Project on literary reading "Epics. Russian Bogatyrs"


Skazkabylina Similarity: 1. Both fairy tales and epics exist in oral form. 2. Both genres have existed since ancient times. Differences: 1. Fairy tale - a prosaic, artistic fantasy story of a magical or everyday nature. 2. The main feature is fiction. 3. Fairy tales "told". 1. Description of the exploits of the heroes. 2. Captures historical reality in generalized terms. 3. Epics "said" - they sang or spoke, accompanied by a harp.

Tonic verse The first stress is on the first syllable from the beginning. The last stress is on the third syllable from the end. As Ilya galloped from the goodness of a horse, he fell down to his mother's damp earth. How mother earth is knocking, Yes, under the same as the eastern side.

Construction Beginnings, development of action, climax, denouement. Chorus Ending (not related to content) Height, heavenly height, Ay now to him, but after that Depth, depth - okian - sea, And now Sadka and glory are sung Wide expanse all over the earth, Deep whirlpools of the Dnieper ...

Guzhiki - a loop in a collar fastening the shaft with an arc. Damask - made of damask steel, hard, elastic, with a patterned steel surface. Saffiano is a thin and soft goat or sheep skin, specially dressed and dyed in a bright color. Nightingale - about the color of horses, yellowish (in combination with a light tail and light mane).

Collectors of epics Opened for us the priceless treasures of the spiritual life of the people, Published 4 volumes (165 epics) "Songs collected by Rybnikov." Rybnikov Nikolaevich Pavel


Russian bogatyrs. Russian folk epics

Format: audiobook, MP3, 192kbps
Release year: 2013
Genre: Children's literature, epics
Publisher: Seventh Book
Artist: Oleg Isaev
Duration: 06:52:21
Description: Do you know what epic is? And how is it different from a fairy tale? Bylina is the heroic epic of the Russian people. Heroic - because it is about the great heroes-heroes of antiquity. And the word "epic" comes from the Greek language and means "narration", "story". Thus, epics are stories about the exploits of the famous Russian heroes. It was a long, long time ago, so long ago that even the oldest people do not remember, but only know by hearsay from their grandfathers and great-grandfathers ...

01. Volga Buslaevich
02. Mikula Selyaninovich
03. Svyatogor
04. Marriage of Svyatogor
05. Meeting Svyatogor with Ilya
06. Mikhailo Potyk
07. Sukhmanty Odikhmantyevich
08. Dunay Ivanovich
09. Alyosha Popovich
10. Dobrynya Nikitich
11. Ivan Ignatievich
12. Ilya Muromets. Elijah's healing
13. Ilya Muromets. First trip
14. Ilya at the outpost of the heroic
15. Elijah and the beggar brethren
16. Ilya Muromets and Kalin Tsar
17. Ilya and Yermak
18. Ilya Muromets and the idol
19. Three trips and the death of Ilya Muromets
20. Stavr Godinovich
21. Nightingale Budimirovich
22. Churilo Plenkovich
23. Duke Stepanovich
24. Duke Stepanovich and Shark the Giant
25. Duke's Marriage
26. Sadko
27. Vasily Buslaevich
28. Anika the Warrior
29. Goryushko gray and Upava-well done
30. About how in Rus' the heroes were transferred

but I

Epics. Russian folk tales. Old Russian stories

Format: Audiobook, MP3, 64-96kbps
Release year: 2017
Genre: epics, stories, fairy tales
Publisher: Radio Grad Petrov
Artist: Nina Vasilyeva
Duration: 13:07:26
Description: “Russian literature is a thousand years old. We know our great classical writers well, but know little of our literature of the first seven centuries. Every Russian person is well aware of only "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". Meanwhile, our ancient literature is rich in works of various genres. Chronicles told about the history of our country, starting from ancient, pre-literate times and ending with the events of the turbulent XVII ...


Tales of the world. Russian folk tales and epics (Arkhipova R. (ed.))

ISBN: 5-300-02502-X,
Series: Tales of the world
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: Arkhipova R. (ed.)
Release year: 1999
Genre: Fairy tales
Publisher: TERRA-Book Club
Russian language
Number of pages: 402
Description: The collection is made up of the best fairy tales and epics of the Russian people. Beautiful illustrations by Bilibin that accompany the text reflect the splendor, mystery and uniqueness of the wonderful world of Russian folk tales. To uncover


Russian folk tales

Release year: 2012
Genre: Fairy tales
Publisher: ArmMir
Artist: Albert Filozov
Duration: 03:46:56
Description: Modern Russian literature, developing according to its own laws, does not, however, neglect classical works. Classical Russian literature originates in ancient Russian texts, which, in turn, were formed on the basis of the tradition of oral storytelling. And among the various genres of oral tales, of course, Russian folk tales deserve special attention. It's no secret that Russian folk tales have appeared...


Russian folk tales (Afanasiev Alexander)

Author: Afanasiev Alexander
Release year: 2014
Genre: Fairy tales
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Mokhova I.
Duration: 02:01:56
Description: Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasiev (July 11 (23), 1826 - September 23 (October 5), 1871) - an outstanding Russian collector of folklore, researcher of the spiritual culture of the Slavic peoples, historian and literary critic. Contents000 Afanasiev_Russian Folk Tales 001 The Tale of the Silver Saucer and the Apple in Bulk 002 Marya Morevna 003 The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise 004 Night Dances 005 Prophetic Dream 006 Dawn...


Russian folk tales

Release year: 2004
Publisher: "Sidicom".
Performers: Innocent V., Rumyanova K., Vasilyeva V., Durov L., Leontiev A.
Duration: 02:28:00 CONTENTS 1. About an old grandmother, a laughter granddaughter, a hen-tail, and a little mouse 2. The most expensive thing 3. As a dog was looking for a friend 4. Gingerbread man 5. Farm laborer 6. Bull-black barrel, white hooves 7. Seven-year-old 8. Bubble, straw and bast shoes 9. Smart man 10. Fox and goat 11. Ivan the peasant son and miracle Yudo 12. Chatterbox 13. Fox and bear 14. Half-bear 15. Tale of magical water 16. Pot 17. Teremok 18. Wolf...

but I

Russian folk tales (People)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 192kbps
Author: People
Release year: 2007
Genre: fairy tales
Publisher: Sound Book Studio
Artist: Ivan Basov
Duration: 04:32:15 Russian folk tales. We grew up on them, let your children and grandchildren grow up now, listening to them. This sound book will bring you many pleasant, fabulous minutes. Put it to your child, and go about your business or listen with him. This audio book contains a variety of tales - about cunning and wise men, about bears and hares, about Vasilis the Beautiful and Ivan the Fools. Find the one that suits you best...


Russian folk tales

Format: Audiobook, MP3, 320kbps

Release year: 2011
Genre: Fairy tales
Publisher: Union, Pokidyshev and sons
Artist: Alexander Kotov
Duration: 01:51:05
Description: "Wonderful wonder" "About Yerema" "Seven stupid Agathons" "Mena" "Dear cones" "Greedy nobleman" "Piston" "Who will speak first" "Hare shepherd" "Mush from an ax" "Pancake cloud" "Man and hare" "Wooden eagle" "Soldier's riddle"
Add. information: "What a miracle these tales are" - wrote A.S. Pushkin. And this is true, fairy tales are the biggest and most amazing miracle. Fairy world...

but I

Folk Russian fairy tales (Afanasiev Alexander)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Afanasiev Alexander
Release year: 2014
Genre: Fairy tales
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere

Duration: 07:42:48
Description: Russian folk tales as the basis for raising children Childhood is the most wonderful time in the life of every person, but at the same time the most difficult, since it is in childhood that character is formed, the basics of morality are assimilated, education is acquired. Since ancient times, the issue of raising children has been the main one in any society. It is not so easy to explain to a child the rules of life, the value of cultural traditions, and for that ...


Russian folk tales

Release year: 2010
Genre: Fairy tales
Publisher: Union, Podkidyshev and sons
Artist: Alexander Bordukov, Alexander Klyukvin
Duration: 02:02:00
Format: MP3, 320 kbps
Description: Despite the fact that in our crazy age of technological progress and nanotechnology, modern children practically do not part with computers and cannot imagine their existence without the Internet, they still continue to believe in fairy tales and miracles. Psychologists explain this by saying that fairy tales help children realize their own fears and cope with them. After all, where, no matter how in a fairy tale, a modest person can ...


Russian folk tales

Format: audio performance, MP3, 320kbps
Author: Russian folk tales
Release year: 2011
Genre: musical fairy tale
Publisher: Studio "URAgan" Alexander Zhiltsov
Artist: Alexander Zhiltsov
Duration: 01:37:48
Description: Morozko 00:06:43 Wolf and Fox 00:04:01 Zaikin's hut 00:06:33 Cat Rooster and Fox 00:06:11 Kolobok 00:04:42 Cockerel and millstones 00:05:07 Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka 00:06:11 Khavroshechka 00:06:40 Bear, Wolf and Fox 00:03:17 Turnip 00:01:50 Ax porridge 00:04:06 Teremok 00:04:08 Masha and the Bear 00:06:57 Chicken Ryaba 00:01:09 Koza-Dereza 00:07:25 ...


Russian folk tales for adults

Release year: 2007
Genre: Russian classical
Artist: Alexey Petrenko
Duration: 03:26:00
Description: Clever and funny, containing deep meaning and age-old wisdom, Russian folk tales make us think about the eternal questions of goodness and justice, honor and fidelity. Relevant to this day and surprisingly fascinating fairy tales for big children - for adults. Even if you have read these works, listen to them performed by the brilliant actor Alexei Petrenko, and you will discover new facets of the great heritage of Russian literature.
Contents: Pr...

but I

Russian folk tales. Volume #1-2 (People)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 48kbps
Author: People
Released: 1988
Genre: fairy tales
Artist: Vyacheslav Gerasimov
Compiler of the collection: Olga Alekseeva
Duration: ~ 23:00:00
Description: What could be more pleasant than an evening spent in the company of an interesting book, especially if this book is a fairy tale, and not just one, but a whole chest of fairy tales. Do you like to visit? I invite you to visit fairy tales. We will not need buses and trains, planes and steamships, we will go to a fairy-tale world with the help of His Highness Princess Fantasy! A world of magical stories will unfold before you. Fairy tales are not like...


Russian folk tales. Volumes 1 and 2 (Afanasiev Anatoly, Azadovsky Mark, etc.)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96 Kbps
Author: Anatoly Afanasiev, Mark Azadovsky and others.
Release year: 2015
Genre: Fairy tales
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Vyacheslav Gerasimov
Duration: 39:04:17
Description: The two-volume edition includes the texts of fairy-tale collections that have become classics, both in richness of storylines, compositional harmony, and in the preservation of poetic form (from the collections of Afanasiev, Azadovsky, Zelenin, Khudyakov, Onchukov, Karnaukhova, Korguev, Korolkova, Sadovnikov, Sokolov and etc.). All texts presented are corrected according to primary sources. Fairy tales of literary...

Duration: 08:15:09 Year of issue: 2014
Genre: Fairy tales
Publisher: Do-it-yourself audiobook
Artist: ChanelN19
Duration: 01:38:21
Description: Everyone loves a fairy tale - both children and adults. And how can one not love a fairy tale when it is so unusual and everything is so similar to the truth? Your attention is invited to a collection of realistic, everyday Russian folk tales - the most popular among the people. content01. Fedul and Malanya 02. Trishka Sibiryak 03. Miser 04. Grumpy wife 05. Nikonets - a native of the other world 06. Who should wash the pot 07. Gorshen 08. Talkative wife 09. Poor man, fist and master ...


“Epics. Russian heroes"

Glory to the Russian side!

Glory to Russian antiquity!

And about this old

I'll start telling

So that people can know

About the affairs of the native land.

(2 slide)

Completed: students of the 4th "G" class

Teacher: Viflyantseva L.V.

MBOU secondary school No. 6 named after. K. Minin, Balakhna


1. Introduction

2. Main body

Definition of the concept of "epics, hero";

Sociological research.

3. Conclusion. Consolidation of the material by protecting the poster presentation.

4. List of used literature and Internet resources

    « Epics. Russian heroes »

Relevance and practical significance of the project : we must know our past, the great deeds of our people, our heroes. They are an example of courage and valor, the pride of our land and bring up the Russian spirit in us.

Hypothesis (assumption):

that heroes are defenders from enemies, warriors with great strength.

Bogatyr is an example of the great spirit of a Russian person.(3 slide)

Objective of the project: find out who the epic heroes are


Learn to work in a team;

To study and consider various sources of information on the topic "Russian bogatyrs»;

Define "epics, hero»;

Learn history heroes;

Summarize and consolidate information aboutRussian heroesamong classmatesstudents of the 4th "G" class by using poster defense.(4 slide)

Project participants - 4 "G" class, divided into groups.
The project is medium term.

Forms of presentation of research results by students :

    Poster presentation (protection of groups).

    Presentation (for all groups)

Questions guiding the project

What do we know about heroic personalities in Russian history?

Who are Russian heroes?

How did people become heroes in the distant past?

What qualities should a hero have?

Were there many heroes?

As works of literature, painting, music, films and cartoons tell us about Russian heroes.

Expected results:

1. Upon completion of the project, students will gain basic creative project skills:

See the problem and outline ways to solve it;

Select and structure the studied information on a specific topic (skills in working with various sources of information);

They will acquire the skills of independent qualitative research of the problem.

2. They will have a fairly complete picture of the heroes in Russian history.

2. What are epics?

    epics - Russian folk songs-tales about heroes.
    Russian epics is a kind of encyclopedia of folk

    life, a source of ardent patriotism and our national


    The bylina came from the word "true story", The epics were composed by storytellers - the keepers of Russian antiquity. They went from village to village and spoke in a singsong voice (like a song) about the great events of our country, about the heroic heroes, their exploits, about how they overcame evil enemies, defended their land, showed their courage, courage, ingenuity, kindness .

The meaning of the word Bogatyr :

1. Russian epics and fairy tales.


courage, go away.

2. strong build,

Bogatyrs are the heroes of Russian epics who performed feats in the name of the Motherland, a man of immense strength, stamina, courage, endowed with an extraordinary mind and ingenuity.

(5 slide)

Behind the name of each of the epic heroes is a specific person who lived a long time ago in Rus', and who accomplished his feats only in epics, their characters are embellished by the people.

The storyteller went from village to village and spoke in a singsong voice (like a song) about the heroes-heroes, about their exploits. He talked about how it happened. About the deeds and victories of the heroes, about how they overcame evil enemies, defended their land, showed their courage, courage, ingenuity, kindness.(6 slide)

The narrator said this:

I'll tell you about old things,
Yes, about the old, about the experienced,
Yes, about battles, yes, about battles,
Yes, about heroic deeds!(7 slide)

This is how the epic went. In the Russian people for many centuries, epics about mighty heroes passed from mouth to mouth, from grandfather to grandson.

The epics reflected the life of the Russian people, which was very difficult in Rus'. Almost every epic mentions Kyiv, Rus', Russian land, Motherland, Russia - what beautiful and mysterious words.

Rus. A very short word. It came to us from hoary antiquity and has remained with us forever.(8 slide)

Sociological research (results).

We have conducted a sociological study on the theme "Heroes of the Russian Land in our time."

This study was conducted among students in grades 2-4 of MBOU secondary school No. 6 from October 1, 2018 to October 20, 2018.

25 people took part in the survey.

The age of the respondents ranged from 8 to 11 years.

To the question "Who are the heroes?" children wrote similar responses. General description: Bogatyrs are powerful people of the Russian land, brave, courageous (strong in spirit), warriors, defenders of their homeland and people.

Among the children, the most famous wereIlya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, Svyatogor.

68% would like to be like Ilya Muromets. Because he is the strongest, he always defended his native land and was our countryman.

12% for Dobrynya Nikitich, because he was wise.

12% - to Alyosha Popovich, because he is strong, the youngest and smartest.

8% - Svyatogor, because he is the strongest and most powerful hero from the world of epics.

The main qualities of a hero:

Physical strength - 39%

Fortitude - 22%

Love for the Motherland - 22%

Cunning, ingenuity - 4%

Military art - 13%

The survey participants see the hero not only as a powerful and strong spirit, but also knowledgeable in military affairs. Mighty strength is highlighted as the main quality.

Attracts in heroes:

The participants in our survey are attracted by the spiritual qualities of heroes (courage, self-confidence, nobility, helping the weak, fighting for justice, love for the Motherland and its defense).

Knowledge about heroes:

Books - 60%

Cinema - 12%

Cartoons - 20%

Excursions to museums - 8%

Are there any heroes now? Who can be named?

Yes, there are heroes (athletes, military) - 80%

No - 8%

Don't know - 12%

Is it possible to become rich?

Most kids think they can. To do this, you need to believe in yourself, go in for sports, be fair, kind, wise, honest, train willpower, spirit, help people, be a patriot. But some children and adults believe that it will not work. Because physical and spiritual data are laid by nature. You can become a good person, a strong athlete, a hero, but not a hero.

Is it honorable to be a hero in our time?

Half of the children believe that it is not honorable to be a hero now. Because over time, the character traits for which the heroes were respected ceased to be valued, and the aspirations of people changed towards the achievement of material values. But most children and adults think it's an honor. Because we lack such people as heroes, they believe in eternal human values, they look with hope and optimism into the future.

Thus, as a result of the study, we learned the meaning of the term "epics", got acquainted with the main Heroes of the Russian Land, conducted a sociological survey, the results of which showed us the knowledge of the people of the modern world about the history of heroes.

We believe that the topic of our research is very important for any generation, because we must know our past, the great deeds of our people, our heroes. They are an example of courage and valor, the pride of our land and bring up the Russian spirit in us.

    The main heroes of Rus':

Russian hero Mikula Selyaninovich (1st group) (9 slide)

Mikula Selyaninovich is a Russian hero who knows how to be a peasant. Mikula is a farmer, a hard worker. Confidence and power emanate from him.

And what a wonderful appearance the Russian people endowed Mikula with! The hero is stately, powerful, his eyes are clear, like those of a falcon, and his eyebrows are black, like sable. And what wonderful curls! Swing like pearls crumble. The Russian people did not stint on paints in order to adequately portray the Russian hero!

The works of Mikula Selyaninovich are glorious! And they are connected with mother earth. He deftly manages with a plow. He makes such furrows that if you go to one side, then you will not see the other. Powerful roots twists, like stones, knocks into the furrows.

When getting acquainted with the epic about Volga and Mikul Selyaninovich, it comes to the understanding that the sympathies of the Russian people are on the side of the farmer Mikula, and not the warriors of the hero Volga. They give primacy in strength and dignity to the hero who is connected with mother earth.

And the epic ends with Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich with a kind story about Mikula. About how he manages rye, and treats the peasants.

Russian hero Volga Vseslavevich (group 2) (12 slide)

Volga is the son of a snake and Princess Marfa Vseslavievna, who miraculously conceived him by accidentally stepping on a snake. Then he became very angry, but when he saw Marfa Vseslavievna, he fell in love. The trembling of the earth and the terrible fear of all living creatures at the moment when Volga saw the light point to him as the personification of some elemental force.

Volga grows by leaps and bounds, and soon becomes a powerful hero, possessing not only the art of fighting enemies, but also reading books and turning into different animals.

The central moment of the epics about the Volga is his campaign in a distant kingdom: Indian, the land of the Turkish Sultan Suleiman. He is recruiting a team. To supply her with everything she needs, he turns to the wolf and the falcon, feeding the warriors with hunting game.

The success of the campaign is due to the wisdom of Volga. With an ermine he spoils the bowstrings of his enemies, with a wolf he bites the throats of horses. In order for the squad to overcome the impregnable walls, he turns the warriors into ants, and within the walls of the city returns them to their human form.

The winner marries the wife of the murdered king, and gives his soldiers the local girls left alive. He himself becomes king.

Russian hero Ilya Muromets (group 3) ( 16 slide )

Ilya Muromets (full epic name - Ilya Muromets son Ivanovich) - one of the main characters of the Russian epic epic, hero, people's protector.

According to the epics, the bogatyr Ilya Muromets did not “own” his arms and legs until the age of 33, and then received miraculous healing from the elders (or kalik passers-by). The elders tell Elijah to drink water. After the second drink, Ilya feels exorbitant strength in himself, and he is given a third drink to reduce his strength. After the elders tell Ilya that he should go to the service of Prince Vladimir. At the same time, they mention that on the way to Kyiv there is an unbearable stone with an inscription, which Ilya must also visit. After Ilya says goodbye to his parents, brothers and relatives and goes "to the capital city of Kyiv" and first comes to that immovable stone. On the stone was written an appeal to Elijah to move the stone from its immovable place. There he will find a heroic horse, weapons and armor. Ilya moved the stone and found everything that was written there. He said to the horse: “Oh, you are a heroic horse! Serve me with faith and truth." After that, Ilya gallops to Prince Vladimir, serves him and the Russian people. Read about this in the epics “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber”, “Ilya Muromets and Poganoe Idolishche”, “The Battle of Ilya Muromets with Zhidovin”.

Russian hero Alyosha Popovich (Group 4) (19 slide)

The Russian people did not treat him with sympathy. Epics often depict Alyosha Popovich not in the best possible way, often in them he is called "Alyoshka". But they treat him with condescension.The heroes said that he was boasting of his prowess.

But There are good traits in Alyosha's character. This is courage, daring. In songs, the word "brave" constantly accompanies him. He has a desire to defeat the enemy. The hero Alyosha wins battles not so much by strength and courage, but by cunning and deceit. In such ways, he twice killed his main enemy, the snake Tugarin (as a mythical creature, the snake killed by Alyosha then comes to life): once Alyosha pretended that he did not hear from a distance what the snake was saying, and when he came close, he suddenly hit him; another time he made the snake look around - what such an innumerable force is behind him (according to Alyosha), and at that time he cut off his head.

Alyosha is also inclined to dominance over other people; there is also a love of power in him.

In Russian epics, Alyosha Popovich is the third most important Russian hero. Nature gave him less strength than Ilya or Dobrynya, but he is brave and brave, and most importantly, a savvy, cunning. These qualities were also highly valued in Rus'. Especially when with the help of these qualities it was possible to defeat the enemy.

Yes, Alyosha is sometimes careless, frivolous, but he is cheerful, of course, loves his Motherland, intolerant of her enemies, selfless.

Russian hero Dobrynya Nikitich (Group 5) (21 slides)

Well we know the hero Dobrynya Nikitich. According to his name, he is kind, although not as generous as Ilya Muromets - he does not spare the enemy.

Among the heroes, Dobrynya Nikitich is in one of the first places. He is unusually strong, comprehensively gifted. Dobrynya Nikitich is an excellent archer and chess player.

Distinctive properties of the hero - tenderness of the heart, politeness, reverence. There is an epic in which Dobrynya bitterly complains to her mother about her fate, that he was born a hero and forced to destroy people.

Epics often say about him that there is no one in Kyiv more polite and courteous than him, which is why Prince Vladimir gives him such assignments as a trip to a foreign land as an ambassador, matchmaking.

Dobrynya guslyar, singer (or buffoon). Dobrynya performs many feats: one of the most important, the first feat of his time is the battle while swimming in the Pochai River with the Serpent. The hero freed the captives from the cave, among whom was the niece of Prince Vladimir, "young Zabava Putyatishna."

Dobrynya is married to Nastasya Mikulishna, daughter of Mikula Selyaninovich. He loves his wife and loves himself. They live together with their mother Dobrynya, in good harmony and peace.


Hero Svyatogor, hero Volga, hero Sineglazka ...

And strong, mighty

heroes in glorious Rus'!

Do not jump enemies on our


Do not trample their horses on the ground


Do not overshadow our sun


Rus' stands for a century - it does not stagger!

And it will stand for centuries - not


And the legends of old

We must not forget.

Glory to Russian antiquity!

Glory to the Russian side!

Popular proverbs: (24 slide)

The hero is not glorious by birth, but by a feat.

There is no better thing than defending your native land from enemies.

My wealth is a heroic strength, my business is to serve Rus', to defend from enemies.

In the Russian heart there is a direct honor and love for Mother Rus'.

Conclusion - Conclusion: (26 slide)

In the course of working on the project, we got acquainted with many works of literature and painting, learned a large number of poems and sayings, became interested in epic creativity, and most importantly, felt our involvement in the history of the Russian people. For many, the Russian hero, from now on, is an example to follow in his life.

The theme of our project is important for any generation, because we must know our past, the great deeds of our people, our heroes. They are an example of courage and valor, the pride of our land and bring up the Russian spirit in us.

Testament of the heroes to us, their descendants: (27 slide)

Protect your homeland, protect it. -

Protect the weak, the poor, the elderly and children.

Be strong, brave, courageous, courageous.

Love your native land, your people, your country and homeland.

    Used materials.

1. Pictures from a website on the Internet

2. Epics. Russian folk tales. M.: Children's literature, 1986.

3. Wikipedia website

Project Russian epics

Introductory article

Epics (old) - heroic-patriotic songs-tales that tell about the exploits of heroes and reflect the life of Ancient Rus' in the 9th-13th centuries; a kind of oral folk art, which is characterized by a song-epic way of reflecting reality.

The main plot of the epic is some kind of heroic event, or a remarkable episode of Russian history (hence the popular name of the epic - “old”, “old”, implying that the action in question took place in the past).

Epics, as a rule, are written in tonic verse with two to four stresses.

For the first time the term "epic" was introduced by Ivan Sakharov in the collection "Songs of the Russian people" in 1839. He suggested it, based on the expression "according to the epics" in the "Word of Igor's Campaign", which meant "according to the facts."

Dictionary of obsolete words

name - name, name.

Welcome - come for a visit.

Razdolice (smart. Caress.) - expanse.

caftan - Russian old men's long-sleeved clothing.

penny - an old coin, valued at 2 kopecks.

Obzhi - shafts of plows.

Bipod - plow - a primitive agricultural tool for plowing the land.

Rogachik - plow handle.

Guzhiks - leather loops in the yoke, which, with the help of an arc, attach the shafts to the harness.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

Epics The true history of the working people cannot be known without knowing the oral folk art. M. Gorky The art of folk masters has become a legend, its power has extended to our time. V. Anikin

2 slide

Description of the slide:

The term "folklore", which for the first time in 1846 was introduced into science by the English scientist W. J. Toms, in translation means "folk wisdom"

3 slide

Description of the slide:

4 slide

Description of the slide:

Epic genres in folklore epic legends narrative songs

5 slide

Description of the slide:

Bylina The term epic was attached to epic tales and epic songs in the middle of the 19th century; earlier they were called old men, less often - old men. Bylina is a peculiar, purely Russian genre of folk epic, which tells about heroes, folk heroes and real historical events, composed in Ancient Rus', reflecting historical reality, mainly of the 11th - 16th centuries.

6 slide

Description of the slide:

Epics are works of art, and therefore fiction is characteristic of them. For epics, it is not the truth of a single fact that is important, but the truth of life. Therefore, in epics there is no accuracy in reproducing historical events, dates, names, geographical names.

7 slide

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Performance of epics Not everyone could perform epics. The storytellers were especially talented people with an excellent memory. Usually an honorable thing - to tell an epic - was entrusted to people of advanced age, from 60-65 years old, with great life experience. In Ancient Rus', storytellers enjoyed honor and respect, their skill in performing epics was often passed on from parents to children and was the property of the family. To adopt the gift of a storyteller from their father, to memorize the plots of epics and come up with something of their own, new was a great happiness for the young. Many listeners always gathered around the storytellers, who experienced the stories of the heroes with trepidation and great attention. Epics were especially often performed on long winter evenings, when there was a lull in peasant life. Epics were not sung, but had an effect - they were pronounced in recitative. The song sounded slowly, smoothly, in a singsong voice. Recitative is a melodious speech in a vocal and musical work, reading in a singsong voice

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Narrators of epics T.G. Ryabinin Collector of epics P.N. Rybnikov M.D. Krivopolenova Kryukov Sisters

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Zaonezhskaya poetess Irina Andreevna Fedosova 1827-1899 Near the lake, the tesov fence rotted. On the mountain - wooden crosses inconsistency. Sing, Irina Andreevna, the light of Fedosov! Sing about the peasants of the Olonets province. R. Rozhdestvensky

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Born in Zaonezhye, in the village of Garnitsy, Sennogubsky churchyard, he lost his parents early. Raised his peasant world. From an old fellow villager Ivan Agapitov, he took over and cherished the epic in his memory all his life. I learned a lot of epics from Ilya Elustafiev. In 1860, the famous collector P.N. Rybnikov recorded the first epics from the narrator. In total, they wrote down 23 texts. In 1871, another scientist, A.F. Gilferding, recorded 19 stories (21 texts). Ryabinin was invited to perform in St. Petersburg and was awarded a silver medal.

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The composition of the epic Zachin (the initial, introductory part of the work) - the time and place of action are indicated here, the heroes referred to in the epic are called. to everything that has been said, the exploits or deeds of the protagonist of the epic are once again praised

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Classification of epics by content Heroic epics (epics about Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, etc.) Social epics (epics about Sadko, Vasily Buslaev, etc.) dream") Epics close to historical songs Epics of a parodic nature

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Artistic features of epics In the text of the epics we find signs of real Russian antiquity. There are few descriptions in epics, but they perform important artistic functions: they give credibility to the narration, express the likes and dislikes of the author, and complement the image of the hero. The narrative in the epics is interrupted by a dialogue, the purpose of which is to emphasize what singles out and glorifies the hero, reveals to the end his heroic essence. "Telling" (singing intonation) Hyperbolization - an exaggeration of the main features, qualities of heroes, the phenomena of life associated with them (the hero's club weighs forty, and sometimes ninety pounds, the horse carries the hero "above a standing forest, a little lower than a walking cloud", etc. )

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Repetitions Permanent epithets (a beautiful girl, a clear field, a good horse, etc.) Synonyms Comparisons Diminutive and augmentative suffixes Contrast techniques (a hero and a monster enemy) and antithesis (the hero acts contrary to advice, warnings). The use of recitatives The absence of rhyme Artistic features of epics

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Epics tell about the invincible Russian heroes, and this is also true. Singing heroes, defenders of the Motherland, epics called for a feat for the glory of the fatherland, raised the spirit of the people in a difficult time of trials. The epics also tell about the defeats of Russian heroes in a fight with enemies.

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Bogatyrs "Senior" the embodiment of the elements, titanic forces that received the outlines of a human image, but still remained the power of the world Svyatogor Volkh Vseslavievich Mikhailo Potyk "Younger" heroes are closer to people Ilya Muromets Dobrynya Nikitich Alyosha Popovich

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From the history of the epic Bylina about the Volga and Mikul - Novgorod. Researchers attribute its occurrence to the XIV-XV centuries. The proof is the meaning of the epic: Novgorod recognized only those decisions of the Kyiv prince that were loved by the Novgorodians. Also Sun. Miller considers the picture of plowing to be proof of the origin of the epic. It was in the northern principalities that the soil, after clearing the forest, was strewn with roots that had to be uprooted.

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Explain the meaning of obsolete words: Guzhiki A loop in a clamp that fastens the shaft with an arc Damask steel From damask steel - old, hard and elastic steel with a patterned surface Saffiano Thin and soft goat or sheep skin, specially dressed and dyed in bright color Nightingale About the suit of horses; yellowish (combined with light tail and light mane)

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Prince Volga Svyatoslavovich Prince Volga of extraordinary origin. He is the son of the princess and Zmey Gorynych. From his father, he inherited magical abilities, "he wanted a lot of wisdom." Volga uses these opportunities for good deeds. But the plowman surpasses even such a person in power and valor.

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Mikula - in modern Nikolai, and Selyaninovich means that he is a peasant, that is, he lives in the village. He just emphasizes this: de, I am a simple peasant plowman (oratay), not a prince, not a combatant and not a hero). Village from the word to settle on the land, a certain territory. Where do you think the hero got such a name - Mikula Selyaninovich? What does it mean?

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Read the description of Mikula's appearance. The portrait shows the desire of the authors to decorate the appearance of their beloved hero: he is dressed not like a peasant for work, but like a boyar. “The oratay has green morocco boots” - these are the shoes of very rich and noble people, like a black velvet caftan. “Here is the heel with an awl, the noses are sharp, Here a sparrow will fly under the heel-heel, At least roll an egg near the nose” - a high and thin heel - like an awl; pointed, high-turned toe

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What does the nameless author of the epic emphasize in the guise of Mikula Selyaninovich? (Physical strength, valiant prowess, diligence, patience.) What is the portrait of a yet unknown hero? (An idealized image of the folklore "red young man".) What can you say about the clothes of this character? Could an ancient Russian plowman be dressed like this: “The orata's boots have green morocco ... The orata's hat is downy ...”? Of course not. Where did this image of the hero of the work come from? (Perhaps a later exaggeration, a desire to show the hero's outward beauty as best as possible.)

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How is not the external, transient, but the internal, spiritual beauty of Mikula Selyaninovich shown? Read the conversation between the prince and the plowman. What can we say about the mind and upbringing of the "simple peasant"? Does the oratay boast of its power and significance? How does he demonstrate to the prince and his squad that his work is more important than the “labor” of tax collectors? Read this passage. Why do ordinary villagers respect Mikula Selyaninovich? (For diligence, hospitality, dignity and kindness.) Why does Prince Volga Svyatoslavich respect Mikula Selyaninovich? (3a physical strength, skill, diligence, self-esteem and kindness.)

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a man of remarkable strength an ideal of morality a true patriot of the motherland, living in its interests What description could you give to a Russian hero?

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An epic hero is an epic hero who acts in real historical time, has extraordinary physical strength, military prowess and wisdom.

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What is the main idea of ​​the epic? (The main value on Earth is a working man, figuratively a plowman. Only a person who creates something new and necessary for people deserves respect. there will be no state itself, there will be no villages and cities, just bread will not be born.)

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Vladimir-Suzdal period Epics, dedicated to the peasant Ilya from Murom and Dobrynya Nikitich, reflected the processes associated with the formation and flourishing of Kievan Rus, when life away from the capital of the state was filled with many dangers. The main feature of the epic heroes of this period is love for their native land. They are distinguished not only by incredible strength, nobility, courage, but also by the desire to comply with all established customs.

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Epics about Ilya Muromets The first exploits of Ilya Muromets. Ilya Muromets and Kalin Tsar. Svyatogor and Ilya Muromets. Three trips of Ilya Muromets. Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber. Fight of Ilya Muromets with his son.

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You are offered a plan of the structural parts of the epic. Based on it, make a quotation plan for the work. Departure of Ilya Muromets to Kiev Victory in the first battle The story of the Chernihiv people about the Nightingale the Robber Meeting with the Nightingale the Robber The victory of Ilya Muromets The meeting of Ilya Muromets with Prince Vladimir The story of Ilya Muromets Doubts of Prince Vladimir Two orders to the Nightingale the Robber Reprisal against the Nightingale the Robber

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The quotation plan “A remote, burly good fellow left” “... he beat this whole great force” “The Nightingale the Robber sits on a damp oak” “The Nightingale whistled like a nightingale” “He knocked out his right eye with a pigtail” “Here Vladimir- the prince began to question the young man "" And I was driving along a straight path "" In the eyes, man, yes you are podlagya"

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Who did Ilya Muromets fight? The image of the Nightingale the Robber was associated among the people with the main enemy of the ancient Slavs - the Tatar-Mongolian horde.

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What folklore work is the epic close in composition to? Tale Bylina Similarities: 1. Both fairy tales and epic existed in oral form. 2. Both genres have existed since ancient times. Differences: 1. Fairy tale - a prosaic, artistic fantasy story of a magical or everyday nature. 2. The main feature of a fairy tale is fiction. 3. Fairy tales are created in prose form. 4. Tales were "told". 1. Description of the exploits of the heroes (epics are called the heroic epic). 2. Bylina is not characterized by an accurate transmission of historical facts; it captures historical reality in generalized images. 3. Epics have a song-poetic form. 4. Epics "said" - they sang or spoke, accompanied by a harp.

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