There is a verb ending. Spelling of unstressed personal endings of the verb, conjugation, exceptions



Transitive verbs are able to form phrases of a verb in conjunction with a noun, numeral or pronoun in the accusative case without a preposition:
- “buy (“who?”, “what?”) Book”;
- “to take (“who?”, “what?”) Her with him”;
- “get (“who?”, “What?”) Five.

The category of transitivity/intransitivity of the verb, although it belongs to the features, is closely related to its lexical meaning in a particular utterance. The same verb in can be both intransitive and transitive, depending on the contextual meaning. The list of such verbs tends to expand. Compare: "walking down the street - walking the dog."

The ending is an important morpheme in Russian, unlike most foreign languages. It is she who links words together, turning them into phrases and sentences. The ability to put the ending correctly is important for writing and correct speech.


The ending in Russian is available for all parts of speech, except for adverbs and participles (which is why they do not change). With the help of a correctly posed question, you can easily determine how an unstressed ending should be written for a particular word.

If you want to determine whether an adjective has, then the auxiliary word-question "what?" will help you. By its stressed ending, you can see which letter should be written in the word being checked. For example: “It’s hard not to notice a kind person” - ask the question: “a person (what?) Is kind.” The correct ending is "ooh".

The same applies to participles and ordinal numbers, answering the questions "which one? / Which one?". For example: "From the outgoing platform" - "platform (what?) Outgoing."

Endings are soft and hard. Therefore, sometimes the question and the word being checked may slightly differ in . In such cases, look at the meaning. Often interchangeable, for example, "oh-oh-oh", "wow-him", "mu-him", "im-im", "om-em".

In possessive adjectives (except i.p. and v.p.) and those from the names of calendar months, there is a soft sign before the end. For example, "fox", "October".

Also, a correctly asked question helps to determine the ending of nouns and verbs. Answering the questions "who?, what?" (for nouns) and "?, what to do?" (for verbs), you get the initial form of the word, by which you need to determine how the ending in the word.

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Helpful advice

Be careful, the question is asked from the main word (more often this is a noun) to the dependent. If you do not keep this logic, then you can get the wrong result.

The term "verb" came into our speech from Ancient Rus'. In those distant times, the Slavs called their alphabet "Glagolitic". In modern language, this part of speech occupies an important place. Verb words are often found in sentences, together with the subject they form the grammatical basis. The verb has a number of grammatical features, it can be the main and secondary member of the sentence.


The action and state of an object are conveyed with the help of having invariable signs of a perfect or imperfect form, transitivity - intransitivity, recurrence - irreversibility and conjugation.

The imperfect is more common in our speech. Usually morphemes help to form a perfect one from it: “look - look”, “shout - shout”. But it also happens vice versa: “- to stitch”, “to decide - to decide”. Such verb variants represent aspect pairs.

If the verbs can control the nouns that stand with them in the form of the accusative case, and the connection between them is expressed without the help of a preposition, then they will be considered: “show”, “cook”, “”. Intransitives are not characterized by such a subordinating connection: “absent”, “take a closer look”, “sit”.

The suffix -sya (-s) on the suffix indicates that the verb is reflexive. Irrevocables do not have such a suffix. It should be remembered that recurrence indicates intransitivity.

The conjugation is indicated by a set of endings when changing in persons and numbers. It is easy to recognize this feature if the personal ending of the verb is stressed. If the conjugation is not established, it is necessary to pay attention to the infinitive. All, except for "shave" and "lay", verbs ending in -it, and a few excluded from this list (on -et, -at) - make up the II conjugation. The rest represent the I conjugation. Among the verbs, several different conjugations stand out: “want”, “run”, “honor”.

The existing category of the mood of the verb helps to establish how the actions performed relate to reality. Verb words in each of the moods have a certain set of features. Verbs of the indicative mood convey actions that take place in reality. The concept of the category of time is applied to them. The present and future tenses tend to change by persons and numbers, and the past, instead of a person, by gender. The imperative contains a call to action. A similar form of the verb can be unity with the words “yes”, “come (those)”, “let”. The conditional mood indicates the possibility, certain conditions of action, in which the verb must be in the past tense and has the particle “by (b)” with it.

When there may be no person or thing performing the action. The purpose of such verb words is to convey various states of nature or man. They have a corresponding name - "impersonal". Examples of the use of such verbs in impersonal sentences: “It was getting dark outside the window”, “I am shivering”.

The usual purpose of the verb in sentences is to act as a predicate. Syntactic functions are expanded when it is used in : here it can be subject, perform the function of a sentence. Consider different options: “Whistle (sk.) everyone up!”, “Tourists began to carefully move (part of the predicate) forward”, “Learning (subject) is always useful”, “Guests asked to turn on (additional) music louder”, “ The boy expressed a desire to seriously engage in (def.) volleyball”, “I came to see (obst.) you.”


Linguistic scientists have two points of view about participles and gerunds formed from verbs: they are distinguished as independent parts of speech or verb forms.


  • General characteristics of the verb as a part of speech

The verb is one of the significant parts of speeches, which denotes a procedural attribute of an object, that is, an action, state or relationship. The verb is characterized by the grammatical categories of aspect, voice, mood, tense and person.

Spelling endings

All verbs are usually divided into two groups: verbs that belong to the first conjugation, and verbs that belong to the second conjugation. The second conjugation includes all verbs in -it (exceptions are "shave", "lay", ""), as well as exception verbs in -et and -at ("drive", "breathe", "look", " see", "hear", "twirl", "offend", "endure", "depend", "hate", "keep"). All other verbs are usually assigned to the first conjugation.

Note: there are several different conjugated verbs that cannot be attributed to either the first or the second conjugation: “give”, “create”, “eat”, “run”, “want”.

If the verb has a prefix without-, obes-transitive, it is according to the second conjugation, otherwise - according to the first conjugation.

If the verb of the first conjugation is in the future tense, then the ending is -et. If you put such a verb in, the ending changes to -ite. For example: "You will send a letter this week", but "Send documents urgently."

Soft sign (ь) in verbs

Soft on several occasions. The first is the initial form of the verb. The second is when the verb is put in the imperative mood. The third - verbs of the second person singular in the present and simple future tenses. The fourth is in reflexive verbs.

For example: “write”, “correct”, “”, “bent”.

The soft sign is not written in the form of the third person singular of the present or simple future tenses.

For example: "washes".

Spelling of suffixes

Verbs with the suffixes -yva- and -iva-, which have the meaning of an imperfect form, are written with vowels -ы- and -и-.

For example: “smear”, “beg”, “insist”, “fold”, “fill up”, “throw out”.

Imperfective verbs with -va- suffixes that are in the first person form can be checked by writing a vowel before the letter "v".

For example: “zast-a-va-t - sta-a-t”.

Note: in some exception verbs, the suffix -eva- is written in -vat in place of an unchecked unstressed vowel: "eclipse-eva-t - eclipse"; "prolong-eva-t - extend"; “embed-eva-t - shake”; “obur-eva-t - clean up”, etc.

There are also verbs ending in -et and -it. Verbs ending in -et are intransitive verbs of the 1st conjugation. They mean "acquire someone's sign, become something."

For example: "become stern", i.e. "become harsh"; "to weaken", i.e. "to become powerless"; "Desoul", i.e. "to become soulless", etc.

Verbs that end in -it are transitive verbs. They have the meaning "to endow with some sign, to make an object somehow."

For example: "anesthetize", i.e. "stop the pain"; "to weaken", i.e. "deprive of strength"; “to render harmless, i.e. stop harm”, etc.

Verbs that end in -enet and -enit do not agree in their spelling with the corresponding relative adjectives in which the letter “I” is written, for example: “bloody”, “herbal”, “wooden”, etc. The exceptions are the verbs "purple" and "crimson", in which the letter "I" is written in the same way as in "crimson".

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Spelling of verb endings

1. Depending on personal endings, verbs are divided into two large groups: into verbs of I and II conjugations.

II conjugation includes:

· verbs in -it (except for verbs shave, lay, build, which belong to the I conjugation),

· 7 verbs per -et (twirl, see, depend, hate, offend, watch, endure),

· 4 verbs per -at (drive, breathe, hold, hear).

All other verbs belong to the I conjugation.

Personal endings of verbs in the present or future past tense:

2. There are several conjugated verbs , not related to any of the two conjugations: want, run, eat, create, give .


1 person read, take

2 person read, take

Z face reads, takes


1 person read, take

2 person read, take

3 person read, take





want to










are eating




create create create create


will give

let's give

give me

will give

3. If a verb with a prefix obes- (obes-) is transitive, then it is conjugated according to II conjugation, and if intransitive, then according to I conjugation (for example, compare the conjugation of verbs discourage (someone)) And to debilitate (oneself).

4. In verbs of I conjugation in the form of the future tense, the ending is written -et , and in the form of the imperative mood - the ending -ite (You will send this letter tomorrow. - Send this document immediately.)

b (soft sign) in verb forms.

1. b (soft sign) is written:

· V infinitive (write, bake, want, wash ),

· V endings 2 person singular choose, wash, do, wash ),

· V imperative mood (fix, hide ), BUT lie down, lie down,

· V return particle , which comes after the vowel ( bent, turned, come back );

2. b (soft sign) is not written:

· V 3rd person singular present or simple future tense ( washes, done ).

Spelling of verb suffixes

1. In the indefinite form, verbs most often have the following suffixes: -A- (hear, do); -I- (sow, bark); -e- (see, offend); -And- (baby, drink).

Remember: 1) after the vowels of the root in the infinitive, a suffix is ​​never written -e- . In this position, only the suffix can be stressed -I- or -And- (to stand, to drink, to milk). Unstressed suffix -I- written in verbs winnow, start, repent, bark, cherish, toil, hope, sow, sow, melt, cherish, smell, and the suffix -And- - in verbs build, cost, rest, double, triple, glue;

2) after soft consonants (except h ) in unstressed position suffix -I- written in verbs bow, cough, and the suffix -e- - in verbs see, offend, depend, hate, frost;

3) in the suffixes of verbal forms of the past tense, the same vowel is preserved as in the infinitive. For example: recoverede t - recovere l, laI t - laI l, glueAnd t - glueAnd l.

2. Suffixes -yva- (-iva-), -ova- (-eva-).

In verbs with the suffix -yva- (-iva-) (always unstressed) having imperfective meaning (sometimes also multiple actions), written before in the letters s or and , For example: roll up, smear, see; to overwhelm, to talk, to jump, to hear, to twist, to beg, to insist .

Verbs with suffix -ywa- (- willow - ) should be distinguished in writing from verbs with the suffix - ova - (- Eve- ). The verbs of these two types form the forms of the present tense in different ways: verbs in -ovate (-evate ) have the form of the 1st person on th (-yuyu ) (Without -ov-, -ev - ), For example: I talk - talk, head - manage, envy - envy, confess - confess, preach - preach, scourge - scourge, mourn - grieve; for verbs - yvat (-ive ) 1st person form ends in -I am (-Ivayu) (with preservation -yv -, -willows- ), For example: inspect - inspect, deploy - deploy, reconnoiter - reconnoiter, visit - visit .

3. Vowels before -va - . In imperfective verbs with a suffix -va- , having the form of the 1st person on -wow , unstressed vowels before V are checked according to the general rule, for example: overcome(overcome), obsolete(obsolete), wash down(write down), sing(record), sow (sow), undertaking (venture), congeal (freeze), outpost (stop).

However, in the following verbs - wat b(in 1st person -va-yu) a special suffix is ​​written -Eve- with a letter e in place of an unchecked unstressed vowel: eclipse, prolong, corrupt(eclipse, prolong, grow), stuck, stuck(get stuck, get stuck); to overwhelm, to exhort, to intend, to doubt .

4. -e(t), -i(t). The verbs are different -et And -it b. Verbs on -et (in 1st person -her ) - intransitive I conjugations - have the meaning of ‘become something, acquire a sign’, for example: to weaken, to weaken‘become powerless, lose strength’, numb, sour‘become harsh’. Verbs on - it (in 1st person And absent) - transitive II conjugations - have the meaning ‘to make something, endow with a sign’, for example: enervate, enervate‘make someone powerless, deprive of strength’, numb, numb, numb, numb. Compare the same stressed suffixes in verbs like ( By)whiteness And ( By)whiteness, (O)weaker , (once)have fun.

5. -ene (t), - eni (t). The acquisition of some feature, the transition to another state is also expressed in intransitive verbs of the I conjugation in -ene-be , in which the unstressed vowel before n transmitted by letter e : to freeze, to ossify, to become stiff, to stiffen, to become travenous, to peat, to become bloody, to glaze over, to become frenzied, to be dumbfounded, to numb. Correlative transitive verbs of II conjugation in -eni-t, denoting the endowment with a sign, are also written with a letter e : to freeze, to stiffen, to ossify, to bloody, to frenzy, to numb and so on.

Writing verbs in - enet And -marry does not agree with the spelling of the corresponding relative adjectives, in which (if any) is written in the suffix before n letter I : ice, bone, blood, herbal, wooden and so on.

Exception: in verbs crimson And crimson(option: scarlet thread) a letter is written I as in adjective scarlet.

If the ending of the verb is stressed, then in writing we write the letter that we hear without any difficulty. We put the verb in the 3rd person unity. numbers swim - he swims, bloom - it blooms, these are verbs I sp, but: fly - he flies, they fly, speak - he speaks, they say are verbs of the second conjugation. We are talking about conjugation, since the spelling of the personal endings of verbs depends precisely on which conjugation the verb belongs to, that is, what endings it has in the forms of a different person.

If the verb has an unstressed personal ending, then its conjugation is determined by the initial form, that is, the infinitive.

-at,-ot,-et etc. (except for verbs in -it and exceptions), refer to I conjugation: nap (dozing, dozing, dozing, slumber), fight (fighting, fights, we fight, are fighting, are fighting), sway, babble, adore, cry, whisper, stomp, pour, hesitate, retire and so on.

Verbs that end in infinitive in -it, refer to II conjugation: believe (do you believe, believes, we believe, believe, believe), sting (sting, stings, we sting, sting, sting), praise, pray, sluggish, ride, remember, prepare, disturb, drag and so on.

As we can see, it is easier to remember which verbs belong to the II conjugation, let's repeat it again ! :

these are all verbs –it(except for verbs shave , lay , which belong to the I conjugation, so we write he shaves, she lays). Also II conjugation includes 7 verbs in - et (twirl , see , depend , hate , offend , look , tolerate ) and 4 verbs in - at (drive , breathe , hold , hear ).

All other verbs belong to the I conjugation.

Exceptions are easy to remember with a simple rhyme:





A few remarks should be made regarding complex cases of writing.

1. Firstly, the exceptions include verbs with prefixes, which are formed from the above

Verbs shave , lay and their derivatives: shave, shave And lay out, cover, lay down, re-lay etc. - have personal endings I ref.: He choose no temple. He cares ut head. Winter has passed no white carpet. The hostess remade no bed.

2. Secondly, many verbs have a prefix YOU- takes on the stress, resulting in difficulty in writing. In these cases, it is recommended to check the doubtful ending with a non-prefixed word: fly - fly, speak - speak (speak - speak), sleep - sleep (sleep - sleep), shave - shave (cut - cut).

3. Thirdly, if in doubt what suffix is ​​in the infinitive, then remember that in addition to the verb GLUE with suffix - AND- all others end in - YAT: sow, winnow, sow, melt, smell, bark, repent, toil, hope, cherish, start, and therefore belong to the first conjugation. For example: peasant no , wind ve e T, chu dogs ut , people hope ut Xia.

4. Fourthly, one should pay attention to the fact that the forms of the 2nd person plural, close in sound, differ. imperative mood numbers and forms of the 2nd person plural. numbers of the present or future (in perfective verbs) tense of the indicative mood such as knock and knock.

The imperative mood is formed with the help of the suffix -I- (2nd l., singular) and the ending -TE (plural): sit, write, jump. Forms of the imperative mood are easy to check if you discard TE (send out!)

In the indicative mood, the verb has an ending depending on the conjugation: -ETE or -ITE.

Therefore, for verbs I sp. these forms differ; cf .: Write "those, please, be careful! (imperative mood) and you write" neatly, so it's easy to check your dictation! (indicative).

And for verbs II sp. such forms coincide in writing; cf .: Hold "those pen correctly! (imperative mood) and If you hold the pen correctly, you will not get tired while you write the dictation (indicative mood).

In addition, there are two heterogeneous verbs that do not belong to either of the two conjugations: want And run away. In different forms of these verbs there can be endings of different conjugations.

Vowels in verb endings

§ 74. The spelling of unstressed vowels in verb endings obeys the general rule (see): unstressed endings are checked by the corresponding stressed ones. The application of this rule requires the ability to determine which conjugation the verb belongs to.

In the forms of the present-future tense of verbs I and II of conjugation in all endings, except for the 1st person singular. h., vowels differ. In the forms of the 2nd and 3rd person singular. hours, 1st and 2nd person pl. h. verbs of I conjugation, a letter is written yo (without accent - e ), in the same forms of verbs of II conjugation, the letter is written And ; in the form of the 3rd person pl. part of verbs I conjugation - letters at (Yu ), verbs II conjugation - A (I ). Wed, for example: carries, pecks, reads And screams, burns, asks; carry, peck, read And we shout, we burn, we ask; carry, peck, read And shouting, burning, asking.

Assigning the verb to I or II conjugation and writing the correct vowel at the end causes difficulties in such cases, for example, as sawing And poke, drive And dry, sit down And walks, plows And breathe, put And lie down, rinse And drag, cry And heal, sow And builds. In such pairs of non-stressed endings, they are pronounced the same (as in the above pairs) or they may be mixed (in some forms of the 3rd person plural: cf. prick And sawing, plow And breathe, rinse And drag, sow And are building).

The type of conjugation of verbs with unstressed endings is determined by the form of the infinitive (the indefinite form of the verb). If in these verbs before the infinitive suffix -th- vowel And , then the verb belongs to the II conjugation, for example: saw, wear, put, treat. Verbs with an infinitive not on -it belong to the I conjugation, for example: prick, plow, cry, doze, walk, regret, sow, touch, dry, lie down, climb, sit down. So, for example, you should write: wears, put, treat, But plows, cries, walks, we regret, we touch, we climb, we doze.


1) eleven verbs not on -it(with vowels e and A before - t), related to II conjugation: twirl, see, depend, hate, offend, watch, endure, drive, hold, breathe And hear;

2) three verbs on -it relating to I conjugation: shave, shave And be ruffled. Should write: you believe, it depends, they hear, But shave, build, sway and so on.

Selecting a letter before an infinitive suffix -th in place of an unstressed vowel (as, for example, in verbs to stroke, multiply, build, sway, see, depend, offend, hear, sow) is determined by a special rule, see.

All of the above applies to verbs with prefixes and with a final element (postfix) -sya (-ss) that have endings of the same conjugation type as the corresponding verbs without prefix and without -sya (-ss), for example: will drink(cf. drinks), choose (take), sleep well (we sleep), will paint (paint), cut (you cut), suffers (suffering), prick (prick).

Note 1. When conjugating a verb lay(and all verbs derived from it) use the same forms as the verb I of the conjugation lay: lay, lay, lay, lay, lay.

Note 2. Verb want(and all verbs derived from it) has in singular. h. unstressed endings of I conjugation ( want, want), although in many hours under stress - endings of II conjugation ( want, want, want).

Note 3. Verbs of I conjugation sprinkle, shake And pluck(and all verbs derived from them), along with forms like scatter, scatter, scatter, rattle, rattle, rattle, sting, sting, sting, have colloquial variant forms like scatter, scatter, tremble, tremble, tingle, tingle, and the forms of the 3rd person plural included in this series. hours are transmitted in writing with the ending of II conjugation: poke, poke, pinch.

Note 4. In suffixes of real participles of the present tense -usch- (-yusch-) And -ash- (-box-) the same vowel is written as in the endings of the 3rd person plural. hours of the corresponding verbs (see). For writing vowels in other participial forms, see and.

§ 75. Final vowel (always unstressed) at the end of the 2nd person plural. h. is transmitted in writing with a letter e (in verbs of both types of conjugation), e.g.: write, draw, walk, look. letter e plural forms also end. h. imperative mood, for example: go, write, draw, look, let's go.

Note. It is necessary to distinguish between writing forms of the 2nd person plural. hours and forms pl. h. imperative mood (verbs of I conjugation) in such cases as, for example, you write, shout(2nd person plural) and you write, shout(pl. led, obl.).

Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation. Complete academic reference book / Ed. V. V. Lopatina. - M.: AST-PRESS KNIGA, 2014. - 432 p. - (Reference books of the Russian language).

The spelling of unstressed verb endings depends on which conjugation (first or second) the word belongs to.

The II CONJUGATION includes all verbs ending in -IT in an indefinite form (for example: sculpt, clean, craft), as well as 11 exception verbs, of which four end in -AT (DRIVE, BREATHE, HOLD, HEAR) and 7 end on -ET (DEPEND, SEE, OFFEND, SUFFER, TWIST, HATE, LOOK).
It must be remembered that the letters I, A, I are written in the endings of the verbs of the II conjugation (-ish, -it, -im, -ite, -at, -yat). For example: depend, depend, depend, depend.

The I CONJUGATION includes the rest of the verbs, that is, those whose indefinite form does not end in -IT (but in -OT, -UT, -ET, -AT, -TI, etc.), as well as three exception verbs: SHAVING, SHAVING, SHAVING.

It must be remembered that in the endings of the verbs of the first conjugation, the letters E, U, Yu are written (-eat, -et, -em, -et, -ut, -yut). For example: babble, babble, babble, babble.

Please note: in Russian there is a small group of verbs that have endings of both the first and second conjugations mixed up. For example, the verb WANT in singular. number has the endings of the first conjugation (you want, you want), and in the plural. number - the second (want, want, want). Such verbs are called multi-conjugated, and the spelling of the endings in them must be checked in a dictionary or memorized. This group includes the words: WANT, RUNN, GIVE, EAT, DISCHARGE.


1. Prince Andrei clearly saw that the old man hoped that the feeling of his or his future bride would not stand the test of the year ... (L. Tolstoy)

2. So the genius trembles joyfully,
He knows his greatness
When it thunders and shines before him
Another genius flight. (N. Languages)

3. You will become scared, and then - just as if you hear someone - someone's voice, as if someone is whispering ... (F. Dostoevsky)

4. Let's take a good look at all this, and instead of indignation, our heart will be filled with sincere compassion. (A. Pushkin)

5. Wild, you know, you will live locked up all the time. (N. Gogol)

6. They soon get to know each other, and you won’t have time to look back, as “you” already tell you. (N. Gogol)

7. Ah, I am often careless, but I did not think that you would take my words for a sharp joke. (F. Dostoevsky)

8. You see, I have known him for a long time, and I love Masha, your sister-in-law. (L. Tolstoy)

9. Sisters-in-law - beaters, well, this fly is not offended_ t. (L. Tolstoy)

10. Let the sea be mad and whip_t,
The crests of the waves rose into the sky,
Not one trembles before a thunderstorm,
None will turn the sails. (N. Gumilyov)

11. I am sending you, Postumus, these books.
What's in the capital? Stel softly? Is it hard to sleep?
How is Caesar ... (I. Brodsky)

12. And a magnificent feast seems to be dormant,
The guests are silent, the choir is silent. (A. Pushkin)

13. Waste and labor, eternal minions of valor,
Fighting for a feat hidden in dangers.
Whoever succeeds is the one who is wise in human opinion ... (Pindar)

14. He felt that his studies took place independently of the case, that they did not cling to the case and did not force him to move. (L. Tolstoy)

15. - I don’t like to hang out with Bezukhova and I won’t advise; Well, yes, if you promised, go, sit back, ”she added, turning to Natasha. (L. Tolstoy)

16. Having thus fulfilled the highest law, you will find traces of the ancient majesty that you have lost. (L. Tolstoy)

17. I knew it, - my uncle spoke (he was a distant relative, a poor neighbor of the Rostovs), - I knew that you couldn’t stand it, and it’s good that you eat. Pure business march! (L. Tolstoy)

18. And they all struggle and suffer, and torment, and spoil their soul, their eternal soul, in order to achieve blessings, for which the term is a moment. (L. Tolstoy)

19. We have dissolved the window; the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, the air is breathing with spring aromas, and all nature is enlivening - well, everything else there was also appropriate ... (F. Dostoevsky)

20. A man insulted you and you killed him, and you say that you don't know God and that you hate your life. (L. Tolstoy)

The exercise was prepared by N. Solovieva and B. A. Panov (“League of Schools”).

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