Zippo lighter as a work of art. Draw a lighter in Photoshop


People are peaceful beings. And in conflict situation always able to find a compromise. May not always satisfy both sides. But they can do it. Let's give credit. But sometimes you have to resort to barbaric methods and use the subject that has become the object of our today's lesson. We will learn how to draw a fist. Fist - way non-verbal communication between developed beings. It is accepted that the fist is located necessary thought, and is delivered directly to the brain of another person, or to nearby organs, from where it can easily get to the desired location. For better results, you can use the effect of surprise. When a person firmly stands his ground and does not wait for counterarguments, a fist suddenly flies in and begins to break stereotypes, several internal beliefs and knocks out words right from the tongue.

In most cases, the structure of the fist is the same for everyone: bones, blood, meat, fingers, and kinetic energy. For greater confidence that they will understand you, you can use brass knuckles, a lighter, a chain, a cobblestone, a cactus. Invisible ways of delivering information have not yet been explored by science, but there is an opinion that these are the very ways along which female logic moves.

With a fist you can:

  • Knock on and let you know who is the boss;
  • steal from the counter;
  • Play, scissors, paper;
  • Tell everyone that you are Chuck Norris if you have a third fist under your beard;
  • They can be threatened;
  • The fist can serve as a symbol for terrorist organizations or political parties;
  • It can be left or right;

And it's not as easy to draw as it seems:

How to draw a fist with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's make a simple sketch. Step two. Let's highlight the fingers, especially pay attention to the big one, it is best seen. Step three. Add nails, lines on the palm, circle the entire hand with a bolder line. Step four. We clean the drawing with an eraser and add hatching. We have more anatomy lessons, look carefully.

In this tutorial I will show you how to draw a realistic lighter in Photoshop.

This is what the final result looks like:

Step 1

Create a 600 x 450 px document, then go to view- Show- Grid(View - Show - Grid) to activate the grid, then view- SnapTo- Grid(View - Snap to - Gridlines) to activate the snap to grid. Press Ctrl+K to open the window Preferences(Parameters), in the window we find the menu item guides, Grid& Slices(Guides, Grid and Slices) and enter the settings as shown below. During the lesson, I will turn off the grid (Ctrl + ') so that you can better see the result of the work. This grid will make it easier for you to create objects to work with.

Step 2

Set the foreground color to #DCE0E8.

Activate roundedRectangleTool(U) (Rounded Rectangle) and in the top options bar set Radius(radius) by 5 pixels. We move to the workspace and create vector rectangle size 138 x 10 pixels.

Step 3

Double click on the rectangle layer to open the window layerstyle(Layer style). Apply the settings shown below.

Step 4

Set the foreground color to #34693F and activate RectangleTool(U) (Rectangle).

Move to the Stage, create a 138 x 120 px rectangle and place it as shown below.

Step 5

We open layerstyle(Layer Style) for the vector shape we created in the previous step and apply the settings as shown below.

Step 6

In the layers panel, select the rectangle layer and press Ctrl+J to duplicate it.

Then right-click on the copy and select Clearlayerstyle(Clear layer style), reduce the parameter Fill(Fill) to 0%.

Apply layer styles to this copy using the following settings.

Step 7

Insert the BUBINGA texture from the wood textures set and place it above the vector rectangle.

Go to the layers panel, hold down the Ctrl key and left-click on the layer thumbnail to load its selection.

Make sure the texture layer is active (highlighted in the layers panel), press the button AddlayerMask(Add layer mask) at the bottom of the layers panel, change the blending mode of the layer to Softlight(Soft light) and reduce opacity(Opacity) by 50%.

Step 8

Activate roundedRectangleTool(U) (Rounded Rectangle) and click on the canvas to open the rectangle creation window.

Enter the settings as shown below and click OK.

Step 9

Make sure the rectangle we created in the previous step is still selected, go to Edit- Transform-Warp ArcUpper Bend(Bend) to 20 and press Enter.

Press Ctrl+T to activate Free Transform and rotate the shape by -90 degrees as shown in the image below.

Step 10

Apply layer styles to the green rectangle using the following settings.

Step 11

Go to the layers panel, make sure the vector rectangle we edited in the previous step is still selected and duplicate it (Ctrl+J).

Select the copy in the layers panel, scale it down. Fill(Fill) to 0% and apply layer styles with the following settings.

Step 12

Paste the same wood texture again, press Ctrl+T and rotate it by -90 degrees.

Load a selection around the vector rectangle, select the layer with the texture we added in this step, and press the button AddlayerMask(Add Layer Mask) at the bottom of the layers panel.

We continue to work in the layers panel and change the texture blending mode to Softlight(Soft light), opacity(Opacity) set to 50%.

Step 13

Activate RectangleTool(U) (Rectangle), create a 138 x 6 px rectangle and place it as shown in the first image below.

Make sure the vector rectangle we created in this step is still selected in the layers panel. Edit- Transform-Warp(Editing - Transformation - Deformation), on the top tool options bar, select ArcUpper(Arc from above), set Bend(Bend) by 10 and press Enter.

Step 14

Apply layer styles to the rectangle from the previous step using the following settings.

Step 15

We take EllipseTool(U) (Ellipse), create a 7 x 7 px circle and place it where the two rectangles meet, as shown below.

Apply layer styles to this circle using the following settings.

Step 16

Using the same tool, create a 14 x 14 px circle and place it as shown below.

We take penTool(P) (Feather) and draw the mount for the lighter cap.

In the layers panel, hold down the Ctrl key and select both vector shapes that we created in this step, right-click on any of them and select MergeShapes(Combine shapes).

Select the new merged shape and press Ctrl+Shift+[ once to send it to the back.

Step 17

Apply layer styles to the vector shape from the previous step using the following settings.

Step 18

We take EllipseTool(U) (Ellipse) and create an 8 x 8 px circle and place it as shown below.

On the layers panel, select the vector shape shown in the second picture from the bottom, right-click on it and select Copylayerstyle(Copy layer style).

Then right click on the vector shape we created in this step and select pastelayerstyle(Paste layer style).

Step 19

Activate roundedRectangleTool(U) (Rounded Rectangle), in the top Tool Options bar, set the Radius to 5 px and create a 35 x 10 px rectangle.

Press Ctrl+T, rotate the shape by -15 degrees and place it as shown in the third image below.

To move the shape to the back, use the keyboard shortcut Shift + Ctrl + [.

Step 20

Step 21

Activate the tool roundedRectangleTool(U) (Rounded Rectangle) and set the Radius to 2 px.

Click on the canvas to create a 64 x 54 px rectangle and place it as shown below.

Step 22

Apply layer styles to the shape from the previous step using the following options.

Step 23

Set the foreground color to #363636, take EllipseTool(U) (Ellipse) and create eight circles as shown below.

Note that the circles marked yellow, should be 5 pixels wide by 8 pixels high, the circles marked in blue should be 8 x 8 pixels.

Step 24

Apply layer styles to the circles from the previous step using the following options.

Step 25

We take penTool(P) (Pen) and create a triangle as shown below.

Then we take the tool ConvertpointTool(P) (Transform Point), click on the right anchor point of the triangle and round this place.

Step 26

Open the Layer Styles for the triangle from the previous step and apply the settings shown below to it.

Step 27

Go to the layers panel, duplicate the mount shown below.

Select the copy and place it on the triangle from the previous step.

Step 28

Set the foreground color to #424242, take EllipseTool(U) (Ellipse) and create a 29 x 29 px circle.

Zippo petrol lighters have been a little fetish of all smokers in the world for 80 years. And this is easy to explain: the Zippo metal case looks expensive and stylish, you can emphasize your status with such an accessory, and hundreds of designs contribute to self-expression. And yet, with this lighter, any “can’t find a light?” can be turned into a spectacular trick that will not leave indifferent any girl. 10 cool magic tricks with the legendary Zippo collected in this review.

The first Zippo lighter hit the market in 1933 and cost $1.95. Today, the price of this stylish little thing has changed significantly. But her modern fans, just like their grandfathers, do not get tired of coming up with spectacular ways to extract fire from their favorite accessory. A little practice, a dozen revisions of training videos, and you too will turn into a real fakir.

1. On Click (Tarantino Method)

If you have watched the movie Quentin Tarantino "Reservoir Dogs", then this trick will definitely seem familiar to you. How did Harvey Keitel's character manage to make fire with a snap of his fingers? The answer is in this video.

2. Pistol

As the name suggests, the trick is to use the lighter while holding it like a gun. Unlike real shooting, you can learn this trick in just 10 minutes.

3. Index

Trick for beginners. You just need to casually open the lighter with one finger. But it looks no worse than in the movies.

4. In the blink of an eye

Probably the most fast way open the lighter.

5. "In the blink of an eye" with a spread

An improved version of the previous trick.

6. Brass knuckles

Focus is not for beginners, but the effect is worth training.

7. Double turn

8. Bond style

Final result:

Step 1
Create a new 90x200mm document at 72dpi and transparent background. Paste the image of the lighter into our document. Create a new group above it (

",this,event,"320px");">Create New Group) and name it "base lighter". This group will contain the base layers of the lighter.

Step 2
Select the Pen Tool (

",this,event,"320px");">Pen Tool) in outline mode. Using the picture below, you need to draw a lighter. Keep track of the order of the layers in the layers palette (it is advisable to name the layers the same as mine). I wrote the word “apepp” in “Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold” font. All parts of the lighter are not bright now, but have different shades of black. This is necessary in order to better distinguish them on a white background. To change the color of the shapes, double-click on the layer thumbnail in the layers palette and you will see a color picker. When you are done, place all the layers in a group.

Step 3
To create a wheel, use the Polygon tool (

",this,event,"320px");">Polygon Tool), the number of sides is about 35. Watch the location of the layer in the layers palette.

Step 4
Hide the "base lighter" group and create a new one - "inners". Create internal elements lighters.

Step 5
Under the "Divider" layer, create a new layer (

",this,event,"320px");">Create New Layer) and name it “Label”. Use the Rounded Rectangle Tool ( ",this,event,"320px");">Rounded Rectangle Tool) with a radius of 10 px to create a shape and place it in the middle. Use the Free Transform Tool ( ",this, event,"320px");">Free Transform) to skew the rectangle a bit.

Step 6
Pen Tool (

",this,event,"320px");">Pen Tool) draw a shape as shown below with color #282828 and Blending Mode – Soft Light ( ",this,event,"320px");">Blending Mode – Soft light). Name this layer "Fluid" and place it above the "Tube" layer.

Step 7
Let's create a background. Hide both groups of layers. Create a new group (

",this,event,"320px");">Create New Group) and name it “BGround". Create a new layer ( ",this,event,"320px");">Create New Layer) in this group and apply Clouds filter ( ",this,event,"320px");">Clouds Filter). Position the center of the transform, also set the Height to 140mm, then set the Blending Mode of this layer to Soft Light ( ",this,event,"320px");">Blending Mode to Soft Light) and Opacity to 35%. Name this layer “ Smoke".

Step 8
Apply an Outer Glow (

",this,event,"320px");">Layer Style - Outer Glow):

Mode - Lightening, Method - Soft

Step 9
Create a new layer under the "Smoke" layer and name it "Light". Select the Gradient Tool (

",this,event,"320px");">Gradient Tool) and in the gradient editor set the color on the left to #000000, on the right to #78828c, and move the middle slider to 80%.

Do a gradient fill as shown by the green arrow.

Step 10
The main elements of the lighter have been done, but let's add some dimension to them. Make the "base lighter" group visible. First we will add color to each layer. Double click on the layer and select desired color. The “Red Casing” layer should have its Blending Mode set to Hard Light (

",this,event,"320px");">Blending Mode - Hard Light), and other layers - Normal.

The color must be entered in the field marked below:

Layer colors:

"Metal Hole" = #0a0b0a

"Metal Groove" = #ffffff

"Black Top" = #0a0b0a

"Metal Case" = #969696

"Gas Control" = #0a0b0a

"Wheel" = #c8c8c8

"Gas Button 1" = #0a0b0a

"Gas Button 2" = #0a0b0a

"Red Casing" = #a00000

Step 11
Now let's move on to layer styles:

The "apep" layer. This layer has Fill (Fill) – 0%.

Stroke (Position - Outside, Mode - Normal, Stroke Type - Color):

Layer "Metal Hole"

Metal Groove Layer

Stroke (Position - Outside, Mode - Normal, Stroke Type - Gradient, Style - Mirror):

Layer “Black Top”

Gradient overlay (Mode - Normal, Style - Linear):

Same style for "Metal Case" layer

Stroke (Position - Outside, Mode - Normal, Stroke Type - Gradient, Style - Mirror):

Layer "Gas Control"

Wheel layer

Gradient overlay (Mode - Multiply, Style - Radial):

Stroke (Position - Outside, Mode - Normal, Stroke Type - Gradient, Style - Mirror):

Layer "Gas Button 1"

Stroke (Position - Outside, Mode - Normal, Stroke Type - Gradient, Style - Linear):

Layer "Gas Button 2"

Gradient overlay (Mode - Multiply, Style - Mirror):

Layer "Red Casing"

Step 12
Make the "Inners" group visible and set the Blending Mode of the "Fluid" layer to Soft Light (

",this,event,"320px");">Blending Mode – Soft Light).
Just like step 10, you first need to change the colors of the layers:

"Black Slot" = #000000

"Connector 1" = #000000

“Connector 2" = #1e1e1e

"Fluid" = #282828

"Tube" = #1e1e1e

"Divider" = #000000

"Label" = #2d2d2d

Step 13
Now layer styles:

Layer “Connector 2”

Gradient overlay (Mode - Normal, Style - Mirror):

“Fluid” layer

Gradient overlay (Mode - Overlay, Style - Linear):

Stroke (Position - Outside, Mode - Multiply, Stroke Type - Gradient, Style - Linear):

Layer "Tube"

Gradient overlay (Mode - Normal, Style - Mirror).

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