Everyone's well-being has its roots in childhood. To a new home


But you need to clearly separate the child and his act. For example, you agreed in advance that before you come home from work, he will do his homework, eat and clean up after himself. And then you come home and see a picture: the pot of soup is untouched, the textbooks obviously have not been opened, some papers are lying on the carpet, and the child is sitting with his nose in the tablet. The main thing at this moment is not to turn into a fury, not to yell about the fact that “everyone has children like children” and that zero without a wand will grow out of your child.
Approach the child without the slightest aggression. Smiling, hug him and say: “I love you very much, but you won’t get a tablet for a week.” But yelling, insulting, being offended and not talking - that's not necessary. The child is punished by the weaning of gadgets.


Not large, but regularly issued amounts, which he manages himself. And it is very important that money does not become a tool for manipulation. There is no need to control what the child spends them on, and make the amount of tranches dependent on his academic performance and behavior.

There is no need to live their life for children, decide what to do and what not to do, solve their problems for them, put pressure on them with your ambitions, expectations, instructions.
You will grow old, how will they live?
All over the world, only the smartest and richest go to universities.
The rest go to work, look for themselves and earn on higher education. What do we have?..

I am against constant scrutiny.
The child must be sure that the family loves him, respects him, respects him and trusts him. In this case, he will not contact the “bad company” and will avoid many temptations that peers with a tense situation in the family cannot resist.

When I worked at school, on the Day of Knowledge I said that you need to study, if only because you get paid many times more for working with your head than for physical labor.
And that once you learn, you can work and get paid for what you love to do.


This is how outwardly chaos is expressed in his spiritual world. It’s good if he is washing himself ... You can only demand to “put things in order” if the child’s things fall out of his room.


Children develop only by analogy. What is possible and what is not, how it should be and how it is better not to act, children understand not from the words of their parents, but exclusively from their actions. Simply put, if the father says that drinking is harmful, but he himself does not dry out, there are many chances that the son will become an alcoholic. This is the most a prime example, but children catch and adopt more subtle things no less sensitively.


If a parent can only talk to a child about problems, he has a problem.
If a child tries to manipulate adults, he simply has a neurosis.
And we need to look for its cause. Healthy people do not manipulate - they solve their problems by acting straightforwardly.

In a conversation with a child, do not criticize him, do not touch his personality, do not go beyond the analysis of his actions.

Talk not about him, but about yourself. Not “you are bad”, but “I think you did a bad thing”.

Use language: “I don’t like it when you…”, “I don’t like it when you…”, “I would like to…”


Who can protect him, who can refuse him something, but always act in his interests and, most importantly, love him very much.

In July last year, the President of our country, Vladimir Putin, signed the federal law on licensing the activities of management companies in the field of housing and communal services. This industry has long needed to be finalized and organized, and licensing, which means that management companies demonstrate their work and knowledge of the specifics of the case, is designed to systematize some processes and eliminate the mistakes of past experience. Many are not sure that they will pass the test of power. But there are companies for which this is just another step in development.

Simple complex tasks
Among these is the management company of the Leninsky district of the city of Kirov. Not so long ago, the organization successfully passed the first stage of licensing. Leninsky District Management Company LLC is a young and dynamically developing company that has already seriously established itself in the housing and communal services market. Its activities in the management of multi-apartment residential buildings The company has been operating since 2009. To date, the management company "Leninsky district" serves more than 2.5 million square meters. m, premises. Today, the Criminal Code of the Leninsky District is a full-fledged management company that has its own equipped material and technical base for carrying out the necessary work on the proper maintenance of the houses that are in its department. The company provides a full range of housing and communal services from general management housing stock prior to major repairs.

At present, the staff of the Criminal Code of the Leninsky District are competent, highly qualified specialists who honor established traditions: everyone’s interest in end result, polite communication with residents, innovation and individual approach to problem solving. The absence of staff turnover confirms once again: created for people good conditions labor and their professional quality are valued.

Dialogue with the owner
The house for any person is a cosiness and comfort. And comfort largely depends on the stable and reliable operation of the housing and communal sector and the professionalism and responsibility of the people working in it. The work of the Criminal Code of the Leninsky district is aimed primarily at solving domestic problems residents. Therefore, for the entire period of its professional activity, the company has made a lot of efforts to make its work as transparent as possible and switch to new level communication with tenants. To this end, meetings with initiative groups of residents have become more frequent. As a result, a constructive dialogue was achieved, and a new department for working with owners appeared. Employees of this department are gradually becoming community managers - this is a kind of link between consumers and management companies. They go to meetings and meetings with owners almost daily, see in reality the condition of houses and yards, and, as they say, learn firsthand about all pain points, thanks to which the management company has the opportunity to take action and fulfill all wishes quickly and efficiently.

Work for the result
A lot has been achieved in its activities. Increased the scope of work on the current and overhaul, began to actively participate in all federal, regional and municipal programs, which, by the way, made it possible to solve problems that had accumulated over the years. All work was carried out in a comprehensive manner: where the courtyard passages were repaired, the repair of entrance groups and facades was immediately carried out, and where the roofs were repaired, the entrances were redecorated. Such systematic work made it possible to gradually move from solving topical problems to landscaping the territories. Modern children's playgrounds appeared in many yards, where the company arranges for children on holidays recreational activities. But the most important achievement is that the Criminal Code of the Leninsky District is slowly returning the old good traditions when a small sports complex or a hockey rink was located in almost every yard. So, in the yard of house No. 31 on Solnechnaya Street, an equipped and fenced sports ground has appeared that meets all modern requirements.

Social responsibility
At all, social work The UK pays special attention. Therefore, I had to face difficulties and even take risks. The Criminal Code takes control of emergency houses, which public utilities consider “unprofitable”. The fact is that residents of emergency and dilapidated houses become hostages of the situation. The former management companies abandoned them, and there is no hope that other representatives of the utility business will be interested in them. They cannot afford to repair and maintain housing at their own expense. However, the Criminal Code of the Leninsky District is not afraid of difficulties. Dilapidated houses are a social burden for the company. There is no profit from them, and competent management algorithms help to avoid losses. Another problem is non-payers.

The dishonesty of the owners reduces the amount of work on current repairs. As a result, those who pay carefully suffer. In order not to let responsible subscribers down, a debt collection department was created several years ago, whose employees conclude agreements, provide consultations, assist in obtaining subsidies and benefits, go to court with lawsuits, cooperate with bailiffs, in general, are ready to help in any matter.

Prosperity, well-being, happiness, luck. Wed . See happiness, luck .. for no well-being ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. well-being, well-being, ... ... Synonym dictionary

WELFARE, prosperity, pl. no, cf. A calm course of life, not disturbed by misfortunes, failures. The prosperity of their family did not last long. || Contentment, material security. Many people think only about their well-being. Explanatory ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

well-being- WELFARE, good, prosperity, prosperity, obsolete. prosperity, obsolete. prosperity, prosperous, prosperous, prosperous, flourishing blessed, exalted blessed… … Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

See Prosperity (Source: "Aphorisms from around the world. Encyclopedia of Wisdom." www.foxdesign.ru) ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

well-being- I, only unit, p. 1) A calm, prosperous life, staying in the streak of success, good luck, prosperity. Complete well-being. Material well-being. Synonyms: prosperity / prosperity, prosperity / nie, prosperity / nie 2) Normal, without any l. unwanted... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

well-being- ▲ existence good trouble well-being good existence; the absence of negative events in someone's life. prosperous. blessed. well-being. ↓ HEALTH, WELFARE OF CASES, SUCCESSFUL ACTIVITIES ... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

well-being- well-being depends on the subject, dependence, cause, effect ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

WELL-BEING.- From Art. sl. lang. Art. sl. well-being derivational tracing paper Greek. eutychia, which is the addition of adj. good "good" and unpreserved noun. half "accident, fate" ... Etymological dictionary Sitnikova

- (Greek ευ δαιμονία) the same as happiness, always subjectively understood as the achievement of all the benefits (see this word) that a person strives for. Even Aristotle in his Ethics rightly noted that regarding B. everyone agrees only in the name of this ... encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Wed 1. Calm, without failures and upheavals, the course of affairs, life. ott. material security, prosperity. ott. Happiness in love, in family life. 2. unfold The usual state of someone without deviations from the norm or undesirable phenomena. Explanatory ... ... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova


  • Well-being granted by Russia, Kotanjyan L.V .. ...
  • A book for creativity and attracting good luck. Mandalas. Well-being, Voznesenskaya Vilata. We all have a desire to improve our lives. For some, this is expressed in financial stability, for others - in spiritual. But in any case, for a sense of calm and harmony ...

This article focuses on the topic of well-being. Most likely, these will be reflections on what the word "well-being" means and what people put into the meaning of this word. Let's talk about who decides how well a person is - society or himself. Consider how extensive the circle of understanding of this term is.

What is well-being?

If we do a survey, we will not get a clear answer to the question posed. Everyone considers the meaning of the word "well-being" in their own way, adding a definition to this word. Here indicative list these definitions:

  • material;
  • mental;
  • social;
  • relative;
  • moral;
  • moral;
  • worldly;
  • emotional;
  • financial.

The list can go on for quite some time. And yet, having some collective image, we can definitely say that the word "well-being" means satisfaction in any of the above definitions. What kind of well-being can we talk about if you have a shaky financial situation if everyday issues are not resolved, if there is not enough finance to implement the plans? In this case, there is no pleasure from life and a sense of security.

Happiness and well-being

Martin Seligman - American psychologist, founder of positive psychology, wrote in one of his many books: "Well-being is abstract, happiness is a real phenomenon." What did Seligman mean? Aren't these concepts equivalent? It turns out that no. Although happiness is life satisfaction, it does not depend on the external world, but comes from internal state person.

Most people are only as happy as they choose to be. / A. Lincoln /

That is, happiness can be said as a phenomenon emanating from the person himself, and no external conditions affect the state of being happy. And well-being is, rather, a collective image.

Components of well-being

What are the components of well-being? Positive psychology describes five of them: positive emotions, meaningfulness of actions, involvement in the process, relationships with others, and personal achievement. To understand whether you are well or not, you need to analyze all these components.

The mechanism is simple but effective. After all, the meaning of the word "well-being" does not consist of two terms, as many people think. This is not just "benefit" and "receive", but a deeper understanding of what is hidden behind this combination.

What are positive emotions? There are many of them in a person's life. Let's list some of them: joy, admiration, optimism, trust... Meaningfulness is finding meaning in what you are doing and understanding why you are doing it. It is the opposite of useless.

It is not difficult to characterize such a component as involvement in the process. When you are busy doing what you love, you just don’t notice how time flies, you are in a pleasant stream. What is a personal relationship with others, it is clear to everyone. We are involved in the process of communication. But what kind of relationship, how sincere and friendly, affects our well-being. This is a good indicator of the quality of our life.

And finally, our achievements! This, one might say, is completeness, summing up and making a verdict: is our life prosperous or not. It should be noted, however, that positive psychology does not deny the fact that well-being is different for everyone. For some - activity, for others - calmness.

Emotional well-being

The basic qualities of human life include emotional well-being, which in each of us was incorporated in childhood. main role the environment of the child plays in this: parents, grandparents, kindergarten. Foundations are laid in childhood emotional well-being formed on the child's perception of relationships in the family and the formation of reactions to these relationships.

Parents need to try to understand their child, how he perceives the family, himself and parents. emotionally prosperous child benevolent, smiling, direct, talkative, does not offend others and does not fight, is not rude, does not steal, does not shout.

Children grow up emotionally healthy when they develop normally. To do this, the agreed requirements in the family and kindergarten, there is no violation of the daily regimen, when the child learns the world in adequate ways, such as curiosity and exploration, but is not intellectually overloaded, did not receive knowledge that did not correspond to his age. And, of course, the family in which the child grew up was prosperous.

mental well-being

A person experiences mental well-being when he positively evaluates his life in terms of personal values, when he has something that is positively characterized by others, relatives and himself. In this case, this is their own positive outlook on life, sociability, goodwill and, of course, adequate self-esteem. In other words, spiritual well-being is when the soul is calm, when you have harmony inside, and the world is at your feet.

Material well-being

Material well-being is the basis, the foundation human being. People choose different ways of their development. It is possible to become a rich person. Only for this you need not say that you want to become rich, have material well-being, namely to want.

The word "well-being" is synonymous with prosperity, success, solvency as well as possible, when we are talking about its material component. So, if you are engaged in your favorite pastime, for example, weaving all kinds of products from wicker or paper tubes, knitting or sewing, selling your product, you receive a financial reward. There is a purposeful action towards a specific goal: material well-being. Hobby - this is one of the sources of income. Material well-being is not permanent. You need to engage in self-improvement, find sources of income, look for new methods to achieve your goal, and then your cornucopia will be inexhaustible.

financial well-being

In a person's life, from time to time there comes a time for summing up some specific results, evaluating one's achievements, checking one's financial status. Usually such results are summed up in more adulthood when you can decide for yourself whether what you dreamed about has come true. There may be bitterness of lost opportunities, and disappointment. But there can also be the joy of achievement, the confidence that the path to the goal has been chosen correctly. Financial well-being is what allows each family member to fulfill their (someone's ambitious, and someone's small) dreams.

social welfare

If we talk about social well-being, then it is characterized by:

  • the ability of a person, remaining himself, to live in society, observing the norms and rules adopted in it;
  • the ability to adapt to the conditions of life of other people and to maximize their spiritual and physical capabilities;
  • the ability to be successful in life and in demand in society, without losing one's own individuality;
  • the ability to navigate freely in the flow of information and possession modern means communications.

The presence in the life of friends, like-minded people and a loved one also characterizes social well-being, as well as the presence interesting work, opportunities to engage in your favorite pastime (hobby). A person is socially prosperous if he is healthy, energetic, bad mood and negative emotions of others and had the opportunity to get an education.

They say that only a person can create a feeling of complete peace and immense happiness in the soul. From the time of their appearance on Earth, people have been looking for an answer to the question: “What is the meaning of life? How to become happy? And it's natural. Satisfaction with one's destiny is closely interconnected with the concept of happiness. necessary conditions which are the factors of well-being. It refers to various areas human life and involves a harmonious combination of its individual elements: emotional, social, intellectual, physical, spiritual and career.

Family is a reliable rear

Nobody will argue with this. Happiness necessarily includes social well-being. Big role close people play here who give us psychological support. These are marital and family relations, friendships.

The family serves as a support and rear. Here a person is charged with strength and positive energy. Friends help him achieve his goals and enjoy pleasant moments in the midst of daily routine. The one who does not have quarrels and discord in the house, who is surrounded loving people that encourage its growth and development, is the true master of its own destiny. His life is filled with communication, love, success and mutual support. Social well-being is a solid foundation of relationships and love that everyone wants to build.

The sun paints the earth, and man - work

One of the main factors of moral satisfaction is the availability of work. This concept often becomes a dilemma: what should be in the foreground - professional activity or family? Not only the very fact of paid and decent work is important, but also its psychological side in terms of diversity, meaningfulness and independence of labor, its public value and emotional climate. Professional activity in conditions of unhealthy relationships with colleagues or management has not yet brought pleasure to anyone.

Who does not work - he does not rest

Speaking of work, do not forget about leisure. Handicraft, management leisure, visiting cafes, restaurants, clubs, museums, concerts, theater, exhibitions, cinema ... This list is endless. Hobbies are opportunities for self-expression, scope for activity, communication with like-minded people and a kind of outlet. Sometimes it is more important than work. Theoretically, wealthy people have more opportunities to do what they love, but in reality this is not always the case. Some do not have enough free time, others simply do not need it. The possibility of choice, as well as the state of well-being - this is the determining factor.

Money - freedom or fetters?

IN modern world A full life is unthinkable without a good income. comfortable accommodation, necessary items household, Appliances, varied and healthy diet, quality education and even medical care, not to mention the rest - all this, whatever one may say, rests on money! Financial condition determines the majority of opportunities in the implementation of their desires. Material well-being cannot be called accomplished if there are not enough funds to satisfy elementary basic needs.

It would seem that what else is needed for happiness when there is financial security? How many people work all day long with one goal - to increase deposits in bank accounts and improve material well-being! Sometimes there is no time left for family and communication with friends. However, no matter how money is connected with the satisfaction of needs and social status, they affect human well-being up to certain limits. With a busy schedule and stress are inevitable nervous breakdowns and depression. And what is happiness then?

How to attract prosperity?

It so happened that money does not play last role in life. It is not easy to be poor and happy. In order to receive all the benefits, including material ones, people from time immemorial honored and passed on to new generations various traditions and rituals to attract positive energies to the family and home. They believed in certain signs and chose their symbol of well-being.

To a new family

The hearth represents the harmony and well-being of the family. In this regard, a very beautiful and touching ceremony is held at weddings. The mothers of the newlyweds pass a piece of fire to the newly-made keeper of the hearth, lighting her candle, symbolizing family warmth. At this moment sound sincere words And good wishes parting words to the young husband and wife for a long and happy life. Music sounds, lights are dimmed, small round candles are distributed to all guests in advance. Standing with lit lights around the young, each says good words. The presenter ends her speech with a wish for the newlyweds to bring warmth, love, unity and warmth through all the years of their happy marriage. The bride takes the candles, as usual, as a keepsake, as a sign of a roast hearth and save the family from adversity.

By the way, a successful marriage and abundance promises an orange. According to Feng Shui, four fresh fruits or dummy should be placed in the family area. This will help attract a future husband, moreover, a rich one. Eating oranges helps attract love.

To a new home

When settling in new house superstitious people First, let the cat into the apartment. This is done so that none of the residents become a victim of the new building. It is common for a cat to take on negative energy. In the old days in castles noble people they walled up one of the commoners in the walls in order to save their loved ones from misfortunes. So, intuitively, some older people are reluctant to change their home to a new home.

Any hostess knows that the smell of pies in a new house guarantees well-being, homeliness, comfort, peace and tranquility.

It is believed that a stray stray dog ​​brings prosperity and well-being to the owners of the home, and if you drive it away, you cannot avoid trouble. Statuettes and figurines true friend a person is attracted to good luck. Some, to protect themselves from unkind people, install them in apartments and even in offices.

To protect the house from material problems, it is grown Money Tree. Figurines of goldfish also activate the energy of wealth. Another popular attribute of happiness, wealth, fun and prosperity is the laughing Buddha or Hottei. There is a belief that if you rub his stomach 300 times, then the most secret desire must certainly come true. Other well-being and good luck in the house are a horseshoe, an elephant, a butterfly, a deer, a horse, a ficus, a pair of doves, a pair of mandarin ducks.

How to activate the well-being symbol?

In order for the attributes to "work", you need to use them correctly. For example, a three-legged toad cannot be placed in the kitchen (it is hot there) and in the bedroom (there is a sleepy atmosphere). The elephant is placed in such a way that it draws positive energy and all good things into the house with its trunk from the street. When a horseshoe is hung on the door, its “horns” are directed upwards so that it resembles a bowl, which in turn also symbolizes well-being. In Russia, for some reason, this is done the other way around and leads to the opposite - losses and ruin. Moreover, true happiness is brought by an accidental discovery of a horseshoe on the road.

According to the legend, the Devil in the form of a horse took out one blacksmith and imposed dark thoughts and deeds on him. But he ran into the wrong one ... The peasant did not fall for tricks, managed to "shoe" the demon, and then nailed a horseshoe on his door so that the "horned" one would remember the lesson he had learned. So it was customary to hang horseshoes at the entrance to scare away unclean forces.

Chinese lanterns

The spectacle invented by the Chinese - the launch of multi-colored lanterns into the sky - fascinates and sets you on a good wave. People make wishes. It seems to them that even the world is becoming cleaner and kinder. Watching the flickering lights drift away into the abyss starry sky or towards the sun and taking away the negative, brings prosperity and success.

Children - meaning or flowers of life?

Adults are in a hurry somewhere, striving for something and constantly achieving something. With all this, for many of them the main meaning of existence is children. This controversial issue. Someone constantly talks about the desire to give the child the best, everything that the parent himself did not have in childhood. And there are those who take the position of “giving all the best to children as far as possible”, or even not pampering at all, so as not to grow an egoist.

To ensure the well-being of children, parents should first of all create a happy family life as an example to your children. When they grow up, they will repeat the family model in their personal lives. There is no need to exist as a sacrifice to yourself. Do not forget that the parent must have personal space, interests and the possibility of self-improvement. It is necessary to create conditions for choice and development for children as well. It is best to find some balance in order to remain an authority and role model for your descendants in the future.

Wise parable

One cheerful sage met on his way a man who could hardly drag his feet, carrying a huge unbearable burden. When asked by a passerby about what he was doing, the poor man replied that he condemned himself to torment in the name of the happiness of his children and grandchildren, following the example of his ancestors. Then the sage asked if at least one of them had ever been happy in the family. The exhausted father replied that he had not, but his grandchildren and children would certainly live decent life! He received the following answer from the elder: “A man who does not know how to read and write will never teach you to read, and no mole can raise an eagle. First you need to learn how to accept the gift of well-being yourself, and when you know the happiness of life, then you will understand how to give it to your future descendants! Agree, many of us have never thought about it. People do not live, but exist, driving themselves crazy

Physical well-being

Successful and intellectual developed person knows how to maintain his health. good habits, healthy lifestyle life, work, rest and diet. Such people are satisfied with their life and full of plans, they always have enough energy to realize their plans.


At first glance, it seems impossible to have all the factors and conditions for achieving well-being. This is quite real, because all components can complement or compensate each other. Owning a favorite profession, a person earns money, finds his vocation, sets specific goals in life, and some even inspire life exploits friends.

Moreover, sometimes two lonely hearts find each other in the same organization or collide in the line of duty. Some people in happy marriages don't need companions.

Religious beliefs can help you deal with serious illness, giving positive attitude and acceptance of the situation. This only proves that you need to believe and hope for well-being, not postponing happiness for later. It has been noticed that a person receives real satisfaction from material things when he can be happy even without them.

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