By and large, everything.


By by and large

By and large
From the novel Fulfillment of Desires (1935) Soviet writer Veniamin Kaverina (pseudonym of Veniamin Alexandrovich Zilber. 1902-1989).
The hero of the novel argues as follows: “So how to live? You can live on a small account, or you can live on a large one ... In my opinion, a big account is such an attitude to life that was created by the revolution.
After the book was republished in 1956, the expression became popular, although its authorship was forgotten. Its original “revolutionary” content was also lost, these words were rethought and began to live independent life. It is likely that this image was born in Kaverin under the influence of the writer Viktor Shklovsky, by association with his "Hamburg account".
Allegorically: not paying attention to minor factors and details, proceeding from the merits of the case; to judge something based on basic principles, fundamental interests.

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .


See what "By and large" is in other dictionaries:

    Seriously, exactingly, basically, strictly, demandingly, without going into details, in in general terms, in general, without going into details, in general, seriously, without fools, in general, in general Dictionary of Russian synonyms. by and large adverb, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    by and large- Unchange. Properly, truly, as it should be. With verb. nesov. and owls. kind: how? by and large, to live, work, work, live ... By and large, to work means to work with your soul, giving all of yourself to your favorite business. It takes a lot.... Educational Phraseological Dictionary

    By and large- New. Razg. Express. 1. Based on the highest criteria, requirements, principles (to judge, count, evaluate, etc.). However, I have two masterpieces. By and large. Real. Not without reason, as talismans, I do not sell them, I do not give them to museums. AT… … Phrasebook Russian literary language

    A (y), preposition. about the account, on the account, m. 1. Action according to vb. count 1 (in 1, 2, 3 and 5 values). Count up to one hundred. Teaching counting and writing. Lose count. □ Two or three Greeks quickly grab right hand two, and the left three fish and ... ... Small Academic Dictionary

    Ultraman (eng. Ultraman) Japanese "tokusatsu" TV series. It tells about the giant superheroes Ultraman, who arrived from the star M 78 and who are called upon to protect all those living in space from various space creatures and monsters. ... ... Wikipedia

    See together… Synonym dictionary

    US Federal Reserve- (Federal Reserve System) The US Federal Reserve System is a system of banks that acts as the US central bank. The US Federal Reserve System: prerequisites and history of creation, Federal Reserve Law, functions, US Central Bank, relations with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation ... Encyclopedia of the investor

    Deposit- (Deposit) Contents Contents Definition Placing on a deposit The concept and legal nature of a bank deposit The nuances of Russian banking practice Certificate of Deposit A ​​deposit (bank) is an amount placed in ... ... Encyclopedia of the investor

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    Whimsical, strict, exacting, imperative, legible, captious, meticulous, ultimatum, by and large, capricious, fastidious Dictionary of Russian synonyms. demanding exactingly, strictly; by and large (colloquial) Dictionary of synonyms ... ... Synonym dictionary


  • The book of a thousand parables. Nine circles of wisdom, Solomka S. People turn to fortune-tellers, seers to find out the future and understand the present. For the same purpose, a group of psychologists, culturologists, and linguists prepared the proposed Oracle Book. She is…
  • Experience of my life. Book 1. Emigration. The main excerpts of the multi-part novel, I.D.. Modern "The Tale of a Real Man" - the 21st century. History of success. This is an inspiration story, for millions of people who can identify with the heroine, not a fictional person, but ...

201 0

From the novel Fulfillment of Desires (1935) by the Soviet writer Veniamin Kaverin (pseudonym of Veniamin Aleksandrovich Zilber. 1902-1989).
The hero of the novel argues as follows: “So how to live? You can live on a small account, or you can live on a large one ... In my opinion, a big account is such an attitude to life that was created by the revolution.
After the book was republished in 1956, the expression became popular, although its authorship was forgotten. Its original “revolutionary” content was also lost, these words were rethought and began to live an independent life. It is likely that this image was born in Kaverin under the influence of the writer Viktor Shklovsky, by association with his "Hamburg account".

Meanings in other dictionaries

By and large

seriously, demandingly, basically, strictly, demandingly, without going into details, in general terms, in general, without going into details, on the whole, on the whole, seriously, without fools, on the whole, in general ...

By and large

Unchanged Properly, truly, properly. With verb. nesov. and owls. kind: how? by and large, to live, work, work, live ... By and large, to work means to work with your soul, giving all of yourself to your favorite business. ...

By and large

New Razg. Express. 1. Based on the highest criteria, requirements, principles (to judge, count, evaluate, etc.). However, I have two masterpieces. By and large. Real. Not without reason, as talismans, I do not sell them, I do not give them to museums. They hang in modest frames in my studio. Portrait of Mary and mother (S. Yesin. Imitator). But, by and large, in the very definition of " historical prose» ...


One of the characters in the poem Dead Souls"(1842) //. V. Gogol (1809-1852), obsessed with pathological stinginess, a passion for collecting and storing the most useless things that "it's a pity to throw away." A common noun for people of this type. ...

Dancing to someone else's tune

It is first encountered by the "father of history", the ancient Greek historian Herodotus (5th century BC), who in the first book of his "History" cites the following episode from the biography of the Persian king Cyrus. When Cyrus conquered the Greek Medes, the Greeks of Asia Minor, whom he had previously unsuccessfully persuaded to an alliance with Persia, hastened to declare their consent. Then Persian king told their messengers a fable which...

By and large Unism. Properly, truly, properly. With verb. nesov. and owls. kind: how? by and large to live, work, work, live ...

By and large, to work means to work with the soul, giving all of yourself to your favorite work.

It takes a lot of courage to live big. (L. Obukhova.)

Educational phraseological dictionary. - M.: AST. E. A. Bystrova, A. P. Okuneva, N. M. Shansky. 1997 .


See what "by and large" is in other dictionaries:

    Big ship big and swimming- A big ship is big and swimming. Wed I am by nature a large ship, and I have always needed a great voyage. Pisemsky. Thousand souls. 4, 11. Kalinovich. Wed You are too, I repeat, straightforward; you don't admit that big ship how… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Big - big road. Space for the big one, tightness for the small one.- Big big road. Space for the big one, tightness for the small one. See STATE RANKS ...

    Big ship - big voyage- Attributed to the Roman satirist Petronius (Gaius Petronius, d. 66 AD). In Russia, the expression became popular after the staging of the comedy The Inspector General (1836) by N.V. Gogol (1809 1852). When the Governor was quite sure that he would intermarry through ... ... Dictionary of winged words and expressions

    A big ship has a big voyage.- A big ship has a great voyage. See RANKS OF THE ESTATE A great ship has a great voyage. See MUCH LITTLE… IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Big big road.- A big ship is big and sailing. Big big road. See YOUR ALIEN... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Give the goods to the big master, and the money after.- Give the goods to the big master, and the money after. See LOANS… IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Big ship - big swimming.- A big ship has a great voyage. See PORA MEASURE SUCCESS ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    The big one needs more.- The big one needs more. See DECORITY CUSTOM... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    big ship big and sailing- Wed. I am by nature a large ship, and I have always needed a long voyage. Pisemsky. Thousand souls. 4, 11. Kalinovich. Wed You are too, I repeat, straightforward; you do not admit that a large ship, as the proverb says, requires the expanse of the ocean ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    A big ship is big and sailing.- see Big big road ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Big ship - big torpedo- joke. Repartition. proverb "great ship has a great voyage" ... Dictionary of Russian Argo


  • Book to the Big Drawing, . This book will be produced in accordance with your order using Print-on-Demand technology. Book to the Big Drawing, or ancient map Russian state, updated in the Discharge and decommissioned ...
Good day! In the search for answers, I found two contradictory answers to question No. 243009 and No. 209851. Specify how it will be right?

The words "by and large" are usually not isolated, although they can sometimes be used as introductory words with a hint of the meaning "actually speaking".

Question #254816
Dear Diploma! Please correct the typo in your answer to question #232105. You have "by and large" instead of "by and large".

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Fixed. Thank you!

Please tell me, is it introductory and is the turnover "by and large" separated by commas?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

These words are not introductory and are usually not isolated.

Question #241490
What does the expression "Hamburg account" mean?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Hamburg account - about the evaluation of something without discounts and concessions, with the utmost exactingness. From a collection of critical articles by V. Shklovsky called "The Hamburg Account" (1928). In the preface, Shklovsky wrote that the expression on Hamburg account heard from a former circus wrestler. The wrestlers allegedly gathered in Hamburg and held a closed tournament to find out the true strength of each. But apparently hamburg bill- Shklovsky's own expression. According to the assumption of L. I. Skvortsov (“Questions of the culture of speech”, 1965, issue 6), this is where the expression arose by and large.

Question No. 232105
why is the adverb "By and large" written without a separator hyphen (By and large), and is it possible to get a link to the source ??
Thanks in advance!!

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Question #225493
Dear reference, help to punctuate: As for fashion trends, then by and large there are no strict canons, what is fashionable, what is unfashionable. Is everything right? Thanks

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The punctuation is correct.
Hello! Is it GREATLY introductory? Thank you.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Question No. 221072
Hello! Tell me, please, are they, by and large, in the end, introductory? Thank you.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

These words are not introductory.
Question #220845
Answer, please, very urgently: the newspaper is coming out What position n (s) occupied by Galina Vasilievna - administrator, director of the recreation center, she approached any work creatively. Having understood () what was the matter, Irina advised to arrange a concert in the detachment and ask who () can do what, then the sister’s tears will be forgotten all at once. By and large (,) Vladislav Ilyich always lived and acted as a patriot of his homeland.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

1. Correct: _none_. 2. True: _Having understood what was the matter, Irina advised to arrange a concert in the detachment and ask who could perform what, then everyone would forget about the tears of the sister all at once._ 3. A comma is not required. The combination _patriot of his Motherland_ is incorrect.
Question #209851
Are the combinations "essentially" and "by and large" introductory and are commas highlighted in the letter? thank you in advance.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

These combinations can be introductory and separated by commas.
Question #207706
Hello! Please, clarify a few questions: 1. Are the cars oriented to the Russian and Western markets or Russian and Western markets? Which is correct: market or markets? 2. “By and large, almost all of these models are plagiarism, copying analogues. And yet these cars drive, are operated, and are very inexpensive. 3. Do I need a comma after the word "exploited"? 4. How to correctly: 9 storey house or a 9-storey building? 5. Abbreviation of numbers: 1st, 123rd series, 25th or 1st, 123rd series, 25th? Thank you!

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

1. Both options are correct. 2. The comma after _exploited_ is not needed. 3. That's right: _9-storey building_. 4. Correct: _1st, 123rd series, 25th_. For more details, see [in the Letter Book].

By and large
From the novel Fulfillment of Desires (1935) by the Soviet writer Veniamin Kaverin (pseudonym of Veniamin Aleksandrovich Zilber. 1902-1989).
The hero of the novel argues as follows: “So how to live? You can live on a small account, or you can live on a large one ... In my opinion, a big account is such an attitude to life that was created by the revolution.
After the book was republished in 1956, the expression became popular, although its authorship was forgotten. Its original “revolutionary” content was also lost, these words were rethought and began to live an independent life. It is likely that this image was born in Kaverin under the influence of the writer Viktor Shklovsky, by association with his "Hamburg account".
Allegorically: not paying attention to minor factors and details, proceeding from the merits of the case; to judge something based on basic principles, fundamental interests.

  • - textual description of the largest map of Russia in the 17th century. "K.B.h." is a set of geogr. and partly ethnogr. information about Russia in the 17th century, to-ry served as a practical. leadership when sending service people for the "sovereign ...

    Soviet historical encyclopedia

  • - in a big way / mu, adv ...
  • - From the novel "Fulfillment of Desires" by the Soviet writer Veniamin Kaverin. The hero of the novel argues as follows: “So how to live? You can live small, or you can live big...

    Dictionary of winged words and expressions

  • - big...

    merged. Apart. Through a hyphen. Dictionary-reference

  • - more "...
  • - more "om, adverb ...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - New. Razg. Express. 1. Based on the highest criteria, requirements, principles. However, I have two masterpieces. . Real. Not without reason, like talismans, I don’t sell them, I don’t give them to museums ...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

  • - See RANKS -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Sib. Get away from the annoying person. FSS, 11...
  • - Razg. Without discounts and concessions, with the utmost exactingness. BMS 1998, 561; BTS, 1297...

    Big dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - seriously, exactingly, basically, strictly, demandingly, without going into details, in general terms, in general, without going into details, in general, seriously, without fools, in general, ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 10 defecated, relieved, recovered, laid a larva, descended before the wind, descended for need, descended into the yard, descended in great need ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - to go out of great need, to defecate, to go in need, to go out of need, to go into the yard, to recover, to relieve, to go before the wind, to go ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 12 doing a big defecate, defecated, relieved, recovered, performed an act of defecation, walked up to the wind ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - to walk in great need, to do in a big way, to go after need, to walk until the wind, to go to the yard, to walk in need, to relieve, recover, defecate, ...

    Synonym dictionary

"By and large" in books


From Vysotsky's book - two or three things that I know about him author Zimna Marlena

“TO THE GREAT POET…” With the first successes, Vladimir Vysotsky had not only new friends and admirers, but also enemies. The latter were often among his colleagues, stage partners or writers recognized by the official authorities. It is a widely known fact that during

On the big ice

From the book Fridtjof Nansen author Kublitsky Georgy Ivanovich

By big ice Two people, twenty-eight dogs, three-quarters of a ton of cargo, 40 degrees below zero, many hundreds of kilometers of icy desert, which in the entire million-year history of the Earth has never heard human voice, - this was the initial position in the beginning

By and large

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By and large Year twenty-one. Autumn. I am sitting with Mandelstam in the second hall of SOPO, opposite the mirrored arch. I see in the mirror: Yesenin enters. A slight nod, eyebrows shifted. And sits down at the next table. One. I have my back to him. Mandelstam enthusiastically continues another

Walk on the big one "Have you already gone on the big one?"

From the book All best practices parenting in one book: Russian, Japanese, French, Jewish, Montessori and others author Team of authors

Walk on the big one "Have you already gone on the big one?" A funny phrase that makes every "well-bred" child want to go to the toilet. This favorite expression of parents will remain a mystery to most foreigners and people who those who know the language,

By and large

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

By and large From the novel Fulfillment of Desires (1935) by the Soviet writer Veniamin Kaverin (pseudonym of Veniamin Aleksandrovich Zilber. 1902-1989). The hero of the novel argues as follows: “So how to live? You can live small, or you can live big...

The main sign of depression is low mood, by and large it does not exist at all. The world seems gray and empty, and the sense of the meaninglessness of what is happening makes you so sad that even climb into the noose. A person’s sleep is disturbed, appetite decreases (often to a complete aversion to food), he is thinner

From the book 5 saving steps from depression to joy author Kurpatov Andrey Vladimirovich

Small and big

From the book Before Your Child Drives You Crazy by Latta Nigel

Small and big Potty training a child is not the most delightful thing in the world. When most couples in the world dream about the time when they will have children, it is unlikely that they often think that they will have to teach their children to go to the toilet. "Expensive,


From the book Exposing Magic, or the Handbook of a Quack author Gagin Timur Vladimirovich

By and large A very long road Eliminates all differences: Like Berdichev to God, So God to Berdichev. Igor Guberman There is another way to change attitudes. Remember the old maxim from Winnie the Pooh? "Everything is garbage, except for the bees. And if you think about it, then the bees too

From the book Results No. 1 (2013) author Results Magazine

By and large / Politics and Economics / Those who ... By and large / Politics and Economics / Those who ... After a six-year epic of reconstruction Bolshoi Theater the names and names of its builders gradually sunk into oblivion, but the name of the general director Anatoly

"In a big way"

From the book Short story cynicism author Nevzorov Alexander Glebovich

"In a big way" Hmm ... I'm afraid, again, they want to decorate our film distribution with masterpieces. The distributors rub their palms squeaky - the Venice Film Festival is over.

January 28, 2008 Emisariusz IV RP the role of neophytes in the history of the JANUARY UPRISING - an erroneous conspiracy theory or, by and large, TRUE?

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January 28, 2008 Emisariusz IV RP the role of neophytes in the history of the JANUARY UPRISING - an erroneous conspiracy theory or, by and large, TRUE?,index.htmlNARODOWY patriota chadek konserwatywny IV RP. (Emissary IV of the Commonwealth, NATIONAL patriot, conservative Christian Democrat IV

By and large / Politics and Economics / Those who...

From the book Results No. 1 (2012) author Results Magazine

By and large / Politics and Economics / Those who ... After a six-year epic reconstruction of the Bolshoi Theater, the names and names of its builders gradually sunk into oblivion, but the name of the general director Anatoly Iksanov is on everyone's lips. Not in the sense that

By and large moral

From the book Literaturnaya Gazeta 6365 (No. 13 2012) author Literary Newspaper

By and large moral account By and large moral account Now, when we are not dominated by ideological frameworks and creative person left to its own devices, we are rescued again by the roots from which we come. And of course, our formation in the recent past

By and large / Business / Capital / Foreign things

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By and large / Delo / Capital / Foreign things By and large / Delo / Capital / Foreign things Last week it became known that the global list of so-called systemically important banks was replenished with the Commercial and Industrial Bank of China (ICBC).


From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 445 (23 2002) author Tomorrow Newspaper

PAY THE BILL, POWER, PAY THE BILL! Lidia Novikova June 3, 2002 0 23(446) Date: 04-06-2002 Author: Lidia Novikova PAY THE BILL, POWER, PAY THE BILL! (About the fate of savings stolen from the people) How did the so-called market reforms begin in the Russian Federation? With deceit, everyone knows today.

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