Why is it always necessary to repay kindness for kindness? The unfaithful spouse is paid the same .... Relationships with people


Class hour in 10-11 grades

« Do good...?

Targets and goals:

    Discuss with students the concepts of "good" and "evil".

    To acquaint with the regularities of their manifestation in the personality of a person and in the surrounding life.

    Show students the need to purposefully cultivate kindness in themselves, encourage them to do so.

    To educate students in goodwill, responsiveness, kindness and tolerance.

    Instill the foundations of moral behavior.

Conduct form: discussion.

Decor and equipment:

    Epigraph for class.

    Recording of the song "Do Good".

    Fragment of the cartoon "Just like that."

    Computer presentation "When good does evil."

Members: students in grades 10-11.

Preparatory work:

    Work was carried out to process the materials of the questionnaire “Are you a kind person?”

    Selection of proverbs, sayings and parables corresponding to the theme of the class hour.

    Creating a presentation.

EQUIPMENT: posters "Good is life." (N. F. Fedorov), "Evil is the grossest form of ignorance." (N. Roerich), “Kindness is the sun that warms the soul of a person” (M. Prishvin).

move class hour:

    Teacher. Good afternoon dear guests, teachers, guys! Our today's Classroom hour dedicated to the eternal theme of "Good and Evil". Today we let's talk about such well-known concepts as "good" and "evil" about how they manifest themselves in a person's personality and in the surrounding life. And we will try to answer main question When does good do evil?

Before proceeding directly to the topic of our class hour, I would like to read to you the following words:

Do good and evil always

In the power of all people.

But evil is done without difficulty,

Doing good is harder.

    Concepts "good and evil".

I immediately have the following question for you guys: “How do you understand the concepts: Good and Evil? Where and how do they appear? »

Good and evil are two moral concepts that accompany a person throughout his life, these are the main, basic concepts of morality.

Morality - (from lat. moralis - moral) special form public consciousness, one of the main ways to regulate human actions in society with the help of norms.

Good- this is:

    that which serves to preserve and develop life;

    everything that helps man and nature benefits them.

And everything that harms it is calledevil.

The highest manifestation of good is peace and love (for the Motherland, for mother, other close and distant people, for the living and the dead, for business, nature, etc.) The highest manifestation of evil is war, murder.

    Folk wisdom.

In ancient times, there was a belief that an angel sits on one shoulder of a person, and the devil sits on the other, and everyone whispers his own. Whoever a person listens to, he will behave like that.What does this belief say?

That good and evil can nest in the same human heart. But a person always has a choice: after all, he can hear what an angel whispers and obey him, that is, take a position of good morality. True, for this he needs to constantly develop in himself the ability to act in accordance with good morals, and this is not easy, but it is in such work on oneself that many scientists and philosophers see the meaning of human life.

Teacher. Good is opposed to evil.

The struggle between good and evil is the hardest moral problem humanity.

Unfortunately, in this struggle, evil sometimes turns out to be stronger, because it is more active and requires less effort. Good requires hourly, everyday patient labor of the soul.

How do you understand the words: "Good must be with fists"?

Listen to a poem by S. Kunyaev with the same name.

Good must be with fists,
Good must be harsh
To fly wool in tufts
From everyone who climbs for good.
Kindness is not pity or weakness,
Good crush the castles of shackles.
Good is not slush and not holiness,
No absolution.
And the meaning of history is in the end
In good action alone:
Calmly kick out with your knee
Not inferior to good!

Good must be strong, active. Kindness is a sign of strength, not weakness. Strong man shows generosity, he is really kind, and weak person sometimes kind only in words and inactive in deeds.

- How do you understand the meaning of the proverb: "Good is paid for with good"?

(For the good that they did to you, I want to pay the same).

There is another expression in life: "Do not do good, you will not get evil" or "For good they pay with evil." How can you comment on these expressions?

Listen to the parable "How sometimes good is paid for with evil."


One day a snake crawled through the forest. Suddenly, a tree fell right on top of her. The snake twisted and twisted, twisted and twisted, but no matter how hard it tried, it was all useless.
Meanwhile, a lumberjack who lived nearby decided to chop wood. He took his ax and went into the forest, where he saw a snake crushed by a tree. The snake says to him:
- Good man, please release me! Roll back this tree that has pinned me to the ground!
The man answers her:

No, I won't, because then you'll eat me!

The snake again
Trust me, I won't eat you!
A man his: - I do not believe you.
But the snake begged him for so long that the man took pity on her and rolled the tree away. The snake crawled out and, since it had not eaten anything all day and was very hungry, said to the man:
- Good man, I'm dying of hunger and so now I'll eat you!
- What? You want to eat me, but I set you free?
- Yes. Don't you know that good is repaid with evil?
- That's the way things are! the man said angrily.
And the snake again:
- You think I'm wrong?
- Of course not!
- Well, well, - said the snake. “Then call some animals here and we’ll ask them. You will see what they will answer.
The man went to look for animals and brought a deer, a horse, a puma and a wolf. The snake began to ask them one by one:
- Tell me, puma, is it true that good is repaid with evil?
"Yes," replied the cougar.
“And you, horse, don’t you think that good is repaid with evil?”
"Yes," replied the horse.
- Brother deer, do they pay for good with evil?
“Yes,” replied the deer.
When the man heard what all these animals said, he really got scared. Only the wolf remained, and the snake turned to him:
- Brother wolf, do they pay for good with evil?
And the wolf replies:
- I don't know how it happened and whether you're telling the truth. So I can't tell if you should eat this person. Lie down where you were, and then we'll see.
All animals agreed with the wolf. The snake lay down, and the man rolled a tree over it. And the wolf said:
- Now, snake, stay there!
The man thanked the wolf and said:
- Now, brother wolf, come home with me, I will repay you, I will give you a couple of chickens.
No, I won't go to you. Bring the chickens to me tomorrow here in the forest.
The man returned home, told everything to his wife, said that he had promised chickens to the wolf. But his wife became very angry and ordered that instead of chickens he should put in a bag dogs that bite on the ears.And since the man did not want to argue with his wife, he did as she said. The next day he put the dogs in a bag and went to the forest.
The wolf was already waiting for him.
- Brother wolf, I brought you chickens!
- Thanks! the wolf answered.
Then the man untied the bag, and dogs jumped out - those that bite on the ears. The dogs grabbed the wolf and gnawed off both of its ears. Finally, the wolf managed to escape. And he fled into the thicket of the forest, grumbling:
- The snake was right: you have to pay evil for good.

Did the snake and the man do the right thing?

How should people act in such situations?

Teacher. Now you can often hear that evil has overcome good, that everyone lives on his own, without delving into the problems of others. They say the Russians, stepping into new world, where monetary relations began to supplant the former, built on kindness and the desire to selflessly help another, they lost their former responsiveness and the warmth of the soul that they were famous for at all times.

Is it so? The answer to this question is very important, because we are talking about the core of our national character.To do good - this is a spiritual need for the Russian people, which has been preserved in us from distant ancestors. In our current life there is so much evil, mistrust, cruelty that some people lose faith in the kindness, nobility and unselfishness of people. It is very important to learn to forgive and try to forget about those evil deeds that have been done to you.

I suggest you listen to Yu. Drunina's poem "Faces and dates are erased ...".

Faces and dates are erased

But still before last day

I remember those that once

At least they warmed me up.

Warmed with your raincoat,

Or a quiet joking word,

Or tea on a shaky table,

Or just a kind face.

Like a holiday, like happiness, like a miracle

Kindness is on the ground.

And I won't forget about her

How do I forget about evil ...

- What do you guys think, what will win: good or evil?

Social Poll: Agree or Disagree.

1. Under our conditions, an absolutely kind person cannot survive.

2. Good will definitely overcome evil.

3. Good deed for a century.

4. Famously remembered, but good will never be forgotten.

5. A kind person will do a job rather than an angry one.

6. "Before taking revenge on your enemy, try to do him as much good as possible."

- Choose the same root words for the word good. (Kindness, kind)

What does it mean to be a kind person?

Kindness is different. There are three concepts of kindness.

The smallest kindness is passive. A person will not hit the weak, will not hurt the pride of the easily vulnerable. But he will pass by evil, will not rush to do good.

There is active kindness when a person does good deeds, but also passes evil. Maybe he did good to others for his own benefit?

And finally, kindness is creative. This is the most valuable thing that can be in a person. Such kindness chooses its owner - a person with a heightened sense of dignity, who will protect the Weak, help in trouble, truly feel injustice, the humiliation of one person by another and is able to fight evil.

Can any of you honestly say: "I am a good person."

Let's sum up the results of the questionnaire "Are you a kind person?"

    Proverbs are not in vain they say ...

There are a huge number of proverbs and sayings about good and evil.

Now I offer you the following task: these two envelopes contain 5 proverbs and sayings. They are cut into 2 parts, total you will have 10 parts. You need to connect so that proverbs and sayings are obtained.

(music fragment "Hurry to do good")

You rested a little and we continue.

in indonesia, among the inhabitants of the island of Bali, there is an old custom: a young man is subjected to a solemn initiation - a rite. The elder of the village or tribe comes up and lightly runs a file over his teeth, as if smoothing, dulling them. According to the Balinese, this is done so that his soul and deeds are good. May he be gentle and cordial with those around him. And may, when his children are born, they also be the children of man, and not of the beast, kind people.

Yes, we are pleased to be in the company of kind people, but for this we must be kind people ourselves. Let's make with you the rules of kindness, using which we will become truly kind.

1) Help people.

2) Protect the weak.

3) Share the latest with a friend.

4) Do not envy.

5) Forgiving others' mistakes.

6) Hurry to do good deeds (poem)

Hurry up to do good deeds

that always don't count

Hurry up to do good deeds,

When gratitude doesn't come to you.

Hurry up to do good deeds

Which are contrary to reason.

Hurry up to do good deeds

What a man will send at the origins,

And he will receive it at the mouth of the river.

Hurry up to do good deeds

Not money not promising no good.

Hurry up to do good deeds,

Forgetting forever the principle of "so-on-so"

Hurry up to do good deeds,

But do not accumulate in the memory of insults

Though the one to whom you have done good

You will never be forgiven for this.

Hurry up to do good deeds,

To love others for your goodness.

Hurry up to do good deeds,

For the sake of affirming yourself.

Hurry up to do good deeds,

Get it - consider yourself lucky!

Hurry up to do good deeds,

So that there is not enough time for evil!


It is important not to advance, but to yield.

Don't take, give.

Do not show a fist, but stretch out a palm.

Don't shout, but listen.

Do not tear, but glue.



Good - contributes to the moral improvement of a person and the salvation of his soul.

Evil - contributes to the moral degradation of a person, pushes to evil deeds and, tempting to commit sin, destroys the soul. Evil usually appears under the guise of false good, trying to replace true good.

Teacher: Now more and more often you can hear the question: “Why do I need this?” “And what will I get from this?” To answer these questions, I suggest you watch the cartoon "Just Like That".

(viewing the cartoon "Just like that")

do good,

How to breathe air

need, people

Given from God.

Rays of the heart

Warm up the world

I gave a lot...

Remember that the desire to do good and selflessly help others is distinguishing feature Russian person. This concludes our class hour today, be kind to each other. Be kind to others and they will do the same to you. And in conclusion, the video "Boomerang of Goodness"

For good, good and pay (increase: but for worse or worse).

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  • - adv...

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In the following phrase: "... pay good for good, do not be a kestrel" main point the story "Telegram" written by K. Paustovsky. These words Tikhon says to Manyushka, but they refer to the main character of the story - Nastya. In his own words, Tikhon wanted to say that a person is obliged to be merciful, grateful for the good done to him, not to be indifferent to others.

Through his story, the author wanted to convey to the reader that in our life it is very important to do right choice, because not only ours, but also someone else's fate depends on it. Nastya had to choose between attention herself dear person and work. Unfortunately, she chose the job soon regretting it. This happens very often - a person in the hustle and bustle of life forgets about the people dearest to him, while becoming a kestrel.

But in no case should you see in the nast only an indifferent attitude towards the mother and a strong passion for her work.

After all, she is not a callous and cold person. The girl could be indifferent to the work of the sculptor, but she cannot be indifferent to fate talented person and helps organize an exhibition of his work, despite all the whims of the sculptor. But even here it is worth noting that she does not do it disinterestedly, because this is her job.

Thus, the story in again proves to us how important it is to cherish and appreciate the love for loved ones, to be grateful and make the right choice in time.

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Updated: 2017-03-07

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When deciding how to interact with a particular person, some people reciprocate. If they are offended, they will pay the same and try to prick the individual in return. And when they have done something good, they express their favor. But then it turns out that all the actions of these people are controlled by others. It's a kind of manipulation.

Is it really that whether a person be good or evil, do good to him or bring grief, should other individuals decide for him?

For real a wise man he understands this and responds to evil with good, because he does not want to go against his nature. In addition, he remembers the boomerang principle and is not going to spoil his own because of unscrupulous, rude, unhappy, unbalanced individuals. A special aura reigns around a person who is set up for good. And an individual who has done meanness, even in the form of revenge, puts a heavy burden on his soul.

Change the world

Think about what life on earth would be like if people were positive. You can make the world a little better, while still improving, if you focus on the good and choose not to pay attention to annoying little things and petty grievances.

Surely you have heard about the wave of kindness, when one person does a good deed just like that, not in gratitude and not for a fee. The individual affected by the actions of this person is at first surprised, and then seeks to commit a similar act himself. Moreover, he can direct it to a third person, which means that a good step is not taken in return for the benefit received.

Acting on good intentions, you not only launch such a wave, but also stimulate the arrival of all the best in your life, because like attracts like. It is worth noting that you will feel just fine at the same time, because your heart believes that you are doing the right thing. It turns out that this is a way to achieve harmony in the soul, which is one of the conditions for happiness.

Relationships with people

If you apply this theory in life, it is worth specifying some nuances. The attitude to good deeds does not mean at all that you should allow others to use you and achieve their own goals at your expense.

Let your actions not go to your detriment.

It's about that you should not keep evil in your heart. Freed from resentment, rage, aggression, disappointment, you will feel much easier. These negative emotions destroy your personality and spoil your mood. They seem to eat you up from the inside. Therefore, they should not be allowed into your heart.

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