Five-point scoring system: "execution cannot be pardoned." Knowledge assessment system


Knowledge assessment system- a system for assessing the quality of mastering educational programs by students, the most important element of the educational process.

Currently, there are many scales for assessing knowledge in use around the world. In some scales, it is customary to use numerical designations of categories, and fractional marks are allowed, other scales (for example, in the USA) traditionally deal with letter designations. The American scale also has a numerical interpretation, in which the highest grades A and A + correspond to a score of 5. Letter designations, by the way, are also abbreviations and have their own percentage (used for the rating evaluation system and for maintaining the rank / class of the student and not only), namely:

Grade (Percentage) Description of the abbreviation Description Analogue of the Russian assessment
O(100) The best of the best/Outland/Prime leader Best of the Best/Outrageous/First of the Leaders 5+
S(93-99) Supreme Higher 5
A(85-92) Artful Artfully 4
B(77-84) Beautiful/Brilliant Fine/Brilliant 4-
C (70-76) Creditable commendable 3+
D(63-69) Diversly Various 3
E (50-62) Enough Enough 3-
F (1-49) fail Failure 2
U(0) Unhonest/Unfair Dishonest/Unscrupulous 1

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International knowledge assessment systems

Most countries have a national school grading system in their schools. There are also standard international systems for assessing knowledge.

International Baccalaureate

Currently, the GPA program does not exist separately from the International Baccalaureate program. The IB Diploma and IB MYP systems have introduced a single rating scale from 1 to 7, where 7 is the highest mark, 1 is the lowest. Estimates are always integers.

CIS countries, Russian Empire and USSR

In the history of Russian education, initially, as in Europe, there was a three-digit grading system. In the list of students of the Kyiv Theological Academy (city), the highest category denotes very good successes: "the teachings are fair, reliable, kind, honest, good, laudable." The middle rank denotes the successes of the “mediocre, mediocre, not bad teaching”. The lowest category characterizes successes below the average: "teachings of the weak, vile, wicked, hopeless, lazy."

Gradually, the verbal assessment became more monotonous and shorter, it was more often replaced by a digital one, and the direction of the scale was set opposite to the German one.

The tradition of designating the diligence and success of students with numbers was established in Russia as early as the beginning of the 19th century. Then in the gymnasiums the numbers from 0 to 5 were used. Zero showed that the student did not fulfill his duties at all; if he received two zeros in a row, then he was subjected to corporal punishment (until 1864). One and two were given when the student prepared the lesson unsatisfactorily; a three was given for mediocre diligence; four - when the student performed his duties well; five he received only for excellent knowledge of the lesson. The teacher was obliged to give points in the class, characterizing only the knowledge of the lesson given at home, and had no right to take into account the attention or absent-mindedness of the students during the lesson, as well as the temporary or permanent diligence of the student, his age and abilities.

At various times in Russia, 3-, 5-, 8-, 10-, 12-point knowledge assessment systems were used. Of these, a 5-point one took root, which was officially established by the Ministry of National Education in 1837: "1" - weak successes; "2" - mediocre; "3" - sufficient; "4" - good; "5" - excellent. During the 20th century, the "1" rating gradually fell into disuse, as a result, the 5-point system was transformed into the modern 4-point system. In recent years, in some educational institutions in Russia, the 5-point system is returning (“1” - a point for outstanding work). This system, traditional for Soviet education, is now widely used in Russia and many countries of the post-Soviet space, although in recent years there has been a departure from it:

  • The Republic Belarus switched to a 10-point scale;
  • Ukraine on 12-point;
  • The Baltics preferred the Anglo-Saxon system (in Estonia, a five-point scale is still used, "1" is an assessment for outstanding work), etc.;
  • Moldova
  • Georgia switched to a 10-point scale.
  • Armenia switched to a 10-point scale.


In America, a five-point rating scale is used.

Grading by letter system Digital equivalent Percentage of points Assessment according to the traditional system
(at universities) (in schools and colleges)
A 4,00 95-100 5
A- 3,67 90-94
B+ 3,33 85-89 4
B 3,00 80-84
B- 2,67 75-79
C++ 2,33 70-74 3
C 2,00 65-69
C- 1,67 60-64
D+ 1,33 55-59
D 1,00 50-54
F 0,00 0-49 2



In Moldova, a 10-point scale is used, where 5 is the minimum satisfactory score:

  • 10 (excellent)
  • 9 (very good)
  • 8 (good)
  • 6–7 (medium)
  • 5 (satisfactory)
  • 1–4 (unsatisfactory)


School knowledge assessment system

Since January 11, 1944, a digital five-point system for assessing student progress has been introduced in Russian schools in accordance with the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR No. 18 of January 10, 1944 and the Order of the People's Commissar of Education of the RSFSR No. 24 of January 10, 1944.

In accordance with the instructions of the Department of Primary and Secondary Schools of the People's Commissariat for Education of the RSFSR, approved by the People's Commissar of Education of the RSFSR on February 29, 1944, the following criteria for assessing students were established:

Grade Description
5 A score of "5" is given when the student exhaustively knows all the program material, understands it perfectly and has firmly mastered it. Gives correct, conscious and confident answers to questions (within the program). In various practical tasks, he is able to independently use the acquired knowledge. In oral answers and written works, he uses literary correct language and does not make mistakes.
4 A score of "4" is given when the student knows all the material required by the program, understands it well and has firmly mastered it. Answers questions (within the program) without difficulty. Able to apply the acquired knowledge in practical tasks. In oral answers, he uses literary language and does not make gross mistakes. Allows only minor errors in written work.
3 A score of "3" is given when the student discovers knowledge of the main program educational material. When applying knowledge in practice, he experiences some difficulties and overcomes them with a little help from the teacher. In oral answers, he makes mistakes in the presentation of the material and in the construction of speech. Makes mistakes in writing.
2 A score of "2" is given in the case when the student reveals ignorance of a large part of the program material, answers, as a rule, only to the leading questions of the teacher uncertainly. In written work, he makes frequent and gross errors.
1 A score of "1" is given in the case when the student reveals complete ignorance of the educational material being passed.

According to the Instructions of the Office of Primary and Secondary Schools of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR, approved by the People's Commissar of Education of the RSFSR on February 29, 1944, when determining quarter and final (at the end of the school year) marks, it is not allowed to derive them as arithmetic averages. These final grades must correspond to the level of knowledge of the student at the time of his certification.

In certificates and certificates, marks of progress are indicated by numerical points and in brackets by the name: 5 (excellent); 4 (good); 3 (satisfactory).

By average score:

Knowledge assessment system in secondary and higher educational institutions

In universities and colleges of Russia, knowledge assessments were established by Order of the USSR State Committee for Public Education dated June 22, 1990 No. 432 “On Approval of the Regulations on the Forms of Monitoring the Educational Work of Students in Daytime and Evening Departments of Secondary Specialized Educational Institutions”. According to this normative document, the knowledge, skills and abilities of students in all forms of control of educational work, including educational and technological practices, are evaluated in points: 5 (excellent); 4 (good); 3 (satisfactory); 2 (unsatisfactory). Laboratory work, practical exercises and pre-diploma practice are evaluated: “passed”, “failed”. Educational institutions of culture and arts may use other systems for assessing student progress, agreed with a higher authority.


Ukraine introduced its new grading scale in autumn 2000, which replaced the Soviet grading scale.

The new grading system is practiced on the basis of the previously existing 5-point grading scale, which correlates with the 12-point grading system. Rating "12" is given only for outstanding achievements or for any creative work.

New scale old scale
12 5+
11 5
10 5−
9 4+
8 4
7 4−
6 3+
5 3
4 3−
3 2+
2 2
1 1

The fourth level is high (10-12 points). The student's knowledge is deep, solid, systemic; the student knows how to use them to perform creative tasks, his educational activity is distinguished by the ability to independently assess various situations, phenomena and facts, to show and defend his personal position;

The third level is sufficient (7-9 points). The student knows the essential features of concepts, phenomena, the relationship between them, is able to explain the basic patterns, and independently uses knowledge in standard situations, owns mental operations (analysis, abstraction, generalization). The answer is correct, logically justified, but the student lacks his own judgments;

The second level is medium (4-6 points). The student reproduces the main educational material, is able to perform tasks according to the model, owns the elementary skills of educational activities;

The first level is the initial one (1-3 points). The student's answer is fragmentary, characterized by initial ideas about the subject of study.


The scoring system originated in Jesuit schools in the 16th-17th centuries and had the humane goal of replacing corporal punishment accepted at that time with rewards. The first three-point grading scale originated in Germany, it resulted from the division of all students into three numbered categories: the best, average and worst, and the transition from one category to a higher one marked the acquisition of a number of advantages and privileges. Initially, the unit had the value of the highest rating. Over time, the middle category, to which the largest number of students belonged, was divided into additional sub-categories, so a multi-level ranking scale was formed, with the help of which they began to assess the knowledge of students.


The 10-point rating scale provided by the Indian Institute of Technology is as follows:

Grading in high school

For grading in high school, an average percentage is used. A score above 90 percent is considered excellent; between 70-89 percent - the first level; between 50-69% - the second level, 40-49% are the minimum passing score; however, this terminology and classification is up to the Board of Education.

In educational institutions of different countries, knowledge assessment systems differ. In Russia, schools, as well as higher and secondary educational institutions, use a five-point assessment system.

In most Russian schools, a five-point grading system has been practiced for decades. It is familiar to both students and parents, teachers. However, there are now more and more questions about the reform of the assessment system.

The five-point system is to determine the knowledge of students using assessments such as: 5 - excellent- is used in case of deep assimilation of the material, a convincing answer, no errors, 4 - good- is put in the case when the material is learned, however, minor inaccuracies were made during the assignment, 3- satisfactory- is used in the presence of some knowledge that the student cannot accurately state, makes mistakes, 2 - unsatisfactory- indicates a poor understanding of the material and 1. In practice, such an assessment as 1 is practically not used, therefore there is no specific definition for it. Theoretically, a score of 1 indicates a lack of understanding of the material.

Also, a feature of such a system is that 1 or 2 cannot be given as a final grade. Often, instead of giving the student an unsatisfactory grade, the teacher suggests correcting it right away. Also, pluses or minuses are often added to the numbers. They are also only used for intermediate grades.

The assessment criteria are the level of knowledge of the student, as well as comparison with the pattern of performing certain tasks. The number of tasks completed, the length of the answer, the subject also affect the determination of the final grade. There are also separate selection criteria for written and oral responses. It is not uncommon for a teacher's personal emotions to influence the assessment.

Advantages of the five-point grading system

  • Five-point grading system common and familiar to many. Therefore, parents and students do not have questions about the assessment criteria. This is the main advantage of this system.
  • Also an advantage is sufficient simplicity of evaluation criteria. Unlike other assessment methods that use a larger number of assessments, the five-point scale does not include many criteria by which the depth of understanding of the material is determined. It takes less time for the student to answer, as well as for the teacher to check the work.
  • In order to determine the correct grade with a ten-point grading system, the teacher needs to ask the student a lot of additional questions. At the same time, the five-point system offers a specific level of knowledge for each assessment.
  • The presence of a large number of assessments blurs the lines between them. So, for example, in a five-point grading system, there is a big difference between 5 and 3. If we take a ten-point grading system, then the difference between 5 and 7, for example, is difficult to identify not only for the student, but also for the teacher.

Disadvantages of the five-point system

  • Currently, there is more and more controversy about the need to reform the assessment system. Many educational institutions, primarily private schools, are moving to other systems of knowledge assessment.
  • The main shortcomings are the non-use in practice of such grades as 2 and Such grades indicate poor mastering of the material, or even a lack of knowledge on some topics. Therefore, it cannot be used as a final score.
  • The use of scores such as 5-, 3+ reduces the accuracy of the result. Such grades are also not used as final grades, however, they are often given as intermediate grades. A rating scale with a large range of ratings allows for a more specific and objective assessment of knowledge.
  • A big disadvantage of the five-point scale is the difference from many modern methods of assessing knowledge. The most striking example is the Unified State Exam. It is mandatory for graduates of each school, the further education of the child depends on its results. At the same time, the USE assessment scale is 100 point. Therefore, students and parents often have problems with the analysis of the results of the exam, as they are accustomed to a five-point scale.
  • The disadvantage of all scoring systems, many experts call lack of assessment of student progress. Points are given only for a specific work, strict criteria are used. In this case, the previous level of knowledge of the student is not taken into account. This prevents the teacher from assessing the student's progress. He is forced to evaluate only a specific work, taking into account the same criteria. Also, when grading, often in addition to knowledge, the behavior of the student, his relationship with the teacher is assessed. Therefore, the assessment does not give an accurate description of the depth of knowledge of the student.

The education system undergoes many changes every year. Therefore, the five-point system for assessing knowledge is becoming less and less relevant. For many years experts have been arguing about the need to reform it.

Most foreign countries use other assessment systems, which also have their own advantages and disadvantages. Today, the issue of abolishing any point system at all is acute, since grades often become a reason for strong stress for students. At the same time, assessments cannot give an accurate description of the level of knowledge of the child, and also do not take into account his progress.

I studied the official documents and is ready to explain what each mark is for.

First level (low): 1-2 points

Recognizing, recognizing and distinguishing concepts are requirements for the lowest marks.Yes, yes, no zero knowledge.

Second level (satisfactory): 3-4 points

Marks 3 and 4 are given to students who present the educational material from memory, that is, a memorized theory is enough for satisfactory scores.

Third level (intermediate): 5-6 points

To get 5 or 6 points, the educational material must not only be reproduced, but understood. Plus, be able to describe and analyze actions with objects of study.

Fourth level (sufficient): 7-8 points

A student who claims to be of a sufficient level easily applies knowledge in practice and gives his own examples, similar to those given in the textbook. On the basis of a generalized algorithm, it also solves new learning problems. Another requirement is the ability to understand the essence of the objects being studied and perform actions with clearly defined rules.

Fifth level (high): 9-10 points

Applicants for "9" and "10" apply knowledge in unfamiliar, non-standard situations. And to solve qualitatively new problems. They independently describe, explain and transform the objects of study.

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Article. Point-rating system for assessing students' knowledge

FULL NAME. teachers: Arzhakova Nyurguyana Prokopievna

Place of employment: MOU "Chokurdakh secondary school

named after A.G. Chikachev"

Chokurdakh, Allaikhovsky Ulus, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Point - rating system for assessing students' knowledge The system under consideration makes it possible to obtain fairly objective information about the degree of success in teaching students relative to each other. Already after two or three months, the best and worst students can be distinguished, which gives the teacher a powerful lever to encourage students who score high. In my personal practice, I use such a type of encouragement as "exemption from test work", i.e. For the leading students, grades for the quarter are set automatically.

In addition, arrays of students are formed at an early stage according to a predictive indicator: applicants for “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory” and those students who lag behind the curriculum and may remain uncertified. An early forecast allows you to make adjustments to further training.

At first glance, it may seem that students who achieve a certain amount of points, providing a suitable assessment, may stop studying. But, basically, the mechanism of competitiveness in training is triggered. A student who has taken a certain place in the group ranking sheet does not want to move down, as this is perceived as his personal failure.

The use of a rating system that leads to competitiveness in the learning process significantly increases the desire of students to acquire knowledge, which leads to an increase in the quality of mastering the material. The point-rating system works well in middle and high school, when the children begin a period of personality development, when they consider studying as a way to prove themselves, stand out, and attract attention.

The essence of the rating system is that, starting from the beginning of the school year and until its end, the points received by the student for all types of educational activities are summed up. According to the number of points scored, the teacher gives quarter and annual "five-point" marks. To do this, in parallel with each work, the teacher puts points that must be scored in order to receive marks "satisfactory", "good", "excellent". These scores are also added together.

It is convenient to enter all the results, in addition to the journal (naturally, “rounded” estimates are put in it) into a computer database. This program allows you to effectively use the scoring system, as it saves time when calculating points, quickly obtain information about the rating of each student at any time, and implement a stimulating rating function.

    Eachattending a lesson is valued at 5 points. Moreover, the score is not taken into account if the student was late for the lesson, that is, those students who are present in the class are noted with a call in the journal;

    The solution of the problem – 15 points;

    The answer is on the board - 10 points;

    Answer from the spot - 5 points;

    Evaluationreference notes produced in a 10-point system.

    Dictation - 5 points for each question. It is usually carried out after studying a new topic to consolidate and check the level of assimilation of educational material;

    Independent, control, tests are valued at 30 points as follows. These points are divided by the number of tasks included in the work, and distributed according to the level of difficulty of each task;

    Abstracts, reports . Their design, content, list of used literature are taken into account, all this is estimated in total at 30 points. In addition to all this, if the student wishes, his “defense” is allowed, that is, the student needs to tell the whole class about the work done, also answer the questions of the teacher and classmates;

    For keeping a notebook. Usually, once every two weeks, students hand in their notebooks for checking. For correctly, neatly designed work (the presence of fields, dates, type of work, etc.), the student is given up to 5 points.

The procedure for setting the final grade for a quarter depends on the points scored during this time and makes it possible to evaluate the student's work according to the following ratios:

For a quarter : "excellent" - 600 or more;

"good" - 500-550 points;

"satisfactory" - 400-450 points;

"unsatisfactory" - less than 300 points

All assessment criteria were agreed upon with the students. A memo is given to each student at the beginning of the study of the subject. Everyone is carefully studying the possibilities, pros and cons of the rating system. Then, for several weeks, all requirements are strictly observed. Three or four weeks pass quickly, the students get used to the requirements and already demand more attention from the teacher. There are also "tacit laws" on the behavior of students, i.e. “Penalty points” can be deducted during the lesson, for example, if a student uses a calculator when doing work, there is no notebook or textbook.

In addition, I want to note some "pluses" and "minuses" of this experiment. Firstly, there are fewer disputes: I don’t want “3”, I don’t want “4”. Students themselves see that the assessment is objective and conscientious students are in a better position. A very important point has arisen: it is imperative to introduce strict control for accepting students' debts. For example, work missed for a good reason or not fully completed during the lesson can be handed over within seven days. The teacher's time spent on preparing for lessons and on additional classes has increased significantly. However, with the acquisition of experience, the severity of the problem has decreased, although not completely. It is very important to keep accurate records of completed tasks.

At practical work, I sign for each completed task, and then I put points in the rating table. Traditional systems of control and evaluation of knowledge and skills of students “sin”, in my opinion, with one significant drawback. This disadvantage lies in the fact that all the "threads" of control and "levers" of control are in the hands of the teacher. This deprives the student of initiative, independence and competition in learning. Its main feature is the transfer of "threads" of control from the teacher to the student. In the rating system, the student himself distributes his points. In this system, there are no “excellent students”, “good students”, but there is the first, second, tenth student in terms of the level of achieved educational results.

The experience of working on the rating system of knowledge control in groups with different levels of knowledge allows us to conclude that such a system makes it possible to activate the student in the classroom and after class. I am satisfied with the first results and believe that the rating system for assessing knowledge is aimed at increasing the level of assimilation of the material.

Bibliography :

1. Sazonov, B.A. The Bologna Process: Topical Issues of Modernizing Russian Higher Education: Textbook / B.A. Sazonov - M.: FIRO - 2006 -184s.

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