Bedtime stories for children. Who is in charge in the forest? Fairy tale: "Autumn fairy tale"


One of my readers' favorite stories. She was born spontaneously, on the go, when I put my daughter to bed. I did not expect at all that this tale would be so loved by readers, and even fall into. It turned out that both children and their parents are very fond of such fairy tales at night. Therefore, I share with you two more evening tales.

The Tale of the Rhino Who Couldn't Sleep

Once upon a time there was a Rhinoceros, he was gray and thick-skinned, with a large horn on his nose. Cute, such, Rhinoceros. Once the Rhinoceros began to prepare for bed. He drank a glass of milk and cookies, washed his face, brushed his teeth, put on his pajamas and went to bed.

Everything is as usual. Only that evening the Rhino could not sleep at all. He tossed and turned in bed, but sleep did not come. First, he decided to think of something pleasant. He always did that when he couldn't sleep. The rhinoceros remembered the colored butterflies fluttering in the sky, then he thought about the juicy fresh grass. Delicious ... But the dream did not come.

And then a wonderful idea came to the Rhino! He thought he couldn't sleep because he forgot to do something before going to bed. Probably something very important. What exactly? He thought carefully and remembered! It turned out that Rhino forgot to put away his toys. That's what was the matter! He even felt ashamed.

Rhino got out of bed and cleaned up all the toys that were strewn across the floor. Then he lay back on the bed, closed his eyes and immediately fell asleep.

Good night Rhino!

Meditative sea tale

Imagine that you are sitting on the back of a blue dolphin. It has nice slippery sides. You firmly hold on to him with your hands, and he carries you forward along the playful waves. Funny sea turtles swim near you, a baby octopus waves its tentacle in greeting, and Sea Horses swim with you. The sea is kind and gentle, the breeze is warm and playful. Already ahead is the very rock to which you are swimming, your girlfriend, the little mermaid, is sitting on its edge. She is impatiently waiting for you. She has a green scaly tail and her eyes are the color of the sea. She laughs happily when she sees you and dives into the water. Loud splash, splash. And now you are already rushing forward together to the magical island. Friends are waiting for you there: a cheerful monkey, a clumsy hippo and a noisy motley parrot. Finally, you are already with them. Everyone sits down on the shore, a dolphin in the water, a little mermaid on the rocks. Everyone is waiting with bated breath. And then she begins to tell you extraordinary fairy tales. Tales about seas and oceans, about pirates, about treasures, about beautiful princesses. Fairy tales are so wonderful that you do not notice how the sun sets and night descends on the earth. Time to sleep. The little mermaid says goodbye to everyone, the dolphin takes you on his back to take you home to a warm bed, and the little animals say goodbye to you, already yawning a little. Night, night has come. It's time to sleep, it's time to close your eyes to see in a dream beautiful fairy tales told by the little mermaid.

One distant and deaf village, there lived an old man and an old woman. Quietly and measuredly their days passed, until...

There was no great misfortune. Their daughter and son-in-law disappeared, having gone to rest in a distant and unknown country, leaving them two kids. The children missed their parents very much. The granddaughter, who was only two years old, experienced this especially hard, she cried all day. But no less sadness was in the eyes of the grandson, even if he tried to hold back tears. The age of the grandson quite still allowed him this salty moisture.

This is the sad beginning of our fairy tale.

But the days ran after days, and the nights flew by even more imperceptibly. Summer passed, followed by autumn, a cold and harsh winter came. The year was snowy, the hut of the old people was filled up, almost to the very top. The whole mound and the roof were covered with a white downy winter feather bed. Even the shutters and windows were powdered with snow, and the glass was painted with frost with outlandish patterns. And stood fairy hut on the edge of the village, near the forest...

Long winter nights, you could often hear the howling of the wind or wild animals. Logs crackled in the stove, and a cricket under the floorboard. Warm grandmother's socks warmed the legs hanging from a huge old chest. The children sat, covered with a grandfather's blanket, clutching toys to themselves, and listened to another fairy tale told for the night. To the rhythmic clatter of her knitting needles, the old woman began her story. Her voice enveloped the listeners and immersed them in the world of fairy tales and dreams. Most of all, the children liked the happy ending of all the stories. Their faces blurred in a satisfied smile, because they experienced all the hardships with the heroes of fairy tales. Somewhere there, deep in their souls, lived in them the hope for a miracle that was to happen to them. The children were accustomed to the simple atmosphere of an unsightly village house, much here brought joy. How warm memories stay with them for the rest later life: grandfather puffing on his work, grandmother clattering with knitting needles and their long, co happy ending fairy tales.

And they all began like this: "Whether it was or not, my grandfather told me, and the lumberjack, an old local old man, told him."

Tale of the forest eccentric old man

silt yes was in a dense forest, in a small dugout, an old ancient forest man. Strangers frightened, frightened, the forest did not give offense, and was reputed to protect the beast, that's how wonderful he was. Outwardly, it may be unsightly, but it is pure in soul. He did not harm people and did not offend for nothing. And he kept it a secret from everyone that he had a magical gift, he knew how to work miracles.

Well, the forester had such a habit - on the winter New Year's Eve nights to wander and arrange tests for people - for kindness and responsiveness, for compassion and mercy. Those who passed the test were rewarded with the fulfillment of their innermost desire. Since everything happened under New Year, no one guessed that the strange grandfather who visited them was working miracles. Some pitied him, others mocked his rags and appearance, some were simply indifferent to other people's grief, but the old man did not harbor any malice towards anyone. He just loves to do good and please others.

It was always a little crowded in the dugout of the forester, here hares and squirrels, hedgehogs and owls, foxes and wolves, as well as many other animals received shelter. All those in need of help behaved friendly towards each other. After all, only the one who knows trouble can have compassion. Often one could see how the little animals carried what they could to the dugout. Only the location of the forester's dwelling was hidden from people. The exception was travelers who got lost in the forest and exhausted. It was the animals that brought them here. Everyone who visited the dugout considered it his duty to help the old man in his good deeds.

At any time of the year and in any weather it was noisy in this part of the forest. The permanent residents of the hut had their own duties. Everyone did their job: the toptygin bear was the main beekeeper, he brought honey from the forest, sometimes raspberries with fish. He did all the work beyond the strength of others: he prepared firewood for the winter, repaired the hut and helped others when it was necessary to carry heavy things. The fox-sister kept order, kept the dwelling clean and scolded all the dirty ones. The hedgehog was her assistant, cleared the yard of leaves, cleaned up garbage everywhere and stored up straw for kindling. A frog-frog and a mouse-louse baked bread and cheesecakes; everything that others brought, dried, crumbled, steamed, fried and prepared for the winter for the whole big company. The gray wolf stoked the stove, got brushwood in the forest, did not destroy trees for nothing, although he loved warmly. A dereza goat, a bully and a bully, also lived with them, but they forgave her heavy character for hearty and healing milk. Dereza helped other animals to collect mushrooms and berries for the winter, but for food. The old forest man looked after all of them, pointed out to whom and what to do, treated the sick, harvested herbs and brewed miraculous drinks. Having put everyone to sleep at night, he told an instructive tale about how good conquers evil, work ennobles anyone, and beautiful appearance will not replace good heart and many other stories. One of his favorite tales was about a girl with an angelic face, whose name was Nyuta. She started like this:

“Beyond the mountains, behind the valleys, in the village al in the village, I know for sure - on earth, there lived a husband and wife. And their days passed in sorrow, until they found their daughter. She was born white, blush, all beautiful, flawless, not a child - an angel. The daughter was named Nyutochka, Nyutochka-Anyutochka, they could not breathe, they cherished, unlived, caressed and received the fetus. Here.

Nyutochka is a beauty, everyone really likes it, most of all to herself. Do not count mother and father, for such a child, do everything jokingly. When it comes down to it, she's right. Rumor has already gone about her: is she not a child of great persons, is she a foundling?

A lot has passed since then, the girl grew up handsome, her mother and father bloomed to the joy. And having lived to her fifteen years, Nyutochka never once cooked dinner, she never washed the floors, she never swept, she lived on everything ready from birth. She didn’t mar her white hands, and she didn’t know any worries, except to admire herself, and wished to remain like that for a long time. She heard from her neighbors that somewhere in the forest there lived an old man who had long since passed a hundred. They said that he knows about everything in the world and can useful advice to give. The only problem is that no one really knew the way to it. This saddened and worried Nyutochka, but her desire to remain forever young was stronger than any doubt in her.

She began to ask the father to go into the forest in search of the old man. She reproached her in her hearts, accused her of not loving Nyutochka a little, if she could not perform such a service, she still asked him native daughter. The father grieved, grieved, but what can you do for the sake of your child. His wife collected some food for him in a knapsack. Father put on new bast shoes, hugged everyone goodbye and went in search of an old forest man.

A day passed, then another, further - more, you can’t count how many of them flew by. The wife was saddened that she was left without a husband. Nyutochka thinks, and mourns not about the missing father, but about an unfulfilled dream. Now Nyutochka began to ask her mother to find her an old forester. She did not forget to mention her father that he loved her, apparently, more than his mother. A poor woman has nothing to answer the speeches of her child, and you can’t get your husband out of trouble sitting at home. She packed a knapsack full of bread and water for the journey. bowed home, hugged her obstinate daughter and went into the distant forest in search of her husband and the old forest man.

And since then, Nyutochka has been left alone, without a mother and father. Now there is no one to clean up in the hut, cook food, melt the oven or do some other work, the beauty is not accustomed to doing such nonsense. She grieved a little about her father and mother, and most of all about the fact that she had lost her breadwinners. And then her lucky fate fell out - the lord's son liked the white-faced one, she didn’t have to spend the fierce winter in the cold and hunger. He invited Nyutochka to the mansions of the lord, to visit, to live for his own pleasure, to eat deliciously and sleep softly, not to burden white hands with work.

She did not live long in elegant and warm mansions, soon she was transferred to a room for domestic servants, you see, and beauty did not help to keep that love that was not there. It was then that Nyutochka began to think how she did not appreciate selfless love their parents. Now in the servants there is cold and stale bread around the corner, from morning till night he works without straightening his back.

She lived at the bar until spring, and in the same way and along the road she went to a distant dense forest, with pure water and stale bread in a knapsack. Nyutochka wandered for a day, then a second and a third, there was no food left with water, her legs were rubbed into the blood, she was completely exhausted, but she was wandering. Quite exhausted, the little animals found the girl and brought the old man-forester to the hut.

Nyutochka told the old man about her life, burst into tears and began to ask him to help find her parents. Lesovichok replied that he would be glad to render her such a service, but did not have magic power and he himself with his helpless little animals needs help. They just have nothing to pay.

The last hope for a miracle collapsed, and the beautiful girl remained a miserable orphan. There is no one to sip and say a kind word to her. Nyutochka decided to help the forest dwellers. From that very moment, the girl began to manage the forester's household. Finally, she understood how important it is to feel needed. When you do good, don't expect rewards.

Much time has passed since Nyuta began to live in a forest hut. The old forest man and the little animals were very happy with her presence, feeling the maternal warmth emanating from the girl. Every morning she got up before everyone else, trying to please the inhabitants of the hut with some new invention. She went to bed when everyone was already asleep. She was patient and sweet not only with the sick, but also with healthy animals. Most often, the restless baby was capricious and indulged, ready to turn everything upside down. Nyuta did not curse fate for the fact that her life turned out this way. The girl's hands knew a lot of work, her hair was not so carefully combed and styled, there was not enough time to preen, looking in the mirror for hours. Beloruchka is now unrecognizable. The “delicate flower” has changed not only outwardly, but she saw a lot with different eyes. Other nights, Nyuta wept quietly into her pillow. Her tears flowed about something that cannot be returned: about her parents, about not saying how much she loves them, and she also cried about the lost time that cannot be turned back. Life taught her a good lesson.

One winter morning, a magpie flew in with news on its tail. This bird always knew what was going on and where. Sometimes she even got into trouble because of her excessive curiosity, but this did not stop her. Each has its own shortcomings. Someone got used to being silent and listening more, and the white-sided magpie chirped all day long. Everything she saw or heard, she told everyone she met. She has such a restless character - many were angry, but over time they forgave the spilled secrets. This eccentric bird was also very fond of shiny and beautiful objects. No one and nothing could convince Magpie that "not all that glitters is gold."

Nyuta was tidying up in a forest hut when a long-tailed magpie flew in there. The bird loved the girl very much and believed that beauty was incapable of bad deeds. Here is such a wonderful magpie. Tired, but restless, she tried in every way to attract attention. A “long-tailed” flew in from a distant forest.

She flew up to the bear, all disheveled and animated.

Do you know, "clubfoot", what is happening in the distant forest? Wild bees have declared war on you, the bears, dispersed everyone into lairs and placed guards at the door - their biting winter relatives, snowflakes. Now, until spring, all the “toptygins” of that forest will be under strict arrest. If they disobey, they will not escape frost bites. Look, bear, the local bees would not have heard about it. Oh what a problem for you...

Looks "long-tailed" - the fox sweeps the floors with a broom. Until the bear got angry, the magpie went over with her conversations to her.

Fox, come for you Hard times. Nowadays, red collars and hats are in fashion. I saw young ladies living beyond the distant forest. They boasted of outfits, whose cap is more beautiful and brighter, and the collar is richer. I think that they cannot find a more beautiful fox coat. Not far off is the time when this fashion will get here ...

At these words, the fox only snorted and turned away, going about her business. Magpie immediately jumped to the frog with the news.

I heard horrors about you, green and marsh. Behind the distant forest and a little further away, people live, hunting for frog legs. They eat them and praise them with an overseas word - a delicacy ...

In surprise, the frog's eyes became even rounder and stared. Without answering the talkative bird, it began to work furiously with its grip. The "long-tailed" bounced away from the cook so that she would not accidentally hurt her.

- Hedgehog, what I’ll tell you, you won’t believe it - your brother is caught and shaved bald, and home-made Christmas trees are built from needles for the new year. They say that trees are more beautiful than forest ones ...

Before the hedgehog had time to look up at the magpie, she had already fluttered up to Anyuta.

Baby, how unhappy I am. You try to warn them of impending troubles, but they get angry with me. If you don’t say anything, you keep smiling, always kind and friendly with me. I want to help you in some way. No wonder I am an omnipresent and omniscient bird. Do not think that I boast, I heard the whisper of the wind with young birch trees in the grove. He, a prankster, entertained them with funny stories ...

The girl's eyes became anxiously expectant - a little more, and she would burst into tears.

Don't torment me, magpie. Is there any news about my parents?

The sailor said that in the dense forest a man and his wife settled with the goblin. They live, they say, they do not grieve, and are glad to find such a haven. They had a daughter, beloved and handsome, who drove her parents out of the house, she was not even sad when she was left alone. forest dwellers turned out to be kinder than their own child.

Really?... Maybe it's not them?... No, let it turn out that these are my parents!... And if they never forgive me? And they will be right! ... Let them. If only they were alive!

Why are you crying, my beauty. From tears, the eyes turn red and the nose. I didn't mean to upset you. That's it, no more news if they are unpleasant to my baby ...

No, do not go. Where does this goblin live? Have you heard anything else about them? How do they live? Did my parents stop loving me? Magpie, do you think you can get them back?

How can you not forgive such a beauty, with an angelic face? Of course they will come back to you. But here's the thing, my child. I did not ask the sail where that dense forest is. The conversation was overheard by accident, furtively. And the winds, you yourself know how "windy" they are. Finding it is even more difficult than the goblin's house.

Nyuta burst into burning tears. How to be now? There was hope, and as if it was not there.

Animals surrounded the girl from all sides, reassured her. Everyone offered their help. Nyuta sobbed more than ever. She was ready to go in search of her parents even to the ends of the world. But how to look them in the eyes and ask for forgiveness?

The next morning, Nyuta dressed warmly, as far as her clothes allowed, gathered a knapsack with food and went to look for the dwelling of the goblin, in the hope of a miracle. The frosty winter did not spare anyone. As soon as the girl went beyond the threshold, aspen leaf trembled. She looks, and a hare has followed her. It jumps, then stops and runs again. It turned out that the woodman gave warm mittens for Nyuta. The hare is in a hurry. Look, there are no gloves. Stop, find and jump again. The “beauty” was very happy with her fellow traveler, the road is shorter together and it’s more fun to go.

They go, they go. The bunny runs along the crust, does not fail, Nyuta barely drags her legs. One foot into the snowdrift, the other out of the snowdrift. "Long-eared" will run ahead, scout everything and come back for her. He will run around, tell about everything, and then he rushes to look for forest animals. Whom he does not see, he pesters with questions about the dwelling of the goblin. Only not everyone wanted to talk with the hare, some silently turned away and went about their business. There were those who tried to scare him with their growl. Because of all these difficulties, the search progressed slowly.

Several days have passed. Nyuta walked, unable to raise her head. And suddenly he hears a rattle above him, this white-sided magpie caught up with them. With her energy and talkativeness, she could help a girl. Two is good, but three is even better. Nyuta and the hare were glad for the magpie. She now flew ahead and told a pitiful story about an unfortunate, but very beautiful girl who is looking for missing parents.

A lot of time passed on the way. Finally, they found the dwelling of the goblin. About him, there were various stories, one more terrible than the other. With bated breath, Nyuta knocked on the door to the owner of this place. She was very surprised to see in front of her, an awkward, a little shaggy, a little humpbacked, a little mossy and scary old man. He did not justify the hopes of the rest of the travelers. Magpie did not like the goblin, because she was an esthete. The monstrous appearance and wickedness could command respect and fear. Such is forty. It was impossible to convince her.

The hare, on the other hand, slightly favored by the goblin, forgot about all safety. Catch him here with your bare hands. Such a bunny is avid for affection and praise. Each has its own shortcomings.

Nyuta came to her senses a little, and told the goblin about her misadventures, that she repented of her previous deeds and was looking for her missing parents. Forty every minute tried to wedged into the conversation. Embellish the circumstances, and put Anyuta in a more pleasant light. Leshy listened to them silently. His face was gloomy. Even the little bunny noticed it. Long-eared sat down on the goblin's knees and began to caress. His trick worked, the old man smiled.

I didn’t want to help you, but I can’t resist your friends. Especially the efforts of the bunny touches me. More such devoted friends, and you can not be afraid of anyone or anything.

Do you know anything about my parents? Where are they? How to find them?

This summer I was visiting a marsh kikimora and saw a man and a woman in her possessions.

Did they tell you how they ended up in the swamps?

Yes. With the only difference that with big love they talked about their daughter and were sad because of the impossibility of seeing each other.

The old woman kikimore got bored of living alone in her swamp. She was satisfied with the appearance uninvited guests. Now your parents live without worries and worries, only the old woman does not let them go home.

What an evil, this kikimora! Maybe she bewitched them?

No. She is just a lonely old woman who needs attention and care. Maybe a little selfish. Kikimora does not want to let them go.

What to do now? How to get them out?

I've told you everything I know, and the rest is up to you.

Goblin fed Nyuta and his friends, gave him a drink, and put him to bed. In the morning he called a bunny to him, whispered something in his ear, and hung a whistle around his neck. Goodbye without tears. Goblin was restrained in expressing tenderness.

We walked through the snowdrifts, as before; the hare ran, Anyuta fell through, making every step with difficulty, and the magpie flew ahead of everyone. The road was not close, but it was known where to go. Leshy suggested.

Some time later, friends got to the swamp. Found a home kikimora. There was a knock on the door, and Nyuta's parents came out to meet them. They threw themselves into each other's arms and wept a little. After talking a little, the friends remembered why they were here. Nyuta hurried her parents to run away from here until the kikimora returned. And I was very surprised when they refused. The girl took everything personally, decided that her parents had not forgiven her. They didn’t have time to sort out the grievances, but on the threshold is the hostess - the kikimora. It is not difficult to describe her, an old lean old woman, covered in mud and swamp mud. It's far from a beauty, but you can't call a monster either.

Who brought me here?

I am the daughter of your captives, and these are my friends.

Well, why did you complain to me? The case is not for the parents?

Yes, behind them.

I won’t let them go so easily, I lose such interlocutors.

How can we be, what should we do?

What will you take from you? They themselves are half-dressed and must think they are hungry for everything. Help set the table. Then it will be visible.

I got drunk, fed the kikimor friends and announced her decision.

You see for yourself, Nyuta, I am old and not very pretty. I want to be young and beautiful.

What can I do to help?

I will exchange my guests for your youth and beauty.

Grandma, is it possible?

There is nothing impossible. All you have to do is agree and I'll do the rest. My neighbor, from a hut on chicken legs, taught me how to cook a magic broth. Drink it and you can take your parents back.

And what will happen to me?

You will become an old and ugly old woman. Only that and everything.

Grandma, have pity on me. Do you have another wish?

There is no trial, my dear. Everyone will remain in their own interest. Especially since your parents are already accustomed to living with me.

I agree.

Nyuta sat on a stump, called her friends over to say goodbye to the former beautiful young woman. The hare and the magpie consoled her as best they could. They said that she would be as sweet to them in any guise as before.

Mother and father dissuade the daughter. Like, they don’t have so much to live in this world, and she has her whole life ahead of her.

Here is a kikimora preparing a decoction. Stirring it, casts spells. She scoops up the finished potion with a wooden scoop and flies to Anyuta. She gathered her courage and already brings the ladle to her lips, drinking something pleasant, similar to cranberry jelly.

Well girl, the rest will take care of itself. You can pick up your parents and go home.

They said goodbye to the marsh kikimora and set off on their way back. They returned happily and easily. The road no longer seemed long and difficult, as before. On the way back, they visited the goblin, an old forest man with animals, thanked everyone for their help and shared their joy.

They returned to their home. Nyuta took a bucket with a yoke and went for water in order to restore cleanliness and order in the hut. She bent over the well - lo and behold, her former reflection in the water. The girl did not believe her eyes. She returned and addressed her parents with questions. Here the secret of the old woman kikimora was revealed, her broth really turned out to be jelly. The idea of ​​the mistress of the swamp helped to understand how much Nyuta loves her father and mother.

All of them now live, live, and make good, because they know a big secret. People are not judged by their appearance. Trying to get to know first. To condemn is not long, to know another is the most difficult thing.

This is how one of the wonderful tales of the forester ended, and he had many of them, one better than the other.

Having heard a lot of fairy tales, the grandchildren decided to go look for the old forest man to ask him to return their parents. The children dressed warmly and went to the forest.

Nast creaked under their steps. The night was coming. The darker it got, the brighter the snow sparkled. Only here it became harder to go and very scary. After all, predatory animals do not sleep at night. Was it the wolves howling, or was it the wind? The owls are gone. And many other incomprehensible, suspicious sounds surrounded the children.

Hope for a miracle new year's eve helped the children overcome fatigue and fears. Their little feet got stuck in the snow. With every minute it was getting harder to walk. Finally exhausted, the children sat down on a snow-covered stump and could no longer get up from it. Fatigue knocked them off their feet, and the frost began to make them sleepy. So the children would freeze, only ...

Suddenly, from behind the bushes, two lights appeared and a shadow flickered. There was a crunch of branches and quick footsteps. gray shadow closer and closer, and now she turns into a gray wolf. Horror seized the children. Are they destined to die on this fabulous night? They look - some kind of strange wolf, dragging behind him in his teeth a large dried branch of a tree, and on it brushwood. And the “gray robber” did not rush at the children, he only looked pitifully and suddenly spoke like a human being. This only happens on New Year's Eve.

Children, why are you walking alone in the forest at such a late hour?

Don't be afraid of me, it's better to tell me how to help you.

The boy grew a little bolder and told the wolf how and why they ended up here. To which the "gray" responded like this.

Sit on brushwood, we're on the way. I'm heading to the forest hut. All its inhabitants are preparing to welcome the new year. And so that it was warm and light in the hut, I went out for brushwood. Go. I think the woodsman will be glad to have guests.

Children believed gray wolf, sat down on brushwood and went to a forest hut. They decided that if on this magical night even the beast of the forest spoke human voice there must be a miracle. The kids were in good mood and sang New Year's songs cheerfully all the way. The road was not close, the children were tired, worn out, wandering through the forest, so they did not notice how they reached the hut. Woke up from the chirping of a magpie. She saw the little guests and let's stick with her questions.

Oh how small. Where did you come from in the forest to us? How did your parents let you go alone on a dark night? You, children, do not be afraid of anyone, we will not offend you.

The children opened their eyes and saw fairytale house in all its glory. At moonlight, all covered with snow, the hut sparkled with silver. In front of her grew a huge spruce, which was no less beautiful than her relatives, decorated with tinsel and bright toys.

The door swung open, and a gray-haired, shaggy old man appeared on the threshold. He smiled at them kindly and invited the children into the hut.

Fun and laughter rushed to meet the children from open doors. They were even more surprised that predatory animals dance with harmless herbivorous animals. Then a dereza goat came into the center of the room, stamped her hooves and let's tap out a cheerful dance. Only the dishes on the wooden table are swaying. The frog also does not want to lag behind, he sings his swamp song: “Kwa da qua”. That's all her words. But it's very fun. The rest of the animals could not resist and also began to dance. They dance and sing a New Year's song:

On the threshold of the new year, Holiday and fun. Anyway, he will come to us, Like a housewarming party. Let the blizzard sweep in the morning And the blizzard will swirl. This snowy mountain will make friends with all the guys. We are glad for the holiday with frost, And we are glad with snow. There will be white birches Warm outfits.

The girl had long dreamed of holding a live white hare in her arms, but here she was so lucky - she was lucky to jump together. You could make noise, jump and do whatever you want. The boy was lucky to make friends with the bear. Not everyone will be so lucky. The other animals were also very kind to them. Each of them wanted to please the poor things with something, especially after they heard them sad story. The frog and the mouse regaled the children with cranberry and raspberry pies. The goat brought milk in an earthenware jug. The bear treated me with honey and did not forgive refusals. The fox spread fragrant hay to the children near the hot stove, so that they could sleep sweetly. Having had fun, everyone went to bed next to the sniffling babies.

The kids were satisfied with the gifts they received and a fun New Year spent in the forest hut. Tired, but joyful, they fell into a strong magical sleep, because the forest man promised them that everything would be fine.

They woke up in their beds. The wood crackled nicely in the oven. A pendulum clock ticked on the wall. Grandmother was busy at the stove, it smelled of fresh bread. From the next room came the joyful whisper of grandfather and ...

These were the parents. A miracle happened. But where did the forest hut with its inhabitants go? Did they get it all? But here they are, the gifts of the old forest man: a glorious rag doll sewn by Nyuta and wooden soldier carved by her father. The forest grandfather said that now every new year they bring gifts to his hut for kind and obedient children.

The children tightly pressed the toys to themselves and ran to their parents with joyful cries, slapping the floor with their bare feet. Now they are not afraid of the cold floor. With them next to the closest and Dear people- parents and grandparents.

When the children grow up, and their children have their own, they will tell fairy tales to their grandchildren. Starting in the same way as their grandparents did many years ago: “Whether it was or not, my grandfather told me, and he was told by a forester, an old local old man” ... Only now there will be one more fairy tale with a happy ending.

What does a baby need to sleep peacefully and soundly? Of course bedtime story! Short good tales calm the baby and give wonderful dreams.

How Bunny Learned to Jump

Once upon a time there was a Bunny who couldn't jump. He, of course, moved, but in a different way, moving his paws like a cat. Because of this, the other rabbits, his brothers and sisters, made fun of him. The bunny was very worried about this and, finally, firmly decided to learn how to jump. One day he got up and walked into the forest, hoping to find someone who would teach him how to jump.

Zainka walked for a long time until he reached the pond. Then he saw the Frog.
- That's who will help me, - Zainka was delighted and ran up to her, - Frog, please teach me how to jump.
- Why not teach? - answered the frog, - Look! You stand on the shore near the water, sharply push off with your hind legs, once, and you are in the pond.
The frog said this and demonstrated how it jumped into the water.
Bunny went to the pond, touched the water with his paw and walked away. He thought that he couldn't swim either. After thinking a little, Zainka quietly slipped away until the frog emerged from his pond. He wandered on.

Suddenly, he saw a Kangaroo. The kid deftly jumped, trying to reach a branch with a bulk apple.
- Hooray, Kangaroo will definitely help me, - said Bunny and ran up to him. - Hello, Kangaroo, teach me how to jump as well as you.
- It's easy - you stand on hind legs, leaning on the tail and jumping up, - the kangaroo showed how it was and finally got a ripe apple. - Wow, you did it! Now you try!
The bunny stood up on its hind legs and tried to lean on its little tail. But he lost his balance and fell on his back, hitting the ground painfully.
- Oh-oh-oh, - groaned Zainka, - how painful! No, I can't jump like you, I'm sorry.

Bunny wandered on. Suddenly he heard a cheerful song and saw the girl Masha skipping along the path. The girl had a birthday today and she was given a lot of gifts and balloons. That's why Masha had good mood, she jumped on one, then on two legs. She had a beautiful blue ball in her hand.

Girl, - our Bunny dared to turn, - you are so great at jumping, but I don’t know how, teach me, please!
- With pleasure, - agreed Masha.

The girl picked up a sharp twig from the ground and pricked her blue ball. It burst with a deafening bang and echoed throughout the forest. Poor Zainka, hearing this terrible unfamiliar sound, jumped so high! And then he took off running. He ran fast, skipping like a real hare, until he reached the house. The hares began to torment him, where did he learn to jump like that. Finally, the Bunny calmed down, understood and was glad that he still learned to jump.

Since then, he often told this story to his brothers, then to his children, then to his grandchildren. True, since then the hares have become cowardly and have begun to be afraid of everything.

Let short bedtime stories become a good tradition and bring you closer to the baby.

On our site "Tales of the peoples of the world" you can find huge collection fairy tales and a large collection of audio fairy tales for children. This section is dedicated to this information.

In fact, we still remember audio fairy tales from our deep and happy childhood. Almost every family had in its arsenal a music player and a collection of records for it. And, of course, among the records, popular at that time, there were recordings of audio fairy tales that we loved so much. Mom put her favorite fairy tale recorded on the record player on the player, and we got into the world of good magic. We grew up on these audio works and now it's time to introduce them to our children.

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What do you think is the advantage of audio fairy tales? Most likely, they know how to wake up and develop the imagination of kids. Teach them to fantasize and dream. When a child listens to audio fairy tales, he draws in his imagination magical worlds, brave heroes who bravely protect beautiful princesses. At this time, speech develops well and replenishes vocabulary. For this reason, listening to audio fairy tales is both useful and convenient. This makes it possible, at least for a short time, to distract and calm the child.

Our section stores a variety of audio files for children. Here you can listen to audio fairy tales by various authors - the Brothers Grimm, Charles Perrault, Hans Christian Andersen and others, as well as folk tales. Listening to audio with us, your child will be able to get acquainted with vast world fairy tales and find stories in it that will become his favorite works. He will return to them again and again! It happens that the baby does not want to fall asleep in any way and all the time demands that his mother be there. But, unfortunately, my mother still has a lot of unfinished business. This is where audio tales for the night come to the rescue. Choose a calm long story. And the baby will fall asleep sweetly.

If you, dear visitors, are uncomfortable listening to fairy tales for some reason, you have the opportunity to download audio fairy tales. On our site, all audio fairy tales are free and it will not be difficult to download them. This process will take you a minimum of time and will not bring you any inconvenience. After that, you can start listening to fairy tales in more convenient conditions for you.

We remind you once again that all the material on our website is absolutely free and available for review and listening, all free audio fairy tales are presented in mp3 format and are collected for you in this section. It is much more convenient with the help of our resource to get acquainted with those of interest to you. magical stories, listen to fairy tales online and after that purchase a disc with the recordings you like.

And lastly. We take into account the desire of our visitors to download free audio fairy tales. And yet, we would like you and your children to listen to audio fairy tales online on our website, having the opportunity to listen to as many as possible fairy tales with your favorite characters.

Children's audio fairy tales listen and download

You looked in the category of the site Russian folk tales. Here you will find full list Russian fairy tales from Russian folklore. The long-known and beloved characters of folk tales will meet you here with joy, and once again tell you about their interesting and entertaining adventures.

Russian folk tales are divided into the following groups:

Tales about animals;

Fairy tales;

household tales.

The heroes of Russian folk tales are often represented as animals. So the wolf has always displayed the greedy and evil, the fox is cunning and savvy, the bear is strong and kind, and the hare is a weak and cowardly person. But the moral of these stories was that you should not hang a yoke even on yourself. evil hero, because there can always be a cowardly hare who can outwit the fox and defeat the wolf.

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The Russian folk tale also plays an educational role. Good and evil are clearly demarcated and give a clear answer to specific situation. For example, Kolobok, who ran away from home, considered himself independent and brave, but on the way he came across a cunning fox. A child, even the smallest one, will conclude for himself that, after all, he could have been in the place of the kolobok.

Russian folk tale is suitable even for the smallest children. And as the child grows up, there will always be a suitable instructive Russian fairy tale that can give a hint or even an answer to a question that the child cannot yet solve on his own.

Thanks to the beauty of Russian speech read Russian folk tales pure pleasure. They store and folk wisdom and light humor, which are skillfully intertwined in the plot of each fairy tale. Reading fairy tales to children is very useful, as it replenishes the child’s vocabulary well and helps him to form his thoughts correctly and clearly in the future.

There is no doubt that Russian fairy tales will allow adults to plunge into the world of childhood and magical fantasies for many happy moments. A fairy tale on the wings of a magical firebird will take you to an imaginary world and make you break away from everyday problems more than once. All fairy tales are presented for review absolutely free of charge.

Russian folk tales read

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