Transformers in real life? Autobots Save the Earth: Our World. Their war


Interesting facts and the history of the creation of the Cybertronian miracle

No matter how you feel about the story of the confrontation between the Autobots and the Decepticons, one thing is clear: "Transformers" is a real phenomenon.

And now GEEXFILES will tell you why.


Almost 40 years in Hollywood the rule applies: release a film - release toys based on it. The founder of this issue was George Lucas, which in 1977 -om issued the rights (and hence the future profit from sales) to all paraphernalia based on « STAR WARS» . foresight George coupled with the myopia of the studio bosses made him a billionaire: the sales of toy lightsabers or Jedi figures at times exceeded the box office of his Saga.

And here transformers? And here's the thing.

The fact is that transformers broke this scheme and were born precisely in the form of toys. But already in order to popularize the sales of these toys, the well-known children began to be produced 90 1900s animated series and children's film Michael Bay.


But the company Hasbro, manufacturer Transformers It wasn't always so rosy. The fact is that the kids quickly got their favorites, and they simply did not pay attention to new heroes. This means that they did not ask their parents to buy them for them, which threatened Hasbro big losses.

Then the managers Hasbro figured out a trick. And, it should be noted, very cruel.

In order to draw the attention of children to new transforming heroes, old and beloved heroes, it was decided to ... simply kill. Following the command, the writers of the series killed even Optimus Prime, inventing to replace him Rodimesa Prime. As expected, he failed to replace Optimus. But the children, seeing how the leader of the Autobots died quietly in the clinic, were able to more easily endure the loss in real life… At least Hasbro believed it.


Of course Prime was too valuable a character to simply get rid of. Therefore, in one of the following episodes, called "Dark Awakening", it was decided to return it to the plot.

Indeed, it is quite peculiar.

In outer space, the Autobots get on board the ship where the fallen warriors were buried. In the tomb where he should have rested Prime, they don't detect anyone. As the heroes assumed, he went to Earth to prevent another Decepticon attack. Why not the resurrection and the second coming? Alas, it wasn't there! It turned out that Prime controlled by Quintessons - the creators of transformers - and must kill his former friends ... The frightened children in the audience were shocked again, because Prime died before their eyes for the second time.


WITH 1996 -th by 1999 th animated series was released "Transformers: Beast Battles", which has become one of the strangest offshoots in the entire franchise. The fact is that the Autobots and Decepticons, contrary to the canon, turned not into cars and other equipment, but into animals. The prehistoric Earth was chosen as the place, or rather, the time of action, and not our time or the future. The main villain was a character named wok, a member of the race called Roy.

The most terrible feature Roy was the devouring of any form of life. And in the comics "Transformers: Generation 2" author Larry DiTillo made a bold assumption: because of the Swarm, humanity simply died. This explains why the Earth of the future is devoid of signs of human life.


The history of the emergence of transformers originates on the planet Quintessa, where superintelligent beings Quintessons began to assemble robots in factories for military, work and entertainment needs (yes, at the dawn of their appearance, transformers were gladiators). Later, the Quintessons began to endow their robots with intelligence. According to the canon, for the birth of a genuine transformer, and not a robot, it is necessary that a god-like creature breathe life into it, rewarding it with personality and character traits along the way.

But how to do without the participation of the creators and take over its functions? The comic gives the answer. Marvel. It describes a process called "budding", during which transformers create new versions of themselves. True, without side effects not done: the newborn transformers were cold and emotionless.


In one of the episodes of the animated series, the Decepticons got ... in the Middle Ages. Instead of changing the course of history at their discretion, they began to waste time on civil strife, territorial disputes and ... jousting!

The Autobots who arrived next could interfere with these interesting plans and the leader of the Decepticons - Starscream- gave the order to produce as much gunpowder as possible. To do this, it was decided to collect all available ... bird droppings. The Autobots were almost defeated by the smell, but they came to the rescue ... a wizard who patched them up and sent (along with the Decepticons) back to the future ... God, and how are we in 90 Did you watch this?


While the valiant Autobots were saving earthlings in the battle with the Decepticons, very dramatic events took place behind their backs. The transformers mentioned above, who learned to reproduce by "budding", created a heartless army of conquerors, which quickly spread from planet to planet, gradually changing, terraforming them to suit their needs.

For Optimus Prime and his fighters, it was a real blow. Many civilizations fell during the confrontation on Earth. But what is most interesting, the conquerors were not very fond of enemies Prime- Decepticons. And all because Megatron, who, in their opinion, was a dishonorable rival, because. he did not seek to conquer lands for his people, but was an ordinary maniac keeping score of his victims.


After watching the adventures of transformers, 14 -year-old Chinese teenager from the province Sichuan decided to become the same as his favorite characters. And he didn’t come up with anything smarter than to start using ... fuel. At first he drank liquid gas from lighters. Then he moved on to the contents of the gas tank of his father's scooter. The case received publicity years later, when the kid was caught draining gasoline from a neighbor's car. But even after the public exposure, neither the teenager nor his parents could overcome addiction, which had already irreparably undermined his health. The once smart child can no longer cope with the simplest mathematical problems.

Be careful what you wish for, friends!

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Fairies are fabulous creatures that have been present in various stories and fairy tales of different peoples. And at the same time, almost every girl has ever dreamed of becoming a real fairy, getting magical powers, get wings and fly around the world. For all time, many other magical creatures have appeared in the world that people have invented, but so far fairies remain one of the most popular, especially among girls. This is evidenced by the fact that a huge number of children are now watching the adventures of the Winx fairies. But watching is one thing, and quite another is to turn yourself into one of these mysterious magical creatures. That is why now many girls are looking for an answer to the question of how to become a fairy with transformation, that is, to get all the necessary attributes, such as wings and magical powers. Below are some of the most popular options that you can try out yourself.

paper in water

There are a fairly large number of ways that are discussed on the Internet. Everyone says that they know exactly how to become a fairy with transformation, but no one succeeds in proving this. Therefore, you just need to consider the most famous methods that are most often found both on the net and in the literature in order to get greatest chance success. So, the first method is to use colored paper. Here, the choice must be approached responsibly, since what kind of fairy will turn out in the end depends on the color. For example, choosing green paper will make you a forest fairy, and choosing blue paper will make you a water fairy. In addition to paper, you will need a plate of water, a candle and a mirror. With the help of a candle, you need to light the paper and put it in water, and then reflect it in the mirror. Then you will need to look into this mirror and wait until the paper burns out. If after this the candle goes out, then the rite was a success. But this is just one option on how to become a fairy with transformation. For reliability, it is worth considering a few.

fairy dream

The second method will require more time from you, namely the whole night. But don't worry - you won't have to stay awake until the morning, you just won't be able to achieve everything right away. If you want to learn how to become a fairy with transformation, then you will have to be patient. So, on a piece of paper you need to write what kind of fairy you want to become, after which this sheet must be lowered into the water, buried in the ground or let into the wind. It is important to remember that in this case you should never say anything or make any sounds at all. After the ceremony, you need to immediately wake up in the morning as a fairy. Success can also be affected by whether your window is open - a flying fairy can drop by to visit you, thereby ensuring your success in the transformation.

Fairy Elixir

The next method will take you even more time. You need to create a special elixir that you don't have to drink - you only need to touch it with your fingers every night before going to bed. If your goal is a flying fairy, then you need to add feathers to the water, if natural - a pinch of earth, and so on. An additional ingredient is sugar, which serves as bait for the fairies. You need to silently touch the resulting elixir every evening for a week and imagine yourself in the image of the one you want to turn into. And then on the seventh day you will go to bed in order to wake up in the morning as a full-fledged fairy. As you can see, the transformation of fairies can take quite a lot of time, so do not think that everything will be easy and simple for you - you will have to make a lot of effort, but the result is worth it.

moon water

Again arm yourself with a piece of paper and a bowl of water. On a piece of paper, write what kind of fairy you want to become, after which you need to put it in a bowl of water. Remember that the Winx fairies are not the most reliable creatures in this regard, they were invented for broadcast on television. It is best to use more classic options to have more chances. At night, when the moon shines through your window, you need to place a bowl of water and a leaf so that the moon is reflected on the surface of the water. You need to drink water, after which you immediately go to bed - the next morning there will be a ready result. It's possible you'll even get fairy wings, so think about it before you go to bed, you might be better off sleeping on your stomach tonight.

Fairy Call

If you do not want to take detours, then there is always a direct route for you - you can directly contact the fairies. Perhaps you will succeed, or maybe nothing will come of it. There is a chance that you will only see a fairy tail, but it does not matter - this will not be your only chance, so do not be discouraged. So your the main objective- strongly want and believe in what you are doing. Call the fairy you want to be from the bottom of your heart so that she believes in your words, and when she arrives, you will need to convince her even more. How to feel that the time has come? Very simple - a slight fluctuation of the air will mean that the fairy has arrived to you. And if the same oscillation occurs above your head, then this will mean that you are lucky and sprinkled with magic powder. If you wait one more day, you will become a full-fledged fairy. Well, if this did not happen, then do not be discouraged - take a break for a week or two, think carefully about what exactly you need to say to the fairy when she comes. Remember that there are different fairies - the mystery of their origin has not been solved, so you can try to refer to different ones.

Fairy from the mirror

There is another way that will take you a week of time. Naturally, you do not have to spend whole days on the transformation, but you will have to devote some time. You will need to take one item that matches the type of fairy you are interested in. This method will not be convenient if you are interested in winter fairies. The fact is that you will need to put this object in front of the mirror and look into it for a while, and the snow melts very quickly. But other variants of fairies work very well using this method. You will only need the desire to become one of them - you will need to look every day in the mirror and imagine yourself after the transformation. Don't worry if nothing happens - nothing should happen for a week. But after seven days, you should receive a signal from those fairies you want to join - spilled water, blazing flames, crumbling earth, and so on. That is when the transformation will begin. "Winx" is primarily an animated series, so do not really hope that you will succeed in the transformation. As said before, it's better to try to be a classic fairy than a cartoon character.

Good deeds

It has been said more than once that in order to become a fairy, you need to want it very much. However, desire alone will not be enough. Otherwise, there would be a lot of fairies. In fact, you will need much more than just a desire. First of all, you will have to swear that you will use your newly acquired powers only for good and never use them for your own benefit. This is the main code of any fairy, so if you are not ready for this, then you better not try to complete the transformation. Secondly, you will need to keep everything you do, see, hear or feel secret from people. If someone finds out that you are a fairy, then they are unlikely to believe you, but you will definitely lose your strength, and at the same time the trust of the fairies. So you won't get a second try.

fairy wings

An integral attribute of any fairy is wings, they appear in her at the same moment when she completes her transformation from ordinary person. Naturally, these are not ordinary, but magical wings - they are not very large, but beautiful and bewitching. But it is always worth remembering that people cannot see them. Thus, the wings can serve as a kind of indicator among the fairies, allowing them to distinguish each other in a crowd of people. After all, sometimes it can be quite difficult to do, so the wings are useful. You need to watch them carefully, because the world is full of evil, and there will definitely be those who want to steal your magical treasure from you. And as soon as your wings disappear, your powers will also disappear, and irrevocably - you will not be able to become a fairy again.

Force Development

Do not think that after the transformation you will immediately become a strong and powerful fairy - you will only be given the opportunity. You will have to develop your abilities, learn and comprehend new heights of knowledge. Therefore, do not chase for great opportunities - you, unfortunately, will not get them. After the transformation, you will be an ordinary fairy who knows almost nothing. Only hard work and a lot of time spent studying the right materials can bring you closer to success. The more you practice, the more successful you will become. And this means that your opportunities as fairies will expand. Naturally, you have the right to choose which way to go. There are fairies who decide not to go any further and always stay the same, but of course it's much better to strive for more and make progress along the way.

Good company

Fairies are friendly, sociable creatures, so it is very rare to meet loners who do not communicate with anyone. But, given that some girls who have just become fairies find it difficult to make new friends and make acquaintances, you can pay attention to those whom you already know. As noted earlier, a fairy can be distinguished by the wings that only she has, and only other fairies can see them. Therefore, it is quite possible that among your girlfriends there are already fairies - this will make it much easier for you to enter a new company. It is quite possible that you will be able to form a full-fledged team that will work effectively together. You can help your friends, and they can also help you. That's how fairy society works.

Attracting new fairies

Now it seems to you that the process of transformation into a fairy is very difficult, it requires a lot from you. Indeed, this is not an easy walk, it is hard work that will require you time, effort, knowledge and faith in yourself, as well as in what you are doing. However, one day the day will come when you will remember with a smile your first steps as a fairy, but then you will already be a respected fairy-tale creature with its own spheres of influence. And it is then that a situation may arise that will force you to look into the past. The fact is that existing creatures come to ordinary people to select new fairies, that is, this time you will simply be on the other side. Perhaps it is you who will have the honor to fly into the house of some girl who madly wants to become a fairy, who believes in what she is doing, and is ready to do only good. And then with one stroke you can turn a little girl into a beginning fairy, remembering that once one of them gave you this wonderful gift in the same way. Becoming a fairy isn't just a matter of having wings and fairy dust. The most important thing is what is inside you, in your heart.

We were interested in the question: will we see robots with the capabilities of Transformers in our time? While full-scale Transformers seem somewhat unrealistic - and impractical - it turns out that there are robots that have a lot in common with Transformers. In this article, we will look at what these robots look like, how they work, and how they are similar to Transformers like Optimus Prime.

Let's start with an analysis of Optimus Prime himself. It is huge and impressive, but can it exist in reality? To answer this question, we asked engineer Michael D. Belote what it would take to build a full-scale multi-ton truck that can transform into a bipedal robot. In other words, what would it take to create a real Optimus Prime?

First and foremost, Prime must be a self-reforming robot. Self-reforming robots, or robots that can change their shape to suit the tasks they perform, still exist today. However, they are very different from Optimus Prime. As Michael Belote explains:

“When building self-reconfiguring robots, engineers generally prefer to make individual, mobile modules small, inexpensive, and easily replaceable; however, in the case of Optimus Prime, we are dealing with a robot whose individual modules are as large as the cabin of a semi-trailer. Even if building such modules were possible, the cost would be enormous, and the sheer complexity would make it nearly impossible to get all parts of the system to work together.”

Even if engineers figured out how to make self-reconfiguring modules on the scale of Optimus Prime, supplying them with the power to propel them would remain impossible. In machine form, Optimus Prime can run on conventional diesel fuel. But walking is much more difficult than rolling on wheels! The Prime needs a lot more power to walk than a diesel engine can provide. Here is Belote's analysis of how to deal with Prime's demands for energy:

“Traditionally, robots use one of three energy resources: electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic. Given the Prime's enormous weight, the most likely power source for it is hydraulic, as hydraulic power drives provide a very high energy to weight ratio (high energy output for low energy input).”

So, hydraulic power can allow Prime to walk, but creates a number of additional problems in itself. “A tank or reservoir must be added to store hydraulic fluid,” Belote says. “Hydraulic pumps are needed, they need a second power source to power them, valves to maintain the right pressure and flow. In addition to this, the hydraulically powered Prime would have to be lined with pipes to carry the hydraulic fluid. These pipes, as well as fuel tanks and electrical wiring, would have to remain intact, or even intact, during the transformation.

Having successfully undergone the transformation into robot form, Prime is then required to walk on two legs. Belote describes what it takes to make this happen: since most semi-trailers weigh up to 30 tons, the weight of the Prime can easily reach 35 - 40 tons. Comparing it to the world's best "walking" robot ASIMO from Honda, which weighs 54 kilograms and can walk no more than 40 minutes (on electricity) at a speed of less than 3 km per hour. ASIMO's weight ratio is 1.04 kilograms per inch, compared to Prime's weight ratio, which would be 30 to 36 kilograms per inch, 30 times more.

In addition, robots cannot easily move while walking. “In the case of a robot,” says Belote, “there is a specific command (raise your leg an x ​​amount, move your torso forward a y amount, stretch your leg down a z amount, and so on). Humans don't have a mechanism feedback"- your brain is not constantly in contact with your feet on the subject of where to put them. Instead, you simply lean forward and "fall" by placing your foot to cushion the impact when the foot hits the floor."

Thus, we are unlikely to see a functioning Optimus Prime or any other robot of the same type in our time. In reality, there are many different reconfigurable robots that can perform up to several different tasks. For example, a research rover for Mars can generate solar energy and store it in batteries, drill rocks, take photographs, drive, use spectrometers to record temperature, chemical compounds, infrared rays and alpha particles, and send the data back to Earth. This, of course, is very different from the powers of the Transformers, which can take on two forms with vastly different powers and abilities, which is what makes them so exciting.

Modern man in most cases tries to control his emotions and hide true feelings. As a result, sooner or later he thinks about how to become a robot - of course, in a metaphorical sense. Below you will find some tips.

How to emotionally become a robot?

Call to reason

So that emotions never take over you, you need to constantly appeal to reason. Thus, you must constantly be guided by the following "commands":

  • "necessary";
  • "Fine";
  • "Right".

Try to live like this for a week, a month, and later you will get used to it and become like a robot. You will notice how your reactions become equally mechanical. You will have almost no desires, but processes will enter your life. They will need to be initiated, supported and terminated.

To some, such a life may seem boring, tedious, uninteresting, but order will settle in it. You will not react to various stimuli, because they simply will not hurt you emotionally.

Limit contact with family and friends

If you want to become a robot, then you should limit communication with family and friends. After all, at the next gathering, your emotions can break out, and this is not typical of a robot. For this reason, it is better not to take risks, but it is better to do some work, which probably has accumulated a lot. It may not bring you joy, but you don't need it. The only thing that matters to you is to keep everything under control and do your job perfectly.

How do transformers actually breed?

From the compiler. 1

I. Methods of reproduction . 2

1. Mechanical construction. 2

2. Revival with the help of the Great Spark, Matrix, etc. 4

3. Restoration of a previously living transformer. 7

4. Budding. 8

5. Cloning. 8

6. Sexual reproduction (bot + femme). 12

7. Transformers-people. 14

II. The concept of protoform. 15

III. Childhood. 19

IV. Family ties with transformers. 19

From the compiler

This text is basically a translation of the corresponding tf-wiki article with some additions. The illustrations are also in most cases from there. All material is supported by examples from series, comics, films. Thus, it contains reliable and complete information today about how new transformers are born, and not bizarre theories created by the imagination of various fans and appearing in fan fiction.

In the original article from the tf-wiki, the restoration of a previously living transformer was also attributed to the methods of reproduction (for example, Unicron's conversion of Megatron into Galvatron in the 1986 film). And since reproduction was understood in such a broad sense, I found it necessary to include cloning here as well. Moreover, in the last third season of Transformers: Prime and the full-length Predacons Rising, cloning led to the appearance of completely new heroes.

Terms and names when they first appear in the article, as a rule, are in bold. The names of transformers can be written in several translations. If the character is little known (at the discretion of the compiler), the name in the original is given in brackets. Titles of episodes, comics or films are written in brackets in blue in the original. I hope you find this material interesting and useful.

I. Methods of reproduction

So, below are the ways to create a new transformer life, shown in TV shows, movies, comics.

mechanical construction

Sometimes new transformers are assembled from spare parts and even any material at hand. The body of a new transformer is constructed, and then it gains life.

The Autobots, despite all the intrigues of the Decepticons, collect Thunderbolt (Godbomber)– a robot that serves to upgrade Optimus Prime (Jinrai). But over time, the Thunderer begins to demonstrate independence.


In comics "Transformers: Generation 2" the concept of "budding" was introduced as reproduction, not related to the gender of the transformer. A bubble or some kind of swelling appears on the robot’s chest, apparently filled with liquid metal. Her appearance is accompanied by a discharge of energy. It grows more and more intensely, until finally an enlarged mass of liquid metal is released from the chest. She then slowly forms into a proto-form-like faded figure before solidifying into a full-fledged transformer.

In the Marvel comics, the first Transformers reproduced this way until they reached the population level that Primus desired. After that, reproduction stopped, and the memory of all transformers was erased. When transformers (perhaps under the influence Liege Maximo) rediscovered this method about 4 million years after the loss of the Ark, subsequent generations of new robots turned out to be less and less intelligent and capable of feeling (since, apparently, Primus's life force was distributed between them less and less), and also appeared dangerous life forms called Swarming (Swarm) as a by-product.

It is noteworthy that the transformer that has multiplied in this way retains something like a connection with its offspring, even if they are separated by galaxies. Decepticon first generation Osilka (Onslot) a sharp pain pierces when his "son" Mindset dies. And Liège Maximo claims that he will feel if his descendant Megatron dies.

5. Cloning

Transformers have genetic material (analogue of human DNA). It is called CNC, which stands for Cyber/Nano Constructs (in Transformers Animated: The AllSpark Almanac II) or Cyber ​​Nucleic Acid (in Transformers: Prime). This genetic material can be used in the laboratory to create clones of an existing or once living Transformer.

Insecticons have the ability to spontaneously clone themselves from scraps at hand ("A Plague of Insecticons").

Megatron creates an excellent clone of Optimus Prime, and later a clone of Starscream ("A Prime Problem").

There is a subgroup of transformers, which are called clones. These are just two Autobots: Fastlane And Cloudraker. And two Decepticons: Pounce (Pounce) And Wingspan (Wingspan). They appear in passing in the fourth season of G1 in the series "The Rebirth, Part 1". There is no information about their origin, but the name itself may hint at the method of their birth.

In "Headmasters"

Fastlane, Cloudracker, Pounce and Wingspan reappear in Headmasters. And also their peculiarity is revealed - the clones look completely identical only in the form of a robot, but their transformations are completely different. In addition, it turns out that the Autobot and Decepticon clones were originally bound by friendship (series where Autobot clones appear: "Mystery of the Space Pirate Ship", "The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 1)"; episodes where the Decepticon clones appear: " Miraculous Warriors, Targetmasters (Part 2)", "The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 1)", "The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 2)").

In the animal age

Megatron in the series "Beast Wars" creates a clone Dinobot for a sabotage mission. This clone was later eaten by Dinobot ("Double Dinobot").

In the ending of the video game Beast Wars Transmetals, Ravage uses a "cloning device based on transreplication technology" to clone first generation Decepticons deactivated on the Ark into new protoform bodies.

In the Dreamwave comics

Transformer clones such as Pounce, Wingspan, Fastlane, and Cloudracker were created artificially by splitting the spark and injecting it into protoforms. The pairs of twins thus obtained are less balanced and more attached to each other than the rest of the transformers.

After Great Catastrophe (Great Shutdown) Shockwave begins cloning research. He developed several clones of famous transformers, thanks to the technology he received when Megatron made a deal with the Quintessons. But when Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus foiled his plans, the clones weren't ready yet. Decepticons from the subgroup Battlecharger stumbled upon his lab while looking for medical capsules (CR Chamber), and found some surviving clones. At the same time, the computers were still processing the information that Shockwave had downloaded from the Sigma Vector and distributed it to any memory available at that time ... For example, in Sunstorm (Sunstorm), clone of Starscream ("Generation One").

Descent into Evil comic

Deathbringer (Deathsaurus) clones insecticons to conquer the universe.

Comic by IDW

mad scientist Jiaxus (Jhiaxus), experimenting with KNK, creates a new transformer, moreover, female (Arsi).

In "Transformers Animated"

Starscream falls into the hands of a fragment of the Great Spark, and he creates five clones, each of which most clearly embodies any of his traits: cowardice, selfishness, deceit, meanness and ... femme Slipstim("A Bridge Too Close, Part I").

Twins Jetfire And jetstorm were created by the Autobots using the technology they took from Starscream ("Safeguard's toy bio"). But in the First (and Second) in Flight comic book, they are not called clones.

Swindle (Fingal) creates two more clones of Starscream ("The AllSpark Almanac II"). Megatron uses Starscream's cloning technology to create a clone Omega Supreme with personality Lagnata("Endgame, Part I").

In the Prime universe

In "War for Cybertron" Zeta Prime snares on attacking his energy clones.

According to information received from the creators of TFP at the event Comic-Con (2013) the vehicons "started out as clones but evolved over the course of the series". Meanwhile, many viewers initially thought they were drones that didn't have sparks.

Insecticons in the Prime universe, like in G1, are able to clone.

In Transformers: Prime, an exiled Starscream finds a laboratory on an abandoned ship. "Harbinger" (Harbinger), where there is everything you need for the cloning operation. Having created five clones, he sends them to take revenge on Megatron. To Starscream's surprise, not only are the clones indistinguishable from him in appearance, but they are well aware of Starscream's true nature and intentions. He also suffers from an attack of pain if the clone dies. ("Armada").

In Season 3 of Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters, betrayed by Starscream and forgotten on Cybertron, Shockwave returns to experiment in cloning the Predacons, a prehistoric Transformer race that died out on Cybertron many years ago. He creates Predaking (Pest) and introduces him to Megatron as "the most formidable Autobot hunter" ("Scattered"). Later, the Decepticons try to clone more of Predaking's relatives using predacon bones found on Earth (since Megatron once had an army of cloned predacons, terrifying the Autobots and inspiring ancient people to create legends about dragons). A real hunt unfolds for the bones ("Project Predacon"). But Predaking turns out to be not just a beast, but an intellectual being, a person, moreover, he has the ability to transform. Megatron begins to see him as a competitor and understands what to bring to the end project "Predacon means to undermine his power. The Decepticons set it up so that the Autobots find the cloning lab and blow it up, preventing the monsters from being born. For this, the Autobots are persecuted by Predaking, who is beside himself with grief, rage and restlessness ("Evolution"). However, in the end, Predaking learns the truth from Ratchet and turns against the true culprit in the death of his brothers, Megatron. But loses to him in battle ("Synthesis"). In the series finale, a miraculously surviving Predaking lands on a restored Cybertron and flies away ("Deadlock").

In the feature film Predacons Rising, Shockwave and Starscream, who escaped after Megatron's death, secretly attempt to create an army of cloned Predacons. But so far they have only got two cocky, not too smart, but strong and in their own beautiful predacons: Darksteel And Skylinks. The Predaking, sitting alone on the edge of a plain strewn with Predacon bones, learns about them from the Autobots. But unfortunately, when trying to find relatives, he encounters a restored Megatron, whose body is under the control of Unicron, and lets out to him that there were many predacons before. Unicron defeats him in combat and learns the details by reading the information straight from Predaking's mind. After that, with the help of dark energon, he raises a legion of dead predacons and sets off to destroy the core of Cybertron, that is, Primus himself, with it. Predaking, on the other hand, finds Darksteel and Skylynx and comes out victorious in a fight with them, thus forcing them to recognize their supremacy. Since the threat of Unicron brings death to all life, the Predacons become allies of the Autobots. They prove to be the only ones who can realistically delay the army of rebellious predacons on their way to the Well of the Great Spark until Prime arrives.

6. Sexual reproduction (bot + femme)

Finally got to the very interesting section. J

The possibility of the appearance of offspring in Transformers-men and Transformers-women, just as it happens in humans.

At first glance, it is strange for robots to see the separation of the sexes and their attraction to each other. But Transformers are beings who are supremely drawn to others. This can be seen in the example of their community, so similar to a human, interpersonal relationships and even the extraordinary practice of combining bodies and consciousnesses (gestalts). Therefore, if Transformers are well aware of the feeling of friendship or hatred, why should they not be able to feel love?

In many works about transformers there is romantic line or allusions to it. Appearance female characters along with men's, it is often accompanied by the fact that they have an interest in each other that is far from the transformer war. And between them, figuratively speaking, a spark runs. As a result, love couples, transformer families and offspring can be observed in transformer works.

There is such a concept "sparkmates", i.e. "connection of sparks" or "spark-wife". It is analogous to the human concept of "marriage". The term is mostly used in fan fiction, but it has been used twice in canon: in a video game Beast Wars Transmetals For "Nintendo 64" when describing the relationship of Airazor and Tigatron and in the transformer magazine Venus for Decepticons ("Transformers Animated: The AllSpark Almanac").

Also in Unicron Trilogy, Downshift's character has life partner (fembot lifebond partner)), with which he "combined, according to the Primus' Testament."

And in the IDW comics More Than Meets The Eye, transformers have a concept "Conjunx Endura" which means, in fact, a kindred soul spark. However, this can mean not only love, but also a deep, devoted friendship.

In the book "The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson" (1986) there is information that Willy got to the planet Quintessa, having crashed on a ship with his parents.

In the Victory manga, it is revealed in the finale that Dezaras and the rest of the Decepticons have been fighting all along to ensure the survival of their families, that the space fortress is the home where their loved ones are. The Decepticon leader himself is married to a femme Esmiril. Decepticon children can also be seen in the manga. They look like smaller copies of adults.

Sexual reproduction may well have taken place in the Beast Wars series, where rattrap very often made greasy jokes, especially regarding Silverbolt And Blackarachnia. The first was the maximum, and the second was the predacon. However, their feelings for each other turned out to be stronger than the ancient conflict of transformers and continued in the sequel. Beast Machines. Also, in Beast Machines, transformers become techno-organic beings. And since sexual reproduction is characteristic of highly developed organic beings, it could well take place there. In a scene similar to a dream or a vision, Silverbolt and Blackarachnia are shown in some incorporeal form unite, and their sparks merge. But, perhaps, for transformers, this process is more significant spiritually than physically.

In the Michael Bay franchise, there are hints that transformers can be born not only by mechanical assembly. At the end of the first film in 2007, Optimus Prime over the body of Megatron woefully calls him brother. One might assume he wasn't referring to family ties literally, but it is mentioned in Transformers The Game on the Nintendo DS that Megatron "took the spark" from their common father. In the film "Revenge of the Fallen", Jetfire proudly talks about his father, who was a wheel (which means that Bay's transformers have some idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfamily). And in the 4th issue of the comic book "Revenge of the Fallen" ("Revenge of the Fallen") Rampage names Sam's parents as the initiators of the release of his protoform (protoform batch initiators).

The same term is also found in the IDW Gen 1 comics and in Transformers Animated. So, in the comic "Infiltration, vol. 3 Ratchet recalls the teachings of his protoform initiator. And in Transformers Animated: The AllSpark Almanac II Ironhide says that Braul is "his brother from another protoform initiator".

In the Dreamwave comics for the first generation, the term is slightly different - proto-carrier (proto-hatcher). Autobot Getaway in The Age of Wrath, vol. 2" suggests that his proto-carrier would be proud of him.

In "Transformers: Prime", Ratchet, under the influence of synthetic energon, attempts to flirt with Arcee ("Stronger, Faster"). And in the same episode, Breakdown admits to Vehicon that he is not indifferent to Aerachnid.

In general, the list of romantic couples in the transformer universe is more than a dozen. You can read it at the link:

Transformers people

Sometimes an increase in the transformer kind is possible with the help of people.

People have long been interconnected with the transformer race. They often act as irreplaceable partners. By chance, they even make or help to accomplish the global events of transformer history. In friendship with them, transformers draw strength. But sometimes people become more than allies.

In G1 and Headmasters

The first such case is observed in the series Autobot Spike. Spike's father Torch (Spark Plug) designed the body, which he called Autobot X (Autobot X). But when his son gets seriously injured, there is nothing left but to transfer Spike's mind into the body of this robot. However, Spike experiences terrible moral suffering and, being deceived by Megatron, turns against the Autobots. But everything ends well.

In Season 4 G1 and the Headmasters series/comic, the Autobots see the only way to escape and effectively fight their enemies is by teaming up with humans. Person or inhabitant of the planet Nebulon, dressed in metal armor, can transform into a transformer head (hence the meaning of the term headmaster). Seeing what the Autobots were capable of with such an upgrade, the Decepticons followed suit.

However, with this method, a symbiosis of a person and a transformer takes place rather than the appearance of new creatures. It is noteworthy that not only a person can apply such technology, but also a smaller robot to turn into a large transformer. This technology can be seen in Japanese Transformer TV shows up to "Zone".

In "Masterforce"

The main theme of the series "Masterforce" in general is how transformers appear from people. Known since the time of the Headmasters, technology from the planet Master allows people to connect with transtectors (Transtector), empty bodies of the transformer. A person also has to put on metal armor and transform into a head or body of a robot. But in this way, new transformer personalities are really formed. This is reminiscent of how a spark animates a protoform.

In "Transformers Prime"

Driven by bad intentions Silas- leader of a terrorist organization "MECH", creates an evil doppelgänger of Optimus - Nemesis Prime (Nemesis Prime) which can be controlled remotely. But his machinations are destroyed by the real Optimus, along with earthly allies ("Nemesis Prime"). Later, a seriously injured Silas is integrated into the body of the deceased Breakdown, after which he even tries to join the Decepticons ("The Human Factor"). As a result of a crazy experiment by Starscream and Knockout, Silas, in Breakdown's body, is exposed to dark energon and turns into a kind of energy vampire, causing a big commotion on the Decepticon ship. Thirsty for Energon, he awakens the Aerachnid from the stasis pod. But in the end, Silas dies at her clutches, accepting death as a release ("Thirst").


Based on the above methods, it can be assumed that transformers can have several breeding methods at the same time. And if there is an urgent need for procreation, they are able to invent new ways.

II. The concept of protoform

Protoform is one of the transformer forms. It is a rather fluid metallic matter that covers the basic robotic systems. The protoform is similar to a humanoid figure, colorless or metallic in color, without pronounced features. In many transformer works, the protoform is the first stage of the life cycle of the transformer. Such proto-forms are waiting until they are given the spark and information about the alt-form in order to transform into a full-fledged transformer. It is not uncommon for Protoform Mode to be used during interstellar travel. Also, in some transformer works, the transformer can place a spark in a new protoform or remake an old one. Such is the radical way of repair.

In "Beast Wars"

Protoforms were mostly held in stasis pods when sent to unexplored worlds. On the ship "Axalon" (Axalon) carried many of these stasis pods, including protoform X (Rampage)failed attempt create an immortal spark that was meant to be buried due to sterility. When the ship crashed on prehistoric Earth, Optimus Primal gave the command to eject the proto-forms into space ("Beast Wars (Part 1)"). A little later, when the first stasis pods hit Earth, Dinobot managed to activate a DNA scanner to search for compatible lifeforms and remake the protoform inside into a Tigatron ("Fallen Comrades").

While Blackarachnia was in a protoform state, the Tarantula placed her in a predaconian wrapper program, and she became an enemy of the Maximals ("Double Jeopardy"). A little later, Rhinox miraculously saved another protoform and a spark, successfully bringing to White light Airazor ("The Spark"). Tarantula's new attempt to create a third predacon spider failed because the stasis pod scanned the life form before him, and the protoform turned into Inferno ("Spider's Game").

As a result of the activities of the mysterious aliens Wok (Vok) the remaining stasis pods fell out of orbit. Two of them were damaged on impact and reformatted protoforms into fuzors (Fuzors), and the third, found by the maxims, turned out to be a "dummy" - a protoform without a spark ("Coming of the Fuzors (Part 1)"). Rhinox saved Optimus Primal from death by using this blank protoform ("Coming of the Fuzors (Part 2)"). Protoform X suddenly proved viable as well, and was turned into a Predacon by Megatron ("Bad Spark"). One of the protoforms, trapped in a malfunctioning capsule, mutated into a defective creature known as Transmutate (Transmutate), unfortunately, it seems, while retaining the mind of a fully-fledged transformer ("Transmutate").

Megatron used a "dummy" protoform to recreate Dinobot ("Feral Scream Part 1").

In "Beast Wars II"

Predacon warriors that looked like proto-forms were shown moving around near the Predacon ship. But it's not clear if they had sparks or personalities. Then the predacons collected enough information about the machines of the past to Gaea and transmitted this information to protoforms through energy waves. Thus, protoforms have become autoscooters (Autorollers)("White Lion, Run!").

The atmosphere of the planet Gaia caused the protoforms to rust ("The New Forces Arrive!"). Despite this, the protoforms seen on the ship's bridge "Galvaburg II" (Galvaburg II), are sent to the planet ("The Insect Corps Arrive").

In "Robots in Disguise"

Autobots, and possibly Predacons, are able to transform into proto-form during long journeys, presumably in order to conserve energy. Some properties of the original form remain in the new form that the transformer takes. So, Skurge retained the ability to detect artifacts O-parties (O-Part). The disadvantage of the protoform is that the Autobot is very vulnerable in this state. Megatron was able to use the energy of his spark to convert some of the Autobot proto-forms to his side ("The Decepticons").

In IDW comics

On a crashed planet Mercy (Clemency) Decepticon ship Worldsweeper there were faulty protoforms inside the tanks ("Rules of Disengagement").

In the animated series "Cybertron"

Protoforms are the first stage in the life of transformers. Usually followed by Primary programming, an analogue of the school in humans.

In the Michael Bay franchise

Protoforms grow and develop inside energy containers ("Revenge of the Fallen"). The protoforms themselves represent something more than the first stage of life. This is a kind of basic form of each transformer. Protoforms are made of ultra-dense liquid metal and are very difficult to damage.

On the rare occasions when the Transformers needed to travel interstellar, they shed their exo-structure and returned in a proto-form state. Such a prototype can take travel form: armored, in appearance resembling a comet. After landing on another planet, it transforms back into a proto-form, and the transformer immediately starts scanning for a new suitable one. Altforms. When a new shape is chosen, the protoform's superdense matter and any suitable matter nearby can be used to create a new camouflage exostructure (Transformers: The Movie Guide book).

Starscream's attempts to create a new army fail due to a lack of energon, and the "babies", as he affectionately calls them, perished. Many Decepticons came to Earth with Follen to extinguish the sun. But they did not bother to choose an alternative form and remained in the form of a protoform. These Decepticons helped attack the forces NEST in Egypt, but most of them died in a shootout with the Autobots and the Earth military. And the rest were killed by the military during an air strike (“Revenge of the Fallen”).

Many proto-form Decepticons lurked on the moon, arriving on Earth via a space bridge activated by Sentinel Prime ("Dark of the Moon").

In "Transformers Animated"

Protoforms are created from protomatter which is extracted from Sonic Canyons on Cybertron ("The AllSpark Almanac II"). At the first stage, they resemble faceless mannequins and are stored in capsules that are lined up along the wall in a secret Chamber of the Matrix (Matrix Chamber) hidden in the dojo Autobot Cyber-Ninja Corps, who are charged with protecting them ("Five Servos of Doom"). As a rule, protoforms first go through the "casting" stage, acquiring the form of a robot ("Endgame, Part I"). Either the Great Spark or Vector Sigma is then used to imbue the protoform with a spark ("The AllSpark Almanac II"). However, the "casting" step can be skipped and the spark can be injected directly into the protoform ("Five Servos of Doom"). The same casting can be used for many protoforms, resulting in similar body types and transformation schemes. For example, a very popular type was "65356-9292-346", which included Bumblebee, Cliffjumper, Wasp, and others ("Autoboot Camp"). If a person says about himself that he was "born", then transformers can say that they "came out of the protoform." In addition, the word "protoform" is sometimes used in a derogatory sense to refer to a young and inexperienced Transformer.

In the Prime universe

Protoforms are created by the Great Spark in the Well of the Great Spark and, apparently, are endowed with sparks there. However, aboard the Decepticon ship Harbinger, Starscream was lucky to find five protoforms ("Armada").

III. Childhood

In some transformer works, transformers are born already fully functional creatures. For example, in many cases in the TV series G1. And in others they need to grow, develop and learn. This is seen in the Prime universe, in the Cybertron series, and, apparently, in the Victory manga, where Decepticon offspring look too small and weak for a full adult life.

In the description of the toy Trust the term was used "alpha unit" (Alpha unit) to characterize this character in "childhood". There are no more similar official terms at the moment. As well as there is no information about the timing of the increase of the transformer, etc.

In many transformer works, there is no information about childhood as a special period in the life of a transformer. But this does not necessarily mean that such a period does not exist at all. It may be left undisclosed or discarded as unimportant.

In G1 and Animal Age

Sideswipe and Sunstreaker

Fastlane and Cloudraker

Frenzy and Rumble

Topspin and Twin Twist

Blaster, Karmen and Toaster in Marvel comics

Blaster and Bluster in IDW comics

Pounce and Wingspan

Hot Foot and Piranha in The Official Transformers: Generation 2 Annual (1994)

Electro (Electro) and Volt (Volt) - in the same place.

Gearhead and Greasepit - Generation 2 toys

Roulette, Shadow Striker and an unknown third sister in Transformers Universe

· Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus are brothers in the Dreamwave comics and Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers, vol. 4"

Starscream and Sunstorm in Dreamwave comics

Dredwing and Darkwing in IDW comics

· Starscream, Skywarp and Thundercracker - in the same place.

· Rampage and Dinobot II are considered half-brothers, as Megatron placed part of Rampage's spark in Dinobot.

· Cataclysm and Cub are called fission-brothers. Apparently, they were born by budding.

Rumbler and Sprocket in Wings of Honor comics

· Akvafend (Aquafend) and Jetstorm (Jetstorm) - in the same place.

Springarm, Wheelarch and Valve in The Transformers: Last Stand of the Wreckers comics.

Rack, Ruin and an unknown third brother are triplets in the IDW comics

Bonecrusher and Gravedigger

In Unicron Trilogy

Flashbang and Failsafe

Inferno (Inferno) and Rodimus (Rodimus) - only toys

Jetfire and Overcast

Landmine and Landquake

Shockblast and Six Shot

Superion Maximus and unknown brother

Signal Flare and Offshoot

Hardtop (Hardtop) and Svindl (Swindle)

Undermine and Repugnus

Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus

Leader-1 (Leader-1) and Clench (Clench) can be brothers ("Clench's More Than Meets The Eye profile")

In Go-Bots

Racer-Bot ALPHA (Racer-Bot ALPHA) and Racer-Bot BETA (Racer-Bot BETA)

In the Michael Bay franchise

· Sideswipe and Sunstreaker, according to Ironhide in Revenge of the Fallen.

Arcee (Arcee), Chromia (Chromia) and Elite-1 (Elita-One)

First Primes are considered brothers

Optimus Prime and Megatron

Tread and Trample in Transformers: The Veiled Threat

Skids and Mudflap

In "Transformers Animated"

· Jetstorm and Jetfire

Scrapper and Mixmaster - "friends and brothers"

Huffer and Pipes

In Shattered Glass

· Jazz and Ricochet

Sideswipe and Sunstrike

In "Prime"

· Skyquake and Dreadwing

In G1 and Animal Age

· Willie's parents are mentioned in "The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson".

Autobot Six-Mode Quickswitch is named the son of Sixshot

· In the Victory manga, the Decepticons from the Dinoforce squad have offspring.

Speeder - son of Dai Atlas

Serpent O.R. (Serpent O.R.) or Serpent Organic Robot proclaims himself the son of Megatron in the G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers"

Lio Junior (Lio Junior) - son of Lio Convoy (Lio Convoy)

There is a mention of Stampy's parents from Beast Wars Neo

There is a mention of the father of Maxtmal Korada (Cohrada) ("A Battle Fought Alone")

· There are also references to father, grandfather, great-grandfather, etc. Longrack (Longrack)

Metals Ravage - Ravage's son in the Beast Wars Metals manga

Alpha Trion - father of Optimus Prime and Elite-1 in G1

Daredevil - the creator of technobots

Rampage has offspring (comic "Dawn of Future" s Past ")

Tantrum (Tantrum) has offspring (ibid.)

Headstrong has offspring (ibid.)

Rattrap refers to Arcee as his great-grandmother

In Unicron Trilogy

Sideways calls for mom while in danger ("City")

Starscream also acts in a similar situation ("Titans")

In the Michael Bay franchise

There is a mention that Megatron and Optimus Prime had a father whom Megatron killed

Jetfire talks about his parents in Revenge of the Fallen

The first thirteen Primes had descendants, which included Optimus Prime and Sentinel Prime

In "Transformers Animated"

· In the Japanese dub, Bulkhead often calls his mom when he feels bad


In Shattered Glass

Crasher and Blurr

In the Beast Age

Scuba and Ikard

In Unicron Trilogy

Skywarp and Starscream

Swindle and Zapmaster

Bulkhead and Quickstrike

Overhaul and Brushguard

Other family ties

In "Robots in Disguise"

Artfire (Artfire) and Fire Convoy (Fire Convoy) - relatives

Midnight Express believes Grandpa is his grandfather ("Secret Weapon: D-5")

In "Transformers Animated"

Kup has a nephew (“Transformers Animated: The AllSpark Almanac II”)

In "Prime"

In Season 1 Episode 1 "Darkness Rising, Part 1", Arcee introduces Bumblebee to Jack as his family. In Season 3 Episode 9 "Evolution", Optimus Prime tells Ultra Magnus that the Autobots have become what in human terms is called a "family" and that this is more significant than an army.

· The Thirteen First Primes had several descendants who became the founders of some transformer races. So, shifters, to which he belonged Makeshift, originated from Amalgamous Prime (Amalgamous Prime)(Alex Irwin's novel The Exiles).

It is believed that Optimus Prime was a descendant of the very first Prime - Primas (Prima)(in the book "Transformers Vault" - a 160-page description of the transformer universe, published in 2011)

We should also not forget that in the third season of G1 it is revealed that the Transformers were created by the Quintessons. How exactly, is not explained, but, apparently, it was a mechanical assembly in factories and conveyors.

Beast Era or "Beast Era" - a franchise that includes the series "Beast War", "Beast Wars II", "Beast Wars Neo", "Beast Machines", as well as text materials and toys "Transtech" and "Universe" (2003 G.).

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