Slavic-Aryan Vedas. Vedas of the Slavs and their meaning, history


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Today, many researchers know that the ancient sacred Vedic knowledge is encoded in our language. The Russian people were initiated into these secrets of the language by sorcerers and vestal sorceresses, whom the Christian tradition calls witches. The very word "know", i.e. “I know” determined the deep meaning of the Russian Vedic worldview. Modern Russian Vedism is not an exotic Indian on Russian soil, but the deepest historical layer of the systemic worldview and spirituality of our people. The prophecy of the clairvoyant Vanga comes true: "The most ancient teaching will come into the world." (Stoyanova K. Istinata for Wang. Sofia, 1996).

The question of the nature of the systemic worldview of our distant ancestors goes beyond the scope of any science and requires an appropriate approach to study. The systemic worldview organically included the hierarchy of gods and the concept of the Supreme Deity. The problem of determining the Supreme Deity among the ancient Slavs and his role in the formation of spirituality among our ancestors was considered in the 18th century by M.V. Lomonosov and M.I. Popov. In the 19th century, N.I. Kostomarov, A.S. Famintsin, N.I. Tolstoy, A.F. Zamaleev. In the 20th century, B.A. Rybakov, Ya.E. Unfortunately, in the 20th century, the concept of the Supreme God of the ancient Slavs was replaced by the concept of the Main God, which provides for the change of gods in the very hierarchy of these gods. The Vedic tradition of understanding God as the Absolute was finally interrupted and almost forgotten. Hence the age-old dispute not only about the name, but also about the functions of the God of gods. Not having, according to the Vedas, one personal name, but having the main distinguishing feature - "luminiferous". The Supreme (Most High) god of the ancient Slavs is cosmic fire, cosmic fiery light (Sva), which had many manifestations and faces. In the world of people, as in a microcosm, there are all manifestations of light and darkness. "Light" people had not only blond hair and could be called Russian. They had to be "light-bearing" and "", i.e. "noble". This word from the language of the "sun" - Sanskrit is almost forgotten, but in Rus' the concepts "Your Grace", "Your Honor" are still remembered, and this assessment bore the original spiritual sign of the best Russian people. To be an Aryan means to be a “noble” and “luminiferous” person, giving to his (clan) - tribe and the whole world “good”, which was understood as “good” and was initially considered as the opposite of “evil”. Today we can imagine how the very concept of "Aryan" was distorted and distorted by Hitler and his followers.

For our ancestors, the "life-giving" face of the sun was especially important. Everyone deified him, and, according to the ancient Vedic tradition, the sun had the second sacred name Yara (Ya-Ra), which is better known as Yarilo. It was encoded in such Russian words as ve (Ra), zha (Ra), me (Ra), (Ra) arc, go (Ra), but (Ra) and many others. Even in the concept of Ivan - du (Ra) k there is a deep sacred meaning, providing for a special life path of the protagonist of ancient Russian fairy tales. Linguistic and philosophical analysis of ancient fairy tales, myths and legends allows us to say that Russian Vedism is a harmonious system of views that permeated the life of the Proto-Slavic society, solved emerging worldview issues, determined collective priorities and the resulting spiritual and activity attitudes of people's behavior.

Worldview of the ancient Slavs, this is NOT a cult of worship, this is a CULTURE and an ancient systematized Knowledge-Teaching permeated with the knowledge and experience of the Ancestors, with awe relating to the world around, deifying all its manifestations! Slavic Vedism is Faith, the temple of which was Nature itself.
In a broad sense, the Vedic culture of the Russian People is the essence of Russian Folk culture, in its foundations one with the culture of all Slavic Peoples. These are Russian historical traditions, life, language, oral folk art (legends, epics, songs, fairy tales, tales and so on), ancient monuments of writing with all the knowledge contained in them, Slavic wisdom (philosophy), ancient and modern Folk art, the totality of all ancient and modern Creeds.

Slavs(Old-Slav. Slovene, Belorussian Slavs, Ukrainian words "Yani, Bulgarian Slavs, Serb. and Macedonian. Slovenia, Croatian and Bosn. Slaveni, Sloven. Slovani, Polish. Słowianie, Czech. Slované, Slovak. Slovania, Kashubian Słowiónie, V.-Puddle Słowjenjo, N.-Puddle Słowjany) is the largest ethno-linguistic community in Venetian Europe.

There are several versions of the origin of the ethnonym "Slavs".
From two related Slavic words, going back to the common Indo-European root ḱleu̯- "rumor, fame":
- Slovenian- these are “people who carry the word, speaking“ in our way ””, in contrast to the Germans - “dumb”, that is, “who do not speak our language”, “strangers”;
- glory, that is, the Slavs - “glorious”, glorify their Gods and Ancestors.
From Aryan s-lau̯-os "people" (with Indo-European "mobile s"), cf. other Greek λᾱός;.
From the toponym, apparently, the name of the river (cf. the epithet of the Dnieper Slavutich, the rivers Sluya, Slava, Slavnitsa in different Slavic lands). This version is preferred by some linguists (for example, M. Vasmer) due to the fact that the suffixes -ѣn(in) and -yan(in) occur only in derivatives of place names.
This ethnonym as a tribal entrenched in the course of the ethnogenesis of the Slovaks (with a slightly different suffix), Slovenes, Slovenians. The ethnonym "Slovene" as the main, in addition to these peoples, was also worn by the Ilmen Slovenes - the inhabitants of the Novgorod land.

Slavs-Slavs - Sl O pto sl A vyat their Gods and Ancestors!

Already many millennia ago, the ancient Slavs had an integral system of worldview, which was based on three main areas: Reveal, Navi and Rule - the original ancient Slavic trinity.
The universe of the ancient Slavs was multidimensional and was a structure in which a person lived according to the laws of Rod-Svarog, in accordance with the natural-astronomical calendar. In this evolutionary device Reality regarded as an earthly phase of being, Nav was heavenly (subtle sphere of life), and rule expressed a single Law that permeated both spheres. Since the Slavs were inextricably linked with nature, being a part of it and cognized the natural laws from within, through themselves, their worldview was alive, dynamic and multidimensional, like Nature itself.

Initially, the Slavs called themselves ORTHODOX, i.e. glorifying the Right.

The ideological basis of Folk culture is the idea of ​​the common spirit of people speaking the same language, understanding the unity of goals of the People (his self-preservation, saving and increasing spiritual and material wealth, and so on). Regardless of the worldview, Faith or no Faith, everyone who considers himself a member of this Nation and connects his fate with it agrees with these goals.

In a narrow sense, Vedic is the essence of Folk religious culture. The general ideological basis of this culture is Belief in the existence of the spiritual world and the rational principle in the surrounding Nature. This Faith is supported by both spiritual practice and Vedic theology.

VEDISM is a cosmic vision. This is a holistic knowledge of the principles of the harmonious functioning of the Universe, expressed in the idea of ​​the interaction of cosmic forces, their multiple manifestations in the single and the single in the plural.

The ideological main Russian Vedic religious culture is Russian Vedism, or pra-Vedism, the righteous Faith that preceded the Vedism of India and Iran. Russian Vedism is the essence of the Russian national variety of the Vedic Faith. Accordingly, Russian Vedic culture is the Russian national variety of Vedic culture. Russian Vedism is as international in content as the Vedic Faith itself is international, and national in its image, language and origin.
There are three main branches of the Vedic tree - IRANIAN ZOROASTRISM, INDIAN VEDISM and SLAVIC VEDISM, which have similar ideas about the structure of the Universe. Cosmic forces are embodied, first of all, in the images of native gods, this philosophical concept of the gods is distinguished by depth and capacity. The concept of the One God, which manifests itself in all sorts of faces, that is, the "diversity of the one" is opposed to the concept of "many different" as a category of disparate elements that are not connected into a single whole. The vast pantheon of Slavic gods, presented in the Book of Veles, is a universal complete system operating on the basis of the real laws of Genesis. At the head of this system, or rather, in the center of it, there is a striking image - GREAT TRIGLAVE, consisting of Svarog-Perun-Sventovid.

Svarog(from Sanskrit svrga - "sky", "heavenly radiance") Supreme God, Creator and Creator.
Perun(from the Old Slavonic "prya" - struggle, battle; and also - the first, first rune) - the god of Fire, Lightning, cosmic Energy, which moves the world and transforms the Universe.
Sventovid(from "light" and "see") - the god of Light, thanks to which people join the world around them.
Meanwhile, all three faces - "THIS IS A GREAT MYSTERY, BECAUSE SVAROG IS AT THE SAME TIME PERUN AND SVENTOVID." Thus, inseparable unity and mutual flow is the essence of the Great Triglav.
The divine principle among the Slavs permeates the entire Cosmos, starting from the incarnation in the Great Triglav, through other Triglavs to the smallest ones (Steblic, Listvich, Travich), each of which, nevertheless, occupied a specific place in the divine hierarchy, being components of the One and Indivisible .
Thus, the Vedic worldview is based on understanding the essence of natural natural mechanisms and building one's life in accordance with the principles arising from this.
In Vedism, one does not have to believe in the existence, for example, of the Sun God Ra, in his power and his life force. It is enough to look up, see the Sun, feel its energy and see the influence of the Sun on life. No need to believe or not believe in the God of Fire Semargl - we constantly encounter fire in life. You do not need to believe in anything, open your eyes and heart wide enough, and then Nature will tell us all her living secrets.
The forces ruling the universe among the Slavs were not antagonistic: Chernobog and Belobog are two sides of being, like day and night, they counteract, “fight on both sides of Svarga”, but at the same time they are forces that balance the world. It is the same with the images of MOR / MOROK / and MARA - the Gods of Darkness, Winter and Death: fading, cold - one of the states of the eternal cycle of the Universe, without decay there is no rebirth, without death there is no life. All manifestations in Nature are varieties of its natural state. And this deepest understanding of the divine principles was characteristic of the ancient Slavs much more clearly than we, cut off from Nature, pampered by the "benefits of civilization", often forgetting our connection with the single organism of the Earth and the Cosmos.

Slavs - children and grandchildren of the gods. Slavs are responsible for everything. Because taking on the degree of responsibility for the quality of the surrounding world is the most important step on the path of becoming oneself as a Creator. The ancestors of the Slavs thanked the Gods and glorified their greatness and wisdom, for which they were called "Slavs". And that means their descendants must create the world in which they live. Create your own family, clan, relationships with other clans, and existing nearby plants, animals, birds, lands, waters, fossils. Earthly life is given to man for perfection and approach to the Gods by “purity of body and soul”. It depends on the degree of knowledge of the laws of the Rule and their fulfillment on the earthly path whether a person becomes a deity or moves into the category of low-frequency entities.

In recent years, interest in the ancient history of our Ancestors - the Slavs, their Beliefs and culture has flared up in our country. Many publications appeared, full of such phrases as Russian Vedas, Slavic-Aryans, etc. Many try to draw linguistic and cultural parallels with India and find out who influenced whom.

Indeed, there are a lot of similar moments, and I will cite the most striking of them. Of the vast family of Indo-European languages, the Russian language and Sanskrit are closest to each other. (language of ancient India), and there is also an amazing similarity between the pre-Christian cults of the Slavs and the religion of the ancient Aryans - Hinduism. Both of them call the books of knowledge - the Vedas. Vedas (Vedi) is the third letter of the Russian initial letter (Az, Gods, Vedas...). It is curious that even the national currency of the two countries is similarly named. We have rubles, they have rupees. Linguistic coincidences reject any doubts and confirm the kinship of the Russian language and Sanskrit.

Perhaps the most surprising is the information in both traditions about a certain land in the far north - Daaria, Arctida, which in the European (Greek) tradition is called Hyperborea. In his centuries, Michel Nostradamus calls the Russians " Hypereborean people”, that is, those who came from the Far North.
The ancient Russian source "The Book of Veles" also speaks of the exodus of our ancestors from the Far North in the period of about 20 thousand BC. in connection with a sharp cooling caused by a global cataclysm. According to many descriptions, it turns out that the climate in the north used to be different, which is also evidenced by the finds of fossilized tropical plants in northern latitudes.

M.V. Lomonosov, in his geological work “On the Layers of the Earth,” wondered where in the Far North of Russia “So many ivory of extraordinary size were taken in places that were not convenient for them to live in ...” .
One of the ancient scientists, Pliny the Elder, wrote about the Hyperboreans as a real ancient People who lived near the Arctic Circle and were genetically connected with the Hellenes through the cult of Apollo Hyperborean. In his "Natural History" (IV, 26) it says verbatim: “This country is all in the sun, with a favorable climate; strife and all sorts of diseases are unknown there ... ".
This place in Russian folklore was called the Sunflower Kingdom. Word Arctic (Arctida) comes from the Sanskrit root Arka, the Sun.
Recent studies in the north of Scotland have shown that as early as 4,000 years ago, the climate at this latitude was comparable to the Mediterranean and there were many heat-loving animals.
Russian oceanographers and paleontologists also found that in 30-15 thousand BC. The climate of the Arctic was quite mild. Academician A.F. Treshnikov came to the conclusion that underwater mountain formations - the Lomonosov and Mendeleev ridges - 10-20 thousand years ago towered above the surface of the Arctic Ocean, and there was a temperate climate zone.

There is also a map of the famous medieval cartographer Gerard Mercator, dated 1569, on which Hyperborea is depicted as a huge arctic continent of four islands with a high mountain in the middle. This universal mountain is also described in Hellenic myths. (Olympus) and in Indian epic (Meru).
The authority of this card is not in doubt, because. it already shows the strait between Asia and America, which was discovered by Semyon Dezhnev only in 1648 and began to be called after V. Bering only in 1728. It is obvious that this map was compiled according to some unknown ancient sources.
According to some Russian scientists, there really is a seamount in the waters of the Arctic Ocean, which practically reaches the ice shell. Scientists suggest that she, like the aforementioned ridges, plunged into the depths of the sea relatively recently.

Daaria-Arktida (Hyperborea) is also marked on the map of the French mathematician, astronomer and geographer Orontius Fineus in 1531. In addition, she is depicted on one of the Spanish maps of the late 16th century, kept in the Madrid National Library.

Map of Orontius Fineus (1531) - on the left / in the center / - Daaria; right Antarctica

Map by Gerard de Jode (1593)

This disappeared ancient land is mentioned in epics and fairy tales of the Northern Peoples. About a trip to the Sunflower Kingdom (Hyperborea) narrates an ancient legend from the collection of folklorist P.N. Rybnikov:

"He flew to the kingdom under the sun,
Gets off the airplane eagle (!)
And he began to wander around the kingdom,
Walk along the Sunflower"

Moreover, it is interesting that this "aircraft eagle" has a propeller and fixed wings: "a bird flies and does not flap its wings."

Indian scientist, Dr. Gangadhar Tilak in his work " Arctic homeland in the Vedas” quotes from the oldest source of the Rig-Veda, saying that constellation of the Seven Great Wise Men (Big Dipper) is right above our heads.”. If a person is in India, then, according to astronomy, Ursa Major will be visible only above the horizon. The only place where it is directly overhead is the area beyond the Arctic Circle. So the characters of the Rig-Veda lived in the north?
It is hard to imagine the Indian sages sitting among the snowdrifts in the Far North, but if the sunken islands are raised and the biosphere is changed (see above), then the descriptions of the Rig Veda become meaningful. Probably, in those days, the Vedas and Vedic culture were the property not only of India, but of many Nations.

According to some philologists, from the Sanskrit name of Mount Meru (located in the center of Daaria / Hyperborea /) Russian word happens World with three main meanings - the Universe, people, harmony. This is very similar to the truth, because. according to Indian cosmology, Mount Meru on the metaphysical plane of being pierces the poles of the Earth and is an invisible axis around which the world of people rotates, although physically this mountain (aka Olympus) not shown now.

So, a cross-analysis of different cultures indicates the existence in the recent past of a highly developed civilization in the north, which disappeared under unclear circumstances. Inhabited this land by those who praised the gods (universal hierarchy) and therefore they were called Slavs ( NOTE: more precisely - Slavic-Aryans). One of their ancestors they considered the God of the sun (Yaro, Yarilo) and therefore were Yaro-Slavs. Another frequently encountered term in connection with the ancient Slavs is Arius. The word Arius in Sanskrit means "Noble", "Knowing the highest values ​​of life."

Usually they were called the upper classes of the Vedic society in ancient India. Some researchers see the connection of this word with the name of the divine progenitor of the Slavs - Yar.

The “Book of Veles” says that it was Yar, after a sharp cold snap, who led the surviving tribes of the Slavs from the Far North to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe modern Urals, from where they then went south and reached Penzhi (Punjab state in modern India). From there, they were later led to the territory of Eastern Europe by the Aryan commander Yaruna. In the ancient Indian epic "Mahabharata" this story is also mentioned and Yaruna is called by his Indian name - Arjuna. By the way, Arjuna literally means "Silver, light" and echoes the Latin Argentum (Silver). It is possible that another interpretation of the word Arius as "white man" also goes back to this root Ar (Yar).
Also see books by V.N. Demin "Mysteries of the Russian North", N.R. Guseva "Russians through the Millennium" (Arctic theory), "The Book of Veles" with translation.

As you know, all ancient cultures were based on the understanding that a person is dependent on external forces that have their own personifications. (Deities). The ritual culture consists of certain ceremonies that connect the supplicant with the source of this or that energy. (rain, wind, heat, etc.). All Peoples have the concept that these Deities, although they are located in the higher regions of the cosmos, due to their power, are able to hear the requests of a person and respond to them. Below I will give a table of the correspondence of the names of the Deities who were worshiped in Rus' and in India.

I have given only those names in which there is a full or partial match, but there are also many different names and functions. After such (though not complete) list of the Deities, the idea of ​​the Paganism of the ancient Beliefs of Rus' and India naturally arises.

However, this is a hasty and superficial conclusion. Despite such an abundance of Deities, there is a clear hierarchy that is built into a pyramid of power, at the top of which is the highest source of everything. (Supreme or Vishnu). The rest simply represent His authority as ministers and deputies. The President, being in the singular, is represented through a branched system. In the “Book of Veles” it is said about this as follows: “There are those who are mistaken who count the Gods, thereby dividing Svarga (Upper world). But are Vyshen, Svarog and others the essence of a multitude? For God is one and many. And let no one divide that multitude and say that we have many gods.” (Krynitsa, 9). There was also paganism in Rus', but later, when the Most High was forgotten and ideas about hierarchy were violated.

Also, our ancestors believed that reality is divided into three levels of Rule, Reality and Nav. The world of Rule is a world where everything is right, or an ideal upper world. The world of Reveal is our manifest, obvious world of people. World of Navi (non-Yavi) is the negative, unmanifested, lower world.

The Indian Vedas also speak of the existence of three worlds - the Upper world, where goodness dominates; the middle world, seized with passion; and the lower world, immersed in ignorance. Such a similar understanding of the world gives a similar motivation in life - it is necessary to strive into the world of Rule or goodness. And in order to get into the world of Rule, you need to do everything correctly, that is, according to the law of God. From the root Prav come such words as Pravda (what gives Right), U-rule, Is-rule, Government. That is, the point is that real governance should be based on the concept of the Rule (higher reality) and real management should spiritually elevate those who follow the ruler, Leading his wards on the paths of Rule.

The next similarity in the spiritual realm is the recognition of the presence of God in the heart. This concept is expounded in the Indian source Bhagavad Gita. In Slavic thought, this understanding is given through the word "conscience". Literally, "Conscience" means "according to the message, with the message." "Message" is a message or Veda. Living According to the Message (Vedoy) coming from God in the heart as His information field, this is the "conscience". When a person comes into conflict with the unwritten laws emanating from God, he is in conflict with God and himself suffers from disharmony in the heart.

We, the descendants of the knowledgeable Slavs, have been familiar with the Pantheon of Greek, Roman, Scandinavian, Indo-Iranian, Egyptian and other Gods since school. The mythology of these peoples can be easily encountered in textbooks and books on the history of the Ancient World. However, these books do not have a section on Ancient Rus' (why? - food for thought). In most historical books, the opinion prevails that the Slavs, as a civilized people, developed only with the adoption of Judeo-Christianity, although historical and especially archaeological data testify:

our Ancestors for many thousands of years preserved themselves as a nation, protected their native language, culture and customs based on an inextricable connection with Nature, courageously defending their territorial and spiritual independence. Great states, empires were born and died around, and sometimes many tribes and peoples disappeared from the face of the Earth forever, but our Ancestors, having a deep understanding of the fundamental principles of nature and being inextricably linked with Nature, learned to live according to Conscience in harmony with Nature, becoming part of it. thanks to which they were able to pass on to us the fire of life through the centuries.

Glory to the Gods and our Ancestors!

And their significance attracted the attention of researchers for many centuries. The fact that the Russian language was used to encode the Vedas has been established for a long time, but the secrets of the language themselves have not yet been revealed to this day. In the old days, for the interpretation of symbols, they resorted to the help of the Vestal Virgins, baptized witches by Christians. Vedas - a word derived from the word "know", which reflects the deep content of the worldview.

general information

The history of the Slavic Vedas is much deeper than the exotic Indian traditions that have taken root in modern society. Vedism is a deep history of our people, reflecting the peculiarities of its spirituality. Vedism is believed to be the most ancient teaching, about the coming of which Vanga spoke to people.

There is no such science that could explain how the amulets, the Vedas, were born; the meaning of this worldview is also not amenable to logical scientific perception and systematization. This worldview included the idea of ​​the presence of some higher divine essence, as well as the existence of a hierarchy among the gods. Identification of the highest essence, significance for the Slavic peoples, the importance of this object for the formation of spirituality at the level of the people - all this has repeatedly become the object of research by prominent philosophers and scientists. In the eighteenth century, the history of Rus' and the Vedas were the focus of attention of Lomonosov, Popov, a century later - Tolstoy and Zamaleev. In the nineteenth century, works devoted to the Slavic divine pantheon were written by Sudov, Osipov, and other prominent figures of the era, but it was during that period that the understanding of the supreme god was violated.

Past and present

Reflecting the history of the Slavs before the baptism of Rus', the Vedas are a tradition that interprets the divine essence as a kind of absolute. Currently, it is interrupted, and much has been lost and forgotten. Since knowledge left people gradually, over the centuries, discussions have become more and more extensive, devoted to what are the correct names, what functions lie on the gods. In the Vedas, the gods were not supposed to have a personal name, but luminosity was inherent in all of them. The first place in the hierarchy was occupied by the fire of the cosmos, a fiery light that manifested itself in thousands of faces.

Every person faces darkness and light. Among people it is customary to single out light, dark. Light brown hair is inherent in the first - they are called Russian. They were supposed to carry light, it was they who were called Aryans - hence the term "Slavic-Aryan Vedas." Aryan means nobility. The word that came to us from Sanskrit has recently been forgotten; rather, the titles associated with light, common in the past, are remembered - “lordship”. Initially, they reflected a person's belonging to the number of the best. An Aryan is a noble person who brings light and gives good to his world. A light person is the opposite of a dark one, opposing evil.

Covert and overt

You can find a lot of books about the Slavic-Aryan Vedas these days - this topic is of interest to an increasing number of people. Many of our compatriots would like to return to their roots, and are looking for ways to learn and receive information. The Vedas are one of the most ancient scriptures on our entire planet. In ancient times, people sought to preserve messages for the future that would help future generations. They passed on their knowledge through these messages, shared their understanding of virtue, pointed out how to keep the spirit pure. The Vedas, created by the priests at the time of the birth of the doctrine, were derived very carefully, thoughtfully, accurately. Messages carved on a metal plane have survived to this day. They were created so as not to suffer from rust, not to deteriorate over the years and centuries. In these messages is hidden thousands of years of wisdom, great knowledge, not intended for the general public.

Closely connected with the history of ancient Rus' before baptism, the Slavic Vedas are secret divine instructions transmitted to humanity striving for light and righteousness. They were intended to preserve the spirituality of the people, striving for a harmonious existence with the outside world. The Vedic teaching required each person to be aware of the level of responsibility for deeds. And today, the Vedic teaching allows us to realize the connection between consequences and causes, get to know the ancient wisdom better, touch the pure truth, which was not influenced by the bloody dictatorships that have so much changed the human world in recent centuries.

Do I need it?

In the history of mankind, the Vedas are an important, but undeservedly forgotten step in the development of civilization. As in the past, the Vedic teaching can give food for thought to a modern person, a large amount of fundamentally new information, the reflection of which helps to transform, become better, turn one's life towards the light. The Slavic Vedas in ancient times were hidden from the uninitiated, and then the level of secrecy became even greater - both the keepers of ancient wisdom and the rulers of countries sought to hide the doctrine of light. The first tried in this way to keep it intact, the second - to prevent a change in the lives of subordinates for the better.

It is believed that through simple books, the Vedas of the Slavs are not amenable to knowledge and awareness. This is one of the reasons why the ancient wisdom was kept so secretive for many centuries. It was believed that ordinary people are not yet ready to gain light, are not able to know the divine instructions, until the right time has come. Even the Vedas available today are full of gaps, much remains to be deciphered - mysterious symbols and signs leave room for imagination and assumptions.

Own and Neighborhood

The Vedas of the Slavs and Aryans that came from the time of the history of Ancient Rus' are known. In addition to them, there are Indian Vedas. The Slavic-Aryan doctrine compares favorably with its understandable style and style. Those people who wrote down the Vedas centuries ago sought to convey the meaning without the possibility of misreading, so they did not use ornate formulations. Some Vedas were available to everyone and everyone, and they were written so that even a small child could understand the information encrypted with symbols. Through the Vedas, children were taught to be aware of good and bad, to distinguish the content of their actions. A modern person can also get acquainted with such publicly available Vedas, thereby becoming one of the people with ancient knowledge. Do not underestimate the Vedic teaching, the roots of which are in Slavic origins.

Closely related to the history of Russia, the Vedas are now available to anyone who is interested in them. It is enough just to let the Vedic teachings into your life, thereby becoming closer to the Slavs. It is believed that this will attract good luck, know happiness and find harmony in everyday life - and all this is so lacking for a simple person in our time, in a frantic pace of life filled with difficulties and problems. Vedic books simplify the upbringing of children, since the information in them is presented in such a way that even a small child can realize what is right and what is completely wrong to do.

For everyone and for everyone

They say that the Russian Vedas made a significant contribution to the history of mankind. If modern people open their lives to the Vedic teachings, perhaps this will be the way to resurrect the nation, the state. Some believe that it is through the Vedas that power can be returned to the Russian people, raising the national spirit. The Vedas allow you to look at the familiar and understandable from a new point of view, and even obvious things turn out to be not so banal.

The Vedas of the Slavs are a way to increase one's own morality. A person who follows such a teaching can be an example to follow and an object for the pride of future generations. Slavic Vedas are associated with national self-consciousness, pride, forgotten and lost by many in the ups and downs of the last centuries. Some say: the Vedic book should be present in every home, in every family, and then gradually everything in life will fall into place, ideals will return, and other people's idols will be rejected.

Connections and cultures

Do the Slavic-Aryan Vedas differ from the Indian ones, how great are these differences, and what teaching should be introduced into your life? These issues have recently become more and more relevant, and knowledgeable people publish articles, books, and impressive works to cover them. It's no secret: there are indeed many similarities between these two teachings, and this is largely due to the common language base. Among other Indo-European languages, the two closest languages, as linguists say, are Russian, Sanskrit, that is, the language that was spoken in Ancient India. The study of the Slavic religion shows its similarities with Hinduism. In both of these currents, books filled with higher knowledge were called the Vedas. It is worth noting: in the alphabet of our ancestors, the third letter was “lead”. There are some similarities at the present time, for example, the name of the currency: rupees and rubles.

A rather surprising similarity follows from the Indian and Slavic-Aryan Vedas, which reflected the structure of the world. It has long been believed that there is a mysterious Hyperborea far to the north, and Nostradamus spoke of the Russians as a Hyperborean people who came from the northern lands. In the "Book of Veles", which has come down to our days, there is information about the transition made by the Slavs twenty thousand years before the beginning of our era due to the onset of cold. However, modern excavations of fossils also confirm that earlier in the far north the climate was different. Lomonosov's studies also testify to this. Even Pliny the Elder wrote about the Hyperboreans, who lived near the Arctic Circle. He also spoke about the connection between these people and the Hellenes.

Linguists, geographers and historians: working together

Exploring the Vedas of the Slavs, one cannot but pay attention to the amazing similarity of some names, including geographical destinations. So, the Arctic is a word derived from the Sanskrit "Arch", denoting our main luminary.

Not so long ago, organized research confirmed that about four thousand years ago, a Mediterranean climate reigned in the territory of modern Scotland. In the Arctic, as shown by the work of Russian paleontologists, about 30 thousand years ago it was quite warm. Treshnikov argued that the Arctic Ocean about 15 millennia ago was a zone of temperate climatic zone.

The Vedas of the Slavs are of particular interest against the background of geographical research and analysis of works not only modern, but also written centuries ago. So, Mercator in 1569 depicted Hyperborea as a mainland formed by four island parts with a mountain in the center. Such a mountain is also mentioned in the epic of the Hellenes and Indians. The reliability of Mercator's work is confirmed by the mapped strait, officially opened only in 1648, and in 1728 named after Bering. Probably, Mercator formed a kata, focusing on ancient sources.

A number of Russian scientists are convinced that a mountain is indeed hidden in the waters of the northernmost ocean of our planet, the top of which almost reaches the ice layer. Perhaps, along with the Mendeleev and Lomonosov ridges, it sank not so long ago.

If you pay attention to the map of Phineus compiled in 1531, Hyperborea is also present there. It is also on the map of the world created at the end of the sixteenth century in Spain. This work is still kept in the National Library of Madrid.

Geography and countries

Linguists who studied the Vedas of the Slavs, Russian and Sanskrit, suggested that the Russian word "world" has the same roots as the Sanskrit name Meru - mountains, the central point of Hyperborea. The world is both harmony, and civilization, and the universe in which we live, and in Indian cosmology, the metaphysical Meru permeates the planetary poles, representing the axis of our world. The human world revolves around her, despite the absence of physical manifestation.

Conducting a cross-cultural analysis, it is difficult to deny the presence of a developed northern civilization in the past. However, this does not allow clarifying the circumstances under which she disappeared, the reasons for what happened. But we can say with confidence: in Hyperborea there lived people who glorified the hierarchy of the universe through divinity, which is why they were called Slavs. The Vedas of the ancient Slavs suggest that people considered themselves divine solar descendants, Yaroslavs. How "Aryan" as a term came to the Slavs has not yet been established, perhaps Yara and Arius are the same word that has changed in different cultures over the centuries.

"The Book of Veles"

From this book, which gives a fairly complete picture of the Vedas of the ancient Slavs, it is known that a severe cold snap was the reason for Yar to take the survivors to the southern lands. So from the north, people moved to the Ural region, from where they eventually moved to Punji, the Indian state, today called Punjab. Further, under the leadership of Jarun, they moved to the eastern European regions. However, in ancient Indian sources, this story is recorded with slightly different names, for example, Yaruna is called Arjuna, which means “silver” in translation and is close to the sound of the Latin name for silver. Some associate the term "white man" and Yara, Aria.

The Vedas of the Slavs, the history of the ancient people show how important the manifestation of divinity was for them. People knew that they depended on some external great power. Both in India and in Russia these forces were personified as deities. The rituals that the Slavs practiced were designed to connect a person and the power that lives in the cosmic distance. The power of the entities was such that they could hear the request of any person and respond favorably to it. It is worth noting: the names of the personified forces among the Slavs and the Indians had a lot in common.

Everything is interconnected

The Vedas and the history of the Slavs clearly show: for a Russian person, the life-giving face of the sun has always meant a lot, and therefore was deified. It is the study of the Sun in ancient culture that helps to learn many features of the Vedic traditions, including the sacred name. Yar, Yarilo - it is this name that is encoded in a huge number of words used today: faith, measure. Even the “fool”, the same Ivanushka from fairy tales, is closely connected with this Vedic tradition - the sacred meaning of this name is due to the specific life path that the epic hero is forced to go through in all his stories. Philosophers, linguists, who analyzed Slavic epics and legends, proved that Vedism is a complex system of worldview that united the entire society of the ancient Slavs. From it followed the priorities of the tribe, the rules of conduct, spiritual attitudes and features of the activity of each individual member of society.

No less significant was the word "rule", which is also reflected in the name of the religion - Orthodoxy. Rule is closely connected with reality, Navi. The sorcerers of the old times knew: being is illusory, multifaceted, and the truth is only in the divine commandments. The most significant of them was considered the law, reflecting the consequences and causes: you will reap what was sown. This idea is extremely close to the karma that spread through the teachings of the Brahmins in India.

The Slavs, however, knew "karna". Asov speaks about this term in his work. The man who lives the truth makes the world of his dreams real; truth is the path from the divine to the present. At the same time, one who glorifies the truth is considered Orthodox. In those days, there was also a system that was exceptionally close to modern yoga, and the word “yogi” itself is actually “goy”, which meant the Slavs in the Hebrew language.

History and religion: close connection and value

The Slavic Vedas are not only an important source of ideas about life in ancient times, they are also a cultural monument reflecting the thousand-year history of human civilization. It is now known that all the Vedas were written on one of three materials: wood, parchment and metal. The choice of material for recording was based on the features of the text. Santi were called plates minted from expensive metal - most often from gold, which is not afraid of rust. Sacred texts were minted on the plates, then they were fastened together, receiving special metal books. Charati were written on high quality parchment, and the texts on the tablets were called sorcerers. It is believed that the most ancient of those that have survived to this day are santii. Dedicated to Perun, they were written over forty thousand years ago. It was the santias that at first were called the Vedas, but the analysis of the text made it possible to see references to other sources, ancient even for the authors of Perun's santias. Nowadays, they either have sunk into oblivion, or are stored in secret places, and will be announced in the distant future.

Santii are called upon to fix a picture of the world, they contain ancient knowledge. Some believe that santii can correctly be called an archive of the most important knowledge of mankind.

Haratis mostly copied santii or contained extracts from the original teaching. They were more widespread, used by the priests for their needs. The most ancient surviving harati are called the "Book of Wisdom", dated to 26,731 years before the beginning of the current era. It was much easier to write them down than to forge santi, so extensive texts and historical information were mainly recorded in this way. The legends preserved information about the composition “Avesta” written on twelve thousand prepared oxen skins, which spoke about the war between the Aryan peoples and the Chinese with the victory of the former. It is believed that the document was burned by the hands of Alexander the Great.

It's curious

It is assumed that in the "Avesta" it was written about the "Creation of the world in the Star Temple." This is the name given to the fact of a peace agreement, which became known to ordinary people as the creation of the world. The Star Temple is the designation of the year in which the document was drawn up. Every 144 years, in accordance with the ancient calendar, it is he who repeats.

According to the Vedas, the universal galaxies are formed by ether, a pra-matter that dies as the life cycle ends. The first stars in the Galaxy, as the Vedas said, lit up in the center - and it was here that life was born, gradually spreading throughout the cosmos. It was in those days that civilization was most developed. Our habitat, according to the ideas of the ancient sorcerers, was part of a system of 27 planets with Yaril in the center, as well as asteroids, of which modern astronomers cannot find prototypes for many. The earth was called Midgard. Presumably, for about three hundred millennia, the climate on our earth was not at all the same as we know it. To write this document, it is believed that Runic, the ancient runic system of the Aryans, was used.

If you wish to get to know the ancient Vedic teachings better, you should first of all look for the "Vedas of Perun". This ancient work has been restored and translated into a language understandable to the common man. It is believed that the guardians of the Ynglistic Church are those people who are responsible for the preservation of these ancient santi, created about 40 thousand years ago.

You can learn about the idea of ​​the Aryans about the creation of the world from the haratya. Quite curious material is a legend dedicated to the Bright Falcon, which tells about the miracles available to people of the past. Despite the simple form of narration, close to a fairy tale, this is a multifaceted work that tells about the high level of civilization that existed in previous centuries. Philosophers concluded from this tale: in the past, the Aryans, the Slavs, were capable of controlling aspects of reality with consciousness, thought.

Curious is the "Source of Life", a book dedicated to legends, traditions of ancient times. Such collections existed in previous centuries, and each ancient family has its own particle of the world of the past. The “Book of Veles”, mentioned earlier, is no less curious - the text written by the ancient Slavs tells about the worldview system and the historical ups and downs of the Slavic tribes. For many thousands of years, the Magi supplemented and rewrote this book using a writing system that appeared before the Cyrillic alphabet. Written in the divine language, the Book of Veles was kept on tablets.

Neo-paganism is gaining momentum every day. True, not everyone who calls themselves pagans really knows the meaning of the symbolism, the Vedas. For the most part, in the minds of young people, the impression is that all pagans are sort of bearded men and women with long braids behind their backs. But what is worth knowing about the pagan Vedas, and what is it, in general, is it?

Slavic-Aryan Vedas

They consist of several books. The first book "Slavic-Aryan Vedas" is divided into several parts: Circle One", "The Saga of the Ynglings", "Ynglism", There is also an additional appendix called "Organizations and communities of the Old Russian Church of the Ynglings-Old Believers". This book tells about the commandments that Perun left to the peoples of the Great Race, as well as a number of events.This book and its appendices tell about the Yngling ancestors, provide information about the teachings of this church, the calendar, the pantheon, hymns, and general commandments of each God. -Aryan Vedas. Book 1" is quite large, but

This gives very significant knowledge both about Old Believers in general and about traditions in particular.

The second book is in two parts. These are the "Book of Light" and "Words of Wisdom by Velimudr Magus". This book is a kind of mystical work that was translated from runic writing, and also contains the precepts of the ancient sage and sorcerer Velimudr. only the first part of the covenants. The second part is in the third book "Slavic-Aryan Vedas". The third book also consists of two parts: "Inglism" and "Words of Wisdom of the Magus Velimudr". "Ynglism" is a symbol of Yngling beliefs. Well, the “Words” are the very second part of the testaments that came to us from antiquity. The fourth book consists of the "Source of Life" and "White Way", which contain the legends and legends of the ancient Slavs, as well as an indication of their path.

What is most remarkable is that in the predictions that are given in these books, there are truly world-class events that have come true. The description of the structure of the world and the universe is close enough to the modern description, and reading these books will allow you to develop not only the mind, but also spirituality (unless, of course, you do not look for hidden meanings).

Problems of Old Believers and the Slavic-Aryan Vedas in the Mud

Now this knowledge is applied by two types of people. The first type is quite peaceful pagan Old Believers. They substantiate all the Vedas for peaceful purposes, simply perform rituals and observe traditions, enriching themselves with the knowledge and spiritual treasures of their faith.

The second type of people are rigid ideologists. For the most part, they justify their cruelty with certain instructions, which they also distort in their favor. As a matter of fact, it is precisely because of them and the Nazis of the Second World War that public aggression is caused not only by references to the books "Slavic-Aryan Vedas", but also by swastikas. People simply forgot that swastikas were in the most ancient civilizations and carried precisely a bright beginning. However, paganism is not imposed on anyone. The main thing is that faith is close to the spirit and does not go beyond what is permitted. And let the Slavic-Aryan Vedas have different comments, and the true Old Believers will follow the path that Perun and others appointed them

1 (113). Skifady, Priest of the Temple of the Fern Flower, from the Rassen Family, said to Perun the Wise One: You, tell me, Wise teacher, what forces attract Aliens to leave their fiefdoms in the World of Darkness, and bring them to us on Midgard-Earth?
God the Many-Wise answered the Priest: Foreigners will covet everything alien, which does not belong to them...
All their thoughts are only about power, but over all the Worlds, about the seizure of property, and the creations of the Light Worlds...

2 (114). The goal of the Aliens is to break the harmony reigning in the World of Light...
and destroy the Descendants of the Heavenly Clan and the Great Race, for only they can give a worthy rebuff to the Forces of Darkness...
Servants of the World of Darkness believe that only they should own all the Worlds that the Great Ra-M-Ha created...
And arriving on the Blooming Earths, they strive to accustom Human Children to Greed, for Greed destroys Knowledge, and when Knowledge is killed, Shame perishes...

3 (115). When Shame is killed, Truth is oppressed, with the death of Truth, Happiness will perish...
When Happiness is killed, Man dies, and if Man dies, then all his wealth is freely taken over by Aliens...
They consider wealth to be their surest support, and build their World on wealth...
In the World of Darkness, life is available only to those who have wealth, a poor person, like a dead man in the desert...
4 (116). They take away wealth from people, hoping for the Power of their Deception...
Knowing that if they take away from people the support and Faith, the goal in Life and the Freedom of the Spirit, then the people themselves will be destroyed ...
Human children in such a position in the World of Reveal, choose the path of death freely, and direct their weapons
against Aliens-villains, for it is better to accept a glorious death, in a righteous battle with Alien enemies,
than to submit to enemies ...
5(117). People who are weak in Spirit lose their minds, or fall under the power of Foreigners-enemies, while others, in a thirst for acquisitions, go to the service of Foreigners...
The misfortunes of such misguided people are worse than death, since death, according to the Law, is the Eternal Path of the World, and there is no one living in the World of Reveal who would surpass death ...

6 (118). Foreign enemies lead Human Children to madness, and people losing their minds more and more commit cruel acts...
... Before the violation of the Commandments of the Blood, people reach in their atrocities, and for those guilty of the Blood mixture, Hell will open its wide doors...
... And if a person does not reject all this, and if he does not wake up, then he goes straight to Hell ...
and the Gods will not help him, for he chooses his own Path...

7 (119). The awakening of a person is only in Knowledge, and the eye of Knowledge saves him...
Having reached Cognition, the Human Child again looks at the Vedas, and again the aspiration to Spiritual Life becomes a duty, and Conscience becomes the head of all deeds...
Listening to conscience, he hates everything evil, from this the Conscience becomes strong, and a person creates his Happiness,
in Happiness the man himself is created...

8 (120). Calm people, always skillful in their deeds and constantly indebted to the Family...
They do not think lawless and do not act sinfully.
Unscrupulous or unreasonable people, whether men or women, do not succeed in fulfilling their duty to the Gods and the Family, and are likened to Strangers...
... Those who have a Conscience honor their Gods and Ancestors, and they go to Immortality, and not to the Hellish World...

9 (121). Which of the Human Children, having come from madness into a rage, will threaten, who will hate the good, that as a Stranger - GRAY and contemptible will be called by people ...
Who, at the instigation of Strangers, in delusion and greed seeks to take away their Happiness from good people, he, not controlling himself, will not master anger and himself will not long retain Happiness, for all the wealth of those who have strayed from the Path of Light,
will go to the aliens...

10 (122). And the hearts of all the Dark Forces are filled with joy when the Human Children, listening to the false speeches of Aliens, go astray from the path of the Light...
And they go the low way, accumulating material goods, and not Spiritual ones, at the behest of Foreign Enemies, thereby leading their Clans to death...
And the Foreign Enemies know that all unrighteous blessings and wealth taken from good people will cloud the Mind of the people, and the Souls of people will become callous...

11(123). Children of the Human Tribes, do not heed the words of Strangers, for they are deceitful and want to destroy your Souls,
so that they do not end up in Heavenly Asgard, but are eternal wanderers in the darkness of the impenetrable...
... Do not allow Strangers to your daughters, for they will seduce your daughters, and corrupt their pure Souls, and destroy the Blood of the Great Race, for the daughter has the first man, leaves the Images of Spirit and Blood...

12 (124). Foreign Images of Blood from Human Children the Light Spirit is expelled, and the mixing of Blood leads to death…
and this Genus, degenerating, perishes without having healthy offspring, for there will be no inner Force that kills all the sickness-diseases that will be brought to Midgard-Earth...
Foreign enemies coming from the Dark World...

13 (125). Do not heed the exhortations of seductive enemies and do not be seduced by their false promises...
Foreign enemies have no compassion, neither for the Human Children of the Heavenly Clan, nor for creatures like themselves, for each one who came from the Dark World or his descendant born on Midgard or another Earth thinks only about an idle life, using someone else's labor, and the gullibility of Human Children ...

14(126). By deceit and cunning, and unrighteous lies, Strangers gain confidence in people.
Boasting about their friendship with the elders of the Family, they entangle the Human Children with lies...
And their pure Souls seduce, and accustom them to vile deeds...
Foreign enemies call their animal lust - Delight, and the birth of children - vicious madness, and call on Human Children to not observe their father's traditions ...

15(127). Human Children from the Clans of the Great Race and, You, the descendants of the Heavenly Clan, be pure in Soul and Spirit,
and let a clear Conscience be the measure of your deeds ...
Drive out your Foreign Enemies and all their descendants from all lands, or they will destroy with their Lack of Spirituality
Your Light souls, and with vicious deeds will destroy your bodies, and will use you and your descendants,
in their dark deeds, and with your sons and daughters they will console their flesh ...
16 (128). Which of you and your descendants will remember all this and drive the Great Race from the Holy Land?
Foreign enemies and their descendants, that true Savior and Defender of his Clan and all Clans of the Great Race and the Heavenly Clan ...
And those who will listen to the false words of the Outlanders...
and he will give them his daughters, or he will take a foreign daughter for his son, that apostate of the Human Race, and there will be no forgiveness of the Light Gods and the Heavenly Family, all the days without a trace ...

The first man leaves the images of Spirit and Blood with his daughter- i.e. the first man who violated a girl's virginity is the only father of all the children she bears in her life, regardless of whether he lives with her or not, and how many men she can change in her later life.

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