The meaning of the word "strict. Strict - meaning, interpretation of the word


    STRICT, -and I, -oh; strict, strictly, strictly, strict and strictly; stricter, the strictest.

    1. Very demanding; demanding. A strict teacher. Strict critic.[Mayor:] Well, friend, how is your master? .. strict? likes to bake that way or not? Gogol, Inspector. Her mother loved her madly, but she was terribly strict with her. Dostoevsky, Netochka Nezvanova. Do not be strict with this letter, it is prompted by the most sincere and fresh feeling. Stanislavsky, Letter to G. N. Fedotova, 12 Feb. 1895. || Full of exactingness, exactingness. Strict handling.|| Expressing exactingness, exactingness. Strict look. Strict tone.- And if I, for example, decided to inform the commandant? - and here I made a very serious, even strict face. Lermontov, Taman.

    2. Not allowing any indulgence, concessions; severe. Severe reprimand(the highest punishment in the system of penalties in institutions, organizations, etc.). Strict law. Severe punishment. Take strict action.

    3. Tolerant of no deviation, carried out precisely and rigorously. Strict diet. Strict economy. Strict accounting.[The Countess] received the whole city, observing strict etiquette. Pushkin, Queen of Spades. A strict, slowly increasing ration of excellent hospital food quickly restored his strength. B. Polevoy, The Tale of a Real Man. || Accurate, complete, perfect. Strict sequence. Strict demarcation. In strict accordance with smth. In the strict sense of the word.- Life is like life: everything is done in strict dependence and in the proper order. Sleptsov, Hard time.

    4. Do not allow deviations from the accepted norms of behavior, morality. A man of strict according to strict morality I have never done harm to anyone in my life. N. Nekrasov, moral man. He was a man of strict life, incorruptible, he did not allow theft and felling. Gladkov, A story about childhood. || holding fast to something, following something. Strict adherents German philosophy since the time of Kant, especially strict Hegelians have despised and to some extent even hated everything French. Chernyshevsky, Essays Gogol period Russian literature. I saw and heard a lot in those years of strict zealots of piety. Gladkov, A story about childhood.

    5. Correct, appropriate classical style. Strict facial features.The artist would call the beauty of the Armenian woman classical and strict. Chekhov, Beauties. [Mother] looked at Sophia's stern profile and her head, covered with a heavy mass of golden hair. M. Gorky, Mother. || One that is characteristic noble simplicity lines, shapes, lack of decorations (about clothes, hairstyle, furnishings, etc.). Strict suit. Strict hairstyle.[Fanarin] introduced Nekhlyudov into his strict style business office. L. Tolstoy, Resurrection. Ivan Maksimovich is dressed in a frock coat of strict cut. Sartakov, Sayan Ridges.

    6. Hunt. Sensitive, shy; watchful. Elk is a very strict animal: one is enough 289 disturb him once, so that he leaves his chosen place for a long time. Arseniev, Dersu Uzala.

Source (printed version): Dictionary of the Russian language: In 4 volumes / RAS, Institute of Linguistics. research; Ed. A. P. Evgenieva. - 4th ed., erased. - M.: Rus. lang.; Polygraphic resources, 1999; (electronic version):

strict exacting, exacting, vigilant, executive, exact, steady, antip. condescending, compliant; faithful, reliable, accurate.
| Severe, unmerciful, cruel, formidable, unforgiving of guilt. A strict father, a boss who does not give habits, indulgence, does not indulge, or is disproportionately punitive. Strict judge, truthful. Strict laws, formidable. -rebuke, highest degree disapproval. -supervision, -accounting, - take care, precise, extreme. - truth, - conscience, - morality, pure, uncompromising. Strict horse mouthpiece. - dog collar, punitive, causing severe pain and compelling to obey. - Punishment, strong, cruel. - an order requiring exact execution.
| Strict dog, sensitive, vigilant; - game, watchdog, cautious, which is difficult to blow up. Keep your ear strictly, look strictly, do not yawn, the convergence of words is sharp and strict: This is a strict knife, just cut off your hand. The formidable giant steps on the strict peaks, Lomonosov. Strictly order, with a threat; strictly observe, without omissions, exactly; exact severely, severely, mercilessly. In the beginning, every business is strict. The strict law creates the guilty. A strict law creates great guilt. With us, with a new head, it has become strict, habits are not given. This horse is strict, do not come from behind. They searched me severely, ransacked everything. He is strict, overly. Alert the trap stricter, sensitively, right; the words common root. The severity of women property, quality, state adj. To build over whom, over what, Vlad. strictly guard, keep in hand; guard sparingly;
| - to whom, strictly pronounce. Be careful, take a strict look, posture, beware, beware, shy. The bird is striving, wants to fly away. The horse is building up. frightened, afraid, pricked up ears, restless. Your neighbor is leaning on you, sib. angry, pouting, distrusting, or plotting. Symb severity. the severity of the amulet, and
| 2) caution.

Dal V.I. . Dictionary Dalia, 1863-1866 .

  • Meaning of the word serious in the Dahl-French dictionary. the meaning of this word is very different, but one of the following. it can always be replaced: important, dignified, sedate, stately; strict, persevering...
  • fear (02) - adj. Observe danger, caution. Walk, live with danger, with caution. We are in danger, trouble. The ship is in danger, threatened by...
  • pronounce - pronounce what, pronounce it with your mouth, express it with your voice and words or verbal sounds. You can't say this easily; on an empty stomach, from the cold, from sleepiness ...
  • collect - collect what, old. seek, look for; now: what, from whom, to correct from whom, to withdraw, to force to pay; from whom, strictly demand execution ...

The following word meanings:

  • What build (03)- church. manager, butler. Desert builder, hieromonk, rector. The builder of the temple, the creator, the builder, whose cares it was built; elder, ktitor. -telev, -telnitsyn ...
  • build (02) - Build, put, fence; lay stone, cut wood, create a building. Build a house and build a grave. Whoever has a lot of bread, keep pigs; …


exacting, exacting, vigilant, executive, precise, steady, opposite sex. condescending, compliant; faithful, reliable, accurate.

Severe, unmerciful, cruel, formidable, unforgiving of guilt. A strict father, a boss who does not give habits, indulgence, does not indulge, or is disproportionately punitive. Strict judge, truthful. Strict laws, formidable. reprimand, the highest degree of disapproval. -supervision, -accounting, - take care, precise, extreme. - truth, - conscience, - morality, pure, uncompromising. Strict horse mouthpiece. - dog collar, punitive, causing severe pain and forcing to obey. - Punishment, strong, cruel. - an order requiring exact execution.

Strict dog, sensitive, vigilant; - game, watchdog, cautious, which is difficult to blow up. Keep your ear strictly, look strictly, do not yawn, the convergence of words is sharp and strict: This is a strict knife, just cut off your hand. The formidable giant steps on the strict peaks, Lomonosov. Strictly order, with a threat; strictly observe, without omissions, exactly; exact severely, severely, mercilessly. In the beginning, every business is strict. The strict law creates the guilty. A strict law creates great guilt. With us, with a new head, it has become strict, habits are not given. This horse is strict, do not come from behind. They searched me severely, ransacked everything. He is strict, overly. Alert the trap stricter, sensitively, right; common root words. Strictness property, quality, state adj. To build over whom, over what, Vlad. strictly guard, keep in hand; guard sparingly;

To whom, strictly pronounce. Be careful, take a strict look, posture, beware, beware, shy. The bird is striving, wants to fly away. The horse is building up. frightened, afraid, pricked up ears, restless. Your neighbor is leaning on you, sib. angry, pouting, distrusting, or plotting. Symb severity. the severity of the amulet, and

2) caution.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


Aya, oh; strict, strict, strict, strict and strict; stricter; the strictest.

    Very demanding, exacting. S. chief. S. examiner.

    Harsh, tough. Strict handling. S. tone. Strict warning. C. reprimand.

    Not allowing any deviations from the norm, completely accurate. Strict diet. C. accounting,

    Not allowing deviations from the rules of conduct, from generally accepted moral standards. Strict morals. A man of strict rules. 3. Correct, not deviating from the best samples. FROM. artistic taste. Strict beauty. 6. About clothes, appearance, furnishings: simple, unadorned, but indicative of good taste. C. suit. Strict hairstyle. * Strictly strict (colloquial) - very strict. Strictly banned. Strictly speaking, enter, eat. - essentially.

    noun rigor, and

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    1. Very demanding, exacting.

      Full of exactingness, exactingness.

      Expressing exactingness, exactingness.

    1. Not allowing indulgence; harsh (of a person).

      Merciless, cruel (on measures of punishment, influence).

    1. Strictly carried out, observed.

      Adhering exactly to smth., following smth.

    1. Not allowing deviations from the accepted norms of behavior, morality.

      Strictly adhering to accepted norms of behavior, morality.

    1. Combining simplicity and nobility of lines, shapes, outlines.

      Responding to the requirements of the classical style.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998

Strict (destroyer)

« Strict"- Russian Sokol-class destroyer.

In the winter of 1902-1903, he moved from the Baltic to Sevastopol. nes military service in the Black Sea Fleet. October 10, 1907 reclassified to destroyers.

Examples of the use of the word strict in the literature.

But one thing we know for sure: every adult citizen of both sexes of the 250 million Soviet people covered the strictest passport system, is in the eye, and even on the account of the KGB and under the constant supervision of its sexist network.

And in the field of avant-garde improvisational jazz, punk funk, oddly enough, developed in the person of the followers of one of the most consistent and strict avant-garde - Ornette Coleman.

Caravans of transports, surrounded by flocks of escort frigates, antediluvian battleships, aircraft carriers, fans of nuclear submarines - this whole armada crawled along coordinate grids in strict in accordance with the plans of the Admiralty, which so far remained a secret even for squadron commanders, but not for earthlings.

For 24 years, the Farnborough Air Show has remained strictly national.

During one of his relapses, Aurelius ran away despite the strictest supervision.

For all this, - said the traffic inspector, - two fines are due: Strict and very Strict.

These are examples of self-oscillations of a vortex nature, but self-oscillations can also be a product of the action of a constant perturbing factor. strictly periodic character, one- or multi-tonal.

We must recognize conditional rationality strict treatment of the child, if we hope to convince the teacher who is forced to apply authoritarian method education, the ability to do without such a method on the basis of the prevention of neurotic conditions.

Pussyville Valley they say you're sailing on a leisurely ship to China strictly because of a lot of money and nitrogenous film infantry.

The haughty city, adorned as a world capital should be with opulent buildings, displayed a row of gleaming spiers and architectural orders, sometimes strict and simple ones, such as those whose capitals were likened to baskets of acanthus leaves, or those where the notches in the columns were borrowed from the pillars against which the ancient Greeks leaned their spears - these forms are more elegant in their simplicity than anything later managed to invent the art of man.

The houses were decorated like women, buffoons and butterflies; strict realism, were twice as high as commoners.

Gumilyov declared acmeism an organically worthy and legitimate heir to the best that symbolism gave, but having its own spiritual and aesthetic foundations - fidelity to the pictorially visible world, its plastic objectivity, increased attention to poetic technique strict taste, blooming conviviality of life.

Court etiquette was not strictly formalized, obviously, and one of the nobles stepped forward as Alak sat down on the high seat.

St. Brigid, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Teresa, St. Magdalene de Pazzi, Mary Alakok and many other holy fools, whose piety and prophetic gift are praised in church calendar, were, apparently, women whose imagination, inflamed too strict way of life, often made them completely insane.

In the evening, a fire was built, scarecrows were solemnly hoisted on it, pictures smeared in mud were laid out around it, where the duke with seven hundred halberdiers stormed Belgrade, and everything was set on fire along strictly sustained clownish ceremonial.




strict, strict; strict, strict, strict.

1. Very demanding, exacting, demanding exact execution of something. "Here are our strict connoisseurs and judges." Griboyedov . "The king was strict and not willing to indulge such temptations." Krylov . Strict father. A strict teacher. Strict man.

|| Deprived of gentleness, serious to severity. “On points, I selected an interrogation that was superbly strict.” Nekrasov . “You can't! strictly(adv.) said uncle. Maksim Gorky . “The open pupils were strict and calm.” A. Blok . Strict look. Strict tone. Strict treatment.

2. Not allowing any deviations, deviations from accepted norms, prescriptions, absolutely accurate. "Dyaka made a strict account of the nuts." Pushkin . “She received the whole city at her place, observing strict etiquette.” Pushkin . “We are only able to worry, and not to worry, in the strict sense of the word, but only to speak miserable words.” Saltykov-Shchedrin . Strict order. Strict accounting. Strict diet. Strict supervision. Strict supervision. Lockdown.

3. Very harsh, not allowing condescension, connivance. Strict law. Strict reprimand. Strict measures. Strict rule. Strict collection.

|| One that forces one to obey (painful in disobedience; spec.). Strict collar. Strict spurs. Strict mouthpiece(for a horse).

4. Adhering to some exact rules (in behavior, life); devoid of frivolity, licentiousness. Strict morals. Strict morality. Strict lifestyle. Strict behavior. A man of strict rules.

5. Correct, meeting the requirements of a certain style, norm. Strict facial features. Strict profile. Strict taste. Strict hairstyle.

Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.



See what "strict" is in other dictionaries:

    STRICT, exacting, exacting, vigilant, executive, exact, steady, ·opposite. condescending, compliant; faithful, reliable, accurate. | Severe, unmerciful, cruel, formidable, unforgiving of guilt. Strict father, boss, not ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Demanding, formidable, cruel, steep, relentless, picky, demanding, pretentious, harsh, draconian, Cato, squeamish, fastidious, picky. Draconian (draconian) laws. Iron hand. She got into a tough... ... Synonym dictionary

    Strict: "Strict" ("Swan") Sokol-class destroyer. "Strict" destroyer of project 7U ... Wikipedia

    STRICT, oh, oh; strict, strict, strict, strict and strict; stricter; the strictest. 1. Very demanding, exacting. S. chief. S. examiner. 2. Severe, hard. Strict handling. S. tone. Strict warning. C. reprimand. 3. Not… … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    strict- strict, brief f. strict, strict, strict, strict and admissibly strict; comp. Art. stricter, excellent. Art. the strictest ... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

    App., use. often Morphology: strict, strict, strict, strict and strict; stricter; nar. strictly 1. A strict person is called someone who does not allow deviations from any norm in communication with someone, in someone's behavior, requires compliance with any ... ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

    strict- 1 terribly strict incredibly strict extraordinarily strict emphatically strict 2 strict prohibition strict neutrality strict accounting ... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

    strict- declare stern action receive stern action, recipient... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

    Strict, strict, strictly, Ukrainian. strict, Bulgarian strict, Serbohorv. strict, Slovenian. strȏg, Czech. strohy short, concise; strict, dry, Polish. srogi is cruel. Russian the word is usually considered a loanword. from Polish, and this whole group of words is approaching ... ... Etymological dictionary Russian language by Max Fasmer

    strict- (very demanding, exacting) with whom and to whom. Strict with people (to people). Her mother loved her madly, but was terribly strict with her (Dostoevsky). ... Then the stanitsa authorities, strict towards various wandering people, would arrest us (Gorky) ... Control Dictionary


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STRICT, -and I, -oh; strict, strictly, strictly, strict and strictly; stricter, the strictest.

1. Very demanding; demanding. A strict teacher. Strict critic.[Mayor:] Well, friend, how is your master? . strict? likes to bake that way or not? Gogol, Inspector. Her mother loved her madly, but she was terribly strict with her. Dostoevsky, Netochka Nezvanova. Do not be strict with this letter, it is prompted by the most sincere and fresh feeling. Stanislavsky, Letter to G. N. Fedotova, 12 Feb. 1895. ||Filled with exactingness, exactingness. Strict handling.|| Expressing exactingness, exactingness. Strict look. Strict tone.- And if I, for example, decided to inform the commandant? - and here I made a very serious, even strict face. Lermontov, Taman.

2. Not allowing any indulgence, concessions; severe. Severe reprimand(the highest punishment in the system of penalties in institutions, organizations, etc.). Strict law. Severe punishment. Take strict action.

3. Tolerant of no deviation, carried out precisely and rigorously. Strict diet. Strict economy. Strict accounting.[The Countess] received the whole city, observing strict etiquette. Pushkin, The Queen of Spades. A strict, slowly increasing ration of excellent hospital food quickly restored his strength. B. Polevoy, The Tale of a Real Man. ||Accurate, complete, perfect. Strict sequence. Strict demarcation. In strict accordance with smth. In the strict sense of the word.- Life is like life: everything is done in strict dependence and in the proper order. Sleptsov, Hard time.

4. Do not allow deviations from the accepted norms of behavior, morality. A man of strict rules.Living in accordance with strict morality, I have done no harm to anyone in my life. N. Nekrasov, Moral man. He was a man of strict life, incorruptible, he did not allow theft and felling. Gladkov, A story about childhood. ||Strictly adhering to smth., following smth. The strict adherents of German philosophy since the time of Kant, especially the strict Hegelians, have despised and to some extent even hated everything French. Chernyshevsky, Essays on the Gogol period of Russian literature. I saw and heard a lot in those years of strict zealots of piety. Gladkov, A story about childhood.

5. Correct, meeting the requirements of the classical style. Strict facial features.The artist would call the beauty of the Armenian woman classical and strict. Chekhov, Beauties. [Mother] looked at Sophia's stern profile and her head, covered with a heavy mass of golden hair. M. Gorky, Mother. || One that is characterized by a noble simplicity of lines, shapes, lack of decorations (about clothes, hairstyle, furnishings, etc.). Strict suit. Strict hairstyle.[Fanarin] led Nekhlyudov into his strict business office. L. Tolstoy, Resurrection. Ivan Maksimovich is dressed in a frock coat of strict cut. Sartakov, Sayan Ridges.

6. Hunt. Sensitive, shy; watchful. Elk is a very strict animal: one is enoughdisturb him once, so that he leaves his chosen place for a long time. Arseniev, Dersu Uzala.

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