Sudoku will allow you to quickly close white spots on genetic maps. Tips for the game alchemy genetics English


"Gene-modified products" - "Yes" - 26 people "No" - 24 people "Difficult to answer" - 1 person. Hypotheses. 130 RESPONDENTS / students of 1,2,3,4 courses took part in the QUESTIONNAIRE. "Yes" - 44 people "No" - 5 people "Sometimes" - 2 people. B-12 Diakova Nadezhda. The work was done by a student Methods: Do you use GMO products?

"Interaction of genes" - Splitting by phenotype in F2 3:1. Dictionary. Inheritance with incomplete dominance. R. Complete dominance. Cooperation. Prepared by: st. 18 groups of the 1st course medical faculty. Gene. H. JB. Epistasis. G. III group. Interaction of genes.

"Transgenic organisms" - What do we eat? Tomatoes with the flounder gene. Whose products contain transgenic components. Genetic Engineering. Breed of pigs with the "growth" gene. How are GMOs made? Chimeras have learned to make genetics. transgenic animals. IS OR NOT IS? - that is the question. Gmo: for or against? GMP is a large and promising business. Transgenic goats produce unique milk that replaces human breast milk.

"Translation" - Model of hybrid states. Initiation factors associated with the small subunit of the ribosome (prokaryotes). Translation regulation: export of mRNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. mRNA degradation by endonucleases. Programmed reading frame shift. Trans broadcast. Translation regulation: ribo-switches. Secondary structure of rRNA (1).

"GMO" - And in nature there are organisms that are unsuitable for human food (poisonous and mutagenic). Presentation on the topic Genetically Modified Organism (GMO). How to distinguish GM products? GMO safety. Work on the creation of GMOs must continue. GMO creators. Application of GMOs. Content. Greenpeace position.

"Discoveries in genetics" - 1935 -N. Present genetics Transgenic organisms. O. Avery. Discovery of the laws of heredity. Development of the chromosome theory. The past of genetics. A. Hershey. Cloning. John Gurdon is an English microbiologist who pioneered cloning. Deciphering the structure of the DNA molecule. In 1953, the English biophysicist and geneticist F. Crick and the American biochemist J.

There are 16 presentations in total in the topic

Sudoku, The Imitation Game, pizza, sorting robot and transposons - the real ways of science are more amazing than all conceivable and unthinkable fictions. Following these paths, biologists create genetic maps and legends to them, understanding what each gene is responsible for.

Researchers at Princeton and Harvard have figured out how to build a tool to figure out the functions of genes faster and cheaper. The report on the work appeared in the scientific journal Nature Communications.

Why genes are knocked out

“We have no idea what quite large groups of genes do,” admits Baz Barstow, co-author of the paper and a Burroughs-Wellcome Research Fellow in the Princeton University chemistry department. Even if the genome of an organism is deciphered and read, this does not mean that there are no mysteries left in it. You can figure out where a gene is located, imagine what protein it encodes, but it is almost impossible to understand what this protein does in the body using only calculations.

How do they do it? To answer this question, imagine a situation: in one room you see endless rows of switches, and in another, a huge number of light bulbs are lit. The wires are hidden in the wall. The best way to figure out which bulb the switch is connected to is to turn it off and see which one goes off. The same is done with genes. Light bulbs are the phenotypic traits we see in an organism, while light switches are the genome. To understand what a gene is responsible for, the easiest way is to “turn off” it and look at the result. In English, this intentional blocking of the gene is called “knocking-out”, that is, “knockout”.

But to learn the functions of a large number of genes, a huge investment of time and money is needed - years and millions of dollars. Because of this, genetic maps with fully deciphered functions of each gene exist only for a small number of model organisms studied far and wide, such as baker's yeast or bacteria. Escherichia coli(E. coli), although the enormous informativeness and usefulness of such knockout collections is beyond doubt. Since their publication, they have been approached by thousands of research groups.

Even the pizza didn't help.

Scientists from Princeton and Harvard universities have found a way to establish the function of each of the genes quickly and easily. Now it will only take a few thousand dollars, and the whole process will take less than a month. The new technology is called "Knockout Sudoku" (Knockout Sudoku) in honor of the puzzle of the same name.

This technique is based on random gene knockout and a powerful algorithm that helps "fill in the missing cells" in the genomic puzzle. None of the research groups that have previously tried the same approach have been able to even come close to the cost and speed that will be available to the scientific community thanks to Knockout Sudoku. “We hope that genetics will finally go beyond the study of model organisms,” says Michael Baum, co-author of the work from Harvard Medical School.

Scheme of "knockout sudoku"

The research started with a huge pile of pizza receipts and transposon mutagenesis. This method allows you to insert one DNA sequence into a random gene, blocking its work. However, this requires many mutant copies to be sure that every gene is turned off in at least one of them. Scientists started with a colony of 40,000 bacteria Shewanella oneidensis, which has about 3600 genes. To manually sort the mutants and resettle them in different holes, Barstow hired students, whose work he promised to pay with pizza. After a full day of work, the results were disappointing: only a few thousand bacteria were sorted out.

As a result, it was decided to rent a sorting robot. In just two days, he distributed all the mutants into 417 individual wells on 96-well plates. But the real test was reading the genomes of all the mutants so that they could be listed, identifying the function of each knocked-out gene. To do this, the DNA of each mutant variant is usually amplified (“multiplied”) and then sequenced (read its sequence). This complex and time-consuming part of the work of genetics was proposed to be simplified by grouping various mutants in a special way, as a result of which it was necessary to read not 417 genomes, but 61, which is almost 7 times less.

"Multicellular" puzzles tested on the genomes of single-celled

But even the results of this whole long process are obtained by scientists in the form of a huge pile of data that needs to be processed in order to understand from which mutants the sequences (read genomic sequences) were obtained from which hole. To solve this problem, the researchers created an algorithm that, like a Sudoku solver, could determine the plate, column, and row of the hole where the mutant variant came from. There was another problem. Since the mutations were caused by a transposon spontaneously integrating into the genome, they could be repeated by chance. To find a solution, Barstow even rewatched The Imitation Game, a film about how Alan Turing cracked the code of the German Enigma cipher machine. In his opinion, the work was really akin to code breaking. “For example, in English, the letter “a” is used with a frequency of 8.2%. Therefore, if you encounter an unknown letter that appears at a frequency of 8.2%, you can assume that the letter you are looking for is "a". This simple statistical inference, also called Bayesian (in honor of the English mathematician and priest Thomas Bayes, who lived in the 18th century), became the key to unraveling the “knockout Sudoku”.

The authors of the work emphasize that the mathematical methods underlying the technology make it possible to obtain much more results from a smaller number of experiments. By themselves, this method helped to understand the work of bacterial genes. Shewanella oneidensis, which are known for their ability to transfer electrons, are potential sources of environmentally friendly electricity and can be used in artificial photosynthesis (which you can read more about in the site review: and) and to neutralize nuclear waste. Using the old methods, this would take about 15 years of research.

The accuracy of the results was initially quite low. After rechecking the mathematical calculations and finding no errors there, the scientists turned to the plates and wells. It turned out that the problem was that one of the assistants placed one wrong sample there. The researchers breathed a sigh of relief: the most unreliable part of their technology turned out to be a person.

Alchemy-Genetics - a game on android, with which you will cross different animals and get new species as a result. Select animals and lock them on the screen to quickly view different combinations. And there can be a lot of them, up to 450 new species, from obvious to incredible. Russian language: yes Support for installing to an external SD card: no. Download Alchemy Alchemy for Android for free. Peculiarities games: Animated figures of magical creatures Hints for beginners Detailed tutorial Multiple modes games Intuitive interface Ability to change the camera angle System requirements: OS: Windows XP Processor: Intel Pentium® III 800 MHz RAM: 128 MB HDD free space: 100 MB Release year: 2008 Language: Russian Medicine: not required Size: 49.79 MB. - Download games free » game alchemy genetics tips.

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Alchemy Genetics Alchemy~genetics. A game a series Alchemy where you need to connect different Alchemy-Genetics- a fun logic puzzle that offers the player to cross a variety of animals. Adviсe And hints.. A powerful healing elixir available at skill level 7 alchemy, .. Unlike other plants, Forbidden Fruit can only be created through a genetic experiment in a scientific facility. Answers Alchemy-Genetics games. Meaning games such is Chicken + Elephant[GIANT] = Ostrich(Giant Chicken). That's all, if you're too lazy to rummage through the records, you can ask in the discussion. Answers Alchemy-Genetics games. seagull + tyrannosaurus = sea gull. Russian language. Description games Alchemy genetics (Alchemy Genetics): You are insane geneticist and at your disposal a whole laboratory equipped with everything possible for conducting various experiments. Your task will be to cross different types of animals, birds and fish in order to breed new species. English language for children and adults. Month of training for free!

Alchemy, as you know, has long been no good as a science. But as a fun entertainment that allows you to train your logic and just have a great time, alchemy is both loved and respected. Otherwise, where would there be so many popular games with this title on Google Play? But if usually games of this type offer to conjure with inanimate objects, Alchemy-Genetics offers to try on the dressing gown of a mad scientist, out of the kindness of his soul crossing a variety of creatures, getting ... However, what you get - you will see for yourself.

The developer immediately warns: the game is exclusively for those who have a sense of humor, everything is in order. Like the recipes of historical alchemy, the proposed activities are completely unscientific and not educational. As in any Alchemy game, crossing creatures is done by simply dragging them on top of each other. As counterintuitive as many combinations may seem, there is always a bit of common sense in these combinations. Every creature, be it a real animal or a mythical creature, has your trait, your "gene", which provides the desired transformation in the end.

The developer illustrates his idea like this:

  • An ant (insect) in combination with a rat (the "tailed" gene) gives the output scorpion- caudate (rat) arthropod (ant)
  • Anchovy (fish) in combination with chicken (homemade gene) gives goldfish- domestic (chicken) fish (anchovy)

So, it is far from always necessary to think about what can come out of the marriage union of two different animals - rather, you need to take only one of their signs, getting something unexpected in total with some logical constructions and completely natural with others. It is difficult to imagine a descendant of a chicken and a fish, but it is not at all difficult to figure out what a domestic fish looks like.

For the most meticulous players, I offer a selection of 113 recipes to the game Alchemy-Genetics from different players. I organized the combinations that seemed to them the most difficult in the list and saved everything in PDF format. You can download the game itself and recipes for it using the links under this article. Under the spoiler, I leave half of the recipes I have collected. It is more convenient to use this list in the full file - there you can search for the creature you want to get (or combinations of which you are interested in), and immediately find the recipe or make sure it is missing. This is how I recommend using it.

  • Ant + pike = fire ant
  • Butterfly + elephant = common tongue
  • Blue frog + human = NAVI
  • Eagle + man = Ra
  • Dwarf+Squirrel=Hobbit
  • Chicken + golden carp = pigeon
  • Piranha + snake = shark
  • Jackal + guinea pig = dog
  • android + human = wally
  • human + alien = sea mermaid
  • Coyote + human = anubis
  • dog + fire ant = wolf
  • Dog + wolf = dingo dog
  • Raccoon + tiger = ring-tailed lemur
  • Octopus + scorpion = blue-ringed octopus
  • wolf + kangaroo = thylacine
  • Ghost + piranha = dementor.
  • Ant + rat = scorpion
  • Anchovy + chicken = goldfish
  • Seal + chicken = penguin
  • Monitor lizard + Hippo = crocodile
  • Iguana + fly = monitor lizard
  • Ant + snake = spider
  • cat + chameleon = cheshire cat
  • Eagle + ostrich = falcon
  • Crab+Gryphon=Headcrab
  • Crab+hornbird=headcrab
  • Eagle + hornbird = griffin
  • Horse+hornbird=Moose
  • monitor lizard + dolphin = crocodile
  • Deer + camel = giraffe
  • Hamster + rat = Hamster rat
  • Pigeon + chipmunk = Do-do
  • Piranha + do-do = shark.
  • Crab + snake = trepang
  • Snake+hornbird=horned snake
  • Rat + snake + pasyuk
  • Snake + Imperial Scorpion = Boa
  • snake + duck = eel
  • Snake + shrimp = moray eel
  • Snake + bee = coral snake
  • Snake + hare = lizard
  • snake+lion=tatzelwurm
  • Snake+Guppy=Brahmin Slug
  • Worm + tarantula-goliath = snake
  • Monkey + ant = human
  • Ring-tailed lemur + flying squirrel = monkey
  • Squirrel + Flying Fish = Flying Squirrel
  • Raven + dove = parrot
  • Pigeon + parrot = motley dove
  • Duck + dove = swan
  • Pigeon+pig=Do-Do
  • Dove + raccoon = Jacobins
  • Dove+Gryphon=angel
  • cat + hippo = lynx
  • cat + mangrove ant = garfield
  • Cat + seal = manul
  • Seal + cat = dolphin

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