Rune Perth (Pert) - the rune of improving magical experience. The direct and inverted meaning of the rune perth


The meaning of the rune Perth is a symbol of two moments. The first is when a person is in the mother's womb. He has a fetal position. Also, it is the personification of affairs that are in their infancy. After some time, they will come out, in a word, "born."

The second moment that the Perth rune shows is a woman preparing for childbirth. She assumes a position to bring her child into the world. In life, interpretation in action reaches its apogee. Things get out, the situation gives rise to action.

Runa Perto is full of events and opportunities. Life lessons, give birth to opportunities. A person may discover some secrets that will affect the existence in this world. Sometimes the risk pays off. Past failures will be experiences on which to build a solid foundation for the future. Fortitude and patience will help to "give birth" to the light of your "brainchild".

The meaning of the direct rune Perth

The meaning of the rune carries an omen that soon a person will make some kind of discovery for himself. The long search for truth will finally bear fruit. Futile attempts to call luck on their side will get a reverse move. Now a person is waiting for the respect that he truly deserves. In business, pleasant moments await him, which will play an important role in the development of personality. You can count on the favor of Fate.

In the subtle world, the highest, human "I" is put on the road to the owner. This will be a big life change. A surge of pure energy that will affect consciousness. It paralyzes obsessive thoughts, sets in motion the changes that ideas bring. Pure intuition and good intentions can develop psychic abilities in a person. This is a new level, a kind of rebirth.

For such a rebirth, it is necessary to look ahead. Letting go of the old, not trying to repeat and return what has been passed, a person acts correctly. Otherwise, it will block the sources of energy. The past can haunt and trip. If you do not let go, then life will turn into a slow death.

The meaning of the inverted rune Perth

No business progress. Inverted Perth speaks of loss and obstacles along the way. The person is deceiving himself. By such actions, leading oneself to a dead end and making problems. Some circumstances may defy explanation. How did he come to this and how to get out of it? This question will be the most important and exciting. There is an answer to it if we turn to deeds committed in the past.

Now we need to learn to live in the present tense. Having understood and let go of your past, extract experience. You should not plan your future, because you can be disappointed. To prevent this from happening, by now it is worth paying all your attention. It will become the key to success and freedom from problems in the future.

Perth in magic

In runic magic, it is used:

  1. To conceive a child, if other methods have not borne fruit.
  2. To close the karmic cycle. This will give a new stage of life. But, there are consequences: the loss of everything from the former life. Acquaintances, relationships and everything acquired can simply “fly away” to nowhere. You will have to start everything from scratch.
  3. Bring fortune to your side. In this case, it is impossible to predict the outcome of events. After all, Fortune is very capricious. The player can either like her or disappoint her. This is especially true for pompous individuals. Is there a win? It all depends on the person and his intentions, but in general Fortune decides.

In order to activate the process of the rune, you need a red apple. The most beautiful should be chosen for the ritual. A runic sign is carved on it and eaten whole without a trace. In the process, you should think about what you want, pray to Perth for the gift of strength and direction in business.

Perth in divination: interpretation

In love

Perth says that the fortuneteller has high compatibility with a partner. Tangled relationships will now become clear. Previously unsaid moments will come out. Many secrets will be revealed. But, after that, the love relationship between the two people will only get stronger.

A family without children is like a house without doors. A couple who have long dreamed of children will have the opportunity to fulfill their dream. Runa Perth favors this and promises an early conception.

To health

After a long illness, a long-awaited remission comes. Now is a good time to boost your immune system. Strengthening health through exercise, healthy nutrition and special treatment, the effect will be fixed for many years.

In work

Perth says diligence and work will bear fruit. Ideas will find a place for their implementation. Long expectations of career growth will now be realized. The main thing is that the goals come from the heart. Selfish desires will be painful to beat and can destroy a person altogether.


By discovering truths about which he had no idea before, a person clearly moves towards the goal. So far, this state of luck is inherent in him, you need to trust your inner voice. Together with the idea and the riskiness of steps, the personality attracts the attention of Fortune. The roads of "life" lead him to understanding, enlightenment and purification.


The meaning is this: a sophisticated person who can find a way out of any situation. Thanks to his qualities, such as: good intuition, diplomacy and cunning. Such people are sensitive to the situation. They find an approach to people and know how to empathize.

Often, such people cannot live a "quiet" life. They need a "cauldron of emotions." It can be denied that this is not the case. But in fact, for them it is like water for fish. Being in their element, they live, but do not exist.

Pertr - rune of the seer

Runa Pertr means a state of receptivity to divine messages, prophecy and revelation. This is the rune of the guardian of the tarot, oracles, witches and prophecies. She says that we lack important information, we do not allow ourselves to be guided by intuitive knowledge and pay attention to signs and synchronicity.

Eliminated meaning based on actual word and form:

The shape of the rune has the meaning of a portal or gateway. It is the gate through which we receive subtle messages from the invisible world.

The target must be clean.

A straight rune means that the information that is spreading in the world points the way to the future. When the symbol is reversed, it points to the past, asking us to learn from past patterns and integrate learning from earlier lessons. This must be done before we are ready to move on.


  • Female gender.
  • Astrology: Moon, Neptune.
  • Tarot: High Priestess, Hanged Man.
  • Archangels: Gabriel, Asariel.
  • Chakras: third eye, anahata, throat and crown.
  • Health: Hydration levels, throat problems, cognitive problems.
  • Color: black, silver.
  • Herbs, plants: aconite, chrysanthemum, beech, blackthorn.
  • Gemstone: aquamarine, golden topaz.
  • Wood: beech
  • Deities: Freya, Nornir, Nerthus, Frigg, Mimir.
  • Animal: frog.
  • Motto: "Make your choice and take charge of your destiny."

Divine Meanings

Prediction, the symbol is a vehicle for divine revelations, receptivity, prophecy, spiritual gifts, inspiration, clairvoyance.

The opposite: the need to learn from the mistakes of the past, a person does not see the whole picture, feels disconnected from the Source.

Relationships: In terms of the nature of the relationship, then Perth indicates partners who hope that each will take the lead, in terms of love interests, it is likely that the couple are sacred companions, soul mates. Reversed: The fortuneteller is stuck in the rut of life and needs transformation, karmic connections, lack of understanding of one's own role in unsuccessful relationships, inability to connect or show one's true self-awareness to others.

Health / Wellbeing: Need to open a channel for divine messages, become more flexible in mind and body.

Reversed: dehydration, stiffness, throat problems, psychological problems associated with the fact that a person sees himself as a victim, deterioration, inability to solve the problem.

Business: business for women, a matter of psychological orientation. The reverse: the need for more information and understanding of trends before making a decision, quackery.

Meditate with the rune before engaging in any divinatory activity.

Draw it above your heart to open the heart chakra or direct the divine feminine to the process of healing through anahata.

Draw a symbol above your third eye to encourage clairvoyance.

Wear the Perth Talisman around your neck to remind yourself of the importance of being fully energized and open to receiving messages from your angels and spirit guides.

Hold the rune in your hands, focusing on your breath, dive into receptive mode to receive divine messages.

Make a runic elixir to open your crown chakra if you feel disconnected from the Source and need guidance.

Use the symbol in meditation to call your soul mate.


  • I am fully guided by messages from my spirit guides and angels.
  • My mind is clear and receptive.
  • I believe and act on the divine guidance I receive.
  • I am clairvoyant.
  • I am a magnet for kindred spirits and other lightworkers.
  • I am the conduit for the sacred feminine.
  • I have a life based on Spiritual principles.
  • I receive daily signs and messages that help me and my fellow travelers navigate through life.

To increase the power of belief, you can draw the Perth rune over a glass of water. Then say phrases over the water, charging it with positive vibrations. Then drink.


Great Spirit, I thank you that when I am open and ready to help, you never refuse the guidance I need. Help me to be the finely tuned instrument for your loving messages that I need. Amen!


  • divination;
  • new beginnings;
  • enhancement of psychic abilities,
  • prophecy and insight;
  • good luck in action.
  • right choice;
  • growth at all levels;
  • creation of favorable projects;
  • amulets against bad luck;
  • mascots for gambling;
  • binding spells;
  • activation of the common chain of life, especially in chronic diseases;
  • women's problems and secrets, including fertility;
  • creativity.


Perth aids in divination and enhances psychic powers when worn as a talisman. Pregnant women often use the symbol as it is believed to ease the pain of childbirth.

Detailed description

Vertical position

  • choice
  • making decisions
  • choice between desire and fate,
  • dance of life
  • embodiment of things
  • dedication
  • sexual intercourse
  • rebirth
  • secret
  • fertility
  • music
  • divination
  • revealing the hidden
  • secret affair
  • hidden things
  • communication
  • joy
  • essence of being

Perth is the most mysterious rune. She herself holds the secrets of Scandinavian symbols, she indicates one who seeks the secrets of the universe through an understanding of synchronicity. This is the sign of a warrior who constantly tests himself for chance and luck.

Traditionally, the Perth rune is viewed as a dice-cup game. This not only matches the shape of the rune, but also hints at the original use of the objects as a container in which tokens are stored.

Perth represents a mandatory change brought about by outside forces. Indicates the measurement of the breadth of life, how long you live your life and how well.

The symbol, at its core, represents the happiness of living and experiencing joy.

The basic symbolism of the Perth rune is a cup that gives "birth", keeps a secret and hides all secrets that can only be revealed after death and rebirth.

It is also associated with the uterus as a symbol of the content of life before birth. This rune refers to women.

The rune is closely related to the web of the Wyrd and the idea of ​​the concept of "fate", it says that the road we walk on is independent of what we choose on it, it is predetermined from the moment of birth.

The very act of birth leads us along the path of cause and effect, action and reaction. This symbol is the beginning of this process, as well as a tool to achieve it.

Throughout life, we play different games in which we learn new experiences. Perth is a life related experience. Through victories and losses throughout life, we learn lessons and gain wisdom. Therefore, Perto is a sign of self-consciousness.

This is a symbol that tells us that profound transformative forces are at work. She points to something that has not yet been revealed. This is the rune of chance.

The runic sign tells you that you always have a choice in everything you do and say. Your emotions and actions are your own and cannot be influenced by others unless you allow it.

Perto says it's time to claim your personal power in regards to the choices you make in life. Don't let others violate your truth and prevent you from doing what you want. Only YOU know what is right for you, so trust yourself and trust in your decision making skills.


  • addiction
  • stagnation
  • malaise
  • loneliness

Perth reverse warns of bad habits and stagnation that brings with it an inability to understand others and a sense of finality.

The symbol tells that the die of life has been rolled for you, and "fate" has control at this point in time. Things are beyond your personal and human control.

It also gives a warning to be aware of the manipulations coming from others. Put an end to them, then make your choice and follow it.

Rune Perth is the 14th rune in the senior futhark. She is considered one of the most mysterious runes. The ancient pagans saw in it a symbol of colossal changes and great deeds. We invite you to study the Perth rune in as much detail as possible by reading our article.

The general meaning of the rune Perth

Photo runes Perth

Rune Perth corresponds to the Latin letter "R" or the Russian sound "P". What the rune Perth looks like, you can see in the photo.

This runic sign symbolizes the knowledge of the individual. More specifically, the spiritual aspects of such knowledge. Like many other symbols, the rune can have two positions: upright and inverted. Accordingly, the values ​​will be completely different.

The appearance of the Perth rune in the layouts, as a rule, tells a person that he is moving along the right path, and any obstacles that arise only correct his movement in the right direction. This is a positive rune, symbolizing deep spirituality and a person's connection with his higher self.

The appearance of the rune Perth in fortune-telling can also indicate that a person has some kind of supernatural abilities or is endowed with a well-developed intuition. Moreover, the person himself may not know this. But, engaging in spiritual self-development, he will be able to reveal all his unique abilities in the near future.

Inverted rune Perth and its meaning

Photo runes Perth upside down

The ancient Celts always respected this sign very much. They associated it with the process of the birth of the world and all life on earth. However, the inverted rune Perth has a completely different, opposite meaning. She, so to speak, breaks the connection with the original source, and it is this feature that black magicians often use. With the help of the Perth rune in an inverted position, you can send misfortune to a person, knock the ground out from under his feet, forcing him to do a number of stupid and thoughtless actions.

The appearance of the inverted rune Perth in the layouts speaks of a certain confusion, disorientation of a person. It can also indicate qualities such as selfishness, stubbornness, and even cruelty. In other words, such a person is not a creator, but rather a destroyer.

If the inverted rune Perth falls out in divination, then this signals that a person should look for a "pest" in his immediate environment. It is quite possible that this pest will be a woman - a lady offended by life, who takes revenge and intrigues everyone around.

The meaning of the rune Perth in divination for love

Rune Perth in the layout of love - a good sign

As a rule, fortune-telling is remembered when something goes wrong in life. Problems in the family, lack of progress in work, failures on the love front, etc. With the help of divination, they hope to solve all these problems.

What does the appearance of the direct rune Perth in the layouts for love mean? Its meaning in this case can be double. But in general, it is a positive sign. The direct rune of Perth suggests that in a relationship with a certain partner, everything will turn out well. However, for this you will have to be active, take a step towards positive changes. The rune says that relationships should not remain static, they should develop and lead to something. And if the love relationship between the partners is "stagnant", then something fresh and new needs to be added to them.

Reversed Perth indicates relationship problems

What does the appearance of the inverted rune Perth in the layouts for love mean? This is not a very good sign. And his appearance suggests that the couple has some deep and unresolved problems, hidden conflicts. If the rune Perth appears upside down in the layout, it means that you cannot get away from a serious and, possibly, unpleasant conversation with your soul mate. After all, something is definitely preventing the development of your love relationship. And you need to deal with this: namely, sit down and talk frankly with your partner. By the way, it is quite possible that one of the partners secretly dreams of resuming his previous relationship. And this is precisely the root of the problem in today's relations.

If we consider the appearance of the rune in a deeper sense, then it is worth noting another important point. The rune Perth testifies to certain shortcomings or problems of a person, laid down in deep childhood, which prevent him from revealing himself in a love relationship. These may be negative internal installations. Among other things, the rune portends quick and dramatic changes, which, with the correct behavior of both partners, should lead to happiness and harmony in relationships.

The meaning of the rune Perth in divination for a career

Guessing is always a risk. The risk of receiving an unwanted and unpleasant response. However, so many people resort to fortune-telling when it comes to love or career.

The sacred meaning of the rune Perth - Providence

The rune of Perth in the layouts for a career is not as unambiguous as in the layouts for love. Here everything is much more complicated. First of all, her appearance hints at the fact that a person needs some kind of transformation, that he should be transformed. What does it mean? It may be necessary to use new approaches in work, or even find a completely new goal for yourself. Apparently, it is no coincidence that this sign often falls to those people who in the near future will decide on a radical change in their position or field of activity. And in the human brain, this decision may not yet be formed. But it has already originated in the depths of knowledge and will very soon “break through” outward with a clear and obvious insight.

In general, this is the key meaning of this rune in divination for a career. The rune Perth, by and large, is providence, the "hand of God", which is designed to guide a person on the true path.

The inverted rune Perth in the layout of a career makes you leave the burden of old mistakes

The inverted rune Perth in the layouts for a career says something else. Thus, she calls for a detailed analysis of recent events and her actions. For example, problems at work (financial or otherwise) are more likely to be related to recent decisions. That is, something went wrong, somewhere a serious mistake was made. And this mistake should be looked for in the past - this is what the inverted rune Perth speaks about. And she can also tell a person that it is time for him to throw off the heavy burden of past mistakes from his shoulders. Indeed, with such baggage it is simply impossible to move forward and reach new heights in business and in business.

The meaning of the rune Perth in divination for health

In health layouts, the position of the rune is also important. The direct rune Perth testifies to excellent, truly “heroic” health. Even if a small, fragile girl is sitting at the magic table and guessing. Seeing the direct rune of Perth in the layout, you don’t have to worry about health. At least in the near future. In addition, the rune also acts as a kind of amulet that protects against injuries and all sorts of ailments.

An interesting point: the direct rune of Perth and its appearance in the layout is great news for women who want to get pregnant. After all, this is the rune of birth. And she says that nothing will interfere with the process of conception in the near future!

In a health spread, an inverted Perth means an imminent illness.

What does the inverted rune Perth say in health layouts? Unfortunately, it promises an approaching illness. Repentance and awareness of your past sins and misdeeds will help to protect yourself from it. Only in this case, the disease can recede. The appearance of an inverted rune Perth can also tell a person that he has lost touch with higher powers, his spiritual patrons.

The combination of the two runes Perth and Eyvaz does not bode well for a person. This is a very disturbing and dangerous combination. Seeing it in the alignment, you should abandon any operations and focus on cleaning your aura. Until this happens, recovery will not be possible.

Rune of the day

Short-term divination is also very popular. They help to "look" into the future on important days for a person, to learn about the outcome of an event. For example, a person is going to an important exam or a responsible interview in the morning. Of course, he will want to know if fate will be favorable to him today?

Perth as a rune of the day does not always promise good luck or success. However, her appearance always indicates the correctness of what will happen to you on that day. The saying “everything that is done is for the better” is very appropriate here. What does this mean in practice? For example, you were denied admission to a seemingly good job. No problem! Indeed, in this way, fate prepares you for a more solid and highly paid position. And all this will happen soon.

The appearance of the Perth rune upside down during a short-term divination does not bode well for a person. Alas, this sign is not associated with the successful outcome of any business or enterprise. In other words, whatever you decide to do, everything will go awry. Perhaps, to get out of such a vicious circle, you simply need to deal with old debts.

Rune Perth also promises a meeting. Moreover, a meeting with an ill-wisher. It can be an envious person, an old enemy, or a gossip generator. On such a day, you need to be extremely careful and careful. And it is important to remember that this or that ill-wisher appears in your life for a reason. Most likely, this is a chance for you to atone for your past sins.

Combinations with other runes

The rune environment on the rune Perth has a strong influence

As you know, combinations of runes are extremely important in divination. And if in a separate order the rune Perth predicts one thing, then in combination with other signs its meaning can change significantly. Let's list all the possible combinations of the Perth rune with other runes and indicate the meanings of these combinations:

  • Perth +: gift of imagination;
  • Perth +: deep intuition;
  • Perth +: inappropriate boasting;
  • Perth +: progress in the occult sciences;
  • Perth +: success in tactics or strategy;
  • Perth +: rock or fate;
  • Perth +: variability of luck;
  • Perth +: precarious position in society;
  • Perth +: hostages;
  • Perth +: chasing a "crane in the sky", futile efforts;
  • Perth +: bad luck;
  • Perth +: happy chance;

    An important point: if both runes fall out in an inverted position, then this only enhances the negative value of one or another combination.

    The use of runes in magic

    The stone rune Perth is known for helping the student (that is, the person who is starting to study or master something) achieve unprecedented success. But there is one important “but” here: a person must make efforts. Without real effort and effort on the part of the student, the rune is unlikely to help unlock creativity.

    Rune Perth is a kind of key that opens the door to the world of higher powers and supernatural abilities. It is no coincidence that for novice magicians, meditation on this sign is mandatory.

    Establishing contact with the rune is not easy. After all, you need to catch that subtlest thread that connects a person with his higher, spiritual "I". Having caught this thread, you can be sure that the rune will remain with you forever. It will help to maximize the potential of a person, to realize all his abilities and talents.

    An important point: it is categorically not recommended to use the Perth rune if there is at least a little anger and aggression in the soul of the magician. The fact is that the rune is able to transform and redirect energy. For the same reason, it should not be used in love rituals without proper experience.

    Rune Perth is a rune that accumulates knowledge. With the right approach, it helps to move towards the intended goal. The rune also helps to make the hidden visible. First of all, we are talking about hidden knowledge, abilities that a person had not even suspected before.

    Are you earning enough?

    Check if this applies to you:

    • enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
    • salary is only enough for rent and food;
    • debts and loans take everything that comes with great difficulty;
    • all promotions go to someone else;
    • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

    Perhaps you have been tainted with money. This amulet will help to remove lack of money

Direct position.

The main meaning of the rune is mystery.
Rune Name: Perth
Meaning: stone, bowl

Ancient Germanic name, rune meaning: Pertra (Perthro)
Old Norwegian name, rune meaning: perþu
Anglo-Saxon name, rune meaning: Peordh (Pertra)
Ancient Celtic name, rune meaning: Pailt
Old Icelandic name, rune meaning: Perþ or Plástur

The rune says that what was hidden is still becoming apparent. It can symbolize many things. One of the meanings is - the discovery of hidden knowledge, inner initiations. It is also possible for some secrets to be revealed to a person. Big wins and pleasant surprises are also possible.
Rune Perth (Perdhro, Perth) - a rune that accumulates knowledge, heading towards a specific goal. The main thing here is to learn self-discipline. With the right balance of self-discipline and acquired knowledge, internal transmutation occurs, and a person enters a new level of realization.


RUNE - Perth (Perdhro, Perth), the meaning of the rune. MORE DETAILS

Perth (Perdhro, Perth). Divination interpretation, rune meaning Perth (Perdhro, Perth):

Rune Perth (Perdhro, Perth) - the rune of a knight all the time struggling with his fate. Perth is a supernatural rune of initiation.

Main theses. Search, dedication; a positive omen; the discovery of a secret; unexpected luck; happiness in love; sixth Sense; prediction; big changes in life; right moment; unknown; secret; find; lottery prize; feelings; respect; help from friends; psychic abilities; lot.
When the runes of Perth (Perdhro, Perth) fall out, probably soon something secret will become clear. Probably, you will find a lost and already forgotten item, or an old friend will appear. The drop of the Perth rune means that big changes await you. This is a time of change in your environment and your inner world.

Perth symbolizes the overcoming of your egoism, at this time your inner unconscious essence makes its way to your conscious "I", struggling on its way with obsessive thoughts. Your goal is to find true freedom. The rune Perth (Perdhro, Perth) in its meaning when interpreted in a layout indicates that you have the strongest intuition and extraordinary extrasensory abilities hidden in you. This rune can help bring back the lost and indicates that you have a huge positive potential ahead of you. If you predict a love relationship, then the fall of the rune Perth (Perth) will indicate good sexual compatibility with the person you are guessing at.

Rune Council Perth (Perdhro, Perth). The period of change has come. Temporarily become an objective and fair researcher. The main thing is to calm down and let go of the past. Listen to your sixth sense. And do not be surprised by the changes that have opened up in you.

Interpretation of the meaning of the rune Perth when divining for love or relationships.

The relationship you are currently living in may take a turn in an unexpected direction. A person close to you can make you think or even disappoint in yourself. Try to change your attitude towards life. Rune Perth in a simple position symbolizes a secret, secret secret knowledge - it is possible for the benefit of your relationship to have to understand them at the esoteric level. Also, the rune can broadcast about finding the lost, getting out of the situation, getting the necessary answer.

It is quite possible that help will be needed from outsiders, but not strangers. You need to be patient and wise to accept the situation as it is. Remember, the Perth rune is broadcasting in divination for love and relationships - the roots and causes of the situation that has developed in your partner are deeply hidden. RUNE PERTH predicts changes, the exit of the situation to a new level, which may be accompanied by some losses. Let go without regret, do not look into the past.

Rune interpretation. RUNE - Perth (Perdhro, Perth) interpretation, rune meaning. Internal content:

Rune interpretation. RUNE - Perth (Perdhro, Perth) interpretation, rune meaning. Internal content:
The ways of Perth are mysterious and inscrutable. Deeply hidden inner transforming forces are at work here.
Some integrity is implied, but may be hidden under a disguise, be unrecognizable or be a mystery.
The paths of the runes Perth, Perth (Perdhro, Perth) are inscrutable - the deep-hidden forces of internal transformations have an effect. The rune Perth (Pertro) symbolically represents the flight of a mountain eagle, a flight to the sky beyond the clouds, a flight abstracted from everything secondary, which raises you above everyday life, to expand the limits of perception. Rune Perth (Perdhro, Perth) Pertro, its main meaning expresses the intensity of the experienced aspect of initiation.

The rune is directly related to the deep layers of your being, to the foundations of the fundamental principles of your Destiny. The rune Perth (Pertro) symbolically conveys, in some sense, the experience of death. If it seems necessary, allow everything to go, absolutely everything that, in your opinion, seems to be secondary now, without accepting objections. The old roads are coming to an end - you simply will not be able to repeat the once passed. You must gather together all your inner strengths, concentrating on the experience of your own life. That is, on what is now necessary for one's own improvement. You should recognize a series of obstacles and barriers as a cycle of trials that you are going through at the moment. Each of these obstacles, each humiliation individually becomes a test of your character.

When your inner being is in the process of changing and transforming at a deep level, patience, persistence and perseverance are needed. The power of Perth (Pertro) is a process of steady transformation of the energy potential, which for many centuries has been inherited by you from your ancestors and is deeply hidden at the deepest levels of the subconscious. It is the power, the power of the meaning of the rune Perth (Perdhro,Perth) provides your individuality, ensuring that you will forever remain yourself, no matter how many lives you have to live. The rune is distinguished by a distinctly female character. The rune Perth (Perdhro, Perth) is associated by interpreters with Frigg, the goddess of Fate, knowledge and power, companion and wife of Odin.
It means something hidden, secret or a gate to hidden new dimensions.

Rune interpretation. Perth (Perdhro, Perth) interpretation, rune meaning. Magic use:

Treatment and health; finding the lost; well-being; development of ideas; gradual change in consciousness.
Application in rune records:

The meaning of the rune Perth (Perdhro, Perth) in the runescript: To maintain good mental health.
The meaning of the rune Perth (Perdhro, Perth) in the runescript: To return lost items.
The meaning of the rune Perth (Perdhro, Perth) in the runescript: For a successful investment.
The meaning of the rune Perth (Perdhro, Perth) in the runescript: For the development of magical skills.

This page contains information on the topic

In the 18th century, Jón Oulavsson, a well-known clerk from Grünnavik, wrote a work called Johann Olav's Runology, in which he invented the so-called "portrait runes" (or pictures). He suggested embroidering them on clothes, not just as decorations, but as a kind of code that carries knowledge that is understandable only to the elite.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future with the help of runes.


Translation- the meaning is not clear. Stone- jade.

Basic properties

This rune speaks of rebirth. It is filled with the energy of Mars as well as Pluto. Phoenix is ​​considered its symbol - first there will be death, and then rebirth. Such energy belongs to the people of the Sun or to people who are in the zodiac sign of Scorpio.

Upright value

Perth can push a change in consciousness and greatly facilitates this process. For example, mental death can happen. That is why this symbol is important to interpret very carefully. The key word is "search". The sign is associated with cognizable forces, because it allows you to get closer to the conscious and personal "I".

The rune personifies the sky and the forces that need to be known. Its impact is filled with mystery and hidden meaning. Without making an effort to know it will not work. Since the rune symbolizes the search, it touches the foundation of your destiny. For some people, it indicates psychological death and rebirth. Accordingly, you should let go of the past and direct your gaze to the future.

Although Perth is associated with a mystery, its meanings in the layout should be considered from different angles. For example, sometimes it is considered music or a certain vessel in which a certain lottery is held. Speaking of it, hidden things, secrets, occult abilities are implied.

The appearance of Perth in divination means the discovery of what was hidden in the past. Moreover, we are talking about a positive outcome. It also involves unexpected benefits and pleasant surprises, not excluding cash prizes.

Moreover, success is possible in the presence of Turisaz or Odin.

The combination of the rune with Laguz, Uruz is emotionally connected with the sexual compatibility of people. The combination of the sign with an inverted Uruz or Teyvaz indicates a current relationship based on sexual tension.

When Perth is combined with negative symbols, a disease is possible, which will be extremely difficult to cure with the help of traditional medicine.

She is also associated with strong intuitive or magical abilities of the person who asks her a question.

The meaning of the rune in an inverted position

Here, the key words are "death of the past." The fact is that the past is already approaching the final stage, and the future has not yet arrived. Accordingly, life must be real. Don't expect anything new. Past achievements should not even be remembered, as they interfere with the present - that is, the time when it is necessary to change.

Interpretation in the business layout


The meaning of the rune Perth is not constant and is directly dependent on the nearby ones. For example, in combination with the runes Yer, Soul and Vigno, it means that the business you are doing now is destined for you by fate itself. Do not even think about changing activities, because it is given to you, without straining, to promote your business in the right direction - you feel all its nuances with some kind of inner instinct.

Much worse if Perth is paired with the Ansuz rune. You will be deceived, suppressing facts, dishonest play of partners. Soon you will become aware of unpleasant facts that you did not even know about, and a catch can be expected even from those who were unconditionally trusted.


The inverted rune Perth testifies to some secrets that are next to you. Their disclosure will undoubtedly be a shock for you, but what kind of surprise this will be - the runes in the environment will tell. However, you should not prepare for the negative, the news will be more sudden than bad.

There are several more meanings of the inverted rune Perth. Its presence in the layout may mean that you have chosen the wrong business area, or that you do not have enough knowledge, skills and information to bring the matter to the point of prosperity and stability.

Interpretation in the layout of health


Reports possible problems with internal organs. Particular attention should be paid to the gastrointestinal tract and abdominal organs. The combination with Laguz informs women about gynecological diseases. Perhaps we are talking about problems of a reproductive nature, for example, the likelihood of a miscarriage.

A pregnant woman should undergo additional examinations: there may be problems with the development of the fetus or a missed infectious disease. The combination with Turisaz predicts surgery on the abdominal organs. The age of the person does not matter.

The presence of Perth in the layout of a healthy person indicates a hidden disease. Do not blindly trust the good health and the absence of complaints: a full examination will not hurt. So do all professional athletes and workers in dangerous professions. Make it a rule for yourself to undergo a medical examination 2 times a year. It is advisable to visit all relevant specialists: dentist, therapist, surgeon. And women should not miss visits to the gynecologist.


Tells about secrets related to health. Perhaps relatives are hiding the truth or the doctors made a mistake with the diagnosis. The presence of positive runes softens the prognosis: the diagnosis will not be confirmed, or a milder form of the disease will be found. Do not rush the doctor to conclusions: give him time to think about the results of the study. The combination with Berkana or Laguz speaks of female infertility. The presence of Turisaz signals male infertility.

Personal and relationships with loved ones


A secret has crept into your relationship. Perhaps we are talking about a hidden pregnancy or the presence of a family in a loved one. Couples who have planned a child can expect a positive outcome. Soon your house was filled with the long-awaited cry of the baby. Another interpretation is the legal problems of the person with whom you began a close relationship. We are talking about unfinished divorce proceedings or undivided property. Your partner does not finish everything: perhaps he is hiding his own child. The presence of Laguz in the layout speaks of a magical effect. This may be a love spell, damage or other problems.


The person you place your hopes on in a relationship is destined for someone else. Another interpretation of the alignment is important news about a family or loved one. Don't worry about an unwanted pregnancy, it's just a ploy by an inexperienced woman who tries to tie you to her. The truth will soon come to the surface. The presence of Ansuz confirms this conjecture.

Protective properties

Symbol of rebirth from the ashes, transformation. Change of consciousness. It helps a person to see all his inner strengths and weaknesses with a clear look and understand the essence of the things and events around him. Used to find lost things or people. Suitable for finding a way out of difficult situations, helps to find the most correct solution to the problem. It can also be used in cases that require increased intuition: in the field of investment or playing on the stock exchange.

KARMA (pouch for storing runes, Moon, birth, process of cause and effect, identification, memories, receptivity, hidden, lot, initiation, that which is hidden).

PERDHRO is the rune of time and change. She governs secrets, hidden things, and is also closely associated with karmic energies. Associated with Frigg - the goddess of fate, knowledge and power, the most silent Scandinavian goddess.

The symbol of the inner content of this rune is the Phoenix, i.e. fiery rebirth from the ashes.

The ways of Perth are mysterious and inscrutable. Deeply hidden inner transforming forces are at work. Some integrity is implied, but may be hidden under a disguise, be unrecognizable or be a mystery. Something hidden, a secret or a gate to the innermost.

Rune of mysteries. Restoration of what was previously lost. disappointment. Surprise, gift (the motives of the giver may be suspect).

The feminine principle is Perth as opposed to the masculine Uruz.

Rune Perth pushes and facilitates the process of a qualitative change in consciousness (inner initiation) - at any level. In certain situations, it can act like the Hagalaz rune, breaking off the closed chain of thoughts and the events they bring to life. This is the stage of knowing and accepting the fate predetermined for a person from the moment of his birth. This is the sacrament of divination, comprehension of one's own destiny and attempts to control it.

Karma is the path of cause and effect. Rune of fate, fate. A game of chance that is out of control. It is under the auspices of the Norns. You are trying to repeat old mistakes or return to your old life.

The use of the Perth rune for magical purposes can lead to an act of psychic death - a rupture of causal and astral connections between the past and future of a person. In some situations, this can be beneficial, in others it will lead to the weighting of personal karma, the "tightening" of its knots and the aggravation of the situations caused by it. Therefore, this rune must be used with reasonable care.


Development of your magical ideas.
- Used in matters related to investments or gambling on the stock exchange.
- Used to find lost items.
- Promoting good mental health in healing.

  • Patronizes gambling and desperate gamblers
  • Patronizes musicians, chess players
  • Will help in finding treasures or just lost things
  • Assist with childbirth
  • Helps develop relationships based on sexual compatibility
  • Will help in the development of various ideas and theories, including magic
  • Helps in the development of occult and meditative abilities
  • Can provide the boost needed to break the "vicious circle" of obsessive thoughts and the events they create
  • Facilitates the process of qualitative change of consciousness

In divination in a straight position the key to the interpretation of the rune will be the word "search". The advice of this sign is tension without irritation and an active search aimed at connecting with the Unknowable. If it proves necessary, let go of the past - let nothing come between "you today" and "you tomorrow". And if you behave correctly, in accordance not with logic, but with the promptings of your Unknowable, the result will not slow down either: initiation, renewal, or new life.

Its appearance in the layout may portend the discovery or restoration of previously lost. Perhaps you are waiting for an unexpected win. If a question was asked regarding love or friendship, Perth can indicate good sexual compatibility with a partner (if your question or an attempt to assess the current situation implied it in one way or another) - this is all the more true if the Laguz and Berkan runes lie nearby ( runes of a rather female plan, Vunyo and Fehu (emphasizing the joy of intimacy and communication, as well as satisfaction), Taivaz and Uruz (runes of a rather male plan).

Reversed position. Key words - "death of the past". Your past is dead and your future has not yet been born. Much now depends on you - let go (!) of the past and do not think too much about the end result of your present activity. Now is the time to remember the well-known thesis about the need to live Here and Now - and put it into practice. Do not forget that when the Past dies, not only events and connections die, but also the ways of "making life"; it is Now, when your new Future is being born, that you must create new ways.

The process of transforming the potential inherited from our ancestors and hidden at the subconscious level.

He advises not to become attached to the objects of the sensory world, false views, memories of the past. Careless use of the rune can lead to the weighting of personal karma, the "tightening" of its knots and the aggravation of the situations caused by it. Do not include in compound talismans due to the unpredictability of the "character" of the rune. Make sure you are thoroughly familiar with occult activities, understanding the reasons for doing them and the symbolism they contain.

Surrounded by negative runes, Perth can predict diseases, during the treatment of which it is better to resort to alternative medicine.

It is believed that neighboring runes do not affect Perth.

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