Hamburg account meaning of a phraseological unit. The meaning of the phraseological unit Hamburg account in various fields


Next year, 2005, there will be a modest date - the 180th anniversary of the Decembrist uprising. It was in Petersburg on December 14, 1825. However, as we know, revolutions or uprisings do not mature overnight. For this, as Lenin rightly pointed out, reasons and pretexts are needed. Almost a hundred years before Lenin, this was understood by Pavel Ivanovich Pestel - indeed the first professional revolutionary in Russia. Unlike the future leader of the world proletariat, he received money not from the party (or, according to rumors, from the Kaiser), but from the headquarters fund, the regimental one. Maybe that ruined the idea?

The material offered below is an abbreviated version of the unfilmed TV script "Shadow of Pestel, or Otherworldly Encounters".

July 13, 1826 at the kronverk Peter and Paul Fortress five people were executed. According to the Supreme Court, then approved by Emperor Nicholas I, these were the main villains of that movement, which would later be called the Decembrists, and its participants - the Decembrists.

So, according to the authorities, the main villains convicted outside the categories to hanging were: Kondraty Ryleev, a retired second lieutenant; Sergey Muravyov-Apostol, Lieutenant Colonel of the Chernigov Infantry Regiment; Mikhail Bestuzhev-Ryumin, lieutenant of the Poltava Infantry Regiment; Peter Kakhovsky, retired lieutenant; Pavel Pestel, Colonel of the Vyatka Infantry Regiment.

A lot of time will pass, but the names of these unfortunates will not be forgotten in Russia. And yet, all of them will appear, as it were, in the shadow of one figure - the huge figure of Pestel, which, with its grandeur, will overshadow the names and deeds of his associates. This is clear not only for us descendants; this was clear even during the investigation of the Decembrists, and even earlier it was clear to many comrades and colleagues of this undoubtedly amazing and, we repeat, grandiose personality.

Major N.I. Lorer, Decembrist: “How are you, Pavel Ivanovich, man of genius but, not jokingly, do you think it possible to establish a republic in Russia?”

The commander of the 7th Infantry Corps of the Southern Army A.Ya. Rudzevich: “I am surprised how Pestel is engaged in stepping, smart head only to be a minister, an envoy!”

Decembrist K.F. Ryleev: “Pestel, as a future dictator, is a dangerous person for Russia.”

N.I. Lorer: “Pestel was short, dark-haired, with black, fleeting, but pleasant eyes. He reminds me a lot of Napoleon I... He occupied a very simple apartment, and along the entire length of his few rooms stretched shelves with books of more political, economic and generally scientific content... I don't know what this man has not read in his lifetime, on many foreign languages».

General S.G. Volkonsky, Decembrist: "He is a man of great talent, a broad clear mind, and most importantly, perhaps, an irresistible logic."

And now - the opinions of the emperors.

Alexander I was wary of Pestel and, in general, unfriendly. I suspected him of political free-thinking (and not without reason!). Slowed down his promotion to colonel. And only after Pestel's brilliant assignment in Bessarabia to secretly collect information about the Greek uprising, Alexander finally approved his appointment as a colonel, saying at the same time: “These are the colonels I serve in the army!” (In the army - that is, not in the guard).

Emperor Nicholas I: “Pestel was a villain in all the power of his word, without the slightest shadow of remorse, with a brutal expression and the most daring courage in denial; I believe that such a monster is rarely found.

Casemate N 13 of the Alekseevsky ravelin of the Peter and Paul Fortress. Pestel - in a colonel's uniform with blackened gold epaulettes, full height with arms crossed on chest. Posture and figure is really very reminiscent of Napoleon.


“I was born in Moscow, in 1793, on June 26th.

My father is Ivan Borisovich Pestel, Privy Councilor, Siberian Governor-General; mother - Elizaveta Ivanovna Krok, landowner of the Smolensk province.

Lutheran by religion. He was brought up at home until the age of 12, then in Dresden. In 1810 he was assigned to the Corps of Pages. Released from there in 1811 as an ensign in the Life Guards, the Lithuanian Regiment was the first in success, with the name entered on the marble plaque, which I am proud of as the first presentation of my abilities to the dear Fatherland.

Member of the Patriotic War of 1812, seriously wounded at Borodino, awarded the Golden Sword "For Courage". Participated in foreign campaigns and military operations at Pirn, Dresden, Kulm and Leipzig. Second lieutenant - in 1813, lieutenant - in 1813. Adjutant under Count Wittgenstein, staff captain - in 1817. Awarded: St. Vladimir 4th class with a bow and Austrian Leopold 3 tbsp.; St. Anne 2 tbsp., the Prussian Order of Merit and other high distinctions.

In the winter of 1816-1817 he attended a course in political sciences. From February 1818 in the 2nd Army in Tulchin, captain - in 1818, lieutenant colonel - in 1819, colonel - in 1821, commander of the Vyatka infantry regiment. As a lieutenant colonel, he was sent to Bessarabia three times on matters related to the Greek uprising, for which he received the gratitude of the Emperor Alexander I.

Mason since 1812, that is, from the age of 19. Then - a member of the lodge "United Friends" and "Three Virtues" in St. Petersburg (1816 - 1817). Then - a member of the "Union of Salvation", then - the "Union of Welfare" (Indigenous Council) and, finally, the organizer and head of the Southern Society. The author of "Russian Truth" as the basis of the future Constitution of the Russian State.

Arrested on December 13, 1825 in Tulchin, where he was brought from Lintsy. On January 3, 1926, he was delivered to St. Petersburg and placed in the Peter and Paul Fortress, in casemate No. 13 of the Alekseevsky ravelin. He was repeatedly interrogated by the Secret Committee, the Investigative Commission and Tsar Nicholas I. He pleaded guilty to plans to change state structure in favor of republican rule and the extermination of the august family, but I do not consider myself guilty before the Fatherland.

(Reference. Convicted outside the ranks and sentenced to hanging on July 11. Executed on the crown work of the Peter and Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg on July 13, 1826. Secretly buried on Goloday Island in an unknown grave).

Pestel's work on the main document of the prosecution - on the constitutional project called "Russian Truth" - lasted almost ten years, although he himself will mention that this work cost him twelve years of his life.

Here are the main provisions of this grandiose document at that time.

Pestel is a supporter of the violent overthrow of the tsarist regime, that is, a supporter of the revolution and the subsequent dictatorship of the Provisional Supreme Rule. This, in his opinion, is a decisive condition for success. The dictatorship should last neither more nor less - 10-15 years. Decisive and radical abolition of serfdom is proclaimed...

Pestel: “Slavery must be decisively abolished, and the nobility must forever renounce the vile advantage of possessing other people. And if there is such a monster among the nobles who will oppose the measures of the Supreme Government to abolish serfdom, such a villain must be taken into custody and subjected to the strictest punishment as an enemy of the Fatherland and a traitor ... Personal freedom is the first and most important right of every citizen ... However, the liberation of the peasants without land (that is, giving them only personal freedom. - Auth.) I considered and still consider completely unacceptable.

Thus, Pestel's agrarian project gave the peasants a significant more land than three decades later, in 1861, gave government reform. That is, Pestel's project, based on his peasant reform, opened the way precisely to the bourgeois development of the country. However, the matter was not limited to the peasant question. It is important that, according to Pestel's plan, all estates, including the nobility, must be decisively destroyed in the state. The principle is proclaimed: the sacred and inviolable right of property. Complete freedom of employment for the population, freedom of printing and religion, wide and unlimited freedom of trade are declared.

Pestel: “Yes, I am a convinced opponent of autocracy, tyranny, this furious malevolence.

Here is my plan. The autocracy in Russia is decisively destroyed. Not only the very institution of autocracy is being destroyed, but the entire reigning house must be physically destroyed ... Yes, I was a supporter of regicide, the execution of all members of the royal house without exception at the very beginning of the revolution.

Where does it come from? I have long since become a republican at heart and have never seen greater prosperity for Russia than in republican government. The royal family is an enemy to this good and would resist such a world order by force after our revolution. And the Russian people do not belong to any person or family. On the contrary, the government is the property of the people, and it is established for the good of the people, and not the people exist for the good of the government. This state of affairs, I thought, could be achieved by us only by force, quickly and decisively ... "

Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Poggio - a Decembrist, over time an active supporter of Pestel's views, convicted in the 1st category and sentenced to hard labor forever; under the amnesty of 1856 he was released and restored to his rights.

Poggio was still a major when they first met in September 1824 at an army exercise in Linz, in southern Ukraine, where Pestel's Vyatka infantry regiment was quartered. As Poggio will later show, a conversation began "between two men of the most terrible intentions, striving for the same goal."

Pestel stands in the middle of the room, arms folded across his chest. A long army frock coat with a red collar fits snugly around his stocky figure. He looks long and coldly at Poggio. “Now this Bonaparte will give me a test,” Poggio's thought flickers. Without changing his position and without taking his gaze off him, in a slightly hoarse voice, Pestel begins from afar, from ancient times:

Rome flourished during the republic, but the emperors took power, and the prosperity of Rome ended ... - And suddenly, after a pause: - What is your opinion, Mr. Major?

Monarchy and representative government are incompatible, they are essentially heterogeneous. And the inheritance of the throne by birthright is contrary to the goal of any well-organized state, isn't it?

Poggio nods again.

The highest good of Russia is republican government, Pestel continues dryly. “The people are not the property of the monarch. The authorities in Russia have sufficiently proved their hostility towards the people. What do you think, Major?

Poggio cannot take his eyes off Pestel's high, clean forehead, from his cold, impassive eyes.

And therefore, - Pestel makes a new pause and looks out the window for a long time, - therefore, - he now says sharply, - the entire imperial family should be exterminated.

And he falls silent, waiting for what Poggio will say to this, but he does not utter a word.

Sovereign Emperor Alexander I.

One, - Pestel nods and bends one finger.

His Highness Grand Duke Konstantin, Grand Dukes Nikolai and Mikhail ...

Pestel silently and dispassionately bends her fingers.

Grand Duke Alexander, son of Nikolai Pavlovich. - Here Poggio's voice trembles: he remembered a handsome five-year-old boy ... - Empress Dowager Maria Feodorovna ... Her imperial majesty Elizaveta Alekseevna ...

Pestel, counting, bends his fingers and stares intently into Poggio's face. Then he says:

Do you know, Major, that this is a terrible thing?

Poggio's face twists into a grimace. "He wants to let me know that I'm more inhuman than him!" They count already the thirteenth victim royal family!

There will be no end to this horror, for all the great princesses have children.

Pestel again turns to the window, is silent for a long time, and then says:

I instructed Prince Baryanitsky to prepare twelve people for me for this. - And suddenly he smiles, but quietly: - And you horrible man sir major...

The room noticeably darkens, Pestel lights candles. And then he says:

When I'm done with all my business, what do you think I'm going to do? Never guess.

He gazes for a long time at the flame of the candle, and then, turning to Poggio, says without expression:

I will retire to the Kiev Caves Monastery. I will become a schemer ... 1

Poggio did not understand, but now we know: there was only one step left before the deep internal crisis of Pavel Pestel ...

Only later, in Petropavlovsk, the stunned Pestel will begin to refute, saying that Poggio "extremely often unfairly shows." Then the Secret Committee uses confrontation. It was April 13, 1826. Both - Pestel and Poggio - will be presented with the testimony they made against each other, and Pestel confesses to everything.

From magazines Investigative Committee(Session XVIII, 1826, January 3rd day): “Commandant of the St. Petersburg Fortress, Adjutant General Sukin, entering the presence, announced that poison had been found under Colonel Pestel, sent to be kept in the fortress ... He took the poison with him so that, having accepted it, he would save himself by a violent death from the torture he feared ... In general, he seemed frank and answered almost all questions satisfactorily; many of the testimonies made against him, he recognized as fair, many he completely rejected ... "

“... He proposed to introduce a republic through a revolution; he argued the need to exterminate the sovereign emperor and the entire august family, talked about the means of accomplishing this, and with composure counted the very victims on the fingers. Upon the commission of this most terrible atrocity, he intended to force the Synod and the Senate to declare a Provisional Board, composed of members of the society, and to endow it with unlimited power ... He opened relations with the Polish secret society ... promising Poland independence ... and demanding mutual assistance, equal rule and the extermination of the crown prince. Approved and prepared to contribute to the beginning of indignation in 1824 under the White Church with an attempt on the life of the sovereign, then he intended to certainly start open actions in 1826 and anticipated the Northern Society ... "

One might think that Pestel came to his senses only before the execution. No, it happened earlier, somewhere a couple of years before what we mentioned above, speaking of his internal crisis.

“I, a believer, a Lutheran, had not been to church for five years before, I had not gone to confession. My constitution and business secret society- that's all I lived, and faith seemed to have flown away from me somewhere. And if faith, then the soul. One cold mind. Algebra geometry! Oh yes, and also arithmetic, when Poggio and I counted our future victims! .. Enough! My mind must have become ice, but suddenly my soul came to life, woke up, and I was horrified. And I wanted to repent. Yes, for the first time in those five years I entered the church, I was at confession and Holy Communion. And it became easier. I saw the way. And then I decided: that's it, I'll move away from the secret society. And let others decide for themselves how they should be: whether to continue or, like me, fight the demons in their souls ... "

Those who later will be called Decembrists did not at all accidentally become part of Russian history. And not even from the point of view of political necessity, although they raised the most important questions of his time. Here is what is essential: that time, along with its problems, has gone, but the Decembrists have remained. In us, in our memory, in history, after all. Why? Is it not then to tell posterity: there is always a reason for doubt, there is freedom of spiritual choice and, yes, yes, there is a chance of a peaceful outcome.

Well, we know that during the investigative process they, these recent military officers, heroes of the wars with Napoleon, behaved badly: they testified against each other, repented, cried, begged the sovereign for forgiveness, but at the same time tried to explain not so much to the investigation as much as oneself: how can a noble goal be compatible with a crime? And is she noble if she demands to sacrifice the lives of people, in particular - blood imperial family?

This dilemma, this attempt to reconcile the incompatible tormented them not only in the Peter and Paul Fortress, but then in Siberia, and those who went through it - for the rest of their lives. She also tormented our main character - Pestel, a truly grandiose man - but only his torment in Petropavlovka ended, because he was executed there for his plans. Exactly intentions, let's clarify!

According to the materials of the investigation, which we know today, and also to a number of opinions of his comrades, voiced above, Pestel deeply repented and seemed to understand that a lofty, noble goal does not justify inhumane means. And yet…

And yet, we also know that this repentant man, realizing that he would be raised to the scaffold, said to his judges: “For what? I haven't killed a single king yet."

Strange, isn't it? God did not deprive him of his mind, and not only of his mind, but also of his knowledge. And was it not for him, Pestel, a believer, a Christian, not to know, not to remember the Sermon on the Mount, about what is revered as one of the main sins? That the commandment "thou shalt not kill" applies not only to the act of violence itself, but also to the intent of such.

We do not set ourselves the goal of justifying or challenging the harsh sentence passed on Pestel. The judgment has come to pass, and the darting shadow of our hero will remain in the Peter and Paul Fortress, in eternal doubt that there is truth, that there is truth, when we are talking about the most intimate - about the common good and the fate of a private, separate one. Can one come true at the expense of the other? The eternal problem

In the Peter and Paul Fortress, during the confession, the words of another Decembrist were heard, which are most directly related to our topic:

"Whatever higher education a person did not receive ... if he received the education of the soul and morality, he also received fundamental knowledge of the truth. Then you can safely vouch that this person will not fall into that abyss, where those people are carried away who, in the formation of the mind, lack solid morality, this bulwark, which is necessary against the pernicious passions that are overwhelmed by us.

You can't really say.

1 This scene uses documentary materials from I. I. Brodskaya’s book “The Admirer of the Holy Truth”, Moscow, “Russian Way”, 1999.

Pavel Ivanovich Pestel. Born on June 24 (July 5), 1793 in Moscow - executed on July 13 (25), 1826 in St. Petersburg. Decembrist. Head of the Southern Society of Decembrists.

At baptism he received the name Paul Burchard.

He came from the German Pestel family, who settled in Russia at the end of the 17th century. The family was Lutheran.

Father - Ivan Borisovich Pestel (1765-1843).

Mother - Elizaveta Ivanovna Krok (1766-1836).

Got the initial home education. In 1805-1809 he studied in Dresden.

In 1810 he returned to Russia, studied in the Corps of Pages, from which he brilliantly graduated with his name entered on a marble plaque, and was assigned as an ensign in the Lithuanian Life Guards Regiment (since 1817 - the Moscow Life Guards Regiment).

Participated in Patriotic War With . He distinguished himself in the Battle of Borodino. He was seriously wounded and awarded the golden sword "For Bravery".

Upon recovery, he became an aide-de-camp to Count Wittgenstein.

In the companies of 1813-1814, he participated in the battles of Pirn, Dresden, Kulm, Leipzig - he was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir 4th Art. with bow and Austrian Leopold 3rd class. He distinguished himself while crossing the Rhine - he was awarded the Baden Order of Military Merit by Karl Friedrich. In the battles at Bar-sur-Aube and Troyes he also distinguished himself, was awarded the Order of St. Anne, 2 tbsp. He was awarded the Prussian Order "Pour le Mérite".

Later, together with Count Wittgenstein, he lived in Tulchin, from where in 1821 he traveled to Bessarabia to collect information about the indignation of the Greeks against the Turks and to negotiate with the sovereign of Moldavia.

In 1822, he was transferred as a colonel to the completely disorganized Vyatka Infantry Regiment, and within a year he put it in order. Himself, examining it in September 1823, expressed himself: "Excellent, like a guard" and granted Pestel 3,000 acres of land.

From 1816 he was a member of Masonic lodges. Later he was admitted to the "Union of Salvation", drew up a charter for it, in 1818 he became a member of the Root Administration of the Union of Welfare, and in 1821, after its self-liquidation, he headed Southern secret society.

Possessing a great mind, versatile knowledge and the gift of words, which almost all of his contemporaries unanimously testify to, Pestel soon became the head of society. But the forces of his eloquence and natural charm could not convince the St. Petersburg Northern Society in 1825 to act in the spirit of the Southern Society, and the final decision on the merger was postponed until 1826.

The expression of his views was compiled by him "Russian Truth". This project, written in a republican spirit, can be considered, together with the constitutional draft of N. Muravyov, the main expressions of the ideas of a secret society, although neither one nor the other had any obligation for members of the society. Pestel himself, according to Ivan Yakushkin, when compiling Russkaya Pravda, had in mind only to prepare for activities in the Zemstvo Duma. The most important party"Russkaya Pravda" were Pestel's reflections on the internal structure of Russia, political and economic, which Nikolai Turgenev called "socialist theories." The Commission of Inquiry built its accusations against Pestel and some others precisely on Russkaya Pravda.

From the surviving letters of Pestel, it can be seen that he was distinguished by gentle caring towards his parents.

Shortly before December 14, 1825, he was arrested on the road to Tulchin and, after a 6-month imprisonment in the Peter and Paul Fortress, was sentenced to quartering, replaced by hanging, which was executed on July 13 (25), 1826.

In his last letter before the execution, dated May 1, 1826, from the Peter and Paul Fortress to his parents, Pestel wrote: “I should have understood earlier that it is necessary to rely on Providence, and not try to take part in what is not our direct duty in the position in which God has placed us, and not strive to get out of our circle. I felt it already in 1825, but it was too late!”.

According to one officer, before the execution, Pestel said the following prophetic words: "What you sow, it must sprout and it will certainly sprout later."

The following recollection of Archpriest Myslovsky, who was present at the execution of the Decembrists, about Pestel has been preserved: “Pestel at half past five, going to the execution and seeing the gallows, with great presence of mind uttered the following words: “Do we not deserve a better death? It seems that we never turned away the body neither from bullets nor from nuclei. They could have shot us."

He was buried along with other executed Decembrists on Goloday Island.

In St. Petersburg, one of the streets is named after P.I. Pestel.

There are also Pestel streets in Moscow, Voronezh, Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, Vladivostok, Rostov-on-Don, Kaluga, Lipetsk, Stavropol, Novosibirsk, Astrakhan, Votkinsk, Yaroslavl, Ulan-Ude, Samara.

"The Hamburg Account" is the title of a collection of literary-critical articles by Viktor Shklovsky, published in 1928. In a brief programmatic article that opens the collection, the author himself explains the meaning of the title of the book in the following way: " Hamburg bill - extremely important concept. All wrestlers, when wrestling, cheat and lie down on the shoulder blades at the order of the entrepreneur. Once a year wrestlers gather in a Hamburg tavern. They fight with closed doors and curtained windows. Long, ugly and hard. Here the true classes of fighters are established - so as not to cheat". According to A.P. Chudakov, a commentator on the modern edition of the book, real basis this plot became for Shklovsky oral story circus wrestler Ivan Poddubny. However, it is much more likely that the authorship of the expression "Hamburg account" belongs to Shklovsky himself. immediately became catchphrase, especially fashionable in the literary environment, the expression " hamburg bill " serves as the equivalent of an impartial assessment of something without discounts and concessions, with the utmost exactingness. It is possible that no less popular phraseological unit " by and large", which has the same meaning, is nothing more than a transformation of Shklovsky's invention. For the first time in literature, the phrase "according to by and large"is found in the novel Fulfillment of Desires" (1935), created by Veniamin Kaverin, a writer close to Shklovsky's circle. And today, the expression " according to the Hamburg account"- a contamination of two phraseological units invented by writers.

Critic Irina Rodnyanskaya in the article "Hamburg hedgehog in the fog" ( New World. - 2001. - No. 3), dedicated to the problems literary strategies of today, he notes: “Shklovsky could be pleased - almost like Dostoevsky, who was proud of the enrichment of the Russian language with the verb “shuffle.” The expression “Hamburg account” was separated from the parable he told in the 1920s and Not so long ago, even the most colorful Duma deputy publicly threatened to judge someone "according to the big Hamburg score." They laughed at the deputy. folk comprehension good to listen. Our character innocently contaminated "Hamburg bill" and "big bill", believing that it lies somewhere nearby. Yes, so long ago it seems not to him alone.

"Hamburg account"(it has become customary to understand) - this is a big aesthetic account in literature, art. Revealing the first-second-last places on the scale of the genuine, real. "Big" - because it opposes "small" accounts conducted by officialdom, groupings, parties in the interests of their situational "Great" - because it refers to the "great time", in whose epochal contours the fog will dissipate, burst bubble and everything will fall into place. The connoisseur, who attracts the "Hamburg account", acts as a guesser, an oracle, listening to the noise of great time, checking the signals from there with his aesthetic instrument.

What would that mean?

According to the Hamburg score, the Hamburg score is to evaluate something based on fundamental considerations, consider the results of the case according to the criteria of its importance and usefulness, when discussing something, do not pay attention to trifles and details, a professional approach without tricks and ambiguities, real situation things, the true system of values

“The expression “Hamburg account” came to me like this.
The Union of Writers in its old composition, as one of the writers' organizations, was located in the Herzen House on Tverskoy Boulevard. It was summer. A large awning opened directly onto the garden on the first floor: there was a restaurant under the awning, and the entire first floor was also a restaurant. The cook of the restaurant was a man whose name I have forgotten; I know that in his former profession he was a circus wrestler. Large, no longer young people came to him, they sat heavily on chairs and, as I remember, sometimes they broke them on purpose. The chef was preparing a vinaigrette for his friends; portions were served in large, specially purchased washing basins. After such a snack, people ate lunch. Once a man came, less heavy than others, but larger than all. A retinue immediately formed around him, arranged in ranks: it was Ivan Poddubny. He came from wrestling: they fought in the Chapiteau circus. It was then Poddubny 70 years old. He was asked to perform wrestling. He spoke calmly about it:
“It’s impossible to fight at seventy,” said Poddubny, “but you can show how they fight.” Yes, and everyone knew that I could not be put in my rank. It’s not good to suddenly take a man at seventy and put him on his shoulder blades.
(I am retelling all this 40 years later, so you don’t treat quotes as quoting documents on my desk. I continue to tell.)
- I show a roll and suddenly I feel that my young partner wants to pin me down, instead of letting me show the classic bridge.
Then I tell exactly: “You can’t fight at seventy, but for two minutes or one minute I can be stronger than another wrestler as much as I like. But I never pushed. If we were pushing, there would be no survivors. Then I pushed him; it was carried away on the board. Then the chef said calmly:
“Let him remember the Hamburg score!”
I asked what the Hamburg score was, and they explained to me that it was an account without conventions, without a tune. In the old days, it was installed in Hamburg at closed competitions - without an audience.
When I was publishing a book, I wrote about the Hamburg account. I was advised to put this title on the cover. It was in 1924"

(memoirs of V. Shklovsky in the retelling of the writer V. Konetsky)

    "Hamburg account" - a collection of articles, memoirs, essays, published by Shklovsky in 1928

The modernism of Pilnyak's form is purely external, very convenient for copying, while he himself is not a thick, saturated writer.
The elementality of the main technique makes Pilnyak easily copied, which probably explains his contagiousness for young writers.
About K. Fedin's novel "Cities and Years". “There is interesting newspaper material in the novel, but it is clumsily connected, and all the characters walk in a troupe from Germany to the Mordovians. The novel is quotative, the descriptions consist of enumerations, the characters are not needed, there is no plot, and therefore the plot difficulty is replaced by a temporary rearrangement.
About Babel. “A foreigner from Paris, one Paris without London, Babel saw Russia the way a French writer seconded to Napoleon's army could see it. The meaning of Babel's reception is that he speaks with one voice about both the stars and the gonorrhea.
About V. Kataev. The "squanderers" are the fish in the mirror. You can't dive into this shiny surface."
About Tynyanov's "Wax Person" - that even the Peter the Great era "does not consist of nothing but amazing things" and is not "only a cabinet of curiosities in alcohol"

Synonyms of the phraseological unit "Hamburg account"

  • no fools
  • exactingly
  • seriously
  • without going into details
  • strictly
  • demanding
  • by and large

Application of the expression in literature

« The very existence of such a company, where frank conversations about literature and politics, talk about the Hamburg account, talk that we called "Frank Marxism", could have ended badly at that time"(David Samoilov" General diary ")
« In our fatherland in those years, criticism turned into journalism - gouging or promoting, - yearning for textual analysis, for the Hamburg account"(Andrey Voznesensky" On the virtual wind ")
« It’s too early to play, but whoever reads Gogol’s text is an application for a competition “according to the Hamburg score"(Sergey Yursky" Flashes ")
« So, not according to his official position, titles and awards, but according to the Hamburg account, Nikolai Nikolaevich Urvantsev was a great polar explorer and traveler "(Vladimir Sanin "Don't tell the Arctic - goodbye")
« Yes, to be honest, according to the Hamburg account, why should he drag this hundred from a poor student?"(Yu. V. Trifonov "Time and Place")

The concept of the “Hamburg account”, which has become widespread in the Russian language, denotes the identification of the real, and not the official place of the individual in the status hierarchy. The expression "to pay according to the Hamburg bill" means "to pay honestly."

The Hamburg account" is the title of a collection of literary critical articles by Viktor Shklovsky, published in 1928. In a brief programmatic article that opens the collection, the author himself explains the meaning of the book's title in this way: "The Hamburg account is an extremely important concept. All wrestlers, when wrestling, cheat and lie down on the shoulder blades at the order of the entrepreneur. Once a year wrestlers gather in a Hamburg tavern. They fight behind closed doors and curtained windows. Long, ugly and hard. Here the true classes of wrestlers are established - so as not to cheat. "According to A.P. Chudakov, a commentator on the modern edition of the book, Shklovsky's oral story of the circus wrestler Ivan Poddubny became the real basis for this plot. However, it is much more likely that the authorship of the expression" Hamburg account "belongs to Shklovsky himself. Immediately becoming a catchphrase, especially fashionable in the literary environment, the expression "Hamburg account" serves as the equivalent of an impartial assessment of something without discounts and concessions, with the utmost exactingness. It is possible that no less popular phraseology "by and large", having the same meaning, is nothing more than a transformation of Shklovsky's notion.For the first time in literature, the phrase "by and large" is found in the novel "Fulfillment of Desires" (1935), created by Veniamin Kaverin, a writer close to Shklovsky's circle. more often in our speech the expression "according to the Hamburg account" sounds - a contamination of two phraseological units invented by writers.
Critic Irina Rodnyanskaya, in her article "Hamburg Hedgehog in the Fog" (Noviy Mir. - 2001. - No. 3), devoted to the problems of today's literary strategies, notes: "Shklovsky could be pleased - almost like Dostoevsky, who was proud of the enrichment of the Russian language with the verb" to hide ". The expression "Hamburg account" was separated from the parable he told in the 20s and began to walk around the world in an undoubted and generally understood meaning. Not so long ago, even the most colorful Duma deputy publicly threatened to judge someone "according to the big Hamburg account." Above the deputy "We laughed together. But in vain. It is useful to listen to people's reflections. Our character innocently contaminated the "Hamburg account" and the "big account", believing that it lies somewhere nearby. Yes, it has not seemed to him alone for so long.

The "Hamburg account" (it has come to be understood) is a great aesthetic account in literature and art. Identification of the first-second-last places on the scale of the authentic, real. "Big" - because it opposes "small" accounts maintained by officialdom, groupings, parties in the interests of their situational needs. "Great" - because it refers to the "great time", in whose epochal contours the fog will dissipate, soap bubbles will burst and everything will fall into place. The connoisseur, who attracts the "Hamburg account", acts as a guesser, an oracle, listening to the noise of great time, checking the signals from there with his aesthetic instrument.

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