Radik Gafurov. the words "sember" and "simbirsk" have common roots


Absolute- primary, unmanifested creativity. This is the impersonal, highest unknowable Principle of the Unity of the Universe, from the essence of which everything emanates and everything returns to it. He is incorporeal, immaterial, unborn, eternal, beginningless and infinite.

adept - (from lat. adeptus, literally - reached) zealous adherent of any doctrine, idea. IN esoteric in the sense of being initiated into the secrets of any doctrine: having reached the true knowledge of matter and spirit and the possibility of voluntaristic control of the "subtle" worlds.

Ales- the energy name of the Earth as a Cosmic Being. Ales has a multi-layered and multi-dimensional system of Dense and Subtle bodies, including the physical body (Earth, planet). They are inhabited by numerous creatures - intelligent and unconscious, subtle and dense, living in a physical body or in other material spaces. All these creatures are participants, and many are "engines" of the evolution of Ales.

Bioenergy- a branch of science, about energy-information exchange in nature and society, about the Unified Information Field and its interaction with biological objects.
He studies the mechanisms and patterns of energy conversion in the process of life of organisms and energy processes in the biosphere.

Bioenergy system- is a structural organization of the energy flows of the body of humans and animals, spreading to a certain distance from the body to the outside, forming aura. It consists of energy nodes, unmanifested nerve centers - chakras and linear-point channels. Energy channels form a complex network that permeates all organs and systems and is used in oriental therapy systems.
The overall energy shell of a person, due to the functioning of the chakras, includes an energy flow with a wide range of frequencies characteristic of each organ. The frequency of vibrations, with the help of which the interaction of the body with environment, is set by the number of turns of the spirals of the vortex structures of the chakras.

Bioenergy informatics- a scientific direction in which an attempt is made to explain all Anomalies that are not cognizable by official science from the standpoint of information and energy exchange in living and inanimate nature. It is based on the concept of the existence of a cosmic information superfield that connects everything that exists in the Universe and on Earth. The term was introduced by V.N.Volchenko.

GREAT AGE- there were several "great ages" mentioned by the ancients. In India it covers all mahamanvantaru, "The Age of Brahma", each "Day" of which represented the life-cycle of the chain, that is, it covered the period of seven Rounds. Thus, while "Day" and "Night" are - like Manvantara and Pralaya - 8,640,000,000 years, "Age" lasts 311,040,000,000,000 years, after which pralaya, or the dissolution of the universe, becomes universal.
Among the Egyptians and Greeks, the "great age" refers only to the tropical, or sidereal year, whose duration is 25868 solar years. Of the full age - the age of the gods - they do not say anything, since this was a topic discussed and divulged only with the Mysteries during the ceremonies of initiation. The "Great Age" of the Chaldeans was numerically equal to the Hindu.

Vishnu - (Skt.) the second hypostasis of the Hindu Trimurti (trinity), consisting of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. From the root vish"penetrate". In the Rig Veda, Vishnu is not a high god, but simply a manifestation of solar energy, and is described as "crossing the seven regions of the Universe with three steps and wrapping everything in dust (of his rays)". Whatever the six other occult meanings of this statement, it belongs to the same class of symbols as the seven and ten Sephiroth, as the seven and three of the perfect Adam Kadmon, as the seven "principles" and the highest triad in man, etc. Later, this mystical symbol becomes a great god, guardian and restorer, "having a thousand names - Sahasranama."

vritti- vibrations of the mind, mental stamps, patterns. Read more

Brahma exhale, Brahma inhale. (breath of the One)- Unfolding the Universe and folding it. Represents two differently directed turbulents: centripetal and centrifugal. The centripetal flow is the one that should pump the material inside, and as soon as this material is pumped in, it begins to assimilate, learn, "digest". The second flow - centrifugal - redistributes, or structures this material according to some specific concepts, ideas. Evolutionary and involutionary cycles.
The unfolding and folding of life. This is not a one-time process, the turning point itself lasts several million years and this duration is different for different systems worlds depending on the degree of materiality of the world. It is important for people now to understand that the time for the multiplication of the illusion has ended and the time for the folding of the illusion is coming. This process has already begun. The illusion must be collapsed. Consciousness must be changed. And everything that persists, resists the Law, will simply be sent to be melted down in the cosmic furnace, like last year's grass or straw.

DAY OF BRAHMA (NIGHT OF BRAHMA) - In the terminology of ancient Hindu philosophy, the period of the cosmic activity of the Universe, when "Space is awake", when everything that exists is alive, is called the "DAY OF BRAHMA" or a small Manvantara. And the time when the Cosmos "sleeps" is called the "NIGHT OF BRAHMA" or lesser Pralaya. It is said that the duration of the Day of Brahma is more than four billion years; the Night of Brahma continues for the same amount of time.
360 Days of Brahma and 360 Nights of Brahma make up one Year of Brahma, and one hundred years of Brahma make up the Age of Brahma. Such is the calculation of the Cosmic calendar! The alternation of activity and passivity in the Cosmos is reflected in the periodicity of all manifestations of nature. In everything one can distinguish between Manvantaras and Pralayas. From the smallest phenomena to the change of worlds one can see this majestic law.

Channel (hearing, vision, clairvoyance)- the energy channel connecting a person with arbitrarily high Cosmic Essences, with any objects of knowledge can be permanent and temporary, depending on the qualitative state of a person who performs the function of a receiver, or an inductor. Its discovery, as a rule, is the result of a purposeful spiritual activity of a person interested in this.

Coagulation (gluing, thickening, gathering)- in the esoteric sense, coagulation is understood as the process of formation of stable subtle forms: mental images, and informational or karmic clichés, etheric or over-the-mirror bodies of subtle plane entities, etc. Any current, an energy vortex-turbulent, some shaping principles or a phantom material that has the ability to connect, as it were, to glue particles of thin material into stable and sufficiently long-lived forms, can act as a coagulant.

Mantra- a magic spell and a prayer, consisting of certain sound combinations, each of which corresponds to the vibration of the mental image of the corresponding object. It can serve as a "call" of an entity of any level, as well as when searching in the information field, healing, divination, etc.

quality deviation- index general condition man relative to the "middle". The non-equilibrium state of a person relative to the vector of equilibrium according to a certain Quality. The energy pattern of each zone is determined by a set of cosmic currents, and a person is in a state of equilibrium when the vibration frequency of his thin bodies synchronized with the frequency of these currents.
An ordinary person can judge the accuracy of his standing in any capacity by real life circumstances, by the state of his health, relationships with other people, etc. If some situations or conditions are constantly repeated (especially uncomfortable), this indicates a trouble in terms of this quality. Cells of Jacob's Ladder are in fact markers of exactly this vector, graduated with respect to the depth of energies.

Sect - (lat. secta - teaching, direction, school)- from the word CUT, truncate, truncated. 1) A religious community, a group that deviates in its views from the views of the mainstream church. 2) a separate group of persons, closed in their own narrow interests.

siddhi - (Skt. siddha - perfect),)- literally "qualities of perfection", phenomenal powers acquired by people through holiness or yoga. In the treatises of the classics of yogic philosophy, Patanjali and Vyasa are called "perfect abilities." In Hindu mythology, semi-divine creatures living in the air - Antariksha and distinguished by purity and holiness.
According to the Puranas, the number of siddhas reaches 88,000 and they have eight supernatural properties(Prakamya, Mahima, Laghima, Ishita, Garima, Vyapti, Vashita, Anima): become infinitely small or large, extremely light or heavy, instantly move to any point in space, achieve the desired by the power of thought, subjugate objects and time to one’s will and achieve the supreme power over the world.

Shingon - Tantric teaching, one of the currents of Shintoism. It was formed under the influence of Buddhism that penetrated Japan during the Kamakura shogunate (1185-1333).

Smerd- (smird - This is old Russian word) - strong smell, stink; smelly. So the upper layers of society of that time called the tiller. The same root in the words currant, stench, stink. The lowest class in ancient Rus'.
IN AND. Dal: Smerd - a man from the mob, a vile (born), peasant, a special category or class of slaves, serfs; later a fortress. Smerda look more than scolding. And don’t sing with honey, just don’t scold with a stink (don’t call), about the household. I don’t want to live in a stink house, but I can’t live as a nobleman.
Smerd in ancient times was a free plowman, later - a contemptuous designation (in the mouth of the master) of a serf. Some villages near Luga are already mentioned in the charters of the 13th century under the same names by which we know them now. The village of Smerdi, twenty kilometers from Luga, was named so when the word "smerd" still lived - a peasant, later - a serf.

Consciousness - This highest level reflections of reality, manifested by the ability of the individual to be aware of the surroundings, about the present and past time, make decisions and, in accordance with the situation, manage their behavior.
This is a conscious reality that can be expressed in some form, in words, in thought. From the point of view of esotericism, Consciousness is co-knowledge, that is, what is inherent in more holistic and global structures, "joint knowledge" that each of us can equally possess.
On the other hand, this accumulated, sublimated, conscious experience that is understood and can be applied, converted to a state of more general principles and laws and expressed as "knowledge". It may be at the level of global laws, or it may be more specific, related to specific situations, the principles of behavior of this individual.
human consciousness- this is one of the ways in which objective reality is reflected in the human psyche. Highest Degree rationality, upon reaching which intuition and hearing are included in the process of thinking.

Spin - (English spin, lit. - rotation)- the actual moment of momentum of the microparticle, which has a quantum nature and is not associated with the motion of the particle as a whole; is measured in units of the Planck constant ћ and can be integer (0, 1, 2,...) or half-integer (1/2, 3/2,...).

Middle Mirror- the principle of interaction and influence of any structural densities (one of the definitions, for more details, see E. Anopova's "Knocking, let it open"). The Middle Mirror divides the inner space of Ales into two epistases: on spiritual world and the manifested world of form, respectively, the upper and lower Mirrors limit the world of Ales from outer outer space.

stauropegia- (Greek from "stavros" - cross + "pygion" - to establish, hoist, lit. "hoisting of the cross") - the status assigned to Orthodox monasteries, laurels and brotherhoods, as well as cathedrals, making them independent of the local diocesan authorities and subordinate directly to the patriarch or synod.

Essence- is something that exists in itself, the essential basis of being, with the exception of its properties. (The definition is given by P. Leray in his wonderful work"Experience of the synthesis of physical forces")

Essences of the Astral- a concept that unites a great many non-material (without a physical body) individualized entities that live inside all the bodies of Ales.

Tantra - (Skt. law, ritual) 1. The very concept of "tantra" means literally "cohesion", in figuratively- "hidden knowledge". Tantra is the method or path to attain Enlightenment, helping the practitioner attain Buddhahood within one lifetime, albeit with great effort. At the same time, the desire to achieve Enlightenment is rather altruistic, since, according to the teachings Mahayana in general and vajrayana in particular, the closer an entity is to Enlightenment, the more it seeks to help others on this path.
The roots of Tantrism go to pre-Aryan India, to the cult of the mother goddess, into the magic of a rural community, largely associated with sexual rituals. The Tantric teaching grew out of these beliefs, taking as a basis the idea of ​​the identity of "micro" and "macrocosm", man and the universe, since everything is built up to the unity of two principles - female and male. Depending on which beginning is recognized as dominant, tantra is divided into "right" and "left".

Tantra" right hand" dominates in India, it recognizes the leading masculine, active principle. In her rituals, the unity of the feminine and masculine is reproduced by real sexual intercourse.
Tantra of the left hand- this is a Buddhist tantra, it recognizes the feminine as the leading principle, symbolizing wisdom. The fusion of both principles in the monastic tantra, of course, can only be symbolic.

In the tantra of the "left hand" there is a strong influence of Shaktism, in which Devi, the wife of Shiva, serves as the object of worship. In this tantra, as in Shaivism, each male deity has his own divine consort, shakti, with whom he merges in eternal embrace. The Tantric tradition claims that the gods become powerful and wise only through union with their shakti.
Wisdom, symbolized by the feminine principle, is considered immanently existing, poured into the world. The masculine principle is the method ("upaya") through which wisdom is comprehended. The symbol of the method - vajra - is an attribute of a huge number of deities. Another feature of the "left hand" tantra is the presence a large number formidable deities, representing the embodiment of forces, transforming negative emotions in wisdom; and an elaborate ritual of contemplation.

Tantra Tibetan- includes four classes of tantras:
tantra of action (Kriya-tantra), which involves perfection through ritual;
tantra of fulfillment (charya tantra), in which ritual and meditation are recognized as equivalent;
Yoga Tantra, which is based on yogic meditation;
tantra of the highest yoga (Anuttara yoga tantra), in the practice of which the main thing is the comprehension of the non-duality of the universe, the unity of opposite principles.

2. The yogic system, which is synthetic in nature and originates from the great central feminine principle of Nature; the method of tantric discipline is to achieve Nature in a person through the manifestation of a special energy associated with sexual rituals and various kinds magical powers. Followers of Tantra - shaktas, are divided into two types: "dakshinacharyas" and "vamacaryas", i.e. shaktas of the right and left hands (white and black sorcerers). The worship of the latter is associated with immoral and extreme forms loose lifestyle.
3. Certain mystical and magical works, the main feature of which is worship. female power personified in Shakti. (see SHAKTI) Shakti has a dual (dual) nature - white and black, good and evil. 3. The actual text of the tantric system.

Tantric Teaching- divides all people into three main bhavas (characters): pasha, vira and divya. Sometimes mahapashu and asurya are also considered. Only pasha, vira and divya are relevant to people who are able to consciously practice tantric sadhana (spiritual practice).
Mahapashu stand generally outside of any religion and lead a semi-bestial way of life. This is the most degraded type of people in all respects, devoid of any spiritual aspirations: mentally ill, drug addicts, alcoholics, vagabonds, criminals, etc. Such "people" live only by base instincts.
Asurya (demonic)- usually a being of non-human nature. But the demonic character can also manifest itself in people.

Mahapashu and asurya are tamo-yogya-jivatmas (souls associated with the material quality of darkness, i.e. with tamo-guna) and are beings with an extreme degree of delusion of consciousness. This obscuration renders them virtually immune to spiritual knowledge, and they are usually committed to vulgar materialism, militant atheism, or some kind of "cult" of a satanic orientation. However, they are also capable of spiritual evolution.
When asurya-bhava dominates in a person, he treats devotees of God and, in general, any religion with extreme hatred. Often such "people" are distinguished by truly bestial cruelty, have a special propensity for evil and violence. In the language of Christianity, such a person is "possessed by the devil", because. does not belong to himself, being a blind toy in the hands of invisible demons (asuras), although he himself can consider himself a "free and uncomplexed person."

Tanha - (Pali)- Lust for life. Desire to live and attachment to life on this earth. This attachment is the cause of rebirth or reincarnation.

Telegony - (gr: "tele" - away, far, "gono" - seed, gonads, hormones.)- denotes distant sex hormones, was recognized thanks to the authority of Ch. Darwin and is interpreted as previous male influence(previous mating) on hereditary traits of offspring from subsequent males.
Such a concept in our sexually "enlightened" age must be carefully considered, because sexual intercourse is ultimately aimed at the prolongation of the family, and not at the momentary satisfaction of sinful temptation.
Telegony is described by Ledantek in his book "The Individual, Evolution, Heredity and the Neo-Darwinists" in the chapter "Telegony, or the Influence of the First Male" on page 244. Subsequently, scientists proved that "the effect of telegony extends to people, and even in a much more pronounced form than in the animal world." More information

Cosmopolitanism is called both a bourgeois ideology and a philosophy of world citizenship, its essence is that it denies the right to nationality and cultural heritage ancestors. People who recognize themselves as cosmopolitans urged to consider themselves citizens of the world in order to eradicate strife between residents different countries and prove that all mankind should live in peace.

What is "cosmopolitanism"?

The term "cosmopolitanism" includes several interpretations that have been formulated taking into account political accents:

  1. Expansion of the idea of ​​the unity of all people who should feel like a single people.
  2. Bourgeois ideology, proclaiming patriotism superfluous.
  3. A set of ideas that reject the right of peoples to independence.

A cosmopolitan is a person who renounces his citizenship and roots, recognizing himself as a citizen of all countries of the world at the same time. In philosophy, such individuals were called residents united state– Cosmopolis, the same Universe. During the Enlightenment, this idea was interpreted as a challenge to feudal law, declaring that a person does not belong to the country or the ruler, but to himself.

Symbol of cosmopolitanism

The badge of cosmopolitanism is the emblem on the flag of the World Government of Global Citizens, an organization that exalts the idea of ​​global citizenship. They issue passports of a citizen of the world, today 750 thousand people from different countries have registered in it. So far, only Mauritania, Tanzania, Togo and Ecuador have accepted such documents. The flag depicts a figure of a person inscribed in a globe, as in a circle. This symbolizes the right of any person to consider any point on the planet as their homeland, because motherland is the whole wide world.

Cosmopolitanism - pros and cons

The concept of "cosmopolitanism" in Soviet time had negative traits, although many famous figures boldly called themselves adherents of this idea. The researchers concluded that it has pronounced, both pluses and minuses. Main positive points:

  1. It does not exclude love for one's homeland, but only determines the highest categories of assessment of the public good.
  2. Blocks manifestations of chauvinism, attempts to elevate one nation over others.
  3. Awakens interest in the culture of other peoples.

Main negative points:

  1. It erases and levels the memory of ancestors, spiritual and national values ​​in the mind of a person.
  2. It reduces the feeling of pride in one's country.

How to become a cosmopolitan?

  1. There are no specific countries and nationalities, there is one land, and one human race.
  2. The good of society is above the personal.
  3. It is not acceptable to persecute people for the color of their skin, faith and physical defects.

IN modern interpretation cosmopolitans are people who are sympathetic to the preferences of others, respect for individuality, and not belonging to a particular nation. International law represents the adherents of these ideas as individuals who do not recognize racial or political privileges, manifestations of Nazism and the proclamation of the exclusivity of a particular nation.

Exposing cosmopolitanism

"Cosmopolitan" or "citizen of the world" - such a position free from the usual foundations could not suit the rulers. Since pride in one's country, the desire to protect and protect it, has always been an important component patriotic education and domestic policy of any state. Especially zealously took up arms against cosmopolitanism, the Soviet leaders, starting with Stalin, who paid great attention to the exposure of this ideology.

The fight against cosmopolitanism

The struggle against cosmopolitans in the middle of the last century in the Soviet Union was clearly manifested in the repressions against intellectuals who were considered sympathetic to the ideas of the West. The campaign against the supporters of this ideology manifested itself not only in discussions, they received the label “enemy of the people” along with exile to camps, those who were noticed in such dissent were fired from their jobs and persecuted.

The second round of the fight against this ideology fell on the period " cold war", when the people needed to be rallied by loyalty to the ideals of the party. Recognizing oneself as a citizen of all countries at once, including those hostile to the existing system, was practically equated with treason. Noisy campaigns against cosmopolitans were periodically organized, for some reason Jews were always chosen for this role. Although they have a sense of patriotism and the chosenness of their people more than other nationalities.

Notable cosmopolitans

The worldview of "cosmopolitanism" was considered attractive by many famous personalities, and each of them had his own idea and interpretation of this concept.

  1. The philosopher Diogenes was the first to declare himself a cosmopolitan, emphasizing that personal interests are higher than small-town patriotism.
  2. The famous physicist Einstein announced that humanity should unite and recognize a single government - a congress established under the UN General Assembly.
  3. American President Truman extolled the idea of ​​creating a world republic, with the leadership of the United States.
  4. Actor Harry Davis declared himself a citizen of the world, and even founded an organization that issues such passports to everyone.

Books on cosmopolitanism

The policy of cosmopolitanism attracted many researchers from different countries, each of them tried to find their own arguments "for" and "against" existing theories.

  1. Y. Kirshin "Cosmopolitanism is the future of mankind". The author reveals the ideas of cosmopolitanism in Ancient Greece, China and other countries, analyzes the goals that are important for the future.
  2. Zuckerman Ethan. New connections. Digital Cosmopolitans in the Communication Age". Scientist and popular blogger describes social media and new technologies that will change the future.
  3. A. Potresov “Internationalism and cosmopolitanism. Two Lines of Democratic Politics". The book raises issues
  4. confrontation of these two currents in the Menshevik Party, their fatal significance is analyzed.
  5. D. Najafarov. Stalin and cosmopolitanism 1945-1953. Documents of the Agitprop of the Central Committee of the CPSU". Considers the campaign against this ideology as an important part of the policy of the Soviet leadership.
  6. Fougère de Montbron. "Cosmopolitan or Citizen of the World". The author describes how ideology separates from the fatherland, emphasizing that the world is like a book, and those who are only familiar with their country have read only one of the pages.

Who does not love his fatherland more than other states, only because he has no sympathy for humanity and its parts in general. N. Kirillov SIS. // Belchikov 46. Cosmopolitan. A person who takes part in the interests of all mankind, rejects attachments exclusively to his fatherland, homeland, family, and considers the entire universe to be his fatherland. Chudinov 1902. Cosmopolitan, that is, a citizen of the whole world, may be surprised that the French government does not make more efforts in agriculture. 1768. Bilf 232. Cosmopolitan - and spectator of the world. Bobor. Hers. 283. // Sl. 18 8 231. According to the recognition of all honest people, a cosmopolitan, or a citizen of the world, for the most worthy members human society; it does not befit anyone, except one who shows by his own deed that not only a conscientious citizen of his father's city, not only a faithful subject, but also a member of that great union, according to which there is no difference between peoples, there is no persecution for the law, there is no charity of the lower, but all people of every rank uniform goodwill and beneficence. A person filled with these qualities can, in truth, be called a cosmopolitan, or a citizen of the whole world, and that brings great honor .. not everyone has an accurate and fair idea about him. EC 1783 5. // RR 2003 1 114. This cosmopolitan who boasts of having a fatherland wherever he wishes, dares to equal himself with glorious men who served the glory of their fatherland? 1787. Society. man 94. // Sl. 18 10 198. But, slave, I die for the fatherland and, as a cosmopolitan, for the world. 1800. Suvorov. // S. Letters 382. "Like a slave, I die for the fatherland, like a cosmopolitan for the world" - Suvorov will repeat somewhat. N. Moleva Moscow is eternal. // Lepta 1996 31 149. I love being a cosmopolitan and don't interfere in the party. Corypheus 1802 book. 1. Cosmopolitan, all kinds of people, equilateral, not attached to any (party) side. There. A. V. Zelenin. // РР 2003 1 114. Some Cosmopolitan Philosopher used to say: I prefer the human race to my fatherland. Jan. 1804 2 419. Some scientists revere themselves and are revered by cosmopolitans, as I remember. 1807. ABT 1 86. If you enter a foreign land in order to study the manners and customs, you must forget for a while that you are a citizen of your own land, and become a perfect cosmopolitan. Belinsky 3 373. // Belchikov 45. Cosmopolitan is some kind of false, ambiguous, strange and incomprehensible phenomenon. Belinsky. // РР 2003 1 114. Cosmopolitan, in other words, a humane person, does not want to know any exclusive love, loves everyone in the same way and cares not about the private of one generation or people, but about the universal, common good of the entire human race; it's not enough for him to be good father family, a useful member of society, a faithful son of his homeland - above all this: he is a citizen of the universe. 1842. Zagoskin Moscow and Muscovites 349. The Frenchman of nature is simple-hearted, gullible, quickly goes to the caress, soon makes friends, especially with Russians, besides, he is a cosmopolitan. His fatherland is where he is happy. Lazhechnikov Nesk. deputy by resp. about the article "Mat. for the biography of A. P. Yermolov" // L. Busurman 448. We find further articles .. cosmopolitan. ZhSH 1851 10 3 22. It seems to me that this gentleman, Cosmopolitan and citizen of the world, - Brought up by the Buryats, or in the school of the Samoyeds! 1856. Rastopchin Return of Chatsky. I .. was born a cosmopolitan, was not connected with any soil, was not a person of class, circle, family. Pomyalovsky Molotov. // РР 2003 1 115. I became a non-national populist, a cosmopolitan to a certain extent, like all the Russian intelligentsia of my generation. Korolenko 8-8 119. || extended, joke. Political strife is not included in the calculation of women's inclinations - in this respect they are true cosmopolitans. Marlin Evening on Caucasian waters. // РР 2003 1 114. I have already managed to become a cosmopolitan in relation to music. In Karabakh I even listened to sans sourciller, full Persian, from which the walls would fall down. OZ 1848 10 2 164. - You, brother, what do you drink more? Excise, or duty, i.e. foreign? - I, Arkhip Arkhipych, am a cosmopolitan in drinking! the actor responded. - What the hell is this? Mihilist nihilist? . - Anything, then I drink what is at hand. - Clever! .. The same goes as me. 1899. Pranksters 342. On the example of Ladoga, the idea of ​​​​the calm originality of the Slavs collapses. The city in the lower reaches of the Volkhov was new to early medieval cosmopolitan city where they met different tribes and the peoples of Europe and Asia. Motherland 2001 1 36. ♦ obsolete Yellow-faced cosmopolitan. Gold. On the threshold of the 20th century, this is the so-called "yellow-faced cosmopolitan", once called the golden calf. RB 1900 10 2 152. From sons sent to St. Petersburg 12 years old. .can not be expected ... attachment to parental shelter; they become unwittingly cosmopolitans. Lenin Development of capitalism in Russia. // РР 2003 1 116. Workers tried to keep countryman to countryman, and only cosmopolitan tramps immediately stood out. Gorky Konovalov. // РР 2003 1 116. || polit. Cosmopolitan, rootless cosmopolitan. Jew - during the anti-Jewish campaign launched in the USSR after the Great patriotic war . Anti-patriotic cosmopolitan critics. From newspapers. A. V. Zelenin. // РР 2003 1 116. A cosmopolitan is a man without a homeland. is the ideological weapon of imperialist reaction. This reactionary bourgeois aims to undermine the Soviet. to spit on everything Soviet, socialist, to plant anti-patriotic views alien to Soviet society. Mikhailov Report at the XI Congress of the Komsomol. // РР 2003 1 117. From day to day they quarreled with words, formalist, rootless cosmopolitan. On the conservatory poster "Igor Bezrodny" someone, of course, attributed: cosmopolitan. A. Sergeev Album for . // DN 1995 8 72. Re-film cinema. It was recently renamed: it was "Lux" - it became "Light" .. Grandmother jokes that the Napoleon cake is now Kutuzov. The struggle of Pompolitans with cosmopolitans. A.Bitov Sequence of texts. // Zvezda 1998 9 27. In some newspaper (I think in " Komsomolskaya Pravda"), V great article about cosmopolitans entrenched in Literary Institute, flashed "Leader of aesthetic youths and cosmopolitan Pozhenyan." B. Sarnov. // VL 2000 1 282. In one gossip newspaper, a slut newspaper, busy with anything but its direct business - literature, someone whispered the poisonous word cosmopolitan. And the word was found! A beautiful, proud word that united the world, a word that crowned the geniuses of the broad soul- Dante, Goethe, Byron - this word faded in the newspaper, wrinkled, hissed and began to mean - a Jew. A. Solzhenitsyn In the first circle. // NM 1990 4 95. At his Goltsev's, I met the future "rootless cosmopolitan", and then the head of the press office of the MK party, Yakovlev-Holtzman. N. Korzhavin In the temptations of the bloody. era. // DN 2000 12 16. simple. Last year, some cosmologists were sold to foreign capitalists, and this year, academics. Abramov Pryasliny 564. || transfer. Russian vaudeville .. some kind of cosmopolitans, without a fatherland and language, some shadows without an image. Belinsky. // РР 2003 1 114. And science is cosmopolitan. 1833 Hertz. // 30-21 22.

2. pl., biol. Animals or plants widely distributed throughout the globe(e.g. sparrows, reeds, etc.). BAS-1. One - a cosmopolitan - trembles in the sky Like a small dot, a cheerful lark, .. Yes, a sparrow - another cosmopolitan - On the roofs and in the gardens it jumps and squeaks. Ogarev in the summer. // РР 2003 1 114. If you take soft wheat .. as a species .. then it can be considered to a certain extent a cosmopolitan. Nature 1927 4 295. Cosmopolitan birds also nest here, for example, the raven and the golden eagle. It doesn't matter where they live, they live in the tundra, and in the desert, and in the forest, and in the mountains. A.A. Kuznetsov Last. ascent. // NIZh 1993 4 48. Many people think that orchids are always large and bright colors- grow only in the tropics. In fact, these plants are cosmopolitans. Nature 1997 2 114. - norm. Vsegradnik instead of cosmopolitan. Shishkov. // Yakimovich 57. Probably, gentlemen, cosmopolitans, in other words, citizens of the universe, justify this strange citizenship with their love for all mankind; consequently, the humane and the cosmopolitan are almost the same thing. M. N. Zagoskin. // Nikolina 2000 1 413. cosmopolitan and, well. BAS-1. In her opinions, she was Rostopchina, so to speak, a cosmopolitan, and therefore people of various camps and professions gathered at her place. 1892. D. M. Pogodin Vosp. // R. Happy woman 401. A man who has never been seen on the shore in the company of "cosmopolitan ladies" or native multi-colored beauties. Stanyukovich Passenger. // RR 2003 1 115. My husband, on the contrary, is a Saratov landowner, tied to the ground with all his nerves, and I am a yearning cosmopolitan. Lukhmanova Life takes revenge. // L. 1897 84. - norm. Extracted from the decent European lexicon, this word cosmopolitan was filled with us at the end of the 40s with a special, sinister meaning: it became abusive, sounding like a sentence line. Cosmopolitans were those who supposedly kowtowed before the bourgeois West, admired its imaginary achievements, underestimated our national heritage, important conquests of the Russian mind ... but all this was just a cover: the concept of "cosmopolitan" (often with the epithet "rootless") became a synonym the word "Jew". NM 2002 1 198. - Lex. Jan. 1804: cosmopolitan; SAN 1847: cosmopolitan And/ T; Sl. 18: cosmopolitan 1763; Dal-1: cosmopolites/ fabric.

Historical dictionary gallicisms of the Russian language. - M.: Dictionary publishing house ETS http://www.ets.ru/pg/r/dict/gall_dict.htm. Nikolay Ivanovich Epishkin [email protected] . 2010 .


See what "cosmopolitan" is in other dictionaries:

    COSMOPOLITAN- (Greek kosmopolites, from kosmos the universe, and polites citizen). A person who takes part in the interests of all mankind, rejecting the predominance of attachment exclusively to his fatherland, homeland and family, but considering the entire universe as his ... ... Dictionary foreign words Russian language

    cosmopolitan- citizen of the universe, citizen of the world Dictionary of Russian synonyms. cosmopolitan citizen of the world (or universe) Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011 ... Synonym dictionary

    COSMOPOLITAN- COSMOPOLITO, cosmopolitan, husband. (Greek kosmopolites from kosmos the universe and polites citizen) (book). A person who does not consider himself to belong to any nationality, own. recognizing the whole world as his fatherland. Dictionary… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    COSMOPOLITAN- COSMOPOLITO, husband. 1. A follower of cosmopolitanism. 2. A plant or animal found in most of the inhabited regions of the earth (spec.). | female cosmopolitan, and (to 1 meaning). | adj. cosmopolitan, aya, oe (to 1 value) and cosmopolitan, aya ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    cosmopolitan- Species of plants and animals living in different conditions and having extensive ranges (for example, common reed grows from the tropics to the Arctic, in water bodies and on land), are opposed to endemic species. Syn.: ubiqvist; eurytopobiont ... Geography Dictionary

    Cosmopolitan- (from Gr. kosmopolites citizen of the world; English cosmopolite, cosmopolitan; French citoyen du monde; German Weltkind) a person who does not consider himself belonging to any nationality, a citizen of a certain state, but recognizes his fatherland ... ... Encyclopedia of Law

  • prepare students for writing an essay on the standard version of the USE tasks (part C1);
  • form and develop communication skills among graduates (the ability to understand the statement, build a monologue statement on the social significant topic), the ability to summarize information, convincingly argue an idea.
  • To cultivate a respectful attitude to the opinions of others, to form the ability to correctly and convincingly substantiate one's thought.
  • Tasks: to analyze the text of S. Dovlatov; to acquaint with the point of view of the author of the text on the problem posed by him; formulate the author's position; help high school students express their opinion on the problem proposed in the text; argue own position about what you read.

    Preparatory stage: acquaintance with the text, work with the dictionary.

    Assignment for the lesson (groups): write out from the explanatory dictionary the meanings of words close to the words tolerance and intolerance.

    Methods: partially search, explanatory and illustrative.

    Type: speech development.

    Equipment: original text; criteria for evaluating an essay-reasoning; portfolio visual material.

    1. Lexical workout.
    2. Individual messages.
    3. Work with text.
    4. С/р №1 (in pairs): test.
    5. С/р № 2 (in groups) + ind. exercise.
    6. D / z: write an essay-reasoning; individual task: an essay based on the text of S. Dovlatov “Once we were riding in the New York subway ...”. Additional task: explain the spellings from the lexical warm-up.
    7. Work with text fiction(S. Dovlatov “Once we were riding in the New York subway ...”).

    1. Introductory-motivational stage:

    The students are standing.

    Hello. Is everyone ready for the lesson?

    Today in the lesson we will prepare for writing an essay-reasoning. This lesson is the second. The first was devoted to theoretical training. We have collected theoretical material in the portfolio. In today's lesson, we will put into practice the acquired knowledge. The purpose of our lesson is to work out the criteria of part C, as well as to develop the ability to analyze the text.

    You will evaluate yourself in class. Our evaluation system, as always, is cumulative. At the end of the lesson, everyone will receive marks, depending on the success of the assignments. We will work according to the following plan.

    Please note that you will work in pairs and in groups, and some will receive individual assignments. At home, you will write an essay on the text with which we will work today in the lesson.

    Sit down.

    Today is a speech development lesson. And I would like to start the conversation with the words of Doris Lessing: “Argue, be mistaken, make mistakes, but, for God's sake, think, at least crookedly, but yourself.” - What is the meaning of these words?

    Homo sapiens is distinguished by the ability to think. The ability to master written monologue speech testifies to the level of development of thinking. This skill is not born immediately. This is what we did in the speech development lessons, and we will continue this work today and in subsequent lessons.

    Write down the topic of the lesson.

    1. Let's start the lesson with a lexical warm-up.

    At home, you had the task to write out from the Explanatory Dictionary words and expressions related to the concepts of tolerance and intolerance.

    What do these words mean? (Tolerance for a different worldview, lifestyle, behavior, customs. That is, respect for other cultures).

    So what words did you find? (The guys call the words, the teacher hangs out cards with words on the board)

    Cosmopolitanism (from other Greek - cosmopolitan, citizen of the world) - a worldview, the idea of ​​world citizenship, which puts universal human interests and values ​​above interests separate nation, or such a concept is negating.


    cosmopolitan, m. (Greek - universe and - citizen) (book). A person who does not consider himself to belong to any nationality, own. recognizing the whole world as his fatherland.

    Tolerance - tolerance for a foreign religion, recognition of its right to exist.

    Peacefulness - the desire to preserve the world, peaceful relations.

    Mercy is the willingness to help someone or forgive someone out of compassion, philanthropy.

    Humanism - humanity, humanity in social activities, in relation to people.

    Tolerance is the ability, without enmity, to be patient with other people's opinions, views, behavior.

    Xenophobia - 1) painful, obsessive fear of strangers; 2) hatred, intolerance for something alien, unfamiliar, foreign.

    Confrontation - confrontation, confrontation (political).

    Discord - enmity, quarrels (religious discord).

    Racism is a reactionary theory and politics that asserts the superiority of one race over another.

    Chauvinism is an extreme nationalism that preaches national and racial exclusivity and incites national enmity and hatred.

    Nationalism - 1) manifestation of the psychology of national superiority; 2) ideology and politics, emanating from the ideas of national superiority and opposing one's nation to others.

    Extremism is a commitment to extreme views and measures. (Usually in politics)

    Aggression - open hostility, causing hostility.

    The student calls the word and meaning, standing up.

    Who wrote out more than 5 words? Put 5 points in the margins.

    Who has from Z to 5 - 4 points. 1-2 words - 3 points. Who did not complete this task - 0 points.

    The topic of lexical warm-up is not accidental. The words that we have met today, I hope, will help us to better understand the meaning of the text we will be working on, as well as replenish your vocabulary.

    2. At home, in addition to working with the Explanatory Dictionary, some received individual tasks.

    2 people prepared an expressive reading of the text and 1 person prepared an individual message. We will analyze the essay “I needed ...” from the cycle “Sentimental March” by Sergei Donatovich Dovlatov. A small message about him, as well as a stand prepared by Filina Oksana. Look...

    Listen to the message. Pay special attention to the following information: in which country did Dovlatov receive wide recognition? What cities and countries did he live in?

    Reading a message.

    Answers on questions.

    (In America)

    You can use this information in your essays.

    1. And in what part of the essay can you do this? Let's remember the structure of the essay.

    The students name.

    Let's check! Open your portfolio and take a look.

    (Memo No. 1) Did you name everything correctly, didn’t mix anything up? (Hang out on the board.)

    What is the topic of the text? Read the portfolio definition memo number 2).

    So, now you will listen to the text and answer the question: What is the topic given text? You have texts on the tables, you can mark with a marker or pen keywords(words with the same or similar meaning that are most often used in this text).

    So, let's listen.

    Expressive reading of the text by 2 students. (2-3 minutes ) !

    As you read, portraits of A. Einstein, D. Joyce, Mohammed Ali are hung out.

    So what is this text about? Name the topic... What keywords did you highlight? (All people are brothers).

    And which word from the lexical warm-up is the most suitable?

    Tolerance, cosmopolitanism.

    What is a text problem? Read the portfolio definition. ( Memo #2)

    You can consult with each other.

    Pay attention to this when choosing an answer.

    Fulfilling test tasks, you can select 1 or more answers.

    Time - 5 minutes. The pair that completes the task earlier does an additional assessment task.

    Optional: 2, 4, 5.

    Self-test. Grading. (1 task - 1 point: additional - maximum 3 points)

    In what tasks did you make a mistake?

    Frontal survey .

    So, the problem of the text is the problem of the unity of peoples and cultures. Who chose another? Why

    The author's position is expressed by the words of Kenneth Bowers, that "the people of the whole world are relatives." Those. Kenneth Bauer, the hero of the essay, considers all people of the world of different nationalities to be his relatives, brothers, and teaches this wisdom to those around him. Of course, he can be called a tolerant person, a cosmopolitan.

    What words from our warm-up are close to the worldview of Kenneth Bowers? Divide into 2 columns. 2 students go to the blackboard.


    religious tolerance











    In what works do we encounter such a problem? ...


    (“War and Peace” by Tolstoy, “At the Bottom” by Gorky, “Quiet Flows the Don” by Sholokhov.)

    Can this problem be called important and acute?

    Yes, it is relevant, since about two hundred peoples and nationalities live in Russia, and the aggravation of interethnic relations can lead to tragic consequences. This is what we are seeing now, for example, in the North Caucasus and in other parts of the world. Such clashes are the result of nationalism (for example, actions of skinheads).

    Let's continue with the text.

    Let's split into 2 groups(in rows), each group receives an individual task. Assign responsibilities to the group so that you can complete all the tasks. Choose a person in each group who will answer. Let's recall the structure of the essay again ... (They call it)

    You need to start with ... an introduction.

    I offer several entry options. Choose the one that suits our text. Please comment on this issue. If you are in trouble, you can use the hint.

    In this case - minus 1 point when evaluating.

    This work will be done group number 1.

    Group 2 will formulate the author's position, express their agreement or disagreement with the author's opinion and give arguments (at least 2). You can also, in case of difficulty, turn to the hint, but on the same conditions (minus 1 point).

    Working time - 7 min.

    Each group also has additional tasks, for the correct completion of which you will receive an additional point.

    And one student receives an individual task: to write an essay from the proposed material, or rather, to connect the parts of the “constructor” orally.

    Check: Reading answers by students. Discussion. Grading: in groups they put an independent 1 point for each task) +1 point for an additional one.

    An additional task is checked on the control card (mutual check between groups).

    Reading an essay (individual task).

    Summary of the lesson.

    So, today at the lesson we... What did we do? What do you remember? (We analyzed the proposed text taking into account the requirements for the implementation of part C: identified the problem, the author's position, characterized the linguistic features of S. Dovlatov's text, tried to correctly and convincingly express their own point of view.)

    Once again I draw your attention to epigraph. Today you argued, pondered, made mistakes, but still you yourself. And I hope you will develop and improve this skill.

    I hope that this lesson will help you successfully complete homework- write an essay.

    And some receive an individual task - an essay based on the text of S. Dovlatov “Once we were riding in the New York subway ...”. Additional task: explain the spelling in words from the lexical warm-up.

    Independent work No. 1

    Answers to reverse side boards):

    1. 2) 3) 4)
    2. 2)
    3. 2) 3) 5)
    4. Additional: 2, 4, 5

    Independent work No. 2 (oral check)

    2. 2 (name mistakes)

    It is impossible not to notice that the narrator is amazed by the conversation with Kenneth Bowers, for whom all people are relatives. Indeed, which of us has ever thought of considering humanity as one big and friendly family? However, the author builds the dialogue of his characters in such a way that the reader involuntarily thinks about the undoubted rightness of the wise master.

    1. The author's position is expressed by the words of Kenneth Bowers that "all people are relatives ... brothers"
    2. Any two arguments.


    Control card check:

    1. I am impressed by those people who consider all people brothers.
    2. We recently returned from a sanitarium where I met someone like Kenneth Bowers.
    3. The opinion of many on this issue is ambiguous.
    4. Kenneth Bowers said he was American and asked me to bring him my picture.

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