Tantra for women - energy management. What is tantra: all the nuances and details, historical background


“Hedgehogs cried, pricked themselves, but continued to eat the cactus…”

Once upon a time in Moscow there was a very nice, bright and talented coach. Not ordinary, like the coach of a football team, but outlandish - in the practice of tantric sex. At one far from perfect moment, he climbed onto the windowsill and jumped down from the top floor of the skyscraper. The ending is sad, but from the point of view of modern science, it is quite understandable. Ignorance of the laws (of nature) does not exempt from responsibility.

Tantra, NLP, Hellinger constellations, any "personal growth" seminars - all these are really working psychotechnics. Why all this is good is described in detail in the relevant promotional materials, but tips like "Don't fit in - it will kill you!" and "Do not stand under the load and the boom!" - are extremely rare. Not a single bad word has been said about Tantra at all. And we won't tell. But we will show from the point of view of physics how tantric sex (in the situation “The monkey is playing with a grenade”) can undermine health or even take life.

Interest in tantra, tantric sex(as a practice of spiritual growth), healing through the management of sexual energy, and simply the techniques of "virtuoso" sex - a huge one. It is a pity that there is little reliable information. And, besides, there is no cultural "bed" at all, in which the ancient spiritual tradition could take root. We say "sex" - we mean "bed". We say "Indian spiritual practice" - we mean the aroma of incense and the singing of mantras. One with the other is somehow not mounted. In an attempt to understand the issue, the most important thing is not to be clever and not to roll your eyes meaningfully. Just everything! And tough! Because at first, as usual, there was a word. And the word, of course, was God. Or Absolute. Or Spirit. In this case, it doesn't matter. The main thing is to understand that it means a certain higher principle, by uniting with which a person acquires the Meaning of Being, Happiness, Health.

A "cool bonus" to all of the above - the strongest sexual (bodily) experiences. The modern purely materialistic society, which has forgotten about such a concept as individual Spirituality, is ready to be content with only a multiple orgasm, which is promised to them in the form of a learning result.

Again the cold, winter - for years, And the angels fly to the south. Tomorrow we will fly, you - at sunrise, And for me, in everything - at sunset.
But I will break off the ground, Like a dog from a chain, And I will rise to the clouds. And I will enter the clouds, My country is far away, But I will find you there. Oh, cardboard wings - These are the wings of love.

("Time Machine")

So, at first there was an idea - white and fluffy. And where there is an idea, there is also a symbol - the fullness that arises from the merger of male and female. In other words, Yin and Yang, day and night, dry and wet.

This is how it always happens in general: something positive, natural, creative is born, grows ... Suddenly - Bang! - Bad Uncle comes and makes white black, using a sound idea for his own selfish purposes.

So it was with the swastika, an ancient symbol that became the emblem of Nazism. Recent (in a historical context) history crossed out the tradition of antiquity. Today, this symbol is strongly banned in Germany, as giving rise to "unhealthy" associations among the townsfolk. At the same time, they also banned the deep philosophical postulate “To each his own!”, With which the Nazis managed to “decorate” the gates of the concentration camp. Castration of ideas and labeling is generally a sign of the present time, when quality (meaning) is being exchanged with frightening constancy for quantity (form).

Tantra appeared in those ancient times, when the greatest spiritual experience of past civilizations was rapidly degrading. Indian society, strictly divided into castes, was ruled exclusively by brahmins and military nobility - kshatriyas. The mass of "biological people" (in India, this is the caste of "attendants" - Shudras) is inert and passive. Without guidance from the "party and government," biomass simply cannot move forward, or anywhere at all. Creativity, foresight, striving for goals - this is the lot of not only “reasonable people” (middle-level commanders), but to a greater extent “spiritual people” (according to the condition of the task of top management) who are able to understand and accept the laws of Nature and, following them FEEL what, when and why should be done.

What does Tantra and tantric sex have to do with it?

Yes, despite the fact that initially tantra was invented as a real tool for ensuring the viability and effective social activity of the top leaders of the state. What is there fidgeting on the bed and a two-hour orgasm, built into an absolute result. This is not true!

An absurd situation: a passenger enters the cockpit of an airliner - a stoned pimply teenager and asks the pilot: "Uncle, let me fly!" He, of course, will be refused, because he is not a pilot. But from a different point of view, the situation does not seem so absurd if we are talking about “flights” to the subtle planes of the existence of matter, that is, penetration into the levels of bodies of subtle dimensions. Ancient practices (not understood, but tested), modern technologies and technical devices allow "non-pilots" to fly high and far. True, and falling from there is very painful, since a parachute is not provided.

You don't have to look far for examples. In esoteric circles and among fans of alternative medicine, a device called "Pharaoh's Cylinders" is well known. The pharaoh was indeed the real one - a sample of miraculous cylinders was found in his tomb. They sawed it, looked at how the curiosity works and set up mass production. It works - and great! How exactly it works is the tenth thing. It turned out that this device “collects” the subtle dimensions of the practicing individual into a harmonious body structure. At first, a person really feels a surge of strength, but there is a nuance. The “vibrated” problems of the higher planes – mostly karmic – begin to manifest themselves in the form of an exacerbation of chronic and hereditary diseases. Here "the tail falls off, then the paws ache." An amazing thing is that antibiotics (drugs with mental bodies) taken throughout life begin to activate (at the level of program impact)! Fear and horror, and complaints to the manufacturer. Now "Cylinders of the Pharaoh" is no longer on sale. But there are "Wands of Power" - similar devices with a weakened "penetrating ability".

Bad, wrong device? - Great tool!

The catch is that it was intended personally for the pharaoh. That is, the supreme social hierarch, who has undergone special training since childhood and has not had defeats that shatter to pieces and halves those who are “not a pilot”, “not a pharaoh”, but want “with a pig's snout, but in the Kalash line”.

Tantra is a virtuoso mastery of energies and bodies of subtle dimensions, focused on the power energy system of a person, namely, the sexual one. This is an effective tool for dynamically creating a neutral bisexual object. Not to be confused with hermaphrodite. The “right hemisphere”, intuitive woman and the “left hemisphere”, logical man, through the ritual of tantric sex, were combined into an amazing structure that has a unique penetrating ability in the bodies of subtle dimensions. The combat task is to get into direct contact with the Spirit (the causal plane of the existence of matter), to switch to the mode of "vertical" polarization of brain activity. This is nothing but a natural standard. The analogue is a neutron, an elementary particle that has mass but no charge (compound of alpha and beta particles). This is, of course, an analogy, but a very accurate one.

So, the coordinated center of consciousness of a woman and a man united for the time of the “contract” can penetrate through the bodies of higher dimensions to very high levels. In fact, this is communication with the absolute, that is, God. For what?

And then, that the created standard exists in linear time for quite a long time. After parting after such tantric sex, a man and a woman remain carriers of the qualities of this standard. Recall that in the past, tantric events were held in a limited space (palace). Moreover, the entourage of tantra participants were members of the higher castes, the circle of the elite, whose "tactical and technical characteristics" (the main characteristics of brain radiation) were in a narrow and similar range. Hence - the phenomenon of resonance, "induced holiness." That is, the adjustment of all those in the near zone to the natural standard created in the process of Tantra.

The "vertical" orientation to the Spirit, the Absolute has the most favorable consequences for people engaged in intellectual activity, whether it is the management of large teams (military leaders, politicians) or the implementation of commercial activities (financiers). People “switch on” creativity, intuition, foresight at the level of clairvoyance… At the highest levels of power, the speed and non-linearity of thinking is literally supernatural (from the point of view of a simple layman, a sudra). This is what, in fact, and not at all for carnal pleasures, tantra was originally intended for!

Higher leaders, one way or another, forced to communicate directly with the lower levels, very quickly "drained" (and even now) their potential and, remaining members of higher castes in form, in essence (the nature of the energy-information structure of bodies of fine dimensions and potencies) turned into Shudra For such people, communication with tantrists, touching the standard is the only way of social, and in the future, physical survival. Lost vigilance did not "count" the situation - then you "flew". From which side, it doesn't matter.

All this is good and healthy, and all this is theory. Because practice has shown that "it was clean on paper, but they forgot about the ravines." The ancient documents on tantric sex do not say a word about the individual spirituality of a man or woman. The woman there is just a “battery”. A man is a “receiving-transmitting device”.

Initially, the tantra ritual itself was lengthy, laborious and gave a rather low efficiency (efficiency factor) at the output. The room where the act of merging was planned was prepared for a long time and carefully. Directly in the process of tantric sex, a huge role was assigned to the procedure: aromas, rituals, ablutions ... All this was preceded by psychological training. You can even say that the worldview. A man was supposed to think about the image of his beloved. Continuously. Ideally, he should recognize the object of desire even by the touch of a silk handkerchief on his hand. Quite, by the way, a possible situation. This is an instant inclusion in physical contact, when the bodies of subtle dimensions are synchronized in advance.

With a woman, it's the same. It was even easier for her: there is nothing special to do in the palace, they are fed well and regularly. All that remains is to think about a partner :-). It's so easy to get overwhelmed by prolonged abstinence and incessant fantasies. Cases are described when a woman practicing tantra literally materialized her beloved next to her in the form of a felt body.

Sometimes I forget about love, But I forget about everything while loving. I don’t live without you, I don’t happen, Even if I live without you.
I look at you, as in a mirror, To dizziness. And I see my love in him and think about it. Let's not see the small In a mirror image. Love is long, And life is even longer.

(Yuri Antonov)

Fantasies about each other are nothing but a bridge of constant connection, formed according to the law of interaction of living systems. It sounds like this: "The strength of the interaction between the source and the receiver of the signal does not depend on the distance between them, but depends only on the degree of their coordination."

If the coordination is ongoing, then there is a transition from quantity to quality. The bodies of subtle dimensions are synchronized and united.

There may be such a situation: the subtle planes have already united, and the physical shells (bodies) are still running somewhere on their own. At a distance of 10 meters from each other, partners are already irresistibly attracted to each other, so they simply have no other options than to connect physically.

Real sexual relations do not take place in a variety of positions or intensity of interaction, but in establishing contact and freezing one partner near the other. This is the pleasure of slowly flowing orgasmic streams in both bodies. These are voluptuous but creative sensations. Due to such a connection, the permeability of bodies of subtle dimensions increases sharply and a channel of direct communication with subtle planes is established. God in such a situation joins with these bodies - a short circuit, is called.

That's what it is White Tantra!

This type of tantric sex serves to heal both partners, their emotional saturation and reconciliation with the divine standard.

The idea of ​​a paired relay (man and woman) of vertical creative energy into horizontal, socialized energy is present in many religions and cults. For example, in Buddhism there is a statue of a seated Buddha. This is nothing more than an analogue of the reducer: the vertical energy flow passes through the body of the Great Initiate and is transformed by his sexual energy center into social energy radiated through the knees. This quality of life energy arising from amounts of spirituality.

Visitors to the temple are allowed to use this device for the fulfillment of desires and gaining health. Such a “miracle” occurs if a TRUE believer, that is, a resonating comrade, brings his bodies of subtle dimensions into line with the proposed standard. By the way, this image of the Buddha has soft feminine contours of the body, but the genitals are assumed to be male. This is nothing more than a symbol of the harmony of both sexes. And it is written like this: “Where two or more unite in my name (vertical), there my Father will arrive among them and everything will be given to them, whatever they ask for.” Where there are two - male and female in a high degree of agreement.

As mentioned earlier, "production commanders" who have the opportunity to join the divine standard in the process of tantric sex, retain physical health, intuition, and the ability to make healthy creative decisions.

Each "commander" has some specialization. In any effective management mechanism, it is important to sit higher and look farther. That is, on the distant approaches to detect incoming enemy bombers. Not having such location stations or not believing them is fraught. In Pearl Harbor, the first radar station reported objects flying up to the base, but they were rudely “sent”, answering that it was, they say, a flock of geese, and the day off and the sailors should not be released ... But those were not geese. Now it is customary to trust early warning stations and raise troops on alert.

What does this mean in real practice? Any more or less capable person has bodies of subtle dimensions. On the creative channel, a person is able to rise to sufficiently high levels of the sustainable existence of matter and “see” those energy-informational structures that, passing through his individual informatorium (a set of knowledge, experience, available images and symbols), give rise to pictures - prophetic dreams, insights.

It's dark in the yard, I'm lying, watching a movie. Sleep sat on a stool, Embroidering a birdcage. A crocodile is dancing in a cage, How did he get into the cage?
It's dark in the yard, I'm lying watching a movie. A crocodile is dancing in a cage, How did he get into the cage? Here we wake up, here we wake up, Here we wake up - we'll figure it out!

(Sergey Nikitin)

For example, the director of a defense enterprise sees that, according to the documents received, its production should be removed from its familiar place in the city center (now there will be a business center) and moved to new areas in the provinces. The documents say that the new spacious buildings are ready, and the access roads, and storage facilities, and even the guards seem to have already stood still, standing on the towers ... But intuitively, the manager understands that there is not even a foundation there, and the money for construction has been stolen. On-site verification shows that this is the case. Conclusion: tear up and throw away the “pointer”, and suggest that those pointing to arrange a comprehensive check. But if he would fit into a move to an unexplored territory in advance - it’s his own fault!

All in all it turns out that tantra is an excellent invention. Why not organize your own “tantra services” at the enterprises and, thanks to the increased insight and wisdom of the commanders, not “catch up and overtake” everyone who is supposed to be in the shortest possible time?

And the thing is, there is a catch.

The present time, namely the period after 1998, is the era of individual docking with one's Spirit. Nature sets a task for every person personal spiritualization(and not paired, as originally conceived in tantra), as a condition for further survival.

Yes, only who listens to her, nature. In fact, we live in an atmosphere of total lack of spirituality and ignorance of the population. In ancient India, there were at least castes, the highest of which kept themselves at least in some kind of energy-informational purity. In our country, after 1917, there was a great mixing of peoples and social strata, to the point that even a cook was sometimes allowed to govern the state. In Europe and America, the situation is similar - militant materialism and practicality imply the adoption of the form of ancient spiritual practices, but an absolute unwillingness to understand their true meaning.

Caste is not a sign of superiority, but an inherent natural property. This is only the degree of maturity of the Spirit. It just so happens that the highest (high-frequency) information in its natural form is categorically harmful to representatives of the lower castes. They cannot become "conductive" enough for a powerful information flow without harm to their own health.

When they say that someone is engaged in higher practices - meditation or karmic corrections, then I want to immediately ask two questions. First, how long did a person go to initiation. Secondly, what personal health and social problems he solved with a real risk to his life.

It takes decades to put oneself in order, to “ripen”! This is a gigantic work on cleaning the bodies of subtle dimensions, building a system of worldview. Being in society, such a person is forced to constantly keep himself in a harmonious form. How exactly does he do it, and does he do it at all? After all, the real work is done on subtle plans a little bit, because he took a step and the “roar” goes from top to bottom - all plans are reset and the specialist “shakes” in a completely unchildish way. If the above conditions are not met, then falsification or self-deception takes place when a person lives in the world of his illusions. Illusions and delusions are contagious, as they are easily attainable and sometimes pleasant. That's just to pay for the pleasure of "wandering through the heavenly beds" have a real, not a fictitious price. These joys are not released on credit!

“There is no sex in the USSR!” It's funny, but it's not new at all. From the heyday of tantra, tantric practices in ancient India, to its decline, a little more than a century passed. It just so happened that the beautiful Taj Mahal has become a tombstone of creative love. Then there was a reaction in society. Its apogee in a long historical perspective was the European Inquisition. In the Middle Ages, a beautiful woman was automatically considered a fiend, a witch, who embarrassed men with her beauty and distracted them from prayer (in this case, prayer means a logical procedure that excludes the process of including one's body in natural processes).

The concept of "marital duties" - this is from there. But about the "mysteries of oriental love" - ​​this is just from India. These sacraments were brought on Her Majesty's ships by the curious Doctors Watson, officers of the expeditionary corps, who during the period of the British occupation had access to Indian libraries and real carriers of knowledge.

But only the form of tantra (but not its deep meaning) was transferred to the Old World. Then to America. And with the fall of the iron curtain to Russia.

Today, in the vast majority of cases, tantra (tantric sex) is practiced in a castrated version. That is, bodily sensations may be present (for some time and not for everyone), and the true result is not available simply by definition.

This procedure looks wild to varying degrees. Let's immediately put underground salons out of the brackets, where under the guise of tantra, the audience simply engages in bizarre group sex. This is not relevant at all. We are talking about tantra seminars, excluding physical contact between a man and a woman, but involving the contact of their bodies of subtle dimensions, at least astral.

This can be seen in numerous videos on the Internet: desperately different in age, social status and other characteristics, people gather in the school gym or other inappropriate place. Dressed in T-shirts and sweatpants, individuals of both sexes somehow poorly fit in with the concept of the art of high love. One way or another, but all of them TECHNOLOGICALLY, that is, according to a certain tantric ritual, are “synchronized” by the energy centers of the body. And there is a law: As above, so below, as below, so above“... People who are unfamiliar with each other, with undischarged problems of different levels, “stick together” on the higher planes of the existence of matter. At the same time they inevitably exchange energy-informational problems. This is nothing more than a "gangbang", only not on the bodily, but on a higher level. Unlike traditional sex, problems do not spread from the bottom up, from the physical body to the bodies of subtle dimensions, as high as the emotional impulse received in the process of intercourse is enough, but vice versa - from the top down. Participants receive a portion of someone else's energy-informational "shit" in a concentrated form!!!

At the same time, history played tantra and fled» does not work! Any sexual connection (even established not at the physiological, but at the energy level during tantric sex) exists in the past of a person (and affects his present) until it is technologically broken. But they don't talk about it in seminars. Because they don't know anything about it. As sad experience shows, even the best representatives of tantra clubs and schools do not know about it.

And people go on and on just to join the eastern mysteries of tantric love and sex. They are interested.

It happens that at first the sensations are really interesting and pleasant. But you have to pay for such pleasure: the unification of energy shells is an extremely intimate act. It implies the presence of spiritual purity, equal social and cultural levels of partners. A participant in such an action should at least be free from energy ties with former sexual partners and genetic relatives - living or deceased. A person must have his own “full-valuable” energy and be “self-sustaining”. Only then does the talk of tantra begin to make sense..

If there is a closure of the energy centers of the bodies of people who are not equivalent in their potential, then there is a “drain” of energy from a pure person to a low-frequency one. Of course, this is good for the “poor fellow Sivolapom”. But not for long, because the acquired good is very quickly taken away by his personal vampires. And he still wants to! It's called addiction! (You can read more about this in the Reiki article.)

And what happens to the once "white and fluffy"? And he, out of curiosity and stupidity, simply participates in the act ... Bestiality!

Is it possible to have sex with a sheep? Technically, yes. There is even a benefit from this - it’s very good that the herd suddenly begins to understand the shepherd - their field characteristics are aligned: “I and you are of the same blood.” Once upon a time, a person who had potencies exchanges them for membership in a flock or a flock - that's how lucky anyone is. But for a modern cultured person, this is unacceptable! Remember castes? So if a person is initially at the level of an animal or close to that, then “ promiscuous tantra' is normal for him. He is at his level and remains - that's all. But if we are talking about people who are not just intelligent, but also spiritual in some places, then according to the field laws, it is not clear with whom to unite at the energy level with whom - it is simply unacceptable!

First - energy correction of subtle plans and karmic cleansing. After that, a sexual partner close in Spirit is searched for. And, here's the marvel - (at least the sensations that are expected from tantric practices) happens by itself! In the individual, one on one (man + woman), option. To “get it” you will not need incense or candles in a row. Just a little knowledge and a couple of technical tricks.

But, as already mentioned, the sensations of sex as such are a secondary matter. Can tantra perform a healing function today and stimulate social success? What did we say about Brahmin or Kshatriya castes? Are there any analogies? Certainly. In Moscow, in the business environment and power structures, people work with their brains at such speeds that they are already compared in their hierarchy with the ancient (or even current) spiritual hierarchs. With the proviso that they are equally manifested in the social horizontal, and not the vertical spiritual plane. And then such a high-frequency "Electronic" comes to the club of Tantra lovers and in a matter of days crumbles to smithereens and in half, draining its potential to the gray mass of the inhabitants. According to the Indian classification - Shudra. It is no coincidence that marriages between representatives of different castes are still prohibited in India!

How unhappy we are princesses We are forbidden by law to love In royal families - such an ancient order By calculation you need to get married ....

(m / f "Flying Ship", Song of the Princess of Fun)

What brings people to the gym of the school, where non-contact group "tantric" sex is practiced - is understandable. Young people are just interested. Newly created couples want something "spicy". As for people of middle and even older age, they are just energy vampires, who, according to the principle of the least common multiple, are guaranteed to receive “a little bit of life” from young, but stupid ones. Well, how else to call people who voluntarily give themselves as food to others?

All the action takes place in pairs. Don't have yours? The facilitator appoints one of those present. That is, he appoints, completely ignoring the tasks and needs of a particular Spirit of a particular person. The situation is worse than ever. It's like a lack of hygiene in a women's exam room - flies crawl on the instruments and the smell is disgusting.

When working in the "wrong" pairs of good will, the "once strong" merges not only their own potential, but also, in transit, the potential of their parents and business partners. This is called a transit energy-information "drain".

Although this is not taught at school in anatomy lessons, one has to admit it as a given that a person is not only a physical body, but also a whole “shelf” of bodies of subtle dimensions crowned with the Spirit. You can read in detail about how this economy is arranged.

We are now occupied with a situation where two individual physical bodies meet - male and female. Each person's Spirit is oriented towards their gender polarization. The spirit of a man, tuned to the Y-chromosome, interacts with the body of a man. In turn, the Spirit of a woman communicates with a woman, provided that she fulfills her incarnation task. That is, he mainly works with his body, and not with his brains. If a woman becomes “too smart”, then she gets a “Pseudo Y” defeat according to the male scenario. It’s not that she has grown a beard and other male joys, but such a “commander in a skirt” begins to “crumble” thoroughly, because “brains from the wrong body” are obtained.

Similarly, an intuitive creative man often acquires the wrong sexual orientation. He needs another uncle just to remember at the level of sensations what it is like to be a man. This is just one of the many reasons for changing the natural sexual orientation, but nevertheless ...

One way or another, but our boy and girl connected (in tantra), but never separated. Very quickly charisma (orientation to the Spirit, one's incarnation task) goes astray, the tuning of the brain to a true natural orientation goes astray. This is a betrayal of your Spirit. As a result, there is a sharp decrease in "frequency" and a step back on the path of one's own evolution. Nature does not tolerate such a "sticky" state for long - up to two hours. Therefore, they "mutually interacted" - be kind enough to disperse each to their positions. Otherwise, such troubles as loss of attention, loss of clarity of thinking, fog in the head and, in general, loss of capacity, as such, are inevitable. This is often followed by “strange” car accidents (distracted or fell asleep at the wheel), “show masks” at the enterprise (he said something wrong, he said the wrong thing, he filled out the wrong document incorrectly) - errors multiply and it’s not clear where it will “break” , because "thin" everywhere. It becomes impossible in principle to show one's true potentials, any creativity and creativity.

This nightmare and horror is a high-level energy-informational social defeat. One can imagine two skydivers inadvertently approaching so close that their parachutes are tangled. As a result, the domes are “extinguished” (connection with the Spirit is lost) and an uncontrolled fall begins. Lasts, it is, as you know, very short. However, during these moments (in linear time, the margin for “fixing everything” can be very large) you need to have time to “disconnect” (cut the lines) and orient yourself to your Spirit again (roll over onto your back and release the reserve parachute). Appropriate technologies for disconnecting from sexual partners are discussed in detail here.

Those who are now engaged in tantric sex according to the old methods, not knowing the safety precautions of tantra, are those very confused skydivers. But you can’t “get confused” with just anyone. As already mentioned, a partner can and should be chosen from those that (quite by accident) failed own Spirit , and not recommended by a certain trainer, just pointing his finger at the crowd who came to the seminar.

A separate story - married couples. Well, if they want to improve their skills in sexual relations - I will not save you. Tantra for such couples is quite suitable fun. The main thing is that the sexual energy received as a result of "mergers and acquisitions" should be properly utilized for specific actions and accomplishments. Whether creative or physical. Otherwise, in the process of tantric sex, overheating of the bodies of subtle dimensions occurs, in the literal sense, thermal shock. If such a misfortune happens, then the repeated “ascent to the peak of the highest pleasure” will no longer be possible. The self-preservation instinct kicks in.

We had a case in practice. The truth is not from tantra, but when using the sublimation of sexual energy into physical. One very "advanced" student was resting at her dacha. A friend came to her husband and the men retired for a long time in a bathhouse - they drank, steamed, talked, and refused to take part in economic activities, which is inevitable at any summer cottage. It should be noted - in a rather rude form. And so the day passed. And not only that “the cow is not milked”, but also the husband had no strength left for his wife, as if beloved. Not wanting to keep in herself either the accumulated rage or the sexual fire, to which the long-awaited “moth” did not fly, our student, using a certain technique, translated the excess of sexual energy into physical forces. The technique (somewhat modified by us) has been known for a long time, in particular in the special forces.

"Three days without sleep, three days of walking For the sake of a few lines in the newspaper."

It so happened that in the yard of a student for a week already there was a whole car of sawn, but not chopped firewood. All my husband's hands did not reach. In short, during the night the student (a rather fragile girl) cut through everything and was not at all tired. The next morning, cheerfully waving an ax, she went to the house and saw ... Frightened men, who, at the sight of such a "Terminator", lost all their hops.

This is to the question of WHAT potential a simple sublimation of sexual energy has. As for the energy potential obtained through tantra, it exceeds the norm by orders of magnitude! It's like comparing a car battery and a nuclear power plant (nuclear power plant)! If such a Chernobyl "explodes", then it will not seem enough!

There is another nuance in the family tantra class. The fact is that family life implies a lot of claims to each other. But the claims are not turned off at the level of energy-informatics. This is not accepted. There is no such thing in our culture (“Forgiveness Sunday”, devoid of the context of the Faith, has become a formality). When, with the help of the Tantra technique, a husband and wife “jump” to higher planes, then undischarged problems and claims of the past that have not been turned off are instantly felt on the energy-information field (they are written there), old “sins” are inevitably recalled, and resentment and anger appear, usually with violent force. Because old grievances really hurt. They wanted good sex - but they got a "divorce and maiden name."

And in the family, as at the front. When, for some reason, the warring parties stop shooting at each other, a truce is declared. What does it mean? Ceasefire. The withdrawal of troops to reserve positions - so that they do not accidentally fire. Clearing minefields(this is an analogue of many years of claims to each other in the margins). Then an indemnity is paid to the injured party and moral damage is compensated. And only after these obligatory measures peace comes. And you can live on. That is to cooperate.

People don't even ask for forgiveness. But no one canceled the act of repentance. This is how the accumulation of destructive programs takes place, the existence of which you don’t even know, but they, nevertheless, exist! And after the practice of tantric sex, all this "G", accumulated on the subtle planes over many years, as a rule, sharply "swells up", like an abscess, and requires emergency disposal. And if such a situation occurs, then one cannot do without knowledge of the relevant energy-information technologies for "demining" the past. Otherwise, the aggravation of health problems will be an inevitable consequence of such a violation of safety precautions and the sequence of actions during the practice of tantra.


Tantra is a wonderful high-level spiritual practice, but before you start mastering it, you need to study in detail the technique of energy-information security, learn how to bring both your physical body and your bodies of subtle dimensions into a coordinated, stressed, pure state. And the same must be demanded from your partner (-rshi) in tantric interactions! Because tantric sex, unlike the usual one, is a very open mode of interaction between partners on the subtle planes of the existence of matter (on the physical, astral, mental and causal planes). Of course, with the help of the "correct" tantra and the correct pair interaction during tantric sex, you can "fly up" to a very great height. But the price of non-compliance with safety regulations is very high here.

Why is everything wrong, everything seems to be the same as always: The same sky is blue again, The same forest, the same air and the same water, Only he did not return from the battle.

(Vladimir Vysotsky)

"International Institute for Social Ecology"

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How to ensure the unity of opposites and experience a cosmic orgasm? Tantra is an ancient teaching that reveals these secrets. Read...

Unity of opposites

Tantra and Yoga say that the goal of man should be the inner unity of opposites. In Hinduism it is Shiva and Shakti, and in Buddhism and Taoism it is Yin and Yang. These two energies are completely opposite and complement each other in the nature of things. Without the existence of these two principles, the world is impossible.

Tantra is a secret teaching that reveals how to connect these two principles within us. Speaking in the language of psychologists, tantra allows you to reconcile the inner father and mother, which is often quite difficult and even painful.

How is tantra understood?

There is an opinion, especially in the West, that tantra¹ is an exclusively sexual, and in some cases quite perverted cult, with ritual drinking of wine and prolonged, group orgies.

Of course, tantra is, of course, sex! The only question is, what kind of sex is it? And what is sex, in general, from the point of view of the real tantric teaching ...

What is sex for?

Male and female energies in a person who has not achieved inner unity give rise to conflict. Therefore, a person tries to make up for the lack of male energy or female energy, by external union with a sexual partner.

External sex is an attempt to compensate for the lack of this or that energy.

We simply take from others what we lack in ourselves. This is a very important point! Try to understand this, otherwise advancement in tantra will be impossible.

What is Tantra?

Tantra is the science of achieving freedom through the unity of opposites, through inner unity within us. In each of us, potentially lives the masculine and feminine.

A person is a man and a woman at the same time, only at the present moment, this or that aspect dominates in him, due to the peculiarities of his physical gender.

Tantric sex is the union of two inner partners. Tantra cannot talk about external partners. Sex with an external partner is possible, but it must contribute to the unity of internal partners.

Opposites within a person

A person has two hemispheres of the brain, the left - masculine, logical and right - feminine, creative. In a normal state, at any given moment, only one of the two hemispheres of the brain works.

Unity or Samadhi is a state when both hemispheres work at the same time. At the same time, a person experiencing this state feels the indescribable bliss of the “cosmic orgasm” and cognizes his higher, true nature.

How to achieve tantric unity of opposites?

To achieve unity, the tantric masters have developed many paths, but each path must be selected individually, depending on the inclinations of the student himself.

How does a tantric master give practice?

A true tantric Master looks at the student's aura, by which he determines his inner inclinations, and also studies his character. Only after that the teacher gives a special practice to the student, which fully corresponds to his inner nature and natural inclinations.

In Tantra and Yoga, no violence against a person is allowed, everything should happen easily and naturally.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Tantra is a general term for esoteric Indian traditions, represented mainly in Buddhism, Bon and Hinduism, using special secret practices and initiations that lead to liberation and spiritual development, and consider these methods to be the most effective (

When Robert Pattinson, who is in love with half the girls on the planet, was asked how he manages to be so convincing in love scenes, he answered without blushing: "Lubricants and tantric breath." Pattinson is far from the only one for whom tantra (a set of mind-expanding ancient Hindu practices) has become a recipe for happiness and professional success. In the 1960s, hallucinogenic drugs were in vogue, then the New Age came, Western society got hooked on yoga and other Eastern teachings, fitness became a religion in the 80s and 90s, diets and new esotericism like Kabbalah and Reiki in the 2000s. All this led to the fashion for downshifting - the “enlightened” became too lazy to work, especially since there were much more people with a university degree than really interesting jobs. But the meditation of the unemployed for Western civilization is a dead end, so tantra was imported from the still fashionable India, which, with the help of simple practices, does not extinguish, but, on the contrary, greatly increases the energy potential. Personal tantra gurus have replaced psychotherapists for many big businessmen. The main promoters of tantra - Sting and his wife Trudy Styler, they started many years ago and say that thanks to this they manage to save their marriage, vivacity of mind and body, and most importantly - the ability to have sex for eight (!) hours in a row. For reference: Sting is over 60 years old.

Personally, I have always considered tantra synonymous with the word "orgy". Until a good friend convinced me.

We saw each other a few months ago after a long break (my friend is one of those who are called minigarhs, he is an extremely busy person), and I did not recognize him. I remembered this man as a perfectionist despot - he managed large enterprises, his wife and three sons. Now, despite the recent divorce, in front of me was a rejuvenated, thinner, and most importantly - for the first time in a long time - a happy man. “You won't regret visiting my friends Martin and Maria for tantra,” he told me and told me new details of his personal life, which I would prefer not to report here. One could recall the phrase from the joke about the old Jew: “You also speak,” but my friend has really changed. And intrigued me more than Sting's sexual exploits.

“Imagine a world where no one is looking for love and intimacy, because it's all already inside you. Every time we wait for something or someone to fill us up, we end up in addiction, emptiness, and frustration. You yourself are an orgasm, ”says a tall, stocky middle-aged man with lush hair and a benevolent expression in his eyes. It's funny to see how a person talks about high matters, on which at the moment only a translucent pareo is made of clothes. However, there is practically nothing on the rest of those gathered in the room, fumigated with Indian incense, which is decorated with a statue of Buddha stroking a hefty erect penis. There are six of us: myself, Stuart (a 30-year-old banker from London), businessman Max and student Eli (a couple from the Canary Islands), as well as hosts - Martin and his wife Maria, a short blonde from Liechtenstein, who looks at her husband with adoring eyes . All this takes place in Ronda, a village between Malaga, Marbella and Seville, among steep mountains, from the tops of which Africa is visible on clear days.

Martin tells the saga of his life not without narcissism: born in Johannesburg, raised in Namibia, friends with Nelson Mandela and Sting, studied anthropology and theology, lived in 19 countries, was deported seven times (he opposes the existence of visas), married, raised two children, opened an investment company in London, divorced, married Maria, after the birth of his son, he followed his wife into tantra, left the business and opened a center on the edge of Europe. That was almost ten years ago, and now Martin and Maria have clients all over the world - rich, but weary people. Those who are too busy and can afford it, write Martin and Maria to their place for an individual course of tantra therapy and tantric massage. The rest come to group seminars - to Ronda or other places where this unusual couple brings: Rio, London, Bangalore, Umbria.

“Your mind is not you, but just a small part of you. The mind is a chronicler of your life, not a guide, and we will work with your energy, which can do anything,” continues Martin. These speeches remind me of someone ... Yes! Osho! The Indian rebel guru, who died twenty years ago, once traveled the whole world and dictated books to adherents that became bestsellers. I have a feeling that Osho's laurels haunt Martin. By the way, it is possible that it was not Sting, but Osho who launched the tantric trend at one time. And perhaps it's not even Osho, but the writer Aldous Huxley, the scientist Timothy Leary and other mind-expanding specialists who experimented with LSD and other psychedelics with might and main in the late 1950s until it was banned. Leary called "trips" (from the English trip - "journey") - a state that occurred in a person under the influence of psychedelics - "an experience of emptying the mind and losing the Ego." Approximately the same thing is offered to us by Martin with the help of 12 tantric “rituals”, which should be accompanied by special breathing: the deepest possible breath in the stomach so that it puffs up like a drum, and a deep exhalation, during which it is necessary to forcefully push the air out of oneself and compress intimate muscles. Such breathing expands the consciousness more than any psychedelic - a few breaths, and the brain seems to shift down into the vagina, and hot waves begin to rise from the coccyx along the spinal column. In India, this most powerful energy is called “kundalini”, and Tantrics say that this is life force - “life force”.

The first ritual is called "Namaste" (translated from Sanskrit, this means "The Divine in me welcomes and unites with the Divine in you"). I stand close to the Englishman Stuart (today I see this man for the first time in my life!), and, looking into each other's eyes, we begin to breathe tantric. Stuart is barely alive. He puffs strangely and hides his eyes. The next ritual is the Pure Embrace. “Just breathe, matching the other person's breathing, and hug him without wanting to give or receive anything from him,” Martin commands. Stuart blushes, bashfully steps back from me for half a step and mutters “sorry, sorry” between breaths. Then we are offered to sit opposite each other and, while continuing to breathe, slowly caress ourselves - this practice is called the “Ritual of Self-Love”. "You won't find the perfect man until you become your own perfect partner," says Martin.

I make an effort on myself, close my eyes, actively breathe with my stomach, and thoughts gradually dissolve. About poor Stuart, who seems to be about to faint from shame, I forget, completely surrendering to my feelings.

Gradually, I enter an altered state of consciousness - it's like intoxication. Perhaps that is why the next step - "Ritual of Worship" - does not cause me protest. It looks like this: a man stands in front of me completely naked, and I bow down in front of him and flatten myself on the floor, touching his feet with my palms, then we change places. I am embarrassed not so much by the nudity as by the fact that an outsider was forced to worship me. I am not ashamed to bow myself. (It turns out that this is what most people do when they try tantra for the first time - we all believe deep down in our hearts that we are not worthy of love.) But after a few breaths and exhalations, the mind capitulates again, and Stuart and I get into the taste.

I have never felt such concentration in my life. With every cell I feel energy - mine and men. It seems to me that my thoughts, my breath, my touches have magical powers. During the next ritual, which is called "Merge", the mysticism continues, although at first glance everything is very strange. Almost naked Stuart lies on me and moans. His head is on my chest, his right knee rests on my left armpit, and his left lies between my legs. At first, it’s wildly hard for me, and along with the exhalation, a grunt breaks out of me, turning into a groan. But at some point, I stop feeling the weight of the Englishman lying on me, as if we had become one. Perhaps our energies really merged into a single stream...

During the break, we are fed a vegetable curry with tofu (in the tantric center they cook only vegetarian dishes and only from organic products). At the table, I ask a couple from Gran Canaria why they are here. Forty-five-year-old chain store owner Max and Eli, who is exactly half his age, claim to have been born again thanks to tantra. “I suppressed my emotions for years, kept it down all the time, and now I live a much fuller life,” says Max, serving himself a third bowl of curry. “I, too, seemed to wake up,” says his girlfriend Eli, smiling dreamily. During the practice, she breathed the loudest. - Butterflies in the stomach fly more often. I feel more and more. Intuition has become stronger. Emotions are more intense. I want to cry - I sob out loud, I want to laugh - I laugh like a hyena. I understand what she means. I nibbled on a piece of bread—it tasted like manna from heaven. I ate a spoonful of curry and almost had an orgasm. I went out into the street - the sky seemed unusually blue to me, as if aquamarine had been poured into it. Seeing the rose in the garden made me want to cry. The singing of birds caused children's delight.

Perhaps it was the rise of the kundalini that gave me what Timothy Leary called "supersensory perception." I wonder if Pattinson played the vampire lover in this state?

But this, as it turned out, was only the beginning. We proceeded to the Maithuna ritual, one of the main ones in tantra. The woman sits on her knees to the man and hugs him with her legs. In Indian drawings, the goddess Shakti loves the god Shiva in this position. A woman in this practice is a dynamic principle, it is she who controls the process and decides when to merge with a man. Hindus believe that the driving force of the Universe is female energy, and only in conjunction with it does a man receive an impulse that helps to reveal his potential. “What do most of us understand by sex? Martin argues. - A man gets excited, enters a woman, finishes, he has a powerful release of energy, he gets tired and falls asleep. The woman is not always satisfied. The man is worried that he is not wealthy enough. You can only make love like that if you want children.”

Tantric sex is when we stop striving to experience an orgasm or satisfy a partner and turn off the Ego in principle. A man becomes a "silent Buddha", does not think about an erection, even while inside a woman - you "support" his penis in a semi-excited state, squeezing intimate muscles. Thus, love can really be made for hours. Here at the seminar we do only a partial Maithuna, without intercourse, but what is happening at first seems to me to be nonsense. I'm sitting on someone else's man. The person I love is waiting for me at home. In order not to escape, I force myself to breathe, evenly squeeze my muscles, and gradually all thoughts, and then myself, disappear.

I forget where I am and lose track of time. My brain is dissolving. The world is also dissolving. It seems that neither me nor the man is actually there either. That I am not a woman, and he is not a man, and both of us are bundles of energy. We are connected not only with each other, but with the entire universe. And in this dimension there is no fear, no pain, no death. On the plane on the way home, I was reading Timothy Leary's Psychedelic Experience and found the words there that most accurately described my state: “New, incomparable sensations pulsate in the body. The fire of life flows through the veins. Man merges into a single ocean of orgastic, flowing electricity, into an endless stream of co-existence and love.

P.S. After the tantric course, I had a strong feeling that I had forgotten how to think, ceased to control reality, as if I had let go of part of the psychological defenses with which, like barricades, I protected myself from trouble all my life. All living creatures began to seem "their own" - like a cat, like a homeless person, like Stuart. Gradually, this state passed, but one memory of my tantric "trip" every day affects me more than any antidepressant.

Puff Diddy broke Sting's record - by his own admission, he once had sex for 30 hours in a row.

Tom Hanks and actress Rita Wilson have been married for over 25 years and everyone is told that the key to a happy marriage is regular tantric sex.

Chelsea Clinton and her husband, businessman Mark Mezvinsky, turned to tantra when they were about to divorce. Not divorced. Moreover, since then they have become parents twice.

TANTRA- (Skt. तन्त्र, tantra?, “thread, sequence, rule”), tantrika, tantrism - in Hinduism - a set of esoteric practices and methods based on Vedic texts. Tantrism, however, is not generally regarded as an orthodox branch of Hinduism.

In the representations of tantra, the world is a product of two opposites: static (shaktiman) and dynamic (shakti) beginnings. Shakti is the principle of energy, strength or creative principle, which is personified with the female image of Shakti. This energy is inseparable from the "holder of power" and the masculine principle - shaktiman (Shiva). The primary driving force in Tantra is desire (iccha-shakti). Unlike other spiritual teachings, Tantra does not recommend avoiding desires, considering them to be a natural driving force inherent in man. The more actively suppressed desires, the stronger they become.

In Tantra, desires are associated with six mental centers - chakras. The seventh chakra is beyond desire. Most of the desires are focused on the physical body and its comforts, and they are classified according to one or another chakra. To overcome desires, a path is proposed for raising energy (kundalini) from the lower root chakra to the highest, the seventh chakra. The practical methods of raising kundalini energy include breathing exercises (pranayama), meditation, contemplation, reflection, reading mantras.

The kundalini energy spreads through energy channels (nadis). There are three main channels located along the spine: pingala, ida, sushumna, through which the solar, lunar and fiery energy flows, respectively, pass. The teachings of Tantra create a bridge between matter and mind, body and spirit.

“Tantra is a spiritual science that, in the words of Paramhansa Satyananda Saraswati, uses “methods of penetrating into the depths of the subconscious ..., cleansing the personality of deeply rooted complexes, correcting behavior and reviving a person psychologically and physiologically.”

Tantra also includes kundalini yoga, the purpose of which is "the awakening in a person of superconsciousness in order to gain a vision of his divine nature."

Tantra is a science whose constituent disciplines involve the use of many techniques, including mantra, yantra, mandala, yoganidra, asanas, pranayama, etc...

… Tantra is a science about human consciousness, but its basic postulates are clear and easy to apply, because it operates with a concept that is accessible to everyone: “LOVE”.

Tantra provides the key to understanding what all religions profess and what is affirmed in the rituals consecrated by the customs of marriage. This is the sacredness of marriage.

Literally, the term “tan-tra” means “expansion”, “liberation”. By “liberation” is meant the full realization of the potential inherent in a person. Development should be seen as obligations imposed on us by life itself. It is development that is a necessary condition for a healthy and successful life.

... Whatever aspect of tantric technology we cover, the principle remains the same: "love each other!".

John Mumford "Tantric Ecstasy"

- 1216

Tantra is a holistic approach to the study of the Universe from the standpoint of the Individual; it is the study of the macrocosm through the study of the microcosm.

To provide a practical means of realizing the highest ideals of philosophy in everyday life, Tantra uses all the sciences: astronomy, astrology, numerology, physiognomy, parapsychology, mathematics, geometry, and so on. Instead of separating the various spheres of human knowledge and distributing them into categories, Tantra, on the contrary, connects them together, as if stringing beads on one thread. The beautiful rosaries that arise at the same time become a unique tool for improving the physical, mental and spiritual life of a person. In other words, Tantra explores the tree of life itself, without limiting itself to the study of any one of its branches. This tree, this macrocosm is an infinite collection of various components, united into a single whole by a universal law (dharma) inherent in their very nature. Tantra seeks to comprehend this law, thanks to which the world of various phenomena is ordered and transformed into a world of relative existence (maya); moreover, the purpose of Tantra is to use this law to encourage the evolution of the consciousness of the individual. As stated in Kashikavritti, Tantra is the knowledge that expands the boundaries of the mind, body and consciousness.

Thus, the goal of Tantra is to expand awareness in all states of consciousness - in waking, dreaming and dreamless sleep. Achieving this requires "deprogramming" and "reprogramming" the human computer. Primary programming is provided by our birth in a certain place and at a certain time, as well as the influence of heredity and environment. If a person is satisfied with his achievements and does not experience any special difficulties in life, he does not feel the need for change. However, if his life becomes difficult, if a person tries to find some way out of the “program” that limits him, he needs a certain method of changing himself. Tantra offers a methodology and tools for such work on oneself. It teaches a person to identify various factors that influence his thoughts and feelings, and to overcome obstacles that hinder his development. These are barriers caused by ignorance, intolerance, selfishness and attachment to one's animal nature. Purifying his thoughts and feelings through tantric practices, a person learns to create peace, harmony and order within himself. So, Tantra promotes the development of those qualities of purposefulness and balance, which help the consciousness to free itself from its limitations.

Tantra is often considered "the cult of the Mother Goddess". This is not entirely accurate, although one aspect of Tantra could indeed be called a shakti cult. Shakti represents the universal principle of energy, strength, or creativity. This energy is personified as the female image of Shakti, the Universal Mother. It is inseparable from the one who owns it - from the shaktiman ("holder of power"), the masculine principle, or the Universal Father. The authors of the Upanishads call Shaktiman Brahman, and in the Tantric tradition he is called Shiva.

In essence, the universe is a product of this pair of opposites: static (shaktiman) and dynamic (shakti) beginnings. The outer side of any phenomenon is the creative aspect of the dynamic force, but within each creation of the dynamic principle there is a static force - the core of phenomenal existence.

The play played by shakti has neither beginning nor end. Despite the non-stop nature of this energy, its movement is an ordered cycle in which periods of movement are replaced by periods of rest. During the period of movement, the energy subject to transformations undergoes many changes (vikriti) and distortions. During the period of rest, it puts its structure in order, as a result of which the continuous process of creation, preservation and destruction - returning to order and new creation - continues forever. In Tantra, it is believed that as long as the phenomenal world itself exists, its creator, preserver and destroyer is the Universal Mother. For this reason, it should be revered as an aspect of the Divine. What force sets in motion this eternal play, in the course of which an illusory world of phenomena arises? The power of desire (ichchhashakti); this desire is inherent in one who is devoid of any signs, the nameless, formless aspect of the Divine (Brahman or NishkalBrahman). Tantra does a great job of studying this principle of desire.

Desires and chakras
Because Tantra considers desire to be the prime mover of the universe, it does not encourage its followers to give up desire. Other spiritual teachings recommend avoiding desires, which, according to the principles of these teachings, become fetters and obstacles on the path to achieving higher consciousness. Followers of other teachings try to subdue desires by asceticism or by burning the seed of desire in the flame of knowledge so that the seed cannot sprout. However, this raises a paradox: in order to achieve desirelessness, a person must have a very strong desire to get rid of desires!

Tantra states that desires are completely natural and are always inherent in people while they are embodied in a human body. The role of those windows through which desires penetrate into us is performed by the sense organs. This means that desires arise due to attachment to what a person feels. The physical basis of any desire is an immeasurably huge number of electrochemical impulses. The more actively they are suppressed, the stronger they become. Desires contribute to the release of hormones by the glands of the endocrine system. The change in the concentration of these substances in the blood caused by the suppression of desires leads to chemical disorders and diseases.

Desires are directly related to the six mental centers, which are called chakras. Passing in its natural course - and in accordance with the movement of the Earth in space - through the various chakras, the energy empowers the desires dormant in these chakras. This causes a person to experience one or another desire during the daily cycle. Our physical reality directly depends on the Earth's gravitational force, on the environment created by celestial bodies, and on the electromagnetic currents penetrating our planet.

The constant presence of desire develops into attraction and love for the object of desire. The human soul is strongly influenced by and conditioned by its object of desire. Much of the desire is centered on the physical body and its comforts. People become slaves to their own instincts, which constitute the lower realm of the personality, and as a result fall prey to excitement, loneliness, agitation, restlessness, dissatisfaction, selfishness, and suffering. All religions and teachings that seek to improve human behavior try to overcome these difficulties by calling on their adherents to honor such abstract principles as truth, compassion, benevolence, tolerance, self-sacrifice, an unbiased assessment of others, devotion to the sublime, fortitude and forgiveness. However, in order to apply these principles, a person needs practical methods. The mere understanding of such ideals does not make us wise or happy.

Desires do not belong to the sphere of "I", individual consciousness - they are associated with six chakras, and therefore all desires can be classified as corresponding to one or another chakra. Chakras represent the area of ​​manifestation of the five gross elements - akasha (ether or space), air, fire, water and earth - and their source: the subtle element called mahat. In order to transcend desires, a person must rise above these elements, and this can only be achieved by raising the dormant energy (kundalini) that rests at the base of the spine.

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