Vasily Stepanov hospitalized after falling from a window. Vasily Stepanov called the reasons for the fall from the fifth floor: "I was advised to choose a higher floor" Vasily Stepanov fell from the third floor


Russian actor Vasily Stepanov, who became famous after the release of the film "Inhabited Island" by Fyodor Bondarchuk, spoke about the reasons for his fall from the fifth floor. According to Vasily, this did not happen by chance.

Yes, I fell, it was not an accident. And no one pushed me ... It’s only a pity that I let people down with the shooting, missed the deadlines.

- said Vasily Life. Vasily says that he jumped from the third floor, but his neighbors are sure that the actor jumped from the fifth floor of the apartment in which he lives.

According to brother Vasily Maxim, he did not want to draw attention to himself with his act:

Vasya will prove that this is not PR when he recovers. As the district police officer said, Vasya is not dangerous to society, he is dangerous only to himself.

Vasily's ex-girlfriend, actress Daria Yegora, told Komsomolskaya Pravda that the actor suffered from manic depression and refused roles himself:

When we were together, Vasya was a very popular actor. He had many offers from worthy directors. He himself refused them. And now he is invited to appear, but he rejects the proposals. Doesn't even read. He just says no, that's all. And then, for some reason, he says everywhere that they forgot about him. I took care of Vasya's health for five years. I had strong feelings for Stepanov, I went to hospitals with him, took him to psychologists. Doctors diagnosed him with manic depression.

Vasily Stepanov and Daria Egorova met for several years, they lived together for two years, the actor made an offer to Dasha. However, the wedding never followed, the couple broke up due to Vasya's health problems.

I was provided with the necessary medical assistance, but the psychiatrist recommended that next time I choose a higher floor. It seemed that I was attracting attention to myself, but this is far from the case.

Vasily told indignantly.

According to the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, Vasily is now in the Alekseev psychiatric hospital, he was diagnosed with schizophrenia, Stepanov will be treated for at least a month if his relatives do not take him home on their own responsibility. After falling from the fifth floor, Vasya's brother assured Life that he and his mother would take turns looking after Vasya.

In 2016, Vasily turned 30 years old, on his anniversary, the actor complained to reporters that he could not find a job:

I've been to a bunch of castings, but they don't take me anywhere. I negotiated with the producers, but in the end everything calmed down. I was offered to shoot in a video clip in Germany, but, unfortunately, I did not have a foreign passport, and connections to get it in three days, too. I'm looking for any job, even tried to get a job with the police.

Film "Inhabited Island"

In 2016, for the first time in many years, Vasily began acting, he took part in the historical project of Alexei Pimanov “Tankers”, however, in the winter of 2017, Stepanov slipped and broke his spine, they collected money for Vasily’s treatment on the Internet, due to a spinal injury, the shooting had to be postponed. On the eve it became known that Vasily Stepanov fell from the fifth floor of the apartment in Moscow where he lived. Stepanov was taken to the hospital with fractures of the pelvis, right shoulder, heel bones and numerous bruises.

MOSCOW, April 13 - RIA Novosti. Actor Vasily Stepanov, who played the main role in the film "Inhabited Island", fell out of the window of an apartment building in Moscow. Now the artist is at home.

What's happened

A source familiar with the situation told RIA Novosti that the incident occurred on Monday. According to him, the actor fell from a small height - from about the third floor.

"After the fall, he remained alive, refused hospitalization," the source said.

As the source noted, Stepanov himself jumped down, but the motive for this act is not yet known.

The fact that happened in the house on Davydkovskaya Street was confirmed by the press service of the Moscow Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. However, they refused to name the victim.

On the state of the actor

The film is an adaptation of the fantastic story by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. According to the plot, Maxim Kammerer is a pilot of the Free Search Group, whose starship made an emergency landing on the planet Saraksh.

Both parts were leaders in Russian distribution and were among the highest grossing films in Europe in 2009. At the same time, given the large budget (more than 35 million dollars), the film never paid off.

"Inhabited Island" won the Golden Eagle awards for Best Cinematography (Maxim Osadchy), Best Music (Yuri Poteenko) and Best Editing (Igor Litoninsky).

The main role in Fyodor Bondarchuk's film "Inhabited Island", based on the book by the Strugatsky brothers, lifted the young actor Vasily Stepanov to the top of the film Olympus. Additional popularity to the artist was brought by his bright appearance - the girls were simply crazy about Vasily. It would seem that Stepanov was threatened with a dizzying career in which one star role would be replaced by another.


But it didn't work out. After filming with Bondarchuk, Stepanov never made a film appearance, although he participated in various television projects and even became a host. Despite the fact that his name was on everyone's lips, Vasily could not pull out a new lucky ticket. He went to audition for a long time, but all the time he heard refusals. “I was at a bunch of castings, but they don’t take me anywhere. I negotiated with the producers, but in the end everything calmed down. I was offered to star in a video in Germany, but, unfortunately, I didn’t have a foreign passport, but three days to get it, I don’t have it, ”Vasily told reporters.

Stepanov admitted that he was ready to take on any job. Allegedly, he worked as a loader, a night bus washer, tried to get a job in the police, to make a modeling career. All to no avail. Soon Stepanov suffered a new misfortune: his bride Daria Egorova left him. By the way, in a conversation with reporters, she claimed that the doctors diagnosed the unsuccessful actor with "manic depression".

Egorova claimed that Stepanov, contrary to the official version, received many offers for filming, but he himself refused. “He just doesn’t want to act anymore. He just became disillusioned with the cinema. This is a very difficult question, you know, when a person has a psychological shift, his behavior is very difficult to explain. His reality is confused with the past, with the future, with the events that he experienced. He doesn't know what he wants," Yegorova said. Daria bluntly said that she broke up with him because he "has no will", and "to drag everything on myself, building family relationships with him, it would be very difficult for me."

In August 2015, Vasily Stepanov was urgently hospitalized. The artist had a blood clot in his left leg. In the intensive care unit, doctors "caught" a blood clot: this had to be done as quickly as possible so that it would not go to the heart. If the actor had not been taken to the hospital on time, the problem with the vessels could have been fatal. Fortunately, Vasily was rescued.

This event brought the media attention back to the actor. Journalists even visited Stepanov's house, besides, there was a reason - his birthday. However, what they saw simply shocked them. When the doorbell of the actor's apartment rang, Vasily's father shouted indignantly at him: "Open it yourself, ****!" And when the door opened and the birthday boy appeared on the threshold, it was obvious that there was no question of any holiday. Stepanov celebrated the round date in a dirty T-shirt. As the journalists suggested, neither the parents nor his younger brother Maxim found an opportunity to arrange a holiday for the hero of the day, which leads to conclusions about what kind of relationship reigned in the family.

By the end of 2016, Stepanov's film career, covered with darkness and dust, dawned. On his page on the social network Instagram, the artist published photos from the filming of the historical film. Numerous fans immediately showered Vasily with congratulations. And the journalists concluded that the actor finally came out of oblivion. Stepanov even changed his image by visiting the salon of the famous stylist Alexander Todchuk.

But it was not there. In January, the media reported that Vasily Stepanov had broken his spine by slipping on the ice. Doctors did not even give any predictions as to whether the actor could walk. For a whole month, Stepanov was chained to a hospital bed. However, Vasily was able to get back on his feet and was even discharged from the hospital.

And here again, misfortune. The other day Vasily Stepanov fell out of the window. The actor was again in the clinic, where he was diagnosed with multiple fractures, including a fracture of the pelvis, right shoulder, both heel bones and numerous bruises. Eyewitnesses said that the actor fell out of the window of an apartment located on the fifth floor. Witnesses also assured that no one pushed Stepanov, he fell himself.

In favor of the fact that a real drama broke out in the life of an actor, recent events testify. The night before, on April 12, Stepanov, who complained of chest pains, was called an ambulance. Arriving doctors stated the strange behavior of the artist. Then a special team was called. As a result, the star of the film "Inhabited Island" was hospitalized in the Alekseev psychiatric hospital. In the clinic, the artist was diagnosed with schizophrenia.

Later it turned out that Vasily had already made attempts to commit suicide in the summer of 2016. Then the relatives managed to save the actor. In addition, it turned out that shortly after the filming of the first part of "Inhabited Island" Stepanov was treated in a neurosis clinic.

And according to the latest media reports, it turned out that Vasily broke his spine in the winter for a reason. Allegedly, he did not slip, but fell out of the window of the fourth floor of his house and landed on the visor. However, the relatives preferred to hide this fact.

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