A fast dance popular at the beginning of the century. What are the dances? Name of types of dances


In order to control the number of homeless animals, the legislation of many countries provides for the capture and sterilization of stray cats and dogs. If a dirty cat is roaming the neighborhood, and kittens have hatched in the basement, you should catch the animals and take them to a homeless cat shelter, where they will be warm and safe. Perhaps you find a lost pet that needs to be returned to its owners, or just an animal that you want to settle in your home - all this will make the world a little better. You need to learn how to catch animals correctly, and in this article will go about the stages of this process.



    Watch the cat for a while. Before you decide to catch a cat, watch him for signs of illness and injury. It is important for your safety and for your cat's safety to be able to assess the condition of the animal, as this will allow you to understand what help he needs. If the cat has been walking around for several days, then do not be too lazy to watch him. If the cat is friendly, it will be much easier for you to catch him, and if not, then you will have to work hard.

    Take the trap. Traps are simple and safe mechanisms with which you can carefully catch a cat. Place some food inside the trap. The lid will slam shut (blocking the exit) when the cat will enter inside. Catching a cat, do not get it out of the trap, but take it to the veterinarian.

    Do not try to catch the cat with a pillowcase or bag. This will not only anger and frighten the animal, but may injure it. In addition, a frightened cat may attack you. Under no circumstances should you handle a cat with your bare hands. Treat him as if he were a wild animal, even if you plan to house him. Everything takes some time.

    Prepare a place to keep the animal. You will need a special place where you can keep the cat, even if you intend to take him to the castration and then release. Your best bet, of course, is to catch an animal that can be neutered right away so you don't have to keep it at home. But if you decide to keep it for a while, you need to find a suitable place.

    • The animal must be placed in quiet place so that it can calm down. Choose warm and dark places - this will allow the cat to come to his senses and feel safe.
    • If you plan to take your cat to the vet in less than 12 hours, don't feed the animal, but be sure to water it. In addition, by opening the trap or carrier, you run the risk of frightening the animal again.
  1. Capturing a cat

    1. Start feeding the cat a couple of days before the intended capture. The cat must have a reason to come to you, and this will help you lure him into a trap.

      Set up a trap and put food in it. Use the same food that you have been giving your cat for several days. Place paper or a pillowcase in the bottom of the trap to prevent food from falling through the grate. Leave food at the entrance to the trap to lure the cat, and in the far corner of the cage so that the cat has to go all the way inside the trap. Tension the trap spring.

      • Traps come in different designs, but dealing with them is not difficult. Usually you just need to open the door and secure it in a special way. When the animal is inside, the door will slam shut and the cat will not be able to get out.
      • Cover the trap with a towel or cloth, leaving the entrance open. This will make the trap less suspicious. Some cunning cats prefer to have a see-through view. So if you can't catch the cat, open the back of the trap (opposite the entrance) or don't cover the trap at all.
      • Don't put food on your plate. When the trap slams shut, the cat may get scared, break the plate and get hurt.
    2. Check the trap regularly. Such traps are safe, but leaving a cat in it on the street for for a long time not worth it. It is important to constantly check the trap to find out if you managed to catch the animal. If possible, take him home to a prepared place or take him to the vet.

      Bring the cat into the house. When the cat is in the trap, cover it with a cloth and take it to a certain place. The cat will be calmer if you bring him into a dark room, so dim the lights and cover the cage.

      • Leave the cat in the cage. Do not let the cat out of the trap and do not try to transfer it to the carrier, otherwise you will have to start all over again. Once the cat is caught and taken to another place, he will want to hide somewhere far away, and the cage is best suited for this. Don't worry, nothing will happen to the cat.

      Finding a new home for the cat

    3. Release the animal outside. After sterilization, the cat is kept under supervision with access to the tray, food and water for 5 days. Cats can be released the very next day after castration. You can release the animal where you caught it, or in a completely different place.

      • If you are going to release the cat in a different place (that is, not where he was caught), help him get used to the new habitat (this may take several weeks). To do this, regularly leave food and water for the cat. Remember that a cat released into unfamiliar territory may not survive without prior care because it will not find food and water; there is also a risk that the released animal will be killed by other cats in territorial disputes.
    4. Contact a stray animal control organization or a shelter that does not euthanize animals. If you live in a city, letting your cat outside can be dangerous. In this case, it is better to take the cat to the shelter - they will find him there new house.

      • As a rule, stray cats are rarely taken from shelters. Therefore, it is better to release the animal where you caught it.
      • Many shelters pay bills for neutering an animal. So don't throw away your receipts.
      • If you have such an opportunity, keep the cat at home until he has new owner. Some shelters simply don't have enough space for all the animals.
    5. Try to find a new home for your cat. If the animal does not have owners, and you cannot keep it and do not want to take it to a shelter, find another home for it. Post ads, ask around and find a suitable host candidate.

      • Ask friends and family if they would like to adopt a cat. So the cat will have a reliable roof over his head, and you will be able to visit him.
      • Place ads on the Internet. Describe the situation honestly and in detail.
    6. Consider keeping the animal for yourself. Many stray cats take root in apartments and behave like ideal pets. Consider whether you have enough time, money and space to care for a cat. If you decide to keep him, make sure he is friendly and take him to the vet regularly.

    • Some shelters will lend you a trap (for free).
    • Cats react differently different people. If the cat does not come to you, ask a friend to call him.
    • Sometimes with animals raised in the wild, it can be difficult. If your cat is aggressive or asks to go outside all the time, let him go (after showing him to the veterinarian).
    • Wear tight clothing to protect your skin if your cat starts scratching.
    • Do not give your cat to a shelter where animals are euthanized. First, study the information about all the shelters, and then take the cat there.
    • Determine if the cat is homeless or feral. You may need specialist help for this. One of the signs of feral cats is that they never yell.


    • Animal bites are dangerous. If you get bitten by a cat, see a doctor and quarantine your cat in case he has rabies or another contagious disease.
    • Do not give food to a cat that has owners unless they allow you to do so. The cat may have dietary restrictions (for example, due to diabetes). The cat can also get used to eating outside and moving away from the owner.
    • You can take kittens by the crease at the top of the neck, but you should not do this with adult animals.
    • Take kittens away from their mother with care. Kittens should stay with their mother for up to 4-6 weeks. If you catch a nursing mother, her kittens may die without her.
    • Stray animals carry infections, including the feline leukemia virus, so wash your hands and clothes before handling your own animals. Keep a stray cat away from your pets and their belongings (carriers, trays) until you show him to the veterinarian.

Some wild Pokémon appear only in certain climates and natural conditions, for example, only near lakes, oceans or other bodies of water.

Pokémon that are in your area are shown in the Nearby Pokémon section in the lower right corner. Touch a section to expand the list of nearby Pokémon and find out the distance to them. Distance is represented by footprints. The Pokémon you own will be highlighted in color on the list, and the Pokémon you haven't encountered before will appear as silhouettes.

View a list of nearby Pokémon and you can easily track down rare Pokémon. If the Pokémon is first on the list, then you are getting closer and closer to it. Try to move in different directions until there are fewer "legs" and soon you may be right next to the elusive Skyter.

Also don't forget that Pokémon usually spawn for everyone in the same places. So if you see a crowd of trainers crowded in one place and peering at the screen of a smartphone, be sure that they are trying to catch a rare Pokémon.

Frankincense can attract a pocket monster to you. it would be better to act on, but plus to this, each trainer near the Pokéstop will receive a thirty-minute advantage and will also be able to catch a strong Pokémon. When using incense, a pinkish smoke surrounds the trainer in the game.

When confronted by a Pokémon, you will have several attempts to catch it before it can break free and run away.

You can use the items in your Bag to increase your chances of successfully catching Pokémon. make it easier to capture wild Pokémon. The high efficiency of items designed to capture and store Pokémon, such as Great Balls, Ultra Balls, and Master Balls, increase your ability to capture wild Pokémon. Click on the backpack icon during the encounter to access these items. You can also take photos of your Pokémon fights using the camera.

After you track down a Pokémon, you will see it on the map. Click on it and catch it, but the process is very different from catching a pocket monster in the old Pokémon games.

You don't have to put your Pokémon against someone else's in some RPG battle. Instead, you need to get close and then throw a Poké Ball at him, timed.

  1. Leave collision
  2. AR camera switch
  3. The name of the pokemon and its CP (Combat Power - combat power)
  4. Ring aiming
  5. wild pokemon
  6. pokeball
  7. Camera
  8. Availability of your Backpack to change Poké Balls or use Raspberries

How to catch Pokemon:

  1. When a wild Pokémon is nearby, your device will vibrate and a creature icon will appear on the map. Click on it to start a capture attempt.
  2. The Pokémon will be in front of you. Note: you may need to orient your device or switch it out of camera mode.
  3. Press and hold your Pokeball.
  4. The ring will appear near the pokemon. The color of the ring indicates the difficulty of the capture. The green ring indicates a low level of difficulty in catching, the orange ring means an average level, the red one indicates an extremely difficult catch.
  5. You have a great chance of catching a Pokémon at a time when the colored ring has the smallest diameter. Throw the pokeball at the right moment.
  6. If everything went well, the Ppokeball will capture the Pokemon. Watch out, the Pokémon might escape.

Tip: Rotating the camera can cause you to lose sight of the Pokémon. For a good shot, it's best to hold your phone upright. Make sure the Pokémon is always in the center of the screen, then swipe the sensor in a straight line in the direction of your target. A colored circle will appear around the Pokémon, and when you hit it, you will receive a bonus: the green circle is the easiest, yellow is not so easy to hit, and red is much more difficult.

To make it easier to catch a Pokemon, turn off the camera mode in Pokemon Go. Of course, you can just keep going and try to catch Pokemon, but if you lose signal with the server, you will lose the monster.

The combat power of the Pokemon (CP indicator) and the level of the trainer also affect the capture process. In this case, you can use berries to increase the chance of catching a monster by making a great, twist, or good throw. If you catch a Pokémon with a spin throw, you will receive a bonus and an additional 10 XP.

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