Reincarnation of the soul in the theory of reincarnation. Soul Reincarnation


In the poll of the rebirth of the soul - "Is there life after death?" - worries many. Some say that after human life comes eternal life for the soul, and depending on how you lived this life, it depends where this eternity will last, in hell or in paradise. Others are of the opinion that it is quite possible to be reborn again in such a world, but not only as a person, but also as another living being. Still others claim that we live once and will never be born again. There are different opinions on this matter, mainly religious movements are asking this question, building on this put forward moral and ethical principles, however, people from science periodically make attempts to prove the phenomenon of rebirth, while ordinary people are often motivated by knowledge of rebirth for a more blessed life today. .

The rebirth of the soul has been painstakingly studied by such researchers as Raymond Moody, Ian Stevenson, Michael Newton. In their writings, they described in detail the ongoing experiments and studies and tried in every possible way to scientifically prove the existence of this phenomenon. Of course, criticism did not pass them by, however, this does not mean that they were not right. Things are different in the eastern countries, where Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism and Buddhism are widespread. For these currents, rebirth is a central and integral concept of the teaching. But first things first.

Scientific evidence for the rebirth of the soul

The most famous scientists who studied the rebirth of the soul in their time were Raymond Moody, a psychologist and physician, and Ian Stevenson, a psychiatrist and biochemist. Naturally, not everyone in the scientific community was ready to accept their work. However, both Moody and Stevenson tried to approach the study of this problem as scientifically as possible. Raymond Moody used in his research regressive hypnosis, often used to study the rebirth of the soul. Having a great deal of skepticism on this issue, he first went through this procedure himself and, remembering several of his past lives, seriously engaged in the study of rebirth and published the book Life Before Life. Before that, he was known for his other work “Life after life” (or “Life after death”), which declared the unconditional existence of the soul and its further journey, it described the experiences of people who had experienced clinical death. On this subject, there is another famous book by the author Michael Newton, Ph.D., hypnotherapist - "Journey of the Soul", which also describes cases of immersing people in deep regressive hypnosis, through which clients experienced an out-of-body experience and recalled their past lives.

Ian Stevenson has been researching the rebirth of the soul for 40 years by looking for evidence of children's statements about their past lives. That is, the facts were compared, for example, the child claimed that he lived in a certain city, with specific people, was afraid of something, etc. And Stevenson went to this place and checked the data, raised the archives. Often what the children said was confirmed. Over the years, about 3,000 cases have been studied.

Why in scientific circles doubt the rebirth of the soul

The main reason for doubts about the rebirth of the soul in scientific circles is the not fully understood human brain and its capabilities. It has already been proven that any information, be it a sound, a picture or a smell, is immediately imprinted in our brain. And in critical situations, in illness or spontaneously, a person can remember this information and pass it off as his experiences. There is a case when a woman, being delirious, began to speak Hebrew and Ancient Greek, which she had never learned. It turned out that she worked as a maid for a pastor who often read sermons in ancient languages ​​at home, and these texts were involuntarily imprinted in her subconscious. From here one can understand the doubts of scientists about the rebirth of the soul, especially in the modern world, where a huge flurry of information is poured into the heads of the population around the clock through the media, and it is not so easy to find out where the past life really takes place, and where the fantasy is.

Rebirth in Buddhism

If earlier we talked about the rebirth of the soul, then unlike other confessions, Buddhism speaks of the rebirth of the mind, represented by a stream of impressions, experience or cittas. In the Pali language, rebirth is punabhava, which means ‘existence again’. You can often find a comparison with a burning candle, where the wax is the physical body, the wick is the sense organs, the oxygen particles are the objects of perception, and the flame is the consciousness or mind. A burning candle is like a living person: from the outside it may seem that the candle is always the same, but every time a new particle of wick and wax burns, and every second the flame interacts with a new particle of oxygen. When the candle is completely burnt out, which symbolizes death, the flame can go to a new candle, and this is a new body, rebirth, but can we say that the flame is still the same? According to the Buddha, yes. Buddhists are of the opinion that the new body is due to the accumulated impressions and karma. It is believed that rebirth occurs due to a passionate desire to continue to live, to enjoy, to receive impressions. The Buddha called this desire a seamstress: as a seamstress sews different pieces of fabric, so this passionate desire connects one life with another. The cycle of life and death is called samsara. Being in samsara is not considered the most favorable state of affairs, and one of the main themes of Buddhism is the practice to break this vicious circle.

Traditionally, Buddhism distinguishes six worlds of samsara, that is, six possible ways of rebirth:

  • World of the Gods;
  • Asura world;
  • The world of people;
  • Animal world;
  • Hungry Ghost World;
  • Hell worlds.

It is interesting to note that all six worlds are reflected in each of them. For example, in the world of people you can meet those who live as if in hell, that is, a person can be tortured, bullied; children in the hungry areas of Africa are like hungry ghosts, despite the fact that there is enough food and water on earth, it is practically inaccessible to them, and they are tormented by hunger and thirst; there are people who live like animals - they sleep on the street, eat whatever they pick up, etc.; there are those who live like human beings; people filled with envy, while not needing anything, are the world of asuras; there are, of course, those who live like gods, they already have everything in a human body, they are beautiful, healthy and do not know troubles. And, thus, it is possible to consider each of the worlds. Still, it is widely believed that the human birth is one of the most precious births, because there is development and the ability to move forward, which is difficult to achieve, for example, in the world of the Gods, since there is no incentive to develop due to the lack of need for anything. Rebirth into one world or another occurs on the basis of accumulated karma, that is, certain reasons must be created for birth in a particular world and circumstances. In general, for a soul to get into a Christian hell or paradise, conditions must also be created during life - why not karma?

The symbol of samsara in the Buddhist tradition is the wheel of rebirth, or bhavacakra. Traditionally, he is depicted clutched in the paws and fangs of the god of death, Yama. In the center are a pig, a snake and a rooster, symbolizing ignorance, anger and lust - the sources of suffering that keep a being in the wheel of samsara. Further, people are depicted striving upwards - to spiritual life, and downwards - non-virtuous, who are led to hell. Then the six worlds of samsara are located, and the twelvefold formula of being (causes and consequences) completes the picture.

According to the Dalai Lama XIV, the consciousness that we have now will pass into the next life, and we had it in a past life. Consciousness does not have an opposing factor that would lead to its stop, to its cessation. In the deep layers of consciousness there are memories of past lives, and a person with a sufficiently high level of development is able to turn to these memories. With further honing of consciousness, it becomes possible to foresee the future. The Dalai Lama also emphasizes that if you live a meaningful life every day, you can guarantee yourself a good next incarnation.

What gives us the recognition of the phenomenon of rebirth

This is perhaps one of the most important questions, the answer to which explains the position of the opponents of the rebirth of the soul. The fact is that when a person understands that he does not just live more than one life, but that the quality of this life affects the next, that nothing passes without a trace and he will have to atone for all his sins and reap the fruits of his actions, then the realization comes that to live like this the way most of us live today is simply not possible. But is such a position beneficial to those who promote unbridled consumption, life one day and puts material values ​​above spiritual ones? Of course not. It is worth considering why people who have experienced clinical death or experienced past lives, for the most part, change for the better. Apparently, they saw something that led them to the need to reconsider their lives now. In any case, the understanding that life does not end in this incarnation, and maybe even just begins, fills what is happening with meaning, allows you not to lose heart and realize your responsibility and involvement in what is happening. That is, what we have today is the fruit of our past actions, and blaming someone else for this, it turns out, is stupid.

In Tibet and India, the majority does not even have a question about rebirth, it is considered an undeniable and even obvious phenomenon. As mentioned above, in these cultures it is stated that the birth of a human is a precious birth that must be earned, I am silent about the birth in the body of a white person, for Indians this is comparable to a divine incarnation. If a person could not live this life in a human way, then welcome to the lower worlds: animals, pretas or hell. Such a theory undoubtedly makes us not just think, but appreciate and cherish the chance to go through this life in full awareness and with the opportunity to influence our development. For example, animals are practically deprived of such an opportunity, because, according to people who have experienced the memories of life in the body of an animal, instincts rule in that world and there is practically no place left for the manifestation of volitional conscious actions. Even a person, saving his life or being in need, is often not able to think about anything other than satisfying his needs, what can we say about animals.

The statement of one lama Dzongsar Khyantse Norbu Rinpoche is very close to me. According to him, from life to life we ​​develop habits. For example, depressed and embittered people may have developed the habit of being discouraged and angry for five hundred lives, and this habit is fixed from incarnation to incarnation in such a way that it is no longer recognized by a person, and controls him. But as soon as he realizes that this is not him, but just his habit, then at that very moment he can begin to form another, more blissful habit, which will intensify from life to life and, conversely, make life easier. Combining this thought with the common Buddhist view that birth is driven by craving, one can reflect on what desires and habits drive us in this incarnation, and where they will lead us in the future. Suppose a person constantly thinks about food and eats without noticing it, that is, this is his habit that cannot be controlled, then does he need a human body for this, or can the body of some animal be sufficient? Of course, all the qualities inherent in this individual are important here, perhaps they still outweigh people in the direction of the world. However, as we discussed above, human life is also different, you can be born in such an environment where there will be no opportunity to regain consciousness.

In conclusion, I would like to say that regardless of whether we believe in the rebirth of the soul or know that it exists for sure, we must justify our involvement in the human world. Do you really need proof that in the future you will have to answer for everything? It may be enough of your personal conscience to live with dignity, respecting yourself and others now, striving for development not in order to deserve something in the future, but so that this life is filled with meaning and high ideals.

A very interesting and rather esoteric topic continues on our self-development portal, namely, the doctrine of Reincarnation or the reincarnation of souls and beings many times, about the so-called past lives, and therefore we will try to tell in more detail about the meaning and lessons of a wandering soul reborn in different worlds universe.

Many people on planet Earth believe in their past lives, and especially in countries where Buddhism has taken root, and these are India, Tibet, Laos, China, Thailand, Sri Lanka. And it's no secret that just people without any religion can also remember their past lives or incarnations.

Can you remember your past life (reincarnation)?

Around the world, thousands of people have already remembered their past lives, and their description would take many books.

Sometimes people involuntarily recall their past lives, or even know them from birth, as was the case with our friend, whose real story about her own reincarnation, you can read on our portal. And we have also written about a whole science and branch of psychology that can try to send you back to a past life in a state of hypnosis.

But most often, the recollection of one's past life in an ordinary person, without any innate abilities and deviations, occurs in deep meditation or samadhi. When ordinary sense organs stop working and a person begins to explore his inner world.

Why don't people remember their past lives?

To remember your past, an ordinary person is hindered by ordinary thoughts and emotions. It is believed that all the experience of past lives is in the Akashic Archive or in the world of Light, where everything we have done and everything we have lived is in the form of a record in the smallest grains of light.

And so, in order to penetrate into this sacred sphere of your soul where all the necessary information is stored, it is necessary first of all to stop our mind and feelings - this yoga process is called pratyahara. And when this state deepens, a person can enter samadhi, with partial or complete cardiac and respiratory arrest.

Then you can enter the world of light, where the World Bank of Data or Akash is also located, which we will talk about separately later - then you can truly remember your entire past reincarnation. In this experience, a person remembers many lives: in such and such a life I was born there and there, ate such and such food and died in such and such and such a way from life to life.

Reincarnation and rebirth of a person in the religions of the world

The doctrine of reincarnation in many world religions came from Buddhism, because after its enlightenment Buddha Shakyamuni, about which you can also read separately, remembered or saw in his perfect samadhi all his past lived lives.

In addition, the doctrine of reincarnation passed into Hinduism and early Christianity. Yes, and into Christianity too, since Jesus Christ spent his early years, for some reason not described in the Bible, in India and Egypt.

Although later Christianity began to reject the transmigration of souls, believing that for some reason the soul lives only one single life and expects the second coming of Christ for thousands of years.

But how can they expect the second coming if they crucified the first and most important coming of Christ in the form of Jesus Christ. The second coming will come and they will want to execute him.

The reason why Christianity began to reject the transmigration of souls is that the spiritual level of the followers of Christianity was extremely low, and the founders of the Church were more concerned about dominance over ordinary people, influence in society and material wealth.

There is evidence that in the Christian current of the Cathars in Europe, and this is the XI-XIV centuries, there was a doctrine of reincarnation. The Roman Church recognized them as heretics and sent a crusade against them, committing another armed bloodshed in the name of God, so to speak.

Tibet - reincarnations of the Dalai Lama

Dalai Lama translates as "an ocean of wisdom or a great teacher" and is considered incarnation of the bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara- the Compassion aspect of the Buddha.

So, it is considered that The Dalai Lama has been reborn for the 14th time as the spiritual and political leader of Tibet.

And usually, before his death, the Dalai Lama told his disciples and the people of Tibet, in what place of the country he would be born and where to look for him. So the current Dalai Lama XIV at the age of two in the village of Taktser in the north-east of the country was found by a group of lamas (spiritual teachers) who were looking for his new incarnation.

And when a lot of toys and ritual accessories of the previous Dalai Lama were laid out in front of the child, he chose with 100% accuracy the items that belonged to him in the past, with the words: “This is mine, this is mine!”. In the same way, many lamas of Tibet, in the course of their spiritual practice, were able to remember many of their lives.

How is karma related to reincarnation?

If you believe the Eastern teachings, then each person has his own karma, each country has it, each animal has it, and of course karma (the law of cause and effect) directly affects the reincarnation of each person.

In addition, karma confirms the existence of reincarnation itself - after all, people at birth have a different shape, body color, one is born to rich parents, and the other to poor ones, someone wants to achieve something, but it doesn’t work, but it’s given to someone easily.

And the cause of birth is due to karma and nothing else. If there were no karma, no one would be born not only on earth, but also in other worlds or places too.

The Dalai Lama on Reincarnation

The spiritual leader of Tibet, the Dalai Lama, says about Reincarnation that there are 2 types of rebirth after death: firstly, due to karma and negative emotions, and secondly, rebirth due to compassion and prayer.

Strong desires and attachments lead a person to the next birth and birth takes place in different worlds, depending on karma. And this is called the wheel of samsara.

If a person is engaged in the practice of good deeds, then he can be born in higher worlds. In addition, having completely destroyed his karma, a person leaves the cycle of births and deaths.

How does Reincarnation happen?

It is usually believed that a person after his death chooses his new birth for 49 days, depending on the actions of the body, speech and mind accumulated in the life before birth. This state is called bardo- an intermediate state between life and death.

There are several ways of birth from the Bardo: firstly, these are visions of the world into which the soul must reincarnate and, captured by this vision, flies into it - this is how a new birth occurs.

Secondly, the soul is attracted to a certain kind of light, corresponding to its vibration. Accordingly, the purer the soul, the better will be its birth in the higher and purer worlds.

Thirdly, there is the God Yama or the God of Death, who is responsible for the reincarnation of souls. This is not a common God, namely the one who is responsible for reincarnation and subsequent lives. Well, probably, many people know the story about white and black pebbles on the scales. In short, they will make a verdict and send someone where.

Why do we live only for today despite Reincarnation?

Here, on this planet Earth, each person considers himself a separate biological being, deprived of his integrity and having forgotten his angelic essence.

After all, every person is a part of God, and this suggests that, in fact, everyone is eternal and always has been, and always will be. In the state of God there is no beginning and no end. This is a circle, this is the center - wherever you go, everywhere you are as part of God.

Many of us on this planet are quite old souls. Someone was a Lemurian, someone was a Sumerian or an Egyptian. There were hundreds and thousands of previous incarnations on this earth, and in other places too.

Lessons of Reincarnation

Most likely, since each person reincarnates, he turns out to go through some of his life lessons related to obtaining some qualities that he does not have, or in order to help others learn their lessons.

But in general, we can say that since every person is a piece of God, then reincarnation occurs in order to recognize this piece of God in oneself. Lessons are sometimes shown as stories because they make it easier to understand the big picture of human lessons, and we will look at some of them.

Real cases and lessons of reincarnation

Childless Sofia

Sophia, even as a little girl, of course knew that she was born to become a mother. Little Sophia seemed to know everything about children, and how to raise them and what they like.

And now the time has come, and she found herself a man who told her that he wanted many children and a family. This is what I need Sophia thought and they bought a big house. But it turned out that Sophia was barren and all the knowledge of how to raise children was useless, and her husband left her, because he wanted a family.

Sophia did not want to be angry with God, yet she was a spiritual person and began to look for answers to her questions. And Sophia changed her life - she realized that it was she who was responsible for her life and that she herself planned it all.

Sophia gained wisdom and realized that her mission in life was to make public her knowledge of how to raise children. And she should not have children of her own, as this would have prevented her from fulfilling her mission, which in principle was much more important for the development of society as a whole and for divine affairs than one child well brought up by her.

Lyubimets Alexey

Once one person was incarnated on Earth, having almost no karma - this is a story about Alexei. And when he was born, he was missing one part of his brain. And although Alexei was very smart, he did not have a part of the brain responsible for the growth of the body.

Doctors knew that he would not live long. He was very much loved by his parents and friends. And yet, at the age of 12, he died, and it was his mission to develop the spiritual level and help his parents. How much grief and grief his young parents endured, they missed their beloved son so much.

But Alexei and his parents had a mutual agreement, even before he was born. The death of Alexei served as an acceleration for his parents to receive enlightenment. Having reached enlightenment, the parents exhausted their karma and even became famous healers.

So one sacrificed himself for the enlightenment of others. After all, since Alexei, like any person, lives forever - those 12 years he lived on Earth were a gift, a gift to other people and just a small piece of time, if we take the whole history of mankind in comprehending enlightenment and God within ourselves.


Reincarnation and its possible previous lives and births make every person think about the meaning of his life and this is already good. Maybe something needs to be changed for the better in our life or even urgently make adjustments to it.

In any case, if a person does not know his essence, who he is and where he comes from, then, probably, this is the meaning of life, namely, in his further self-knowledge and self-improvement. And it is precisely this ignorance that should, in theory, give us an impetus to further development and knowledge of the real world.

Well, we do not say goodbye to you, since we are all eternal, but simply say - see you on our portal of Education and Self-development, where we will continue to talk and communicate on spiritual topics.

I advise you to perceive this entire text as an esoteric fairy tale, which, perhaps, partly reflects the true state of affairs.

reincarnation This is the theory of the rebirth of the soul after death into a new body. The purpose of reincarnation is the evolution of consciousness. In this article, I will not consider reincarnation as a philosophy, but will highlight some of the "practical" aspects of this process. You can consider this article as a brief general overview of the topic of reincarnation in the spiritual-esoteric teachings. Any theory should be taken soberly, realizing that all these are just concepts that can probably reflect life. Only personal experience and direct knowledge matters.

It is believed that in the first earthly incarnation a person has a healthy, strong body, which, as new rebirths, due to accumulated karmas, becomes more and more “worn out”. In the first incarnation, the soul is young, pure, but infantile, the consciousness is primitive, but the personality can still be quite “kind”, simple-hearted, because the structures of the ego have not yet been properly developed. Such a person is like a highly developed animal, he is interested in the world around him, but he still does not know how to interact with it. When the rudiments of personality and character appear, the ego grows, then behavior changes dramatically. A person begins to act in his own interests, sometimes without regard for the consequences. Due to the lack of experience (a small number of incarnations) and the still very weak power of distinguishing incoming data, the young soul absorbs all the information: both positive and negative indiscriminately.

It is believed that during the rebirth of the soul, a person transfers to a new life damage, curses, blessings, good and bad, affecting his personality. What a person aspired to in a past life, but did not have time to realize, will almost certainly continue after rebirth - in a new body. This applies to any activity - both spiritual and worldly. There is an opinion that by about twenty years a person reaches the level of spiritual development of his past incarnation.

A student of Ramana Maharshi, Papaji, talked about how in a past incarnation, although he reached heights in meditation, enlightenment did not come to him. He had a strong craving for one woman, which he, due to the observance of vows, could not realize. This desire caused his soul to enter a new incarnation and marry this woman. In his new life, he again became an adherent of spiritual teachings, meditated a lot and achieved enlightenment.

Events are intertwined in an amazing way. In the course of reincarnations, the people around us - our friends, relatives, loved ones, almost all of them have already been with us in past births. Your sworn enemy may become your friend, son, or father, your wife may become close acquaintances, and so on. These are all just roles of the soul. Such connections are "written" at the causal, causal level.

The thin ethereal shell stores information about the physical body. If in a previous birth a person, for example, died from a stab, then after reincarnation in a new shell, in the corresponding area of ​​​​the body, “causeless” pains may occur, caused by an obstructed flow of energy. If a person drowned in a past birth, after reincarnation in a new body there may be breathing problems, at a more subtle astral level, a subconscious fear of water is possible. If in a past birth a person fell into an abyss and crashed, in a new incarnation a fear of heights may arise. If you spent a long time in solitary confinement, or retained a partial self-consciousness in the mother's womb, after reincarnation, in a new life this may manifest itself in claustrophobia, etc.

The astral body contains the karmas of sensory experiences associated with the nervous system of the physical body. If, for example, a person was greedy, angry, or vice versa - he loved his neighbors, all these qualities, under certain conditions, are preserved during reincarnation.

The more developed and complex the personality is in the current birth, the longer it is able to hold on and “purify” on the subtle plane after the death of the physical body. If she is there long enough, her etheric body dissolves and any traumas received in a past life do not appear in a new reincarnation. When the astral body, which contains the karmas of experiences, feelings, sensations, also gradually dissolves in the process of purification, then in rare cases during reincarnation, consciousness enters our world in the mental sheath. In this case, a person is born quite clean, healthy, without obvious physical and moral deviations. The astral body is being worked out anew. Depending on the mental level, the corresponding karmas of the astral plane will be attracted. The karma of the mental body is more subtle - it is attachment to the way of thinking, assessments, etc. In essence, the higher astral plane and the mental plane are one and the same, so sometimes only the astral level and its sublevels appear in the theory.

An even rarer case is the reincarnation of the soul in our world from the level of the causal plane. This can happen because the soul has dissolved the coarser shells, while not having gained enough experience to exit the wheel of samsara. She could spend a very long time, perhaps many millennia, in one of the causal worlds, and then descend again to continue her evolution. Or, it could be an already enlightened and liberated soul who came to our world with some kind of mission.

Gross shells are a consequence and a projection of thinner shells, therefore the thinnest causal body and the plane of being corresponding to it are called causal. The causal body is a kind of pure mirror reflecting the light of the source -. Then this light from the causal "mirror" is reflected in a more turbid - mental "mirror", then - in the astral one. As a result, the highest reality on the physical plane is manifested only by a “distorted reflection”. On the one hand, the causal body was the cause of evolution and a series of reincarnations, the beginning of individual existence and the entrance to samsara, ignorance. On the other hand, for a person, the causal plane is salvation and a “gateway” for returning to the source.

The enlightened one can continue reincarnations, choose a new birth in the body, or on one of the subtle planes, or dissolve all the shells and go to nirvana. For a high soul - this does not really matter, because. it is always in the source, no matter what sheaths it has. The ideal of Theravada, the teaching of southern Buddhism, is an arhat who has achieved complete liberation and gone into nirvana. The goal of the Mahayana - the teachings of northern Buddhism - is the level of the Bodhisattva, the enlightened one, who continues reincarnations for the sake of helping humanity.

The conscious part is an area of ​​consciousness developed in the current life. The deep part of the subconscious consists of the experience of our past reincarnations. At the time of death, the current personality passes into the area of ​​the subconscious, and at this time, the whole life he has lived “flies” before the eyes of a person, he sees pictures, as if fast-forwarding a movie. Accordingly, during reincarnation, the current personality passes into the area of ​​the subconscious, and a new, gradually emerging personality comes to the fore. Moreover, a person who has gone into the subconscious can have a share of self-consciousness, and interact with a new person at a subconscious level. In a dream, or in deep meditation, she can manifest herself in human form, like a vision - she can suggest something, direct, or warn. The subtle channels of our body contain information about all incarnations of the soul, both about our past and about our future. Therefore, spiritual practice is not so much building a path, but moving along an already prepared road, not so much development, but rather revealing the data already embedded in us. The spiritual path is the path of self-knowledge.

- one of the best methods for personally verifying the existence of an out-of-body experience, and perhaps even remembering how reincarnation took place. During sleep, consciousness spends about two hours in dreamless sleep, where the most intense energy replenishment occurs, and if a person is awakened in this phase of sleep, he will feel overwhelmed, because. the best rest was interrupted, the peace of consciousness, which is at the level of the causal plane. In yoga, this part of sleep is called “sushupti”. Unfortunately, most people have no memory of this, because. the sphere of their consciousness does not affect it. Therefore, the goal of the practice is to expand consciousness in order to remember all the accumulated experience, to reunite all your personalities. It is believed that the Buddha, at the moment of enlightenment, the complete unity of all processes of consciousness, remembered all his 10,000 incarnations. His clarity instantly covered the entire sphere of consciousness, illuminated every corner of it, eliminating the layers of the subconscious.

For an enlightened person, the personality developed in the current life still remains dominant, in the sense that its qualities, for example, such as the manner of speaking and moving, are manifested more than the experience of personalities from past births. However, self-perception changes radically.

If an enlightened person continues reincarnations, as a rule, after being in the mother's womb for the first years of life, sometimes for decades he can remain in a dual, ordinary consciousness. The return to the awakened consciousness is much easier and faster for him than in the previous birth, and often even spontaneously. In rare cases, they say, this happens once every hundred years, the reincarnation of the Avatar happens - a great soul that keeps the memory and full, enlightened consciousness from birth. They deliberately carry out reincarnation in our world from the highest transcendental reality in order to help humanity. Most often, they are the founders of new teachings and religions.

The processes of reincarnation and the passage of consciousness from one world to another are interesting for the mind, but it is desirable from the very beginning to get used to considering them as illusory, transient. The most important practice and the greatest treasure a person can have is being in the present moment, being spontaneous, being awake. If this practice is observed, all important processes in consciousness and subtle bodies will spontaneously come into a harmonious, coordinated state. Ideally, all secondary processes, memory of reincarnations, mystical experiences, abilities and energies should be considered as deeply secondary, and not given any importance to them at all.

Different religions have different ideas about life after death. Each person is able to select for himself the most appropriate opinion. Reincarnation is the rebirth of a person after death. Leaving the body, the soul passes into another living being. This opinion is not inherent in all religions, but there are those that say so.

So, for example, in Buddhism, it is believed that a person has certain karmic laws, thanks to which he will be reborn into different creatures several times, depending on how much he deserved during earthly life.

Not many people want to believe in the disappearance of both the body and the soul after death. Someone is inclined to believe that after death breathing goes to heaven to paradise, someone believes in reincarnation. This question remains unexplored and no one can give an exact answer to it. However, the concept of reincarnation is actively discussed by many people, especially by adherents of certain religious movements.

Origin and meaning

Literally, "reincarnation" means "secondary entry into flesh and blood." The word is borrowed from Latin. In other words, it is the transmigration of the soul from one body to another. There is also a certain religious trend that claims that reincarnation is beyond question.

Reincarnation can be carried out in any living being, not necessarily from person to person. In different traditions there is a different definition of the spiritual shell. In some, she reincarnates from life to life, in others she goes to another world. In any case, the soul is considered to be an immortal entity that never dies.

In reincarnation, there is some purpose due to which it happens. In many religions, there are ideas that the spiritual shell of a person reincarnates into another being from time to time in order to undergo evolutionary changes and allow it to improve over several lifetimes, as well as to work off sins or karmic ideas.

You don't have to be a follower of any religion. Some people simply believe in reincarnation while being atheists. Initially, the concept of reincarnation appeared a very long time ago. It was mentioned in ancient scriptures. Even among the Indians, it is believed that the soul of a deceased relative after death passes to an infant from the same community.

Socrates, Pythagoras and other philosophers of ancient Greece believed that reincarnation did exist. Many people in the modern world also have faith in it.

Reincarnation laws of physics

Subtle matter, from the point of view of science, has been studied for a very long time. However, no one has given an exact answer to the question of the existence and subsequent movement of the soul after death.

There is a so-called law of karma, which is not separated from the concept of reincarnation. Every life the soul undergoes evolutionary changes, it becomes better, it is cleared of karmic mistakes. Sometimes, according to some religions, not one, but several lives are needed to work out all the karmic mistakes of a person.

According to the version of the law of karma, all actions and thoughts of a person are embodied in this and next lives. In order for karma to become pure, one incarnation in a person is not always enough. Therefore, there may be several.

Reincarnation while alive

Each person has a subtle matter. It is called by different names in different nations. Usually it is customary to call it the soul. A person has not only a physical body, but also a subtle one, which is responsible for the actions, thoughts and actions of a person in this and subsequent lives.

It is believed that reincarnation also implies a change of gender. That is, if in this life a person is a man, then in the previous one he was a woman. If in a past life a person did not work out what was necessary and did not close his channels, then in this life he may receive some difficulties in the form of mental disorders, visions, split personality and other difficulties.

There is some idea that reincarnation occurs from a living being to a living one, but if the soul can reincarnate from a person into an animal, then it cannot go back.

There is a concept of relocation during life. That is, if a person does not need to change the body in this life, then it can be reincarnated in this life without changing the biological carrier.

Such processes do not occur often, but usually for a person they are accompanied by some serious shocks, such as clinical death. After such experiences, a person feels completely different, although his body remains the same as it was.

There is one case in the history of mankind, recorded not so long ago, when an American fell into a long coma, and when he woke up, he realized that he was a Swede. That is, there was a process of reincarnation in the existing body.

There is a certain table, guided by which you can learn a lot of interesting things if the soul was reincarnated in the same biological carrier.

There is also a temporary transmigration of the soul into another body. It is observed in actors when they completely transform into other characters and get used to the role so much that they no longer remember who they were before. It is rather problematic for them to return from the role later, but it is possible. This process must be carefully planned by the actor in order to learn how to return his soul to his own body after leaving the role.

Past lives and your soul

There are certain methods that allow you to find out who a person was during a past life, that is, in whom his soul was before moving into his present body.

The principles of reincarnation exist not only in human lives, there is a law of cyclicity, which can also be found in nature: the change of day and night, the seasons. The purpose in past and present lives may differ, since karmic mistakes are worked out in each new life, some become less, others more.

11 signs your soul has reincarnated

The process of reincarnation is not captured by a person, since the physical body does not have the ability to remember the past lives of his soul. But under certain conditions in memory, you can recreate pictures from the past. The spiritual shell of a person is immortal, but it can age.

Some teachings suggest that the more mature a person is in any area, the more often in past lives he had experience in this area. Not all people are mature, some are younger.

There are certain postulates that will allow you to determine that she has already been in another body before yours.

  • Repeated dreams. All people have dreams, but not everyone remembers them. However, there are such dreams that are repeated several times and become annoying. At the same time, in a dream, a person clearly feels like a different person, or the dream is so realistic that it is then difficult for him to recover when he wakes up.
  • Unusual memories. It is especially found in young children when they remember something that their parents do not remember and which, it seems, did not actually happen.
  • Strong intuition. The unconscious flow can protect a person from any action. Or he can predict an event. Intuition is not well developed for everyone.
  • Deja vu. They say that it is most often observed in young people and disappears with age.
  • Empathy.
  • The ability to foresee. A person can predict his own and someone else's future, has the ability to "peep" ahead to find out the answer to some questions.
  • Clairvoyance. It has a very small number of people.
  • Feeling out of age. Some people feel that their spiritual experience is superior to that of their physical body.
  • The desire to know another culture or traditions of the people.
  • Phobias.
  • Feeling on Earth is not at home.

A person who has at least one of these signs may not understand why this happens to his consciousness, but this may mean that she has already reincarnated. Perhaps not just once.

recurring dreams

Dreams are a companion of every person. Even small children dream. The older a person gets, the less often and more blurry illustrations he sees, but some do not see them even at a young age.

There are dreams that literally haunt a person throughout his real life. They dream so often and clearly that it begins to seem to a person that this really happened to him. At the same time, in a dream, he sees some unfamiliar person, a place, conversations, and so on. Something that he does not meet in this life. This moment suggests that the spirit has already been in this place or met with such a person in a past life.

strange memories

Young children experience memories from their past lives most intensely. Sometimes parents mistake childhood memories for jokes or fantasies, but almost always they are not fantasies, but memories from their past lives.

You have strong intuition

People with strong intuition definitely have a fairly mature spirit, because it gives them a connection to some unconscious sources with which you can own a certain amount of information.

Good intuition happens to young people, and to mature people, and even to children. A mature soul may not be in every person. But people with good intuition have sufficient experience with their spiritual shell.

deja vu

Many, especially young people, often face such a concept as deja vu in their lives. When you assume that something will happen now, and what exactly - it is either difficult or completely impossible to remember. Deja vu does not have to be associated with something unpleasant. It can also be caused by positive aspects.

Deja vu can be caused by various circumstances. Usually they appear spontaneously, but sometimes they are caused by some smells, sounds, voices and other things. Psychologists say that déjà vu is nothing more than a neurological abnormality, but those who believe in reincarnation believe that it appears as a reflection of past lives.

You are an empath

People who know how to immerse themselves in the pain and joy of another person, regardless of their experiences, are called empaths. They will feel so strongly everything that the other person feels that it seems to them that they experience these feelings in their life. There are very few such people. The majority is fixated only on their own experiences. But the ability to empathize speaks of the past transmigration of the soul into another body. During reincarnation, the spiritual shell remembers some events and reflects them in future lives.

Often there are those who only make the appearance of empathy. In reality, they are not imbued with the experiences of the other, but only superficially accept reality, while remaining completely immersed in themselves. But those who truly experience and feel all the suffering and joy of others have a mature spirit.


A very small number of people have the ability to foresee certain circumstances and incidents. These abilities can appear both in childhood and in adulthood. Sometimes they occur after serious incidents and experiences in a person's life.

Foresight can be done through visions, dreams, feelings, and many other aspects. It is clear that this ability is manifested in people with a mature spirit.

Clairvoyance to past events

The ability of clairvoyance appears very rarely. Most often, a person has this ability from early childhood, but it can open suddenly and in adulthood. Some try not to hear what they really hear, in order not to delve into many circumstances.

Information obtained through clairvoyance is unprovable. However, many people do confirm the reality of events predicted and received with the help of a seer.

You feel older than your age

There are people who cannot correlate their physical and mental age. Sometimes it seems to them that their soul is actually more mature than their body. Already at a young age, they do not make the mistakes that their peers make, they use their own experience, which appeared from nowhere. This fact suggests that such people have a mature soul that helps in real life.

You have a strong attraction to a particular culture, time period, environment

Attachment and desire to learn as much as possible about any culture or tradition of the people suggests that in a past life the soul lived in the physical body of a person belonging to this group.

At the same time, a person may not understand why he is so eager to determine the meaning of this culture for himself, everything happens unconsciously. Often this is found among archaeologists who are looking for information and artifacts of any period that is very important to them.

Unexplained fears or phobias

some children may be afraid of some inexplicable things. Nobody frightened them, did not tell scary stories, but for some reason the child is afraid of water, spiders or something else. It has to do with past life experiences. During reincarnation, the spiritual shell remembered and captured negative experiences and transferred them to the real body.

Parents often take such phobias for fiction, but in reality they are often a reflection of a past life. In adults, this happens much less often, but it also happens.

You feel like the earth is not your home

An inexplicable phenomenon sometimes occurs in people when they feel that they are out of place. The earth does not feel like a home to them. There is a feeling that he came from another planet or from another world, or from another time period.

Often this feeling is accompanied by constant anxiety, unconsciousness of some of their actions, incomprehensible dreams, and even neurological disorders. Such people have a spiritual shell that has been reincarnated, perhaps more than once.

Briefly, we can give the following definition of the concept of reincarnation:


Reincarnation is the physical process of moving the soul into another body after death.
Or in another way: reincarnation is the reincarnation of the soul.

But here a logical question immediately arises: what then is the Soul and why does it need this process of reincarnation.

Let's take a look at all these questions in this article.

So, attention to Fig. 1 below. Let's start right away with the main definitions. To quickly and clearly understand how Man works on the subtle planes of the existence of matter, what is the physics of the reincarnation of the soul, that is, the transmigration, reincarnation of the soul.

Rice. 1. Graphic structure of reincarnation - relocation, reincarnation of the soul

In this figure, you see the physical body of a person with 3 orbitals of brain activity (biological, social and spiritual), behind which a certain “sausage” “reaches” - an energy-information loop called the human memory body. This subtle-material structure - the body of memory - as a database stores detailed information about all the events that took place in the life of a given person in the current (current) incarnation from the point of birth to the moment "I am here and now" - the moment in which the the physical body of a person in the space-time continuum.

This body of memory is precisely the Soul of a person. It also has another name: the mental body.


Thus, the body of memory = mental body = Soul of a person - these are synonyms.

Rice. 2. The structure of the mental body of a person (Soul), participating in the processes of reincarnation

So, trying to understand the question of what reincarnation is and how the reincarnation (transmigration) of the soul takes place, we first found out what the Soul of a person is, and also in parallel with this we gave an affirmative answer to the question, is there life after death.

Reincarnation is the reincarnation of the Spirit, not the Soul!

To understand what we are talking about, let's look again at Fig. 1.

As we have already found out, the Soul is an energy-information object, which is the body of memory of the current incarnation of a person from the point of birth to the present moment in time.

But, taking for granted the presence of previous incarnations in a person, one can also talk about the Soul (that is, the body of memory) of the previous incarnation.

From Figure 1, we also see that the entire sequence of human incarnation bodies (memory bodies of previous incarnations) spirals into a spherical object that already belongs to the next plane of sustainable existence of matter - Causal (see Figure 3).

This spherical object is precisely the Spirit of man.

Thus, it turns out that the Spirit of a person is a subtle-material object, consisting of Souls (memory bodies) of incarnations.

Therefore, reincarnation is not the reincarnation of the Soul, but the Spirit, since the Spirit is a structure that exists outside of time, and the Soul is a structure that has its own life time, calculated by the duration of one or another incarnation.

So, once again: the reincarnation of the soul or the relocation of the soul after death to another body - these are not entirely correct concepts from the point of view of the physics of reincarnation processes. That's right: the reincarnation (relocation) of the Spirit.

Rice. 3. Sustainable plans for the existence of matter, in accordance with which the reincarnation of the soul occurs during reincarnation

Reincarnation. The laws of physics

  1. During reincarnation, that is, when the Spirit is reincarnated from one physical body to another, as a rule, a sex change occurs. That is, if in this incarnation the Soul experiences in a female body, then in the previous incarnation, most likely the Soul experienced in a male body and vice versa. The alternation of sex is necessary for a polar and balanced set of experience by the Spirit (see Fig. 1). Therefore, if you are interested in the answer to the question, who was I in a past life, then you should start with the awareness of this fundamental law of sex alternation in the cycle of reincarnations.
  2. If the previous incarnation (more precisely, the soul of the previous incarnation) was closed incorrectly or incompletely during the reincarnation process, this can lead to “greetings from the past”: a split personality, as well as excessive manifestation of masculine qualities on the female body in the current incarnation (the same applies to excessive manifestation of feminine qualities in the male body and personality of the current incarnation)
  3. Reincarnation (reincarnation) of the Spirit occurs, as a rule, according to the law of increasing vitality. That is, the reverse transition from a person to an animal or insect does not occur during subsequent reincarnations! But the transition from animal forms of life to human life as the Spirit develops and reincarnates is a natural phenomenon.

Reincarnation while alive. What it is! Calculation by new date of birth

In special cases, when the task of a particular Soul in the current incarnation, from the point of view of the Spirit, has already been completed, but there is no need to change the biological carrier (physical body), the procedure of reincarnation (transmigration) of a new soul with new tasks for this physical body can be performed. Such phenomena of the reincarnation of the soul without changing the biological carrier can be accompanied by processes of clinical death, or some serious life shocks, after which a person begins to feel completely different, with changed views of the world, with other habits and goals in life.

As an example of such a reincarnation, the transmigration of the soul during life, a story was recently shown on television, which told about an American who spent three months in a coma, and when he woke up, turned out to be a Swede - there was a complete replacement of personality, memory, knowledge and skills, including native language.

In such situations, if we take the date of an event that happened to a person as a new starting point, for a new date of his birth and build an astrological chart for this date, or use a numerological analysis of reincarnation by date of birth, then you can learn a lot of interesting things about the new tasks that will be before a new soul in the same physical body.

Rice. 4. Reincarnation by new date of birth. Astrological and numerological analysis

Actors and transmigration of souls. Live transformations

The process of temporary transmigration of the soul into another body can be observed with the actors. Here it is necessary to distinguish between 2 types of roles into which reincarnation can occur:

  • fictional characters (heroes of stories, books)
  • real characters (people who lived before or live now)

As such, the temporary relocation of the soul to another body can be discussed in the case when the actor plays the role of some real character. In the process of setting up for the role, the actor needs to study in detail the character, behavior and way of thinking of the person into whom he will be reincarnated. The actor needs to synchronize, get used to the image of the chosen character, start thinking, hearing, seeing and feeling life in the same way as his hero (heroine). Thus, there is an adjustment to the Soul of another person and synchronization with it.

After that, the actor needs to “turn off” (weaken) his own Personality and let the Role into this space, that is, another Soul, transferring to it for a while the right to use his physical body. After the temporary transmigration of another soul into the body of an actor, performed in this way, it is possible to place him in the conditions of a scenario in which this character will have to live and interact with other people. And the less the Personality of the actor himself will be manifested in his character, the more fully the temporary relocation (reincarnation) of an alien soul into the body of the actor will take place, the more we will want to say: “I believe”, - watching the Soul of another person resurrected through the actor (if the actor produced reincarnation into some personality from the past) or behind a clone (a fragmented Soul) of any personality from the present.

Acting rule:

A good actor does not play the role, but allows the role to play himself.

Rice. 5. Transformation into a role, as a process of temporary transmigration of the soul

Very often, such temporary invitations of other people's souls to your body (resettlement of souls by invitation), which occur during multiple reincarnations of an actor in various roles, lead to serious consequences for the health and fate of the actor himself as a Human. You can be convinced of this by reading the life stories of famous artists who played the roles of some complex and tragic characters in our history in their artistic careers.

Historical reference:

In the recent past, the Church even forbade the burial of actors in a common cemetery, considering their souls "corrupted."

Also, in the case when an actor tunes in to the role of some fictional character (the hero of a story, story, book), he, as it were, creates a “virtual” Soul-matrix, into which he then reincarnates. But there is also a danger here: if a given character (for example, the main character of a well-known novel) has already been played by other actors more than once, then this “virtual” Soul of the main character already exists in the common energy-information space and, even without being the soul of a real person with a real life story, it has no less influence on the fate of the actor who tunes in to it and allows the temporary relocation of this soul into his body, since this “virtual” Soul was created and nourished by the energy of other actors who previously played this role , as well as the attention and emotions of the audience who empathized with this role. Therefore, such strong "virtual" characters also often leave their mark on the fate, personality and health of the actor, as well as the roles of real people from the past or from the present.

Rice. 6. The influence of the roles played on the personality and fate of the actors

In this regard, special attention in the acting environment has to be paid not only to qualitative transformation into a role (temporary relocation of the soul to another body), but also technologies for quality exit from the role- reincarnation back into your body and into your Personality.

We will cover this topic in more detail in one of our next articles.

Short term reincarnation. Transmigration of souls as a temporary possession

This type of reincarnation can be observed and even experienced on oneself in the course of trainings on systemic family constellations by B. Hellinger. This happens as follows: when analyzing any life situation of one of the training participants (object A), some of the other training participants become actors, taking on the roles of “father”, “mother”, “child”, “brother”, “former husband", "wife", etc. the person whose problem is being analyzed and modeled (object A). The most interesting thing is that with the so-called "transfer-projection" on the selected participants in the training of the family roles of object A, they begin to model them quite accurately, showing similar character traits and types of behavior. What happens is nothing more than a temporary possession (infection) of the chosen "actors" with other people's matrices of behavior. That is, we can say that in this case, there is also a temporary resettlement (settlement) of souls in the bodies of "actors" - participants in the training. How environmentally friendly this is and what consequences it leads to, we consider in a separate article, but the fact of a partial relocation (reincarnation) of the soul is also observed here.

Rice. 7. The impact of temporary possession (short-term zombie reincarnation) on the structure of the memory body of the 4th dimension (the Human Soul)

The impact of karmic programs of the genetic kind during the reincarnation of the soul

Considering the issues of reincarnation, it is also necessary to take into account that the reincarnation of the soul takes place in the physical body, which is "generated" by the genetics of the father and mother. Thus, the karmic tasks of the Spirit, incarnated in this physical body, are also connected to the karmic tasks of the Kind that gave birth to this physical body. That is, in the current incarnation, the center of human consciousness monitors, as a rule, 3 types of tasks (problems):

  • karmic tasks set by the Spirit to work out in the current incarnation
  • personal "selfish" tasks
  • karmic debts (encumbrances), indush by genetic lineage

Rice. 8. Translation of generic karmic problems during the reincarnation of the soul

Reincarnation. What is the meaning of reincarnations. How to get out of the circle of Samsara

Samsara is the cycle of reincarnations of the Spirit in various physical bodies (objects) in accordance with the law - the law of cause and effect relationships.

Our physical world can be considered as a "school" where young, immature Spirits come for education, who are "born" by subtle-material objects of higher orders of dimensions - Parents.

Reincarnations of the Spirit in this context can be compared with transitions from one class to another - with a diary and grades obtained in previous incarnations - the law of karma.

Rice. 9. Reincarnations. Exit from the circle of Samsara, the laws of Karma by analogy with a school diary

There are Spirits-losers who have to be left several times for the 2nd year in the same class until they learn some important experience and pass all the test papers. Such a Spirit can have many incarnations in its structure, but quantity does not mean quality: if one Spirit “Vasya” may need only one incarnation to learn the experience of tolerance and stop taking scoops and cars from children in a common sandbox in which they all play together, then another Spirit “Kolya” may need as many as 10 incarnations to realize this "simple" experience and harmonize your desires with the laws of the universe.

Moreover, it is quite possible that this Kolya will change his consciousness only when, in one of the incarnations, the laws of karma will bring him into a common sandbox with other similar Kolya-losers, who together will begin to take the scoop from him!

Rice. 10. Spirits-excellent students and Spirits-losers

There are excellent Spirits who learn quickly, gain the necessary experience, pass final exams and... And leave the circle of Samsara.

There are Spirit Prodigies who, in just a couple of incarnations, understand the deep meaning of physical existence, quickly pass all tests with excellent marks and voluntarily leave the circle of physical reincarnations.

  • Institute
  • Service in the Heavenly Office
  • Parenthood
  • Curatorship
  • Ministry

In general, as below, so above!


So, in this article, we have given the basic definitions of the concepts of reincarnation, reincarnation and transmigration of souls, considering them from a physical point of view in the context of the energy-informational structure of a person, and also looked a little behind the scenes of the circle of Samsara.

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