The feat in the work of Sholokhov is the fate of man. The moral feat of a person in the story "The Fate of a Man" M


The pathetic one who is under the hammer of fate

Ponik - frightened - without a fight:

A worthy husband withdraws from the struggle

In the radiance of proud peace,

And he lives again - without bowing his head ...

N. Ogarev

Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man" became a milestone in the disclosure military theme. Sholokhov more than once turned to the thought of the price of a great victory, of the terrible losses suffered by the country. Picture in full height tragic fate an ordinary soldier who bore the brunt of the war became main task story.

Who is he - a hero "without fear and reproach"? This question could have remained unanswered if it weren’t for M. Sholokhov’s “The Fate of a Man”, which shows a modest ordinary participant in the war, a worker who does nothing outstanding person Andrey Sokolov.

It is to him that the author dedicates a talented work, admires his feat, sees in him a faithful son of the fatherland. The story can be called heroic song in honor of the Russian soldier and share with the author his delight, admiration for the courage of the hero, the inflexibility of his will, a sense of compassion. The work is penetratingly, extremely sincerely written, built as a story in a story (a skillful author's technique to achieve the greatest reliability in the presentation of the events that are being talked about). The author shows not only historic moment, he depicts specific person at war with his thoughts, feelings, experiences.

The story begins with a description of the "first post-war spring", "friendly and assertive". Spring is always a rebirth to life, finding hope, the rise of all the best both in all nature and in human heart, and Sholokhov begins with a light chord, but immediately warns: "... in this bad time of impassability." After all, these broken, hard roads of war, the roads of fate, are the heroes that come to us: Vanyushka and Andrey Sokolov.

By mentioning off-road, Sholokhov wants to prepare the reader for something disturbing (a bitter story about the suffering and hardships of the hero), as well as kind and sincere (about rebirth, finding the happiness of lost fatherhood).

His main character, Andrey Sokolov, is both a narrator and actor. In the description of the portrait of the hero, “eyes filled with inescapable mortal anguish” are most striking. These “as if sprinkled with ashes” eyes, as in a mirror, reflected his whole life, full of unbearable torments and irreparable losses.

Andrew starts sad story about himself like this: “At first, my life was ordinary.” And indeed, there is nothing unusual in her: Andrei is proud of his clever wife and children. It is not for nothing that he speaks in such detail about his pre-war life: “Children eat porridge with milk, they have a roof over their heads, they are dressed, shod, so everything is in order,” as if trying to fix every day, every hour, every moment.

And this well-established, well-organized, family happiness is cut off, as it is cut off tightly stretched string: "And here it is, the war." This phrase symbolizes the abrupt transition from peace to war, from happiness to sorrow, from life to death. How hard it was for the hero to part with his relatives, his “heart was torn to pieces” at the sight of heartbroken wives, crying children. The scene is so shocking that tears involuntarily well up in my eyes, and it is at this moment that the author cuts off Andrei's story: “Don't, friend, don't remember!”

Reading, you catch yourself thinking: if it’s hard to even listen, what was it like to go through! You follow with participation the beginning of the trials - the first terrible round of the fate of the prisoner. Further, events develop in a spiral, like a snowball, they are overgrown with new, more and more heavy blows.

Not on the battlefield, but in the conditions of fascist captivity, Andrey accomplishes his feat, he endures terrible beatings, inhuman bullying, humiliation. The hero fearlessly looks death in the eye, courageously endures the horrors of the concentration camp. And no one, under any circumstances, can kill, crush the strength of the spirit of a Russian person in him, bring him to his knees: “I have my own, Russian dignity and pride, and that they did not turn me into cattle, no matter how hard they tried.”

The hero, having overcome, it would seem, all the trials, returns home, but in place of the house ... a funnel. A funnel in Andrey’s soul, there was nothing left for him (“everything collapsed in a single moment”), except last resort- eldest son. How proud the father is of the fighting prowess of the young commander, with what trepidation he is waiting for a meeting with his blood.

And here fate should dispose differently: the son is killed almost a day before the victory. From this blow, the heart of the hero is twisted by mortal anguish and dull hopelessness, for him, it would seem, life has lost its meaning, he was left alone in the whole wide world. “I buried my son,” says Sokolov, “and it was as if something broke in me, and my unshed tears in my heart dried up ...” Neither the war nor personal losses broke Andrei, he did not harden his heart, did not withdraw into himself. The hero also accomplished a great civil and humanistic feat - he adopted a "little ragamuffin", an orphan boy: "It will not happen that we disappear separately."

The theme of overcoming tragic, undeserved loneliness in Sholokhov is connected with the image of the enormous power of life itself. Having adopted a boy who no one needs, but in whose soul there was hope for a "good share", Sokolov himself becomes a "representative" of the indestructible humanity of the world. This is how the chain of "good for good" stretches, expressing the people's view of the ethical meaning of life.

With what love and affection Andrei brings up his son, with what tenderness he looks at his blue "little eyes". The only thing that worries my father: “My heart is shaking, the piston needs to be changed”; he is afraid that he will not make it, will not see how Vanyushka will live and grow. But the author leaves the reader hope that Andrei Sokolov will be able to raise his son, to make him a real person.

The hero of the story is a collective image, despite real prototype. This is not just a life story of a soldier, but the fate of a man who embodied the very type of Russian national character.

The fate of the protagonist draws my attention to the fact that, not being an outstanding personality, he shows moral restraint and firmness in the most dramatic circumstances. Sholokhov thus proves the greatness of a Russian person, able to endure any difficulties, show mercy and mental stamina. “The Fate of a Man” by M. Sholokhov is not just a story about the difficult fate of a person in a war - it is a laudatory song for strong people.

A similar solemn motif sounds in many works dedicated to the war, such as Ales Adamovich's "Khatyn Tale", V. Bykov's "Survive Until Dawn", in the verses of K. Simonov.

The theme of a feat in all its heroic power is expressed, cried out in the story of M. Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man". It shows a Russian soldier who went through the hell of war, who, in spite of everything, strives for happiness, love, which is not just a symbol of the stamina and courage of a person from the people, but also a symbol of humanism. “And I would like to think that this Russian man, a man of unbending will, will survive and grow up near his father’s shoulder, one who, having matured, will be able to endure everything, overcome everything in his path, if his Motherland calls him to this.”

In the story of M. A. Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man" appears not just a story, but really the fate of a man who embodied typical features national Russian character. Andrei Sokolov, a humble worker, the father of a family, lived and was happy in his own way. But suddenly the war ... Sokolov went to the front to defend his homeland. Like thousands of others like him, Andrei faced inevitable and inevitable horrors in the war. She tore him away from his home, from his family, from work. Andrey Sokolov's being seemed to have overturned, until recently such happy life suddenly, for no reason, she began to beat and whip him with all her might. Why is this man so punished? Sokolov's suffering is not an episode connected with the private fate of a person. . The horrors of the Second World War were imposed on the Russian man, and at the cost of enormous sacrifices and personal losses, tragic upheavals and hardships, he defended his homeland. This is the meaning of the story "The fate of man." In Sholokhov's story, the feat of a man appeared mainly not on the battlefield and not on the labor front, but in the conditions of fascist captivity, behind the barbed wire of a concentration camp. In the spiritual single combat with fascism, the character of Andrei Sokolov, his courage, is revealed. Andrei Sokolov survived all the hardships of the war away from his homeland. His share is the inhuman trials of fascist captivity. More than once death looked into his eyes. And the whole point of the story is that each time Andrei Sokolov found the courage to remain human. But not only in a collision with the enemy, Sholokhov sees the manifestation of a heroic person in nature. No less serious test for the hero are his losses, the loss of loved ones and home, his loneliness. After all, Andrei Sokolov emerged victorious from the war, returned peace to the world, and in the war he lost everything that he had in life "for himself": family, love, happiness. Ruthless and heartless fate did not leave the soldier even a haven on earth. In the place where his house, built by him, stood, there was a dark crater from a German air bomb. Andrei Sokolov says to his casual interlocutor: “Sometimes you don’t sleep at night, you look into the darkness with empty eyes and think:“ Why did you, life, cripple me like that? “There is no answer for me either in the dark or in the clear sun ... No, and I can’t wait!” After all that he had experienced, Andrei Sokolov, it would seem, could consider life a curse. But he does not grumble at the world, does not withdraw into his grief, but goes to the people. Left alone in this world, this man gave all the warmth that remained in his heart to the orphan Vanyusha, replacing his father. He adopted an orphan and that is why he began to gradually return to life. M. A. Sholokhov, with the whole logic of his story, proved that his hero is in no way broken and cannot be broken. Having gone through the most difficult trials, he retained the most important thing - human and civic dignity, love of life, humanity, helping to live, fight, work. . He is kind, trusting to people, caring, helpful with comrades, attentive to a person in trouble, fair and under no circumstances loses high human dignity, conscience, honor. His moral ties with people are so strong that even the most difficult experiences of the war could not cut them off. Andrey Sokolov M. Sholokhova is a truly Russian person, the best representative great people


but a man” is written in the usual Sholokhov style: the plot is based on vivid psychological episodes. Seeing off to the front, captivity, first meeting with the Germans on the road, an attempt to escape, explanations with Muller, a second escape, news of the family, news of the son. Such rich material would be enough for a whole novel, but Sholokhov managed to fit it into short story. The plot of "The Fate of a Man" by M. Sholokhov was based on real story, told to the author in the first post-war year, on the day of a big spring flood, by a simple driver who had just returned from the war. There are two voices in the story. The first belongs to Andrei Sokolov - the main character, who talks about his life. The second voice is the voice of the author, listener, random interlocutor. Andrei Sokolov had a hard time in life. First, he goes to the front, leaving his wife and children at home, then he is captured by the Nazis. How many humiliations, insults, beatings the hero had to experience in captivity. A well-deserved reward for such fortitude of the soul was the opportunity to see the family. But, having arrived home, Andrey finds out that the family died, and at the place where he stood native home, - a deep pit filled with rusty water and overgrown with weeds. That, it would seem, is all that remains in the life of Andrei Sokolov - weeds and rusty water, but he learns from neighbors that his son is at the front. However, here, too, fate did not spare the grief-stricken man: Andrei's son dies in last days war, when long-awaited victory was at hand. The author's voice helps us not only to experience, but also to comprehend a particular human life as a phenomenon whole era to see in it the universal content and meaning. But in Sholokhov's story, another voice sounded - a sonorous, clear children's voice. Appearing at the beginning of the story so carefree-voiced, he then leaves to become a direct participant in the final scenes, the protagonist of a lofty human tragedy. In The Destiny of a Man, the humanistic condemnation of the war, of the fascist regime, resounds not only in the history of Andrei Sokolov. With no less force of the curse, it is heard in the story of Vanyusha. And what an indestructible force of good, the beauty of the soul is revealed to us in Andrei Sokolov, in the way he treated the orphan. He returned joy to Vanyushka, defended him from pain, suffering and sorrow. It was here, in Andrei Sokolov's attitude to childhood, to Vanyusha, that humanism won great victory. M. Sholokhov focuses the reader's attention not only on the episode of Sokolov's meeting with the orphan Vanya. The scene in the church is also very colorful. The cruel Germans shot a man only because he asked to go outside so as not to desecrate the shrine, God's temple. In the same church, Andrey Sokolov kills a man. But not in the way that real cold-blooded killers do - he saved another person from the inevitable execution (the Germans killed all communists and Jews). How much Andrey Sokolov endured in his life, but he was not broken, did not get angry at fate, at people, at himself, remained a man with good soul, sensitive heart capable of pity, love and compassion. Fortitude, spirit of courage and camaraderie - all these qualities not only remained unchanged in the character of Andrei Sokolov, but also multiplied. Joining the opinion of critics, I would like to add one thing: you need to be a great personality, a real person, in order to be able to endure all the grief, misfortune, tears, separation, death of relatives, the pain of humiliation and insults and not become after that a beast with a predatory look and an eternally embittered soul, and stay human open mind and good heart.



Nobody likes war. But for thousands of years people have suffered and died, killed others, burned and broken. To conquer, to seize, to exterminate, to seize - all this was born in greedy minds both in the mists of time and in our days. One force collided with another. Some attacked and robbed, others defended and tried to save. And during this confrontation, everyone had to show everything they are capable of. There are enough examples of heroism, courage, fortitude and bravery in Russian history. This is the invasion of the Tatar-Mongols, when the Russians had, without sparing themselves, to fight for every scrap native land when their multimillion-strong army was forced to take cities for weeks, defended by one or two hundred heroes. Or during the invasion of Napoleon, beautifully described by Tolstoy in War and Peace, we meet the boundless strength, courage and unity of the Russian people. Every single person, and the whole nation, was a hero. The more the population of the earth became, the more hatred accumulated in the hearts, the more fierce the wars became. With the development of science, improved and military equipment, military art. Less dependent on each individual person, everything was decided in battles huge armies and technology. And yet people remained the determining factor. The combat effectiveness of companies, regiments, and armies depended on the behavior of each. There are no superheroes in war. All heroes. Everyone performs his own feat: someone rushes into battle, under bullets, others, outwardly invisible, establish communications, supplies, work in factories to exhaustion, save the wounded. Therefore, it is the fate of an individual person that is especially important for writers and poets. ABOUT beautiful person Mikhail Sholokhov told us. The hero experienced a lot and proved what power a Russian person can possess.

Before the war, he lived an ordinary, inconspicuous life. He worked "in a carpenter's artel, then went to the factory, learned to be a locksmith." I found myself a good, kind, loving wife. They had children and went to school. Everything was calm, quiet, smooth. And the man began to think about a happy old age. "And here it is, the war." Crosses out all hopes and forces to part with the house. But the duty to the Motherland and to himself makes Sokolov boldly go to meet the enemy. Any person experiences terrible torment, breaking away from his beloved family, and only truly courageous people they can go to death not only for the sake of their home and relatives, but also for the life and peace of other people.

But fighting is not as easy as it seems. It is difficult to maintain order and clarity during combat. Where is the enemy, where are our own, where to go, who to shoot at - everything is mixed up. So Sokolov, in the chaos of the war, was shell-shocked and taken prisoner. “I woke up, but I can’t get on my feet: my head is twitching, everything is shaking, as if in a fever, there is darkness in my eyes ...” Then the Nazis took him. And here, in captivity, the most terrible trials begin. People are cut off from their homeland, there is no chance of survival, and there is also bullying and torture. “They beat you because you are Russian, because you White light you are still looking ... ”The food was bad: water, gruel, sometimes bread. And they were forced to work from morning to evening.

But being a prisoner does not mean being useless to the country. It's not betrayal, it's not weakness. Even in captivity there is a place for heroism. You must not lose heart, you must believe in victory, believe in your strength and not lose hope for deliverance. Despite the fact that a person was deprived of shoulder straps, weapons, he still must remain a soldier, be faithful to his homeland to the end. That is why Sokolov cannot accept Kryzhnev's betrayal. This vile and low man is ready to betray his friends for the sake of his life. “Your shirt is closer to your body,” says this nonentity. And so, fulfilling his soldier's duty,

Sokolov strangled the traitor with his own hands and did not feel any pity or shame, but only disgust: as if I was not a person, but some kind of creeping reptile ... ”Sokolov had to see and experience a lot in captivity. They were chased all over Germany, humiliated, forced to bend their backs. And more than once death passed by. But the strongest, most acute test happened to Sokolov when he met the commandant of the B-14 camp, when the real threat of death hung over him. It was here that the fate of Sokolov as a soldier, as a real son of the Motherland, was decided. After all, you also need to be able to die with dignity! Do not go on about the commandant and save human dignity Sokolov was able to the end. He did not give in to the authorities, but, on the contrary, showed himself with dignity. And with an unbending will, Sokolov won the right to life from fate. And even a German officer recognized in Sokolov a person, and not a slave, resignedly going to his death.

From that moment on, Sokolov felt better. He even got a job as a driver. The Russians were advancing and were already close. With extraordinary strength, Sokolov's desire for the Motherland increased. Both fear and a sense of danger receded into the background, risking his life - all that he had left - Sokolov breaks through the front line. “You are my dear lip-slap. Dear son! What kind of Fritz am I to you when I am a natural Voronezh citizen? - he exclaims at a meeting with his own. His joy is immeasurable.

Much difficult, terrible was the fate of Sokolov. He lost loved ones. But it was important not to break down, but to endure and remain a soldier and a man to the end: “That’s why you are a man, that’s why you are a soldier, to endure everything, to demolish everything ...” And Sokolov’s main feat is that he did not become stale soul, did not get angry at the whole world, but remained able to love. And Sokolov found himself a "son", the very person to whom he would give his whole fate, life, love, strength. He will be with him in joy and in sorrow. But nothing will erase this horror of war from Sokolov’s memory, he will be carried with him by “eyes, as if sprinkled with ashes, filled with such inescapable mortal longing that it is difficult to look into them.”

Sokolov lived not for himself, not for fame and honors, but for the lives of other people. Great is his feat! A feat in the name of life!

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The feat of a soldier in M. Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man"

M. Sholokhov in his works set and resolved serious philosophical and moral issues. In all the works of the writer, in one context or another, the interweaving of two main themes is traced: the theme of man and the theme of war.

In The Fate of Man, Sholokhov reminds the reader of the disasters brought to the Russian people by the Great Patriotic War, about the stamina of a person who withstood all the torment and did not break. Sholokhov's story is permeated with boundless faith in the spiritual strength of the Russian people.

The plot is based on vivid psychological episodes. Seeing off to the front, captivity, an attempt to escape, a second escape, news of the family. Such rich material would be enough for a whole novel, but Sholokhov managed to fit it into a short story.

Sholokhov based the plot on a real story told to the author in the first post-war year by a simple driver who had just returned from the war. There are two voices in the story: Andrey Sokolov, the main character, “leads”. The second voice is the voice of the author, listener, casual interlocutor. Andrei Sokolov's voice in the story is a frank confession. He told about his whole life to a stranger, threw out everything that he had kept in his soul for years. Surprisingly unmistakably found landscape background for the story of Andrei Sokolov. The junction of winter and spring. And it seems that only in such circumstances the story of the life of a Russian soldier could sound with breathtaking frankness of confession.

This man had a hard time in life. He goes to the front, is captured with inhuman conditions of existence. But he had a choice, he could have secured a tolerable life for himself by agreeing to inform on his own comrades.

Once at work, Andrei Sokolov inadvertently spoke about the Germans. His statement cannot be called a remark thrown at the enemy, it was a cry from the heart: “Yes, one square meter these stone slabs are many for the grave of each of us.”

A well-deserved reward was the opportunity to see the family. But, having arrived home, Andrei Sokolov learns that the era's family has died, and in the place where the native house stood is a deep pit overgrown with weeds. Andrei's son dies in the last days of the war, when the long-awaited victory was within easy reach. The voice of the author helps us to comprehend human life as a phenomenon of an entire era, to see in it the universal content and meaning. But in Sholokhov's story, another voice sounded - a sonorous, clear childish voice, it seemed that it did not know the full measure of all the troubles and misfortunes that fall to the human lot. Appearing at the beginning of the story so carefree-voiced, he then leaves, this boy, in order to become a direct participant in the final scenes, the protagonist of a high human tragedy. All that remains in Sokolov's life are memories of his family and an endless road. But life cannot consist of only black stripes. The fate of Andrei Sokolov brought him together with a boy of six years old, as lonely as himself. Nobody needed the grimy boy Vanyatka. Only Andrei Sokolov took pity on the orphan, adopted Vanyusha, gave him all his unspent father's love.

It was a feat, a feat not only in moral sense of this word, but also in the heroic. In Andrei Sokolov's attitude to childhood, to Vanyusha, humanism won a great victory. He triumphed over the anti-humanity of fascism, over destruction and loss. Sholokhov teaches humanism. This concept cannot be turned into beautiful word. Indeed, even the most sophisticated critics, speaking on the topic of humanism in the story "The Fate of a Man", speak of a great moral feat. Joining the opinion of critics, I would like to add one thing: you need to be a real person in order to be able to endure all the grief, tears, separation, death of relatives, the pain of humiliation and insults and not become after that a beast with a predatory look and an eternally embittered soul, but remain human.

The fate of the people in the tragic periods
history (based on the works of M.A. Sholokhov)War as a tragedy of the people in Russian literature of the XX centuryGreat
The Patriotic War ended 55 years ago, but the memory of it is alive and will live forever, because it was in
this war revealed best features Russian national character: his courage, fortitude, mass heroism
and patriotism. Our people broke the back of the fascist beast, under whose feet Europe fell submissively. Yes, we
won, but this victory was too expensive. The war became not only the triumph of the people, but its greatest
tragedy. She left ruined cities, extinct villages. She brought death to a whole generation of young
healthy, talented people. The color of the nation was destroyed. How many of them, the great defenders of the motherland, died in
air battles, burned down in tanks, killed in infantry?! M.A. clearly saw both the heroic and the tragic in the war.
Sholokhov and captured in the story "The Fate of Man". This is a story about common man on big war. Russian
a person went through all the horrors of the war imposed on him and at the cost of enormous, irreparable personal losses and
tragic hardships defended his homeland, affirming the great right to life, freedom and independence of his homeland.
the story raises the problem of the psychology of a Russian soldier - a man who embodied the typical features
national character. The reader is presented with a life story ordinary person. humble worker,
the father of the family lived and was happy in his own way. And suddenly the war ... Andrey Sokolov went to the front to defend his homeland.
Like thousands of others just like him. The war tore him away from his home, from his family, from peaceful labor. And all
his life seemed to go downhill. All the troubles of the war time fell upon the soldier, life suddenly began for nothing
beat and whip him with all his might. The feat of a person appears in the story of Sholokhov, mainly not on the battlefield and
not on the labor front, but in the conditions of fascist captivity, behind the barbed wire of a concentration camp. In the spiritual
single combat with fascism reveals the character of Andrei Sokolov, his courage. Away from the front, the soldier survived
all the hardships of the war, the inhuman bullying of the Nazis. Andrey had to endure many terrible torments in two
years of captivity. After the Germans poisoned him with dogs, so much so that the skin and meat flew to shreds, and then
kept in a punishment cell for a month for escaping, beaten with fists, rubber sticks and all kinds of iron, trampled under foot, while
This was almost not fed and forced to work hard. And more than once death looked into his eyes, each time he found
courage and, in spite of everything, remained a man. He refused to drink on the orders of Muller for the victory
German weapons, although he knew that he could be shot for this. But not only in a collision with the enemy sees
Sholokhov is a manifestation of a heroic person in nature. Not less than serious trials become his loss.
The terrible grief of a soldier deprived of loved ones and shelter, his loneliness. After all, Andrei Sokolov, who came out of the war
the winner, who returned peace and tranquility to people, he himself lost everything that he had in life, love, happiness ... A harsh fate
did not leave the soldier even a haven on earth. In the place where the house built by his hands stood, a funnel darkened.
from a German bomb. Andrei Sokolov, after all that he had experienced, it seemed that he could become embittered,
harden, break down, but he does not grumble at the world, does not close himself in his grief, but goes to people. Left alone for
In the white world, this man gave all the warmth that was preserved in his heart to the orphan Vanyusha, replacing his father. And again
life gets high human sense: to grow a man out of this ragamuffin, out of this orphan. With all logic
In his story, M. A. Sholokhov proved that his hero is in no way broken and cannot be broken by life.
Having gone through difficult trials, he retained the main thing: his human dignity, love of life,
humanity, helping to live and work. Andrey remained kind and trusting to people. I believe that in "Destiny
of man” sounds an appeal to the whole world. To every person. Stop for a minute. Think about what it brings
war, what can it bring. The end of the story is preceded by a leisurely author's reflection, a lot of reflection
who has seen and knows in the life of a person. In this meditation is the affirmation of the greatness and beauty of the truly human.
Glorification of courage, steadfastness, glorification of a man who withstood the blows of a military storm, endured
impossible. Two themes - tragic and heroic, feat and suffering - are intertwined all the time in the story
Sholokhov, forming a single whole. The suffering and deeds of Sokolov are not an episode associated with the fate of one
man, this is the fate of Russia, the fate of millions of people who participated in the cruel and bloody struggle against
fascism, but in spite of everything they won, and at the same time remained people. This is the main point
story "The fate of man." The story "The Fate of a Man" is addressed to our days, to the future, reminds us that
what a person should be, reminds of those moral principles, without which life itself loses its meaning and
to which we must be faithful in all circumstances.

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