How to make a 3d drawing on paper. d images for beginners: draw a three-dimensional staircase


Last time in the world visual arts many new drawing techniques have emerged. Some of them come back from the past, but there are also completely new modern ways of transferring images to paper, such as 3D drawing. Surely you have seen on the Internet three-dimensional pictures drawn on paper, walls or even asphalt. Looking at such images, one involuntarily asks the question: “How to do this?”, “What is the secret?!”. In this article we will tell you how to master 3D drawing from the very beginning. Connect children to learning, they will be very interested, and you will definitely get something special!

How to draw in volume

Before we get started on how to draw 3D, let's find out what exactly 3D drawings are. They are drawn on plain paper using ballpoint pens or colored pencils. The effect of volume is created with the help of a virtuoso image of the shadow that the drawn object would cast in reality, if it were located on this sheet of paper.

Now let's talk about how to draw in volume. First of all, we need to carefully consider the subject that we are going to portray. Special meaning has a careful fixation of the shape of the object, its texture and shadow. For the most realistic transmission of the chiaroscuro effect, before starting work, we must determine the light sources. It depends on what our object in the figure will be. For example, if our subject is located close to the light source, we must depict it in light colors, and if, on the contrary, it is far away, more shadow will fall on it, and we will depict it in dark shades.

After studying the subject and all its properties, we proceed directly to drawing. First, as usual, we make a sketch to understand whether the light is transmitted correctly or not. We use light shades, since adding contrast is easier than making the picture lighter, gradually thickening the colors in right places. We try to make all the transitions between the picture and its shadow as smooth as possible, so we get more realistic drawing. To create smooth transitions, we use a soft eraser, a piece of cotton or paper, feathering the lines in the right places. Remember that when depicting complex objects, it is necessary to mentally break them down into simpler ones. geometric shapes. This will make it easier to determine the light source, and understand how the shadow of a particular fragment should behave.

As you already know, you can draw three-dimensional drawings using ordinary stationery (pencils or pens), but there is also a special device that allows you to make a 3D drawing even without using the chiaroscuro effect - this is a special 3D drawing pen. This miracle object creates an image using a special multi-colored plastic, which, during drawing, heats up and squeezes out onto paper in the desired shape, and then instantly freezes. This is how three-dimensional images are obtained, they can even be felt, they will protrude above a sheet of paper, naturally casting a shadow.

3D for kids

3D for children is a new trend in development creativity kids, allowing them to develop spatial imagination, the ability to see the smallest details and submit them on paper. Volumetric drawings- this is real magic for a child, because the drawn object, although it is on a plane, seems absolutely real. You will surely want to teach your baby to work miracles! Then we will tell you about how to draw 3D drawings. We’ll make a reservation right away, it’s unlikely that your child will be able to create something complicated, so be patient and learn gradually. First steps in volumetric drawing usually done with simple images geometric shapes: a ball (you can beat this figure as an image of a ball or a planet) or a parallelepiped (this will be a house). But the simplest 3D image, which even the smallest crumb can do, is a drawing of a hand or foot. Here, using their example, we will tell you how to make a drawing voluminous.

For work, we take a sheet of thick paper white color, a simple pencil, an eraser, a black felt-tip pen and colored pencils. First, we circle the baby's open palm with a simple pencil to get just its outline. In no case should it be circled, otherwise the volumetric effect will not work!

Now we shade the entire space of the sheet, except for what is occupied by the palm, with horizontal lines at an equal distance from each other. As a result, we get a shaded sheet of paper with a palm.

We stroke the palm with the same black felt-tip pen as the background, but not with horizontal lines, but with convex ones, connecting their edges with edges horizontal lines outside the contour of the palm.

The gaps between the lines, convex and horizontal, are painted with colored pencils in an arbitrary color scheme. Our drawing is ready, it remains to hang it on the wall and move a short distance so that the effect of volume becomes noticeable.

As you can see, this technique of creating volume is quite simple, it can be used to depict any other object, and when your kid masters it, it will be easier for him to move forward in an exciting 3D drawing activity. We wish you creative success and beautiful drawings!

I pulled these cubes from this picture, which I just found on the Internet. Here she is.

Another way to translate 3D drawings.

If you have any large or complex pattern it is better to place the screen somehow horizontally, so that it is more convenient to translate it or use the following method.

A next way is that the finished 3d drawing must first be printed, and then translated from it (according to the same principle).

The disadvantage of this method is that you need to print the 3d drawing itself. For that, the plus is that in this way it is more convenient to “glass” and the transmission quality will be better.

This method is more suitable for people who do or want to do 3d drawings more professionally and even create.

And that's all I have. Those who want to get 3D drawings (for testing) write in the comments.

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And good luck to you all good drawings, Bye…

Volumetric drawings 3d is a new direction in street painting (graffiti). Stunning fantastic illusions under your feet, blurring the line between image and reality. No wonder this is modern Art acquired so quickly wide circle fans. It is popular not only among astonished observers, but also among aspiring amateur artists, each of whom must have wondered: 3d drawings. Here it is worth remembering the first important rule- even the most impressive masterpieces of 3d painting first appeared on paper, and only after that they found their place on the city streets.

To learn how to create images volumetric figures on a flat surface, knowledge from school curriculum on visual geometry, and this article will help, from which you will learn how to draw 3d drawings on two types of surfaces: on paper and on asphalt.

1. We take a regular sheet of paper, an HB pencil, an eraser. On the sheet, we draw the simplest for a start, for example, let it be a triangle, a circle and a square. Now, remembering the lessons of geometry (projecting drawings in three coordinate axes), we turn these figures into geometric bodies: cone, sphere and cube respectively.

2. The second rule that you need to learn in order to understand how to draw 3d drawings is the play of light and shadow. After all, first of all, the shadow cast by the figure makes this figure visually voluminous. Now, using the second rule, we choose the side from where the light will fall on our drawn objects. And, proceeding from this, we begin to shade them, remembering that the side of the figure, which is closer to the intended light source, will be lighter than the opposite. In the process of shading, we move from dark side to light. If you decide to direct the light source in front of the drawing, then leave the middle of the subject light, gradually, evenly shading the figure towards the contours. After that, draw shadow casting. The shadows from the figures will always fall from the side opposite from the light.

3. Having mastered these first lessons and having understood, using the example of simple three-dimensional figures, you will gradually move on to creating more serious and complex three-dimensional images. And you can already try to dilute the black and white drawings with color.

4. Having learned the technique and mastering the necessary skills three-dimensional drawing, you can easily figure it out on other surfaces. To do this, use colored crayons and spray paints. It is best to divide the prepared sketch on paper with a grid into small equal squares. So it will be more convenient to copy, and the grid will allow you to transfer the image from paper to asphalt as accurately as possible.

There are a few more tricks to remember in order to understand how to draw 3d drawings on asphalt:

The place for the drawing should be as even and prepared as possible (carefully cleared of possible small debris).

It is best to work on the image in overcast or cloudy weather.

And yet, since you will have to rub the chalk with your fingers (for fixing), arm yourself in advance plastic bags to protect the fingertips from abrasion.

In the process of working on a drawing, you need to move from top to bottom. You should avoid drawing clear, even contours, and the background color of your drawing should, if possible, match the color of the road surface on which you will work.

It is also very important to guess the size of the occupied area, because 3d drawings have elongated proportions and impressive scales. And, of course, we must not forget that the image will appear three-dimensional only from one position you specify.

So, now you know how to draw 3d drawings on paper and asphalt, and we can only wish you good luck in this interesting business!

Hello?. Rustam Zakirov is in touch and I have another article for you, the topic of which is in pencil. In this article we will draw such an intricate 3d cube.

I will immediately share my impressions, while this is the most difficult 3d drawing that I had to draw with a pencil on paper. Of course, it doesn’t seem so complicated from the outside (it seemed that way to me too).

The complexity of this drawing is that there are a lot of shadows. I don’t have a special art education (and I draw so-so), so for me it seemed a little difficult.

How easy it is to draw any 3d drawings.

I pulled this cube from this picture that I found on the Internet.

You need to photograph a 3d drawing from the right angle, just then it will look as voluminous and correct as possible in the photo.

If it is inconvenient for you to translate from the monitor screen, then you can simply print it out and translate it, for example, using a window. And this is what the printed version looks like.

Step #2. Cut out the excess.

To add more volume to the 3d drawing, take and cut off the excess part of the sheet. So it will look like the cube protrudes above the surface.

We do the same with the drawn version.

Everything is now 3d drawing is completely finished. Who else would like to draw such 3d drawings, you can find them here (this is how it looks)

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And good luck to you, good drawings, bye ...

And we found out which ones we need to start drawing.

By the way, you can buy a lot of art supplies on AliExpress at a good price!

Today we have the first 3D drawing lesson. We will start with the simplest shape − spheres.

So let's get started...

learn to draw is pretty much learning how to control light and shadow in your image. In this tutorial, you will learn how to determine where the light source is and where the shadows of the objects in your drawing are. Let's draw a 3D sphere.

1. Draw a circle. Don't be discouraged if your circle looks like an egg or a flattened ball. Just touch a piece of paper with a pencil and draw a circle shape. If you like, circle the bottom of your coffee cup or a coin.

2. Locate the light source. Wait, what's the light source? How to determine where the light source is? Are you already feeling overwhelmed?! Wait, don't panic and don't throw your album across the room just yet. Read on.

To draw a three-dimensional image, you need to determine where and in what direction the light falls on the object. Then you cast the shadow on the opposite side of the light source.

Check: Raise your pencil about an inch from the paper and pay attention to the shadow it creates. If the light in the room is directly above the pencil, the shadow will be directly below it. But if the light comes from an angle, then the shadow on the paper will expand the farther it is from the light. It's simple but amazing effective method bring life to your drawings. Play with the pencil and shadow for a few minutes, moving it sideways, up and down. Place one end of the pencil directly on a piece of paper and notice how the shadow joins the pencil and becomes thinner and darker than the shadow when the pencil is in the air. This shadow is called falling.

In our example, the light source is at the top right of the sphere. Go ahead and draw a small swirling "sun" on the right side of our page.

3. Draw a drop shadow. Just like the drop shadow of your pencil appears on the table, your sphere will cast a shadow on the ground near it. Drop shadows are fantastic visual anchors that help keep objects on the surface of the paper. See how the shadow is drawn below. Now draw a drop shadow on the opposite side of your sphere from the light on your leaf. You may think that it looks sloppy and dirty. However, these sketches are the practice of your skills and do not need to be seen by others.

Just remember two important things: the position of the light source and the drop shadow on the surface near the object on the opposite side from the source.

4. Shade the sphere in front of the light source. It's okay if you go beyond the lines - don't worry about perfection.

Notice how the area at the farthest edge from the light source is darkened, and how the lines get lighter and lighter as they get closer to the light. It is called shading. This is an amazing technique that is needed to create the illusion of a three-dimensional image.

5. Use your finger to blend the shadow. Note: your finger is the same tool as a brush! Cool effect, right?

Voila! Congratulations! You've turned a scribbled circle into a 3D image! Easy or simple?


One of the important goals of these lessons is to teach you how to draw objects. real world. In the following chapters, we will apply the concepts you learned in this 3D sphere drawing tutorial to draw interesting objects around you. Whether you want to paint a colorful bowl of fruit on a table or a portrait of a family member, you will have the opportunity to do so.

Let's start by drawing an apple. In the next lessons, we will deal with more complex objects, such as buildings and people.

Look at this apple photo below. And try again. Or try drawing from life.

Well, how? Happened? Share your work and get advice

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