Dance teacher drama short description of the characters. Read The Dance Teacher online in full - Lope de Vega - MyBook




Belardo- his servant

Ricaredo- his cousin


Felician and Florela- his daughter,



Tello- his servant

Cornejo- Alberigo's butler

Lisena- Florela's maid

Androgno- servant.

The action takes place in Tudela.

Act one


The first phenomenon

Aldemaro, Belardo.


Come undress me!
How tired I am! I'm going to bed soon.
Quickly unfasten my sword! ..
I suffocate all day long.
I'm burning, I'm burning, I'm stuffy,
Like a salamander on fire.
You will destroy thousands of them,
Help me undress.
Quick, take off my camisole!
He doesn't need clothes
Who is all - from thought to desire -
There is the embodiment of fire.
I'm definitely woven from rays:
According to them, a flock of crazy thoughts,
Feeding the heat of the flame stronger,
It flows like a fiery stream.
I'm on fire, it's hard for me to breathe.
Release - the buckle presses here!


Although there is no smoke without fire,
But there is no fire without smoke.
You are burning - but where is the smoke?


Ridiculous with your question!
The fire of love burns invisibly.
Only one can penetrate
Into his mysterious realm,
Who knows passion.


I'll take it on faith.


And in everyone that fire lives,
But it happens to be a comet
That is a constant star.


How so? My dear senor!
I do not understand this wisdom.


In some - flashed and instantly went out,
In others - it burns without fading,
That's how it is in me.


Well speech! Such
Which I have not heard from you.
After all, you were different in Lerins.


I was completely different, you're right.
I lived my life without knowing love
And I have been blind and deaf until now.
I burn with miraculous fire,
He secretly kills me.
He hides everything in himself:
In it is light, in it is sound, tide and smoke.
Light is a reflection of radiance
Distant sunbeams
In the magic mirror of the eyes;
The sound is a bitter lamentation;
The living moisture of tears is a tide,
And the sighs of the heart are wisps of smoke,
I send them to heaven invisibly,
Turning light into smoke.


Wow! Who else is so eloquent?
You are strong in science, love
And say for sure
Like a true professional.


It doesn't take long to study here.
It's easy to grab everything on the fly.
To understand the science
One look is enough for us!
On the wedding day in the morning
I got to Tudela passing by
And, as the stars wished,
The bride saw her sister.
So in the clouds celestial sphere,
Where roses and azure give
With its luxury sunset,
The star of Venus appeared to me -
No, the sun was in front of me!


Senior! Forgive me, honestly:
Sunset, star and sun together
In the picture mixed one?


Not only at night - at the hour of dawn
Visible in the morning sky
Star of love!


But who is she
Is this star captivating?


Florela! I'll die for her!


Well, at least that's some consolation.
What did they make their subject
You are an unmarried sister!


Yes, she won easily:
I give Florele forever
I soul, heart, my life!
But where is the dearest Ricardo?

The second phenomenon

Same and Ricaredo with a mask in his hands, in boots with spurs.


Here he is in person!


Well godson - good, villain!


Good and godfather - no offense!


I lost sight of you
Among people and horses.


I got lost too
And got lost...


From what
You, leaving the celebration,
Did you try to find me?


I saw it there
That I lost myself.
But what was at the party!


What was not there! Total
I won’t tell: there is not enough paint.



Tournament, prizes and masks…


Are there many visitors?




But who was there?


Well, listen!
The first is the glorious Aldemaro!
He is, of course, the first prize
Awarded to the sister of the bride,
Charming Florele,
Eclipsing all the stars.
Oh Florela! All in bloom
Enriches the world with beauty
And the fruits of their spring
Generously promises life.
But, however, in order:
The knights began to gather
To take part in the games
Borrowed from the birds
plumage for headwear,
For outfits - wealth
Your imagination.
The first was the son of a constable:
Proudly he entered on blood
andalusian horse,
And his saddlecloth is Hungarian
Was embroidered with a patterned net
mother-of-pearl carnations
And silver skeletons.
He threw his motto to the crowd:
“These fruits will give me hope,
What grows in this field.
He introduces himself to the judges
And they, returning to the tent,
Award unconditionally
A string of pearls for him.
The chairman agreed.
But the Count of Lerins enters,
All eclipsed by his art.
Weird horse! And a wonderful rider!
Raises hand quickly
And with one jerk of the spear
Immediately he breaks the ring,
Hits the other two...
The prize is destined for him
Suddenly - he loses his spur!
So spurred diligently
That the shiny belt burst
And fell at the feet of the horse
Spur in the middle of the road.
Here the chairman gives
Aragonese lady prize.
The thunder of applause fell silent,
And in a brilliant procession
Figures appear.
The masks are different.
Two humble widows in black,
In white hats
And on each head
green branches,
And in their hands they have the motto:
"Though the bark is dry on the outside,
But the soul inside blooms.
Slender pilgrim behind them
Performs in a rough cassock,
On the brim of a French hat
Badges of honors
And holy amulets.
With him - pilgrim heralds
And carry his motto:
"Behind miraculous salvation
I give it as a thank you
I am broken chains."
Here are two shepherdesses; heralds
Cupid is carried in their arms,
He draws his bow
And aims an arrow straight
In the heart of a stone shepherdess.
On the chest of the shepherds
Two arrows pierced like
And the motto says: "That's it
His arrows will return to us!”
Standard bearer from Pamplona
On big rock enters,
All in green; and camisole
And his stockings, and his hat -
All German cut.
Green laurel on the rock
And the motto: “From here I will be overthrown,
If hope collapses!
And behind him is the mule driver,
And on a mule - instead of a load
The god Cupid himself is winged,
There is a bandage on his eyes,
Bow and arrows on the back.
And the motto: "My load is so heavy, -
Maybe even here
I can get it off!"
At the end of the celebration
Six Moors appear
On Arabian horses
In purple clothes.
Reed their spears
With bright scarlet flags,
Like willow twigs
Raise, lower;
They go in pairs,
Give away their mottos
And in front of the judge's box
Freeze in anticipation
Having reined in at full gallop.
All have excelled.
More in the competition
Strength, dexterity, attire
Distinguished Vandalino,
Fascinated by Florela.
He got first prize
For grace and dexterity.
Standard bearer from Pamplona
I took the award for the motto,
And everyone around was talking
That in the rock there is a hint of a name
Ladies heart concluded.
They gave the son a constable
Fairly first prize.
Chairman of the competition
He stated that in military affairs
He surpassed all others.
This ended the holiday.
Soon the area was empty
Empty balconies,
And without two beautiful luminaries -
Felician and Florel, -
As without the sun, the day faded.


I would like to see all this...


You weren't banned.
Have you abandoned the celebration
Because of your outfit?


I wanted to go into the shadows for good reason
From these sunbeams
They languish everything hot -
I'm smitten with sunstroke.


What did you see for the sun?


You just named her...


Is it Florela?


Yes, Florela.


Hm... You saw the sun in it.


Among the nights, among the shadows
She gave me sunshine.


And you fell in love - so, all of a sudden?




No limit:
Passion took over me
And I'm dying!


Belardo, friend,
Saddle up! To Lerin! And definitely
This ardor of love will pass there


I won't be surprised, because the days are running,
And time will help to forget everything.
And tell me, maybe
Do you and your horses stay here?


Yes, and Androgno, our lackey,
Will return with you:
It might come in handy too
I'm afraid for the horses.


Saddle a horse for Ricaredo
And let him go - a good way,
And I'm not leaving here.


You are talking nonsense.



Throw jokes and do not argue in vain:
Let's go home soon!


Are you waiting for an answer?



I'm not leaving - for the life of me.
You do not believe me?



Here you go:
I remain alone, in Tudela.


Yes, you're crazy, really!



Here is an incomprehensible quirk!
Have you forgotten that your father
It's been ruined for a long time,
That your castle is a pile of ruins?
You are noble, yes, but you are poor
And you can dream of marriage?
What are you going to offer the bride?


Ah, what's the deal with marriage?


What do you want? Unclear!


One dream I live
Serve her like a god
And give her life irrevocably.


In Lerins you and then together
Making ends meet is difficult.
You are being reckless.


I will be the god of love leader!

Translated by T. Shchepkina-Kupernik



Belardo is his servant.

Ricaredo is his cousin.


Felician and Florela are his daughters.


Tello is his servant.

Cornejo - Alberigo's butler

Lisena is Florela's maid.

Androno is a servant.

The action takes place in Tudela.




Aldemaro, Belardo


Come undress me!

How tired I am! I'm going to bed soon.

Quickly unfasten my sword! ..

I suffocate all day long.

I'm burning, I'm burning, I'm stuffy,

Like a salamander on fire.

You will destroy thousands of them,

Help me undress.

Quick, take off my camisole!

He doesn't need clothes

Who is all - from thought to desire -

There is the embodiment of fire.

I'm definitely woven from rays:

According to them, a flock of crazy thoughts,

Feeding the heat of the flame stronger,

It flows like a fiery stream.

I'm on fire, it's hard for me to breathe.

Release - the buckle presses here!

Although there is no smoke without fire,

But there is no fire without smoke.

You are burning - but where is the smoke?


Ridiculous with your question!

The fire of love burns invisibly.

Only one can penetrate

Into his mysterious realm,

Who knows passion.

I'll take it on faith.


And in everyone that fire lives,

But it happens to be a comet

That is a constant star.

How so? My dear senor!

I do not understand this wisdom.


In some - flashed and instantly went out,

In others, it burns without fading,

That's how it is in me.

Well speech! Such

Which I have not heard from you.

After all, you were different in Lerins.


I was completely different, you're right.

I lived my life without knowing love

And I have been blind and deaf until now.

I burn with miraculous fire,

He secretly kills me.

He hides everything in himself:

In it is light, in it is sound, tide and smoke.

Light is a reflection of radiance

Distant sunbeams

In the magic mirror of the eyes;

The sound is a bitter lamentation;

The living moisture of tears is a tide,

And the sighs of the heart are wisps of smoke,

I send them to heaven invisibly,

Turning light into smoke.

Wow! Who else is so eloquent?

You are strong in science, love

And say for sure

Like a true professional.


It doesn't take long to study here.

It's easy to grab everything on the fly.

To understand the science

One look is enough for us!

On the wedding day in the morning

I got to Tudela passing by

And, as the stars wished,

The bride saw her sister.

So in the clouds of the celestial sphere,

Where roses and azure give

With its luxury sunset,

The star of Venus appeared to me -

No, the sun was in front of me!

Senior! Forgive me, honestly:

Sunset, star and sun together

In the picture mixed one?


Not only at night - at one o'clock dawn

Visible in the morning sky

Star of love!

But who is she

Is this star captivating?


Florela! I'll die for her!

Well, at least that's some consolation.

What did they make their subject

You are an unmarried sister!


Yes, she won easily:

I give Florele forever

I soul, heart, my life!

But where is the dearest Ricardo?

The second phenomenon

The same and Ricaredo with a mask in his hands, in boots with spurs.

Here he is - in person!


Well godson - good, villain!


Good and godfather - no offense!


I lost sight of you

Among people and horses.


I got lost too

And got lost...


You, leaving the celebration,

Did you try to find me?


I saw it there

That I lost myself.

But what was at the party!


What was not there! Total

I won’t tell: there is not enough paint.



Tournament, prizes and masks...


Are there many visitors?




But who was there?


Well, listen!

The first is the glorious Aldemaro!

He is, of course, the first prize

Awarded to the sister of the bride,

Charming Florele,

Eclipsing all the stars.

Oh Florela! All in bloom

Enriches the world with beauty

And the fruits of their spring

Generously promises life.

But, however, in order:

The knights began to gather

To take part in the games

Borrowed from the birds

plumage for headwear,

For outfits - wealth

Your imagination.

The first was the son of a constable:

Proudly he entered on blood

andalusian horse,

And his saddlecloth is Hungarian

Was embroidered with a patterned net

mother-of-pearl carnations

And silver skeletons.

He threw his motto to the crowd:

"These fruits will give me hope,

What grows in this field.

He introduces himself to the judges

And they, returning to the tent,

Award unconditionally

A string of pearls for him.

The chairman agreed.

But the Count of Lerins enters,

All eclipsed by his art.

Weird horse! And a wonderful rider!

Raises hand quickly

And with one jerk of the spear

Immediately he breaks the ring,

Hits the other two...

The prize is destined for him

Suddenly - he loses his spur!

So spurred diligently

That the shiny belt burst

And fell at the feet of the horse

Spur in the middle of the road.

Here the chairman gives

Aragonese lady prize.

The thunder of applause fell silent,

And in a brilliant procession

Figures appear.

The masks are different.

Two humble widows in black,

In white hats

And on each head

green branches,

And in their hands they have the motto:

"Though the bark is dry on the outside,

But the soul blooms inside."

Slender pilgrim behind them

Performs in a rough cassock,

On the brim of a French hat

Badges of honors

And holy amulets.

With him are pilgrim heralds

And carry his motto:

"For miraculous salvation

I give it as a thank you

I am broken chains."

Here are two shepherdesses; heralds

Cupid is carried in their arms,

He draws his bow

And aims an arrow straight

In the heart of a stone shepherdess.

On the chest of the shepherds

Two arrows pierced like

And the motto says: "That's it

His arrows will return to us!"

Standard bearer from Pamplona

On a large rock enters,

All in green; and camisole

And his stockings, and his hat--

All German cut.

Green laurel on the rock

And the motto: "From here I will be overthrown,

If hope collapses!

And behind him is the mule driver,

And on a mule - instead of cargo

The god Cupid himself is winged,

There is a bandage on his eyes,

Bow and arrows on the back.

And the motto: "My load is so heavy, -

Maybe even here

I can take it down!"

At the end of the celebration

Six Moors appear

On Arabian horses

In purple clothes.

Reed their spears

With bright scarlet flags,

Like willow twigs

Raise, lower;

They go in pairs,

Give away their mottos

And in front of the judge's box

Freeze in anticipation

Having reined in at full gallop.

All have excelled.

More in the competition

Strength, dexterity, attire

Distinguished Vandalino,

Fascinated by Florela.

He got first prize

For grace and dexterity.

Standard bearer from Pamplona

I took the award for the motto,

And everyone around was talking

That in the rock there is a hint of a name

Ladies heart concluded.

They gave the son a constable

Fairly first prize.

Chairman of the competition

He stated that in military affairs

He surpassed all others.

This ended the holiday.

Soon the area was empty

Empty balconies,

And without two beautiful luminaries -

Felician and Florel, -

As without the sun, the day faded.


I would like to see all this...


You weren't banned.

Have you abandoned the celebration

Because of your outfit?


I wanted to go into the shadows for good reason

From these sunbeams

They languish everything hot--

I'm smitten with sunstroke.


What did you see for the sun?


You just named her...


Is it Florela?


Yes, Florela.


Hm... You saw the sun in it.


Among the nights, among the shadows

She gave me sunshine.


And you fell in love - so, all of a sudden?


Yes, right away.



No limit:

Passion took over me

And I'm dying!


Belardo, friend,

Saddle up! To Lerin! And definitely

This ardor of love will pass there

I won't be surprised, because the days are running,

And time will help to forget everything.

And tell me, maybe

Do you and your horses stay here?


Yes, and Androgno, our lackey,

Will return with you:

It might come in handy too

I'm afraid for the horses.


Saddle a horse for Ricaredo

And let him go - a good way,

And I'm not leaving here.


You are talking nonsense.



Throw jokes and do not argue in vain:

Let's go home soon!


Are you waiting for an answer?




I'm not leaving - for the life of me.

You do not believe me?



I remain alone, in Tudela.


Yes, you're crazy, really!


Let death await me for this -

Keep in mind, from now on I

Tudela permanent resident:

Here is my shelter, my abode,

My second home.


Here is an incomprehensible quirk!

Have you forgotten that your father

It's been ruined for a long time,

What is your castle - a pile of ruins?

You are noble, yes, but you are poor

And you can dream of marriage?

What are you going to offer the bride?


Ah, what's the deal with marriage?


What do you want? Unclear!


One dream I live

Serve her like a god

And give her life irrevocably.


In Lerins you and then together

Making ends meet is difficult.

You are being reckless.


I will be the god of love leader!


Tell me, what are your plans?

Like the wind, feathers will fly away

There is no gilding on the sword,

And the horses are rented.

To this festival in Tudela

Bad baggage you, my dear,

Brought home from Flanders...

And you dream of Florel!


Whatever happens, I stay.

May my desires be bold.

But I will not leave Tudela,

Until I get Florela.


How can you achieve it?

Her father is an aristocrat...


Yes, he is famous and rich.


Here's to falling in love!

What are you thinking of doing?


I'll think of it.


Ridiculous! Childhood!


Love will help find the remedy.



I won't hide.

I learned the art of dancing

In Naples, in one of the schools:

I have surpassed the teachers

And famous among the Italians.


So what of it?


I am a foreigner here.

I will teach her dancing

Infiltrating them incognito.


Here is the devil!


Nobody here knows

Who am i.


The more evil

After all, such a craft

Your ancient family humiliates.

Leave this madness!


No, Ricardo, you are wrong:

His indisputable rights

You want to deprive of nobility!

Is it a sewing needle

In my hands? Or brush and paint?


But to teach the art of dancing--

What is it, besides craft?


No, my dear, answer me directly:

Have you seen to sew and weave,

Cut or paint with a brush

The king was able, the lady was able?


Of course not, but...


Be a painter or sew a dress

This is a low occupation,

But our sovereign king himself

Must know the art of dancing

And not the artisan

Who teaches grace--

Beloved, the best gift of the Spaniards!


Well! You were always stubborn

Became twice stubborn from love ...

I'll leave you alone

Go serve your dreams.

Enough! I am silent from now on.

Whatever you want to do, it doesn't matter!

It's all the same to argue with you

What to preach in the wilderness.

But remember: I am your brother and friend,

I am ready to serve you forever

But you'll see for yourself, of course,

That with this you dishonor your kind

And you act carelessly.


Let me hug you warmly

Please accept my gratitude!

What should I do with horses?

When you don't want to,

So that they dance hota here,

I can take them home.


Do whatever you want, my dear.

Wings of my hope are heavy:

Labor, deprivation and effort

She will be worth every stroke.

I dare not give advice

But God forbid that this dance

Didn't become a sword dance!

De Vega Lope

Dance teacher

Lope De Vega

Dance teacher


Aldemaro. Belardo is his servant. Ricaredo is his cousin. Alberigo. Felician and Florela are his daughters. Tevano. Vandalino. Tello is his servant. Cornejo is the butler of Alberigo Lisena, the maid of Florela. Androno is a servant.

The action takes place in Tudela.



SCENE FIRST Aldemaro, Belardo


Come undress me! How tired I am! I'm going to bed soon. Quickly unfasten my sword! .. I'm suffocating all day. I burn, I burn, I feel stuffy, Like a salamander on fire. You will destroy thousands of them When you help me undress. Quick, take off my camisole! He does not need clothes, Who is all - from thought to desire - Is the embodiment of fire. I am as if woven from rays: A flock of crazy thoughts follows them, Feeding the heat of the flame more strongly, Flows like a fiery stream. I'm on fire, it's hard for me to breathe. Release - the buckle presses here!

Although there is no smoke without fire, But there is no fire without smoke. You are burning - but where is the smoke?


Ridiculous with your question! The fire of love burns invisibly. Only he who knows passion can penetrate into his mysterious sphere.

I'll take it on faith.


And in everyone that fire lives, But it is either a comet, or a constant star.

How so? My dear senor! I do not understand this wisdom.


In some it flickered and went out in an instant, In others it burns without fading, That's how it is in me.

Well speech! The kind I haven't heard from you. After all, you were different in Lerins.


I was completely different, you're right. I lived my life without knowing love, And I have been blind and deaf until now. I burn with miraculous fire, He secretly kills me. He hides everything in himself: In him is light, in him is sound, tide and smoke. Light is a reflection of the radiance of distant sunbeams In the magic mirror of the eyes; The sound is a bitter lamentation; The living moisture of tears is a tide, And the sighs of the heart are wisps of smoke, I send them to heaven invisibly, Turning them into light smoke.

Wow! Who else is so eloquent? You are strong in love science And you speak, of course, As a true specialist.


You don't have to study for a long time: It's easy to grab everything on the fly. To comprehend that science, One glance is enough for us! On the wedding day in the morning I got to Tudela passing by And, as the stars pleased, I saw the bride's sister. So in the clouds of the celestial sphere, Where roses and azure give their sunsets their luxury, The star of Venus appeared to me - No, the sun was in front of me!

Senior! Forgive me, in honor: Sunset, star and sun together In the picture are mixed one?


Not only at night - at the hour of dawn The star of love is visible in the morning sky!

But who is she, this captivating star?


Florela! I'll die for her!

Well, at least this is a consolation, That you made your unmarried sister your subject!


Yes, victory was easy for her: Forever I give Florele my soul, my heart, my life! But where is the dearest Ricardo?

SCENE TWO The same and Ricaredo with a mask in his hands, in boots with spurs.

Here he is - in person!


Well godson - good, villain!


Good and godfather - no offense!


I lost sight of you Among people and horses.


I, too, was just confused and lost ...


Why did you not try to find me when you left the celebration?


I saw something there, That I lost myself. But what was at the party!


What was not there! I won't tell you in total: there won't be enough paint.



Tournament, prizes and masks...


Are there many visitors?




But who was there?


Well, listen! The first is the glorious Aldemaro! He, of course, awarded the first prize to the sister of the bride, Charming Florele, Eclipse all the stars. Oh Florela! All in bloom, Enriches the world with beauty And generously promises the fruits of its spring. But, however, in order: The knights began to gather, To take part in the games, Borrowing from the birds Plumage for headdresses, For outfits, the wealth of Their imagination. The first was the son of a constable: Proudly he rode on a blooded Andalusian horse, And his Hungarian saddlecloth Embroidered was a patterned network of Mother-of-pearl carnations And silver skeletons. He threw his motto to the crowd: "The hope will give me those fruits That grow in this field." He presents himself to the judges, And they, returning to the tent, Unconditionally award him a thread of pearl. The chairman agreed. But the Count of Lerin enters, eclipsing everyone with his art. Weird horse! And a wonderful rider! He quickly raises his hand And with one jerk of the spear He immediately rips off the ring, Touches the other two ... The prize is already destined for him, Suddenly - he loses his spur! He spurred so diligently, That the shiny belt burst And the spur fell at the horse's feet in the middle of the road. Here the chairman of the Aragonese lady gives a prize. The thunder of applause has ceased, And in the brilliant procession Figures appear, Various masks go. Two humble widows in black, In white headdresses, And on each head Greening branches, And in their hands they have the motto: "Though the bark is dry outside, But the soul inside blooms." A slender pilgrim behind them Appears in a coarse cassock, On the brim of a French hat Badges of honors And holy amulets. Pilgrim heralds are with him And carry his motto: "For miraculous salvation I bring broken chains as gratitude." Here are two shepherdesses; Heralds Carry Cupid in their arms, He draws his bow And aims with an arrow straight into the heart of a stone shepherdess. On the chest of the shepherds Two arrows, as if thrust, And the motto says: "That's how his arrows will return to us!" The standard-bearer from Pamplona Rides on a large rock, All in green; and a camisole, And his stockings, and a hat - All of German cut. On the rock there is a green laurel And the motto: "From here I will be overthrown, If hope collapses!" And behind him - a mule driver, And on the mule - instead of a load, the winged god Amur himself, In his eyes a bandage, A bow and arrows behind his back. And the motto: "My load is so heavy, - Perhaps, at least here I will be able to throw it off!" At the conclusion of the festivity Six Moors appear On Arabian horses, In purple robes. Their reed spears With bright scarlet flags, Like willow twigs, Raise, lower; They disperse in pairs, Give away their mottos And in front of the judges' box Freeze in anticipation, Siege at full gallop. All have excelled. In the competition of all, Vandalino, enchanted by Florela, excelled in Strength, dexterity, and attire. He received the first prize for grace and dexterity. The standard-bearer from Pamplona Took the award for the motto, And everyone around said That in the rock there was a hint of the name of the Lady of the Heart. Gave the son of the constable Fairly the first prize. The chairman of the competition declared that in military affairs he surpassed all others. This ended the holiday. Soon the square was empty, The balconies were also empty, And without two beautiful luminaries - Felician and Florela - As without the sun, the day faded.


I would like to see all this...


You weren't banned. Have you abandoned your celebration Because of your dress?


I wanted to go into the shade not without reason From these sunbeams: They languish everything hot - I am struck by a sunstroke.


What did you see for the sun?


You just named her...


Is it Florela?


Yes, Florela.


Hm... You saw the sun in it.


Among the nights, among the shadows She shone like a sun for me.


And you fell in love - so, all of a sudden?


Yes, right away.



Without limit: Passion has completely taken possession of me, And I'm dying!


Belardo, friend, saddle up! To Lerin! And certainly this ardor of love will pass there

I won't be surprised: after all, the days are running, And time will help to forget everything. And will you order me, perhaps you and the horses to stay here?


Yes, and Androgno, our footman, Will return with you: He, too, may be useful. I fear for the horses.


Saddle a horse for Ricaredo, And let him ride - a good way, But I will not leave here.


You are talking nonsense.



Throw jokes and do not argue in vain: Let's go home soon!


Are you waiting for an answer?



Wonderful! I'm not leaving - for the life of me. You do not believe me?



Well, I'm left alone, in Tudela.


Yes, you're crazy, really!


Let death await me for this - Keep in mind, from now on I am a permanent resident of Tudela: Here is my shelter, my abode, My second homeland.


Here is an incomprehensible quirk! Have you forgotten that your father Has long been utterly ruined, That your castle is a heap of ruins? You are noble, yes, but you are poor, And you can dream of marriage? Yes, what will you offer the bride, Think?


Ah, what's the deal with marriage?


What do you want? Unclear!


One dream I live: Serve her like a deity, And give her life irrevocably.


In Lerins, it's hard for you both to make ends meet. you act

Current page: 1 (total book has 5 pages)

Lope de Vega
Dance teacher



Belardo- his servant

Ricaredo- his cousin


Felician and Florela- his daughter,



Tello- his servant

Cornejo- Alberigo's butler

Lisena- Florela's maid

Androgno- servant.

The action takes place in Tudela.

Act one

The first phenomenon

Aldemaro, Belardo.


Come undress me!
How tired I am! I'm going to bed soon.
Quickly unfasten my sword! ..
I suffocate all day long.
I'm burning, I'm burning, I'm stuffy,
Like a salamander on fire.
You will destroy thousands of them,
Help me undress.
Quick, take off my camisole!
He doesn't need clothes
Who is all - from thought to desire -
There is the embodiment of fire.
I'm definitely woven from rays:
According to them, a flock of crazy thoughts,
Feeding the heat of the flame stronger,
It flows like a fiery stream.
I'm on fire, it's hard for me to breathe.
Release - the buckle presses here!


Although there is no smoke without fire,
But there is no fire without smoke.
You are burning - but where is the smoke?


Ridiculous with your question!
The fire of love burns invisibly.
Only one can penetrate
Into his mysterious realm,
Who knows passion.


I'll take it on faith.


And in everyone that fire lives,
But it happens to be a comet
That is a constant star.


How so? My dear senor!
I do not understand this wisdom.


In some - flashed and instantly went out,
In others - it burns without fading,
That's how it is in me.


Well speech! Such
Which I have not heard from you.
After all, you were different in Lerins.


I was completely different, you're right.
I lived my life without knowing love
And I have been blind and deaf until now.
I burn with miraculous fire,
He secretly kills me.
He hides everything in himself:
In it is light, in it is sound, tide and smoke.
Light is a reflection of radiance
Distant sunbeams
In the magic mirror of the eyes;
The sound is a bitter lamentation;
The living moisture of tears is a tide,
And the sighs of the heart are wisps of smoke,
I send them to heaven invisibly,
Turning light into smoke.


Wow! Who else is so eloquent?
You are strong in science, love
And say for sure
Like a true professional.


It doesn't take long to study here.
It's easy to grab everything on the fly.
To understand the science
One look is enough for us!
On the wedding day in the morning
I got to Tudela passing by
And, as the stars wished,
The bride saw her sister.
So in the clouds of the celestial sphere,
Where roses and azure give
With its luxury sunset,
The star of Venus appeared to me -
No, the sun was in front of me!


Senior! Forgive me, honestly:
Sunset, star and sun together
In the picture mixed one?


Not only at night - at the hour of dawn
Visible in the morning sky
Star of love!


But who is she
Is this star captivating?


Florela! I'll die for her!


Well, at least that's some consolation.
What did they make their subject
You are an unmarried sister!


Yes, she won easily:
I give Florele forever
I soul, heart, my life!
But where is the dearest Ricardo?

The second phenomenon

Same and Ricaredo with a mask in his hands, in boots with spurs.


Here he is in person!


Well godson - good, villain!


Good and godfather - no offense!


I lost sight of you
Among people and horses.


I got lost too
And got lost...


From what
You, leaving the celebration,
Did you try to find me?


I saw it there
That I lost myself.
But what was at the party!


What was not there! Total
I won’t tell: there is not enough paint.



Tournament, prizes and masks…


Are there many visitors?




But who was there?


Well, listen!
The first is the glorious Aldemaro!
He is, of course, the first prize
Awarded to the sister of the bride,
Charming Florele,
Eclipsing all the stars.
Oh Florela! All in bloom
Enriches the world with beauty
And the fruits of their spring
Generously promises life.
But, however, in order:
The knights began to gather
To take part in the games
Borrowed from the birds
plumage for headwear,
For outfits - wealth
Your imagination.
The first was the son of a constable:
Proudly he entered on blood
andalusian horse,
And his saddlecloth is Hungarian
Was embroidered with a patterned net
mother-of-pearl carnations
And silver skeletons.
He threw his motto to the crowd:
“These fruits will give me hope,
What grows in this field.
He introduces himself to the judges
And they, returning to the tent,
Award unconditionally
A string of pearls for him.
The chairman agreed.
But the Count of Lerins enters,
All eclipsed by his art.
Weird horse! And a wonderful rider!
Raises hand quickly
And with one jerk of the spear
Immediately he breaks the ring,
Hits the other two...
The prize is destined for him
Suddenly - he loses his spur!
So spurred diligently
That the shiny belt burst
And fell at the feet of the horse
Spur in the middle of the road.
Here the chairman gives
Aragonese lady prize.
The thunder of applause fell silent,
And in a brilliant procession
Figures appear.
The masks are different.
Two humble widows in black,
In white hats
And on each head
green branches,
And in their hands they have the motto:
"Though the bark is dry on the outside,
But the soul inside blooms.
Slender pilgrim behind them
Performs in a rough cassock,
On the brim of a French hat
Badges of honors
And holy amulets.
With him - pilgrim heralds
And carry his motto:
"For miraculous salvation
I give it as a thank you
I am broken chains."
Here are two shepherdesses; heralds
Cupid is carried in their arms,
He draws his bow
And aims an arrow straight
In the heart of a stone shepherdess.
On the chest of the shepherds
Two arrows pierced like
And the motto says: "That's it
His arrows will return to us!”
Standard bearer from Pamplona
On a large rock enters,
All in green; and camisole
And his stockings, and his hat -
All German cut.
Green laurel on the rock
And the motto: “From here I will be overthrown,
If hope collapses!
And behind him is the mule driver,
And on a mule - instead of a load
The god Cupid himself is winged,
There is a bandage on his eyes,
Bow and arrows on the back.
And the motto: "My load is so heavy, -
Maybe even here
I can get it off!"
At the end of the celebration
Six Moors appear
On Arabian horses
In purple clothes.
Reed their spears
With bright scarlet flags,
Like willow twigs
Raise, lower;
They go in pairs,
Give away their mottos
And in front of the judge's box
Freeze in anticipation
Having reined in at full gallop.
All have excelled.
More in the competition
Strength, dexterity, attire
Distinguished Vandalino,
Fascinated by Florela.
He got first prize
For grace and dexterity.
Standard bearer from Pamplona
I took the award for the motto,
And everyone around was talking
That in the rock there is a hint of a name
Ladies heart concluded.
They gave the son a constable
Fairly first prize.
Chairman of the competition
He stated that in military affairs
He surpassed all others.
This ended the holiday.
Soon the area was empty
Empty balconies,
And without two beautiful luminaries -
Felician and Florel, -
As without the sun, the day faded.


I would like to see all this...


You weren't banned.
Have you abandoned the celebration
Because of your outfit?


I wanted to go into the shadows for good reason
From these sunbeams
They languish everything hot -
I'm smitten with sunstroke.


What did you see for the sun?


You just named her...


Is it Florela?


Yes, Florela.


Hm... You saw the sun in it.


Among the nights, among the shadows
She gave me sunshine.


And you fell in love - so, all of a sudden?




No limit:
Passion took over me
And I'm dying!


Belardo, friend,
Saddle up! To Lerin! And definitely
This ardor of love will pass there


I won't be surprised, because the days are running,
And time will help to forget everything.
And tell me, maybe
Do you and your horses stay here?


Yes, and Androgno, our lackey,
Will return with you:
It might come in handy too
I'm afraid for the horses.


Saddle a horse for Ricaredo
And let him go - a good way,
And I'm not leaving here.


You are talking nonsense.



Throw jokes and do not argue in vain:
Let's go home soon!


Are you waiting for an answer?



I'm not leaving - for the life of me.
You do not believe me?



Here you go:
I remain alone, in Tudela.


Yes, you're crazy, really!



Here is an incomprehensible quirk!
Have you forgotten that your father
It's been ruined for a long time,
That your castle is a pile of ruins?
You are noble, yes, but you are poor
And you can dream of marriage?
What are you going to offer the bride?


Ah, what's the deal with marriage?


What do you want? Unclear!


One dream I live
Serve her like a god
And give her life irrevocably.


In Lerins you and then together
Making ends meet is difficult.
You are being reckless.


I will be the god of love leader!


Tell me, what are your plans?
Like the wind, feathers will fly away
There is no gilding on the sword,
And the horses are rented.
To this festival in Tudela
Bad baggage you, my dear,
Brought home from Flanders...
And you dream of Florel!


Whatever happens, I stay.
Let my desires be bold.
But I will not leave Tudela,
Until I get Florela.


How can you achieve it?
Her father is an aristocrat...


Yes, he is famous and rich.


Here's to falling in love!
What are you thinking of doing?



Ridiculous! Childhood!


Love will help find the remedy.



I won't hide.
I learned the art of dancing
In Naples, in one of the schools:
I have surpassed the teachers
And famous among the Italians.


So what of it?



Here is the devil!



The more evil
After all, such a craft
Your ancient family humiliates.
Leave this madness!


No, Ricardo, you are wrong:
His indisputable rights
You want to deprive of nobility!
Is it a sewing needle
In my hands? Or brush and paint?


But to teach the art of dancing -
What is it, besides craft?


No, my dear, answer me directly:
Have you seen to sew and weave,
Cut or paint with a brush
The king was able, the lady was able?


Of course not, but...


Allow me:
Be a painter or sew a dress
This is a low occupation
But our sovereign king himself
Must know the art of dancing
And not the artisan
Who teaches grace -
Beloved, the best gift of the Spaniards!


Well! You were always stubborn
Became stubborn twice from love ...
I'll leave you alone
Go serve your dreams.
Enough! I am silent from now on.
Whatever you want to do, it doesn't matter!
It's all the same to argue with you
What to preach in the wilderness.
But remember: I am your brother and friend,
I am ready to serve you forever
But you'll see for yourself, of course,
That with this you dishonor your kind
And you act carelessly.


Let me hug you warmly
Please accept my gratitude!


What should I do with horses?
When you don't want to,
So that they dance hota here,
I can take them home.


Do whatever you want, my dear.
Wings of my hope are heavy:
Labor, deprivation and effort
She will be worth every stroke.


I dare not give advice
But God forbid that this dance
Didn't become a sword dance!

A room in Alberigo's house
The first phenomenon

Felician, Florela, Tevano.


Oh, how sweet are your words!
But are they sincere? Don't know.


You want to joke, I guess
Or I am offended without guilt.
Yesterday the engagement took place
And now I'm your husband!
Is it possible, dear friend,
To doubt me?
Maybe you don't have feelings.
But your question suggests
That I'm out of my mind
Understand how happy I am in fate.
My soul, God is my witness:
You don't know yourself
You don't see your beauty
You do not appreciate your virtue.
Appreciating your virtues
I know you twice as well.
Look like a living mirror
My beauty, into me!
And if you were attacked
Doubt in itself suddenly,
Ask if you are beautiful my friend
Is it smart, is it graceful, is it kind,
Name any property
Do not ask the question in vain:
You will see the direct answer clearly
You are in the mirror of my love.


Oh, this is not for a husband,
Rather, a fan to match ...
And you can experience envy
Sister, listening to such speeches.


I should be jealous
I am your beauty, sister,
But that's right, soon to have fun
We will be yours at the wedding!


Oh no, sister! Even though I'm envious
Watch your happiness
But soon father again
I would be ashamed to waste.


What commendable words!
Have you seen a more modest pilgrimage?
You yourself are dreaming silently
Hurry up to marriage.

The second phenomenon

Same and Alberigo.


So what? The holiday was successful
Your welcome has been a success.
Everyone is in awe...
How are you, newlywed?


I am almost exhausted from the guests.


Too bad we didn't dance
And the musicians fell silent.


Who was dissatisfied with this
I think I was free to leave.
Enough to make me happy.
What, really, can be stupider:
Can't do without dancing
At the weddings of miserable ragamuffins,
Just like the weddings of kings!
For a long time the guests are tired,
Both noise and vanity languish,
And the newlywed couple
Dreaming sweetly about the bed.
No! Please wait until
Until the sun rises in the sky
And heels will get tired
The last zealous dancer.
Ridiculous, barbaric practice!


But you have to follow it:
What's a celebration without dancing?
This is what the law of decency requires.


I would look at the dances myself,
Nice fun, but you have to
So that she is not an obstacle
For more pleasant things.


Tevano will forgive us with my sister
Because we didn't dance
After all, we did not take a teacher,
Protecting your peace.


There were no teachers
Yes, you are stubborn
In her girlish embarrassment -
That's why it all happened.
And now I'm convinced
What upbringing is there with a flaw,
Where the ladies didn't learn to dance.
Yes, girls, this is my fault.
Today I saw a dance
Unwittingly decorates the ladies,
How does it give shine to the eyes?
And gives a blush to the cheeks.


Of course, it cannot be denied
What incomparable seniors
At the ball admire the eyes,
Easily fluttering and sliding.
Movement music live
He speaks without words about feelings,
The fire of love that is hidden in the heart,
Sometimes involuntarily giving out.


Yes, dancing with its beauty
In flight, in a joyful impulse
Beauty is made more beautiful
Ugly people are made nicer.
I'm sorry that the graceful dance
We haven't studied yet.

Florela(to father)

Whenever you want, sir,
It's not too late for us to learn.


It's not too late, there's no word;
I want my Florela
At the wedding I managed
Dance at least a minuet.


And the minuet and everything else.
There is no entertainment without dancing:
Be still like a portrait
Keeping the silence of the grave!
If we don't dance, we sit
Among the dancers at the ball
All that remains for us is - in the hall
Be a wall decoration.


Yes, it's boring!


And when
They come to call me to the dance,
They make me confused,
And I blush with shame.


Well, do not blush, we will fix the matter:
I will give you teachers
And soon you will outshine all the ladies, -
I am sure, my Florela.

The third phenomenon

Same and Cornejo.


Please go to the table:
Long covered, everything is ready.


What, no one else?


Yes, almost everyone is gone.
And the Count left.


And when
Is he leaving Tudela?


I heard tomorrow.


Bold rider!
He drives great.


Oh yeah!
How he rides! Charm!


But he did not take the prize.


He lost one of his spurs.
Accident! But for fencing
After all, he was awarded the prize.

Cornejo (Florele)

How lucky you are, sir!


How come?


Yes, no dispute
He gave his prize to the lady.


Are there any other guests?



Who is


Almost no one
And they would be about to leave
Don't show up for sin in the hallway
Fool trainer.


Wow! What does this mean?


Of those who teach dance.
And look what it looks like
So you say - an important person!


Where is he from?


From Aragon.


Why did you come?


He arrived here recently.


Here's a nice chance to have some fun
For the ladies, don't let the table be set.


Would have dinner first:
Everything will get cold ... They have been waiting for you for a long time
Pate, turkey and wine.


Go call! What did I say?


When will you sit down at the table?
The desire to dance suddenly fell ...
Here, damn it, you damned fellow!



Call soon!


He's already gone.


We just sent the one we need.


Someone must have heard us.

The fourth phenomenon

Felician, Florela, Tevano, Alberigo, Aldemaro, Belardo, Cornejo.

Aldemaro (Cornejo)

Did you tell them who I am?


He also said that dinner was getting cold.


Seniors! If I'm worthy
Then I will be happy to serve you.

Tewano (quiet)

How elegant!

Alberigo (quiet)

Proud look!

Florela (sister)

How beautiful he is!

Felician (sister)

Handsome and built.

Aldemaro (to the side)

I'm trembling... I don't know
What tone to keep with her ...


Where are you from?


From Aragon.


What about your city?


Oh, glorious city!
He is the most glorious in Aragon.


So, then, Zaragoza?


In her
Our old family has been alive for a long time.



And I learned to dance
In Naples, in one of the schools;
I have surpassed the teachers
And became known to the Italians.
Choosing my profession
Now giving lessons to the ladies
However, only the most notable
I give away my art.

Tewano (quiet)

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