In my cantata. Welcome - this is my VKontakte page


In order to register and get a personal page (VK profile), you need to complete only 5 steps.

Registration is not possible without:

  • Internet access.
  • Mobile phone.
  • Direct hands.

Step 1. Go to the page Under "Instant registration" there are two columns "Your name" and "Your last name", fill in and click the "Register" button.

Step 2. Choose the school where you studied. There are also two columns "Country of School" and "City of School". We fill in, the 3rd “School” will appear, write down, then “year of issue”, “class”. After filling in, photos with the names of people we know will open below. If we know, add them as friends (make add to friends) and move on.

Step 3. “Country of the university”, “City of the university”, “University”, if you studied, fill in, if not, skip and click “skip the search for classmates”.

Step 4. We link the page to a personal mobile phone. Enter the phone number, click "get code". After 5 seconds, an SMS with a 5-digit code will come to the phone, enter it in the last column (the binding is free, it does not withdraw money from the account). After that, enter your personal password. And all of you are registered in Vkontakte, you have become part of a multi-million community.

Step 5. Entered the personal page. Upload your photo, edit, fill in accurate information about yourself and go ahead to communicate with friends, listen to music, watch videos, play applications, share interesting news.

How to register Vkontakte without a phone number:

Vkontakte entrance to the personal page.

As soon as they don’t call it, everyone’s favorite and part-time - the most popular social network in Runet: “Contact”, “VK”, “”, “VKontakte”, etc. There can be many names, but the essence is one, the main page of Vkontakte, and the page on which you enter VK, is located at: or you can go to you will still be redirected to it. Good luck!

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. In one of the previous articles, we are in every possible detail (in terms of convenience and security). Now it's time to get acquainted directly with what "My Page" provides us, which you get to immediately after entering VK and at the top of which you can see the welcome inscription "Welcome".

In fact, this is the very main thing that makes up the entire social network Vkontakte. It is hundreds of millions of "My Pages" that form the huge interest of the audience in this project. There are, of course, and, and, but it is the personal profiles of network residents that are profiling in this system. According to the data contained on these pages, you can, for example, or get to know those who are of interest to you during communication in the vastness of this social network.

"My Page" is your calling card, which will be viewed and studied by hundreds and thousands of VK residents. Therefore, it makes sense to pay due attention to its design, as well as take care of the security settings so that all sorts of "radishes" could not get too detailed information about you from there, which seriously undermines your security (not only virtual, but also real). Be open to communication, but at the same time vigilant. How to do it? Let's get a look...

How "My Page" is arranged and what can be done with it

So, what opportunities does the social network Vkontakte provide us with?

  1. Firstly, you can leave information about yourself on the pages of this network (fill out your profile) to the extent you see fit (information can be real, or maybe fictional). All this will be displayed on the so-called "My page", which is always available from the left menu of any page in Contact.
  2. Secondly, you can set the access settings for the personal information you provide - to whom exactly and what will be visible on your page.
  3. Thirdly, of course, on the network you can communicate with other users ( correspond). Moreover, this can be done both privately (through private messages that only you and your opponent will see), and publicly, exposing your correspondence to the public and possible discussion. The latter is carried out by leaving messages on the so-called "wall" (a very important section of "My Page"), or when communicating in groups or commenting on other people's messages.
  4. Fourthly, through the news feed, you can track all the events taking place on the pages of your friends or communities (groups or publics) to which you have subscribed.
  5. Well, you can also leave comments, as well as upload various media content (photos, videos, documents) and create polls.

As you can see, it is your page in Vkontakte (as well as the "my pages" of other users with whom you make friends or just want to chat) that is the basis of the entire network (its bricks). It is on their basis that communication is built, and such tools as groups and publics are auxiliary. Let's try to figure it out with the device and settings of "My Page" in Contact.

You can look like this (it all depends on how seriously you approached the process of its design):

In order to add or change photo(its still) on "My Page", it will be enough just to move the mouse cursor to it and select the desired item from the drop-down menu.

By the way, "my pages" of many famous people are marked with checkmarks after the first and last name - this means that their owners have passed verification of your official public page :

How to set up status and add an entry on my page in VK

To change status you just need to click on it with the mouse and enter a new slogan (there are entire sites with a list of freaky statuses that you can borrow).

By the way, sometimes it may be appropriate to display an emotion in your status - read about that in the article above).

Also in status the music that you listen to through the built-in VK capabilities will be broadcast. Those. a person viewing your page will be able to listen to it too and understand that you have a lot in common (or vice versa). If you think this is superfluous, then when editing the status, simply uncheck the box shown in the screenshot.

The status will also display which game you, for example, are currently playing (meaning games from applications for Vkontakte). This may serve as a kind of invitation to join you. If this also seems superfluous to you for displaying on your page, then in the application (game) settings you can uncheck the "Show application on my page during the game" checkbox.

A little lower on your page in VK is the so-called wall. By default, only you can leave posts on it, and other users of the social network can leave comments on them if this is not changed in the settings. It is very easy to leave a message on the wall of your page - enter it in the form located above all posts. If desired, you can add a photo, video, audio, graffiti, note, document, map or survey to it using the "Attach" button located just below.

If you paste it into the message input field on your wall in Vkontakte a link to a web page, then instead of it, in a split second, the title of this page, an image and its description will appear. For example, in this way I share (share) announcements of my new blog posts on my VK page.

If you want to leave a private post on my page, which only your friends will have to see, then you will first need to click on the number of posts on your wall (see the previous screenshot), and then enter a message in the window that opens and do not forget to check the "Friends Only" box.

In general, set up who exactly can leave posts on your Contact page (wall), it will be possible by simply going from the left menu to "My Settings" and then to the tab " privacy” (in the section “Entries on the page”):

By default, only you can add and see (posts and comments to them), but the privacy settings on the “My Page” of the Vkontakte social network allow you to vary the whole thing in a fairly wide range.

Something else you can conjure in the settings on the "General" tab. There you can, for example, configure the display of only your posts on the wall, and you can also prevent users from leaving comments on posts on your page in Contact:

Setting up My Page

But back to the design of your own page in Contact. You can see the degree of completeness of the profile in percentage terms just below the avatar. For each additionally filled in important field or action, additional percentages are charged (for example, 25 percent will be added for an avatar photo, another 10 percent for school data, etc.).

In order to start editing "My Page" (enter your personal information), it will be enough to click either on the small "Edit" button next to the item of the same name in the left menu, or click on the button "Edit page", located under your avatar (or where it should be).

How much information about yourself to report depends on your goals and objectives for which you registered on this social network. If you want everyone to be able to find you on VK, then indicate real information (first name, last name, year of birth, places and years of study, etc.). If, on the contrary, you want to remain unrecognized, then no one prevents you from using a pseudonym.

In addition to the first and last name, date of birth, city, marital status, language and gender, you are immediately offered (on the “Basic” tab) burn down your entire family clan(or only that part of it that is tightly seated in Contact). Here they ask the wife to find among the VK accounts, and the grandmother, and the parents, and the children, and even the grandchildren. We need all this social network so that people can easily find each other, at least through relatives. Don't forget to click on the "Save" button.

On the tab "Contacts" you are offered to provide (optionally) almost all possible contact details: home and mobile phones, skype, website address and even the full home address you can share if you wish (which I personally do not advise you to do).

Please note that phone numbers can only be shown to certain users by selecting the option that best suits you from the drop-down menu next to the word “visible”. Very comfortable mulka.

Tab « Interests"will help your new acquaintances evaluate you in absentia according to the information found on your page, and also some of your old acquaintances can help you find you in the sea of ​​​​Contact users. By default, VK is not possible indicate your patronymic or(by which your old acquaintances may well search for you). But don't be discouraged. All this data can be specified in the "About Me" field at the very bottom of the contents of the "Interests" tab.

If you want to your former classmates and classmates could easily find you in the open spaces of VK, then do not apply add education information to your page(number of school, year of study, name of the university, etc.). If your old acquaintances are looking for you, then this information will help them significantly narrow the circle of persons suitable for your installation data.

Well, three more tabs will remain to be viewed and filled in if desired. Actually, everything. It remains only to go over the privacy and security settings of the Contact once again (we have already touched on them in passing a little higher). After that, it will be possible to start acquaintance (fortunately, we have already prepared our portfolio in the form of a profile page) and or any interesting things in the vastness of this truly immense social network. Yes, if you suddenly feel an itch, then, but doing this is not as easy as it seems.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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It happens that the mobile version of VKontakte opens, but you need to enter the full version (regular, web version). How to do it?

In the mobile application on the phone, you can not enter the full version. It is best to use a browser on a computer, laptop, tablet. But it is also possible through the browser on the phone (Safari, Chrome), only it will be very small, and you will have to increase it. Here we talk about all the ways to enter the full version, on all devices.

How to switch to the full version

If you are now in mobile (, you can switch from mobile to full:

How to open the full version of VK on a computer, tablet

Click "Full version" in the left column of the menu, at the bottom (penultimate item):

How to open the full version of VK on the phone

Attention! This advice is not suitable for a mobile application (an application is a program installed on your phone with the “VK” icon). The full version can be opened in the mobile version of the VK website, which you access through a browser on your phone (for example, Chrome or Safari) at

  1. Open the main menu in the mobile version ( button in the top left corner three stripes).
  2. Scroll down if you can't see all the items.
  3. Click "Full version".

And you can also open the full version of VK simply by clicking on the link (more on that later).

On the phone, the full version will look small, so you have to spread the image with your fingers to zoom in and get where you want. But if there is no other device besides a smartphone at hand now, this is a completely working solution.

How to quickly open the full version of VKontakte

You can open the full version of VKontakte through the "Login" start page. Open it at website, find In contact with and click there. You can connect your page with the button "Entrance"(you will need to give access permission) to always see if you have new messages and other events without going online. You can enter the full version of VK with one click on the rectangle "In contact with", as well as quickly open messages, online friends, new comments, etc.

How to open the full version of VKontakte using the link

The full version of VKontakte can be opened directly from this link: Full version. The full version is also called "regular", "normal", "web version", "computer", "desktop".

How to make the link open the full version of VK, and not the mobile one?

It became

In exactly the same way, you can correct the address in the address bar of the browser to open the full version of the same page you are on. You need to click on the address bar, remove the letter m and the dot at the beginning, and then click Enter on the keyboard (or button "Go", "Open" in the browser itself).

Why do we need a full version of VK, why is it better than mobile?

Only in the full version are available all the features of the site that are not available in the mobile version and in the phone applications. For example, creating a request to support agents. In addition, in the full version there are no restrictions when restoring access to the page and in general there are much fewer problems with this - in particular, with attaching photos and entering a verification code. It is also easier to understand the reasons for blocking a page through it and unblock it. Therefore, for such cases, we recommend that you always use the full version of the VKontakte website.

Why is the mobile version open?

This usually happens because someone posted a link like this letter "m" at the beginning of the link leads you to the mobile version. It's just that the person was sitting through the mobile and copied such a link from himself. When other people go through it, they get to the mobile. It's okay, because now you know how to enter the full version of VKontakte!

Why does something not work in the full version?

Most often, if you have problems in the full version of the VKontakte site, it means that you have problems with your browser. Clean up temporary files, reinstall it, update it or install another one.

The popular social network VKontakte has existed for more than 10 years, and during this time it has not only not lost popularity, but on the contrary, it is only gaining it from year to year, stepping over the figure of 60 million!
A lot of changes have taken place over these 10 years, and now this site is not at all the site that it was in 2006, when it just appeared. The domain name was changed from to a shorter and more convenient one - The owner has also changed: earlier it was Pavel Durov, and now the Group holding.
The main audience is young people under 25: schoolchildren and students. But even despite this, the Contact also includes older people, up to pensioners.
The set of functions available to the user is very wide: creating an account and your page, posting photos, audio and video content, creating groups, combining users into events of interest, tracking news and, most importantly, communication, communication and more communication!!!

What is "My Page" in a contact?

So that your classmates, friends and acquaintances can find you, indicate on it your last name and first name, as well as the place of residence, study and work. You can, of course, enter fake data. That is, whatever. It's just that no one will be able to find your person. Does it need this? You are not a spy! Therefore, it is better to provide truthful information about yourself. This is a good tone and not only in social networks! And in order to restrict access to personal information to strangers, just hide them in the settings, namely in the “Privacy” section.

As a result, you can make sure that only your friends will see information about you. Everyone else will see something like this:

That is, first name, last name, birthday and year. Nothing else important will be displayed in My Page on! In slang, this operation is called "Remove Contact Wall". As you can see, everything is very simple and fast!

How to go to "My Page" from other sections of the site?!

The first paragraph in it is the necessary link that will lead you to the main page of your account. It will automatically open after you pass authorization when entering the portal with your username and password. So I guess don't get lost!

Advice! To go directly to My VKontakte page after you have opened the browser, just make the social network the home page. This is done very easily. You need to go to your browser settings. I will explain on the example of Google Chrome, on Opera and Yandex.Browser everything is done in exactly the same way.

Find the "Network" section and click on the "Change proxy settings" button. A window like this should open:

Here, on the "General" tab, in the "Home page" field, enter the link Click on "OK". Now the browser will automatically go directly to My Vkontakte page at startup. For the Mozilla FireFox browser, the sequence of actions is about the same, the only difference is in the design of the settings menu. But the meaning of the action is exactly the same.

What sections are there in "My Page" on VK.COM?!

Using the main menu of the site, you can see the News that happened to your friends and comrades, enter the correspondence through the "Messages" item, add or delete someone in the "Friends" list, join a new Community.

There is also a menu item that is responsible for your photos, audio recordings, games and applications.

VKontakte does not open, the page is unavailable - why and what to do ?!

Let's look at the most common case - yesterday everything was fine, but today when you try to enter Contact, the page does not open. What to do? It largely depends on what you see on the screen. If the password just flew off or temporary browser files were cleaned, then the social network start page with an authorization form will be displayed:

Just enter your username and password again and click on the "Login" button. My VK page should immediately open.
If you see a page like the screenshot below, then your page has been hacked:

You should not be afraid, the administrators have already noticed this and have frozen the account activity. You need to click on the "Restore" button and continue when the confirmation code comes to your phone. Keep in mind that in this case the real VK.COM website will not ask you to provide your mobile phone number:

And even more so, you will not be asked for money for unlocking. If you are faced with such a fact, then know that this is a virus. Download and install some good antivirus and check your system disk with it.

After the malicious script or program is found and neutralized, access to My Vkontate page will be restored again.

In any case - if something seems suspicious to you and you want to check it - just go to the social network from your tablet, phone or other computer. As a result, it will immediately become clear what is the reason and what needs to be done. All the best!!!

After receiving an SMS - a message you get the opportunity to activate your account. And here it is a happy moment - in Contact entry: my page.

The content of the page depends on your goals. Contact does not oblige its users to complete all fields, but keep in mind that the more detailed your profile is filled out, the easier it is for you.

Plus, the VKontakte network system gives your page a higher rating if the percentage of its completion is high enough. For example:

  • 25% - photography,
  • 20% - an indication of the school where you studied,
  • 20% - hobbies,
  • 10% - talk about your career,
  • 5% - data of a higher educational institution, etc.

My page VKontakte - filling

  • Name and surname. If you plan to communicate with old acquaintances, it is better to write real ones. If you want to remain "incognito" - use a pseudonym.
  • Status. An interesting field that everyone fills in to the best of their imagination - jokes, smart and not very sayings, quotes according to the mood.
  • Marital status, gender and date of birth. Love congratulations - fill in!
  • Next, you have the opportunity to create a family clan by listing relatives registered on VKontakte.
  • Your contacts follow. Don't get suspicious, but also be nonchalant. Perhaps it makes sense not to put your place of residence and phone number on public display, but to make it available only to trusted acquaintances.

And literally in a minute you will become the proud owner of the ability to enter the VKontakte page without a password and even without a login.

Unfortunately, there is not yet a service to log in without a password to my page in Vkontakte from a regular desktop computer.

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