We draw a bottle. How to draw a bottle: draw a voluminous glass vessel with a pencil

Start drawing by building auxiliary lines. Fulfill them with a simple pencil. Do not press on the rod, as all the strokes will later have to be removed. Draw a straight line vertically in the place of the sheet where you want to draw a bottle. This will be her line of symmetry.

Select a spot on the vertical line where you want to position the bottom of the bottle. Put a point. Draw horizontal lines through it on both sides of the vertical. At an equal distance from the middle, put dots or dashes, they will limit the size of the bottom of the bottle, so follow the symmetry and scale. Draw an ellipse passing through these points, its middle should be exactly at the intersection of the vertical and horizontal auxiliary lines.

Determination of bottle height

Mark in the picture where the neck of the bottle ends. In order to maintain the proportions of the vessel, you must use a pencil. Take it so that it is horizontal, and thumb could move on its surface. Extend your hand and squint. The tip of the pencil should be aligned with one edge of the bottom of the bottle. In the place where the second extreme point is located, put your finger. Turn the pencil vertically and count how many times the bottom of the vessel "fits" into its height. This is not necessarily an integer, it may well be 3 and a half times or 4 and a quarter. Remember the value. Then pick up a pencil, “measure” the bottom in the figure with it and set it aside the required number of times. Mark a point on the vertical line.

Draw a horizontal line through the dot at the top of the drawing. Then measure, using the described technique, how many times the neck of the bottle is narrower than its bottom. Keeping proportions, mark the points on the horizontal line. Construct an ellipse passing through them. Its center lies at the intersection of the auxiliary lines. Remember that the higher you draw the ellipse, the narrower it is, because we look at the lower shapes as if from above, so we see them better.

Bottle Curves

Mentally divide the bottle into fragments: a cylinder at the bottom, a narrowing of the neck, another narrow cylinder. The places where the glass bends begin should be marked on the vertical line with dots. So that the proportions of the bottle are not violated, it is also necessary to correlate how many times each of the selected fragments is larger or smaller than the bottom. When all points are found, draw straight horizontal lines through them and build auxiliary ellipses.


Connect all the extreme points of the ellipses with smooth lines. Draw a neck if the bottle does not have a cap. Erase all auxiliary strokes with an eraser.

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Glasses, wine glasses and glasses with enviable regularity appear on still lifes, and therefore are perceived quite ordinary: the shape of the object is simple, and he himself often plays the role of "extras". However, working on such an object requires skill - glass is considered one of the most capricious materials for the image. It will be useful for novice artists to practice drawing a glass by making it the only hero paintings.

You will need

  • - pastel paper;
  • - a simple pencil;
  • - eraser;
  • - acrylic paints;
  • - brushes;
  • - a glass for water;
  • - palette.


Position the paper vertically. Spend vertical line from the top to the bottom of the page. The beam dividing the plane in half is the central axis for constructing the object.

Use the sighting method to refine all proportions. Take the height of the lower cone-shaped part of the leg as a unit of measurement. Count how many times this distance fits in each part of the glass: from the upper edge of the glass to the liquid level, almost two units (one and three quarters) will fit, further to the junction with the leg - two and one third, in the leg - two and two thirds. Make all serifs longer: they will become auxiliary horizontal axes.

On each of horizontal lines build ellipses that make up the shape of the glass. Make sure that the right and left parts of each of the ellipses are equal relative to the vertical axis and round off smoothly, without "flattening".

smooth lines connect the side parts of the ellipses, repeating the outline of the glass. Erase all auxiliary lines, leaving only the outlines of the subject.

For realistic image Acrylic paints are suitable for glare glass: they are opaque enough to convey the saturation of wine in a glass, and when dissolved with water, they become translucent, like glass.

Start filling from the lightest areas, gradually gaining color saturation. Mix blue, red and white paint until a light lilac color is obtained, dilute it with water and apply to the sides of the cone on which the stem of the glass rests. In the areas to the right and left of the red highlight, blur so that the black color of the paper shows through it.

With whitened red, draw the junction of the main part of the glass with the stem and draw a thin line on the surface of the wine. Having strongly diluted the same color, make two large strokes on the right and left sides of the glass closer to its upper edge.

Use maroon to paint the bulk of the wine in the glass, allowing the background color to show through the paint. With thick white paint, apply three highlights on the glass and a transparent reflection in the form of a semicircle in the center of the picture.

Dip a thin synthetic brush into the white and go over the contours of the glass where they shine due to the incident light.

Today you will learn how to draw a cute squirrel. FROM step by step lesson For novice artists, this will not be difficult to do!

You will need

  • Sheet of paper, pencil, eraser.


Draw the base line at an angle. Draw a circle over it - the future torso. Draw another circle to it at the top left - for the head. Draw the soul of the thigh, straight lines of the legs. Place the paws at a certain angle to the line of the body to get the correct pattern.

Draw the contours of the squirrel. Mark the neck on both sides, do not forget about the nose with a wedge. Draw a circle of eyes, ears. Outline the smooth contours of the front

Sometimes some beginner artists ask themselves: how to draw a bottle? This subject may simply need to be depicted in a still life, a picture dedicated to a pirate theme, or as an independent element. So, today we will pay attention to this glass vessel and try to figure out how to draw a bottle with a pencil, and not just draw it, but make it as similar as possible to the real one, without fail adding volume and streamlining.

Choosing the Right Bottle

It is known that there are quite a lot of bottles, namely their varieties. Well, for example, it can be a plastic bottle, or clay, glass or decorative, a small baby bottle designed for milk formula, or a huge collection bottle, in which, by the way, some beautiful object can be hidden: a car, a ship or a tower .

It is worth noting that different bottles are drawn according to by and large practically the same. The only differences may be the cork, the label, or the shape of the vessel. But today let's talk about glass bottle, which is intended for wine.

Getting Started

Always before you start drawing, you need to sharpen a pencil, prepare a landscape sheet and put an eraser nearby, although it may not come in handy, because drawing a bottle is like real artist, even a child can, because it is absolutely easy. When everything is prepared, the matter remains small.

Let's start the drawing process:

  1. Album sheet before work, it is desirable to arrange vertically. Still, we will draw a full-sized bottle and almost the entire sheet. We draw a straight line under the ruler or by hand, the length of this line will symbolize the height of the future glass vessel. We complete the resulting straight line with horizontal segments, and the dash should be small at the top, and more at the bottom, because this is the future bottom of the vessel. And then we divide the visually drawn straight line into three equal parts. We separate the first part with a horizontal dash - this will later be the neck of the bottle being drawn, and leave the rest as it is - this will be the so-called "body" of the bottle. The first stage in the question of how to draw a bottle can be considered complete. We move on.
  2. The next step in drawing the glass wine bottle there will be giving it the so-called volume, in other words, we will try to depict its side faces. To do this, from the very bottom, on both sides of a straight line drawn in advance, we draw symmetrical parallel marks up to a horizontal mark, and then, not forgetting about symmetry, we round the lines and, having halved the width, draw again straight lines almost to the very top. In the place where the cork is usually attached to the bottle itself, two convex round curves should be added, reminiscent of the shape of the halves of the number 8.

Completing the work

In order to enjoy the finished masterpiece and draw the bottle like a real one, there are a few tricks, which will be discussed below:

  1. The first thing to do is to round the bottom and top of the vessel being drawn. To do this, from the lowest horizontal mark, which was previously planned as the bottom of the bottle, draw a semi-oval, with the convex side to the bottom. Then we go directly to the cork. All the lines that we will draw at the top, on the contrary, should be rounded in the opposite direction relative to the bottom. So visual visual illusion artists use when trying to draw almost all known vessels: vases, bottles, glasses.
  2. The last step in the work will be cleaning the drawing from unnecessary. All lines that were previously drawn inside the vessel should be erased with an eraser.

When it's all set

Now that the sheet flaunts volumetric image, it remains to either decorate it or teach others how to draw a bottle, step by step and professionally.

To attain desired result exercise, use parchment Bristol cardboard and an HB pencil. The parchment plane of this cardboard is rougher than that of smooth cardboard, as a result of which the pencil marks will look darker.

We combine objects in a composition.

First make a rough sketch of the wine bottle, loaf of bread, knife and kitchen board - you will add the missing parts in step 2. Continue to refine the shapes of the objects in step 3, and then sketch the background.

Placement of highlights and shadows.

Use light strokes to mark the location of the highlights, otherwise you may inadvertently shade them. Next, add shadows with uniform diagonal strokes. Use vertical strokes on the ends of the cutting board.

attention to the elements.

The figure shows large examples of how the silhouette of the plane of the wine is distorted due to the uneven curvilinear shape of the bottle. The artist must mark these constituent parts in order to create natural, realistic pictures.

Elaboration of form and structure.

To draw the heterogeneous structure of the bread crumb, draw a large number of various small strokes - lines, dots and spots that well convey the porous plane of the bread cut. When drawing the crust, use long, smooth strokes along the curved plane of the bread. Finally, add broken stripes on the crust - this will give auxiliary realism.

Components of glassware.

In order to believably draw a sparkling plane of glass, follow the exercises from 1 to 3, drawing the neck of the bottle. Draw areas where there will be highlights and shadows, and then moderately shade areas without highlights. Lastly, fill in the darkest areas and clean up any highlights with a rubber band.

Look at the final image that will turn out after this tutorial.

Step 1. Create a new document and go View > Show > Grid(View - Show - Grid). Then using the tool penTool(Pen) Draw half of the bottle. Take your time with this step to draw a nice shape. If necessary, use the outline of the bottle. See the picture below.

Step 2. Create a new layer, name it "Bottle Shape". Go to the Palette Palette and click on the icon Load Path As Selection(Load path as selection) at the bottom of the layers palette. Fill the selection with black. If necessary, clean the edges of the bottle with a tool LassoTool(Lasso). Duplicate the layer and go Edit>Transform >FlipHorizontal(Editing - Transforming - Flip Horizontally). Move the copy of the layer so as to create a whole bottle. Merge two layers together.

Step 3 Apply the following layer style to the current layer Gradientoverlay(Gradient Overlay): gradient (gradient) from # 110202 to black. See the picture below.
The bottle will be filled with black, but the dark red color in the middle of the gradient will give it a little volume.

Step 4 Choose a tool roundedRectangleTool(Rounded rectangle), set Radius(Radius) 30px and create a big one white rectangle on the left side of the bottle. Then a red rectangle on the right and an oval above it and three more shapes, as shown in the figure below. Rasterize each layer Layer >Rasterize >layer(Layer - Rasterize - Layer). Merge all layers.

Step 5 Navigate Filter>blur >GaussianBlur(Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur) and set the following options. Install Opacity(Transparency) 40%.

Step 6 Create a new layer "Label 1". Tool RectangularMarqueeTool (Rectangular Selection) create a selection across the width of the entire bottle. Fill the selection with white.
To create the effect of a round bottle, apply a Gradient Overlay. The author used the following colors: medium gray - light gray - transparent - transparent - light gray - medium gray, 0%, 10%, 25%, 75%, 90%, 100%.

Step 7 Create a new layer "Label 2", make a rectangular selection under the white label. Fill it with black and apply a Gradient Overlay, black to dark gray to black.

Step 8 Create a new layer "Label 3", create a 2px stripe above the black stripe and fill it with the following gradient. Then make a copy of the current layer and place it under the black stripe.

Step 9 Create a new layer "Label 4", make another selection under the bottom gold stripe and fill it with dark blue. Apply a layer style Gradient overlay, gradient: black - dark blue - black.

Step 10 Finally, copy one of the golden lines and place it under the dark blue stripe. Create another 1px stripe, place it below the bottom golden stripe and apply Gradient overlay, gradient: light gray - white - light gray. Set the transparency to 65%.

Step 11 Choose a tool HorizontaltypeTool(Horizontal text), create a text box across the entire label. Then apply text alignment to the center. For the inscription on the label, the author used different fonts, sizes (see the figure below). You can choose your option.

Step 12 Find suitable image for the label and paste it below the text layer. The author used a photograph of grapes. Then desaturate the image Image >adjustments >Desaturate(Image - Correction - Discolor). Cut out the top of the picture.

Step 13 Now cut out those parts of the picture that go beyond the edges of the bottle. Thus, you should get a picture only on the bottle. Go Image> Adjustments> Brightness / Contrast (Image – Correction – Brightness / Contrast), set Brightness (Brightness) +90, Contrast (Contrast) +50.
Using the tool Eraser Tool (Eraser) with soft edges, erase the bottom of the image to create the effect of a smooth transition of the image to the label. Move the grape layer above the "Label 1" layer and merge the two layers together. Thus the gradient: gray - transparent - gray will be applied to the picture as well.

Step 14 Now add gold text to the label. Navigate Edit>Transform >Rotate(Edit - Transform - Rotate) and rotate your text counterclockwise. Then create a new layer and tool penTool(Pen) draw a line. Apply the Gradient Overlay style to the line and text.

Step 15 Create a new layer, name "bottle top". Create a rectangular selection on the neck of the bottle. The selection should extend outside the bottle by 1px in width. Then apply the following Gradient Overlay.

Step 16 Select the top few pixels of the current layer and go to Edit>Transform >Perspective(Editing - Transformation - Perspective). Move the upper corners of the perspective slightly to the center.

Step 17 Let's add some shadow. Create a new layer and name it Gradient Line. Create a selection below the line you have just changed, apply gradient transparent to #2C281D.

Step 18 Create a new layer "Shine". Select the top of the label (above the "Gradient Line" layer area) with the tool LassoTool(Lasso). Then fill the selection with white. Set Blending Mode (Layer blend mode) to overlay(Overlap), transparency 40%.

Step 19 With a tool MarqueeTool(Rectangular Selection) Select the top of the Bottle Top layer. Copy/paste on a new layer "bottle top 2" and execute Edit>Transform >FlipVertica l (Editing - Transforming - Flip Vertically). Lift the layer up so that it docks with the bottom “Bottle Top” layer. Then copy the Gradient Overlay Style of the Bottle Top layer and paste it on the Bottle Top 2 layer.
Create a new "Shadows" layer. FROM right side add shadow using tools Lasso and Gradient(gradient: black to transparent).

Step 20 Duplicate the "Bottle Top 2" layer, place it on top of all layers and name it "Bottle Top 3". Navigate Edit>Transform >FlipVertical(Editing - Transforming - Flip Vertically), align with the top label. Apply Style Drop Shadow(Shadow) to the current layer.
Tool Lasso select this area, create a new layer "Light". Fill the selection with white. Set the Layer Blend Mode to overlap, transparency 40%.

Step 21 Create a new 3px by 12px document. Create a new layer and fill the right row of pixels with black, the middle row with white, and leave the rest empty. Next, hide the background layer and go Edit>Definepattern(Editing - Define Pattern), save the pattern as "wine stripes".
Now back in the main document, create a new layer "Stripes". Use the Rectangular Selection Tool to create a selection above the "Bottle Top 3" layer shape and fill it with black.
Install Fill(Fill) layer 0%. Apply Style pattern overlay(Pattern Overlay) using the saved pattern.

Step 22 Create a new layer "Bottle Top 4" above all layers. Create a selection above your pattern but twice its height. Fill this selection with gold color. Next, copy the "bottle top 1" layer style and paste it on the current layer. See the picture below.

Step 23 Create a new layer and tool Rectangle with rounded corners(radius 6px) create a shape with color #F7EDD3 on the area of ​​the "bottle top 4" layer. Navigate Editing - Transforming - Rotating and turn slightly counterclockwise. Apply the following layer styles.
Finally, make a copy of this shape and place it above the original.

Step 24 Create a layer above all layers and name it "Lid". Create a rounded rectangle (radius 6px) and fill it with #F7EDD3. The figure should be wider than the previous ones and should cover part of the top line. Rasterize the layer with the tool Rectangular Selection Cut out a 2 px wide strip at the bottom of this shape.

Step 25 Copy the Layer Styles of "Bottle Top 3" and paste it into the "Cap" layer.

Step 26 Create a new layer "Lid Shadow". Using the tool Rectangular Selection and linear gradient(gradient: black to transparent) create shadows on the bottle cap. Set the layer opacity to 40%.

Step 27 There are a few areas left that look unfinished. They deserve to be corrected. Create a new layer. Choose a soft brush white color and go to the center of the "Bottle Top" layer. Set the opacity of this layer to 40%. The transparency of the layer with shadows is 20%.

Step 28 It remains to remove the top of the bottle above the cap with a tool Rectangular Selection. The bottle of wine is ready!

Step 29 Hide the white background layer. Navigate Layer >Mergevisible(Layer - Merge Visible). All layers merged into one. Duplicate the layer and place it under the original. Navigate Edit>Transform >Scale(Editing - Transforming - Scaling) and resize to 95% of the original and place it to the left of the main bottle. Duplicate the layer and place it to the right of the original. You can use a grid to make the bottles look symmetrical.

Step 30 Let's create a nice background. Hide the bottle layers and create a new layer below them, name it "Grey background". Apply a radial gradient. See drawing.

Step 31 Create a new layer and name it Clouds. Navigate Filter >Render >clouds(Filter - Rendering - Clouds). Set the Layer Blend Mode to overlap, transparency 30%.

Step 32 Make the bottle layers visible. Merge them into one layer and make a copy of the merged layer. Execute the command Editing - Transforming - Flip Vertically and place a copy of the layer under the bottles. Stretch a little Edit>Transform >Distort(Editing - Transformation - Distortion). At the end, change the Blending Mode of the layer to Overlay, set the Opacity to 30%.

Take another look at the finished image.

Hope you enjoyed the lesson! See you soon!

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