Scenario of the reporting concert of the department of folk instruments "simplicity, beauty, kindness". Party in Russian folk style: oh, roam the Russian soul


Russian souvenir
Concert of students of the department of folk instruments

Souvenir, souvenir, Russian souvenir.
Russian souvenir conquered the whole world.
The blue of blue lakes, white snows,
Gzhel was given by Mother Earth.
Voiced balalaikas, Tula samovar.
Everyone will be happy with the gift, both young and old. (lyrics by O. Churilova)

Hello, dear lovers of Russian instrumental music. We are glad to see you at the traditional concert of students of the Department of Folk Instruments "Russian Souvenir".
We hope that the performance of young musicians will not leave anyone indifferent. And I invite the youngest participant to the stage ..., who will perform r.n.p. Teremok.

The Russian people have always been distinguished by hospitality and hospitality, and for you the play by A. Filippenko "Pies".

In addition to professional, author's music, there is, as we know, folk art. Art of anonymous authors. Of all types of folk musical creativity, the most beloved, no doubt, is the song. As the Russian composer of the 19th century P.I. Tchaikovsky: "Russian folk song is the most precious example of folk art." Beauty in music does not lie in a heap of effects and harmonic curiosities, but in simplicity and naturalness.
The song accompanied the Russian people all his life: she was there in work, and in the struggle with life's difficulties. Russian songs amaze with their melody, sincerity, depth of feelings, playfulness...

R.n.p. “Oh, garden. Meadow duck" in arr. N. Lyubimova

"Naur Lezginka"

Eh, stretch the harmonica, sing, friend,
Let's go beyond the outskirts, to the green meadow,
As in the old days all the people walk,
And the beautiful girls lead a round dance.

R.n.p. "Pedlars"

Of course, Russian folk music not only became an inspiring beginning for the work of composers of the 19th and 20th centuries, but also acquired a new sound itself.

"Waltz - musette" Z. Betman
V. Erzunov. Summer in the Hermitage Garden
D. Lvov - Companion "Mom's waltz"

Just as A. Pushkin opened the classical era of Russian literature with his work, M. Glinka became the founder of Russian classical music. Glinka's music captivates with extraordinary beauty and poetry, delights with grandeur and clarity of expression. The people became the main character of his work, and the folk song became the basis of his music.

M. Glinka "Lark"

No matter how colorful and diverse our modern life is with its crazy and rapid pace, no matter how different our goals and objectives are ... we are all united by a great miracle - love for a folk song.

R.n.p. "In the puddles" in arr. T. Grachevoi

An amazing fate was prepared for many romances and author's songs. Born in the bowels of folk music and embodying its best features, some of them have become truly folk. This happened with V. Lipatov's romances to the verses of M. Lermontov. The people have carefully preserved and sing these wonderful songs, sometimes not knowing the name of one of their authors. But a long, enviable life was provided for them not only by heartfelt poems, but also by music worthy of Yesenin's genius.

Muses. V. Lipatov, arr. V. Fetisova "You are my maple, fallen"

IN . Lipatov "Letter to mother"

Romance. Blizzard. And the violin sang
about the tender story of the soul,
the gate creaked in the wind,
flutes sang in the silence.
Sighed piano, cello
took off into the snow, the oboe fluttered,
we, listening, sang with our souls,
the blizzard played with you and me.
Centuries will pass, years, but time
Will not grow old, will not pass,
"Romance" from Pushkin's "Snowstorm"
The orchestra of the heart will suddenly sing. (Ulexa von Lu)

Tsvelich Rem. - G. Sviridov. Romance from music. illustrations for A. Pushkin's story "The Snowstorm"

golden magic fish
May the music shine
And in a friendly way, with a smile,
Suddenly look into our eyes.

I. Dunaevsky "Arrows" from the movie "Merry Fellows".

Oh, folk orchestra,
Razdolno - round dance!
If the dance breaks out -
I will dance with everyone
If the song is sad -
I feel sadness in my heart!
Then he cries, then he laughs -
Does with us
What he wants. (Leonid Yakovlev)

Meet the orchestra of Russian folk instruments!

K. Molchanov. Waltz from the movie "Sergey Yesenin".
P. Kulikov. Fantasy on the theme of R.N.P. "Lime of the Ages".
r.n.p. in arr. A. Zvereva "As in a meadow"

And so our concert ended. But the good that we carry in our souls and give to each other will live forever.

We wish you happiness, health, kindness.
And your home - love and warmth!

Sulim S.L., 2013,
Monchegorsk, Murmansk region

(The soundtrack of the Russian folk song “I’ll go out into the street” sounds, the presenters come out).
1 Presenter: Hello, good people! Daring fellows Russians and red girls!
2 Leader: Hello! We invite you to remember the cherished antiquity!
1 Presenter: It was a long time ago: our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers gathered in the evening in a spacious room to take a break from their worries.
2 Presenter: Such gatherings were called "gatherings."

Imagine a village hut: a stove is heated, a torch is crackling, a cat is dozing in the corner...
1 Presenter: The moon looks in a small window, and the girls begin to gather together to do work: spinning, sewing, knitting, embroidery. And with the arrival of the guys, the unhurried girlish conversation and drawn-out, sincere songs are replaced by unbridled fun.
2 Presenter: At gatherings, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings were born. Not a single party could do without fervent music, songs, ditties, games, fun dancing and round dance.
1 Presenter: So, there is no place for boredom at our gatherings! And all today's fun is dedicated to you, our dear guests!
2 Presenter: Here the glasses are filled,
Treats - in plates,
We welcome guests
At fun gatherings!

(Slight pause.)
And now we want to introduce you, as in good Russian traditions, Russian folk, groovy, round dance - DANCE! ("You are fire, I am water").
1 Presenter: How many fairy tales, legends, epics were told at village gatherings! Their heroes still live in our memory. And what characters can you remember, dear guests?
(team game)
All guests are divided into two teams and take turns calling the names of various characters of Russian folklore. The team that answers last wins:
Sample team answers: Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich, Ivan Durak, Ivan Tsarevich, Ilya Muromets, Kashchei the Immortal, Morozko, Nikita Kozhemyaka, Sadko, Snegurochka, Nightingale the Robber, Baba Yaga, Finist-Clear Falcon.
In a dilapidated old hut, on the outskirts of the village,
There lived an old man. Another old lady. The couple were friendly.
Somehow the grandfather says once, changing the side on the stove:
- Bake me, old woman, a bun tomorrow morning!
- What are you, old! Chai are you crazy? Where do you get the pain?
Everyone knows - in our time - a deficit, damn mother!
Chick, grandma! Listen to grandfather! Don't make any noise
You go through the barn and the bottom of the barrel, and scrape!
The grandmother sees - it's bad (her grandfather is cool)
And, having fulfilled the order, she scored on a bun.
She was crying all day long. But not in vain - God is a witness.
The whole ruddy and fragrant bun turned out.
So that the owner does not get burned and does not scold her
Grandma put a ball on the window to cool.
Well, the ball oklimalsya, looked around,
Jump out the window! And he went into the forest to the cunning foxes and wolves.
Rolls so-so, little by little, sings different songs
Suddenly towards - long-eared. Himself slanting, but still swallowed!
-That's good luck! Oh let's get it! Haven't eaten in the morning all day!
-Being in the stomach does not intend to! It's time for me to move on!
The hare has already sat down. Taken aback! Surprised, open-mouthed!
The gingerbread man at that time rolled around the corner.
Rolls on, songs howls. Suddenly he stuttered and fell silent -
After all, an impudent wolf is rushing along the path like a tank!
- Ha, get drunk! Hello, bun! And he opened his mouth:
-There is no time to bazaar with you - climb there yourself!
Gingerbread Man flinched a little ... Something suddenly pricked in the side ...
Come what may! With a turn, he took off running!
The poor fellow ran for a whole hour, almost gave up his soul.
He braked and made sure that the gray one lagged behind him.
- It would be a heart - it would break - he just had time to croak,
How a bear suddenly fell out of the thickets of raspberries!
Only the bear is clumsy and also a clubfoot.
Gingerbread man baboulin - round - rolled away between the paws.
- Well, the forest! Solid hams! - thought the young kolobok -
That gobble up, then crush into a cake strive. Barely escaped!
Rolls further. Only hears someone's voice like honey:
-Homeless, but beautiful! And he doesn't sing so badly!
Looks like a cute girl. All made up, in furs.
It's a red fox! And beautiful - just ah!
-I'm legit, not a foundling! (The redhead's passport showed)
And he frankly told his fate.
-Oh, it's lovely, only the ears have become, as it were, not mine -
They hear almost nothing. Sit on my nose, repeat!
Kolobok - shirt - guy! All simple as three rubles.
He trusted the fox. And he did it in vain.
The rogue opened her mouth (her thought was thin),
She shook her head deftly ... Am! And ate a bun!
I wanted to ask the reader: -Who is the victim in this tale?
Grandma is first. It's clear. It's very embarrassing for her.
Gingerbread man - a piece of dough - it did not hurt him.
Well, the main victim here is grandfather. Do you know why?
After all, he was hungry! They ate his lunch!
And he has no coupons for flour this month!

Here you can insert a competition with weaving braids.

1 Presenter: The traditional and most favorite pastime at Russian gatherings is the performance of folk songs.
2 Presenter: In the Russian song - folk life,
The song ringing with the heart is sung,
Let a cheerful or sad motive
Grateful in the soul will respond!
1 Presenter: Our gatherings are continued by a quiz for connoisseurs of Russian songs.
The presenters give a definition of the Russian folk song, and the audience, as an answer, perform the first 4 song lines (or the chorus of the song). All participants receive small songbooks or music CDs with Russian folk songs as prizes.
1. A song that mentions the non-residential part of a village house, adjacent to its residential part and used for household needs. (Oh you, canopy, my canopy)
2. A song about national Russian winter footwear made from sheep's wool. (Felt boots)
3. The song of a windy girl who seduced a young man and was preoccupied with a huge sense of guilt. (Am I to blame)
4. A song that mentions a large Russian city on the left elevated bank of the Volga River. (Ah, Samara-town)
5. A song about a forest-forming tree species widespread in Russia with papery bark and thin, drooping branches. (There was a birch in the field)
6. A song about a pair of domestic long-necked birds of various colors, distinguished by a cheerful character. (Two cheerful geese)
7. The song, known for its affectionate appeal to a felled tree trunk, performed by Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin. (Dubinushka)
8. Song - an appeal to the state of atmospheric air, in which water freezes, and the thermometer drops below zero. (Oh, frost, frost)
9. A song in which a garden building is mentioned, where a Russian person can wash himself, being actively exposed to heat and steam. (Heated, drowned in the garden bath)
10. Song - an appeal to a common type of wagon with skids, which the Russian peasant must prepare in the summer. (Oh you sleigh, sleigh...)
11. The song of a girl who cannot find her way home, being in a state caused by the effect of ethyl alcohol on the central nervous system. (I got drunk drunk)
12. A song in which the noise of a swamp, fistulate, cranked plant is mentioned. (Noisy reeds)
13. A song about how on a plain overgrown with grassy vegetation in the complete absence of trees, a person engaged in transportation by horse-drawn transport freezes. (Steppe and steppe all around)
14. A song about small merchants who delivered various goods to the villages, which are necessary in peasant life. (Pedlars)
Andrey's song "Lyuba, I'm in love."
Then we bring everyone to the circle.
While the guests have not broken the circle, the presenters offer to hold a competition.
"Switch". For her, the two most cheerful guys are selected. They stand in the center of the circle. The rest should sing some kind of Russian folk song, for example, "Am I to blame." You can perform some song by Verka Serduchka, Babkina or Kadysheva. Young people should perform the “sit down” movement to the songs of those playing, that is, squat, and, when standing up, throw their leg forward.

Then there is a competition of proverbs and sayings.

Funny proverbs and sayings

Who gets up early, he lives far from work.
What is good for a Russian is filmed by the Germans.
The turkey also thought he was bathing until the water boiled.
Better a tit in the hands than a duck under the bed.
Born to crawl does not crap from above.
Favorite Martian proverb: "An uninvited guest is worse than Gagarin."
One head is good, two is a mutation.
If you don't want it for the bad, it will be worse for the good.
Whatever the child amuses, if only not with his hands
During the day we bend - at night we disperse.
You can't make three out of two deer!
The slow will not overtake the fast.
You can't hide a tomato in your ear.
Red is not a hindrance to the blind.
Salad drunk is not a pillow.
There is power - kill the elephant.

Musical pause.
This simple children's fun is successfully held in an adult company. A broom is launched around the hall. The host says at this time: “You fly, cheerful broom, further, further on your hands. Whoever has a broom left - he is dancing a dance for us! Thus, 5-6 people are selected. They dance the "Dance of the Little Swans" together. At the end, everyone gets small prizes.

At the end of Zhenya's solo album ("Oh, I'm weak, weak").
Then a disco.

Material provided by: Julia

folklore holiday"On the slope"

Goals: 1) Comprehension of the "wisdom of the people" through the creation

bright pictures of everyday life and holidays of youth of the late 19th - early

2) Raising a deep respect for the past, traditions and

customs of the Russian people.

3) Establishing close communication with the family.

Decoration: model of the house, wattle fence, mound.

Children in Russian folk costumes are sitting on a mound. (Folk song sounds)


Good afternoon, dear guests! Guests invited, but welcome!

People mature and young, married and single!

We have been waiting for you for a long time. We have a place for everyone, and a word, and various fun things we have in store for every taste.

God bless the one who is in our house-

Dear guests, yes to your kids.

The Lord would give you

And live and be and be healthy!

And according to the old Russian tradition, we bow to you at the waist ...

(slow bow)

A guest in the house is a joy to the owner.

What kind words did our distant ancestors say, right?

And now so often behind the events and the hustle and bustle of days

We do not remember our antiquity, we forget about it

The past is a special country! Everything is sweeter and clearer in it,

closer and dearer. And what a pity that the past goes further and further and much is forgotten. Now none of us knows the meaning of some words. What a pity that such beautiful words are forgotten: pattern, mother, high tower, mound, get-togethers ...

Fortunately, nothing goes unnoticed. Folk wisdom lives on and will always live among the people.

We are lucky - we are villagers and many traditions are preserved bit by bit and passed down from generation to generation.

Each village in the old days had its own customs of gatherings, holidays dedicated to the folk calendar - summer, autumn, winter and, of course, spring calendar holidays.

In spring, people felt their unity with the surrounding nature, they were convinced that with their good deeds, games, rituals they help the spring awakening of the Sun, the appearance of flowers and cereals, the arrival of birds ....

In Rus', it was believed that only those who can truly celebrate a holiday, have fun, can also work.

That is why, in ancient times, in every village, in every village there were gatherings where single girls and guys gathered.

They had one thing in common: they were going to myselfto show and see others, to exchange ditties, to compete in fun and amusements, to show off skill and skill.

And today on our mound we will try to show you fragments of village gatherings. You will see and hear what what they talked about, what they sang and what our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers dreamed about.

Is it visible to everyone?

Does everyone hear?

Is there enough space for everyone?

Then we begin our folklore holiday "On

mound"and welcome to our gatherings ...


(children turn to each other as if they are talking to guests)

Good day to you and bow,

Dear guests!

Gathered from all sides

All our relatives.

I look at your faces

Okay, I'm glad

Like I'm in a huge, friendly

And friendly family.

From all doors

From all gates

Come out soon

Hurry, people!

I open the gate

Come out, who cares!


Girls: Oh, and make a noise, come on, shh! (shows “quieter”) Come on, go home, otherwise mom will scold! (children run away)

Girls sit on a bench, gnaw seeds.

Enter 2 boys in Russian costumes.

They go, gnaw seeds, look at the girls.

1. Oh! Naro - Odu!

2. Wow! The people - at!

1. Where are you?

2. Where are you?

1. I am here.

2. And I'm here.

The boys sit on the bench.

1d. Oh, girls, what did I see yesterday!

All. What?

1d. I don't know if I should tell you?

2d. How do you not know?

3d. If you stuttered, so tell me, come on?

1d. Last night I was sitting at the window, the moon was shining brightly, it was good to see on the street, they were walking past the house of our Varenka and Seryozha. He takes out a handkerchief and puts it on her shoulders so carefully, carefully. And looks into her eyes.

4d. No, the wedding is coming soon.

. (speak enthusiastically)

1 day And my mother told me, What at ancient Russian weddings, a ceremony was performed, which is completely forgotten today. In the middle of the wedding

feast, the bride threw a pillow into the circle of unmarried girls. And the first one to sit on it was the next bride. The groom did the same. Well, that was fun...

(a couple passes, the boy puts a scarf on his shoulders and pulls a bag of seeds)

2d. Oh look, that's fun, you look how Senka stares at Tanka, fell in love or something? ...

1d. Are you envious?

2d. Well, do not envy, he is an enviable groom ..

3 days ( with irony) that's for sure ... enviable ...

(couple sit down)

SONG "SEEDS » (the girl sits down with other girls, waves to the boy and he leaves, the dialogue continues ...)

3d. Listen to what happened to me today. I'm coming to you here, suddenly a black cat crosses my path. What to do? It’s impossible not to go, you are waiting for me, but we’ll all quarrel to go ...

2d. Oh oh oh? What did you do?

3d. Well, I was not at a loss - I spat three times over my left shoulder ...

2 dev. Poor fluffy animal! Oh, and he took a sip of grief because of his color! And why exactly black, and not red, striped or some other cat became a symbol of a quarrel, trouble?

1 dev. My grandmother told me that it happened because our ancestors associated many troubles in their lives with the black color. Dark night…

dark forest... black failure of the cave - they were fraught with danger. Since then, it has become a tradition that the black color has become a symbol of evil, deceit, unkind thoughts. And the peasants threw out a harmless black cat from the hut during a thunderstorm - and suddenly it would attract lightning to itself.

2 dev. And if you bring such a cat on a horse, that’s it, consider the horse gone, and if a black cat sneezes, the owner of the toothache cannot escape.

Everyone: ha ha ha

2 dev. It’s funny to us now, but not so long ago people believed in all this nonsense.

3 dev. And here is what people said about superstitions.

1. Ants in the house - fortunately; horses neigh - for good.

2. Who accidentally sees the light in his house - expect happiness.

3 An owl near the house screams - to the newborn.

4. The hare runs through the village - to the fire.

1 dev. Yep, that's it...

5. If you step on someone else's footprint, your legs will hurt.

6. The black eye is dangerous. Be afraid of black and brown eyes.

7. Soap in the bosom saves from damage.

8. Do not play with a knife - there will be a quarrel.

9. Keys on the table - to a quarrel.

2 maidens. What are you all about sad! For a good mood, listen to these funny signs: “Ringing in one ear - to the fulfillment of desires.

Ringing in both ears - turn off the alarm and get up. ”,“ If all the cats crossing the road are black, then tires are burning nearby. ”,“ If you come across a woman with empty buckets, then the water has been turned off in the house.

(all laugh together)

1d. Oops, something got boring!

(boys exit)

1m. Why don't we play forfeits? ( children pull papers and grant wishes, those who are not involved - clap)

    You got a job:

Show us a kitten.

    In order not to get into trouble,

I had to keep my eyes open.

    Now close your eyes

Crow a couple of times.

4. Surprise with courtesy:

Shake hands with everyone around.


Put your ears on top of your head:

We will sing ditties for everyone.

Girl: They say ditties, like, are no longer in vogue these days?

Boy: Only, is it really a matter of fashion, if people love them?


    We collected ditties-jokes by the whole village

For everyone's joy and fun, let's sing them now.

I danced by the river, lost my heels.

I turned back - my heels are lying.

Don't look at me, don't break your eyes

I'm not from your village, you don't know me.

And in our yard frogs croaked,

And I was barefoot from the stove, I thought, girlfriends.

Ah, the harmonica-beep, he knows his business.

She plays well in Sasha's hands.

How can we not sing ditties, because we live in Ardoni!

We sang ditties to you - more than half an evening.

We will go, and you are sitting, because you have nothing to do (leave?)

(Boy exits.)

1. Fables in faces

They sit in tower-rooms.

2. Click nuts

Yes, they say ridicule.

All participants leave.

All : Folklore shifters .

1. The village drove past the coachman,

Suddenly a gate barks from under the gate.

2. Roofs flew, sat on a raven,

The horse urges the coachman with a whip.

3. “Whoa,” said the horse, and the driver neighed,

The horse went to visit, and the coachman stood.

4. The horse ate shangi, and the coachman oats,

The horse got into the sledge, and the coachman drove.

All: Folklore nursery rhymes .(DIALOGUE IN TWO)

1.-Fedul, what pouted his lips?

The caftan burned through.

You can sew.

Yes, there is no needle.

Is the hole big?

One gate remains.

2.-Foma, what are you missing from the forest?

Caught the bear.

So lead here.

Yes, he doesn't go.

So go yourself.

Yes, he won't let me.

3.- Foma, is it warm in your hut?

Warm. You can warm up in a fur coat on the stove.

4.-Son, go to the river for some water.

Belly hurts.

Son, go eat porridge.

Well, if your mother tells you, you have to go.

All: Folklore riddles .

1. Between two luminaries, I am alone in the upper room. (Nose.)

2. There are two stakes, a barrel on the stakes,

There is a bump on the barrel,

And on a hummock there is a dense forest. (Human.)

3. They don’t eat me alone, but without me they won’t eat much. (Salt.)

4. Two mothers have five sons.

One name for all. (Fingers).

5. And lumpy, and puffy, and soft, and brittle,

And all the sweeter. (Bread.)

6. A black dog, curled up, lies:

He does not bark, does not bite, but does not let him into the house. (Lock.)

All: Folk teasers.

1. Dunya-donut went out into the street.

She sat on a bump, ate a mosquito.

2. Lyoshka-cake, head with a basket,

Hat with a peg, legs with a log.

3. Kolya, Kolya, Nikolai, threw a fur coat on the barn,

The fur coat is spinning, Kolya is angry.

4.A Dunya - Grandmother-hedgehog, bone leg,

She fell off the stove, broke her leg,

And then he says: "My stomach hurts"

(a woman enters the stage with a child in her arms) Shh!... the baby is falling asleep..

Lead (behind the scenes ) Young married women who already had small children also came to the gatherings. The baby also does not know how to say “mother”, but he is already put to bed to a cozy lullaby.

A girl with a doll sings a lullaby .

Bye, bye, bye, bye!

Sleep, little one, sleep.

And then a gray top will grab you by the barrel.

Bye, bye, bye, bye

Sleep soon.

Host: (off-screen) The child wakes up, his arms and legs are numb - they used to wrap it tightly. Mom unfolds it and starts stroking and inviting ..

(The girl unfolds the doll, strokes and says).

Podgushnyushki, podrastunyushki,

And in the legs of a walker, and in the hands of a grabber,

And in the mouth of the talker, and in the head of the mind.

Host (behind the scenes) What nice, kind words, right? And the baby watches with his eyes: where are his legs, where is his mouth. In a kind way, as everything was ..., in our opinion ..., warmly ... sincerely ...

(noise and din .. a noise orchestra enters the stage ...)

Children: And now we will lull your baby to sleep ...


Woman: Oh, and you guys are noisy! Let's go ... (leaves, the children sit down)

Lead (behind the scenes ): Serious conversations were also held at the gatherings. They thought about a better life, remembered the past, wanted to know about the future.

May-June is one of the most important holidays - the Holy Trinity. Many folk customs and traditions are associated with the feast of the Holy Trinity. This holiday is associated with the cult of glorification of flowering vegetation, with the cult of water and earth. On Semik (Thursday), the girls put on their best clothes, wove wreaths from birch branches and flowers, and went to the forest to curl a birch. In our village, the Birch holiday is still held in high esteem. Probably because there are birch groves around the village and snow-white beauties grow near the school ...

She, a Russian beauty, has written a myriad of songs...


Where does the Motherland begin?
Probably from white birches,
From their kingdom through milky
And from plump childish dreams.

The holiday "Birch" unites everyone, both experienced and young

Girls come out with wreaths, approach the birch , surround her and praise her in turn.

1. Oh yes beauty!

2. Ay yes curly!

3. Ah yes slim!

Children: .Let's curl a birch ! Let's make a wish!

1. View-view ring on the priest,

Another ring for my brother

Third ring for yourself.

2. I look at the ring for my sister,

Another ring for my brother

And the third ring for yourself,

To make all our wishes come true.

Participants driveround dance "Oh, you white birch!".

3. Birch-birch, curl, curly!

The girls came to you, they came to make wishes.

4. White birch, go for a walk with us, let's go play with us.

5. Girlfriends, let's go to the river, wreaths into the water

throw, guess at suitors.

All members leave...

Girl:And here is the end, the crown of the whole thing.

Leading : We have shown you only a part of that kind and

beautiful that our distant ancestors knew and loved.

Xwish you so that your souls are kind, so that they love

the land on which you live, take care of your love for your mother, father, brother, sister. If there is harmony among you, there will be treasure for all of you.

The house, our land, is rich in love and labor.

And with songs, games, happiness accumulates and fills.

The old is leaving, but it needs to be known and protected.

Russian antiquity is permeated with goodness, and this is very important in our days.

Take care of Russia...


(on losing)

We wish you more clear days

More light and warmth

Health, joy, success,

Peace, happiness and warmth.

All: Come back to us, we will We are happy to have guests!

Attention! The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Shrovetide evening script for first grade students and their parents. Attached is a photo of previous evenings of 2011-2016.

Explanatory note to the scenario of the reporting concert "Pancake Day" of the folklore ensemble "Azure Dawns"

As part of the folklore ensemble "Azure Dawns", four teachers are engaged in the study of traditional Russian culture:

1. Evgenia Malkevich - early development teacher;

2. Vitaliy Malkevich - teacher of additional education at the Children's Art School at the Center for Orthodox Culture "Tenderness" (Zaplavnoye village, Leninsky district, Volgograd region);

3. Valentina Konyukhova - primary school teacher at school No. 30 in Volzhsky;

4. Olga Kubarova - early development teacher.

The main activities of the ensemble are the study of the song tradition of the Don Cossacks, solo and ensemble performances of works of folk culture of different genres (frequent dance and lyrical lingering songs, old romances, spiritual poems, as well as songs of the calendar cycle - carols, christoslavs, chants, etc.) and author's song compositions. The ensemble regularly demonstrates the results of its work, taking part in various city events, concerts and show programs.

In the field of creative interest of the team members lies a huge layer of folk culture, represented by rituals, games, dances, round dances, quadrilles, which are difficult to put on stage form. At the same time, the value of this material is especially high, since acquaintance with the listed types of cultural heritage implies the emotional involvement of the viewer in the creative process. The need to demonstrate the studied material led to the idea of ​​holding parties of various thematic directions, during which the audience becomes direct participants in the event - they play, dance and sing along with amateur artists.

For a children's audience, this form of leisure is a real find. Students not only have a pleasant and fun time, but also get acquainted with the folk tradition, with song folklore. The experience of holding such events since 2001 shows that the evenings are a success among people of all ages and any "level of immersion" in folk culture.

The script uses the texts of folk (including game) songs, chants. Poetic and prosaic forms of greeting the participants of the party, descriptions of games, etc. - author's using well-known phraseological turns, metaphors, jokes. The style of the poems is folk, colloquial, "chastushechny", in oral speech the features of the dialect of the Don Cossacks will be imitated. Polushkina's poem "Goodbye winter!" is used in the script. ( edited by Malkevich E.

The leading evenings are teachers, members of the Azure Dawns ensemble, as well as the head of the ensemble, Tatyana Faizova. The event takes place to the accompaniment of the button accordion.

Purpose of the event- to increase students' interest in traditional Russian culture.

Event objectives:

  • to introduce students to the song folklore of the Russian people;
  • teach Russian folk games;
  • teach traditional dances;
  • talk about carnival rites.

Forms of organization of children's activities- outdoor games, a quiz, dancing, listening to song material, singing a song.

Shrovetide Scenario

The background music is loud. The music is muted, the call is pronounced, during the call, the Azure Dawns enter the hall.

Oh, you are a goy, good people!
Good fellows, red girls!
Fathers, mothers, little children!
We call you in a circle, get ready!
Let's start round dances and games
We are already spending the frosty winter
Let's call the spring-girl red
Rise up, rise red sun
Illuminate, warm the mother earth
Turn around for spring!

The accordion flirts, a round dance song is performed "Green Sycamore" , "Azure Dawns" start a round dance and invite spectators and participants in the party to it. By the end of the round dance, everyone lines up in a large circle.

Tatyana Andreevna:
And now everyone is splitting into pairs!
Gather, people, start a round dance!
Let's play games, sing songs
And we will joyfully dance at our holiday.
Let's heat up the fun!
Each of you, find a mate!
Don't sit on the bench like an old dude.
Come out in a circle, dance Krakowiak .

The leading couple from among the members of the Azure Dawns ensemble enters the center of the circle, which later shows everyone the movements in the Krakrviak dance.

Tatyana Andreevna:
We have guys - not poor, not rich.
Dressed in new clothes and dancing deftly!
The figures will tell, they will show themselves.
Look at them, repeat, do not yawn!
Figure one! "From myself to myself"

The accompaniment is played by the Krakowiak dance. At a slow pace, the leading couple shows the first figure, together with everyone we repeat 4-5 times.

Tatyana Andreevna: Figure two! "Fraction".

The leading couple, to the accompaniment, shows the second figure, together with everyone we repeat 4-5 times.

Tatyana Andreevna: Figure three! "Doves".

The leading couple, to the accompaniment, shows the third figure, together with everyone we repeat 4-5 times.

Tatyana Andreevna: Now let's connect the whole dance! The first figure: "From myself - to myself", the second figure "Fraction", the third figure: "Stuffed cabbage".

The whole dance is repeated by the participants to the accompaniment 2-3 times. The dance ends with the voices.

We do not sit on the benches, we get up in a round dance!
We hold hands, we sing a song!
First, first hear the words:
« Tetera walked, walked in the field
At a distance, at a distance
She herself passed, she spent the children
And left the very last!

"Azure Dawns" line up the participants of the evening in a round dance, two pairs from among the participants of the "Azure Dawns" become "gates".

As the song ends, the gate closes.
Didn't manage to get out? - The gates have eaten you!
Come out of the round dance, but stand at the gate yourself!
Come on, isho once, so that you know the rules by heart:
These gates catch people from the round dance.
You ran, you ran - the gate caught you.
Did you understand the rules of the game?
Then, come on, let's go!

The game song plays, the accompaniment enters. The game takes place in several circles. The winner is determined - the one who has never hit the "gate".

One hero remained, no one got it.
Strong, brave, agile, skillful!
You are great today!
Here's your prize: a pickle!

The winner is awarded a pickled cucumber, accompaniment sounds, a song is played "Oh, you are a wide carnival" . To lose, "Azure Dawns" stand in a circle between the audience.

Tatyana Andreevna:
Oh, carnival is good!
Have fun, dance soul!
Who doesn't want to dance
Please us with a song.
Here are the lyrics to this song
- the further, the more interesting.
We do not stand, we do not yawn, we read the text, we sing along!

"Azure Dawns" hand out the lyrics to the audience "Pancakes buttered" , the accompaniment plays, the song is performed with the audience.

Tatyana Andreevna:
The people have reached the desired state!
Went, as they say, festivities!
As they say, I love to sing in the choir:
Everyone is yelling, and I'm yelling!
The next issue of our program!
Here are the gentlemen, here are the ladies.
We build along the hall across,
Starting "Brook" !
Out of nowhere - these guys again!
These are the ones, remember? Not poor, not rich.
They don't say anything
But we carefully look at what they show.
The figures here are pretty good.
Begin! Let's have fun from the heart!

The participants line up in a “streamlet”, “Katya-Katerina” plays the game (figures “in different directions”, “boys see off the girls”, “streamlet”, “streamlet with their backs”, “street - cool”, “street - wheel”). At the end of the last figure, the leading couple leads everyone into a round dance.

Olga spends quiz on the topic “Shrovetide” (What is the main Shrovetide dish? What does the straw effigy symbolize? What is the name of the first day of Shrovetide week? What is customary to do on Shrovetide on Thursday? Whom do we see off during Shrovetide festivities?). Those who answered the questions correctly are awarded cockerels on a stick.

Valentine: Now we offer adults to relax, and with our young participants we will play the old folk game of “catching up”, which is called "Drake and Duck" . First of all, you need to join hands and make a wide and even circle. Who is a duck, everyone knows that. Now let's find out who is a drake? In our game, these are the main characters. I choose a drake, and the drake chooses a duck to chase. And you and I must help the duck escape or we must help the drake to catch it. While the song is playing, the game continues. If the drake managed to catch the duck, we shout “Hurrah!” to the drake, if the song is over, and the drake did not catch the duck, we shout “Hurrah!” to the duck. The words of the song are: “Drake, young, chases a duck, chases gray. Go home, duck, go home gray. She has seven children, the eighth drake, the ninth duck, the tenth goose, she has not been at home, she has lost her children! Started!

The game "Drake and Duck" takes place to the accompaniment of several circles.

Valentine: Well, did you run? Now the children will have a little rest on the benches, and our mothers, fathers, as well as grandparents come out here.

Vitaly: We will also play catch-up. You and I need to split up into pairs, stand in the "gates", like this and randomly place ourselves in a circle. We will have two leaders, one of them with a belt is catching up with the other. As soon as he caught up - he beats with a belt! Then he began to run away. As he was tired of running away, he stood in the gate to rest. And the one whose place he took is now running away.

The music plays, the game goes on "Strap" . The host monitors the implementation of the rules of the game, punishes the violators, stops and changes the “long-running”. At the end of the game, a song is played "Kashnya".

They danced, they played, they sang,
They showed themselves, they looked at others.
Next number - Listen in both ears!
Everyone's favorite dance - Cool !
Everyone takes a girlfriend
Becomes with a friend in a circle.
We look at the leading couple
Hey, harmonist, turn up the heat!

The leading couple stands in a circle and shows the movements. As soon as the movements are mastered by the majority of the participants, the host stops the music.

Olga: And now the girls go counterclockwise to the next gentleman. Maestro, play!

The music sounds for another circle of dance, after which the leader stops the accompaniment again and asks to change the partner. The dance resumes. The next time, the music does not stop, but simply the exclamation of “Transition!” sounds. Gradually the pace increases.

The dance ends, the game continues.
We stand in a circle, give each other hands,
There are no losers and no winners here.
This game is for kids and their parents.
At first, we just go in a circle and sing such words.
Let's sing along, don't forget to walk!

The accompaniment plays "Like Uncle Tryphon" , the song begins and movement in a circle. At the end, one of the players (from among the members of the Azure Dawns ensemble) exclaims: “That's it!” and shows a new movement (hold on to the elbows, knees, ears, etc.).

Valentine: So we repeat, we go in a circle.

Let's sing along, don't forget to walk!

The game starts anew and goes through several circles.

Valentine: So we played, scattered like peas.

Let's pat ourselves on how good we are!

Applause sounds, the audio recording “the sound of a blizzard” is turned on, a poem is read, men carry a straw effigy to the center of the hall, girls tie ribbons, rags, scarves on the effigy and line up in a round dance.

Farewell winter! Goodbye!
Step into your snow house
Rest today
And come later.
The soul sang with happiness
On frosty days.
People got up boldly
On skis and skates.
The children played in the snow.
Such a mess.
You are the best in the world,
Beauty - Winter!
For unearthly joy
Thank you, we say.
You, such beauty
Winter thank you.
Farewell Winter, farewell.
We will be waiting for you.
Promise us a meeting
By the end of November.

Ritual song plays "We saw off the butter" , the girls dance alternately for one verse in one direction, for the next - in the other. The men carry the effigy inside the round dance in the opposite direction. By the end of the song, the scarecrow is taken out of the hall.

Tatyana Andreevna: The Maslenitsa holiday ends with the burning of a straw effigy, with which frosts and blizzards leave us, and, of course, everything old and unnecessary. And our evening is coming to an end.

Evgeniya: And whoever came to our house - bow to him!

Olga: Who danced and had fun with all his might - to that merci!

Valentine: Who else will come to our party will be lucky!

Vitaly: Whoever sings a cheerful song loudest of all - success awaits!

Accompaniment plays, loss to the song "Pancakes butter."

Tatyana Andreevna: Let's play our song together again.

The song “Oiled Pancakes” is performed together with the audience, everyone dances, echoes sound. At the end of the song, background music sounds, everyone is satisfied and happy and goes home.

Scenario of the holiday "Song - the soul of the people"

Purpose of the holiday:

Introduction to the Russian folk cultural heritage through a song that reflects the centuries-old history, troubles and aspirations, the subtlest shades of human experiences, manifests the high musical culture of the people.

Decor stage and hall in the style of antiquity.

Holiday progress:

Leading on stage in Russian folk costumes.

Host 1: Host 2:

Presenter 1:

Host 2:

Presenter 1: Presenter 2: Presenter 1:

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!

Good afternoon, sirs! We are glad to see you on our


And we gathered here to listen to songs, to sing,

play and learn about the Russian song.

Presentation of the participants of the holiday.

In the old days they said: “Who lives with a song, that

the twist is numb."

"As you live, so you sing"

"Where there are songs, there is youth"

"The song is the soul of the people." From time immemorial always

was next to a person in joy and in sorrow. From

Russia is our country!

2 host:

Those who are on the ground

Thresh grains of bread

Here he rises with roosters,

Here it is our rural people!

1 leader:

And our village lives!

Today he dances and sings.

Here we celebrate the holidays

We serve pies!

Performed Russian folk song or "Romashkovaya Rus"

1 leader:

We got up early today

Clean burners were removed.

Dressed up for a long time

Everyone has gathered in the square!

(Everyone gathered in our club)

2 host:

To celebrate now

We will dance here at once.

The young generation, we are calling to the stage.

Dance song is performed

Who gets up early, God gives him!

1 leader:

God gave us the forest,

Fields, field - miracles!

2 host:

Gave a beautiful village

It's called….

All: say the name of the village.

1 leader:

Let it flourish

Let the guests always meet!

2 host:

Let's all live in joy

And do not groan, do not grieve!

He who lives in joy does not take that grief!

A cheerful dance number is performed.

Rural poets come out with their poems about the village.

1. Here is my native land!

Everything from end to end

I am dear, dear,

Such a sweet heart!

2. Among this village

I was born and lived.

This is where the kids grew up

Magnificent weddings were celebrated

Quarreled and reconciled

The earth, the sun bowed.

3. Although it’s not sweet to live today

Let's be friends with the whole village.

celebrate birthdays,

Collect everyone for the holiday!

Performed "My Village" - song

1. We live in our native village,

Here we dance and eat.

And to make it more fun

We'll call the buffoons.

1 buffoon:

Laughter is fun like peas

I came to you - Buffoon.

Here's my funny brother

Today he came with me.

2 buffoons:

Meet all of us cheerful!

Send a kiss.

We will sing ditties to you,

And then we'll call you.

1. Here the cow flew

Straight to the hot climes

And who cares

After all, the cow is not mine!

2. Our rural guys

very curly,

The rich think.

1 buffoon:

And now it's your turn

Who will sing ditties here?

Competition "Chasushki merry"

2 buffoons:

Our cheerful rural holiday

We continue together.

Our competition "Are you weak?"

Let's announce together!

Competition "Are you weak?" for men.

1. Who will split the board with his fist

2. Who will drink milk from a bottle ahead

At the end, the men swear "After the holiday, it's easy, we will only drink milk."


So let's save our Russia,

In the meantime, let's dance.

1 buffoon:

We choose dancers

2 buffoons:

All dancers are invited

1 buffoon:

Hey harmonicas, play

2 buffoons:

Choose the best dancers of the village!

Competition "Eh, stomp your foot, stomp your right one"

After the end, the participants are given souvenirs.


Never get bored!

Have fun gentlemen!

We are in our native village

We'll get through all the bad weather! (run away)

Leading out:

1 leader:

The holiday continues today

And we announce to the villagers

What do we have farms

Labor - they can not be counted!

2 host:

Although not great wealth,

The house is clean and tidy.

There is a neat courtyard

And there are no kids to count!

1 leader:

All shod and dressed

Warmed by gentle caress.

Family name - Kindness

Who are these gentlemen?

Villagers name prospective winners

1 leader:

No! Let's not guess here

It's time to call the owners.

The head of the rural settlement comes out and names the families that are recognized as the best in the village (large, decent, exemplary)

Rewarding families - winners!

1 leader:

Here is my native village

It is sweet to the heart.

2 host:

Who earns fame for the village,

Who glorifies our village.

1 leader:

Honored guests came to the holiday,

And brought good fame to the village.

Honored guests congratulate the villagers

1 leader:

May our dreams all come true

Let neighbors and friends smile

Let the native village live

Works together and sings songs!

2 host:

Let it spike around the village

And rye and wheat.

And we celebrate the holiday

Lush bread loaf!

The song "Bread is the head of everything" is performed

God bless the one who lives in this house!"

Year of the dragon 2012: funny scenarios, sketches, for the New Year.

Add script

"Russian soul in the song" (holiday script for middle and senior school age)


The leader is a boy or girl.

High school students: peddler, hostess, girls and boys.

The hall is decorated in a folk style, fragments of the interior of a Russian hut are used, a balalaika, an accordion, wooden painted spoons lie on the bench.

Leading. Our people have many different songs. Epics tell about exploits in the name and well-being of the people and the state. Historical songs about famous people and memorable events of antiquity, ballads amaze the imagination with the details of the life drama. Everyday songs differ from all of them. Their themes are the family, the fate of a person, feelings and thoughts inspired by everyday life. These songs are as varied as the work of people, their traditions and customs.

The Russian song is open spaces,

Which I will follow all my life.

This is Father Don near Rostov,

This is Mother Volga on the way.

The Russian song is a shepherd,

Dewy, joyful, early horn.

Just stand on the mine, listen

Runs like a new engine.

... The Russian song is not naked,

Not debauchery, not hysterical sadness,

It's a silent resolution

Sit next to me and look into my eyes.

She embraces everything with her heart,

She is twenty and a thousand years old.

Russian song, Russian land

I love you so much that there are no more words.

V. Bokov "Russian Song"

The Russian folk song "Peddlers" sounds. The Peddler enters the stage, he is met by the Mistress. On an embroidered towel, she carries a loaf of bread and salt.

Mistress. Welcome!

We welcome everyone, we welcome everyone.

According to Russian customs

From bow to you low.

With kind words and love,

And with bread and salt.

The hostess bows low.

Peddler. I have a box full of

I go to peddlers.

Come out, sweetheart soul,

I will distribute all goods.

And ditties are funny,

And a perky dance,

Russian songs

I have prepared for you.

I have good goods

Come have fun.

I charge moderately -

All smiles of people!

Hello hostess! (Bows to the hostess.) Hello good fellows! (Bow to the guests.) Hello red girls! (Bow to the guests.) Glad to see you at the fun party.

Oh, my box is full,

And I will sing, and I will tell ...

Come, dear soul,

I will show you all products!

Come, hostess, I will choose the most perky song for you, the most cheerful dance!

Mistress. Still need to see what kind of goods you have!

You are a smart guy, how are you without looking back?

Or maybe our own product is not worse?

And songs, and dances, and skill in the game ...

The Russian folk song "Give me a balalaika!" is performed.

Mistress. Well, show me what you brought. What Russian songs do you know?

Peddler. But I know, hostess, Russian everyday songs. Everyday songs accompany a person all his life - from birth to death.

Mistress. Even in the cradle, the child falls asleep to the sound of a babble (“bayat” - to speak, speak, whisper) - the mother, sister, grandmother or nanny sings.

It sounds like a lullaby.

Oh, lu-lu, my child,

Sleep, sleep, mother's child!

All the swallows are sleeping

And killer whales sleep

The martens are sleeping

And the foxes sleep

Our Vanyusha is ordered to sleep.

For what, why

Vanya can't sleep?

The swallows are sleeping

All in nests

killer whales sleep

All in pieces

The foxes are sleeping

All under bushes

The martens are sleeping

Everything is in mints,

The falcons are sleeping

All in nests

The sables are sleeping

Wherever they please

little kids

They sleep in cradles.

Sleep, Vanyushka,

Sleep, dear child!

Peddler. The man grew up. And the song followed him into his family life, into his adult worries and fun. None of the holidays was complete without singing. Singing also facilitated hard everyday work. Thanks to the song, already in his youth, a person was accustomed to look at the world in a special way, to notice the beautiful. They sang laudatory songs - carols, praised the owners, their house, wished his family all the best.

Mistress. And when they were guessing, they sang sing-along songs.

In a bowl of clean water

They put a golden ring,

emerald earrings,

Spread out white boards

And they sang in tune over the bowl

The songs are submissive.

Here is the refrain of a song with fortune-telling about marriage, about what life will be like in the future:

The chicken was rummaging

On the rubble

The hen dug

Gold ring.

I'll be engaged to that ring.

Who will take out

That will come true

Doesn't pass

Peddler. But tell me, hostess, are you familiar with spring songs, funny chants?

Mistress. Every year we call, we always look forward to it. On March 1, March 4, March 9 or other days, "larks" from dough are baked in all houses. The children tie these larks to poles, run with them down the street and shout: “The larks have arrived!”

The group performs a spring song:

Oh you larks


Fly into the field

Bring Health:

The first is cow

The second is sheep

The third is human.

Mistress:. Well, well done, and what will you please?

Peddler. For such a beauty, I'm overwhelmed. I will post songs of ringing silver of the highest standard.

Oh you my dear

Come out soon.

to dance, to dance

I can do you!

dance songs,

Perky, dashing!

A group of children performs the dance song "Oh, you, canopy, my canopy."

Ah, you canopy, my canopy, my new canopy,

Canopy new, maple, lattice!

To know that I don’t walk in the senichki,

I have a sweet friend for the hand, do not care!

I went out young for new gates,

For new oak, for lattice;

Released a falcon from the right sleeve:

Fly you, my falcon, high and far,

And high, and far to the native side!

Mistress. hid in the clouds

Sun over the sea.

Don't brag just yet

We'll see!

Wait for me my dear

Just go out the gate

And now cheerful, festive

Start a round dance!

Come on, girl friends, let's start a round dance!

All participants of the holiday lead a round dance. Russian folk dance song sounds.

Sitting Vanechka in the spring

Under the green pine.

Plays the pipe-horn,

Invites everyone to the round dance.

Lado, lado, leli-lel!

Lado, lado, leli-lel!

I'm stomping my foot

Let me stomp another one.

Come to me, Vanyusha,

Dance with me!

Oh, and tili-tilishok,

Dance, my friend!

Peddler. Where are you, girl, to compete with me? We are a worn out people. Like ditty binge drinking, everyone wants to dance. In addition, there are many of us, just nod, the guys will help me.

Mistress. And there are even more of us! So let's do it!

Girls and boys perform ditties.

golden parents,

Brother native silver,

Let go for a walk -

Today is not a bad day.

You, Lesha, Alexey,

Sow my field;

You sow my field,

Have pity on me girl!

I will work with my father

One more year

For a woolen coat,

For a silk scarf.

For what sins

Dressed up as shepherds?

Lord, I'm sorry

How you do not want to fall.

Leading. These are ditties about village life - peasant labor and family. They talk about how hard the work of an ordinary person is from dawn to dawn, how in youth one is too lazy to work and wants to take a walk with girlfriends and friends, as well as about the relationship of “fathers and children”, about obedience to parental will and submission to it.

Chastushkas were sung at gatherings and festivities.

The performance of ditties continues.

The balalaika played

My blood boiled.

I until this year

Didn't know about love.

Black-browed, young,

Don't stand in front of me

My heart will burn

Don't fill it with water.

I accidentally looked

On you my dear

Scarlet cheeks flared up

The girl is young.

Leading. Ditties dedicated to the theme of love, happy and unhappy, marriage and marriage. The girl is waiting for love, now she is already luring the guy she likes, he reciprocates or rejects her. In turn, the guy takes care of the girl, makes appointments with her, and gets married. Lovers talk about their meetings and partings. Chastushki about marriage and marriage are, first of all, the stories of matchmaking, between parents and children who are preparing to marry or marry.

Mischievous ditties are performed.

There was a forge - burned down,

The mill was swept away by water.

Loved the little one

Snow covered the field.

There is a glass on the table

Under it is a red cockroach.

This red cockroach

Well, just like my Ivan.

Leading. In mischievous comic ditties, fairy tales, girls and guys laugh at each other. Above oneself. They make fun of their parents.

sincere friend,

I saw yours

Sitting on the porch and crying -

The chicken hurt.

Like in our village

All huts on the side.

How are our guys

Blackened with tobacco.

Leading. Among the Russian people, song is inseparable from life, like the soul from the body.

Was the young man going to get married, and his wedding, from matchmaking to the so-called "branches", when after a feast the young people visited their father-in-law and mother-in-law after a while, everything was accompanied by singing.

In family songs, they sang about domestic troubles, misfortunes, and rarely, very rarely, about happiness.

Relatives expressed their heavy grief for the untimely dying in funeral lamentations. Equally mournful were the songs about the widow and the orphan.

No matter how hard life was, however, the joke remained indestructible. In the songs they laughed at unlucky people, at inept workers. The humor of comic songs is inexhaustible.

As a memory of the past, ancient songs have retained their own in modern life. True works of art survive the time of their original creation.

Peddler. Oh, the box was full, full,

All gone now!

I'm on holiday sweetheart

Met this time.

Mistress. A Russian proverb says: "Cause - time, fun - an hour!". Our hour has come to an end.

Now it's time to say goodbye.

Our speech will be short

We say to you: "Goodbye!

Until happy new meetings!”

Looks thin. amateur performances, Russian song holidays, etc.

For centuries, Rus' lived by its own mind

And she built fairy tale cities along the steep slopes.

Special article, song, craft

And by faith, the Russian is beautiful and glorious.

In epics, fairy tales whether heroes

Overseas poison was the only thing they took.

God forbid us blind guides,

Yes, as long as we do not become blind.

Again from the West, demons suddenly inflicted,

Tempted us sinful crippled.

A village is not worth without a righteous person!

And do not rise without him Russia!

It can be put in the beginning. Take two women dressed in folk costumes, if you have already picked up a repertoire, look for poems or prose for them. In this topic, I posted the book "About the Motherland, about us and about myself", find it, I think you will take the material from there. You can also make an exhibition of your craftsmen and focus on this quite a bit.

Like a crafts fair

Amazing people - folk masters! From wood and clay, from bone and wool, from flax and iron, they created and create real miracles. Whether it's a spinning wheel or a bowl, a tuesok or a spoon, a gun or a sleigh - you look at them, and you can't take your eyes off them - how good they are!

Durable and easy to use, at the same time they are artistic, bring celebration and beauty to life, radiate joyful warmth. Ancestors believed that such things not only give joy, but also protect from evil and serve as amulets to their owners.

Leading. When a craftsman plans to create such a thing, his image appears, and then the salt shaker is seen as a duck, the casket - a tower, the clay pot - a bowl of a flower, and the sundress - a scarlet dawn, and the working essence of the thing becomes the inspired fantasy of an inspired master ...

Inspirational master, and I remembered:

bright, iridescent,

Let's open the doors to Russia

From times unrealizable.

Compatriots, Red Guards,

Old and young and youth

Treat your heart -

You will find bright joy.

Come marvel at the miracle

Good hands to skill.

We will wonder for a long time

fellow countrymen to creation.

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