Russian. Russian people: culture, traditions and customs


How many Russians live on Earth?
No - not Russians, not Russian speakers - namely Russians?
Representatives of the very people who are the essence of Great Rus'.

A people who rallied around themselves Europeans and Asians, Caucasians and Finno-Ugric peoples with great power, who jointly defeated the Third German Empire, discovered the secrets of the peaceful use of atomic energy and made the first flights into space.

A people free to change their rulers, always rebellious, dissenting, but loving their Motherland so much.
How many more Russians are left in Russia after decades of desecration by a white-blue-red demon greedy for profit?

Russians are an ethnic community of people represented by the Russian nation. Since ancient times, the Russians had their own national state - Rus'. Which later in the Byzantine way began to be called Russia. The majority of Russians by religion are Orthodox Christians.

Ethnically, Russians belong to the Indo-Europeans, namely the Eastern Slavs. The closest peoples for Russians are Belarusians and Ukrainians, but not only - Slovenes and Serbs are also close in language and culture. The Russian nation is not so ancient. The self-name "Russian" appeared only in the 14th century and meant "sovereign man". Of course, before that there was Rus', but Novgorodians, Suzdalians, Chernigovians, Polonians and other Slavs lived in it. There was no name of the people, no single Russian nation. If earlier foreigners said “Rus”, then it was understood that this person belongs to the Russian princely squad or army, military or commercial Russian expedition. The population of ancient Rus' generally called itself "Slavs" or specifically "Kiev", "Novgorod", "Smolensk", etc.

The Russian is a conqueror of spaces, forever searching, rushing to nature, to freedom. Only among Russians "nature" and "will" are synonymous. “Free! To space! To a new, happy life! The Russian needs change. The absence of change for the Russian is a clear sign of stagnation. By the way, freedom and freedom are also synonymous for Russians. As such, the Russian does not need freedom. And it's not the notorious totalitarian consciousness. Totalitarian consciousness is just an ideologeme. For a Russian, this consciousness does not exist at all. And most importantly, that it was spacious for the soul and at ease. No fences, no restrictions - that's all freedom.

Russian people do not like and are afraid of the state. For the Russian, the state is more evil than good. The Russian does not cooperate with the state. Once in the power structures, the Russian does everything either for evil or for his own salvation. The Russian does not serve the state, but serves his people or higher authorities. Having lost leadership, the Russian is ready to break the state apparatus, because it is of no value to him.

The Russian seeks protection from God. God for the Russian is not love at all, as the Greeks bequeathed, but the highest justice. And although such an understanding of God is characteristic of Muslims, Russians are Orthodox. A Russian communicates with God like with a father. We ask for his forgiveness and help. The father is strict, but there is a kind mother - the Mother of God. She has special reverence and heartfelt love.

The Russian is an unwilling collectivist. He doesn't want to be like that, but he has to. Left alone, imagining himself as an individual, the center of the universe, he still speaks to himself as to a people. In the collective, the Russian is looking for an excuse for himself. From the team, he expects his share, and not having received it goes to the dressing. Deprivation and loneliness are synonymous with the collapse of the Russian soul. A Russian always expects that a person, a people or a collective, will understand and support him, if not now, but in the future.

Work for a Russian person should be a joy. Otherwise, the work does not argue. It's not work, it's violence. If work does not bring emotional joy to the Russian, then there will be no outstanding results. Russian loves recklessness in work. For him, work is almost like a feat of arms. The optimal organization of labor for a Russian is a game, a dashing undertaking. A Russian can rest against something for a long time, but he is hardworking only when he is passionate about an idea and in his soul there is an expectation of joy from the result. The result itself is not so encouraging. The Russian lives by the ideas embodied in labor, and not by the product of labor.

The Russian is not strongly attached to the family. Only his own hardships or the hardships of loved ones make him stay in his father's house. Each Russian sees his own path and does not associate it with his family. Family and social values ​​for a Russian always lose out to the values ​​of a group created for a specific purpose. For example, to be a master, a comrade-in-arms, a discoverer, in the end to go mushrooming with girlfriends, that is, to have your share in a common cause, is always more interesting than being the head of a family.

Of course, this is not a complete description of the topos of the Russian person and Russian society, and you can add something else to it, but for self-identification, I personally would suggest only three questions:

Russian is your native language?
Do you consider yourself a Russian people?
Do you consider the history of Russia the history of your people?

If you confidently answered “yes” to all three questions, you are a Russian person, even if you are an Arap.

The Russian language, of course, is a determining factor in national self-identification. With the help of the Russian language, spiritual communication and cultural exchange are carried out. Without mastering the Russian language, assimilation is not possible, as the highest act of unity with the Russian people. However, one Russian language is not enough. A culture of speech is also needed. Having mastered the Russian language (mostly achieved by the age of 3) and the culture of speech (in a cultural environment, achieved by the age of 9), having come into contact with Russian spiritual culture, recognizing Russian people in our ancestors, we become Russian. Baptized or not, with blond or dark hair, with a Caucasian hump on the nose or with slanted eyes, but still Russian. In order to classify ourselves among the Russian people, one more question remains to be answered: do we empathize with the history of Russia? WE - living in Simferopol, New York or Karaganda. Is the history of Russia the history of my people? If Russian history is indifferent to a person, or if he is more interested in the history of the Crimean Khanate, then let him call himself a Russian three times, but he will not become Russian.

In this sense, we are very lucky with the USSR. There was a huge free country. She did not even have a state language. All languages ​​were recognized as equal, and Russian was used only for interethnic communication. When you watch the chronicles of the speeches of people's deputies, it is surprising that they speak Russian, Belarusian, Kazakh, Ukrainian, and are often dressed as is customary among their people. Many without the European noose tie. But the most important thing is that now they are connected by a common history, a common historical self-consciousness. Russians living in Kazakhstan continue to be Russians. The Ukrainian city of Sevastopol continues to be Russian. This is the greatness of the Russian people. All "... rallied forever Great Rus'!".

Peoples can address each other in any language, but Russian is more often used for communication. Does this have anything to do with the Russian people? I think so, because with the collapse of the USSR, a large part of the Russian people remained there, outside the Russian state. But due to this resettlement, due to interethnic contacts, the growth of the Russian people was achieved. But, as we will see later, in Russia itself at that time the Russian population was also growing, including in the Russian hinterland. In the meantime, let's talk a little about the fate of the Russian language and the role of education.

The Russian language has been recognized by the UN as an international language. It was spoken by the fourth most populous country in the world. And now among Europeans, most of all people speak Russian. But over time, these positions will be lost. This is connected both with the extinction of Russian culture and the decrepitude of the Russian state. To characterize the Russian people, it is extremely interesting to see which Russian words have found worldwide recognition, have been borrowed from the Russian language for general use. Behind these words are the unequivocal achievements of the Russian spirit, which struck the rest of the world so much and were so original that either the foreigners could not find words, or the impression of the Russianness of this word was amazing. Worldwide accepted Russian words are:

country house,

Here it is the contribution of the Russian people to world culture.

Everything is in the palm of your hand.

So, to become Russian, you need to master the Russian language. Mastering the Russian language is given through education. And public education, in my opinion, is the main function of the modern state. Military power, religious culture - all this will collapse without public education, as the empires of the Mongols collapsed, as Byzantium collapsed. And it is extremely important what will be taught to our children - a set of Greek archaisms and verbiage of Eastern sages, or national pride and participation in the history of their country. The Slavic world in the Middle Ages was huge. The Slavs understood each other. The disunity brought by the instruments of power - the state, religion, law, led to the loss of brotherhood, to ignorance and illiteracy. The reason for this was the Tatar-Mongol yoke, and the death of Holy Rus', desecrated by the Josephites and feudal landowners. The collapse of the imperial religion in 1918 is indicative in this sense.

Religious officialdom collapsed, but faith remained! The people, having no worthy preachers, but only walkers in the royal chambers and provocateurs, obediently wandered into a bright future, saying goodbye to both fat bloodsuckers and lazybones of all stripes. The state is always violence. Religion is always wrong. The law is always selective, selective. Objectively, the people remains, their culture, their faith, economy and heredity. If the state system has a positive effect on the number of population, if religion has a positive effect on the culture of the people, and the law to increase its wealth - all this is the good of the people. In modern Russia, everything has changed: religion is increasingly affecting the population, the state - on culture, and the law that draws ... It was the same in tsarist Russia. It was the same with the Soviets. Unless the law was stricter, and there was more order.

Before the Russians become a nation, they need to restore themselves as a people

In Russian society, there is no consensus on who the Russians are - a people or a nation? This is due to the influence of the Soviet period of the formation of Russia and the fact that each of these concepts promises its pros and cons, can potentially influence the vector of further formation of Russian society and the set of principles for the formation of the Russian World. An impromptu watershed separating these two groups of people is the concept of "Soviet people" from the USSR, with the usual and inherent ideology of internationalism.

Figuratively speaking, people who miss the Soviet Union gravitate towards the opinion “Russians are a nation”, and people who consider the periods of the Russian Kingdom and the Russian Empire to be more significant in the history of the development of Russian statehood. Therefore, before starting to search for an answer to the question: Russians are a people or a nation, it is necessary to define these two terms, as well as briefly assess their essence.

About terms

People- the term of the science of ethnography (Greek ethnography) and it is understood as an ethnos, that is, a group of people common in origin (blood relationship), which, in addition, has several unifying features: language, culture, territory, religion and historical past.
That is, people are a sociocultural phenomenon.

Nation is a socio-economic, cultural, political and spiritual community of the industrial era. The nation is studied by the theory of political doctrines, and the main task of the nation is to reproduce the cultural and civic identity common to all citizens of the country.
That is, nation is a political phenomenon.

To summarize: the concept of "people" is based on interrelated ethnic processes that do not always depend on the will of people, and the concept of "nation" is closely related to the influence of the state apparatus. Shared historical memory, language and culture- the property of the people, and the common territory, political and economic life is closer to the concept of a nation. We note one more point: the concept of the people arose much earlier than the concept of the nation.

In relation to the development processes and the formation of the state, it can be argued that the people create the state, and then the state voluntarily shapes the nation: the basis of the nation is the principle of citizenship, not kinship. A people is something organic and living, a nation is an artificially built rational mechanism.

Unfortunately, in the pursuit of civil unity, the nation involuntarily nullifies everything original, ethnic and traditional. The people who created the state and are the core of the nation, gradually loses its ethnic identity and natural self-awareness. This is due to the fact that the living, natural processes of linguistic evolution, traditions and customs in the state acquire a strictly formalized form. Sometimes the price for the formation of a nation can be a split and confrontation within the people.

There are two conclusions from the above:

  • The nation is an analogue of the people, which is artificially formed by the state.
  • The people are the people, the nation is the principle, dominating over people, the ruling idea.

The people create the state, and the state voluntarily forms the nation

About Russian problems

An approach to the Russian question would not be complete without mentioning the enormous external and internal pressure on the Russian community over many centuries, which sometimes took kind of outright ethnic and cultural terror. In the history of Russia, there are three most significant and striking moments of attempts to break and reformat Russian identity:

  1. reforms of Peter I which manifested themselves in all spheres of Russian life, the stratification of Russian society, followed by the separation of the elite from the common people
  2. Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, which actively fought against the Orthodox religion and culture, pursued a policy of Belarusianization of Russians, and used distortions of Russian identity
  3. color revolution 1991, was characterized by a particularly violent defamation of Russians in the world media space, where everything Russian was presented in an exceptionally derogatory light, Western countries also pursued a policy of reducing the birth rate against Russians and replacing Russian folk culture with symbols and concepts of Western media culture

It can be argued that for almost three centuries, the Russians were subjected to quite conscious pressure from their own state. The goals were different, the methods also corresponded to their time, but the result of the impact was always Russian weakening and their societies. Add to this numerous wars, epidemics and famine, multiply this by the extermination of the most prominent Russian representatives, and the picture will be even more depressing.

The Russians are very "historically tired" and very much "worn out": ethnic identity is distorted, folk culture is not perceived to the right extent, mortality exceeds the birth rate of the formation of the Russian people, habits and worldview are confused and cosmopolitanized, the institution of the family and the internal ties of the people are destroyed. The Russian state actively and harshly used the Russians, doing practically nothing to maintain their national and.

Russians are very "historically tired"

And what?

If now the Russian state begins to form the Russian nation on the basis of the Russian people in its current state, then the result will be disastrous both for the state and for the Russian people, who, in spite of everything, are still aware of themselves as a people. Although, of course, depending on what nation the state wants to form ...

The example of the events in Ukraine clearly shows what attempts to form a nation on the basis of a people with distorted ethnic identity, formatted by historical memory and archetypes and landmarks imposed by the state.

without due and complete restoration of the Russian people in all its uniqueness: ethnic, cultural, religious, ideological, behavioral and geopolitical, it is impossible to create a reliable and integral Russian World, and ultimately the Russian nation. Russians need to be a little conservative about themselves for a while...

Who are we Russians? What kind of people? How did it come about? Virtually no one knows anything about it. No wonder the Russians are called: Ivans, who do not remember kinship. Psychologists are convinced that most of the troubles of modern Russia are due to the fact that the consciousness of the titular nation, that is, Russians, is, as it were, covered with a veil. Sometimes it seems that some universal demiurge clouded our reason for the time being. But the time for clearing the mind is already coming. Recently, a new book by Gennady Klimov "Russian Vedas" has been published, which tells in detail about the ancient history of Rus', the archaic civilizations of Eastern Europe, where, as it turned out, the evolution of mankind took place. It turned out that from school textbooks we approximately know the history of only 5 thousand years, and then with great distortions, and the history of the civilization of Rus' has at least 50 thousand years, that is, 10 times more. Gennady Klimov is a professional researcher of ancient religions and epics. In the last book there is a fragment that tells about the birth of the peoples who became the progenitors of the Slavs. Today we asked Gennady Klimov to tell about the origin of the Russian people.

- Let's discard some of the myths that haunt us from the very beginning. Russians can be considered Slavs with a certain stretch. The Slavs are one of the peoples that separated from Rus' and nothing more. For example, in the Voronezh, Rostov, Kharkov regions, the population consists of 60 percent of the descendants of the Aryans, who later formed the Sarmatian-Scythian world. And in Novgorod. Tver, Pskov also 40 percent of the descendants of the Scandinavians. The lower Volga region is populated in a certain proportion by a people, from which the Jews emerged in two waves. Russians are a praethnos from which other peoples emerged. In the Russian language, in the Russian mentality, two codes are combined, as it were - Sarmatia, the world of female matriarchal foundations, and Scythia, the world of male sichs and Cossack hordes. Russians have a very complex archetype, which is why Russian civilization has so many problems so far. But soon the consciousness of Russian-speaking people will be cleansed, a transformation will come. That's when the true dawn of the Russian world will come. This process has already begun.
The question is often asked: where did the Russians come from? The Russians have always lived in their place in Eastern Europe, even during the glaciation and flood. The continuous history of Russia observes from a depth of 50-70 thousand years. For example, China is barely 5,000 years old. And the Egyptian pyramids were built only 4,000 years ago. But of course the Slavs played a significant role in the entosogenesis of the Russian nation. In figurative form, the ancient authors of the Aryan books preserved for us the message about the birth of the peoples of the Northern Black Sea region, including the Slavs. It can be considered to a certain extent the ancestors of the Russian people - the Wends. Aryan ancient books tell the following.
Kadru and Vinata were sisters. Their father was Daksha - the lord of creatures. He had 13 daughters, whom he gave in marriage to the sage Kashyapa. Kadru gave birth to a thousand sons, and Vinata only two. Kadru brought a lot of eggs, but Vinata brought only two eggs. Five hundred years later, a thousand mighty snakes - nagas - hatched from Kadru's eggs. By this time, no one had yet been born to another sister, Vinata. In her impatience, Vinata broke one egg and saw her son, who was only half developed. She named him Aruna. Aryan texts contain many secrets. The name Arun means "runes of the stone Alatyr". This is a system of signs used by the priests of Valdai as secret writing. For his ugliness, the angry Arun cursed his impatient mother Vinata, and predicted her to be a slave for five hundred years. From the name of Vinat comes the Russian word "wine" and the name of the ancient Slavic families of the Wends. This word was used at different times in relation to different peoples, sometimes to all Slavs in general, and is also sometimes associated with vandals. During the Middle Ages, the Germans generically called the Wends all the Slavic peoples neighboring them (except for the Czechs and Poles, who descend from another branch of immigrants from Rus'): Lusatians, Lyutichs, Bodrichs (who lived on the territory of modern Germany) and Pomeranians. In Germany during the Weimar Republic, a special Wendian Department still existed in the internal affairs bodies, which was engaged in work with the Slavic population of Germany. Today, to a large extent, modern Germans are the genetic descendants of the Baltic Slavs. A large number of words with the root “vend” were found in the lands of eastern Germany: vendhaus, vendberg, vendgraben (grave), windenheim (homeland), windischland (land of the Wends), etc. On the territory of modern Latvia in the XII-XIII centuries. AD inhabited by a people known as the "Vendi". It is not difficult to assume that they come from the clans that laid two sons of the matriarchal commune of Vinata, mentioned in the Aryan Vedas. The word "Russia" in Finnish and Estonian sounds, respectively, "Venaja" and "Vene". It is assumed that the Finnish and Estonian names of the Russians are also associated with the name "Venedi".
The story that has been preserved in the Aryan Vedas says that the Slavs at the beginning of time appeared in the form of the son of Vinata, who was born prematurely, but received the name Arun, which means "possessing secret knowledge." Cursing his mother (having left the matriarchal commune that gave birth to him), he said: "In five hundred years, another son will deliver you from slavery if you do not break the second egg ahead of time."
This was shortly before the start of the Trojan War. At this time, the gods and asuras were in the world. The unified Aryan empire mobilized all forces to build a giant wall that separated the north from the south. So the ancients tried to protect themselves from diseases that were approaching Rus' from the south. At this time, the sisters Kadru and Vinata saw the wonderful horse Uchchaihshravasa emerging from the waters of the sea. A dispute arose between them - what color is the tail of that horse. Vinata said that she was white (as she really was). Her sister Kadru is the same - that of black. According to the condition of the dispute - the one that loses must become a slave.
At night, Kadru sent a thousand of her sons - "black kites" to hang on the tail of a white horse, and thus hide its natural color. So the insidious Kadru tricked her sister into slavery. And so the curse of the first Slavs of the Arun came true. Most likely, this is one of the tribes of the Scythians or Sarmatians, who moved to the Balkans after the Trojan War. Here the descendants of Arun began to be called Kolovyans - southern Slavs. They formed 12 Etruscan clans that created the ancient Etruscan state and Rome.
In the Russian epic, the history of the migrations of this people is preserved in the fairy tale about the kolobok. Actually, the bun is the Kolovyans. It was approximately 1200 BC. After 2200 years, some of them will return to Rus' in Kyiv and Novgorod, after Moravia was conquered by the Hungarians. When they returned, they brought with them many tales and tales about their ancient history. So in Rus' there was a fairy tale about a kolobok.

But this is only half of the history of the Slavs. Vinata gave birth to a gigantic eagle from the second egg. He was destined to become a naga slayer in revenge for his mother's servitude. When he was born, all living beings and the gods of Mount Alatyr themselves were in turmoil. The circumstances of the life and struggle of the giant eagle are very reminiscent of the circumstances of the history of modern Russia, although the Aryan Vedas were written several thousand years earlier. The peoples descended from the gigantic eagle Garuda are the Baltic Slavs, Germans and modern Russians. The eagle Garuda, at birth, broke the egg shell with its beak and, barely born, soared into the skies in search of prey. The place of his birth, apparently, was the river Don. In slavery, the matriarchal commune of Vineta was among the steppe nomads of the Nagas. Nagas formed numerous southern peoples.
At that time, Surya, the god of the sun, began to threaten that he would burn the world. Drought began in the steppes. Then the eagle Garuda took on his back his older brother, the one who was born prematurely, and placed him on the chariot of the Sun, so that with his body he shielded the world from the destructive rays. From then on, Vinata's eldest son became Surya's charioteer and deity of the dawn.
Apparently, the Garuda tribe, whose coat of arms was an eagle, was born 500 years after the Trojan War and after the first expedition of immigrants from Rus' to the Balkans and the settlement of Sicily. That is, it was about 750 BC. It was at this time that another religious crisis occurred in Rus'. At this time, a new Jerusalem temple will be built in Rus', which continues the religious reforms begun in the middle of the 2nd millennium BC by the Aryan king Melchisidek on the transition to Monotheism. In addition, the reason that prompted the huge masses of the people of Eurasia to move was the drought.
Waves of people of “free will” appear at the mouth of the Don, a naval base of the southern Varangians appears on the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov. These "people of the sea" are called Hellenes. They attack the shores of all inland seas, destroying the remnants of the Cretan-Mycenaean civilization. The dark ages are coming. The city of Panticapaeum (the modern city of Kerch) arises in the Crimea. This is a transshipment naval base from which thousands of ships sail across the seas. At the shipyards near the modern city of Voronezh, thousands of thousands more ships are being built from ship pines. The maritime expansion of Rus' ends with the emergence of many independent cities along the shores of the Black and Mediterranean Seas. It was these settlers who became the nutrient medium on which ancient culture grew.
And Garuda, having delivered his brother to the south, returned to Rus'. Dejected, he asked his mother: "Why should I serve snakes?" And his mother Vinata told him about how she fell into slavery to her sister. Garuda then asked the snakes: "What can I do to free myself and my mother from slavery?" And the snakes said to him: “Get us amrita from the gods. Then we will deliver you from slavery.” Amrita is the drink of immortality. The concept of "amrita" in the Aryan texts corresponds to Ayurveda - the science of the laws of life. It was the creation by the priests of the foundations of ancient medicine that made it possible to begin a less safe development of the territory outside of Rus'. A person is not well adapted to live far from glaciers - in the southern world he is pursued by exotic diseases. After the foundation of Ayurveda was created, people began to populate the southern countries. There they met people from primitive eras, who also somehow adapted to live in the south. But these were already other people, unlike the northerners. The sun changed their appearance, and their habits, worldview, ethical standards were from archaic eras. Their archetype of consciousness corresponded to eras long gone. This is how the mechanism of evolution on planet Earth works. Evolution in the south is slower than in the north.
Garuda flew north, where the gods kept the amrita. On the way, he passed the Gandhamadana mountain, where he saw his meditating father, the wise Kashyapa. On the advice of his father, Garuda got himself an elephant and a giant tortoise to eat and sat down on a tree to eat his prey. But the branch gave way under his weight. Garuda picked her up with his beak and saw on her a lot of tiny sages - Valakhilyas, hanging upside down. Valakhilyas - mythical sages, sixty thousand in number, each the size of a finger; in the Aryan books they are called the sons of Kratu, the sixth son of Brahma.

With a branch in its beak and with an elephant and a tortoise in its claws, Garuda flew on. When he again flew past the Gandhamadana mountain, Kashyapa said: “Beware of harming the Valakhilyas! Fear their wrath!" Kashyapa told Garuda how powerful these tiny creatures were. Then Garuda carefully lowered the Valakhilyas to the ground, and he himself flew to a mountain covered with snow, and, sitting on a glacier, ate an elephant and a tortoise. Then he continued his flight.

The father of the Valakhilyas is one of the Sapta Rishis, Kratu. From the name of this rishi (sage) comes the Russian word "mole". Why? Understand a little later. The Valakhilyas drink the sun's rays and are the guardians of the sun's chariot. In fact, their place of residence is Valdai and the Riphean mountains, the mountains of sages. They study Vedas and Shastras. One of the main features of the Valakhilyas is their purity, virtue and chastity; they are constantly praying. Elders usually live in dugouts and are indifferent to wealth. Sometimes they are called "siddhis" in books.
These are the holy hermits of Rus'. They settled in the upper reaches of the Volga, Beloozerye and the shores of the White Sea. The sketes of the holy elders can be found even far on the Kola Peninsula beyond the Arctic Circle. The Mahabharata tells how the leader of the gods Indra, together with the Valakhilyas, were responsible for kindling the fire. Indra, having collected a whole mountain of firewood, laughed at the Valakhilyas, each of which was barely pulling a stalk of grass. The wise men were offended and began to pray that another leader of the gods Indra, much more powerful, would appear. Indra, learning about this, was frightened and asked for help from the sage Kashyapa. The powerful priest was able to pacify the Valakhilyas, but so that their efforts would not be in vain, he decided that Indra should be born in the form of an eagle.
Not far from my house near Tver, in 2009, the relics of St. Savvaty, an old man who lived here at the end of the 14th century AD, were opened. His relics were found on 19 August. This is very symbolic. On this day the Orthodox Church celebrates the Transfiguration. This concept is a reflection of the philosophical concept of "smart doing" or the vision of the Light of Tabor. In the forest hermitages, hermit monks brought themselves to a state of religious ecstasy, which began directly, on Earth, to see the Light of Tabor and communicate directly with God.

The tradition of building hermitages in Rus' has its roots in the era of Cancer (7-6 thousand years BC) - a sign addressed to the world of the soul, and maybe even more ancient times. In the 4th-2nd millennium, the era of Taurus begins - the Valakhily populate the lands that have been released again from under the glacier. 60,000 hermit monks “weave” the Vedas here, which still determine the consciousness of modern man. It was they who created the archetype of consciousness that underlies world culture. The Valakhilyas persisted throughout the millennia. They exist today. In relatively recent history, the Valakhilis, who in the Russian Church are called Trans-Volga elders, have become most famous. These are the monks of the Belozersky, Vologda and Tver small monasteries and forest sketes. The external, ritual side of religion did not play any role for them. Their monasteries differed sharply in their poor, simple furnishings from rich churches. They were not afraid to tell the kings the truth. The divorce of the Russian Tsar Vasily III from his wife and his new marriage caused condemnation from the Volga people. In 1523, one of the Zavolzhets, hegumen Porfiry, was even imprisoned for standing up for Prince Vasily Shemyachich, who was summoned to Moscow and imprisoned, despite the oaths of the Grand Duke and Metropolitan Daniel. Nil Sorsky was at the head of the Trans-Volga elders.
Today, in the village of Savvatyevo near Tver, Father Andrei Yegorov (the archpriest was once a well-known Tver rocker) revives and builds a small monastery on the banks of the Orsha River and preserves the forest monastery of the Monk Savvaty Orshinsky, a hermit who, according to legend, came to Russian soil together with Metropolitan Cyprian, and who brought the teachings of the Hesychasts to Rus'. It was at the end of the 14th century.
Many names of the rivers, descriptions of the climate and the starry sky in the Aryan books indicate that the famous seven wise men, who gave people all the knowledge, in whose honor the seven stars of the Ursa Major constellation shine, lived in these places along the banks of the rivers Medveditsa, Orsha, Mologa. And at the end of the 14th century, Orthodox monks settled here in sketes, the keepers of the doctrine of the Light of Tabor. Already at the beginning of the 15th century, in just a few decades, sketes and small monasteries spread from Tver to the very Arctic Ocean.
Father Andrei during our meeting was surprised at the speed with which the teaching of the Hesychasts spread throughout Rus'. I think this is God's work. This is the Tabor Light of the Transfiguration - it spreads at the same speed as the Holy Fire from the Holy Sepulcher.
Many Orthodox monks settled in sketes in the very places where the rishis indicated in the Vedas lived. But there are at least 2500 years between these events. Seems like history repeats itself. The fact that the rishis from the Aryan epic and the hesychasts from relatively recent history manifested themselves in one place on the planet is an amazing fact. It seems that events not only repeat themselves, but also happen in the same place.
Valakhily and Orthodox hermit monks of the northwest of Rus' and Karelia are a continuous tradition of one phenomenon. It has been here for thousands of years. I know several monks who live in the forests even today.
And while Garuda was approaching Valdai, the abode of the gods, terrible signs appeared in the sky. The wind rose, thunder roared, ominous clouds shrouded the peaks. The gods were alarmed. But they have not yet seen who is going to attack them. Then the wise Brihaspati said to them: “A mighty bird is coming here to steal the amrita. Now the prophecy of the Balakhilyas is being fulfilled.”
Hearing this, the gods, led by Indra, dressed in shining armor and armed with swords and spears, says the epic of the Aryans. Surrounding the vessel with the drink of immortality amrita, they prepared for battle. And then a huge bird appeared, sparkling like the sun. She fell on the celestials and scattered them in different directions. Recovering from this onslaught, the gods, led by Indra, rushed to Garuda, showering him from all sides with spears, darts and war discs. The bird flew up, and attacked the gods from above, and overwhelmed many with blows of claws and beak. Unable to withstand the battle with the invincible bird, the gods retreated, and Garuda penetrated to where the amrita was kept. So the Proto-Slavs became the owners of the secret knowledge of the sages from Valdai.
Garuda grabbed the vessel of amrita and set off on his return journey.
The leader of the Valdai gods Indra rushed in pursuit and, having overtaken him in the air, dealt a terrible blow with his vajra. But Garuda did not flinch. He said to Indra: “Great is my strength, and I can carry away on my wings all this land with mountains and forests, and you along with it. If you want, be my friend. Don't worry, I won't give the amrita to the snakes. You will have her back when I free myself and my mother from slavery." Indra is, among other things, a religion that was in Rus' 6-4 thousand years BC. This was the first manifestation of monotheism cults. Indra was the harbinger of the coming of Krishna. The Aryan Vedas believe that in the form of Krishna, the Almighty once again descended to earth in about 3100 BC. At the same time, Krishna, as it were, is a harbinger of the coming of Jesus Christ, and Indra, respectively, is Andrew the First-Called. The descendants of the second son of the slave Vinata brought the cult of monotheism to the south of Rus'. Along with the new religion, new knowledge of hygiene and healing methods spread, which made it possible to move further south.
Hearing these words, Indra said, “I accept your friendship, O mighty one. Demand whatever gift you want from me!” And Garuda said: "Let snakes be my food." From that time on, snakes are doomed to be food for Garuda and his offspring, the suparna birds. Since then, Russia has been absorbing many immigrants from the south and melting them down into the Russian ethnic group.

Garuda and his mother Vinata were freed from slavery. But in the meantime, Indra took the amrita and took it back to Valdai, to his kingdom. The snakes did not get the drink of immortality. Then they began to lick the kusha grass, on which stood a vessel with amrita. And the kusha grass, which was touched by amrita, has since become a sacred grass. That is, some knowledge of ancient medicine nevertheless fell into the environment of nomads - and this saved them in the process of evolution.
The great eagle Garuda - a solar bird - is one of the most popular images of Aryan mythology. In ancient books, the Most High (Vishnu) is often depicted flying in the sky riding on the eagle Garuda. That is, the northern Slavs were the force that in ancient times spread the faith in the one God around the world. Hence the expression among the Russians - God is with us!

The story of Gennady Klimov was recorded by Marina Gavrishenko

In Russian society, there is no consensus on who the Russians are - a people or a nation? This is due to the influence of the Soviet period of the formation of Russia and the fact that each of these concepts promises its pros and cons, can potentially influence the vector of further formation of Russian society and the set of principles for the formation of the Russian World.

The opinion “Russians are a nation” is gravitated towards people who miss the Soviet Union, and the opinion “Russians are a people” is closer to people who consider the periods of the Russian Kingdom and the Russian Empire to be more significant in the history of the development of Russian statehood. Therefore, before starting to search for an answer to the question: Russians are a people or a nation, it is necessary to define these two terms, as well as briefly assess their essence.

People- the term of the science of ethnography (Greek ethnography) and it is understood as an ethnos, that is, a group of people common in origin (blood relationship), which, in addition, has several unifying features: language, culture, territory, religion and historical past. That is, people are a sociocultural phenomenon.
Nation is a socio-economic, cultural, political and spiritual community of the industrial era. The nation is studied by the theory of political doctrines, and the main task of the nation is to reproduce the cultural and civic identity common to all citizens of the country. That is, the nation is a political phenomenon.

To summarize: the concept of “people” is based on interrelated ethnic processes that do not always depend on the will of people, and the concept of “nation” is closely related to the influence of the state apparatus.

Common historical memory, language and culture are the property of the people, and a common territory, political and economic life is closer to the concept of a nation.

We note one more point: the concept of the people arose much earlier than the concept of the nation.

In relation to the development processes and the formation of the state, it can be argued that the people create the state, and then the state voluntarily forms the nation: the basis of the nation is the principle of citizenship, not kinship. A people is something organic and living, a nation is an artificially built rational mechanism.

Unfortunately, in the pursuit of civil unity, the nation involuntarily nullifies everything original, ethnic and traditional.

The people who created the state and are the core of the nation are gradually losing their ethnic identity and natural self-consciousness. This is due to the fact that the living, natural processes of linguistic evolution, traditions and customs in the state acquire a strictly formalized form. Sometimes the price for the formation of a nation can be a split and confrontation within the people.

There are two conclusions from the above:

  • Nation- an analogue of the people, which is artificially formed by the state.
  • People- these are people, a nation is a principle that dominates people, a ruling idea.

I am Russian by nationality because my parents are Russian. My family consists of 5 people. Grandma, mom, dad, me and brother. And before Russian families were big. For example, each of my grandmothers had 8 people in the family, five of them were children.


We live in the city in a comfortable apartment. And before, the mostly Russian population lived in villages and villages in wooden huts and was engaged in agriculture. I know that my grandmother's relatives lived in the village of Atkino, Vadinsky district, Penza region. And my grandfather's relatives still live in the village of Kuvaka, Kamensky district. I was there and tried the Kuvaka water, which has been known since ancient times.


The houses always had a Russian stove, which was heated with firewood to heat the hut. They cooked food on it and, moreover, it was possible to sleep on it. Water was carried from the well in wooden buckets. In this case, a rocker was often used. The hut had a wooden table and benches. There was also a spinning wheel, threads were spun on it, and then they wove (made fabric from threads) and sewed clothes. The dishes were wooden, earthenware or cast iron. And, of course, there was a copper samovar in the house, at which the whole large family gathered for tea. I saw all these items in the local history museum. I sat on a bench at the table and even tried on a Russian costume.

Cloth Russian nationality Lesson report

Russian folk men's costume consists of wide trousers, a long shirt with a slanting collar, which was worn loose with a belt, a headdress - a cap - a bit like a cap. They used to wear bast shoes or boots on their feet. Women wore a long shirt, and over it a sundress. Women used to wear a kokoshnik on their heads or go without a headdress, and their hair was always long, and they braided it into braids.

Previously, the main man in the family was always the one who worked and fed the whole family, and women did not work, but were engaged in raising children and housework, and were completely dependent on men. Therefore, the boys were immediately brought up in strictness and from an early age they were taught to work. And now both mom and dad work in our family.

Even in Russian villages, it was customary on holidays to sing songs and ditties to the accordion, and play Russian games: tag, bast shoes, hide and seek, a stream, etc. I also learned about this in the local history museum and even played some games at the Night in museum".

My favorite Russian dishes are pancakes, cabbage soup, porridge, and okroshka. And my dad is very fond of dumplings and the Russian drink kvass.

I am proud that I have Russian nationality Lesson report

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