Kind of a way out of this situation. Ways out of conflict situations



and ways to resolve it.



There are various definitions of conflict, but all of them emphasize the existence of a contradiction, which takes the form of a disagreement if we are talking about human interaction. Conflicts can be hidden or overt, but they are always based on a lack of agreement. Therefore, conflict is defined as the lack of agreement between two or more parties - individuals or groups.

If conflicts contribute to the adoption of informed decisions and the development of relationships, then they are called functional.(constructive).Conflicts that impede effective interaction and decision-making are called dysfunctional (destructive). We must be able to analyze conflicts, understand their causes and possible consequences.

Conflicts can be realistic (objective) or unrealistic (non-objective).

Realistic Conflictsare caused by dissatisfaction with certain requirements of the participants or unfair, in the opinion of one or both parties, the distribution of any advantages between them and are aimed at achieving a specific result.

Unrealistic conflictsaim open expression accumulated negative emotions, resentment, hostility, i.e.acute conflict interaction becomes here not a means to achieve a specific result, but an end in itself.

Having started as a realistic conflict, it can turn into an unrealistic one, for example, if the subject of the conflict is extremely significant for the participants, but they cannot find an acceptable solution to cope with the situation. This increases emotional tension and requires release from accumulated negative emotions.

There are five main types of conflict: intrapersonal; interpersonal; between the individual and the group; intergroup; social.

intrapersonal conflict.This type of conflict does not fully correspond to our definition. Here, the participants in the conflict are not people, but various psychological factors. inner peace personalities that often seem or are incompatible: needs, motives, values, feelings, etc.

Intrapersonal conflicts associated with work in an organization can take various forms. One of the most common forms isit's a role conflictwhen different roles of a person make conflicting demands on him. For example, being good family man(the role of father, mother, husband, wife, etc.), a person must spend the evenings at home, and the position of a leader may oblige him to stay at work. Or: the foreman instructed the foreman to release a certain amount of parts, and the technical manager at the same time - to carry out a technical inspection of the equipment. The cause of the first conflict is the mismatch of personal needs and requirements of production, and the second is the violation of the principle of unity of command. Internal conflicts can arise in the workplace due to work overload or, conversely, the lack of work if you need to be at the workplace.

Interpersonal conflict.This is the most common type of conflict. It manifests itself in organizations in different ways. Many leaders believe that the only reason for it is the dissimilarity of characters. Indeed, there are people who, due to differences in characters, attitudes, and behavior, find it very difficult to get along with each other. However, a deeper analysis shows that such conflicts, as a rule, are based on objective reasons. Most often, this is a struggle for limited resources: material assets, production areas, equipment usage time, labor force etc. Everyone believes that it is he who needs the resources, and not the other. Conflicts arise between a leader and a subordinate, for example, when the subordinate is convinced that the leader makes exorbitant demands on him, and the leader believes that the subordinate does not want to work at full strength.

Conflict between the individual and the group. Informal groups establish their own norms of behavior and communication. Each member of such a group must comply with them. Deviation from the accepted norms is considered by the group as a negative phenomenon, a conflict arises between the individual and the group. Another common conflict of this type is the conflict between the group and the leader. The most difficult such conflicts occur with an authoritarian leadership style.

Intergroup conflict.The organization consists of many formal and informal groups, between which conflicts can arise. For example, between management and executors, between employees of various departments, between informal groups within departments, between administration and the trade union.

Unfortunately, frequent example intergroup conflict serve as disagreements between higher and more low levels management, i.e. between line and staff personnel.

Intergroup conflicts are due to the incompatibility of goals in the struggle for limited resources (power, wealth, territory, material resources, etc.), i.e., the presence of real competition, as well as the emergence of social competition.

social conflictis a complex phenomenon with several aspects. But it is the presence of opposing parties with their own needs, interests and goals that is the basis of the conflict, its axial line.

This moment is closely related to the clarification of the causes and nature of the conflict, as well as the definition of its boundaries:spatial, temporal, intrasystem.The spatial boundaries of the conflict are determined by the location of its participants (apartment, street, house, work, region, etc., etc.). Temporary the parameters of the conflict are related to its duration, including the beginning and end.

The beginning of the conflict is associated with at least three conditions:

1) its first participant deliberately and actively acts to the detriment of another participant by physical actions, demarches, statements, etc.;

2) the second participant is aware that these actions are directed against him;

3) the second participant in response takes active actions against the initiator of the conflict; from that moment it can be considered that it began.

It follows from this that the conflict begins in the event of a confrontation between the parties. It arises only when the parties begin to actively oppose each other, pursuing their own goals. Therefore, the conflict always begins as a bilateral (or multilateral) behavior and it is usually preceded by initiating actions of one of the parties acting as instigator of the conflict.

List of conflict elements:

1) two participants or two parties to the conflict;

2) mutual incompatibility of the values ​​and interests of the parties;

3) behavior aimed at destroying the plans and interests of the opposite side;

4) the use of force to influence the other side;

5) opposition of actions, behavior of the parties;

6) strategies and tactics of conflict interaction;

7) personal characteristics of the participants: aggressiveness, authority, etc.;

8) character external environment, whether a third party is present, etc.

The dynamics of the development of the conflict:

The emergence of a conflict

Understanding the conflict situation

Actually conflict behavior - mutually directed and emotionally colored actions that make it difficult to achieve the goals, interests of the enemy and contribute to the realization of one's own interests to the detriment of the other side;

The development of the conflict or its resolution depends on the participants, their personal characteristics, the intellectual, material capabilities that the parties have, on the essence and scale of the problem itself, on the positions of the people around, on the participants' perception of the consequences of the conflict, on the strategy and tactics of interaction.

Conflict Criteria:

1) the interdependence of the parties, i.e. both parties depend on each other, the activity of one person determines the actions of another person, and these actions cause responses of the first subject, etc., thus, the parties interact, their control, however, if there are strict contact rules (for example, a boxer fight), then this is not a conflict;

2) awareness of the situation as a conflict, that is, one or both parties evaluate other people's actions as deliberately hostile in order to interfere with the achievement of desired goals or humiliate;

3) the choice of a strategy for further behavior: to the search for a compromise or a rationally acceptable solution, or to the escalation of the conflict, to the intensification of the struggle, for example, from the struggle of points of view (cognitive conflict) they move on to the struggle of individuals (interpersonal conflict), then to the struggle of groups and violence.

The end of the conflict is not always clear. It can be exhausted in the event of reconciliation or withdrawal from the conflict by one of the parties, as well as the suppression and termination of the conflict during the intervention of third forces.

Conflict situation -it is such a combination of human needs and interests that objectively creates the ground for a real confrontation between various social subjects.

A conflict situation can develop objectively, in spite of the will and desire of the future warring parties (downsizing in the workforce), or it can be created or deliberately provoked by one or both parties. But each situation is determined by actual events and its subjective meaning depends on what explanation each side gives to these events, in accordance with which it begins to act in the course of the development of the conflict. Main feature this situation - the occurrence of an object conflict.

The subject of the conflict is the main contradiction, because of which and for the sake of the resolution of which the parties enter into a struggle.

Since contradictions are resolved in the course of the conflict, ways out of the impasse are being sought, the question arises of its functions - positive or negative, bad or good. From an ordinary point of view, only a negative answer can be given here, because the conflict is associated with such phenomena as domestic quarrels and troubles, official troubles, interethnic, territorial, socio-political confrontations and confrontations associated with suffering and losses. Hence the assessment of the conflict as an undesirable phenomenon.

Since conflicts are inevitable in the interaction of people, they can performpositive constructive function:

The conflict promotes a certain movement forward, prevents stagnation;

In the process of conflict, the objectification of the source of disagreement occurs and its resolution, “removal” is possible, means are found to prevent future conflicts;

Conflict is a certain denial of old, "obsolete" relationships, which leads to the formation of new relationships, correction of interaction;

In a conflict, internal tension is “eliminated”, aggressive feelings “splash out”, frustrations, neuroses are “discharged”;

Conflict is a way of self-affirmation of the personality, especially in a teenager, conflict is a necessary form of behavior to maintain status in a group;

Intra-group conflict scientific activity creates the necessary level of tension necessary for creative activity; Thus, the study showed that the productivity of creative scientific activity is higher in conflict personalities;

Intergroup conflicts can contribute to group integration, the growth of cohesion, solidarity of the group;

- the need to resolve the conflict leads to cooperation, to the concentration of the efforts of the participants to resolve the conflict situation, to the involvement of group members in common life groups.

Signs of destructive conflict:

1) expansion of the conflict;

2) escalation of the conflict (i.e. the conflict becomes independent of the original causes and, even if the causes of the conflict are eliminated, the conflict itself continues);

3) increase in costs, losses incurred by the participants in the conflict;

4) the growth of situational statements, aggressive actions of the participants.

An important point in studying the problem of conflicts and their nature is to identify their causes. An analysis of sociological and socio-psychological studies allows us to identify the following main causes of conflicts:

Socio-economic- conflicts in modern society represent the generation and manifestation of objectively existing socio-economic contradictions;

Socio-psychological- needs, motives, goals of activity and behavior of various people;

Socio-demographic -differences in attitudes, behavioral motives, goals and aspirations of people, due to their gender, age, belonging to various national entities.

Code of Conduct in Conflict

Code of Conduct in Conflict. Pfifteen rules:

1. Let your partner blow off steam.If he is irritated and aggressive, then you need to help him reduce internal stress. Until this happens, it is difficult or impossible to negotiate with him.

During his "explosion" you should behave calmly, confidently, but not arrogantly. He is a suffering man no matter who he is. If a person is aggressive, then he is overwhelmed with negative emotions. In a good mood, people do not rush at each other.

The best trick in these moments is to imagine that there is a shell (aura) around you, through which the arrows of aggression do not pass. You are isolated, like in a protective cocoon. A little imagination and this trick works.

2. Ask him to calmly substantiate the claims.Say that you will only consider facts and objective evidence. People tend to confuse facts and emotions. Therefore, brush aside emotions with questions: “Is what you say related to facts or opinion, conjecture?”.

3. Knock down aggression with unexpected tricks.For example, ask a conflicting partner confidentially for advice. Ask an unexpected question, about something completely different, but meaningful to him. Remind yourself of what connected you in the past and was very pleasant. Give a compliment (“You are even more beautiful in anger ... Your anger is much less than I expected, you are so cold-blooded in an acute situation ...”). Express sympathy: for example, that he (she) has lost too much.

The main thing is that your requests, memories, compliments switch the consciousness of an angry partner from negative emotions to positive ones.

4. Don't give him negative assessments, but talk about your feelings. Don't say "You're cheating on me", it's better to say "I feel cheated".

Don't say "You are a rude person", rather say:

"I'm very upset by the way you're talking to me."

5. Ask for the desired final result and the problem as a chain of obstacles.

A problem is something that needs to be solved. Attitude towards a person is a background or conditions in which one has to decide. Hostility towards a client or partner can make you unwilling to decide. But this cannot be done! Don't let your emotions control you! Identify the problem with him and focus on it.

6. Invite the client to express their thoughts on resolving the problem and their solutions.

Do not look for the guilty and do not explain the situation, look for a way out of it. Don't stop at the first acceptable option, but create a range of options. Then choose the best one from it.

When looking for solutions, remember to look for mutually acceptable solutions. You and the client must be mutually satisfied. And both of you should be winners, not winner and loser.

7. In any case, let your partner "save face."Do not allow yourself to loosen up and respond with aggression for aggression. Don't hurt his dignity. He will not forgive this, even if he yields to pressure. Don't touch his personality. Let's evaluate only his actions and deeds. You can say, "You've already broken your promise twice," but you can't say, "You're an optional person."

8. Reflect as an echo the meaning of his statements and claims.

It seems that everything is clear, and yet: “Did I understand you correctly?”, “Did you mean to say ...?”, “Let me retell, to make sure whether I understood you correctly or not.” This tactic eliminates misunderstandings, and in addition, it demonstrates attention to the person. And this also reduces his aggression.

9. Hold on as if on a knife edge in an equal position.Most people, when they are yelled at or blamed, also yell back or try to give in, to remain silent in order to extinguish the anger of another. Both of these positions (top - "parent" or bottom - "child") are ineffective.

Hold firmly in a position of calm confidence (the position of equals is "adult"). It also keeps the partner from aggression, helps both of them not to “lose their face”.

10. Don't be afraid to apologize if you feel guilty.

Firstly, it disarms the client, and secondly, it makes him respect. After all, only confident and mature individuals are capable of apology.

11. You don't have to prove anything.

In any conflict situations, no one can ever prove anything to anyone. Even by force. Negative emotional impacts block the ability to understand, take into account and agree with the "enemy". The work of thought stops. If a person does not think, the rational part of the brain turns off, there is no need to try to prove something. This is a useless, empty exercise.

12. Shut up first.

If it so happened that you lost control of yourself and did not notice how you were drawn into the conflict, try to do the only thing - shut up. Do not demand from the “enemy”: “Shut up! ... Stop it!”, But from yourself! This is the easiest to achieve.

Your silence allows you to get out of the quarrel and stop it. In any conflict, there are usually two parties involved, and if one has disappeared - with whom to quarrel?

13. Do not characterize the state of the opponent.Avoid negative verbal statements at all costs. emotional state partner: “Well, got into the bottle! ... Why are you nervous, why are you angry? ... Why are you mad? Such "soothing" words only strengthen and intensify the development of the conflict.

14. When you leave, don't slam the door.

The quarrel can be stopped if you calmly and without any words leave the room. But if at the same time you slam the door or say something offensive before leaving, you can cause the effect of a terrible, destructive force. known tragic cases, caused precisely by the offensive word "behind the curtain."

15. Speak when your partner is cold.

If you are silent, and the partner regarded the rejection of the quarrel as a surrender, it is better not to refute this. Keep pausing until it cools down. The position of one who refuses to quarrel should completely exclude anything offensive and insulting for a partner. The winner is not the one who leaves the last smashing attack behind him, but the one who manages to stop the conflict at the beginning will not give him acceleration.

Conflict Management

We are constantly in conflict situations. And although they are divided into industrial and everyday, social and political, the tactics of behavior in a conflict are, as a rule, the same. In the world of conflictology, a very extensive set of recommendations for managing conflict situations, as well as tips and instructions for self-organization (self-management) in conflict interaction has been formed.

There are two ways to master the accumulated theory and practice experience. One involves regular exercises and training, repeated use of training, participation in business and situational games. And the more a person repeats the exercise, the more perfect and stronger his skills will be, the more confident he will feel in the most unforeseen conflict incidents. This method is quite efficient. But there is not always time for daily training, and a prolonged break will inevitably lead to a loss of skills. Another way is based on finding your own way of behavior in a conflict situation, your own conflict management technology. Feeling the effectiveness of the chosen tactics, you can improve your technology based on your inner feeling. If you manage to find your technology and inner support, then this skill will never disappear. In general, this method is effective, but it should be remembered that the situations in which a person finds himself change, even if he does not move up the hierarchical ladder. It looks absurd for a manager who, in solving serious organizational and managerial problems, uses methods that were effective in those days when he was a student leader.

Most often, interest in the problem of conflict management arises in relation to the labor sphere, to managerial activity in general. Management activities- this is a consistent overcoming of mismatches in the process of solving production problems, and the style of management is the methods and techniques used to achieve the intended goals and objectives and lines of behavior in the conflict situations that arise.

We can say that the leader is constantly in conflict. On the one hand, he is involved in dysfunctional conflicts, to some extent imposed on this system of government and this administration, that is, brought in from outside. On the other hand, he participates in conflicts that may be the result of mistakes made in management: the uncertainty factor in the organization. It operates to a much greater extent than in other subsystems of public life.

Features of organizational conflict are determined by three points:

Differences in the volume of social systems. Compared to society, organization is more local and simple system. This allows us to talk about greater visibility, controllability, and forecasting capabilities compared to the macro level. conflict situations;

  • role structure of organizations, highlighting professional qualities and official position, as well as a certain "unfreedom" of the performance of their roles. The ratio of the role and personal qualities is changing not in favor of the latter. At the same time, personal qualities, personal problems in a human worker, with rare exceptions, prevail, albeit in a filmed form. This "disguise" makes them difficult to detect for the manager (or analyst), but it is unacceptable to underestimate them;
  • the organization is a "closed community". The locality of the organization, a clear role distribution, a single end product of labor, and hierarchy make it possible to compare the microclimate in it with moral atmosphere communities. An employee in an organization is in full view of everyone, employees are as if bound by “mutual responsibility”, anonymity of actions is excluded, condemnation or approval of colleagues plays a decisive role not only in moral well-being, but also in his career.

In addition, in organizational conflicts, two features are clearly manifested, which are also characteristic of other conflicts in society. The first is referentiality, cohesion of conflicting groups. In various collisions, reference groups control the behavior of all members, raising the motives of conflicts into supra-individual values. Values ​​alienated in this way acquire an independent existence and then dominate the behavior of individuals and local groups, turning the conflict into an end in itself.

Another important point is manifested in the fact that the structural "formations of the organization are formed not only according to objective evidence, but also in the form of so-called groups of consciousness, uniting people according to their beliefs, value orientations, moods, etc. - The interweaving of objective and subjective factors makes it difficult to predict conflict groups, makes these groups uncertain, and their composition is quite diverse.

The difficulty of managing organizational conflict lies in the fact that at one stage or another in the development of an organization, the most important task of management can be to maintain an optimal level of constructive (positive) conflict. The absence of conflict breeds self-satisfaction among workers, and especially managers, creates the basis for “ lethargic sleep» team. Conflict in an organization can be compared to a disease in the human body. It is known that people for a long time who did not know the disease, at the first serious ailment, they often “break down” and become suspicious, devote their lives to the search for various symptoms. So do social systems. The more centralized and organized the system is, the more sensitive it is to shocks. Industrial conflicts are not only inevitable, but necessary. The task is to ensure that the conflict does not slip from business to personal, does not turn into mutual discrediting, and does not destroy the compatibility that has been formed over the years.

As a rule, each division of the organization is created for some purpose. These goals often turn out to be opposite, competing, an objective confrontation arises. This kind of confrontation in the literature is often called a positional conflict. The conflict is positional, because it is objectively set by the position of units in the organizational structure. Researchers note the undoubted benefits of such a conflict. The positional conflict enables the management to more objectively evaluate the actions of the units, since in the confrontation they are looking for better arguments for their viability, developing new technologies. In other words, positional conflict creates constructive tension that is beneficial to the organization. Therefore, in practice, it is often specifically provided for in the target structure of the organization. The pathology of positional conflicts occurs when the target tension, caused by purely positional reasons, is saturated with emotions, turns into interpersonal tension and interpersonal conflict.

Too much harmony in the organization, believes American specialist according to management B. Warren, - a dangerous thing, harmony in management always gives out falseness. Two well-known leaders in the United States - J. Burke of the Johnson & Johnson Corporation and E. Groen of Inep - insist on the importance of such a factor in the management of organizations, which they described as "creative confrontation." They not only encourage managerial divergence, they simply demand it. They surround themselves with people who are trained enough to know the truth, and independent enough in their judgments to express them openly, especially in cases where the truth does not coincide with the views of top leaders.

According to A. N. Chumikov, it is not so much the forms of production actions that are important, but their tactical (functional or dysfunctional) consequences and strategic (aggravation or smoothing of future conflicts) result. Therefore, the managerial action itself may well be conflict: making relations of one level dysfunctional, it can give a functional character to relations of another level: some initiated conflict of the first order really exacerbates the conflict of the second order, but at the same time smoothes out conflicts of the third, fourth and fifth orders.

Thus, management action in many variations is not only acceptable, but also must be perceived as a conflict, especially taking into account the fact that conflict optimization is considered in an abstract positive way only in scientific discussions, and in real life it is produced, as a rule, in the interests of a particular social subject. Conflict management in a certain perspective becomes conflict management, management based on the initiation of one conflict in order to reduce another. In other words, a few small conflicts can largely neutralize one big one.

Here's how it goes: analytic space conflict contains an infinitely large set of indicators, but in each case they result in approximately the same amount. In some cases, this amount consists of a few large and extremely dangerous conflicts, while in others it is split into a huge number of minor conflicts that do not undermine social stability as a whole. Initiating small conflicts, we "spray", "dissolve" in them a big conflict (both existing and potential). Frequent small conflicts relieve pressure in some part of society, and blocking, preventing such conflicts, on the contrary, increases it.

In order to avoid unnecessary conflict situations in production conditions, it is necessary to constantly improve the system of managerial relations. Such an effective organizational structure, in which no more than three or four divisions are subordinate to the head, and grassroots organizations number no more than seven or eight people. IN Western literature often called the basic law of any institution: an employee must directly report only to those who are one step higher and directly manage only those who are one step lower.

What actions should the leader take if the conflict in the organization is obvious? First of all, open this conflict. Correctly assess the situation. Distinguish the external reason from the real cause of the collision. The reason may not be realized by the conflicting parties themselves or consciously hidden by them, but it, as in a mirror,

reflected in the means and actions that everyone uses to achieve their goal. It is necessary to understand how contradictory the interests of the disputants are. For example, with all the desire it is impossible for two departments to work on the same computer at the same time. This is a tough conflict, where the issue is resolved "either or". In order to neutralize the displeasure of the bypassed, it is necessary to give him the opportunity to win in another. Often the interests are more compatible, and it is possible through "negotiations" to find an option that partially satisfies both sides without winners and losers.

The process of conflict management consists of four stages: institutionalization, legitimization, structuring and reduction of the conflict.

The institutionalization of the conflict is the elimination of its spontaneity, the introduction of certain principles and rules into the situation. It allows you to make the development of the conflict predictable, non-institutionalized conflict is often accompanied by an uncontrollable explosion of discontent. The problem of institutional procedure from the point of view of conflictology is not reduced to the form of this procedure, but implies the presence of voluntary consent, the willingness of people to comply with one or another order. Moreover, if some rule (norm) does not correspond to certain realities (ceased to be legitimate), and another one that meets the new conditions is not adopted, then an act that is completely illegal from the point of view of jurisprudence can play the role of an effective institutional procedure.

The legitimization of the conflict stimulates the voluntariness of the desire to fulfill the proposed solution.

Structuring conflicting groups is another important step in conflict management. As soon as management involves activities aimed at bringing incompatible interests in line with certain norms, it becomes necessary to raise the question of the bearers of these interests. When the presence of some interest is fixed objectively, but its subject is unclear or scattered, one cannot speak of a close optimization of the conflict. On the contrary, it should be expected to worsen in the future. If the groups are structured, it becomes possible to change their power potential. This, in turn, makes it possible to establish an informal hierarchy of influence in society, which objectively restrains the escalation of intergroup conflict. .

The quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the participants sooner or later come to light "by themselves". Skillful conflict management can activate this process and thereby accelerate the achievement of the final positive result.

The last, final stage of conflict management is reduction, i.e., its gradual weakening by transferring it to another level.

The methodology for overcoming the conflict by solving the aggravated problem can be represented as follows.

Define the problem in


Define solutions

which are acceptable

for both sides.


on the problem, not

personal qualities

the other side.

Create an atmosphere

trust by increasing

mutual influence and

information exchange.

During communication

create a positive

relationship to each other,

showing affection and

listening to opinions,

the other side

Also minimizing

Manifestation of anger and threats.

It should be emphasized again the importance exact definition the problems of the conflict and how it affects the interests of each participant in the confrontation. In order to effectively manage the development of a conflict, it is necessary to make its diagnosis with maximum accuracy. The ideal is to perceive the conflict as it really is. Achieving a correspondence between the subjective assessment of this conflict by the leader and the state of the objective development of the confrontation is a serious task, which can be very difficult to solve in practice.

An underestimation of the conflict can lead to the fact that its analysis will be carried out superficially and the proposals made on the basis of such an analysis will turn out to be of little use. Underestimation of the conflict can have objective and subjective reasons. Objective - depend on the state of information and communication systems, and subjective - on the inability or unwillingness individual person assess the situation accordingly.

Harmful is not only an underestimation, but also an overestimation of the existing confrontation. In this case, much more effort is being made than is really necessary. Overestimation of a particular conflict or reinsurance regarding the possibility of a conflict incident can lead to the discovery of a conflict where it actually does not exist. This often contributes to the artificial generation of imaginary conflicts or situations in which people begin to see the existence of conflicts in insignificant contradictions and disputes. It leads to negative consequences, gives rise to mutual distrust, suspicion, etc. In the literature and in practice, the method of analyzing tension and predicting conflicts by measuring the degree of dissatisfaction (working conditions, living conditions, existing relationships, status, etc.) is becoming more widespread. This method was developed by Nizhnekamsk sociologists and was first used in chemical industry to warn leaders about possible points of social explosion. Methodologically, this means using the method of a self-denying forecast, i.e., a forecast that must be refuted by practice.

Dissatisfaction is a universal indicator of conflict. Its important advantage is its measurability. Of course, this indicator has evaluative power only in combination with other signs of conflict. Dissatisfaction, determined by sociological surveys, is compared with the identification of unfavorable, or rather bad, living conditions that objectively put people in front of the need for resistance. Important role play forms of manifestation of dissatisfaction. If dissatisfaction is limited to conversations between its bearers in a narrow circle of colleagues "in the smoking room", then the danger of conflicts is still small. Another thing is if behavioral dissatisfaction manifests itself in non-fulfillment of labor duties, in obstructions to management, mass layoffs, strikes, etc. An indicator of dissatisfaction is also the mass coverage, i.e. real number people involved in the conflict.

There are three main methods used by the leader to overcome the conflict situation:

Educational impact, persuasion of conflicting people in the common goal, proof of mutual benefit from joint work, analysis of the causes of the conflict in order to show its frivolity;

Separation of the object of the dispute. Clarification of the boundaries of authority, responsibility, competence. An assignment to one of the conflicting parties to solve another, no less important issue, while controversial issue decides the second party to the conflict. Transfer of the disputed issue to a third party;

Organizational events. Creation of the so-called "organizational buffer", which eliminates many official contacts. A new organizational link is also created when there is no authority responsible for a controversial issue, or when too stringent requirements for individual functions do not allow the application of mutually acceptable solutions. As a last resort, the movement of workers is used. It is recommended to move both workers, using this method only when other measures have been exhausted and each of the conflicting acts with conviction and in essence in the interests of the team.

The process of conflict management largely depends on the position taken by the leader, on his own interests, as well as on what means he resorts to to prevent the conflict from escalating. In the choice of these means, the leader is not always sufficiently free. It may have very limited opportunities to counter the outbreak of conflict. At least two circumstances are recommended to be considered in almost any situation. First, the reaction that one or another of the measures taken may cause from both the direct participants in the conflict and the forces that maintain temporary neutrality. Secondly, the moral norms, habits and customs that prevail in a particular organization and regulate the behavior of people in a calm environment and in moments of conflict. It is necessary to take into account real opportunities, specific situation and public opinion, to avoid both too weak and too strong means of influence.

In world practice, the problem of conflict management is usually solved by the leader not directly, but through intermediaries. Mediation is most often used to resolve macro-level conflicts. The role of a third party in a conflict can be performed not only by government agencies, but also by any other institutions, organizations or individuals. Experience shows that a well-chosen mediator can quickly resolve a conflict where without his efforts, agreement between the parties would be impossible. Very often the role of an arbitrator in complex social conflicts laureates successfully perform in the West Nobel Prize. This practice clearly demonstrates the high demands placed on the personality of the intermediary. Ideally, he should have international authority, impeccable morality, be politically neutral and professionally competent, and have high intelligence.

The figure of an intermediary (mediator) is a key figure in the work of the US Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FSPP). For 50 years of work, the FSPP has more than 511 thousand resolved conflicts. Consider the functions of a mediator: firstly, he ensures the involvement of the parties in the negotiations, and in case of a deadlock, when the parties refuse to meet, the implementation of contacts between them; secondly, acting as a neutral person, the mediator must remove or minimize emotional tension to ensure the normal course of negotiations;

thirdly, at separate meetings, the mediator encourages the conflicting parties to carefully evaluate new proposals and alternative solutions, including those put forward by the mediator himself, and each of the parties, in fact, is negotiating with the mediator himself, as if representing the other side (the mediator tries to point out overstated claims of each negotiator); fourthly, the mediator seeks to find solutions that would satisfy public opinion, emerging around the conflict; fifthly, if the labor dispute seems unresolvable, the mediator can offer the necessary, in his opinion, alternative to a strike or lockout, for example, extend the term of the previous contract, create a conciliation committee to study the facts of the conflict, offer arbitration services as a last resort.

Used Books.

1. "Introduction to general theory conflicts." Dmitriev A.V., Kudryavtsev V.N. , Kudryavtsev S.N. M., 2003

2. "Sociology of labor." Dikareva A.A. Mirskaya M.I. M., 1999

3. "Sociological Dictionary." Minsk, 1999

4. "Social conflict." Zaprudsky Yu.G. Rostov n / D., 1999.

5. "Management and self-management in conflict situations" Professor Speransky V.I. M., 2000

6. "Psychology of Management: Educational Edition." Samygin S.I.

Rostov on Don: Ed. "Phoenix" 1997

7. "Economic psychology" Kitov A. I. M., 1997

Conflict is the most ancient and natural form of relationship. Even alien to anyone social interaction dinosaurs could tell a lot about him. After all, when one wants to eat, and the other does not want to be in a toothy mouth, there is an obvious And what can we say about people! Conflicts accompany them from birth to old age. With friends and parents, with colleagues and loved ones, with yourself, in the end. A person at every step risks being drawn into a conflict. The way out of the conflict is an art that helps to save not only friendly relations with others, but also one's own nerves.

Conflict - pros and cons

A conflict is a situation in which each side pursues mutually exclusive goals. Or, if we are talking about an internal dilemma, a person cannot choose between equally attractive behaviors.

Everyone knows that quarrels and disputes are extremely unpleasant things. It is rare to find a person who takes pleasure in getting involved in a conflict. A way out of the conflict is a desirable option for the vast majority. But if you think about it, even from a quarrel you can extract useful lessons. During the dispute, you can get to know your partners better, identify the problems that exist in the team, and even effectively solve them. A tense situation often stimulates people, makes them develop, reveal their own potential, look for innovative moves to optimize interaction in a group.

Initial analysis of the situation

Of course, it is better to negotiate peacefully, kindly and respecting each other's interests. But this is not always possible. There are times when conflict is inevitable. The way out of the conflict with the least losses in this case is the main task each of the participants.

Before you take any action, you need to stop and think. Stress is an inevitable companion of any quarrel, and he is a bad adviser. Therefore, you need to try to calm down, turn off emotions and analyze the current situation. It is possible that ways out of the conflict will be found quickly enough, it may be necessary to make a lot of efforts to resolve the situation. But, one way or another, some analytical work will have to be done. Any clash of interests is like a game of chess. The winner is the one who can soberly assess the situation and make the only right decision.

Working with conflict information

To analyze the current situation, you need to collect as much information as possible. First of all, it is necessary to determine what exactly is the subject of the dispute. This material good or an idea? Is it possible to share what you want for everyone or is competition really inevitable? Is it possible to eliminate or replace it with a less controversial object? It is quite possible that in the course of such an analysis it will become obvious that the dispute can be resolved directly on initial stage. It is enough just to carry out certain manipulations with the object causing the conflict. The way out of the conflict in this case will be acceptable to all its participants. If two children are arguing over a chocolate bar, then the easiest way is to break it in two, this is obvious. But the same principle applies to adulthood. If the cause of the conflict is an attractive position, and both applicants are equally professional and competent, it may be worth considering making changes to And let there be two deputy chiefs, with delineation of duties.

Examining Participant Motivation

Then you need to collect information about all the participants in the dispute, find out who they are, what they want. Psychological features personalities, moral criteria, true goals and motives - all this is extremely important. What exactly can each participant do? Why? Do their behavior have ulterior motives? Which way out of the conflict is preferable for each participant?

It is necessary to take into account the influence of the social environment on the situation. Approve or disapprove of the surrounding participants in the conflict, whether they provide support, or, conversely, interfere with the achievement of the goal. For example, if the reason for the conflict is an accident, and the witnesses are colleagues of one of the participants in the accident, then the second driver can hardly count on objective witness testimony. Moreover, regardless of whether they love his opponent at work or, conversely, they cannot stand it. Just in one case, the witnesses will shield a colleague, and in the other, they will gladly recall past grievances to him. It is rather frivolous to propose strategies for escaping the conflict without taking into account the influence of the social environment.

Influence of subjective factors on the conflict

A very important factor is not only the objective component of conflicts, but also the subjective element. Yet this is a clash of human interests, and people are far from impartial. Each of the participants in the conflict imagines how he looks from the outside, attributes certain opinions and judgments to the opponent, based only on his own ideas about him - this phenomenon is called "secondary reflection". Ways out of it often run into such deliberate prejudice on the part of the parties. It is difficult to persuade people who think badly of each other not to quarrel. But it is almost impossible to reconcile those who are sure that the enemy hates or despises them. Few people like gossips sitting at the entrance, although they do nothing wrong. It's just that everyone is sure that the pensioners who have gathered in a circle only do what they condemn every person passing by, suspecting him of the blackest sins. And this is enough to cause hostility, even if the grandmothers are just discussing the series they have watched. Such moments also need to be analyzed, they must be taken into account when exploring the conflict and ways out of it.

Choice of action scenario

Having collected all the necessary information and analyzed it, it is necessary to draw up predictive options for resolving the conflict. What will happen under the most favorable set of circumstances, what - in the worst case, how the situation will develop, if at all, stop any actions, release, as they say, on the brakes.

Only after analyzing all the components of the problem that has arisen, one can begin to develop a strategy for overcoming the conflict. In this case decision will be optimal.

Experts identify five main strategies for getting out of a tense situation: avoidance, compromise, rivalry, cooperation and adaptation. Choosing between these options, you need to correlate the goals with the methods for achieving them. It is unlikely that, having adopted a tough strategy, one can maintain a healthy atmosphere in the team or put an insolent person in his place by choosing the path of compromise.

Of course, reconciling colleagues in the office is not at all the same as looking for ways out of it. But the principle is the same: to restore peace and tranquility, while respecting the interests of all stakeholders as much as possible.


One of the toughest strategy options is rivalry. When choosing such a scenario, one of the parties completely suppresses the other, imposing a course of action. Of course, one cannot say that this is a productive and tolerant way. It is hardly worth using it too often, because with such a development of events, one of the participants remains extremely disappointed and angry. Relations in the team, most likely, will be spoiled badly and for a long time. Such methods of getting out of the conflict are applicable only when the proposed solution is beneficial for the whole team, and not for individual stakeholders, and there is no time or opportunity to convince opponents. Although there are situations when it is the rivalry that becomes the only acceptable way out of the situation. If hooligans are trying to take away a wallet from a passerby, it is hardly worth bargaining and looking for compromises that satisfy both sides of the conflict.


Compromise, as the name implies, provides for the partial satisfaction of the interests of each of the parties. Such a way out of the conflict presupposes the desire of the opponents to reach at least a temporary agreement, sacrificing some of their demands for this. Most often, they resort to a compromise if the possibilities of the parties are equal, and the cause of the collision is not of a fundamental nature. In this case, it is better to give up a number of claims than to risk losing everything by losing the argument. The main disadvantage of such a strategy is that the peace achieved is rarely lasting. The temptation is already too great to try to win back those points that were previously sacrificed, when the balance of power changes in the right direction and one of the parties gains an advantage.


Ways out of the conflict do not always imply at least partial satisfaction of the interests of each side. In some cases, one of the participants simply renounces his claims, leaving the conflict. This strategy is called accommodation or yielding. Of course, this can not be called popular. Concessions are forced. Usually one of the parties realizes that it simply does not have enough strength to fight. Or he comes to the conclusion that the end in this case does not justify the means. Returning to the example of hooligans and a passer-by: a concession is a situation where a person gives a wallet to a robber, deciding not to risk his life for a few bills.

However, the reverse is also possible. Such pacifist ways out of the conflict can be used by participants who have realized their own wrong and acknowledged it. In this case, the rejection of unjustified claims requires courage and willpower, since, in fact, it is a public repentance.

Avoiding problem solving

If all types of a way out of the conflict, involving active actions, did not give a result, one of the parties may simply withdraw. This strategy is called problem avoidance or avoidance. In this case, the conflict is not so much resolved, but simply ceases to exist, like a fire into which no one throws firewood. If confrontation has existed for a long time, and no promising solutions to the problem have been found, avoidance can be recognized as one of the most effective strategies. Why waste time and resources on a fruitless struggle when they can be used more wisely? Not every goal is worth fighting for it endlessly.


The rules for exiting the conflict state that the best solution is the solution that best meets the interests of each of the parties. No strategy fits this requirement better than collaboration. In this case, the parties not only make mutual concessions, they actively interact, creating alternative ways to solve the problem. Recognizing the obvious importance of resolving the conflict, its participants seek to eliminate the difficulties that have arisen by joint efforts. As a result of using such a strategy, it is possible not only to successfully solve the existing problem, but also to lay the foundations for further fruitful cooperation.

When making a choice in favor of one of the strategies, it should be remembered that the opponent makes the same decision. It is highly likely that while one of the parties is inclined in favor of a compromise, the other categorically does not want to give up positions. Therefore, strategies can be adjusted, if necessary, replaced by more suitable situations. Carefully studying the conflict and ways out of it, you need to track the moves of the enemy and analyze them before making an important decision.

should be distinguished conflict situations and conflicts. A conflict situation is the emergence of disagreements, i.e., a clash of desires, opinions, interests. A conflict situation occurs during a discussion, a dispute. A dispute is such a discussion when its participants do not just discuss the problem, but are “vitally” interested in solving it in their favor with the disagreement of the other side.

However, for the dispute, as well as for the discussion, respect by both sides of each other, their display of tact is characteristic.

Hindu philosophers introduced next rule spore. Each of the interlocutors must first state the thought of his opponent in the dispute, and only after receiving confirmation that he understood everything correctly, he can refute it. His interlocutor must repeat the essence of these objections and, having received confirmation that they are understood correctly, can bring up a counter-objection.

IN conflict situation several rules must be followed


Limitation of the subject matter of the dispute; uncertainty and the transition from a specific issue to a general one make it difficult to reach agreement;

Accounting for the level of knowledge, competence in this issue opposite side; at big difference in the level of competence, a dispute or discussion will be unproductive, and with the stubbornness of an incompetent debater, they can develop into a conflict;

Accounting for the degree of emotional excitability, restraint of the opposite side; if the participants in the dispute are easily emotionally excitable, possess stubbornness, the dispute will inevitably develop into a conflict;

Control over the fact that in the heat of the dispute does not go to the assessment personal qualities each other.

If these rules are not observed, the dispute develops into a conflict. Conflict- these are mutual negative relations arising from the collision of desires, opinions; these are disagreements between people burdened with emotional tension and “showdown”.

Thus, any conflict reflects a clash of interests, opinions, but not every clash of positions and confrontation of opinions, desires is a conflict. Despite the emotional charge of discussion and argument, they may not turn into conflict if both sides, seeking the truth, consider the essence of the issue, and not finding out who is who. Of course, in any discussion there is a “spark” of conflict, but in order for “a spark to ignite a flame”, certain conditions are needed.

Phases of conflict development

There are two phases of conflict development: constructive and destructive.

For constructive phase of the conflict characterized by dissatisfaction with oneself, opponent, conversation, joint activities. It manifests itself, on the one hand, in the style of conducting a conversation - an increased emotional tone of speech, reproaches, excuses, ignoring the reaction of a partner, and on the other hand, in non-verbal characteristics of behavior: avoiding a conversation, cessation of joint activity or its violation, confusion, a sudden increase in distance with a partner in communication, taking a closed posture, looking away, unnatural facial expressions and gestures.

At the same time, the conversation remains within the framework of a business discussion, disagreements do not become irreversible, opponents control themselves.

Destructive phase of the conflict begins when the mutual dissatisfaction of opponents with each other, ways of resolving the issue, results of joint activities exceeds a certain critical threshold and Team work or communication becomes uncontrollable.

This phase can have two stages. The first is psychologically characterized by the desire to overestimate one's own capabilities and underestimate the opponent's capabilities, to assert oneself at his expense. It is also associated with the groundlessness of critical remarks, with disparaging remarks, glances, gestures towards the opponent. These reactions are perceived by the latter as personal insults and cause opposition, that is, a response conflict behavior.

If the conflicting parties do not change the tactics of relationships, then such clashes become systematic, and the negativism of the subjects becomes more and more persistent. There is a chronic conflict that characterizes the second stage of the destructive phase.

Outcomes of conflict situations

The outcomes of conflict situations can be different: prevention of conflict, avoidance of conflict, its smoothing, coming to a compromise, the emergence of confrontation, coercion.

The prevention of a conflict between a teacher and students depends mainly on the teacher himself. First of all, the teacher must, when conflict situation not to allow the prerequisites for the development of the conflict on their part: to speak calmly with the student and, changing the student's attitude to something, to convince him, and not to order. The teacher must take care of the conditions under which his demand can be fulfilled. It is not advisable to make demands too often, and it is better to replace the command form of their expression, if possible, with other forms. For example, a requirement in the form of a question (“Did you do what I told you last time at home?”) is perceived by students as a form of control, and not as a requirement from the teacher. The requirement can be expressed in the form of a statement, a belief that the student, of course, did what he was told.

Experienced teachers use individual conversations with students to prevent conflicts, during which they clarify their positions and explain their own.

In this case, the teacher needs:

1) show attention to the student, respectful attitude, sympathy for him, tolerance for his weaknesses, endurance, calm tone;

2) build phrases so that they cause a neutral or positive reaction from the student;

3)Constantly support with the student feedback, look into his eyes, follow the change in his posture, facial expressions;

4) slightly delay the pace of the conversation if the student is excited or speaks out of F

too fast;

5) try to mentally put yourself in the place of the student and understand what

events brought him to this state;

6) let the student speak out, do not interrupt or try to outshout him;

7) reduce social distance, approach and lean towards him, touch him, smile;

8) emphasize the commonality of goals, interests, show the student an interest in solving his problem;

9) emphasize best qualities student, which will help him to overcome conflict situation cope with your condition.

However, not all conflicts can be prevented. The teacher's justified dissatisfaction, his resentment towards the students, which he could not restrain, or the student's unwillingness to understand the necessity of the teacher's requirements lead to interpersonal conflict. Then the teacher has another task - to extinguish

the conflict that has arisen, to prevent it from turning into a chronic conflict and being drawn into it by other students or the whole class.

Avoiding conflict as a way to resolve a conflict situation - this is a avoidance of resolving the contradiction that has arisen with reference to lack of time, inappropriateness, untimeliness of the dispute, etc. This method should be used in order not to bring the conversation to a conflict. However, such an outcome is simply postponing the resolution of the conflict situation. The accused side avoids an open confrontation, allows the opposite side to "cool down", weaken mental stress to consider your claims. Sometimes there is a hope that over time everything will settle down by itself (this is most often observed among young teachers and teachers with a long record of retirement). However, when a new reason appears, the conflict flares up again.

Smoothing out the conflict - it is an agreement with the claims, but "only for the moment". The "accused" tries in this way to calm the partner, to remove emotional excitement. He says he was misunderstood, no special reasons for the conflict, that he did not do something due to unexpectedly emerging new circumstances. However, this does not mean that he accepted the claims and realized the essence of the conflict. Just in this moment he shows consent, loyalty.

Smoothing cannot endlessly save the situation, but, rarely used and not on the same occasion, it allows you to remove tension in relations at the moment. However, after a while, the maneuver of the “accused” will be revealed and reproaches will fall on him again: “I promised, but again everything is the same ...”

Therefore, such tactics are bad because they can undermine the partner's trust.

Compromise- this is the adoption of the most acceptable decision for both parties through an open discussion of opinions and positions. Compromise excludes unilateral coercion to one single option, as well as postponing the resolution of the conflict. Its advantage lies in the mutual equality of rights and obligations assumed by each party voluntarily, and openness

claims against each other.

Confrontation- this is a tough confrontation of the parties to each other, when neither of them takes the position of the other. The danger of confrontation is that partners can turn to personal insults when all reasonable arguments are exhausted. Despite the fact that such an outcome of the conflict situation is unfavorable, it allows partners to see the strengths and weaknesses of each other, to understand the interests of the parties (“which means that not everything is going smoothly in my position”).

Confrontation makes you think, doubt, look for new ways out of the impasse.

Often confrontation occurs when you overestimate yourself and underestimate your communication partner, which is typical for egocentrists: “It seems that you are saying obvious things, but he does not understand!” - the teacher is indignant. However, it does not take into account a number of points. An obvious thing can only be for him, the student has a different point of view on this matter, and the position expressed by the teacher contradicts his interests, attitudes, habits, and customs.

Compulsion- this is a tactic of straightforwardly imposing on a person that solution option that suits the leader, parent, teacher. Coercion quickly and decisively eliminates the causes of discontent, but at the same time it is the most unfavorable outcome for maintaining good relations.

Admitting you are wrong or wrong. If the cause of the conflict was the wrong behavior or the erroneous statement of the leader, parent, teacher, which caused disagreement on the other side, then the conflict can be resolved by admitting one's mistake.

Reviewed Outcomes conflict situations and conflicts affect both the mood of communication partners and the stability of their relationship in different ways.

In this sense, the most effective is the prevention of conflicts, but the outcomes of "admission of error", "smoothing" and "compromise" are also favorable.

The article was prepared with the help of the book by IlyinE. P. "Psychology of communication and interpersonal relations".

In the topic " Ways out of the conflict" V short form the theory of conflictology is presented on the basis of the works of AI Shipilov. Conflict- this is a clash of opposing interests, views, aspirations; a serious disagreement, a sharp dispute leading to a fight. Conflict in the organization is a method of solving a controversial way of personal views, in which employees of the enterprise are involved. If the conflict between relatives or close people can be smoothed out, then the conflict at the enterprise can sometimes leave people without a livelihood. In both cases, it is important be able to get out of conflict.

Classification of the conflict, according to, modern interpretation, includes:

Intrapersonal, occurs when conflicting requirements are presented to one person. For example, to attend a meeting and hand over the required amount of work.
Interpersonal - occurs with limited resources.
The conflict between the individual and the group is the contradiction between the expectations of the group and the individual.
Intergroup conflict is the contradiction of the expectations of groups.

All of the above conflicts can be: hidden and open. Hidden Conflicts, mainly take place in the first two groups. The beginning of the conflict is facilitated by an incident that infringes on someone's interests. The incident occurs both at the initiative of the subjects of the conflict (opponents), and regardless of their will and desire, due to either objective circumstances or chance.

Conflict resolution is the joint actions of its participants aimed at solving the problem that caused the conflict. A.I.Shipilov described forms and methods in his work.

The conflict can be completed with the intervention of third parties or independently. Negotiations also play a huge role in ending the conflict. The main strategies are cooperation and compromise, and a way out of the conflict.

AI Shipilov emphasizes that it is important to learn to look at the opponent not through the eyes of the enemy, but to try to understand the person and delve into the problem that causes the conflict. This must be done through joint efforts.

The way out of the conflict is carried out when:

Critical evaluation of one's own actions,
understanding the interests of the opponent,
highlighting the constructive beginning.

Successful resolution of issues (out of the conflict) raised in the process of conflicts directly depends on taking into account the factors influencing it.

These include:

Time to think about the problem of the dispute,
positions and interests of opponents,
making decisions.

Conflict resolution methods are divided into two groups: strategic and tactical.

Get out of conflict in the workplace

Strategic methods for overcoming conflict are the basic methods that were originally incorporated by the management structure into the organization's development scheme in order to prevent dysfunctional conflicts. It includes:

The social side of the development of industrial relations;
explanatory tactics for workers;
a clear organization of work with specific requirements;
remuneration for work;
accrual clarity wages;
the adequacy of the analysis of the conflict.

Tactical methods consist in the choice of tactics:

intense competition,

Action follows from two tactics:

Avoiding a conflict situation
making a compromise decision

In practice, conflicts are often resolved only after concessions from one side. At the same time, the interests of this party are significantly infringed.

In the topic " Ways out of the conflict» we have covered the causes and methods of overcoming the conflict situation from a theoretical point of view.

2. Root causes of conflicts. Page 4.

  • What causes conflict?
  • The beginning of the conflict.

3. Classification and typology of the conflict. Page 7.

  • What is conflict classification?

4. Actions in conflict situations. Page 8.

5.Prevention and prevention of conflictsP.9.

  • Actions taken to avoid conflict situations.

6. Way out of conflict situations. Page 10.

  • Ways out of conflict situations:
  • Violence,
  • Disconnection,
  • Reconciliation.
  • Ending the conflict with the help of a third party:
  • Violence and social pressure,
  • Court,
  • Mediation.

"The strongest one

who has the power

manage yourself."

The concept of "conflict".

Let's start with the main one. What is psychology? Psychology is a science that studies many directions in the psyche of humans and animals. For example, this is the psychology of communication, thinking, abilities, etc. I will consider such a topic as conflict and a way out of it. Psychology is the leading of the eleven sciences that study conflict.

Conflict is the most acute way to resolve significant contradictions that arise in the process of interaction between the parties.

Psychology and human behavior depend not only on personal qualities specific person but also from the social environment, which is a complexly organized society. In society, people are united with each other in various groups; in big and small. The personality of each person is dependent on the psychology and relationships that exist in small groups, relationships are formed in various ways: both positive and negative. In the process of achieving mutual understanding, difficulties often arise, that is, relations in groups can be conflicting.

As I think everyone knows that each person has his own positive and negative traits, its advantages and disadvantages. The behavior of a person in a group depends on his personality and on the characteristics of the group, on the social environment. Negative relationships in the group deserve special attention. Negative relationships in a group give rise to anxiety, interpersonal conflicts, and frustration in a person. A conflict is a disagreement between groups of people caused by disagreement with something, or a dispute on a topic. A conflict can be caused by any question or hint of something that is not to the liking of the person being addressed. A conflict can start as an argument, when two or more people begin to discuss a topic on which they have very different views. One says one thing, the other another, their opinions do not agree, each expresses his opinion, disagreeing and completely refuting the opinion of the other. This is a typical beginning of a small conflict. Let's take a closer look at the issue of conflict.

The word conflict itself comes from the Latin con - together and flictus - blow, i.e. the literal translation means "collision". However, you can use another word, such as "opposition". Such an understanding of this term allows you to better feel the essence of the phenomenon, the conditions of existence, and hence the means of overcoming. Opposition can arise for various reasons and acquire very different character manifestations.

Appearing with the first human communities, conflict phenomena manifested themselves daily. For a long time, conflicts were not studied by science. Over time, living conditions have changed, and conflicts have changed. Their physical, economic and social consequences became different. The attitude of public thought towards them also changed. In the Middle Ages and in modern times, scientists made attempts to comprehend the essence of this phenomenon.

The first studies of the problem under consideration that have come down to us date back to the V11-V1 centuries. BC. Chinese thinkers of that time believed that the source of development of everything that exists is in the relationship between the positive (yang) and negative (yin) sides inherent in matter, which are in constant confrontation and lead to confrontation of their carriers. Many scientists of those times tried to uncover the cause of such a conflict as war. Heraclitus considered war to be the father and king of all things. Plato (428-348 BC) viewed it as the greatest evil.

Traditions of accumulation of conflictological ideas have centuries of history. The first holistic concepts of the conflict appeared at the turn of the 19th - 20th centuries. The ideas of harmony and conflict, peace and violence have always been one of the main ones in religious movements. The theme of the struggle between good and evil is presented in works of culture and art. Ordinary consciousness is also a powerful source of conflictological ideas, a reflection of people's attitudes towards conflicts. different levels. Currently, many scientists are suggesting that perhaps the 21st century will put humanity in front of an alternative: either it will become the century of conflictology, or it will last century in the history of civilization. Conflicts in the 20th century became the main cause of death. Two world wars, more than 200 large-scale wars, local military conflicts, murders, suicides - all these types of conflicts, according to the most approximate estimate, claimed up to 300 million people. human lives. Domestic political struggle is one of the decisive factors in the development of most states. Conflicts in organizations often have a decisive influence on the quality of their activities. Consent in the family and with oneself is the most important condition happy life each person.

Some authors, such as Thomas F. Crum, view conflict as a manifestation of clashing energies. He considers the nature of conflict physical level, from within, as energy. He does not deny the conflict. He tries to embrace it and understand. “Conflict is natural; neither positive nor negative, it just is. It doesn't matter if there is conflict in your life. The important thing is how you react to the conflict,” says T. Kram.

Conflictology, as a relatively independent science in Russia, has existed since the early 90s. From 1924 to 1994 inclusive, more than 311 books, monographs, brochures, 1712 articles in journals, collections, books have been published. By the beginning of 1998, 22 doctoral and 203 master's theses had been defended in the country.

Root causes of conflicts.

So let's find out what causes the conflict?

Conflict. It looks like he's everywhere. We find it in personal life, it arises between parents and the child, between married couples. We meet him in the service between the employer and subordinates, between a man and a woman. We see religion going against religion, nation against nation. This is the deep theme of all human history.

Conflict is becoming the critical outcome of our time. What are the origins of the conflict? Like any social phenomenon is a process that takes place over time. The conflict has certain periods and the stages in which it arises, develops and ends. The dynamics of the conflict is the course of its development, changes in the conflict under the influence of its internal mechanisms and external factors.

In any conflict there are participants - " conflictants". They have the will, consciousness, are able to understand the meaning of their actions and be responsible for them. This means that each of them is subject, and it can be like separate person, and the group - from small contact to macrosocial associations. The opposing subjects are opponents each other. In addition to them, other subjects can also take part in the conflict. These can be mediators, observers, who are the opposing side, but perform peacekeeping functions. However, they can easily turn into opponents.

That, or for which the opponents fight among themselves, is item conflict. It can be a specific thing, property, territory, other material benefits.

The subject of the conflict is often obvious. But it is not so rare, especially during prolonged conflicts, that it is not easy to single it out, since it is overgrown with many additional circumstances. Sometimes this happens: it turns out that this conflict has no subject! Such conflicts are called pointless. They can be the result of delusions, errors of subjects, or at least one of them. However, if the situation is not clarified, then sooner or later the opponents cause damage to each other by their hostile actions, the subject is introduced into the conflict. Although belated.

The beginning of the conflict can be expressed in the form of the first acts of counteraction of the parties. To recognize a conflict as having begun, three coinciding conditions are required:

  • The first participant deliberately and actively acts to the detriment of the other participant (an action can be either physical movement, as well as the transfer of information);
  • The second participant (opponent) is aware that these actions are directed against his interests:
  • In this regard, the opponent takes retaliatory actions against the first participant.

If one of the subjects takes aggressive actions, and the second takes a passive position, then the conflict does not take place. There is no conflict even in the case when one of the parties is planning a conflict interaction, i.e. performs mental rather than behavioral actions.

In the dynamics of the conflict, the following periods and stages can be distinguished:

Pre-conflict period or latent. It includes the following steps:

The emergence of an objective problem situation,

Awareness of the objective problem situation by the subjects of interaction,

Attempts by the parties to resolve the objective problem situation in non-confrontational ways

The emergence of a pre-conflict situation.

The emergence of an objective problem situation. If the conflict is not false, then it is usually generated by an objective problem situation. The essence of such a situation is the emergence of a contradiction between the subjects (their goals, motives, actions, aspirations, etc.). Since the contradiction has not yet been recognized and there are no conflict actions, this situation is called problematic. Basically, it is the result of the action of objective reasons. Many problematic situations that arise daily at work, at home, in the family exist long time and do not show up.

"Objective contradictory situations that arise in people's activities create the potential for conflicts, which becomes a reality only in combination with subjective factors" .

One of the conditions for such a transition is the awareness of an objective problem situation.

Awareness of the objective problem situation. The purpose of this stage is perception of reality as problematic, understanding of the need to take any action to resolve the contradiction.

Attempts by both sides to resolve an objective problem situation in non-conflict ways. Often the parties, or one of them, try to solve the problem in non-conflicting ways. These can be requests, persuasion, informing the opposing side. It may also be that the participant in the interaction concedes, not wanting the problem to develop into a conflict.

The emergence of a pre-conflict situation. The conflict situation is perceived as a threat to the security of one of the parties to the interaction. The situation can be perceived as pre-conflict and in the perception of a threat to some socially important interests. Moreover, the actions of the opponent are considered not as a potential threat, but as a direct one. Exactly sense of imminent threat contributes to the development of the situation in the direction of conflict.

open period often referred to as conflict interaction or conflict. It includes:


Escalation of the conflict

Balanced opposition

End of the conflict

Incident- this is the first clash of the parties, an attempt to solve the problem in their favor with the help of forces. Often a conflict can develop as a series of conflict events, incidents.

Escalation consists in a sharp intensification of the struggle of the opponents. The escalation of the conflict represents that part of it that begins with an incident and ends with a weakening of the struggle, a transition to the end of the conflict.

Balanced opposition. The parties continue to interact, but the intensity of the struggle is reduced. Both sides understand that the continuation of the conflict by force will not lead to anything, but actions on consent are not taken.

And finally end of the conflict. It consists in the transition from conflict resistance to the search for solutions to the problem and the end of the conflict.

Classification and typology of the conflict.

First, let's understand what conflict classification is.

Classification - scientific method, which consists in separating the entire set of objects and then combining them into groups based on some attribute. The classification of conflicts is necessary for a comparative study of their essential features, connections, relationships, functions, etc.

In literature and in everyday life, conflicts are grouped according to the number actorsmass and pair;by durationshort-term and protracted; by volumeglobal, when everyone who could take part in it is involved in the conflict (the entire population, all employees of the organization) and partial, when only some subjects are in conflict, while others are not included in it (conflict between two employees of the organization); according to the ratio of conflict statusesvertical and horizontal;according to the nature of the manifestation– business(more attention is given to the “subject of the conflict”) and emotional when the subject of the conflict "sinks" in the reproaches, insults, ambitions of the parties.

Conflicts can also be classified by field of activity or relationships in which opposition unfolds. Yes, there are conflicts. production(business, official), household, family, political, military, criminal.

According to the conditions required to overcome conflicts are classified from easily overcome before insoluble. There is a division of the conflict according to consequences -with and without complications.

In addition, there are more complex classifications of conflicts. Let's consider some of them. There is a classification of conflicts, reflecting the dependence of the emergence and course of the conflict on who participates in it - depending on the subject. According to this criterion, conflicts can be divided into intrasubjective and intersubjective.

Intrasubjective conflicts, depending on what the subject is, can be divided into two more groups - internal (subject - personality) and intragroup (subject - group).

This classification can be expressed in the following table.

There is a classification of conflicts on grounds of conflict. Three groups of such bases are considered:

Infringement or dissatisfaction of the interests of the subject.

The mistake of the subject, assessing the situation as threatening or infringing on his interests.

Psychological intolerance by the subject of the properties, characteristics of the future opponent, bias.

Depending on the grounds for the entry of subjects into a conflict, conflicts are divided into the following types, which can be summarized in the following table.

One-sided conflict this is when the second subject does not respond, remains passive to the grounds of the first subject.

Difficult - this is when the second subject moves to action. Its grounds may be similar to those of the first subject ( same conflict) and the grounds of both subjects may refer to different groups (difficult).

multilayer a conflict is when the second participant in the conflict, standing up for his interests, connects the actions of the first participant not with the situation, but with some of his personal properties, i.e. he turned on the grounds of psychological intolerance. Complex conflict becomes multi-layered.

Conflicts are also divided into reversible and irreversible. A developing conflict can reach such a state (not clearly defined), after which it becomes impossible to restore normal relations between its participants.

Actions in conflict situations.

Subjects enter into conflict situations either of their own free will or against it. And each conflictant creates his own system of actions in conflict circumstances. Everyone acts according to their own taste, based on their capabilities and in relation to specific circumstances. The essence of any chosen system comes down to setting goals and choosing means that will provide the subject with the optimal (from his point of view) way out of the conflict.

Consider some forms of behavior in conflict situations. Actions in conflict situations depend on the ratio of taking into account one's own and others' interests.

If we consider the forms of behavior in a conflict on a rectangular coordinate system, then we can distinguish five main elements of behavior. Consider a table.

The level of taking into account the interests of the opponent is fixed on the abscissa, and the level of taking into account the subject's own interests is fixed on the ordinate.

1. Avoidance, avoidance of solving the problem. Usually the subject acts in this way with a weak motivation to participate in the conflict; when the win does not seem very attractive or unrealistic to him, or the win requires too much effort, and the subject does not want to apply it, and at the same time he sees no reason to meet the opponent.

Under such circumstances, the subject pretends that the problem does not exist; he walks away from the conflict. Avoidance makes the conflict one-sided with its subsequent completion, or interrupts it, returning the subjects to a state of readiness for conflict.

2. If the subject goes to meet the interests of the opponent at the expense of his own interests; which usually happens when there is some justification for such a sacrifice, there is a form compliance, adaptation.

In such a situation, the subject either takes into account the special significance of the problem for the opponent, while its significance for himself is less, or he does so in order to maintain relations or expects to acquire the opponent’s favor at such a price, or he understands that he is wrong. Also, the subject can choose a position of compliance and adaptation if he wants to save strength for more important battles, or hopes to win in public opinion in this way.

One way or another, but this option the subject voluntarily concedes the victory to the opponent.

3. Competition, rivalry. This form of behavior in a conflict manifests itself when the subject puts his interests at the forefront, completely ignoring the interests of the partner. In this case, the subject is counting on his complete victory, but at the same time risking defeat.

This option is characterized by the maximum mobilization of available funds, high emotional and volitional tension. It is with such actions that the struggle “not for life, but for death” occurs, and here, most often, there is a deviation from the rules of “fair play”.

4. Compromise. Such a solution to the problem takes place when the subject, having moderated the level of his claims, meets the interests of the opponent, thereby reducing the risk of losing and receiving a partial, compromise solution to the problem. In this situation, one has to act prudently, prudently, show patience, endurance, perseverance and ingenuity in search of mutually acceptable options.

In the last three forms of behavior: adaptation, competition and compromise, the sum of gains is equal to the sum of losses, i.e. the interests of the winner are entirely satisfied at the expense of the interests of the loser (or voluntarily yielding).

5. Cooperation. In this variant of behavior, with a harmonious consideration of mutual interests, both subjects open up the opportunity for creative, constructive processes. An important condition for such behavior is the presence common purpose, as well as trust, openness of relations based on impeccable reputation partners. Often the path to cooperation lies through compromise.

Prevention and prevention of conflicts.

Let's consider: what actions should be taken to avoid conflict situations. There are many rules on how to avoid conflict when communicating with people. Here are some of them:

1. If you do not want to make an enemy in a person, never express doubts about mental abilities and giftedness of your interlocutor.

2. It is necessary to strengthen a person's faith in himself. Self-confidence is the level of claims that determines the success of an activity.

3. When talking to people about issues on which you have disagreements with him, in no case start with them. It may happen that a person is already ready for defense, and all attacks can cause an increase in aggression. Or the person had good mood, and your questions may cause a conflict.

4. In an effort to convince a person, you need to let him talk first. This, of course, requires patience, but is very effective.

For these rules to be successful, you need to make them your principle. Sometimes there are manipulative people. They deliberately use manipulation for their own benefit.

Now we will talk about how to avoid a repetition of conflicts that have already happened, especially typical ones. In such a situation, it is advisable to use past episodes, carefully investigate and identify the causes of the clash between opponents and, of course, try to eliminate, neutralize or mitigate them. If the causes are not accessible to influences, efforts can be directed to changing conditions. You can also prevent conflict by using business game. This is done in the following way. The participants of the game are divided into groups that take on the roles of stakeholders and model their possible reactions. This tactic was successfully used by President de Gaulle's security service.

Mechanisms and ways of resolving intrapersonal conflicts.

Overcoming the intrapersonal conflict is ensured by the formation and operation of psychological defense mechanisms. Psychological protection is a normal, everyday working mechanism of the psyche. Developing as a means of socio-psychological adaptation, psychological defense mechanisms are designed to control emotions in cases where experience signals a person about negative consequences their experiences and expressions. Some researchers, for example, F. Vasilyuk, I. Stoikov, and others, consider psychological defense to be an unproductive means of solving internal conflict. They believe that defense mechanisms limit personal development.

Way out of conflict situations.

The end of the conflict can be achieved either by the conflicting parties themselves without the help of any third parties, or by involving a third party. There are three ways in which conflicting parties can attempt to resolve a state of conflict without the involvement of a third party:





More weak side with the help of force is forced to obey and fulfill the requirements of a stronger party.

The desire to resolve the conflict in this way can lead to fisticuffs, domestic crimes, and when large social groups, then to wars, uprisings, revolutions. Violence resolves the conflict according to the principle: "The strong is always right." This means not only the use physical strength: V human society Violence can take the form of administrative, official and legal pressure.

The history of mankind is filled with many examples of the use of force to resolve conflicts at various levels - from assault in personal relationships to draconian measures of power against one's own people and world wars between states. Violence has always been a source terrible tragedies and moral losses, but it will exist for a long time. Because, firstly, it is preferred by those who are stronger. But since the strong rely on it, then it is possible to prove the opposite to them only with the help of force, but they are stronger ... Secondly, if there is power, then there is no need for intelligence, as they say in a well-known Russian proverb. The principle "the strong is always right" means, first of all, the triumph of stupidity. And, as the Spanish philosopher Miguel de Unamuno noted, stupidity in the world is much more developed than malice. And finally, thirdly, sometimes the implementation of this principle turns out to be the fastest tactical way to resolve the conflict.

The ability to quickly end the fight is perhaps the only advantage of force. However, the forceful resolution of the conflict is always ineffective. The side suppressed by force remains dissatisfied with the solution of the conflict achieved in this way. This pushes her towards covert resistance, and sometimes open rebellion, which again and again require violence to suppress.

An employee who does not agree with the decision of the boss will pretend that he obeyed the order, but in fact he will sabotage this decision in every possible way. The child behaves similarly - he obeys and performs, under the threat of punishment, what he had just been strongly forbidden. The humiliated position of Germany after the defeat in the First World War ultimately led to the outbreak of the Second World War (this was recognized later even by W. Churchill).

The conflict can finally be resolved only with the complete destruction of the weak side: as long as it is alive, its discontent remains to live. But even with the complete destruction of the weak side, the winners still often receive moral condemnation in history. History values ​​those rulers who bloodlessly renounced power much higher than those who, defending their power, flooded the country with blood.


In this case, the conflict is resolved by terminating the interaction, breaking off relations between the conflicting parties (for example, divorce of spouses).

Separation of the conflicting parties can be accomplished by their divergence. This is how, for example, a quarrel between bus passengers ends when they exit at a bus stop. Another way of separation is the flight of one of the conflicting parties. This method is usually used by the weaker party to avoid violence. It is known from history that not only individuals but also numerous social groups fled.

The Old Believers in Russia were removed from their homes and settled in dense forests in order to avoid persecution for their faith. Protestants fled from the Catholic countries of Europe to America, creating there independent state- USA.

Of course, the separation of the conflicting parties completely resolves the conflict. However, it is not always possible. Spouses are connected by children (if there are any, of course), and divorced people are not always able to leave in our conditions; warring national groups cannot and do not want to leave the territory where they live side by side.

But even if disengagement is feasible in principle, it leads to a post-conflict situation that can be painful for one or both of the conflicting parties. The parted parties, having got rid of conflict relations with each other, are forced to look for a replacement with new contacts, and it is not known whether the latter will become even more conflicting. After the separation, both parties realize what problems they will have to face. Therefore, it is not surprising that after some time the conflictants who parted sometimes renew contacts, and even converge again.


Peaceful settlement of differences can happen by itself, on the basis of the cessation of hostilities by the conflicting parties against each other. In this case, the conflict subsides, but at any moment it can flare up again if someone even inadvertently does what the other side perceives as an unfriendly act.

But, as a rule, reconciliation is achieved only as a result of negotiations between the conflicting parties, ending with a decision on the further behavior of each other. In order for the conflict to be resolved, it is important that the conflicting parties agree among themselves, so that they themselves find the most convenient way out of the conflict situation.

The final resolution of the conflict, as a rule, is achieved only through negotiations. Wars sooner or later end with the fact that the belligerents, convinced of the inexpediency of continuing hostilities, sit down at the negotiating table. If none of the opponents managed to achieve military superiority over the other, they are forced to make some kind of mutual concessions in order to agree on a peace treaty. And even in the event of a military defeat, the vanquished enter into negotiations with the victors on the terms of surrender. When the conflicting parties, convinced of the impossibility of continuing the joint business, decide to disperse and terminate it, negotiations begin between them (on the terms of divorce, dissolution of the organization, closing of the company, division of property, etc.).


At the level of pair interaction, there are no other forms of conflict resolution other than those mentioned above. But the interaction of the conflicting parties can be transferred to another level if a third party, “Z”, is involved in resolving the conflict. Then there are new ways out of the conflict.

These methods depend on the position that the third party will take. It can act in two roles: 1) as a force supporting one of the conflicting parties, and 2) as an independent and impartial mediator.

In the first case, the end of the conflict is achieved again with the help of violence , and through social pressure. In the second, when a third party takes a neutral, impartial position in relation to the conflicting parties, the following forms of conflict resolution arise: court, arbitration and mediation.


Violence involving a third party is capable of committing the weaker side over the stronger (as opposed to violence at the level of pair interaction). Thus, the involvement of a third party dramatically changes the balance of power of the conflicting parties. The principle “the strong is always right” ceases to operate. When the interpersonal conflict between X and Y is intervened by the additional force of Z in the form of a whole group “ good fellows”, speaking, say, on the side of X, then the question of who is physically stronger - X or Y - no longer matters. The physical abilities of the conflicting party - powerful biceps, mastery of karate techniques or skill in handling the "colt" - are decisive only in acute conflicts and mainly in one-on-one fights. Action movies cultivate the image of a “superman” who single-handedly defeats hordes of enemies, but in real life, a loner is rarely able to defeat many. Usually, the side that wants to resolve the conflict through violence creates a group of accomplices or seeks support from a mafia organization, a gangster “roof”, hired “killers”. The power support factor plays a huge role in social conflicts of various scales - from children's fights to wars between nations. (Of course, violence through the involvement of accomplices, as well as at the level of pair interaction, is not limited to the use of only physical force.)

As for social pressure, one conflicting party exerts it on the other, using some official authorities and organizations, the press, advertising, public opinion and other means as a supporting force. public influence. In a conflict between employees, one of them can turn the bosses in his favor, and even without any administrative measures, the authority of the leader can put enough pressure on the other conflict participant to make concessions. In the political struggle, they resort to pressure on the enemy with the help of the media, portraying him in an unfavorable light. Quite often, fighting political forces use spontaneous mass movements against each other or themselves induce the masses to various kinds of actions against a political rival (one can recall in this regard, for example, how various political forces in our country tried in the 1990s to put the to their own interests, the performances of the miners who blocked railways seeking to recover their unpaid wages).

Let us now turn to the consideration of those forms of ending the conflict in which an impartial mediator becomes a third party.


The court is one of the most remarkable inventions of mankind. In court, a third party is a representative of public authority. The power of power, much more powerful than the power of each of the parties to the conflict, prevents the use of violence by any of them as a means of resolving contentious issues.

Historically, justice was first administered directly by the rulers themselves. In progress further development there was a separation of the courts from the administration. The judicial solution of the conflict is based not on the ideas of its participants about their rightness and not by virtue of one of them, but on the system of law and the strength of public power. Law is the regulator of relations between people, which comes from the state and is protected by it from violations.

IN litigation act according to the principle: “he is right on whose side the law is”. Most ancient system laws is customary law based on traditions and customs. A little later there was legislative law existing in the form of codes of laws.

Creation of the institution of the court - important step in the development of civilization, which led to a significant limitation of violence and arbitrariness in relations between the conflicting parties. Going to court is the surest form of conflict resolution. However, the resolution of conflicts in court, for all its merits, has its drawbacks.

Firstly, no code of laws can take into account the nuances of human relationships and actions. Considering any case, the court is forced to “adjust” it to a certain standard, to a category of similar situations prescribed by law.

Second, there may be hooks in legal systems that allow a fraudster to elude justice, thereby making an honest but simple-minded simpleton "guiltlessly guilty." Often there are also legal conflicts - contradictions between laws, between legal norms of different levels. Such collisions not only put the judge in a difficult position, but also lead to the admission of elements of subjectivity and arbitrariness in the court verdict.

Thirdly, the fairness of a judgment depends not only on the application of the law, but also on the ability of the judiciary to penetrate deep enough into the essence of the case. The resolution of the conflict in court requires from judges, in addition to knowledge of the laws, also insight, the ability to understand people and the motives of their actions, wisdom, as well as creativity. Consider the following example.

The Bible tells how the wise King Solomon administered justice. When he had to decide which of the two women, each of whom claimed that it was she who was the mother of the child, was telling the truth, he said: “Cut the child with the sword and give each half!” One woman said, “Chop!”, And the second pleaded: “Give the child to her, do not kill him!” And Solomon gave the child to the second woman.

Unfortunately, not all judges have the same sharp mind as King Solomon. Judicial errors- not uncommon at all.

Of course, court orders must be followed. However, it is no coincidence life by law opposed conscientious life. After a dispute is resolved in court, one or even both parties often remain dissatisfied with the decision of the judge. And this means that they will not be especially zealous in following it. They will, by hook or by crook, evade the implementation of the court decision, will again and again seek a review of the case.


Arbitration differs from the court in that the role of a third party is entrusted to a person whose decision both conflicting parties voluntarily undertake to comply with (currently “arbitration court” is meant).

The arbitration procedure can be organized in different ways: It can be less formal than in court, be regulated by some special rules, or be built at the discretion of the arbitrator. The main thing in arbitration is that the conflicting parties voluntarily refuse to resolve conflicts themselves and are willing to accept the decision proposed by the arbitrator.

Of course, the effectiveness of conflict resolution through arbitration largely depends on how smart, fair and authoritative the arbitrator is. Often, one of the holders of power or persons appointed by the authorities becomes the arbitrator. In many cases, the candidacy of an arbitrator is determined by agreement between the conflicting parties themselves. In gangster circles, it is popular to refer to one of crime bosses as an arbitrator.

Special variants of arbitration include "God's Court", in which the role of arbitrator is performed by a "higher power"; voting, in which the majority becomes the arbitrator, as well as a lot, where the role of an impartial arbitrator is given not to a person, but to blind chance.

When the conflicting parties trust the arbitrator and agree in advance to his decision, the likelihood that they will comply with this decision can be quite high. The probability increases even more if the arbiter is given the right to control the implementation of his decisions, and he has sufficient opportunities to cross their violation. But still, the decision of an arbitrator, even the most respected and authoritative one, is not the decision of the conflicting parties themselves. It is imposed on them from the outside. And it is quite possible that one of them will be dissatisfied with this decision. Of course, there are wonderful referees. However, it is also clear that the decisions of an arbitrator, like those of a state judge, are by no means always effective.


Mediation, unlike court and arbitration, allows the parties to resolve the conflict themselves through negotiations. The task of the mediator-mediator is not to give them a ready-made solution that they must implement, but to help them negotiate and come to an agreement.

The participation of the mediator consists in organizing negotiations, in making them more constructive. Since during mediation the decision is made by the conflicting parties themselves and they themselves voluntarily assume the obligation to fulfill it, mediation, in comparison with the court and arbitration, gives more confidence that the conflict will be successfully resolved. Statistics claim that voluntary agreements between conflicting parties are better implemented than judicial and arbitral awards. Even in the US, civil judgments are executed no more than 40% of the time, while jointly negotiated agreements are honored by both parties 70% of the time.

This is how I imagine the psychology of conflict and the way out of it. Considering this topic, I got acquainted with the works of several authors on conflict resolution. Each of them offers its own theory of the study of conflict. To some extent they are different. But in general, they are essentially identical. The terms and concepts used by them in their works are different, but they are all synonyms.

Conflictology, as a mature science, is not yet present, it is represented within the framework of many branches of knowledge. For example: such as military science, art history, history, mathematics, pedagogy, political science, jurisprudence, psychology, sociology, philosophy. IN last years research centers for the study of conflicts are being created, the discipline "Conflictology" is being introduced at universities, books and study guides. All this indicates that conflictology is in its infancy. Social practice needs conflictological knowledge.

In my abstract, I considered the options that seemed to me the most interesting, correct and acceptable.


Application No. 1

Table to the topic: Classification and typology of the conflict. Page 7.

Application №2

Table to the topic: Classification and typology of the conflict. Page 8.

Application №3

Table to the topic: Actions in conflict situations. Page 8.

Annex No. 4.

Table to the topic: Ending the conflict with the help of a third party.


  1. Antsupov A.Ya., Shipilov A.I. Conflictology. Textbook. –M.: Unity, 2000.
  2. Asmolov A.G. Psychology of Personality. –M., 1970.
  3. Borodkin F.M., Koryak P.M. Attention: Conflict. - Novosibirsk, 1989.
  4. Karmin A.S. Conflictology. Textbook. -Peter. 1999.
  5. Kibanova A.Ya., Organizational personnel management. Textbook. - M.: INFRA - M, 1997.
  6. 6. Linchevsky E.E. Contacts and conflicts. Communication in leadership. –M.: Economics, 2000.
  7. Nemov R.S. Psychology. –M.: Enlightenment, 1990.
  8. Thomas F. Crum. Managing the energy of conflict. - AST REFL-book, 2000

Roman political figure, philosopher and writer. Educator and adviser to the Roman emperor Nero; accused of conspiracy, on his orders committed suicide.

In our country, there is a system of state arbitration (Courts of Arbitration), designed to resolve mainly property disputes between legal entities, and operating in accordance with the Law on the Court of Arbitration. Arbitration here is a type of court and is not arbitration in the stipulated sense, i.e. "arbitral tribunal".

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