Obedience makes the burden light. Stay in love


God forgives only those who need it

Deliver me from cowardice...

"I want to be the exception to the general rule"

In memory of Archpriest Joseph Fudel († 1918)

God performs miracles, and we only help Him

The priest is not the judge

Saratov miracles of St. Spyridon

The Lord gives bread even to those who ask for a stone

Can't be comforted. You can help

Foolishness: a step beyond

black forest path

To repeat the unique

"Forgive me" is not a ritual

Without our help, death will not become insolent

And God will do the rest

About the benefits of insults

The mission of the Church is not to conquer, but to testify

Star and Christ of Father George

I can't breathe in Orthodoxy...

Star and Cross of Father George

God needs a man's heart

About love for the fickle city

And the two will become one flesh

The most difficult thing is always to keep the Liturgy at the center of life.

If a person is afraid of God, he is not afraid of anything else.

Never-fading trail

Is there life after the death of a family?

Working with infinity

Someone else's happiness does not exist

The prayer of the monks will save Russia more than once

Field of Transformation

"Bad Daughter" - Moments of Truth

Sketches from life: murmuring as desertion

Hope beyond hope

The best means are humility and love

Cry for love

To see the world as it is - beautiful

People Between Life and Death

Obedience makes the burden light

life is white

The story of my baptism

To love God, you need to be defenseless

Facebook requires humility

Stay in love

Loyalty to people - to the end

Foundation on stone

Let your light shine before the people

To truly enjoy

Cross according to strength, strength according to faith

Bread in the Sweat of His Face: The Christian and His Work

And they will no longer hide our dead

The prince needs co-workers

To love is not only for helping

How can you learn to defend your faith?

Now I know where to look

To keep the boats afloat

The Church is a place of work: prepare your soul for temptation

Mental illness does not block the road to God

I'm just sharing my discoveries

So that those who enter see the light

Joy Tutorial

About Nikolai Pestov's books

Seeds and seedlings

Is it good for the poor?

reconcile first

How to condemn condemnation

We must remember what kind of spirit we are

First get well, then get sick

The truth will set them free

It is not a stroke that destroys, but a sin

This is your contribution

Lighthouse one. Everything else is reflections

Hegumen Nektary (Morozov): He who does not remember death forgets to live

How to talk with loved ones about faith?

You don't need to convince. Gotta help

King David and all his meekness

Deserved Syndrome

Polygon of Russian holiness

Between friend and foe.
Conversation with hegumen Nektariy (Morozov) about angels and demons

Loneliness: trouble? guilt? luxury?

Recently, when the mail began to bring me the diocesan Saratov magazine "Orthodoxy and Modernity," my eyes got used to looking in the signature under conversations with clergymen, under articles - the name of today's heroine of our program: "Marina Biryukova talked." Reading her questions, listening to their intonation, something told me that Marina was from that journalistic tribe, to which long years I belonged myself. And even earlier, since the beginning of the last decade, in literary magazines - sometimes in the Volga, then in the capital's Arion - I began to meet her poems. And recently, with the help of friends and the Metropolitan of Saratov and Volsky Longin, a collection of her poems was also published - "Goldfinch".

Goldfinch bird on a stripped birch,
and behind the birch is a black field.
How I am comforted by this bird,
how good it is for me today at will -

maybe I have already suffered? ..
The sky above the chill is like pure ice,
the bird finally saw me -
the cobweb is torn off by a quick wing,

the last leaves are torn down. Twitter -
here, and she has already disappeared in the field ...
Two unexpected clouds in the sky -
like a mitten of confused couples.

The picturesque, quiet monologues of a person who, as I felt, had seen a lot and experienced a lot, were not immediately remembered. But every time after reading, they left some kind of glorious reflection and settled in the soul. In these verses, a grasshopper chirped, a well bucket tinkled, the wind hummed through the window shutters, a long sunset went beyond the river, saving the first snow covered the earth. And behind all the daily, changing everyday and incomprehensible miracles - a vigilant and humble witness. Related, its own - to the autumn fellow-leaf, a sparrow, crouching on an asphalt pothole with accumulated melt water, and even - yellow sun spots. From poem to poem, she believes, evaluates, questions her fate - through the tangible, audible and visible signs of God's world.

Worth the last warmth
ambulance water under a snag
Maple Leaf dragged away,
and I screw up the flask

with forest water and put
her in a backpack, and through the spruce forest
slowly walking towards the road
This is how Monday fell.

No matter how broken or weak
I will learn the lessons of this day.
Dark mushroom head
lifted the raw needles,

now I'll get a rusty knife ...
The cut turns white. Magpies scream.
Learning that the world is good -
what hard lessons!

Marina Biryukova, from the book "Goldfinch"

Last summer, a selection of Marina Biryukova's poems in the Siberian Lights magazine opened with a sketch about an old log and a little girl. I remember these verses. From time to time, their heroine crumbles dilapidated wood, takes soft rotten wood and writes her very first clumsy words on the wooden paneling of the house. “... And later I was crushed and knocked down, and the rules became helpless, but - wasn’t this rotten log given to me for happiness?”
What an attentive, heartfelt poetic word- memory.

Here they are waiting for me: no matter how late it is,
above the birches, on the sixth floor
the window shines with an orange curtain.
They remember me here: a damp gatehouse

under the monastery wall in the forest -
a aching kettle on a tiny tile.
Paint number on a dilapidated gate -
I am loved here. And I will bring

what I can. And as far as I can
I justify everything. And most importantly, I will:
whether to be a victory, whether to happen bad luck -
I will, I will enter, I will hug, I will not lie.

Marina Biryukova, from the book "Goldfinch"

The substance of gratitude, dissolved in the poems of Marina Biryukova, confessionally transformed and become genuine poetry, has the happy ability to move into the reader's consciousness. It stays there for a long time.

Marina Biryukova, a participant in the show The Bachelor season 1, until the last believed that she would be able to win the project. Many viewers also believed that the beauty was worthy of being Eugene's wife. However, the fairy tale was not destined to come true.

Life before the project

Marina is a journalist, an active girl, born and raised in St. Petersburg. Love for beauty since childhood was instilled in the girl by her mother, who was a professional cosmetologist and taught her daughter to take care of herself.

After the girl graduated from the university, she decided to work in her specialty and achieve heights in her chosen direction. This really worked out for her. The beauty says that journalism is not just a way to make money for her, but also a favorite hobby.

Marina Biryukova on the show Bachelor season 1

Frequent failures on the personal front forced the girl to come to the Bachelor show. The participant herself admits that she did not really believe in her victory, but Evgeny Levchenko seemed to her a very attractive groom, so she decided to continue the fight.

IN the first season of the Bachelor project on TNT the girl was remembered as very refined, gentle, but at the same time strong personality who has something to say. She showed everyone that she was ready to follow her dream to the last. Of course, Eugene liked such qualities. That is why the girl reached the semi-finals.

It is recognized that at this stage it was very difficult to make a choice. The beauty was charming, but he did not have the opportunity to leave four girls. So I had to say goodbye to someone.

Eugene says that although it was not easy, he still had to make a choice. Despite the fact that the main fiance of the country refused the girl, she did not despair. For her it was interesting trip, fun adventure.

Literally some time after the completion of the project, Marina met a man named Ivan, whom she soon married. Unfortunately, the girl does not give more information about her personal life, so we cannot say who Ivan is by profession and how they met Marina.

Fresh photos of Marina Biryukova on Instagram

Marina Biryukova is another participant in the popular project on TNT, who managed to arrange her personal life immediately after she received a refusal from the main fiance of the country.

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