Composition of a reasoning on the topic Nicknames (Grade 7). What to write in an essay-reasoning on the topic "Nicknames"? First, decide on your own position.


Speech development lesson in grade 7. Composition-reasoning on the topic "Nicknames".

Technology Based developing critical thinking through reading and writing

Lesson topic : Essay-reasoning on the topic "Nicknames".

The purpose of the lesson : Ppreparation for independent writing of an essay-reasoning on a given text.



    to teach to identify the problems of the text, the author's position, to express their own opinion on the problem;

    collect material for an essay, systematize it, build written speech statements;

    select speech means for expressing one's thoughts, expand vocabulary, enrich the grammatical structure of speech;

    conduct a dialogue, conversation, in accordance with the rules of speech behavior;

    expand knowledge about the types and styles of speech.

Developing: develop thinking skills:critical thinking mindniepose problems, summarize the findings and draw conclusions.

Educational: to cultivate a culture of communication, behavior, a kind, respectful attitude towards others.

Applied technology: technology for developing critical thinking through reading and writing

Lesson structure:

1. Challenge (activation, motivation)

2.Comprehension (active reading, listening)

3. Reflection (reflection, analysis).

Methods, methods of work:

    posing thick and thin questions to the text;

    search in the text for answers to the questions;

    marking using icons that are placed in the margins;

    arrangement of keywords, key sentences in a logical sequence;

    graphic systematization of the text material: clusters, tables, diagrams;

    keeping records ("flight logs").



    Tostudent activity art;


    multimedia projector;

    presentation “Composition-reasoning “Nicknames”;

    Aphorisms aboutculture of communication;

    Withcharts, tables.

Lesson plan

    Call. Teacher's word. Goals, objectives of the lesson.

Guys, have you read a fragment of A. Aleksin's story? (Answers guys)

Are you interested in the topic of the story? (Answers guys)

I would like to express my opinion: to object to the hero or, conversely, to support? We will try to do this, and for this we need to be well prepared. Today we will prepare for writing an essay-reasoning on the topic “Nicknames” according to the text that you read in the textbook. Let's define the goals and objectives of our lesson.

What do you need to do to write a good essay? Let's plan a step by step way of our work. (Students answer).

Slide number 2,3. Goals, tasks. We enrich the grammatical structure.

2. Repetition of what has been learned about journalistic style.

Slide number 4 "Publicistic style." Function, purpose, scope.

Who works with the journalistic style of speech?

- Journalists. They are trying to solve important issues for our society, draw attention to them, form public opinion, and think about ways to solve them.

Slide number 5. Problem.

A person who solves any complex issue forms a certain opinion. What other synonymous words can be used?Write in notebook point of view, position, views, opinion.

Slide number 6. (Position, views, opinion, point of view).

2. Understanding. Conversation on the text of the exercise. Today we will solve an important problem for children of our age and for our school society - nicknames. And I suggest that you play the role of journalists, investigate this problem, and then speak to your friends from other classes. At home, you read a fragment of A. Aleksin's story "Detective" from the textbook, prepared questions on the text for your comrades.

Possible questions.

Why has the desire to give nicknames become a "dangerous epidemic"?

How does Alik feel about nicknames?

If Alik approves of nicknames, then why doesn't he like being called Defective? Don't you find a contradiction in his position?

Is a name really more interesting than a nickname?

Let's summarize. What is Alik's position? Can you argue with him?

Yes, sure. He thinks it's okay to use nicknames, but he doesn't like the offensive nickname "Defective". Let's formulate our position on the problem.

Slide number 7. Wording options. (Write in notebook)

4. Actualization of knowledge about the structure of reasoning.

Type of speech in our essay? (Reasoning).

Let's repeat the argument. Name the structural parts of the reasoning. What is a thesis? (Main position, summary of thought ). Arguments? ( Proof ).

Let's see the slide. Slide number 8. Scheme of reasoning.

5. The structure of the essay.

Slide number 9. The structure of the essay.

This scheme will form the basis of our work. Where does the essay begin? (Introduction) . Let's not forget that we write based on the given text. Therefore, we will write first about the position of the hero of the story, and then about our attitude towards it. (Write a diagram in a notebook).

6. Collection of material for the essay in accordance with the plan.

Introduction. What can it be? Check out some entry options.Slide number 10-11. Entry options.

Hero position . We have already formulated it. But do not forget that these are working (reference) materials

own position. We look at slide number 12

Let's formulate our position. (Thesis). Thesis is the main idea, position.

(Entry in the proposal notebook).

Argumentation. How do we prove our position? In order to understand the problem more fully, we apply the techniquebrainstorming .

Let's write the keyword in the center, and around it all the words, phrases that come to mind by association. Such a scheme is called a cluster.

(Nicknames humiliate, offend honor, dignity. It's a shame, ashamed. Disrespect. They ridicule shortcomings. They scoff, laugh, everyone knows. Feel angry, annoyed. Lead to a quarrel, conflict. Repeat, stick, stick for life. Difficult to get rid of. Evil people , uncivilized, ill-mannered Nicknames faceless, gray.)

We organize the material. Let's formulate several arguments.

1) Nicknames humiliate, ... .. honor, dignity of a person.

The person is offended……….

Often this leads to quarrels, ………

Nicknames keep coming....

Nicknames are given by ill-mannered, ………… people.

Do not forget that these are basic, supporting thoughts: a thought in a folded form. We establish semantic, logical connections between individual microthemes. We are watchingslide number 13.

When arguing, you can rely on the thoughts of famous people

Slide 14, 15,16

2) What does a name mean for a person? (The name is given by the parents. They choose for a long time, with love, with excitement, with trepidation. All relatives participate in choosing a name, give advice. A lot of good thoughts, desires, hopes are connected with the choice of a name. To call by name is to show respect. Names glorified famous people. Named after worthy people, relatives).

Do you know the meaning of your name? (Answers of children).

    Alina - other Germanic.noble , Greek solar, Arab. faithful., scand. V majestic, majestic.

    Vladimir - Slavyansk. owning the world.

    Dmitriy Greek in honor of the goddess Demeter.

    Vadim other words .attractive.

    Tatiana Greek . organizer, founder. appointed, appointed.

    Nelly - dr.russian .gentle, but persistent. Greek . young, new.

    Hope - senior word hope.

What wonderful names we have! Each has its own history, carries a positive charge.The famous American teacher, psychologist, writer Dale Carnegie wrote: “When talking, call a person by name more often. Remember that a person's name is the sweetest and most important sound in any language."slide 17.

3) Appeal to the thoughts of great people is also a very weighty argument in an essay in defense of one's position.Slides 18, 19. (Briefly write in a notebook - the choice of arguments)

The conclusion is about the culture of communication.

7. Work on speech means.

When writing an essay, we will use synonyms so as not to use the same words.

We will try to use various syntactic constructions when constructing a sentence. (participial and participle turnovers, homogeneous members).

Rhetorical exclamations and questions.

Figurative and expressive means: metaphors, comparisons (weed, epidemic, burdock), evaluative epithets.

Phraseologisms. (Sticks like burdock. Feel out of place).

Proverbs. As it comes around, it will respond. What you don't want, don't want others. Don't dig another hole...


8. Reflection.

Did you like today's lesson?

Were the goals and objectives set at the beginning of the lesson fulfilled?

Did you learn something new in class?

Will the information received in the lesson be useful to you when writing an essay? Will it make it easier to work on it?

Are you satisfied with your work?

Our lesson is over. Thank you all very much.


Map of student activities in the lesson

Participation in setting the goals and objectives of the lesson.

Reviewing what has been learned about journalistic style.

Recording synonyms for the wordopinion .

Comprehension of the text ex. 216.

Formulation of the position of the hero of the story. Notebook entry.

Repetition of the text structure of the type of reasoning.

Drawing up an essay plan.

Analysis of entry options.

Selection of vocabulary for entering your own position.

An entry in a notebook of a thesis reflecting a personal position.

Gathering material by brainstorming to argue your point of view.

Systematization of the collected material.

Talk about people's names.

Analysis of the quotation material.

Selection of expressive means for creative work.

Self-assessment of work in the lesson

I don't understand,

Don't know

Information about publicistic style

Construction of an essay-reasoning

Synonyms for the wordopinion.

I understand the problems of A. Aleksin's text.

I know how to start writing.

I understand how to formulate the position of the main character.

I have defined my position on the issue.

I can prove my point.

I have information about the means of expression.

I can use some means of expression in my essay.

I think that the lesson was fruitful, I learned a lot

Working materials for the essay-reasoning "Nicknames".

1.Synonyms . Point of view, position, views, opinion.

2. We select synonyms (position of the hero of the text). Considers normal, (acceptable.)Allows for nicknames.He does not see anything terrible and dangerous in this.Relates positively, approvingly.Finds it interesting witty.

3. The plan of the composition. 1.Introduction. 2. The position of the hero of the story. 3.Own position on the problem. (Thesis). 4. Argumenty in defense of their position. 5. Conclusion.

4. Entry options.

Question. Have you ever heard how some guys call their friends by nicknames? I'm sure everyone has experienced this.

Statement. Nicknames. Unfortunately, the “most dangerous epidemic” mentioned in A. Aleksin's story exists in our school as well.

Situation. " Hey, Koshchey eared, where are you climbing! ”- a dense, athletic-looking high school student pushes away a thin guy, clearly younger than him in age. Cheerful laughter is heard from behind. "Koschei" draws his head in, turns away his reddened face, his lips tremble. Common situation? I think each of us has seen such a scene.

5. Emotional response to text . The story of A. Aleksin excited me (interested).

6. Quotes. The Russian people express themselves strongly! And if he rewards someone with a word, then it will go to his family and offspring, he will drag him with him to the service, and to retirement, and to St. Petersburg, and to the ends of the world.

In Rus' there are such nicknames that you just spit and cross yourself. N.V. Gogol

Do to others as you would like them to do to you.Bible truth.

by the way a person speaks, we can determine the degree of his intelligence, the degree of his psychological balance. Our speech is the most important part not only of our behavior, but also of our personality, our soul, mind ... D.S. Likhachev

Introspection of the lesson

The lesson is included in the educational block for the development of speech of the curriculum in the Russian language, grade 7, ed. T.A. Ladyzhenskaya.

Purpose: preparation for an essay-reasoning on a given topic.

Type of lesson - combined. Lesson-practice.

Formation of positive motivation: the knowledge gained will help to successfully prepare for the exam, GIA. In addition, knowledge has practical significance - it helps to solve specific life problems, to be applied in practice.

Formation of cognitive UUD: to be aware of the cognitive task, listen, find the necessary information in the text, learn to analyze, generalize, draw conclusions, learn to build speech statements

Tasks aimed at the formation of regulative universal learning activities: the ability to set a learning task yourself, plan actions, solutions (what are we going to do next?), exercise control, evaluate your results. Goal-setting is carried out together with the children.

At the lesson there is an actualization of the acquired knowledge.

The lesson assumes an integral approach, knowledge of various sections of the language is involved. (Morphology. Vocabulary. Stylistics. Text).

Practical skills are formed: children learn to use the entire inventory of language tools, the stylistic riches of the Russian language, concrete examples show the way to create an essay-reasoning.

Applied technologies: elements of problem-based learning, development of creative abilities,critical thinking technology.

Methods partially search, problem statement, creative. The lesson usesthe main techniques of technology for the development of critical thinking:

Statement of direct and covert questions to the text;

Search in the text for answers to the questions;

Arrangement of keywords, key sentences in a logical sequence;

Graphic systematization of the text material: clusters, tables, diagrams;

Elements of discussion.

Communicative UUD: enter into an educational dialogue with a teacher, classmates, participate in a general conversation, observing the rules of speech behavior, formulate your own thoughts, statements, justify your point of view.

Each of us has come across the concept of a nickname. For some, it is offensive, but for others, it is pleasant. A nickname is assigned to a person if he somehow violently reacts to it. How do we choose a nickname for a person? Does he always like it?

The nickname is usually given by peers, friends, classmates and parents. Parents call us affectionately: "Petenka", "baby", "baby". But when a person grows up, the nicknames of the parents become less and less, they are always pleasant. Other people have a completely different influence on us, calling us nicknames. Nicknames are given by the surname "Kolesnikov-Koleso", the name "Polina-Pashka", the appearance of a person "Woman, Fat Man, Pretty Woman", by the behavior of "Sloppy, Dirty, Chistyulya" and by the character of "Good-natured". But the nickname must "take root" in a person, and for this he must often be called that without causing him shame. A person does not always like a nickname, he fights with it, finding the weak point of the one who gave the nickname, or cries and suffers, not knowing how to defend himself.

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Every person is given a name by their parents at birth. But for various reasons, people around do not always call a person by name, but come up with different nicknames, sometimes even offensive ones.

Usually a nickname is given to a person with an interesting surname, or he has some distinctive features in appearance or behavior. My dad has a friend whose nickname is Golden. Once I asked my dad why everyone calls Uncle Seryozha "Golden". Dad told me that since childhood they began to call him that for the red hair color. Indeed, how did I not guess before that Uncle Seryozha got this nickname because he has red hair with a golden tint.

Usually a person receives a nickname in school years. It's worth someone crying in class a couple of times, as the nickname "Cry-Baby" can last for many years. Or, for example, a boy studies well, is always diligent, does all his homework, he is constantly called to the board, and if he also wears glasses, the nickname "Nerd" is provided.

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Felina Slavinskaya Oracle (64249) 5 years ago

Many of the nicknames are very negative. It is believed that only animals or prisoners can have nicknames.
But in my opinion, this is not entirely true.
The very word "nickname" means the term by which a person was nicknamed in order to distinguish him from other people.
After all, it is known that there are often whole villages in which all people have one or two surnames. Names and patronymics are also often repeated. So how can one distinguish Sergei Petrovich Smirnov from his full namesake and namesake?
But nicknames are a completely different matter. Popular rumor, humor and a well-aimed word will often stick such a nickname to a person - not in the eyebrow, but in the eye! And if this nickname is not offensive, not from profanity - it can do a good job.
First, as mentioned above, it differentiates a particular person from a large number of his namesakes.
And secondly, sometimes he makes himself ...

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I have friends and acquaintances not only from my school, but also from the neighboring school. We meet after class to discuss the latest news. We have been friends almost since the first grade, so during this time we managed to get nicknames. However, we have one important rule: we do not come up with an offensive nickname for a person, because we do not want a friend to be offended and answer us the same.

And recently I thought: why do people come up with nicknames for each other? Just? For interest? After all, each of us has a name given to us by our parents. Nicknames are invented if a person, for example, has an unusual surname (maybe even funny). It happens that long surnames are shortened for convenience, so a nickname arises.

Or a person has some interesting habits, hobbies. It also happens that a nickname fits a person so organically that many people forget what his real name is. I think it's a personal matter for everyone what to call someone. The main thing is that a person should not be offended, otherwise because of such ...

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Often, in Russian, a class can get a rather original task - to write a reasoning, the main topic of which should be nicknames. This problem is rather ambiguous - after all, one person may like a nickname, while another is always unpleasant when he is called names.

First, decide on your own position.

An essay-reasoning on the topic “Nicknames” is an interesting task for any student. If a person receives a name at birth, then a nickname is always created spontaneously. And it most often notices by no means the desired qualities, but those that a person actually has. Any label that society hangs on a person (whether from evil or good intentions) always emphasizes some special meaning of the existing qualities. In an essay-reasoning on the topic “Nicknames”, the student must first of all decide on his own position on this issue. Indeed, depending on his opinion, the essay will contain arguments in favor of ...

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Description of the topic: I wonder who will remember how many nicknames he had, is he now? What are offensive nicknames, or maybe it's just a description of a person or a stupid mockery that makes no sense?
Can a thoughtless nickname hurt?
And yet, we thought that we ourselves give ourselves nicknames, for example, on the Internet. So whether we are real or just want to see ourselves like that, but it can be scary to look at yourself through the eyes of another person, but, tickling your nerves, it’s useful.

In general, here is an article for you - an essay - it is also a discussion on the topic:

"Nicknames Among Us".

Which of us didn't have a nickname. There were kind nicknames, characterizing from the best side, and there were also offensive ones - they were often given to tease a person. And yes, they were different. Surname, character, habit, appearance, even hobbies formed the basis of nicknames.

They say that for a person there is nothing more harmonious in the world than his name. And treat him like home...

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/ Essays / Essays on a free topic / Grade 7 / Essay-reasoning about nicknames.

Essay about nicknames.

Every person is given a name at birth. But parents choose it only for the beauty of sound. And despite the fact that there are books where the meaning of names is explained, this meaning rarely coincides with the character of a person. However, in the course of life, a person receives a different name, or even more than one, where the most striking feature of his character is highlighted. Such a name is called a nickname.
Many people, especially children, give someone a nickname. There are quite popular nicknames. They are understandable to almost everyone. These include Cry-Baby, Snake, Mama's Son, Tolstoy. Basically, such nicknames are given in school years. They arise as a result of some memorable event. The girl cried once or twice, the nickname stuck to her. Or the children noticed that the boy was of an unusual build, and it occurred to someone to call him Tolstoy.

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Each baby is born and immediately receives a name from the parents. But in the future, people around him sometimes replace it with a nickname.

Often a person gets a nickname spontaneously. This may be due to the surname worn, the features of appearance or character, with some funny incident that happened to the owner of the nickname. This usually happens during school years, because children extremely like to show indefatigable imagination in everything, excelling in inventing original nicknames.

Such a nickname can be assigned to a person for many years or even for life. At the same time, it can bring a person both pride and positive, as well as shame, indignation, anger. After all, nicknames are offensive and harmless. It is unlikely that a boy with the surname Belov will be upset if classmates begin to call him "Bely". If he gets the nickname “Fat” or “Slanting”, then, for sure, he will, to put it mildly, be dissatisfied with this event.

I think that given nicknames should be treated philosophically, then...

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It must be a shame when nicknames are invented for the surname. As a rule, what is invented is attached once and for all, and not everyone manages to get rid of the nickname. But at the same time, the fact is somehow forgotten that long before the surname was invented on Russian soil, it was nicknames that were used.

By the way, it was by nicknames that they later added the surname to all relatives. But, truth and nicknames were very harmless, not like now.

For example, the name Kuznetsov came from the nickname "blacksmith". On the one hand, there is such a profession, and on the other, an insect - a grasshopper. Or the surname Yamshchikov. There was such a dynasty of hereditary coachmen, and they had a different surname, but the “coachman” clung and soon they were not called anything else but the Yamshchikovs. Or there was such an artisan who successfully coped with repairs, first of bags, and then of suitcases. So the nickname "Suitcase" stuck to him, but soon it turned into his last name - Chemodanov. And such...

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Each person born is given a name. Mom and dad name their child after someone from their family, for example, a grandmother or an uncle. And they can consult for a long time, choose a name according to the calendar.
Each of the names must mean something. For example, Elena means “bright”, Alexander means “conqueror”. They say that the character of a person and even his fate depend on the name.
In life, we can have not one, but several names. What mom and dad give stays with us forever. But at home, at school, at work, others give us nicknames. They can disappear and change over the years. But sometimes once this nickname is assigned to a person for life.
Usually the nickname reflects the brightest character trait. Often they come up with nicknames that are consonant with the name or surname, so that it is more convenient and interesting to call a person (Grey - on behalf of Sergey, Kirovets - on behalf of Kirov). Sometimes it arises and "grows" to a person as a result of some interesting, unusual case.

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There are quite popular nicknames. They are understandable to almost everyone. These include Cry-Baby, Snake, Mama's Son, Greedy, Botanist, Tolstoy. Basically, such nicknames are given in school years. They arise as a result of some memorable event or a series of cases. The girl cried once or twice, the nickname stuck to her. Or the children noticed that the boy was of an unusual build, and it occurred to someone to call him ...

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Nicknames have long and firmly entered our lives. Nicknames are given to people from the earliest years of life. And not necessarily nicknames should be negative, unpleasant, although this often happens. However, very often nicknames reflect only good things. Loving parents reward their children with affectionate nicknames - a bunny, a squirrel, a little mermaid, or maybe a bun. Nicknames are given to children both in kindergarten and at school. School nicknames are usually the most sticky, because if the nickname is successful, then the young man has to live with him all 8-10 grades of high school and it automatically, together with friends and girlfriends, passes with the person into adulthood. But even if the young man was not given any nickname at school, you should not be upset and upset, he still has to go to college, the army, and work. Friends are everywhere. Often nicknames are given for some remarkable feature of human behavior, and here they are often offensive. Sometimes nicknames are given for some physical feature of a person and ...

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Composition-reasoning on the topic "Nicknames"

The question of nicknames is immense, since there are a lot of nicknames in the Russian language. And yet this question is very interesting, so I will consider some cases when people come up with unusual nicknames.

Every person is given a name at birth. But parents choose it only for the beauty of sound. And despite the fact that there are books where the meaning of names is explained, this meaning rarely coincides with the character of a person. But in the course of life, a person receives a different name, or even more than one, where the most striking feature of his character is highlighted. Such a name is called a nickname.

There are quite popular nicknames. They are understandable to almost everyone. These include Cry-Baby, Snake, Mama's Son, Greedy, Botanist, Tolstoy. Basically, such nicknames are given in school years. They arise as a result of some memorable event or a series of cases. The girl cried once or twice, the nickname stuck to her. Or children...

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Composition of a reasoning on the topic of nicknames Grade 7 in Russian

In this essay, I will give my thoughts on nicknames. These are such “additional names” that are given to a person by other people. Usually a nickname contains a distinctive feature of a person, a reminder of some circumstance ... In fact, it is often something offensive. When a person himself chooses a “secret name”, then this is something pleasant, but it is called a “nickname”. The nickname is often not answered, but offended. I heard such nicknames as, for example, Portfolio, Beaver… But I won't give them all, of course. I'm just not sure if it's appropriate in the essay. Each nickname has its own story.

For example, the nickname is Garlic. It was with my girlfriend, who missed almost a quarter due to illness. It's just that at first the flu, after it did not recover - a cold. And the doctor, so that she would not get sick, wanted "the best." So that she had fewer drugs, so as not to get infected again, he prescribed her from the folk ...

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Russian language lesson on the topic "Preparation for an essay - reasoning on the topic" Nicknames ".

Objectives: to learn to write an essay based on the text read; introduce the basic scheme "Composition-reasoning"; improve writing skills; develop written language; educate interest in the Russian language.

During the classes.

Organizational moment.

Goal setting.

Based on the topic of the lesson, determine the objectives of the lesson, what we should learn.

Students formulate the objectives of the lesson. Objectives: to learn how to create a discourse text on a given topic; repeat the structure of the essay-reasoning. (slide2)


Motivational start. The study of this topic is necessary and important for us, since the essay must be written on the GIA and the Unified State Examination. In addition, the ability to take a certain point of view is an important personal quality.

Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

Notice in my subsequent speech what it resembles in structure.


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Recently, I was walking through the school, and the echo of a strange name flew in my wake. It was only later that I realized that they had given me a nickname. At first it was a little insulting, but then I seriously thought about this incident.

There are students in almost every class who like to give their classmates glib names. It often happens that a nickname conveys the essence of a person more than his name. It is worth digging a little deeper - and it turns out that most of the students have their own nickname. For some it's funny, for others it's neutral. The most amazing thing is that a person gets used to his new name, and then even begins to introduce himself to other people as a nickname. True, there are happy and unfortunate exceptions when the student is left without a nickname.

I got curious and did my little research. It turns out that only two cases remain without a nickname. The first case is generous honors students who always let me write off tests and homework. If you offend...

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Theme description: I wonder who will remember how many nicknames he had, is he now? What are offensive nicknames, or maybe it's just a description of a person or a stupid mockery that makes no sense?
Can a thoughtless nickname hurt?
And yet, we thought that we ourselves give ourselves nicknames, for example, on the Internet. So whether we are real or just want to see ourselves like that, but it can be scary to look at yourself through the eyes of another person, but, tickling your nerves, it’s useful.

In general, here is an article for you - an essay - it is also a discussion on the topic:

"Nicknames Among Us".

Which of us didn't have a nickname. There were good nicknames, characterizing from the best side, and there were also offensive ones - they were often given to tease a person. And yes, they were different. Surname, character, habit, appearance, even hobbies formed the basis of nicknames.

They say that for a person there is nothing more harmonious in the world than his name. And addressing him as a pet, by nickname, is a sign of bad manners. But sometimes a nickname for a person is much nicer than their own name.

In addition, nicknames largely reflect the attitude of people to a person. If he is loved in the company, then the nickname is most likely kind and cheerful, but if it is the other way around, beware. Often, such evil, sarcastic nicknames given to a person thoughtlessly can do much harm. They can greatly offend and a person can become isolated, disappointed not only in himself, but also in others.

By the way, it is worth noting that not very offensive nicknames are very convenient. Call, for example, and on the street or in the corridor Masha - about five people turn around, and Redhead shouted - it immediately becomes clear who they are turning to. Of course, you can object - because there is a surname. But the surname does not always sound beautiful.

Another feature is nicknames on the Internet. We give ourselves these so-called nicknames. Often they reflect our essence. Or they talk about how we really want to appear. Hiding behind nicknames, these bright, noticeable nicknames of our own composition, we hope to please the interlocutors, to intrigue them.

Yes, and living in the world of the Internet, it is more convenient to choose a new name for yourself and imagine yourself as a completely different person. Sometimes it can seem like an exciting adventure - impersonating a completely different person.

It is good or bad to have a nickname - each of us decides for himself. But it is unlikely that there is something bad in them, because the tradition of giving nicknames comes from the depths of centuries.

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