Mysterious items. Mysterious artifacts


The history of the planet Earth is full of amazing inexplicable mysteries. And a lifetime is not enough to unravel them. But you can look through the keyhole of the door, behind which lies a whole world of inexplicable mysteries on our planet.

12 photos of inexplicable things on planet Earth:

1. Obelisk, Egypt

The obelisk began to be cut down right in the rock, but cracks began to appear along it. It was left unfinished. The sizes are simply stunning!

2. Gate of the Sun, Bolivia

The Gates of the Sun are located in Tiwanaku, an ancient and mysterious city. Some scholars believe that in the first millennium AD it was the center of a vast empire. Until now, there is no idea what the drawings on the gates mean. Maybe they carried some astrological and astronomical value.

3. Underwater city, about. Yonaguni, Japan

The complex was accidentally discovered by diving instructor Kihachiro Aratake. This underwater city destroys all scientific theories. The rock in which it was carved went under water about 10,000 years ago, that is, much earlier than the construction of the Egyptian pyramids. According to the modern ideas of some scientists, in that distant era, people huddled in caves and only knew how to collect edible roots and hunt wild animals, and not build stone cities.

4. L'Anse-o-Meadows, Canada

This settlement was founded by the Vikings about 1000 years ago. And this means that they got to North America much earlier than Christopher Columbus was born.

5. Moa bird

Moas are flightless birds that lived in New Zealand and became extinct around 1500, destroyed (according to one theory) by the Maori natives. But during one of the expeditions, scientists stumbled upon a huge part of the bird's paw, which is incredibly well preserved.

6. Lunyu Grottoes, China

These grottoes were carved into the sandstone by humans - a difficult task that must have involved thousands of Chinese, but nowhere is there any mention of these grottoes and the hard work involved in creating them.

7. Sacsayhuaman Temple Complex, Peru

This temple complex amazes with its impeccable masonry without a single drop of connecting mortar (even a piece of paper cannot be inserted between some of the stones). And the way the surface of each block is perfectly processed.

8 Stone Age Tunnels

The discovery of a vast network of underground tunnels (stretching across Europe from Scotland to Turkey) suggests that Stone Age people spent their days not only hunting and gathering. But the real purpose of the tunnels is still a complete mystery. Some researchers believe that their task was to protect people from predators, while others believe that people traveled through this system, protected from weather and wars.

9. Mohenjo-Daro ("Hill of the Dead"), Pakistan

For many decades, archaeologists have been concerned about the mystery of the death of this city. In 1922, the Indian archaeologist R. Banarji discovered ancient ruins on one of the islands of the Indus River. Even then, questions arose: how was this big city destroyed, where did its inhabitants go? None of them have been answered by excavations.

10. Giant stone balls of Costa Rica

Mysterious stone formations of a perfectly round shape intrigue not only with their appearance, but also with their incomprehensible origin and purpose. They were first discovered in the 1930s by workers clearing the jungle for banana plantations. Local legends said that gold was supposed to be hidden inside the mysterious stone balls. But they were empty. It is not known by whom and for what purpose these petrospheres were created. It can be assumed that these were symbols of heavenly bodies or designations of boundaries between the lands of different tribes.

11. Golden figurines of the Incas

The golden figurines found in South America look like aircraft, and it's hard to believe. What served as a prototype for the creation of these figures is unknown.

12. Genetic disk

An incredible artifact - a genetic disk - depicts things and processes that a modern person can only observe under a microscope. The disk most likely shows the process of nucleation and development of the embryo. Also one of the strange drawings is the head of a man of an incomprehensible shape. The disk is made of durable stone called lidite. With its exceptional strength, this stone has a layered structure, and, despite the presence of this ancient artifact, it seems impossible to make something similar to it both practically and theoretically.

The world is full of strange and mysterious artifacts. Some are almost certainly hoaxes, while others involve real stories. In our review of 10 real-life artifacts, the origin of which scientists cannot explain even today...

1. Sumerian king list

During excavations in Iraq on the territory of ancient Sumer, a manuscript was found that lists all the kings of this state. The researchers initially thought that this was an ordinary historical document, but then it turned out that many of the kings are mythological characters. Some rulers who should have been included in the list were missing from it. Others were credited with incredibly long reigns or mythical events associated with them, such as the Sumerian version of the Great Flood and the exploits of Gilgamesh.

2. Codex Gigas (or "Devil's Bible")

The most famous is the ancient manuscript "Code Gigas", better known as the "Devil's Bible". This book, made from 160 skins, can only be lifted by 2 people.
Legend has it that the Codex Gigas was written by a monk who, after being sentenced to death, according to which the monk was to be walled up alive, made a deal with the devil. With the help of the Devil, the monk wrote a book in one night (moreover, a self-portrait was written by the devil). Oddly enough, the handwriting in the book is surprisingly clear and uniform, as if it was actually written within a short period of time. However, scientists believe that such work would take from 5 years (if written without interruption) to 30 years. The manuscript contains seemingly incongruous texts: the complete Latin Vulgate Bible, the Antiquities of the Jews by Josephus, a collection of medical works by Hippocrates and Theophilus, the Chronicle of Bohemia by Cosma of Prague, the Etymological Encyclopedia by Isidore of Seville, exorcism rites, magic formulas, and an illustration of the heavenly cities.

3. Easter Island writing

Almost everyone knows about the famous statues of Easter Island, but there are other artifacts associated with this place, the mystery of which has not yet been solved. 24 wooden carved tablets were found that contain a system of symbols. These characters are called "rongorongo" and are considered to be an ancient proto-writing form. To date, they have not been able to decipher.

4. Göbekli Tepe, Türkiye

Typically, archaeologists argue that religion, the building of temples, and the development of complex rituals are a by-product of human settlement. This belief was shaken by the temple of Göbekli Tepe discovered on the plain of Urfa in southeastern Turkey. Its ruins may be the oldest organized place of worship known to man. The ruins of Göbekli Tepe date back to 9500 BC, meaning the temple was built 5000 years before Stonehenge.

5. Roman dodecahedrons, Roman Empire

In regions that were once in the sphere of influence of the Roman Empire - from Wales to the Mediterranean - small strange objects are found that have been called "dodecahedrons". They are hollow stone or bronze objects, 4-12 centimeters in diameter, with 12 flat pentagonal faces and holes of varying sizes on each side. Small handles protrude from every corner. 27 theories have been put forward as to what it is, but none of them have been proven.

6Fulachtai Fia, Ireland

Around 6,000 mysterious artifacts have been found in rivers and marshes across Ireland, which have come to be known as the Fulachtai Fia. In Britain, where they are also found, they are called "Burned Mounds".

Fulacht fiadh - a horseshoe-shaped mound of soil and stone, in the center of which a trough filled with water was dug. Fulachtai Fia are usually found alone, but sometimes in groups of 2-6. There is always a source of water nearby. Why they were built remains a mystery.

7. Big Zayatsky Labyrinth, Russia

Bolshoy Zayatsky Island, which is part of the Solovetsky archipelago in northern Russia, hides another mystery. Back in 3000 BC. not only villages and places of worship were built here, but also irrigation systems. But the most mysterious objects on the island are spiral labyrinths, the largest of which has a diameter of 24 meters. The structures are built from two rows of boulders overgrown with vegetation. What they were used for is unknown.

8. Witch bottles, Europe and the USA

In 2014, archaeologists excavating the site of an ancient battle in Nottinghamshire made a strange discovery: they found a 15cm "witch's bottle". Similar vessels were used in Europe and America for black witchcraft in the 1600s and 1700s. They were usually made of ceramic or glass. In total, about 200 such objects were found, and they often contained the remains of needles, nails, nails, hair, and even urine. Witch bottles are believed to have been used to protect the wearer from evil spells and the evil influence of witches.

9 Ubaid Lizard Figurines, Iraq

Strange figurines of Ubaid are found in Iraq. They depict lizard-like and snake-like people in various poses. All figurines have abnormally elongated heads and almond-shaped eyes. Many of these figurines are found in human burials and are therefore believed to mark some form of status.

10 Rat King

Several museums around the world contain strange once-living exhibits of a legendary beast from the Middle Ages called the Rat King. The rat king is formed when several rats intertwine or grow together with their tails. As a result, a kind of "nest" of rats appears, the muzzles of which are directed outward, and in the center a knot of tails. The largest of these artifacts contains 32 rats. Today, such mummified objects are found, but not a single living such anomaly has been found.

Everyone would like to sleep peacefully at night in order to restore their strength. Nevertheless, it is difficult to find a person who would not encounter unusual or unpleasant sensations in a dream. We decided to tell you about such experiences, because science still cannot find an explanation for them.

sleep paralysis

What do you feel?

You wake up in the middle of the night but cannot move. But that is not all. Added to this state of immobility are frightening hallucinations and the feeling that someone is in the room. In ancient times, this condition was associated with the presence of evil spirits.

What's happening?

Usually, when a person falls asleep, his body becomes motionless. This is necessary for his own safety. However, with the so-called sleep paralysis, the muscles of a person remain paralyzed, and his brain begins to wake up. Approximately 7% of people have experienced a similar experience at least once in their lives. According to statistics, you are more likely to experience paralysis if you sleep on your back.

Hypnagogic hallucinations

What do you feel?

When a person begins to fall asleep, but his brain is still awake, he may experience strange visions, for example, contemplate scary or fantastic creatures.

What's happening?

This is one of the few types of hallucinations that occur in mentally healthy people. With children, this happens more often, and this is one of the reasons why they refuse to go to bed. Such hallucinations can be caused by stress or just a good imagination, as well as a state of intoxication when you go to bed.

Sleep conversations

What do you feel?

Usually, a person who suffers from somniloquia (a fancy term for talking in their sleep) has no idea about their condition. It is absolutely not dangerous from a psychological point of view, although, on the other hand, a person with such a problem can tell all his secrets.

What's happening?

Most often, men and children talk in a dream, and the reason for this is stress. The psyche tries to cope with what a person does not agree with.

Dream within a dream

What do you feel?

You dream, then you wake up, but strange things still happen to you. It turns out that you just dreamed that you woke up. This issue was raised in the film Inception, after the success of which many people reported this phenomenon.

What's happening?

Esotericists believe that if a person had such a dream, this indicates his predisposition to spiritual practices. However, scientists cannot explain why this happens.


What do you feel?

This state is the opposite of sleep paralysis: your mind is asleep, but the muscles continue to work. In a dream, many people begin to walk, clean the house, or even go outside, although this is very dangerous. They don't remember anything in the morning.

What's happening?

Approximately 4.6-10.3% of people experience somnambulism, and children most often suffer from it. The cause of this condition is still unknown, as are the treatments.

exploding head syndrome

What do you feel?

A person wakes up because it seems to him that he heard a loud explosion or pop, and sometimes this sound seems deafening. In addition, it may be accompanied by an increase in noise or explosions. The phenomenon itself is not dangerous, but it can scare you. Some people even think they have had a stroke.

What's happening?

This is due to an inexplicable burst of neural activity in the areas of the brain responsible for processing sound signals. Sometimes the syndrome is combined with insomnia or reaction delay.

sleep apnea

What do you feel?

Sleep apnea is the sudden stoppage of breathing during sleep, as a result of which a person wakes up. Due to this condition, the quality of sleep decreases, oxygen starvation of the brain occurs, it becomes too difficult for a person to sleep. During an attack, blood pressure begins to fluctuate, and this causes heart problems.

What's happening?

During sleep, the muscles in your throat relax, and this can sometimes lead to airway blockage. The risk of experiencing sleep apnea increases with obesity, smoking, or old age.

recurring dreams

What do you feel?

Probably everyone has had strange recurring dreams, during which a person sees the same plot.

What's happening?

Psychologists believe that the brain uses such dreams in an attempt to draw your attention to what you do not notice in everyday life. Thus, dreams will be repeated until the person solves the problem that caused them.

Falling in a dream

What do you feel?

Sometimes in a dream a person feels as if he was thrown onto a bed from a height, so he shudders and wakes up. Therefore, he may dream that he is flying or stumbling and falling. Needless to say, a rather unpleasant feeling.

What's happening?

Sleep is somewhat similar to dying - a person's heartbeat and breathing slows down, and muscle tone decreases. In some cases, the brain perceives this state as real death and sends an impulse to the muscles, checking if the person is alive.

outside the body

What do you feel?

This is a neuropsychological phenomenon during which a person in half-asleep sees his body as if from the side. For mystics and occultists, this state is a confirmation of the existence of the soul.

What's happening?

From a scientific point of view, this phenomenon is very difficult to explain. While scientists are aware of the existence of the out-of-body illusion, they do not know how it works or why it occurs. It is also not clear how to deal with it. However, some people know how to consciously enter this state, thus trying to expand the boundaries of their cognitive abilities.

Sudden lightening during sleep

What do you feel?

Sometimes for a long time a person cannot find a solution to a problem, and therefore constantly thinks about it. And then, in a dream, the brain gives a clue to this problem. The most important thing is to remember this decision.
The Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev, for example, was obsessed with creating a periodic table of elements and then saw it in a dream. A similar thing happened to the chemist Friedrich August Kekule when he dreamed of the formula for benzene.

What's happening?

This happens because very often the subconscious already knows the answer, although it has not yet reached the person's consciousness. During sleep, the subconscious mind is more active and therefore can provide insight into the problem. Sleep itself is very important for a person, but sometimes it gives him even more benefits.

Items trailing a bloody trail of death, mysterious illnesses and frightening stories have always attracted people who are attracted by evidence of the existence of inexplicable phenomena in our world. Throughout the history of mankind, there have been a huge number of artifacts that are considered cursed: spirits or other otherworldly entities lived in them, next to them people felt discomfort, someone's evil will and sudden illness, which could end in failure both for the owners of the item and for ordinary people. guests. We've rounded up 25 damn things you should know about.

The same mirror with silhouettes (this time - tourists)

The house, surrounding buildings, and land around Myrtle Plantation is considered one of the most famous cursed places in the United States. The ghosts of black slaves have been seen there more than once. This farm is located in the town of St. Francisville, Louisiana. There are so many legends around the plantation that it would be enough for a series of horror films. The most famous story is about the cursed mirror. According to the story, one of the housewives, Sarah Woodruff, was poisoned by slaves. Sarah's two young daughters were also sacrificed with her. Because of the voodoo curse that the sorcerers cast on women, their souls were locked in a mirror. Visitors to the plantation report that handprints constantly appear on the mirror, and figures in old-fashioned dresses can be regularly seen in it.

The skull itself cannot be seen, so one can only guess what it looks like

In the small village of Burton Agnes, there is a house built in the 17th century under Queen Elizabeth. According to history, three Griffith sisters lived in the estate. One of the sisters, Katherine Ann, went for a walk one day, where she was attacked by robbers. They took away the family ring and beat her half to death. Before her death, Catherine asked the sisters to leave her head within the walls of the estate. Even in death, she could watch over her family and guard the estate. Of course, the request was not fulfilled. Then strange things began to happen in the house: rustles, screams, things moved by themselves. When the head of the deceased was nevertheless transferred to the building, the devilry stopped. However, every time they tried to return the skull to the cemetery, he began to scream heart-rendingly.

Doll in her prison

Thanks to the efforts of Hollywood, the Annabelle doll is one of the most famous cursed objects. It has become a popular topic of urban legend since the publication of a book by the demonologist couple, Ed and Lorraine Warren (they became famous through the DeFeo investigation in Amityville). According to one version, the doll became the receptacle for the spirit of the deceased girl. On the other hand, a demon lives in it. The doll independently changes position, writes messages and can kill. Annabelle is now in a closed and sealed glass case at the Warren Occult Museum in Monroe, Connecticut.

Creepy picture and prints of children's hands on it

The eerie canvas is the center of many urban legends. The painting was painted by American artist Bill Stonehen in 1972. Bill reportedly took a photograph of himself at the age of five for the painting. What caused the writing of a terrible composition is still unknown. "Hands" were almost immediately recognized as a cursed work of art. Several people died because of them. In 2000, "Hands resist him" were put up for sale and now wander from one owner to another. It is believed that a person who looks at the original for a long time goes crazy.

Miss Baker's dress is still terrifying

In the middle of the 19th century, in 1849, a young and pretty lady from a respectable Pennsylvania family fell in love with an ordinary hard worker from a metallurgical plant. The girl's name was Anna Baker. The girl's father was against such a union, which cast a shadow on the presentability of the family. The wedding, for which the dress had already been bought, was canceled. Anna could not come to terms with her father's order and took a vow of celibacy, not giving her heart to anyone else. Miss Baker died in 1914, usually a maid. Since then, her wedding dress has been considered cursed. It's on display at the Baker home. Museum visitors report that the dress itself moves and brings misfortune to the beloved, who even dared to stand next to the window.

Blood and paint created a mystical horror coming from the canvas

One of the most famous cursed paintings in the world. The history of its creation is shrouded in darkness; the owner found the painting in the attic. According to his grandmother, the author painted "The Suffering Man" by mixing the paint with his own blood. On the canvas, the artist captured his fears and sins. After the picture was finished, the author committed suicide. Sean Robin, owner of The Suffering Man, claims that next to the painting, everyone feels uncomfortable. At night, noises, voices and heavy breathing are heard near her.

Thomas chair nailed to the wall

This chair has been considered cursed since the execution of Thomas Busby in 1702. Busby was a murderer and robber who operated in North Yorkshire in the UK. Thomas treasured this chair very much and even killed his father-in-law, who sat on the chair without the permission of the owner. According to legend, Busby drank poisoned wine while sitting on this piece of furniture. His last words were to curse anyone who uses the chair to face death. According to legend, the chair took many lives. Only four are officially recorded, which are directly related to the curse of the criminal. All of Busby's belongings are now on display at the Creekby Museum. Just in case, the chair is suspended from the ceiling.

The mask is like a living face. Better not come close

In the Maori Museum in Wellington, New Zealand, there is a whole collection of cursed objects. Some of them are dangerous for children, others for the elderly. Still others can cause ailments for pregnant women and women with menstruation. These include Maori combat masks. Women of the tribe were forbidden to approach men who were going to war. In addition, pregnancy was considered among the Maori as a dangerous sacred act, which is dangerous for adult representatives of the stronger sex to know about. It is believed that the principles of warlike men remained with them even after death.

Cursed diamond in all its glory

This diamond is one of the largest in the world. "Hope" (Hope) is estimated at 250 million dollars. Its bluish brilliance and size have attracted people since the stone was cut and shaped by an unknown jeweler (in the 17th century). Immediately, stories began to circulate around the jewelry, repeating the same thing: “Hope” is cursed and brings bad luck to anyone who wears it. It is believed that the curse has been on the jewel since the time when an English merchant pulled out a huge stone from the eye socket of an Indian statue of a deity. This sacrilege did not go unnoticed by higher powers. The merchant who took the stone was torn to pieces by a pack of dogs.

Funeral golden mask of a young pharaoh

It is believed that everyone who participated in the opening of the tomb of the young pharaoh in 1923 fell victim to the curse. The warning was written on the walls of the tomb in the Valley of the Kings. Also, all things from the tomb are considered cursed, and in particular, the posthumous golden mask, which only a primary school student does not know.

Mummy Otzi, bringing misfortune

The mummy of a man who lived 5,000 years ago was found in a glacier. The corpse was dubbed "Otzi". It is perfectly preserved (as well as mammoths in permafrost). The remains were discovered in the Otsalian Alps (hence the name) by two hikers on the border between Italy and France in 1991. It is unclear why Otzi is considered a cursed corpse, but since his discovery, at least seven people have died violent deaths under mysterious circumstances. All of them are in some way connected with the storage or transportation of the Iceman.

The damn doll really looks creepy

This doll was given to a boy named Robert Otto. It was made from straw and cloth by a Haitian nanny. Although the black nurse did not stay long in the family, Robert became attached to her and then dragged the doll everywhere with him and even gave her his name. After some time, the guests of the house began to feel uncomfortable next to the doll. Many felt threatened and even evil by her. Family members also began to notice strange phenomena: Robert spoke to himself in different voices, objects moved independently. The doll was thrown into the attic, but she continued to bring misfortune to the family, even when Robert grew up and got married.

The remains of a car whose ghost is seen on the A-3 highway

Accidents on the A-3 in the UK are not uncommon. But one day, a control panel at a police station in Surrey received a call that made people's hair stand on end: a frightened young lady told about a car rushing through cars, turning off a bridge and disappearing into the air, flashing headlights. The patrol did not find any trace of an accident near the road. What was the surprise of the policemen when the remains of a car with a decomposing corpse were found a little in the distance. An autopsy showed that the young man was six months before the events. Spiritualists claim that the car was cursed and now its ghost will travel along the roads of Surrey, bringing death to everyone who saw it.

Not only dolls can be cursed

Of course, the number itself cannot be attributed to material objects, but it can easily be cursed. There is an urban legend about the Bulgarian number +359888888888. There are such “beautiful” numbers in any country, but they like to exaggerate around this. According to legend, the number appeared 10 years ago and during this time has changed three owners: the first died of cancer, the other two were shot dead. The phone operator that owned the number has suspended it and is currently out of service. However, the Internet claims that this number can call anywhere in the world. And the one who picks up the phone will soon die.

A wine cabinet sold for several tens of thousands of dollars just for the 'damned' label

This wine box, referred to as the "Dybbuk box", would be an unremarkable trinket if it were not supposedly inhabited by a malevolent spirit from Jewish folklore. This spirit can not only do evil, but also suck out life. The box gained fame after being sold at an online auction. This story became the basis for the 2012 horror film The Box of Damnation. Everyone who had been the owner of the box for at least a little time complained of nightmares and strange illnesses.

A vase that should not be held in the hands of anyone

This 15th century carved silver vase was created as a wedding gift for a Neapolitan bride. Unfortunately, the girl never went up to the altar: she was killed the night before the ceremony. This vase was found in the hands of the dead bride. Then she was given to the girl's family as property, but she did not stay anywhere for a long time: they used to say that the vase was cursed. The silver item became widely known in 1988, when an antiquarian found it with a note: "Beware ... This vase will bring you death!" After that, she was kidnapped, and a series of mysterious deaths followed, which stopped when the artifact was returned to the family.

Only a small part of the army of thousands of clay sculptures

The importance of this archaeological discovery cannot be underestimated: a huge army of terracotta statues created for the posthumous protection of Emperor Qing Shi Huang. But for the farming family that unearthed the first clay soldiers in 1974, the find was a curse: the land was confiscated by the government, the houses were demolished, and hotels and souvenir shops were opened in their place. One of the discoverers committed suicide. All the rest ended up in poverty.

Some researchers believe that the reproductions were varnished, and therefore did not burn.

The uniqueness of this object lies in the fact that not only the original is considered cursed, the painting “The Crying Boy” by Giovanni Bragolin. In 1985, the Sun newspaper (a British tabloid) published an article stating that in many houses where fires had occurred, a reproduction of this painting, or even just a photograph of it, was found. Moreover, the “boy” did not suffer at all from the flame and heat. After the publication, a legend appeared that the original canvas depicted an orphan whose house burned down.

Exposition of figurines in the museum

Lemb, a small village on the island of Cyprus, became an important archaeological center when, in 1878, an ancient settlement was found there, and many female figurines were found on its territory. The dating of limestone artifacts is 3500 BC. According to the stories that surround the find, the four families who owned the figurines after the discovery were victims of accidents and unexplained deaths. The last representatives of one of them gave ancient figurines to the Edinburgh Royal Museum. The museum caretaker reportedly died a few months after the handover.

the inhospitable shores of the island of Pécs

This island is a favorite haunt of cursed artifact and ghost hunters. The island is uninhabited, but tourists constantly come to it. Pecs is located on the Detroit River in Canadian territory. According to legend, the French-Canadian Laforet family built a manor on the island and lived in peace with local tribes in the middle of the 18th century. But in 1883, a local businessman named Hyrum Walker wanted to get his hands on the land. Laforet left, but in the end the mother of the family shouted: "No one can own the island!". Soon the Walkers built a luxurious estate on Pec, but mysteriously died one after another. Since then, no one has lived on the island. The summer residence in Newport, Rhode Island was a museum of various mystical artifacts that Oliver Bellecour collected from around the world. It was for them that this luxurious mansion was built at the end of the 19th century. The residence is considered one of the places with strong paranormal activity. All ghost hunters in the USA know about him. The dance hall is the hub of ghost activity. It is believed that no one can sit on chairs. Particularly impressionable visitors fainted next to the dining table. This huge, transparent stone was found, like many other large diamonds, in India. It recently turned 700 years old since it was cut. And all these years it has been considered cursed (however, it is not surprising: any treasure is an object of envy and desire). Over the centuries, that blood diamond has been responsible for many male deaths, even among the royal family of Britain. To avoid the curse, only women can wear the Kohinoor.

Mount Uluru is beautiful, but fraught with many dangers

This sacred mountain, called Uluru by the natives, is a unique rock formation of monolithic sandstone in the middle of the plain. Australian shamans say that you can not even take a stone from the slopes of Ayers Rock. This will bring the wrath of the gods and a curse. Of course, tourists do not listen to the natives, considering this a stupid invention. However, many of those who took a piece of Uluru with them mail their souvenir back. In letters, they claim that after the trip, families of tourists are haunted by illness and misfortune.

The wall of Blarney Castle, where the stone is located

This stone is built into the wall of the Irish Blarney Castle in the town of Cork. It is believed that kissing a stone is to attract good luck. But if you try to break off at least a piece and take it with you, then failure, financial difficulties, quarrels and even death await you. As in the case of Uluru, many "vandals" returned souvenirs to their homeland.

Facade of the hotel "Driskol"

This painting is located at the Driscoll Hotel in Austin, Texas. The painting depicts a cute girl of 4–5 years old, but the terrible events are connected with another child - a girl named Samantha Houston, the daughter of a former US senator. Her family was relaxing in the hotel, and Samantha was playing with a ball on the stairs. A tragedy happened - the baby fell off the steps and broke her neck. The hotel workers say that this painting is the fault. According to another version, the girl liked the picture so much that she began to live in it after her death. Everyone who is close to the Love Letters experiences dizziness, panic, and some are even lifted into the air by an unknown force.

“Mysticism, witchcraft, spirits - all this will attract people. After all, if there is something inexplicable and evil beyond the line, then there must be good. And where there is goodness, there is always a place for hope. Hope and faith that death is only the beginning.

Some claim that alien life forms have visited the Earth throughout its history.
However, such claims are difficult to prove. Most cases of sightings of unidentified flying objects and kidnappings can be easily refuted,
like "ducks" or simple misunderstandings of what is happening.

But what about those times when the little green men actually left something behind?
Or what about those artifacts that people of ancient times built in honor of what can only be called guests from other planets?
There are a huge number of strange objects in the world, both mysterious and made by human hand,
which are supposedly evidence of visits by alien life forms to our Earth.

10. Russian UFO Tooth Wheel

A man from Russia found a strange part of the mechanism in Vladivostok, the administrative capital of the Primorsky Territory. The object looked like a piece of gear and was in a piece of coal that the man used to start the fire. Although discarded parts of old cars are not uncommon in Russia, the man became interested and showed his find to scientists. Testing revealed that the jagged object was composed almost exclusively of aluminum and was almost certainly of man-made origin.

In addition, its age was 300 million years. In connection with this discovery, a number of interesting questions arose, since aluminum of such purity and shape does not occur in nature, and people did not know how to obtain it until 1825. It is also curious that the object also resembles parts used in microscopes and other delicate technical devices.

Despite the fact that conspiracy advocates did not fail to immediately declare that a part of an alien spaceship was found, scientists studying the object are in no hurry to draw conclusions and want to conduct a series of tests to find out more information about the mysterious artifact.

9. Stone head from Guatemala (Guatemala Stone Head)

In the 1930s, in the middle of the jungles of Guatemala, researchers found a huge, expressively made sandstone statue. The features of the face carved into the stone did not resemble those of the Mayans or any other people known to have inhabited these lands. Moreover, the elongated skull and delicate facial features, it would seem, did not appear at all in the history books.

Scientists have said the statue's unique facial features depict a member of an ancient alien civilization that was far more advanced than any of the pre-Hispanic races of the Americas that we know of. Some have even suggested that the head may be just part of a much larger structure located at the bottom of the head (it has been found that this is not the case). Of course, there is a chance that the statue could be the work of an artist of a later date, or even a complete hoax. Unfortunately, we will probably never know for sure: the head was used as a training target for revolutionary troops and its features were destroyed almost without a trace.

8. Enigmalit Williams (Williams Enigmalith)

In 1998, a traveler named John J. Williams noticed a strange metal protrusion in the mud. He dug up a strange stone, which, after cleaning, was found to have a strange electrical component attached to it. The electrical device was clearly man-made and looked a bit like an electrical plug.

Since then, this stone has become a well-known mystery in UFO enthusiast circles. He has been featured in UFO Magazine and (according to Williams) in Fortean Times, the famous magazine devoted to mysterious phenomena. Williams, an electrical engineer, says the electronic component embedded in the stone was not glued or cut into the granite. In fact, the stone most likely formed around the device.

Many consider Williams' Enigmalite to be a "duck", as Williams refuses to split the stone but agrees to sell it for $500,000. In addition, the stone device is similar to heating stones that are commonly used to keep tame lizards warm. However, geological analysis has apparently determined that the stone is about 100,000 years old, and if this is true, then the device inside it cannot be the work of man. Williams is so confident in his find that he agrees to allow Enigmalite to be examined under three conditions: he must be present at the examination, the stone must remain unharmed, and he will not pay for the study.

7 Ancient Planes

The Incas and other pre-Columbian people left behind extremely mysterious trinkets. Some of the strangest are probably the so-called Ancient Planes, which are small, golden figurines that resemble modern jet planes. Initially they were thought to be zoomorphic (meaning they were made in the shape of animals), however it was soon discovered that the figurines had strange features that looked very much like fighter jet wings, tail stabilisers, and even landing gear legs. The figurines were quite aerodynamic and when people who believe in ancient astronauts (supposedly) made model aircraft according to the proportions of the figurines, and equipped them with propellers and (again, presumably) jet engines, they flew great. All of this has led to the suggestion that the Incas were most likely in contact with people (most likely of extraterrestrial origin) who were able to build modern jet aircraft, and who may even have the technology themselves.

Well, there is also the possibility that these wonderful figurines could simply be artistic representations of bees, flying fish, or other winged creatures. As always, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

6 Ubaid Lizard Men

The Al Ubaid archaeological site is a cornucopia for archaeologists and historians. It was there that countless objects from the pre-Sumerian period, known as the Ubeid period (5900 - 4000 BC), were found. However, some of these items are quite intimidating. A number of statues from the Ubaid period depict a strange, lizard-like humanoid in unique, mundane poses, which seems to indicate that these beings were not gods (such as the animal-headed Egyptian gods), but rather were a race of lizard people.

Of course, these statues have spawned countless stories and theories about lizard aliens that once inhabited the earth (and, according to conspiracy theorists, still inhabit it). Although it seems unlikely, their true nature remains a mystery.

5. The remains of meteorites on the island of Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka Meteorite Fossils)

After analyzing the remains of a meteorite that fell in Sri Lanka, the researchers found that the object they found was something more than a simple piece of space rock. It was an alien artifact in the most literal sense: an artifact made up of real aliens. Two separate studies showed that the meteorite contained fossils and algae that were clearly of extraterrestrial origin.

Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe, leader of the first study, says the remains provided strong evidence for panspermia (the hypothesis that life exists in the universe and spreads through meteorites and other solid rocks). However, his statements, as one would expect, were criticized. Wikramasingha is an avid panspermia enthusiast, with a tendency to claim that nearly everything he finds is of unearthly origin. What's more, the traces of life on the meteorite actually contain freshwater species of animals commonly found on Earth, indicating that the remains were contaminated by organisms during the time they spent on our planet.

4. Tapestry "Summer's Triumph" (Summer's Triumph Tapestry)

The tapestry known as "Summer Triumph" was created in Bruges (the capital of the province of West Flanders in the Flemish Region of Belgium) around 1538. At the moment, the tapestry is in the Bavarian National Museum (Bayerisches National Museum).

"Summer Triumph" is famous (or infamous) among conspiracy theorists because it depicts a number of distinctive objects flying through the sky that appear to be unidentified flying objects. Although their presence is confusing, some people believe that they may have been added to the tapestry (which depicts the ascension of a victorious ruler to power) to associate the UFO with the ruler as a symbol of divine intervention. This, of course, raises more questions than it answers, for example: Why did 16th-century Belgians recognize flying saucers and mentally associate them with a deity?

3. Glorification Of The Eucharist

An Italian artist named Ventura Salimbeni painted one of the most enigmatic altar paintings in history. The Disputa of the Eucharist, a 16th-century painting also known as The Celebration of the Mystery of the Eucharist (the Eucharist is a synonym for Holy Communion), consists of three parts. The lower two parts are relatively ordinary: they depict a number of representatives of the clergy and an altar. However, the top shows the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and a dove depicting the Holy Spirit looking down on them)… and in their hands they hold what looks very much like a space satellite. The object is large and has a spherical shape with a metallic coating, telescopic antennas and strange lights. In fact, it is very similar to the old Sputnik 1.

While UFO enthusiasts and ancient astronaut theorists have often cited "Celebration of the Mystery of the Eucharist" as an argument in support of their theories of extraterrestrial life (or possibly travel), experts have quickly dismissed such claims. According to them, the sphere is the "Sphere of the World" (Sphaera Mundi), a spherical representation of the universe, which was often used in religious art. The strange lights on the "satellite" are just the sun and moon, and its antennas are actually scepters that symbolize the power of the Father and the Son.

2. Mexican Government's Maya Artifacts

The story is this: In 2012, the Mexican government released a number of Mayan artifacts that they had kept secret for 80 years as state secrets. These items were taken from an unexplored pyramid that was found under another pyramid at Calakmul, the site of one of the most powerful ancient Mayan cities. A documentary sanctioned by the Mexican government and produced by Raul Julia-Levy (son of famous actor Raul Julia) and financier Thieriot (ex-wife of the former publisher of the San Francisco Chronicle) published a number of these findings. , most of which clearly depict UFOs and aliens.

This case may seem rather intriguing, but as soon as you look closer, a strange pattern of fraud begins to emerge. It seems that both documentarians are lying about something. Julia-Levi doesn't appear to be who he claims to be, and Raul's widow Julia publicly called the man a fraud named Salvador Alba Fuentes. According to her, Salvador is trying to use the fame of her late husband and tells everyone that his real name is Raul Julia-Levi. Meanwhile, Thierrier shut down the production of the documentary and sued her partner, accusing Julia-Levy of stealing her documentary and misusing filming equipment (which Julia-Levy vehemently opposes). What's more, there seems to be very little scientific evidence for the authenticity of the exhibits, and the photos that have surfaced online are less than conclusive evidence.

Perhaps the artifacts were cheap fakes made by a local artisan. Perhaps the officials changed their minds about the documentary and ordered Thierry to stop making it at all costs. Whatever the truth behind these strange artifacts, their authenticity is far from convincing.

1. Betz Mystery Sphere

When the Betz family was examining the aftermath of a strange fire that destroyed 35.6 hectares of their forest, they found a strange object: a silvery sphere, about 20 centimeters in diameter, perfectly smooth except for a strange, elongated triangle symbol. Thinking it might be a NASA instrument or even a Soviet spy satellite, they eventually decided it was most likely just a souvenir. Without thinking twice, they decided to take him with them.

Two weeks later, their son was strumming a guitar in the same room as the sphere. Suddenly, the sphere began to respond to his melodies, making strange pulsing sounds and resonances that greatly alarmed the family's dog. The family soon discovered that the sphere had other strange qualities as well. She would stop and change direction when she was allowed to roll across the floor, eventually returning to the person who pushed her like a faithful dog. It seemed to be fueled by solar energy, becoming noticeably more active on sunny days.

It began to give the impression that something (or someone) was controlling the sphere: from time to time it emitted low-frequency vibrations and noises, as if a motor was running inside it. She avoided falling or being hit at all costs, as if to protect what was inside her. She was even able to completely overcome gravity by climbing up a tilted table to keep from falling.

Naturally, these reports were followed by a media frenzy. Respected and serious newspapers such as the New York Times and the London Daily sent reporters to see the miracle sphere in person as it repeated its tricks in front of countless people. Even scientists and the military were impressed, although the Betz family would not allow them to take the sphere for more detailed study. However, this soon changed when the orb began misbehaving. She began to exhibit behavior similar to a poltergeist: at night the doors of the house slammed tightly and strange organ music filled the house for no reason. At that moment, the family decided to find out what the orb really was. The Navy analyzed it and found that it was... a perfectly ordinary (albeit high-quality) stainless steel ball.

To this day, this alien sphere and its purpose remain a mystery. However, there were many theories by which people tried to explain its nature. By the way, the most likely of them is the most common explanation: three years before the Betz family discovered the sphere, an artist named James Durling-Jones drove through the area where it was found. There were several stainless steel balls in the roof rack of his car for a sculpture he was making. Some of these balls fell out while the car was driving over potholes. These balls matched the exact description of the Betz sphere, and were balanced enough to roll at the slightest provocation (the Betz family lived in an old house with an uneven floor, so such a ball could seem to behave erratically). These balls could even make a rattling sound thanks to tiny bits of metal shavings stuck inside during the manufacturing process.

While it doesn't explain all of the phenomena people have reported, it certainly casts a shadow over all the "mysterious ghostly sphere from space" rhetoric.

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