The Didula family - life in the rhythm of music and sports! Didula: “They say I'm stoned, but I'm just passionate about Didula's music, the composition of the group.


is a completely original Belarusian guitarist whose sincere work is unique throughout the territory of the former USSR. Live instrumental music naturally intertwines with electronic effects, creating its own emotional world. The sound, like a living wave, gently strengthens in the mind, causing the listener to admire and sincere pleasure, which is unlikely to be forgotten.

Interest in the inner world of the creator of musical worlds, as well as in the creative path that the author went through before he appeared on the stage, prompts us to tell the biography of the string genius.

Mom's gift

Valery was born in the west of Belarus in the city of Grodno. Here begins his biography - he received a school education and here for the first time he touched the guitar that his mother gave him. A start was made and the fingers of a talented boy from that time began to look for ways to revive guitar chords. Valery Didula's teachers could not restrain their delight and surprise at such an unbridled craving for guitar art.

Spending 8 hours playing, the boy was also keenly interested in the string idols of our time, trying to learn as much as possible about guitar skills. In adolescence for Didula, the real revelation was the discovery of guitar effects that allow you to transform the sound into completely new musical patterns. We can say that with the beginning of the experiments, the original style of the future legendary guitarist began to emerge, which touched the hearts of millions of listeners with his work. Like a man possessed, he crossed a guitar sound with an electronic one. And soon, the first shoots of his fanatical work began to break through. And all sorts of gadgets, pickups, sensors and other equipment have become constant companions of the guitar virtuoso.

Valery Didula never retreated from his destiny and his first professional performance took place in the composition of the vocal and instrumental group Scarlet Dawns, popular in Soviet Belarus. The ensemble gave concerts wherever possible! Cities, villages, collective farms and other settlements for the first time heard the play of the third guitarist, though as part of a group, but at the same time a full-fledged member of it. The folk style of playing was popular among the countryside listeners, but it was time for the band to fall apart. The reason was the collapse of the USSR, with which new horizons opened up for any activity. Some musicians opened their own business, others left the country, but Didula and here he did not leave his love for music and continued to work with his guitar work.

In the difficult nineties, the musician managed not only to get into the White Dew group, which was an order of magnitude higher in professionalism than the Scarlet Dawns, but also to acquire the skills of a sound engineer, whose position in the group was entrusted to Didula. The performance of the folk songs of Poland, Ukraine and Belarus sounded in the style of "folk" and this added its own special flavor to the work of the guitarist. Later, in his solo performances, folk music repeatedly permeates his compositions, which are intertwined with guitar and electronic sound. It takes the listener on a whole new kind of musical journey.

"White Dew" at that time were in demand not only in the territory of the former union, but also in Western Europe. Having traveled around Poland, Germany, Italy, France, Switzerland, Spain and other countries, the guitarist caught another sound, which harmoniously formed the basis of his work. It was flamenco! The Spanish energy embedded in the guitar rhythms and passages made the musician leave the band at the end of the tour and study a new musical trend for the guitar genius.

The birth of a star

In 2000, the musician finally acquired a fully formed style, which sharply distinguished him from the usual, similar guitar masters. Belarusian-Polish folk motifs, intertwined with house arrangements and hot Spanish flamenco, began to fill the halls with people and the first professional recordings appeared. Having gathered a group of musical like-minded people, Valery Didula began to give concerts in Ukraine, Belarus, Poland and Spain, delighting the audience with his unusual and charged playing of his guitar.

Of course, much of the guitarist's progress was made by his musical guardians. Minsk businessman Igor Bruskin and composer Oleg Eliseenko persuaded Didula to move to a more promising Minsk, where all kinds of competitions and concerts rained down on the guitarist's head. The musician's talent was not in doubt, and he received an invitation to perform at the major international festival "Slavianski Bazaar", which gave a powerful impetus to the career of a guitar genius.

After the festival, new horizons opened up for Valery, and soon Moscow opened its doors to Diduli's creativity. The first studio album was recorded in 2000, under the name "Flamenco", and then the first video of the guitarist appeared. Success inevitably fell on Valery Didula and offers of cooperation rained down on him from Russian pop stars. Among the customers were Abraham Russo, Christina Orbakaite, Dmitry Malikov and many other famous artists.

In 2002, the guitarist's new album "The Road to Baghdad" was released, and after it the album "Satin Shores" was born. To date, Didula has nine albums behind her back, each of which is unique and original. The created group, named after the Belarusian guitarist, gives about 120 concerts a year in the CIS countries, invariably delighting the listener with their energetic and sparkling musical colors and compositions.

Having established himself on the musical Olympus, the guitarist also began to engage in production activities, helping, among others, his compatriots. Among Didula's Belarusian protégés is the musician Igor Dedusenko, who released his album with the help of Valery, as well as the blind guitarist Denis Asimovich since childhood.

Music as a science

At the end of the year 2000, Didula continues to experiment with sound, calling his search "sound in sound". Describing this experiment, Valery Didula compares this sound with the "musical 25 frame". According to him, the sound from this effect becomes voluminous and rich, creating a new background for the composition.

The musician himself is sure that such music causes a surge of energy in the listener, which has a very peculiar effect on the mind and drives away bad and disturbing thoughts. Some doctors and psychologists have confirmed this in their observations, calling such music healing.

Soon the autobiography of the musician and his band is expected to appear, expressed in the documentary musical film "Dear of the Six Strings". The film was shot in the magical places of mountainous Abkhazia and tells about the work and everyday life of musicians, accompanied by philosophical and life observations.

The concert, which was released on June 23, 2009 in St. Petersburg at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall, leads to the release of the album LIVE in Saint-Petersburg. The collector's edition on CD and DVD discs captured a unique and bright with its incendiary energy concert, which was appreciated by St. Petersburg fans of Didula.

February 2010 gives birth to a fresh and bright album called "Aroma". The recording of the album involves special wind instruments, among which is the dudosaks donated on tour. The colors of this album are gentle and airy, like apricot blossom, and immerse the listener in a relaxed atmosphere.

Abroad, the popularity of the musician is also growing. In 2010, together with a Canadian partner, Didula created "DiDuLa Entertainment Inc", which is designed to popularize the guitarist's music in Canada and the USA. The concert company deals with the preparation and implementation of all live and recorded performances of the string virtuoso, as well as the organization of concert tours and media relations. In September 2010, one of the most successful projects of Valery Diduli in the Russian Federation was specially re-released for the West - this is the album "CAVE TOWN OF INKERMAN" ("Cave City of Inkerman").

In the course of interaction with the famous director Alexei Balabanov, Didulya receives an award in the nomination "Best Music for the Film". At the competition "White Elephant-2010" Balabanov's film "Stoker" was exhibited, which included early compositions of the six-string genius.

The Belarusian guitarist does not stop supporting the guitar school of his homeland. So on August 30, 2012, Diduli's production work, Igor Didusenko's album "Prayer" (2012), was released to the world, and in November of the same year, Denis Asimovich's official website was launched.

For Didula himself, 2012 was also a very fruitful year. This year, on December 6, the Quadrosystem company releases a serial album called Ornamental, and at the very beginning of 2013 another work by the guitarist called LIVE in Kremlin (2013) is released. In 2013, the video editing of the concert "Music of the Sun" was completed, which was held live at the State Kremlin Palace on December 08, 2011.

The Didula group is one of the most active instrumental music groups in Russia, which annually give about 120 concerts in Russia, as well as near and far abroad.

Diduli's creativity is not only an entertaining act of show business, but also carries a restorative, harmonious energy at its core! It helps to move away from life's troubles and thanks to this restores emotional balance. Diduli's new concert event called "Music Heals" is a musical spiritual healer that unobtrusively pours a healing instrumental balm into the listener's subconscious, curing diseases that, in fact, are only a reflection of negative thoughts.

Today, the creative world of Valery Diduli is expanding in collaboration with the ex-vocalist of "Rainbow" and "Deep Purple" Joe Lynn Turner. The guitarist also plans to interact with Russian musicians and performers, and symphonic music becomes a new stage of experimentation on the path of this energetic and talented musician.

Valery Didula is a first-class guitarist, composer, arranger, amazing showman who knows how to charge the audience with his emotions. Now he is famous all over the world. Does he owe this talent or many years of titanic work? What interesting information does Didula's biography contain? Family, photo of the artist - all this will be presented to your attention in the article.


The famous artist was born on January 24, 1969 (48 years old) in the city of Grodno, the Belarusian Republic (then part of the USSR). Parents Mikhail Antonovich and Galina Petrovna had nothing to do with musical activity. Mom was an accountant in the field of catering, dad was a high-class locksmith. Whatever little Valera was fond of, he always found support in the family. This is probably why, seeing her son's interest in music, his mother gave him a toy guitar for his fifth birthday, which looked very much like a real one. In addition to the guitar, Valery was fond of chess, radio work, and swimming. But most of all he was drawn to music. It was the support of his parents, according to Didula, that became the impetus for his musical achievements.

First steps to success

As a teenager, Valery received a real guitar as a gift from his parents. By this time, his passion had become serious. He learned to play the guitar, experimented with sound at home. Then he began to try various devices: sensors, pads, sound amplifiers. He was very diligent in his hobby, constantly honing his guitar skills. Even his teachers were surprised by this. Friends of the future musician were also fond of this instrument, so they always had an unspoken competition: who is better, who will play more interesting. This went on for several years.

Carier start

In the BSSR, there was a rather popular VIA "Scarlet Dawns" in Soviet times. Working as a guitarist in an ensemble was Diduli's first place of realization as a musician. With concerts they traveled all over the republic. This work taught Valery to stand in front of the public with dignity. Many hours of performances honed skills and developed endurance. But with the collapse of the USSR, the guys dispersed in search of a more promising job, and only Valery continued to play the guitar.

Diduli's next musical experience was the White Dew dance group. This team was famous and successful. The guys mostly danced Polish, Belarusian, Ukrainian folk dances. Here Valery worked as a guitarist and sound engineer. He liked folk music, and later its motives can be heard in the musician's own works. Sound engineering work was very responsible. It was necessary to figure out how not only the guitar sounds, but the whole arsenal of musical instruments used at concerts. It was also necessary to adjust the sound in such a way that it would be advantageous to the viewer, harmoniously merging with the dance. Didula watched the reaction of the audience at the performances: what goes well and what needs to be improved. So he saw the preferences of the public, adjusting to it. This experience is also very useful to the musician in his creative development.

With the ensemble, Valery went on numerous tours. He visited European countries: Spain, Italy, Poland, Switzerland, France, Germany. And each left a strong indelible impression. But he especially fell in love with Spain with its flamenco style.

Working in an ensemble and communicating with professional musicians, Didula discovers the talent of a composer for the first time and even thinks about solo performances. The very atmosphere of the ensemble - a lot of talented, young, bright people, the love of the public, tours - inspired the young Valera Didula to develop and succeed.

Through hardship to the stars

While working in the White Dew ensemble, Valery came across an advertisement for a competition held for young performers. Advertising promised great prospects for the participants who made it to the final. He took a chance, leaving to try his luck in another city where the shooting took place. And to my surprise Not only passed the qualifying round, but also got to the gala concert. Dreams of a solo career began to come true. The competition gave him many useful contacts. Professional directors, editors, producers shared their experience and gave practical advice.

Minsk businessman and musician Igor Bruskin, after getting acquainted with the work of Didula, provides him with a job in his salon, where musical instruments are sold. Frequent business trips to Moscow in order to sell instruments to various recording companies give new invaluable experience to the guitarist Didula. In addition, he gives small concerts in Minsk. His music is a combination of folk motives, Spanish flamenco style with the addition of electronic processing. The performance style of Didula's compositions has already become final. He is slowly but surely moving towards his dream of recording an album.

Unexpectedly, fate gives Valery a very successful and fateful chance. The participants of the TV contest, in which Didula participated, were invited again to participate in the large-scale festival "Slavianski Bazaar". It was a great opportunity to express yourself and your work. After the performance, he was invited to work in Moscow, and he agreed. Life in Moscow has become a difficult test for the guitarist. The producers rejected him, referring to the fact that playing the guitar is not in demand by the public, and will not bring success. Didula had to earn a living by street performances. Only an acquaintance with the then influential Muscovite Sergey Kulishenko helped Valery Didula stay and asked the musician to give him guitar lessons for money. He also sponsored the release of the guitarist's first album at the Mei Liana recording studio. This famous guitarist soon helped Valery organize his home studio. Thus began the real work of the composer and virtuoso guitarist Valery Diduli.


Diduli's first album did not arouse enthusiasm among major record companies, and there was no money for a solo concert. But it didn't stop. Speaking in clubs, Didula corrected his music, taking into account the preferences of the public. The talented musician Sergey Migachev helped Valery in his work. At one of the performances, Didula was approached by representatives of the Global Music company and invited for an interview. This is how the first contract was born.

But the cooperation did not bring creative fruits, and soon the contract was terminated. But new useful acquaintances appeared. A series of events brought the musician to Prigogine, who offered Didula a job at his company Knox Music. After signing the contract, large-scale work began to promote the young guitarist: the release of the debut album, shooting a video featuring Alla Dukhova's ballet, advertising, participation in television programs. All this contributed to the growth of popularity of Valery Diduli. Albums begin to quickly disappear from store shelves. Teamwork with Migachev and Prigogine was very productive.

After the successful release of the first album, the circle of acquaintances of the musician is still expanding. Russian pop stars begin to cooperate with him. Christina Orbakaite, Abraham Russo, Dmitry Malikov - this is an incomplete list of artists who turned to Didula as a composer.

The following albums "Road to Baghdad", "Satin Shores" no longer leave any doubts about the professionalism and talent of the guitarist and bring him fame.

Creativity Diduli now

After going through a difficult path and honing his guitar skills to perfection, Valery is looking for new ways to express his talent. The creation of “sound in sound” compositions, when the background sound is added to the main sound, served as the beginning of writing music that favorably affects the psychological health of a person. This fact is confirmed by expert psychologists.

To date, Valery Didula gives more than 120 concerts a year, releases new albums, and produces other performers. His work is in demand.
In addition to music, Didula tried himself as a movie actor. He played the role of a guitarist in A. Konchalovsky's film "House of Fools".

Guitarist character

About himself, a talented musician says that he is a calm, balanced person. He does not like scandals and adventures. And he has a surge of energy in performances. At his concerts, Didula gives vent to feelings and emotions, creating a vivid show combined with high-quality, unsurpassed music.


Valery Didula is a short (170 cm) slender blond with blue eyes. Charm and poise complete the image.

Biography of Diduli: family, wife, children

How did the personal life of this wonderful artist? Diduli's biography, wife, children - all this is interesting to fans to the smallest detail. The performer does not like to talk about his personal life. But the artist is always in sight, and some information still leaks. Although it probably contains a lot of speculation.

There is information that Didula was married to a Tajik Leyla Khamrabaeva. The marriage produced a son and a daughter. The musician broke up with Leila, but resentment haunts his ex-wife. She is in a constant fight for child support, spreading rumors that her ex-husband and father of her children is not paying them a dime. Diduli's lawyer denies these rumors, arguing that the ex-wife regularly receives alimony, and there is no debt.

New love

As evidenced by the biography of Diduli, the artist has a family, a wife (photo in the article) today. His wife is a young talented singer named Evgenia, who works in his group. Didula speaks very warmly of her, calling Evgenia her muse, inspiring him to new works. In this happy marriage, a daughter was born. That's all the meager data about the personal life of the musician.

Valery Didula is not only a composer, performer, arranger, sound engineer, but also a producer of his group called "DiDyuLya". This gives the artist's work integrity and harmony. The DiDuLa project is a combination of talent, experience, great work, determination and, of course, self-confidence.

Valery Didula is a first-class guitarist, composer, arranger, amazing showman who knows how to charge the audience with his emotions. Now he is famous all over the world. Does he owe this talent or many years of titanic work? What interesting information does Didula's biography contain? Family, photo of the artist - all this will be presented to your attention in the article.

Didula - Way Home

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Didula - Childhood

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The famous artist was born on January 24, 1969 (48 years old) in the city of Grodno, the Belarusian Republic (then part of the USSR). Parents Mikhail Antonovich and Galina Petrovna had nothing to do with musical activity. Mom was an accountant in the field of catering, dad was a high-class locksmith. Whatever little Valera was fond of, he always found support in the family. This is probably why, seeing her son's interest in music, his mother gave him a toy guitar for his fifth birthday, which looked very much like a real one. In addition to the guitar, Valery was fond of chess, radio work, and swimming. But most of all he was drawn to music. It was the support of his parents, according to Didula, that became the impetus for his musical achievements.

First steps to success

As a teenager, Valery received a real guitar as a gift from his parents. By this time, his passion had become serious. He learned to play the guitar, experimented with sound at home. Then he began to try various devices: sensors, pads, sound amplifiers. He was very diligent in his hobby, constantly honing his guitar skills. Even his teachers were surprised by this. Friends of the future musician were also fond of this instrument, so they always had an unspoken competition: who is better, who will play more interesting. This went on for several years.

Carier start

In the BSSR, there was a rather popular VIA "Scarlet Dawns" in Soviet times. Working as a guitarist in an ensemble was Diduli's first place of realization as a musician. With concerts they traveled all over the republic. This work taught Valery to stand in front of the public with dignity. Many hours of performances honed skills and developed endurance. But with the collapse of the USSR, it collapsed and creative team. The guys left in search of more promising work, and only Valery continued to play the guitar.

Diduli's next musical experience was the White Dew dance group. This team was famous and successful. The guys mostly danced folk Polish, Belarusian, Ukrainian, gypsy dances. Here Valery worked as a guitarist and sound engineer. He liked folk music, and later its motives can be heard in the musician's own works. Sound engineering work was very responsible. It was necessary to figure out how not only the guitar sounds, but the whole arsenal of musical instruments used at concerts. It was also necessary to adjust the sound in such a way that it would be advantageous to the viewer, harmoniously merging with the dance. Didula watched the reaction of the audience at the performances: what goes well and what needs to be improved. So he saw the preferences of the public, adjusting to it. This experience is also very useful to the musician in his creative development.

With the ensemble, Valery went on numerous tours. He visited European countries: Spain, Italy, Poland, Switzerland, France, Germany. And each left a strong indelible impression. But he especially fell in love with Spain with its flamenco style.

Working in an ensemble and communicating with professional musicians, Didula discovers the talent of a composer for the first time and even thinks about solo performances. The very atmosphere of the ensemble - a lot of talented, young, bright people, the love of the public, tours - inspired the young Valera Didula to develop and succeed.

Through hardship to the stars

While working in the White Dew ensemble, Valery came across an advertisement for a competition held for young performers. Advertising promised great prospects for the participants who made it to the final. He took a chance, leaving to try his luck in another city where the shooting took place. And to my surprise Not only passed the qualifying round, but also got to the gala concert. Dreams of a solo career began to come true. The competition gave him many useful contacts. Professional directors, editors, producers shared their experience and gave practical advice.

Minsk businessman and musician Igor Bruskin, after getting acquainted with the work of Didula, provides him with a job in his salon, where musical instruments are sold. Frequent business trips to Moscow in order to sell instruments to various recording companies give new invaluable experience to the guitarist Didula. In addition, he gives small concerts in Minsk. His music is a combination of folk motives, Spanish flamenco style with the addition of electronic processing. The performance style of Didula's compositions has already become final. He is slowly but surely moving towards his dream of recording an album.

Unexpectedly, fate gives Valery a very successful and fateful chance. The participants of the TV contest, in which Didula participated, were invited again to participate in the large-scale festival "Slavianski Bazaar". It was a great opportunity to express yourself and your work. After the performance, he was invited to work in Moscow, and he agreed. Life in Moscow has become a difficult test for the guitarist. The producers rejected him, referring to the fact that playing the guitar is not in demand by the public, and will not bring success. Didula had to earn a living by street performances. Only acquaintance with the then influential Muscovite Sergei Kulishenko helped Valery Didula stay in Moscow. Sergey asked the musician to give him guitar lessons for money. He also sponsored the release of the guitarist's first album at the Mei Liana recording studio. This famous guitarist soon helped Valery organize his home studio. Thus began the real work of the composer and virtuoso guitarist Valery Diduli.


Diduli's first album did not arouse enthusiasm among major record companies, and there was no money for a solo concert. But musician it didn't stop. Speaking in clubs, Didula corrected his music, taking into account the preferences of the public. The talented musician Sergey Migachev helped Valery in his work. At one of the performances, Didula was approached by representatives of the Global Music company and invited for an interview. This is how the first contract was born.

But the cooperation did not bring creative fruits, and soon the contract was terminated. But new useful acquaintances appeared. A series of events brought the musician to Prigogine, who offered Didula a job at his company Knox Music. After signing the contract, large-scale work began to promote the young guitarist: the release of the debut album, shooting a video featuring Alla Dukhova's ballet, advertising, participation in television programs. All this contributed to the growth of popularity of Valery Diduli. Albums begin to quickly disappear from store shelves. Teamwork with Migachev and Prigogine was very productive.

After the successful release of the first album, the circle of acquaintances of the musician is still expanding. Russian pop stars begin to cooperate with him. Kristina Orbakaite, Abraham Russo, Dmitry Malikov - this is an incomplete list of artists who turned to Didula as a composer.

The following albums "Road to Baghdad", "Satin Shores" no longer leave any doubts about the professionalism and talent of the guitarist and bring him fame.

Creativity Diduli now

After going through a difficult path and honing his guitar skills to perfection, Valery is looking for new ways to express his talent. The creation of “sound in sound” compositions, when the background sound is added to the main sound, served as the beginning of writing music that favorably affects the psychological health of a person. This fact is confirmed by expert psychologists.

To date, Valery Didula gives more than 120 concerts a year, releases new albums, and produces other performers. His work is in demand.
In addition to music, Didula tried himself as a movie actor. He played the role of a guitarist in A. Konchalovsky's film "House of Fools".

Guitarist character

About himself, a talented musician says that he is a calm, balanced person. He does not like scandals and adventures. And he has a surge of energy in performances. At his concerts, Didula gives vent to feelings and emotions, creating a vivid show combined with high-quality, unsurpassed music.


Valery Didula is a short (170 cm) slender blond with blue eyes. Charm and poise complete the image.

Biography of Diduli: family, wife, children

How did the personal life of this wonderful artist? Diduli's biography, wife, children - all this is interesting to fans to the smallest detail. The performer does not like to talk about his personal life. But the artist is always in sight, and some information still leaks. Although it probably contains a lot of speculation.

There is information that Didula was married to a Tajik Leyla Khamrabaeva. The marriage produced a son and a daughter. The musician broke up with Leila, but resentment haunts his ex-wife. She is in a constant fight for child support, spreading rumors that her ex-husband and father of her children is not paying them a dime. Diduli's lawyer denies these rumors, arguing that the ex-wife regularly receives alimony, and there is no debt.

New love

As evidenced by the biography of Diduli, the artist has a family, a wife (photo in the article) today. His wife is a young talented singer named Evgenia, who works in his group. Didula speaks very warmly of her, calling Evgenia her muse, inspiring him to new works. In this happy marriage, a daughter was born. That's all the meager data about the personal life of the musician.

Valery Didula is not only a composer, performer, arranger, sound engineer, but also a producer of his group called "DiDyuLya". This gives the artist's work integrity and harmony. The DiDuLa project is a combination of talent, experience, great work, determination and, of course, self-confidence.

Valery Mikhailovich Didula is known for his virtuoso guitar playing. Valery created the DiDyuLya group, tours the world. Musician Valery Mikhailovich Didyulya was born on January 24, 1969 in a Belarusian family living in Grodno. This glorious city is located on the border with Lithuania and Poland, so their culture also had a great influence on the formation of a guitarist.

At the age of 5, Didula receives an original gift from her mother - her first guitar. This helped him discover his love for music. In the city where the musician lived, teenagers in the evenings gathered in large noisy companies in the yards and sang songs with a guitar. Music records had a great influence on the development of Diduli's creativity.

Strumming the guitar was boring for him, so the future star began to experiment. The guitarist used special pickups, amplifiers that he created himself, and other gadgets to get a new sound. Didula studied with a teacher in guitar courses during his school years. The musician studied chords, guitar playing techniques. Education was the first conscious step towards music.


Music captured Didula from the first chords. With friends, the young guitarist often went to concerts, came up with original melodies. Valery joins the Scarlet Dawns vocal and instrumental ensemble. With concerts, the group performed in front of the inhabitants of the city, collective farms. Performances in a cooperative restaurant bring Didula's first earnings.

The ensemble breaks up, so Valery had to look for a new job. He was invited to the White Dew team as a sound engineer. Didula admits that this subsequently had a great influence on his work. The guitarist had an understanding of the psychology and desires of the audience. The artist travels the world with the ensemble. On tour in Spain, Didula gets acquainted with the flamenco style.

Until that moment, the guitarist was in no hurry to delve into the sound of Spanish music. The team spent a lot of time in Spain. Valery even managed to participate in several impromptu street concerts. Work in the ensemble prompted Didula to creative experiments. He had the necessary technical base, which allowed the guitarist to record compositions. Together with the dancer and choreographer Dmitry Kurakulov, he is going to conquer television.

The qualifying round was successfully completed. Valery's skill allowed him to move on to the next stage and take part in the gala concert. The work of a sound engineer is no longer a pleasure for Didula. At this moment, an invitation arrives to move to Minsk from pianist Igor Bruskin. At first, Valery works in a music salon as a salesman, regularly visits Moscow, gets acquainted with the owners of recording studios, concert halls, and musical organizations.

Didula took part in the festival "Slavianski Bazaar". The event made him recognizable in the CIS countries, Bulgaria, the Baltic States and Poland. For Valery, a new stage of life begins. The musician tries to combine electronic and folk music. Moving to Moscow was difficult for Didula: it was necessary to quickly get used to local traditions and principles of life. He had serious difficulties. Valery would have had to return home if not for the help of Sergei Kulishenko. He helped the guitarist make professional recordings in the studio. The musician recorded 8 songs. Soon, together with Sergei Didula, he created a home recording studio.

Valery meets sound producer Sergei Migachev. Thanks to his influence and help, Valery creates his debut album, shoots the Isadora video. Despite this success, major record labels did not want to collaborate with the musician. Again and again, Didula worked on the perfect sound of the guitar. Soon he signed a contract with Global Music, but this did not help advance his career as a guitarist.

Timur Salikhov appears in Valery's life. To this day he works as a director of the musician. With Global Music, the contract was terminated and cooperation with Knox Music began. After signing the contract, Didula starts filming a new video with the participation of the Todes ballet. Gradually, the recognition of the guitarist begins to grow, there are more and more tours, new ideas appear, embodied in the album "Road to Baghdad". Didula collaborates with eminent musicians, including. They create the composition "Satin Shores".

In 2014, Didula and Max Lawrence in a duet applied for participation in the Eurovision music contest from Belarus. They prepared a large-scale number that surprised the jury and the audience. The text for the song was composed by the lead singer of the band "Deep Purple". In addition to the musicians, there were dancers on the stage. The choreography included elements of sign language translation.

Despite the fact that the audience chose them, the solo artist Theo entered the competition. The musicians tried to cancel the jury's decision by sending a letter, but all attempts were in vain. Some of Didula's works become hits - these are "The Way Home", "Flight to Mercury". He actively shoots video clips for songs such as "Inkerman Cave City" and "Arabica", "Wind in the Steppe".

Personal life

In the biography of guitarist Valery Diduli, there are not only creativity, but also family scandals. The man was married to the girl Leila. They had a son, and the musician also adopted his wife's daughter from his first marriage. A few years later, Leila and Valery divorced. Didula practically does not communicate with children.

The girl came to the program “We Speak and Show” to talk about what a guitarist is like in real life. It turns out that the man does not pay child support for a long time. Because of this, Leyla and her two children are forced to live in a rented apartment in poverty. The amount of debt exceeds 2 million rubles. The former family of Diduli is in such a desperate situation that the son went out with a poster "Daddy, pay alimony" to the city street.

Didula strongly disagrees with this. His lawyer said that the musician regularly transfers money to children. Valery has no alimony arrears. The artist's friends came to his defense, saying that the guitarist would be happy to take part in the upbringing of older children, even send them to study abroad. True, this will happen if he is allowed to communicate with them. Currently, Valery is married for the second time. The wife works in the musical group "DiDyuLya". The couple had a daughter.

Didula now

In 2016, the album "Music of Unmade Films" was released, and in 2017 - "Aquamarine". Experiments with the guitar were not stopped.

Now the tour activity of the DiDyuLya group is going on as usual. The team travels around the cities of Russia, the CIS countries and the USA. The artist actively cooperates with Russian and foreign stars, athletes and creative teams.


  • Flamenco (2000)
  • Road to Baghdad (2002)
  • Legend (2004)
  • Cave City Inkerman (2006)
  • Colored Dreams (2006)
  • Music of an Unmade Movie (2007)
  • Aroma (2010)
  • Ornamental (2012)
  • One day today (2013)
  • Aquamarine (2017)

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