Paulo Coelho. parables

An animal tamer in a circus is able to control elephants using a very simple trick: when the animal is still young, he ties one of its legs to a tree trunk. No matter how hard he fights, the young elephant is unable to free himself. Gradually, he begins to think that the tree trunk is more powerful than him.

When the elephant becomes an adult with great strength, it is enough just to tie it with a ribbon to young tree and he won't even try to free himself.

Like elephants, our feet are often tied with thin threads.
But since childhood, we get used to the strength of the tree trunk and do not dare to fight, not realizing that a simple act of courage is enough to gain freedom.

City of happy

An old Peruvian legend speaks of a city where everyone was happy. The inhabitants of this city did everything that gave them pleasure, and got along well with each other. Everyone except the mayor, who was sad because he had nothing to manage.

The prison was empty, the court was never used, and the notary did nothing, because the word of a person had more meaning here than the paper on which it was written. One day, the mayor invited some workers from afar to build something in the center of the city's main square.

For a whole week one could hear the sounds of hammers and saws. At the end of the week, the mayor invited everyone in the city to Grand opening. With great solemnity, the outer boards were taken down and the people saw the gallows. People began to ask each other what this gallows was doing there. In fear, they began to use the court to decide anything that had previously been resolved simply by mutual agreement.

They went to the notary's office to register documents that used to be just human words. And they began to pay attention to everything the mayor said, in fear of the law. The gallows was never used. But her presence changed everything.

Magic technique

One day, the mentor told a student to put on a trouser belt with a buckle in the other direction - not the way he usually fastened it. He obeyed, convinced that he was learning to wield some powerful tool of power and strength.

A few months later, he reported that thanks to this magical technique, he learns everything he needs much faster than before. - Fastening the belt buckle not with my left hand, but with my right, I transform negative energy in a positive way,” he proudly declared.

The mentor, in response to these words, burst out laughing: - Buckles and belts do not modify energy. I asked you to do this just so that every time you put on your pants, you remember that you are in training. And it was the consciousness of this, and not the belt at all, that helped you grow.

The cycle of love

One day a certain peasant knocked on the door of the monastery. When the clerk's brother opened the door, the peasant handed him a bunch of magnificent grapes.

Dear brother keeper, these are the best fruits of my vineyard. This is my gift.

Thank you. I'll take them to the rector right away. He will be glad.

No! I brought them as a gift to you.

To me? I am unworthy of such a wondrous creation of nature.

You opened the door for me every time I knocked. When the drought ruined the harvest, you gave me daily a loaf of bread and a glass of wine. I want these bunches to give you some of the love of the sun, the beauty of the rain, and the miracle of God.

Brother clerk put a bunch in front of him and admired the grapes all morning - he really was good. And therefore, nevertheless, he decided to present it to the abbot, whose wise words invariably gave him courage and strength.

The abbot was very pleased with the grapes, but, remembering that there was a sick monk in his monastery, he thought: “I’ll give this bunch to him. Who knows, maybe it will cheer him up.

But the grapes did not stay long in the cell of the sick monk, for he reasoned: “Brother the cook takes care of me, tries to feed me better. I am sure that the grapes will bring him joy.” And when the cook brought him dinner, the patient gave the grapes to him with the words: “This is for you. You are constantly dealing with the gifts of nature, do you not know how to deal with this divine creation.

The cook brother was struck by the beauty of the bunch and called his assistant to admire the berries - so perfect that only the sacristan brother, who was responsible for keeping Holy Communion and who was known in the monastery as a true righteous man, could fully appreciate them. The sacristan brother, in turn, presented the young novice with a bunch, so that he could understand that the hand of the Creator is felt in the smallest details Creations.

The novice, having received the grapes, felt how his heart was filled with the Lord's Glory, because he had never before seen such a beautiful bunch. Then he remembered his first visit to the monastery and the man who opened the door for him. It is thanks to this that he now belongs to the community of people who know true price miracles.

And just before nightfall, the novice took the bunch to his brother keykeeper and said: - Eat to your health. But you most spend time here alone. More fun with grapes.

The clerk's brother then realized that the wondrous bunch was really destined for him, enjoyed the taste of each berry and fell asleep happy. Thus the circle is closed.

Apparent duality

One day someone shared his thoughts with a wise old man:

On the one hand, we know how important it is to seek God. On the other hand, life moves us away from it, because we often feel that higher power it doesn't care about us, or that she doesn't know anything about us, or we are distracted by everyday worries.

From all this, a feeling of guilt arises: we either feel that in the name of God we renounce life, or that for the sake of life we ​​commit it to oblivion.

He replied:

In fact, this duality is apparent, because God is in life, and life is in God. It is enough to be aware of this in order to better understand your destiny. If we can penetrate the sacred harmony of our daily existence, then we will go out on the right path and fulfill our destiny.

memento Mori

The teacher said:

My dear student, I must tell you something that you may not know. I thought about how to make this news less difficult to hear: how to add bright colors, plus the promise of Paradise, the panorama of the Absolute, to confuse with secret explanations - but this will not happen. Take a deep breath and prepare yourself. I must be direct and guarantee that I am absolutely sure of what I am telling you. This is a reliable prediction, absolutely no doubt about it. This is the following: you die. It may be tomorrow or fifty years from now, but sooner or later you will die. Even if you don't want to. Even if you have other plans. Think carefully about what you are going to do today. And tomorrow. And with the rest of my life.

It's impossible- When you walk your path, you'll find a door with a phrase written on it, said the teacher.

Come back to me and tell me what this phrase says.

The student gave himself up to the search with body and soul and one day came to the door, and then returned to the master.

It said "it's impossible," he said.

Was it written on the wall or on the door? the teacher asked.

On the door, - answered the student.

Okay, then put your hand on the doorknob and open it.

The student complied. Because the phrase was written by the door, it gave way just as the door itself did. When the door was fully opened, he could no longer see the phrase - and he entered.

The teacher and his students were walking through the market square. Here life went on as usual - the sellers vying with each other briskly praised their goods, and the buyers looked closely at him, trying to bring down the price.

Suddenly, the attention of the Teacher was attracted by a young juggler standing on a dais. He took out three oranges and began to toss and catch them. People gathered around, admiring the grace and precision of his movements.

The teacher stopped for a minute, observing the dexterity of the man, and then, turning to the students, said:

To a certain extent, this reminds us of our lives. We each have an orange in each hand, and another in the air. Therein lies the difference. They throw him up and catch him skillfully and deftly, with skill and dexterity, but he has his own way. Just like this juggler, we launch our dream into this world and are not always able to control it.

At such moments, one must be able to entrust her to God and ask her to worthily fulfill what was intended for her and, having been fulfilled, fall into our hands. One of the most effective exercises to accelerate internal growth lies precisely in paying attention to all those things that we do automatically - breathe, blink, or note what is happening around.

In doing so, we seem to give free rein to our brain, and it works without the participation and interference of our desires. Then problems that hitherto seemed insurmountable suddenly solve themselves, and the work that seemed hard labor to us is done almost effortlessly.

someone else's example

The student asked the teacher:

The history of mankind knows many true righteous people, but what is the best way to go in order to achieve the same?

When we embark on the path destined for us, a strong fear seizes us - we feel that we must certainly do everything “right”. But after all, everyone has their own life, one and only, so where did the concept of “how to” come from? The Lord created the giraffe, and the elephant, and the ant - why are we obliged to follow someone else's example?

The example serves only to show how others define their reality. We can admire it, but we can also avoid repeating the mistakes of others. But how to live - let us decide only and exclusively for ourselves, and no one else.

Everything will be fine

One day alone a wise man told a group of people about God and life trials. He ended his story with the words:

Everything will be fine in the end.

What if it doesn't work out well, someone asked him.

And if it’s not good yet, it means that you just haven’t reached the end yet, - the sage smiled.

Causes of falls

An African shaman led his apprentice through the jungle. Although he was very old, he walked quickly, while his young disciple fell many times. The young man got up every time after falling and, cursing the treacherous land, spat on that place and continued to follow his teacher.

After long way they have reached the sacred place. Without stopping, the shaman turned back.

You haven’t taught me anything today,” the student said after another fall.

I taught you something, but you didn't understand it, said the shaman. - I'm trying to teach you how to deal with life's mistakes.

And how should I deal with them?

Just like with these falls,” the shaman replied. “Instead of cursing where you fell, you should try to find out what made you fall in the first place.

An animal tamer in a circus is able to control elephants using a very simple trick: when the animal is still young, he ties one of its legs to a tree trunk. No matter how hard he fights, the young elephant is unable to free himself. Gradually, he begins to think that the tree trunk is more powerful than him.

When an elephant becomes an adult with great strength, it is enough just to tie him with a ribbon to a young tree, and he will not even try to free himself.

Like elephants, our feet are often tied with thin threads.
But since childhood, we get used to the strength of the tree trunk and do not dare to fight, not realizing that a simple act of courage is enough to gain freedom.

City of happy

An old Peruvian legend speaks of a city where everyone was happy. The inhabitants of this city did everything that gave them pleasure, and got along well with each other. Everyone except the mayor, who was sad because he had nothing to manage.

The prison was empty, the court was never used, and the notary did nothing, because the word of a person had more meaning here than the paper on which it was written. One day, the mayor invited some workers from afar to build something in the center of the city's main square.

For a whole week one could hear the sounds of hammers and saws. At the end of the week, the mayor invited everyone in the city to the grand opening. With great solemnity, the outer boards were taken down and the people saw the gallows. People began to ask each other what this gallows was doing there. In fear, they began to use the court to decide anything that had previously been resolved simply by mutual agreement.

They went to the notary's office to register documents that used to be just human words. And they began to pay attention to everything the mayor said, in fear of the law. The gallows was never used. But her presence changed everything.

Magic technique

One day, the mentor told a student to put on a trouser belt with a buckle in the other direction - not the way he usually fastened it. He obeyed, convinced that he was learning to wield some powerful tool of power and strength.

A few months later, he reported that thanks to this magical technique, he learns everything he needs much faster than before. - By fastening the belt buckle not with my left hand, but with my right, I transform negative energy into positive, - he proudly declared.

The mentor, in response to these words, burst out laughing: - Buckles and belts do not modify energy. I asked you to do this just so that every time you put on your pants, you remember that you are in training. And it was the consciousness of this, and not the belt at all, that helped you grow.

The cycle of love

One day a certain peasant knocked on the door of the monastery. When the clerk's brother opened the door, the peasant handed him a bunch of magnificent grapes.

Dear brother keeper, these are the best fruits of my vineyard. This is my gift.

Thank you. I'll take them to the rector right away. He will be glad.

No! I brought them as a gift to you.

To me? I am unworthy of such a wondrous creation of nature.

You opened the door for me every time I knocked. When the drought ruined the harvest, you gave me daily a loaf of bread and a glass of wine. I want these bunches to give you some of the love of the sun, the beauty of the rain, and the miracle of God.

Brother clerk put a bunch in front of him and admired the grapes all morning - he really was good. And therefore, nevertheless, he decided to present it to the abbot, whose wise words invariably gave him courage and strength.

The abbot was very pleased with the grapes, but, remembering that there was a sick monk in his monastery, he thought: “I’ll give this bunch to him. Who knows, maybe it will cheer him up.

But the grapes did not stay long in the cell of the sick monk, for he reasoned: “Brother the cook takes care of me, tries to feed me better. I am sure that the grapes will bring him joy.” And when the cook brought him dinner, the patient gave the grapes to him with the words: “This is for you. You are constantly dealing with the gifts of nature, do you not know how to deal with this divine creation.

The cook brother was struck by the beauty of the bunch and called his assistant to admire the berries - so perfect that only the sacristan brother, who was responsible for keeping Holy Communion and who was known in the monastery as a true righteous man, could fully appreciate them. The sacristan brother, in turn, gave the bunch to the young novice, so that he could understand that the hand of the Creator is felt in the smallest details of Creation.

The novice, having received the grapes, felt how his heart was filled with the Lord's Glory, because he had never before seen such a beautiful bunch. Then he remembered his first visit to the monastery and the man who opened the door for him. It is thanks to this that he now belongs to the community of people who know the true value of miracles.

And just before nightfall, the novice took the bunch to his brother keykeeper and said: - Eat to your health. After all, you spend most of your time here alone. More fun with grapes.

The clerk's brother then realized that the wondrous bunch was really destined for him, enjoyed the taste of each berry and fell asleep happy. Thus the circle is closed.

Apparent duality

One day someone shared his thoughts with a wise old man:

On the one hand, we know how important it is to seek God. On the other hand, life moves us away from it, because we often feel that the Higher Power does not care about us, or that it does not know anything about us, or we are distracted by everyday worries.

From all this, a feeling of guilt arises: we either feel that in the name of God we renounce life, or that for the sake of life we ​​commit it to oblivion.

He replied:

In fact, this duality is apparent, because God is in life, and life is in God. It is enough to be aware of this in order to better understand your destiny. If we can penetrate the sacred harmony of our daily existence, then we will go out on the right path and fulfill our destiny.

memento Mori

The teacher said:

My dear student, I must tell you something that you may not know. I thought about how to make this news less difficult to hear: how to add bright colors, plus the promise of Paradise, the panorama of the Absolute, to confuse with secret explanations - but this will not happen. Take a deep breath and prepare yourself. I must be direct and guarantee that I am absolutely sure of what I am telling you. This is a reliable prediction, absolutely no doubt about it. This is the following: you die. It may be tomorrow or fifty years from now, but sooner or later you will die. Even if you don't want to. Even if you have other plans. Think carefully about what you are going to do today. And tomorrow. And with the rest of my life.

eternal question

The German philosopher Schopenhauer walked along the streets of Dresden, looking for answers to questions that occupied him. Walking through the square, he decided to sit and look at the flowers. One of the residents of the area watched strange behavior philosopher and called the police. A minute later, the officer approached Schopenhauer.

Who are you? the officer asked rudely.

Schopenhauer examined the policeman from top to bottom.

If you can help me find the answer to this question, he said, I will be eternally grateful to you.

This is impossible

When you make your way, you will find a door with a phrase written on it, - said the teacher.

Come back to me and tell me what this phrase says.

The student gave himself up to the search with body and soul and one day came to the door, and then returned to the master.

It said "it's impossible," he said.

Was it written on the wall or on the door? the teacher asked.

On the door, - answered the student.

Okay, then put your hand on the doorknob and open it.

The student complied. Because the phrase was written by the door, it gave way just as the door itself did. When the door was fully opened, he could no longer see the phrase - and he entered.

Paulo Coelho is a Brazilian writer and poet. novel writer, short story stories. The parable contains a certain lesson, a small or large law of the world in which we live.

Parables are the art of words to get right into the heart in order to remove grief and sorrow from there. “When you really want something, the whole Universe will help to ensure that your desire comes true.”

(P. Coelho)

“Let parables serve as a comfort for the afflicted, a healing balm for people with broken hearted a guide for those who love guidance."

(A. Farage)

How can I know the best path to take in life? the student asked his teacher.

The teacher asked the student to make a table. When the table was almost completed - all that was required was to hammer nails into the lid - the teacher approached the student. He drove nails with three precise blows. But still, one nail was driven in with difficulty, and the student had to spend a little more time on it. The fourth blow drove it in too deep, and the wood cracked.

Your hand always hit with a hammer only three times,” the teacher said. - When an action becomes routine, it loses its meaning, and this can cause damage.

Every action is your action, and there is only one secret: never let habit control your movements.

(P. Coelho)

Willingness to talk to God

A man seeking wisdom decided to climb the mountain because he was told that God appears there every two years. During his first year there, he ate everything the earth had to offer. Ultimately, the food was exhausted, and he was forced to return to the city.

God is dishonest! he exclaimed. “Didn't he know that I've been waiting a whole year to hear his voice. I am hungry and I must return to the city.

At that moment an angel appeared.

God really wants to talk to you, said the angel. - whole year he fed you. He hoped that after that you would produce your own food. Well, what did you want? If a person is not able to grow fruit where he lives, he is not ready to speak with God.

(P. Coelho)

Two knights

Let's go to the mountain where God lives, - the knight suggested to his friend. - I want to prove that all he knows is how to ask us questions, while he does nothing to lighten our burden.

Okay, I'll go there to demonstrate my faith, said another.

They climbed the mountain in the evening and heard a voice in the darkness: "Load your horses below with stones from the ground."

Saw?! said the first knight. “After such an ascent, he still wants to make us bear a heavy burden. I will not obey!

The teacher said, “God's decisions are mysterious; but they are always in your favor.

(P. Coelho)

Juggler with oranges

The juggler stopped in the middle of the square, took out three oranges and began to juggle them. People gathered in a circle and marveled at the grace and plasticity of his movements.

It's like life: more or less. - said someone near the traveler. - We always have an orange in each hand, and one in the air. But it is the one that is in the air that creates diversity. It can be thrown by a capable and experienced hand, but it flies on its own course. Like a juggler, we throw a dream into the world, but we do not always control it. At such moments, we must know how to put ourselves into the hands of God. And if you ask for this in a timely manner, then the dream will correctly follow its course and, completed, will again fall into your hand.

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