech has the undeclared rights of the "director" of communication. As a rule, he finishes it. This does not mean, however, that the position of the addressee is a passive position in the dialogue. Business communication involves not only increased attention to what is being communicated, but also a number of mandatory speech-thinking operations in the process of speech perception:

1) control of the volume of reported;

2) control of understanding;

3) summary;

4) definition;

5) adjustment of positions. All these operations are implemented using reactive replicas: - Yes; - So-so; - Of course; - If I understood you correctly...; - What do you have in mind?; In other words, do you think that...? and so on.

With the help of the same reactive remarks, which are obligatory in the dialogue, the addressee can intercept the speech initiative by changing the communicative role to the role of the addresser. More on this in chapter IV of the book.

The position of an observer is also the position of an active participant in communication. Even without participating in the dialogue, the observer influences its course.

Thus, the presence of a visitor in the office suggests that working intra-corporate issues are resolved quickly, without excessive detail.

Thus, passive participants in the communication process in business communication simply do not exist. Listening, according to psycholinguists, is a more intellectually intense process than speaking. Therefore, breaks are provided in lecture schedules, and an experienced lecturer knows that after fifteen minutes in the course of the lecture itself, it is necessary to do "releases" so as not to lose contact with the audience.

Speaking about communicative relations, one cannot fail to note the importance of the personal-subjective factor. Communicating, we convey not only objective information, but also our attitude towards it and the interlocutor. This latter, to a greater extent, determines the interlocutor's reaction to certain speech actions. The demand for sociable, pleasant managers, advertising agents is an economic strategy and policy in modern business.

Factor goals connects the positions of the speaker and listener in a single communicative process.

In business communication, goals can be urgent and promising, implemented in plans for long-term cooperation.

Maintaining business contacts, informing and influencing the addressee in order to make a specific decision - these are the main types of goals pursued by addressees in the areas of business and management.

Maintain business contacts, i.e. constructive business relations are possible only on the basis of positive mutual emotions - trust, sympathy, goodwill, respect, etc. For this purpose, congratulations, condolences, invitations to celebrations, letters of thanks, etc. are sent out.

Informative letters, calls, faxes, sending catalogs, price lists, samples of goods, reports realize the second type of goals - to inform the addressee about the state of affairs, about the possibilities and conditions of the transaction, etc.

Instructions, rules, orders, instructions, demands, complaints, requests, both in writing and orally, realize the goal of influencing the addressee and inducing him to commit one or another act.

Often, the listed goals are combined within one text, for example, a letter of request, which begins with a description of the state of affairs, i.e. from informing to ending with a request.

There can be an infinite number of specific speech situations, but there are their typical features, knowing which you can easily navigate in any of them and choose the necessary speech means to achieve the goal of communication.

Features of speech situations in the sphere of business relations are assigned to the genres of oral speech (business negotiations, workshop, telephone messages, etc.) and to the genres of written speech (contract, business letter, license, rules, etc.). In each of the genres, the use of the language has its own characteristics, but the cardinal differences are associated with a change in the form of linguistic expression, so we believe that information from written business speech should be "translated" into oral speech.

Linguistic terms:

speech act- the main unit of speech behavior, realizing the one-speech intention of the speaker (request, advice, offer).

Nomination- naming, introducing a new concept into speech.

Verbalization- translation of information from the language of schemes, numbers, symbols to the verbal level.

Thesis- a summary of the message, text in video separate provisions.

Paraphrasing - transmission of other people's words in one's own words in order to clarify and clarify information.

Summary - a summary of the essence of what was written, said; a brief conclusion, the final result of a speech, report, etc.

Accent - associated with the placement of stress in a word.

Control questions:

1. What are the specifics of business communication?

2. What are the components of speech culture?

3. What types of intranational speech cultures do you know? Which of them prevail in business communication?

4. Name the basic principle of speech behavior in business communication.

5. Define the speech situation. What are its main ingredients?

6. Consider the denotation graph and name the speech genres that a manager-manager, sales manager, marketing specialist should own.

Denotation graph 1.

(From the book: Lapinskaya I.P. Russian language for managers: Textbook. Voronezh: VSU Publishing House, 1994)


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2. Characteristics of the problems and prospects of business communication in Russian management practice

3. Conflicts in business communication and ways to resolve them



Relevance of the topic. Business communication is a necessary part of human life, the most important type of relationship with other people, as well as in the management structure.

Eternal and one of the main regulators of these relations are ethical norms, which express our ideas about good and evil, justice and injustice, the rightness and wrongness of people's actions. And communicating in business cooperation with their subordinates, boss or colleagues, each, one way or another, consciously or spontaneously relies on these ideas. But depending on how a person understands moral norms. What content he puts into them, to what extent he takes them into account in communication, he can both facilitate business communication, make it more effective, help in solving tasks and achieve goals, and make this communication difficult or even make it impossible.

Business communication is understood as communication that ensures the success of a common cause, creates conditions for people to cooperate in order to achieve goals that are significant to them.

Business communication contributes to the establishment and development of relations of cooperation and partnership between colleagues, managers and subordinates, partners, rivals and competitors. It involves such ways of achieving common goals that not only do not exclude, but, on the contrary, also imply the achievement of personally significant goals, the satisfaction of personal interests. And we are talking about the interests of individuals and legal entities.

Personal knowledge allows you to determine how effective a business relationship with a particular person can be.

But to ensure a high level of communication, the manager must be able to use communication technologies based on psychological knowledge. So, it must be taken into account that in the process of communication between partners, colleagues, tension and even a conflict situation may arise, for example, due to disrespect for self-esteem. Or, also, the inept use of the word can lead to significant information losses, and, consequently, to failures in the performance of official duties.

Thus, it is possible to explain the relevance of the topic we have chosen: "The role of business communication in modern management."

The purpose of our course work is to study the role of business communication in modern management.


Describe the main characteristics of business communication

The object of the study is business communication

The subject is business communication in modern management and its importance in the activities of the organization.

Thus, the structure of the course work consists of introduction, main part, conclusion, list of references.

business communication management

1. Main characteristics of business communication

1. Business communication is a complex multifaceted process of developing contacts between people in the official sphere.

Its participants act in official statuses and are focused on achieving the goal, specific tasks.

A specific feature of this process is regulation, submission to established restrictions, which are determined by national and cultural traditions, professional ethical principles.

Known "written" and "unwritten" norms of behavior in a given situation of official contact.

The accepted order and form of treatment in the service is called business etiquette. Its main function is the formation of rules that promote mutual understanding of people. The second most important is the function of convenience, expediency and practicality.

A general requirement is a friendly and helpful attitude towards all work colleagues, partners, regardless of personal likes and dislikes.

The regulation of business interaction is also expressed in attention to speech. It is imperative to observe speech etiquette - the norms of linguistic behavior developed by society, typical ready-made "formulas" that allow you to organize etiquette situations of greeting, request, gratitude. (e.g. "hello", "be kind", "may I apologize", "nice to meet you"). These sustainable structures are selected taking into account social, age, psychological characteristics.

Communication as interaction assumes that people establish contact with each other, exchange certain information in order to build joint activities, cooperation.

In order for communication as an interaction to occur without problems, it should consist of the following steps:

1. Setting up a contact (acquaintance). It involves understanding another person, presenting oneself to another person;

2. Orientation in a communication situation, understanding what is happening, holding a pause;

Discussion of the problem of interest;

Solution to the problem.

5. Completion of the contact (exit from it).

Service contacts should be built on a partnership basis, proceeding from mutual requests and needs, from the interests of the cause. Undoubtedly, such cooperation increases labor and creative activity, is an important factor in the technological process of production and business.

Functions of business communication.

Communication is one of the most important concepts in psychology. It more diversely reveals the individual characteristics of all participants in this process.

Communication has its own functions, means, types and types, channels and phases.

A study by psychologists and sociologists shows that up to 70% of managerial decisions are made by managers orally in the process of business interaction. It can be said without exaggeration that the nature of business contacts has a decisive influence on the effectiveness of joint activities, on the success of conversations, business meetings and negotiations, press conferences, auctions and presentations.

Even in the age of computers, the main instrument of communication between people is the word. Anyone who has perfectly mastered the skills in the process of communication gets the opportunity to live according to the principle “I came, I saw, I persuaded”. Communication is an extremely subtle and delicate process. It talks about direct and indirect communication, direct and indirect.

Direct communication is understood as natural face-to-face contact using verbal (speech) and non-verbal means (gestures, facial expressions, pantomime, spatial (distance, approach, removal, turns "to" and "from"), temporary (earlier, later )). The practical importance of the ability to "read" non-verbal information should be emphasized. The rate of speech, loudness, change in pitch and tempo of voice coloring are all means of conveying the emotional state of a person, his attitude to the message being transmitted.

A person cannot consciously control the entire sphere of his communication, therefore, often even what he wants to hide is manifested, for example, through hand movements, the position of the legs, the expression of the eyes, etc. Only by taking into account all the accompaniment that accompanies the speech, you can correctly perceive the communication partner.

Mediated communication can be considered as incomplete mental contact with the help of written or technical devices that make it difficult or time-consuming to receive feedback between the participants in the communication. Obviously, the emergence of various technical communication devices has significantly increased the number of sources of human experience, but also greatly complicated the system of human communication.

Types of communication. Communication at the level of social roles (role communication) - boss-subordinate, seller-buyer, teacher-student, is dictated by the role played, the place that a person occupies in the system of social social relations is fixed.

Under the interpersonal relationship is meant (the most common model of communication) the participation of two specific individuals with unique qualities that are revealed to the other in the course of communication and organization of joint actions.

Business communication can be easily distinguished from functional-role communication. Business communication is a type of interpersonal communication aimed at achieving some kind of substantive agreement. In business communication (unlike, for example, secular communication) there is always a goal.

Types of communication are determined by the rules, the implementation of which is implied. So, if the rules of "secular" communication are based on a code of courtesy, then the basis of business relations is a code based on the principles of cooperativeness. It contains the following rules:

The rule of necessity and sufficiency of information. (Say no more and no less than is required at the moment.)

Information quality rule.

Matching rule (don't deviate from the topic).

Style rule (be clear).

The rule of communication etiquette.

In its meaning, communication is multifunctional. There are five main functions of communication.

The binding role is the most important condition for bringing people together in the process of any activity.

Formative role. Here communication acts as the most important condition for the formation and change of the mental image of a person (especially in the early stages).

confirmation function. In the process of communicating with other people, a person gets the opportunity, as it were, to confirm himself, to establish himself in what he is. Even W. James noted that for a person "there is no more monstrous punishment than to be presented in society to oneself and remain completely unnoticed." This state of a person is fixed in the concept of "non-confirmation". Moreover, unlike denial, which can be expressed by the words “You are wrong” or “You are bad” and involves a certain amount of confirmation, albeit with a negative assessment, non-confirmation means “You are not here”, “You do not exist”.

The famous English psychiatrist R. D. Laing saw non-confirmation as a universal source of many mental illnesses, primarily schizophrenia.

Everyday experience of human communication is replete with procedures organized according to the principle of the simplest "confirmatory therapy": rituals of acquaintance, greeting, naming, showing various signs of attention. They, speaking in scientific language, are aimed at maintaining a “minimum of confirmation” in a person.

The fourth function is to organize and maintain interpersonal relationships at the level of defined emotional contacts.

The fifth function of communication is intrapersonal, i.e. communication of a person with himself.

It is also necessary to note the interactive and perceptual functions of business communication.

An interactive function is a characteristic of those components of communication that are associated with the interaction of people, with the direct organization of their joint activities. There are two types of interactions - cooperation and competition.

Cooperative interaction means the Coordination of the forces of the participants. Cooperation is a necessary element of joint activity, generated by its very nature.

One of the most striking forms of competition is conflict.

The perceptual function of communication is the process of perception and understanding by people of each other.

All three aspects of communication are closely intertwined, organically complement each other and make up the process of communication as a whole.

Business communication tools

It has been established that in the process of human interaction, 60-80% of communication is carried out through the use of non-verbal expressions. They develop as social signs of communication, although some of the elements that make them up are innate. Gestures and facial expressions, postures are endowed with a semantic-expressive coloring, they are subject to ethical standards. In terms of service interaction, the tone of non-verbal behavior should remain neutral. Excessive gestures during a business conversation can be regarded as a manifestation of familiarity.

Non-verbal expressions are divided into four groups:

1. Extra- and paralinguistic - various near-speech additives that give communication a certain semantic coloring: type of speech, intonation, pauses, laughter, coughing, etc.

2. Optical-kinetic - this is what a person "reads" at a distance: gestures, facial expressions, pantomime.

A gesture is a movement of the arms or hands, they are classified based on the functions that they perform:

1. communicative (replacing speech)

2. descriptive (their meaning is clear only with words)

Gestures expressing attitude towards people, the state of a person.

Some gestures are arbitrary (rhythmic, pointing), others are due to subconscious impulses.

Mimicry is the movement of facial muscles.

Possession of facial expressions, the ability to convey emotions (joy, anger, surprise, disgust, fear, sadness ...) is a professional requirement for managers, politicians, teachers, everyone who works with people. It is believed that the most expressive are the mouth and lips.

Pantomime (kinesics) - a set of gestures, facial expressions and body position in space (poses).

3. Proximics - organization of space and time of the communicative process)

There are four main distances of communication:

1. intimate - from 0 to 0.5 meters. It is used by people connected, as a rule, by close trusting relationships. Information is transmitted in a quiet and calm voice. Much is conveyed through gestures, looks, facial expressions.

Interpersonal - from 0.5 to 1.2 meters. It is used for communication between friends.

3. Official business or social - from 1.2 to 3.7 meters. It is used for business communication, and the greater the distance between partners, the more official their relationship.

Public - more than 3.7 meters. Characterized by speaking in front of an audience. In such communication, a person must monitor speech, the correct construction of phrases.

4. Visual contact - visual, or eye contact. It has been established that usually communicating look into each other's eyes for no more than 10 seconds.

With the help of the eyes, we receive the most accurate and open signals, therefore, during a business conversation, it is important to control the expression of the eyes, to meet the gaze of the communicant at least 60-70% of the time of contact. It is recommended to look at an imaginary triangle on the forehead of the interlocutor and not let go below his eyes.

In physiological studies, it has been noted that when a person is satisfied, joyfully excited, his pupils expand 4 times compared to the normal state, and vice versa. By this sign, you can accurately know the reaction to what you hear.

Understanding non-verbal language allows you to accurately determine the intentions, position of the interlocutor.

The components of communication are:

1. Message



Point of view


Thus, in this paragraph we have considered: the definition of business communication, its elements, functions, means and stages of business communication.

. Characteristics of the problems and prospects of business communication in Russian management practice

When describing the Russian style of business communication, attention should be paid to a number of features due to the lack of business communication experience of many Russian entrepreneurs.

As a result, domestic participants, from the point of view of foreign colleagues, approach the negotiations in a rather strange way. If, when discussing a business proposal, Canadians (like many other businessmen, by the way) argue like this: we are uniting to increase the size of the “pie” and then everyone will get more. Russian entrepreneurs are often focused on a different strategy. They believe that the size of the pie is known, and the challenge is to grab a bigger piece.

This characteristic speaks of incompetence, the absence of a certain "negotiation culture", the desire, even in a situation of cooperation, to see to a large extent a conflict of interests, rather than their coincidence.

Another thing in which we are inferior to foreign partners is the ability to "bargain". Russians abroad overpay colossally for everything precisely because of their tendency to pay not only without haggling, but without even knowing properly the real price levels. Foreigners already know this very well and use it. Such behavior can lead to rejection of new Russian entrepreneurs.

Unfortunately, Russian business people still do not attach serious importance to these aspects of their activities.

The contradiction between ethics and business, the proper and the existing, is very sharply manifested today in business communication, and at its most diverse levels: both between the organization and the social environment, and within the organization itself. Between managers, entrepreneurs and business people in general, there are two main positions in relation to this contradiction.

Those who consider themselves pragmatists believe that in business communication and in business in general, ethics is not needed in itself. The sole duty of the manager of a corporation, employed by the owner of the business, is to maximize profits by any means available, to "make as much money as possible", adapting in every possible way to the norms of society, embodied in laws and ethical traditions.

From this position, which can be called "business Machiavellianism", ethical norms and the very language of ethics are seen as a hindrance in business communication. It tries to avoid talking about morality, ethical ideals, duty and social obligations, because as a result there are "unnecessary", "irrelevant" problems regarding moral and social responsibility.

The extreme case of unethical behavior of businessmen, heads of enterprises is the violation of the law. But unethical behavior should also be considered various kinds of actions of companies that do not take appropriate measures to eliminate defects in their products, which can lead to harmful consequences for the population. Therefore, the concept of ethics of business communication also includes the concern of company managers about the quality of their products, responsibility for the harm that it can cause to the population.

The ethics of business communication concerns, of course, not only the social responsibility of enterprise managers. It covers a wide range of issues related to the purposes and means of doing business.

In this regard, it should be noted that representatives of business pragmatism sometimes use unsuitable means to achieve their goals, such as bribes and bribery.

But besides this, the very goals of business communication can be unethical. At the same time, communication can be considered unethical not because it is contraindicated, but because the goals of business communication are incompatible with moral values. An example is the conclusion of transactions, contracts for the construction of environmentally harmful enterprises.

The second position in relation to the contradiction between ethics and business is that the observance of ethical standards in business communication is recognized as important not only from the point of view of the responsibility of businessmen to society with themselves, but also necessary for the efficiency of production. In this case, ethics is seen not only as a moral imperative of behavior, but also as a means (instrument) that helps to increase profitability, helps to strengthen business ties and improve business communication.

It seems that this approach is more civilized, and in the end more effective, since the enterprise is a component of society, and by affirming the ethical standards of communication in itself, it at the same time contributes to their dissemination in society, the surrounding social environment. And the more prosperous the ethical atmosphere in society becomes, the more favorable the environment is created for business. At the same time, unethical behavior and communication will sooner or later result in, if not direct economic losses, then, in any case, social and moral costs, both for the enterprise and for the social environment.

Therefore, having considered both views on the place of ethics in business communication, one should join not with Nicolo Machiavelli, who preached the "liberation" of politics from morality, but with Benjamin Franklin, who argued that "honesty is the best policy."

Indeed, in a situation of a market economy and increasing competition, when many companies offer a similar assortment and prices, the question arises, how to differ from others, how to win in the competition? In answering this question, many successful companies prioritize training staff at all levels in the company on business etiquette and effective business communication.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that modern Russian business culture, including business etiquette, today represents a motley mixture of behavioral stereotypes: the remains of the command and control system, borrowings from Western European business etiquette, and emerging specific Russian business behavior norms.

In addition, in Russia for decades there was no special training in etiquette in schools and universities. Some citizens were lucky, in their families they paid attention to the correct behavior, taught “how to behave”, showed examples of etiquette behavior. Others were less fortunate and the theme of "decent behavior" was present in their lives only superficially.

Perhaps that is why, now in society in general and in business organizations in particular, there is often a shortage of good manners. That is why special training of staff in business etiquette is necessary. It is not enough to write a Standard of Business Conduct for the company's employees and introduce it by order of the General Director. In order for the Standards of Conduct to really work and be applied in daily professional activities, it is advisable to systematically train personnel in good business manners.

It is important during business trainings and interactive seminars to show employees the meaning of business communication, the meaning, and point out the consequences of violations of these rules. In addition to obtaining theoretical knowledge in the course of such training, employees develop the skills of the necessary etiquette behavior and strengthen good habits.

In the long run, this approach is the most effective. Because good business manners of the staff are profitable for the company.

Business training for employees of business organizations is a complex and sometimes painful process.

Meanwhile, these rules have long been obvious to employees of Western business organizations.

Since Russia seeks to integrate into the world economy and become an equal business partner, the personnel of Russian companies have no choice.

To be a worthy business partner, you need to learn civilized business communication and adhere to the generally accepted rules of the game in the business world.

. Conflicts in business communication and ways to resolve them

The most difficult problem in real communication, the most key in the theory of communication, the problem of conflicts has, one might say, enduring significance for ethical research, for the ethics of communication.

Considering the problems of communication, one can be convinced that all of them are more or less connected, “go out” into the categories of “contradiction” and “conflict”. In the practical sphere, conflicts in communication are also an eternally relevant, “sick” and vital problem, one might say, for every person. Therefore, for the ethics of communication, the problem of conflicts, in our opinion, is the most important.

A conflict in business communication, in our opinion, takes place only when there is a mutual (usually violent) infringement of the dignity of at least one of the subjects: the criterion for distinguishing a conflict from a contradiction, from a struggle of opposites is the degree of infringement of moral dignity.

Contradictions between values, ideas, needs, interests, tastes, habits, opinions, positions always exist, but conflicts arise, or rather, they are created by people themselves, although there is no need for this: you can live even better without conflicts.

The art, culture and ethics of communication consist, in particular, in preventing the development of interpersonal contradictions in communication to a state of conflict. The conflict is not a simple contradiction, an obstacle, a collision; it is associated with conscious human activity, with the wrong decision-making, with the inhuman choice of goals and values, means and methods, style of behavior and communication in general as a response to these obstacles and contradictions.

Thus, the conflict is characterized by the fact that it is a stage of development of a contradiction, that the conflict is a conscious (often irreconcilable) contradiction and that the conflict is associated with an actual violation, in particular, of moral norms, with a conscious mutual suppression of the inherent value of human dignity and, as a rule, with a specific activity that carries a negative moral assessment. Conflicts in communication are special situations in communication that also correspond to these above characteristics.

Despite their specificity and diversity, conflicts have common stages of flow, a more or less clearly defined structure.

The process of business communication involves the presence of three factors: perception, emotions and information exchange. In conflict situations, it is easy to forget about it.

Therefore, the following prerequisites for the emergence of conflict in business communication can be distinguished:

discrepancy in reasoning, disagreement due to a discrepancy between your reasoning and the reasoning of the other side.

features of perception, people, very often talking, do not understand each other.

Therefore, constructive conflict resolution depends on the following factors:

— the adequacy of the perception of the conflict, i.е. a fairly accurate assessment of the actions, intentions of both the enemy and one's own, not distorted by personal predilections;

- openness and effectiveness of communication, readiness for a comprehensive discussion of problems, when participants honestly express their understanding of what is happening and ways out of the conflict situation;

— creating an atmosphere of mutual trust and cooperation.

It is also useful for a leader to know what individual personality traits create a person's inclination or predisposition to conflict relations with other people. These qualities include:

inadequate self-assessment of one's capabilities and abilities;

the desire to dominate at all costs; say your last word;

conservatism of thinking, views, beliefs, unwillingness to overcome outdated traditions;

excessive adherence to principles and straightforwardness;

critical attitude;

a certain set of emotional qualities of a person.

Ways to resolve a conflict situation.

Style of behavior in conflict.

Since in real life it is not so easy to find out the true cause of the conflict and find an adequate way to resolve it, it is advisable to choose a certain strategy of behavior depending on the circumstances. There are five main styles of behavior in conflict:

competition or rivalry;




ignoring or avoiding.

The style of behavior in a particular conflict is determined by the extent to which you want to satisfy your own interests, while acting passively or actively, and the interests of the other side, acting jointly or individually.

The style of competition or rivalry - this style is most typical for behavior in a conflict situation. It can be used if you are betting heavily on your solution to a problem that has arisen, since the outcome of the conflict is very important to you:

- you feel that you have no other choice and you have nothing to lose;

- must make an unpopular decision and you have enough authority to choose this step;

However, it should be said that this strategy rarely brings long-term results, since the losing side may not support a decision made against its will. In addition, the one who lost today may refuse to cooperate tomorrow.

Collaboration is the most difficult of all styles, but at the same time the most effective in resolving conflict situations. Its advantage is that you find the most acceptable solution for both sides and make partners out of opponents. This approach leads to success both in business and in personal life. However, this style requires the ability to explain your decisions, listen to the other side, and restrain your emotions. The absence of one of these factors makes this style ineffective.

Compromise style - its essence lies in the fact that the parties are trying to resolve differences by making mutual concessions. This style is most effective when both parties want the same thing.
When using this style, the emphasis is not on a solution that satisfies the interests of both parties, but on an option that everyone could agree on.

Evasion style - usually implemented if the conflict does not affect the direct interests of the parties or the problem that has arisen is not so important for the parties and they do not need to defend their interests.

Accommodative style means that you work with the other side, but do not try to defend your own interests in order to smooth the atmosphere and restore a normal working environment. In this case, you sacrifice your own interests in favor of the other side. But this does not mean that you should give up your interests. You just have to sort of put them aside for a while, and then, in a more favorable environment, return to their satisfaction through concessions from your opponent or in some other way.

Negotiation is the basis for resolving disagreements and conflicts.

In the conditions of market relations, negotiations between people become a special sphere of their daily life, which has its own psychological characteristics, and is also the basis for resolving disagreements and conflicts. The art of negotiation is specially trained all over the world. A person who is properly prepared for negotiations will be able to achieve his goal without offending his partner and leaving a favorable impression of himself. The purpose of negotiations is to reach a reasonable agreement that meets the interests of the negotiating parties.

Strategy negotiations are divided into three types:


soft method. A mild-mannered person wants to avoid personal conflict and is willing to make concessions in order to reach an agreement.
He wants an amicable denouement, but the matter most often ends with the fact that he remains offended and feels slighted.

hard method. A tough negotiator sees any situation as a contest of wills in which the side that takes the extreme position and stubbornly stands its ground will get more. He wants to win, but often ends up causing an equally tough situation that drains himself and his resources, as well as ruining his relationship with the other side. Principled negotiation is the third way of negotiating, which involves a position based not on weakness or firmness, but rather a combination of both.

Principled negotiation method developed within the framework of
The Taward project of negotiation is to solve problems on the basis of their qualitative properties, that is, on the basis of the essence of the matter, and not to bargain over what each side can or cannot do.

This method assumes that you strive to find mutual benefit wherever possible, and where your interests do not coincide, you should insist on an outcome that would be based on some fair norms, regardless of the will of each of the parties.

The method of principled negotiations means a tough approach to the consideration of the merits of the case, but provides a soft approach to the relations between the participants in the negotiations.

Principled negotiation shows you how to achieve what is rightfully yours while remaining within the bounds of decency. This method allows you to be fair while protecting you from those who might take advantage of your integrity.

The method of principled negotiation can be used to resolve one issue or several, in circumstances prescribed by the ritual, or in an unpredictable situation, as is the case with negotiations with hijackers. This method depends on the methods of the opposing side.

Principled negotiation is a strategy designed to achieve all goals.

In addition to the principled method, there is a positional method, a method of positional discussions, in which the emphasis is not on the essence of the dispute, but on the position of each of the parties. This method does not meet the basic criteria: it is not effective, does not achieve the goal, spoils the relationship between the parties.

The principled method constitutes an alternative to the positional approach and is intended for effective and friendly negotiations and the achievement of a reasonable result. This method can be summarized in four main points:

People - the distinction between negotiators and the subject of negotiations;

Options - Before deciding what to do, highlight the range of possibilities.

Interests - Focus on interests, not positions.

Criteria - Insist that the result be based on some objective standard.

Emotions are also an important point in negotiating, which must be suppressed by the so-called “letting off steam”, which allows you to get rid of feelings of anger and fear that arise in disputes. In addition, apologies, expressions of regret, handshakes, inexpensive gifts remove the hostile situation.

Thus, having considered all the main issues related to understanding the essence of conflicts, we can offer the following working definition of the concept of "conflict in communication": this is an interpersonal confrontation associated with a conscious infringement of the moral dignity and needs of a partner and, as a rule, of a violent nature.


We considered the most important problems directly related to the practice of human communication.

Socio-psychological knowledge, the skills of analyzing situations that arise in the process of communication are of great importance for building effective relationships between people.

On the one hand, they help a person to better understand himself, his inner world, to realize the socio-psychological aspects of his "I": social attitudes, stereotypes, behavior and interaction strategies, communication style, the ability to listen effectively, control your emotions and adequately understand other people. . On the other hand, such knowledge makes it possible to better understand people, to create such a situation of communication with them, individually attuning to their inner mental state, which would most fruitfully contribute to their creative development, would give a sense of security.

Business relations develop mainly in a small group, a member of which is a particular individual. The people around him play a huge role in shaping the values ​​of any person, and knowledge of the socio-psychological laws of life, groups, the ability to analyze them is the most important part of the life of an individual.

The purpose of our course work was to study business communication in the organization.


Describe the main characteristics of business communication in the organization

Analyze the problems and prospects for the development of business communication in Russian practice

Consider conflicts in business communication and ways to resolve them

In the course of studying the theoretical literature on the problems of business communication in an organization, in our opinion, the purpose and objectives of our work have been fully achieved.

Thus, business communication is a necessary part of human life, the most important type of relationship with other people, in the structure of modern management.


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Panfilova A.P. Business communication in professional activity: Textbook. - St. Petersburg: Knowledge, IVESEP, 2001.

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The concept of business communication is inextricably linked with interaction in the field of cooperation. Not a single entrepreneur or employer can do without business interaction in their work. Business communication, its types and forms act as a kind of link on which any business interaction between people is built. The head of the enterprise must take on the function of a wise mentor who will direct his employees in the right direction, help them grow and develop professionally. Employees must respect their leader without fail. Only in this case they will be able to really learn something useful from him.

The rules of business communication should be known to every self-respecting person. Otherwise, he risks himself getting into an unpleasant situation and putting others in an awkward position.

Types of business communication

Business communication to one degree or another involves purposeful interaction within the framework of teamwork in order to obtain a certain result. Traditionally, it is customary to distinguish several types of business communication.

  • Business correspondence. This type of communication refers to the so-called correspondence interaction, when information is conveyed to the interlocutor by means of a letter. Writing a business letter is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. It is necessary to take into account some points, such as: the design of the electronic message, the time frame within which the answer will remain relevant, the conciseness of the presentation of the necessary information. As a result of business correspondence, people can come to certain conclusions and conclusions. Read more in the article.
  • Business conversation. The ethics of business communication necessarily includes such conversations that would benefit the development of the company or enterprise. In a business conversation, a manager and a subordinate can clarify significant issues for themselves, determine the range of necessary tasks that require immediate solutions, and discuss the results. It is during a business conversation that the significant elements of the activity are clarified and the necessary details are clarified. Any working moments can be considered with the help of this type of business communication.
  • Business meeting. Sometimes it’s not enough just to have a conversation with employees as part of corporate work. To achieve more effective interaction and better understanding, it is necessary to resort to a business meeting. These meetings deal with significant urgent issues that cannot be delayed. Meetings can be held both among managers and be directed to the work of the chief with the staff.
  • Public speaking. Business communication is designed to ensure the establishment of business relationships between employees. Public speaking is used in cases where it is important to convey some kind of information that is introductory and presentational in nature to the audience. The one who speaks to the audience must have all the necessary knowledge on the subject of his report, as well as a number of personal characteristics that allow him to freely and easily reproduce this information. Basic requirements for the speaker: competent speech, self-confidence, clarity and consistency of presentation of the material.
  • Business meeting. They are an essential element of business communication. With the help of negotiations, you can quickly solve an important problem, determine the immediate goals and objectives of the company's development, hear the opinion and intentions of the opponent. Business negotiations are most often held between the leaders of different organizations in order to identify their positions and come to a common decision.
  • Discussion. It often occurs in the course of business communication as a result of a clash of different points of view. The culture of business communication does not allow you to freely and openly express your positions if they contradict public morality, but with the help of discussion you can sometimes argue within the accepted norms. The discussion reveals different views on the same problem and can often cover the subject of the dispute from opposite sides.

Functions of business communication

Business communication is a well-coordinated system of interaction of entire groups of people with each other. Traditionally, it is customary to single out several basic functions of business communication. All of them should be considered in close relationship with each other, because the process of business communication itself is a single mechanism.

  • Information and communication function is that all participants in a conversation or negotiation exchange with each other the necessary information. In order for each of those present to constantly follow the progress of the conversation and “not fall out” of the topic, a great concentration of attention and interest is required. If the topic is relatively exciting, of scientific or artistic value, then it will be much easier for listeners to perceive it. In the case of "heavy" topics, moreover, poorly developed by the speaker, the quality of the material does not correspond to the required level.
  • interactive function consists in the need to correctly plan the sequence of actions between the participants in business communication. The exchange of impressions about the solved business problems makes employees of one enterprise, one way or another, evaluate each other's actions. When one employee pays attention to the speech of his colleague, he is already to some extent able to correct and control his own behavior.
  • perceptual function expresses itself through the perception of one interlocutor by another in the course of business communication. When we observe the activities of colleagues, as a result we learn not only to memorize the information we need, but also to analyze it, compare it with individual ideas and knowledge about life. Perception is necessary for every person for the full development of the personality, awareness of one's individuality, building ideas about objects and phenomena.

Stages of business communication

Business communication always takes place in several stages, which follow one after another in turn. None of them can be omitted, since together they contribute to the formation of the process of adequate business communication. , as a rule, implies strict adherence to all the rules. The norms of business communication cannot be fully observed without taking into account the main stages of business communication.

  • Formation of a motive. It should be understood as the threshold of what can be called proper conversation, conversation between people. Business communication arises, as a rule, out of necessity, as a result of purposeful meaningful action. Awareness of the need to meet with a certain person and offer him your services or consult yourself is a kind of preparation for a personal meeting. Without a significant motive, goals, business partners will not interact effectively with each other. The preparatory stage is the time when future partners analyze the need for participation in relation to each other, check the significance of future fruitful cooperation.
  • Establishing contact. Usually occurs at the first meeting of partners. Business communication begins when the need arises. To establish contact, interaction at the level of views is important. After all, if a person does not inspire confidence in us, we are able to recognize it precisely by the eyes. A meeting and a fruitful business conversation, as a rule, is preceded by a mutual handshake. When business partners have exchanged the necessary greetings, the actual interaction begins.
  • Formulation of the problem. Business partners are unlikely to meet to drink tea together or have fun. They have a mutual joint problem that requires a solution. Moreover, the decision is necessary for all participants in the negotiations. At the meeting, a discussion of significant contradictions, existing difficulties and difficulties begins. If a product manufacturer and a potential client meet, then the problems of the latter are discussed and a constructive solution is proposed.
  • Information exchange. The ethics of business communication does not allow getting personal during important negotiations, but in their course, partners exchange important information with each other, which may turn out to be not only useful, but necessary, necessary. Businessmen are often willing to pay huge sums of money for such information. How do business partners convince each other? Of course, not empty phrases and promises. In business and business communication, argumentation becomes an important element, the ability to prove the veracity of one's words, to confirm their significance.
  • Search for a solution. It usually proceeds from the need to resolve a significant contradiction. Once a trusting conversation has been established, a reasoned and consistent search for a solution can take place. Usually it is immediately fixed by the relevant contract.
  • Drawing up a contract. It is necessary as a written confirmation of a specific transaction. Business communication is always focused on the result, the creation of a specific product of activity. It is for this reason that it is required to sign important papers and strictly comply with all clauses of the contract.
  • Analysis of results. This is the last stage of business communication. After some time after the negotiations, its participants again gather together and analyze the results. This can be expressed in the calculation of profits, as well as in the fact that there is a desire to cooperate on an ongoing basis.

Features of business communication

Business communication differs from personal contacts in that it has a number of characteristics that distinguish it from all other interactions. What are these features? Let's take a look at them together.

  • The Importance of Reputation in business communication is simply huge. In the world of business, reputation is everything, and to lose it means to lose your business. It has been developed over the years, and therefore every competent leader values ​​his name very much. The name in individual entrepreneurship is a guarantee, the basis on which success is built. No self-respecting businessman will do anything that could refute or lower his reputation in the eyes of the public. Otherwise, all the achievements that have been accumulated so far will inevitably be lost. Business is not only the number of successful transactions, but also the opportunity to grow in your business, to act for the benefit of other people. For example, if a company is engaged in the production of sportswear and footwear, it is extremely interested in the product being of high quality. Otherwise, very soon the face of the enterprise will be lost.
  • Specificity and clarity is another important part of business communication. Leaders must always be very precise and reliable in defining their goals. Only then do they have the opportunity to fully move forward, to really develop professionally. So far, a clear goal for the development of the company has not been set and there can be no talk of the laws of its formation. The presence of a far-reaching goal contributes to rapid self-organization, building constructive positions within the team, and forming a sense of responsibility.
  • Mutually beneficial cooperation- this is what every successful businessman strives for and what his direct activity is aimed at. Entering into cooperation with other enterprises, a competent specialist always leads to a situation where both parties who have concluded a contract turn out to be winners. An experienced businessman knows that it is completely unacceptable to care only about his own well-being and forget about his partners. In business, the ability to build business relationships, business communication itself decides everything. A wise leader will never be truly satisfied until he spreads the well-being that has come to him to the people around him. If achievements are not built on the principles of harmony and environmental friendliness of success, then it will soon turn out that they were false.

Principles of business communication

Business communication requires maximum concentration from all participants in the process. The ability to effectively interact with customers, colleagues, even competitors is a very valuable and necessary experience. It is necessary not only to have direct knowledge on the subject of a business conversation, but also to be able to take into account important features of interaction. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

Control over the situation

In business, you can't show your true emotions. All successful entrepreneurs know this axiom. If you want to achieve great results in your individual activities, learn to grit your teeth at some point. It is extremely important to keep your finger on the pulse, to control everything that happens: new deals, signing contracts, your own feelings and doubts about this. After all, if the leader constantly thinks about whether he is really doing the right thing, the company is unlikely to succeed.

Control over the current situation allows you to constantly be aware of events, whatever they may be. The opportunity to take active action arises only when there is a clear plan, the confidence that all the steps are correct and planned in advance.

If the interlocutor behaves extremely unrestrainedly, never join him. A verbal skirmish, a heated argument are not components of a successful business. The real ingredients of a successful entrepreneur are always patience and hard work.

Ability to listen to your customer

At the dawn of the development of any business, it is necessary to clearly realize what is the main thing in business. And the most important element is always the person of the client. The target audience is what all activities are aimed at. The ability to work with clients, take into account their needs and desires is the basis of success. Whatever your business is doing, it will benefit from such a profitable investment. It is necessary to invest not only in the development of production, but also in the service sector, so that visitors feel easy and comfortable.

Audience requests are the company's tasks that need to be solved. You should always try to satisfy the needs of your client as much as possible so that he leaves satisfied with the quality of your work.

Ability to focus on essentials

Someone will say that business is a very harsh thing and, of course, they will be right. Business communication is different in that it requires complete concentration, immersion, dedication. Sometimes you need to discard everything secondary and look only ahead. Any failures only temper, make you grow professionally and improve.

The life of a modern leader is full of daily stresses. Every day, a powerful flow of information falls upon him, which needs to be systematized, analyzed and applied in practice. Finding the main task and devoting the main amount of time to it is already becoming a winner. A talented leader always understands this.

Ability to separate personal relationships from business

People sometimes tend to mix up work and interacting with employees. If a person for one reason or another seems unpleasant to us, this does not mean at all that he cannot be useful to business. Being in a large company, sometimes you have to work with completely different representatives, take into account the opinions of colleagues and reckon with the most opposing opinions. Do not mix work and personal life. The development of the enterprise should be approached very responsibly, so that later you do not have to regret it very much. Business communication is the best way to help a person concentrate on the desired tasks.

Ability to be honest

There is a famous fair statement - business must be clean. For the sake of making a successful deal, you cannot cheat, deceive, use other people. All these ugly actions can result in undermining the reputation, loss of respect and trust on the part of customers. Truthfulness is good in any activity. After all, if the client realizes that he was deceived, this is unlikely to lead to the development and prosperity of your business. Business communication is the foundation upon which trust is built.

Business communication etiquette

Ethics of business communication is a fundamental component of effective interaction in business. Hundreds of people daily try to find the answer to the question: how exactly should you communicate with customers, how to negotiate in order to achieve maximum success? How to behave with different people? These and other questions will be discussed below.

The ability to admit one's mistakes is a fundamental quality that leads to progress. If you accidentally made a mistake and you know that it can affect the client's decision to use or not use your services, there is no need to dramatize the events. Just apologize for the inconvenience and continue the corporate conversation. In this case, the visitor will think that nothing terrible has happened.

The tradition of offering coffee to customers did not originate very long ago, but it is very effective in its application. Teas and other beverages are usually offered to create a sense of relaxation, contentment and positive vibes in the visitor. It is in this mood, most often, that lucrative contracts are concluded.

The intention to be as useful as possible always produces a significant effect. The client must leave the company, having completely solved his problem or question. Otherwise, he will never want to do business with you again. Today everyone wants to be successful and in demand. Become useful for every visitor, try to give him as much information as he needs. You will gain an excellent reputation, and the client will be satisfied.

Business communication styles

In business communication, it is customary to distinguish several different leadership styles. All of them are fundamentally different from each other.

Authoritarian style

It is based on the absolute power of the chief and the complete subordination of employees. Choosing this style of leadership, directors want to see the clear fulfillment of the tasks set (and sometimes in a fairly short time) and especially do not take into account how employees will feel. The authoritarian style of interaction assumes that the leader submits ideas, and subordinates must implement them. At the same time, their own opinion, individual aspirations, personal achievements are very often not noticed and not taken into account.

Bosses who have chosen an authoritarian style of interaction should be prepared for the fact that there will be no free expressions and truly creative thoughts in the team. Employees get used to thinking in accordance with the requirements of the leader and very soon stop showing any initiative at all. They will only do the work that is necessary and they don't want to do anything overtime. And the reason for this is the inability to show their creative imagination, the flight of thought.

Democratic style

Its basis is the well-coordinated work of the entire team, which takes into account any bold and creative ideas that the manager found interesting and useful. The head of a democratic warehouse of management is more friendly than an authoritarian one: he is fair, moderately reasonable and most of all cares about the well-being of the company. If the janitor's idea turns out to be useful, then his idea will be recognized and, perhaps, the employee will be promoted. The democratic style of interaction is recognized as the most effective of all existing ones, since it emphasizes the importance of each individual, supports its ability for professional growth and development.

In a team where a purely democratic spirit reigns, each employee has a real chance for self-realization. If you work under competent guidance, you can get good skills that will be very useful in the future. The democratic style of communication with employees contributes to better labor productivity, the release of internal forces, the emergence of interest in work, and the promotion of new unique ideas.

conniving style

It manifests itself in the clear indifference of the management to the organization of work and the results of activities. Usually this style of interaction is chosen by the boss, who acts more formally than consciously. It can also be young leaders who simply do not have enough experience, and they have not yet learned how to properly organize a team.

A laissez-faire leadership style suggests that the director has little interest in what is going on. Of course, this method cannot be called constructive at all. With such an approach, it is absolutely impossible to grow professionally and work fruitfully. Employees get used to this state of affairs and soon consider it an acceptable norm.

Formal business style

Mainly used for drafting contracts and other business papers. At important meetings and negotiations, business communication is a significant indicator that demonstrates the general level of preparedness of specialists, so it must be displayed at its best.

In ordinary life, people do not deliberately talk to each other in formal phrases. However, in business meetings, this is the only way to prove yourself, demonstrating competence and awareness of important issues. This style of conversation immediately sets others in a serious mood, creates a working atmosphere.

scientific style

The scientific style is mainly used by teachers and heads of educational institutions. Be that as it may, for its part, this method in fact turns out to be very effective. As a result of business interaction, all participants in seminars and other forms of meetings receive reliable information about a particular subject or phenomenon. The scientific style is characterized by extreme rigor, restraint and conciseness.

Thus, the forms of business communication, its types, principles and rules create a single picture of a holistic interaction, in which people's individualities are manifested.

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