The meaning of the mysterious name Sabina is character, fate, love and family. Name meaning: Sabina


The euphonious and mysterious, caressing ear name Sabina came to us from ancient times as a "Sabine". Researchers disagree and cannot say for sure what the original meaning of the name Sabina is. The name is interpreted in the modern version as "beautiful", "beautiful", "strong".

Captivating Sabina! Meaning, origin of the name

  • Historically, it goes back to the male name "Sabin". In the days of the ancient Romans, who were irreconcilable in their enmity with the brave and strong Sabines, the leader Sulla in the first century of our era destroyed the proud people, and made women of striking beauty into concubines and wives.
  • According to the following version, the meaning of the name Sabina for a girl originates in the cognomen "Sabinus", a generic nickname for the two most ancient families of Claudius and Calvisius.
  • According to the third version, it came from the Aramaic language: “saba” meant “baptized”, and some researchers attribute the interpretation “unpretentious” and “wise” to this name.
  • In Arabic, the meaning of the name Sabina is interpreted as "a small sword."
  • In Orthodoxy, it echoes a similar "Savina", which is attributed to origin on behalf of the martyr.

How is a girl's name chosen in a Muslim family?

All of the listed original names are strangely reflected in a contradictory and unpredictable, charming and insidious nature, which attracts like a magnet. Yes, this is Sabina in all her glory!
No wonder this name is often called the only daughters in Muslim families. After all, it is important for them that the name of the girl should be harmonious and reflect femininity and softness, it should be like a delicate flower given by Allah, which parents should cherish and protect. And when choosing a name for a boy, they prefer hard and rude ones, reflecting masculinity and toughness of character.
If in pre-Islamic times a disdainful attitude towards daughters was allowed, and one could meet in Arab families a girl with the name Jusama, meaning "nightmare", then with the spread of Islam, everything changed. The companions of the prophet had such names as Fatima and Khadija, Asiya and Zainab, so the girls were called by glorified names, endowing the name and fate of the child with religious significance.

The meaning of the name Sabina: Muslims have their own characteristics

Over time, preference began to be given to names that did not have an important historical significance, but had a melodic sound. After all, no matter how important the meanings of the names Foureyya and Da'd were, the unpronounceable form often prevented parents from making a choice in their favor. With a reverent attitude in Islam towards girls, they tried to call them by names that caress the ear.

Despite the fact that the name Sabina was originally non-Muslim, it is increasingly used in Islamic families for beloved daughters. The mullah does not resist, because one of the variants of origin has Arabic roots, and this is of great importance. According to faith, the name of Muslims does not affect the fate of the child, but it is very important that the child is pleased to wear it, and others turn to the girl. The decisive importance of the name Sabina in Islam is given because of the tenderness of the sound, which reflects the beauty, inner stamina and firmness of the girl's character. It is also important that the father like this name, because in the future it should caress the husband’s ears and be in harmony with the appearance and character of the beauty.

This name is most often called the desired and only daughter, who in a family of wealthy parents grows up in love and affection, uses them to the full, without knowing any refusal.

As a child, this is a funny girl, distinguished by her beauty and charm, which she skillfully uses. She is sociable, surprisingly easy to pick up the key to any person, placing him to her in a short time. He has many friends, but only the elite are allowed close to him, since childhood he knows how to keep his distance from people he does not trust. It differs in emotionality, which it cannot control: it grieves and rejoices without restraining itself.

Sabina as a teenager

As a teenager, she is aware of her external exclusivity: she is graceful and slender, attracts fans, but does not give preference to anyone. A predator wakes up in a girl who clearly knows what she needs in life. The commercialism inherent in Sabina guides her when choosing a fan, whom she deigns to give preference to. She does not exchange for trifles and is waiting for a worthy candidate who must endure a rigorous selection for compliance with all the requirements put forward by the beauty.

Parents indulge their daughter in everything, and she is not used to accepting refusal in anything in her life. In all her hobbies, she strives to be the best, and she succeeds with ease. Friends exclaim with envy: “After all, this is a girl!” Yes, the name Sabina, its meaning, its origin - everything contributes to success in business, no matter what it takes. She is capricious and does not tolerate competition: neither in her personal life, nor in the business sphere. She will never allow herself to be used, because this is her prerogative. Only she is allowed to masterfully manipulate people. She has countless friends, but is selective in friends, who have a hard time with her. But in return, she is ready to pay attention, devotion and love.

The family of the grown-up Sabina

Given the peculiarities of upbringing in a Muslim family, Sabina brings the best to her family. Her house is a full bowl, where she is a hospitable hostess, able to create comfort for all household members, but very demanding of her chosen one, who must meet high criteria. She is ready to dissolve into the family, pushing her career into the background. Possessing excellent intuition and calculation, he will help build a career for his spouse. He just needs to listen more often to the recommendations that Sabina gives. The meaning of the name of Muslims and appropriate upbringing in the future will help her become an excellent mother, but she should not have children early, because in fact she herself is in her soul -

The female name Sabina is truly royal. It is able to make its owner a strong and independent person who will achieve great heights in life and win many hearts. She has an attractive appearance, sociable and good-natured. However, not many will be able to be friends with Sabina, since the girl is vain and rarely compromises.

Origin and meaning

The name Sabina is ancient and unusual. Scientists still cannot unravel the mystery of its origin. Each group of linguists offers its own version:

  1. According to the first, the girls of the tribe, whose ancestor was Sabin (Savin), were called Sabines. According to history, they were all incredibly beautiful. Therefore, one of the meanings of the name Sabina is the word "beautiful."
  2. The second version says that the name Sabina is derived from the Aramaic "Saba", which means "wise", "unpretentious" in translation. These terms originally characterized the men of this people, and later began to be applied to their women.
  3. There is also a third version, according to which the name Sabina has Arabic roots and means "small sword".

There is a legend according to which Romulus and Remus, in search of good wives, stole women from the neighboring Sabines tribe, which is located near the city founded by twin brothers. When the leader of the tribe with his warriors came to free them, his daughter - the beautiful Sabina - opposed this.

Table: forms of the name Sabina

Sabina, Sabina, you are like a mountain ash,
Beautiful, elegant, what a pity not mine.
She is curly, beautiful, innocent,
I introduced you to my beloved dove!
In an inconceivable moment, the eyes lit up,
It's too late to look for the cause of the moment.
And the consequences beyond our control are nice,
Clouding our eyes, let us dream.
Start a feast and turn back,
There in our life and meet you.
And kiss so that you suffocate,
And love passionately, not just dream.
A lovely name - Sabina, Sabina,
How late I found out and saw you.
And you are proud, desirable, beautiful,
I'm sure you will say, alas, not yours ...

Stanislav Kravtsov

Photo gallery: name Sabina

Sabina - this is how the name Sabina is spelled in English Sabina - a girl with an aristocratic past The name Sabigat is one of the variants of the related name Sabina

The name Sabina is found among Catholics, but it is most common among peoples who profess Islam.

Table: name Sabina in other languages

LanguageHow do you spellHow to read
Chinese萨宾娜 Sà bīn nà
Korean사비나 Sabina
Hindiसबीना Sabeena
Japaneseサビーナ Sabina
ArmenianՍաբինա Sabina

Name transliteration: SABINA.

The most harmonious name Sabina sounds with a patronymic: Alexandrovna, Vladlenovna, Nikolaevna, Romanovna, Maksimovna.

  • SABI;
  • Sabinka;
  • Sabino4ka;
  • Bina;
  • $ABA.

Patron Saints of Sabina

Catholics venerate Sabina of Rome. Memorial Day - 25 August. Sabina lived in the distant II century and belonged to a noble family. Her maid Serpia converted to Christianity, and then turned her mistress into her. For these deeds, the girl was accused of witchcraft and executed (119). Sabina, who was distinguished by a kind heart, could not save the faithful slave, but took care of her remains. The kind matron transferred them to the family mausoleum and buried them with honors. The people around did not approve of Sabina's actions, a trial took place at which the girl was accused of confessing the Christian faith. She was executed in 125 in the city of Vinden (Italy).

Saint Sabina of Rome - the patroness of all housewives

In the Orthodox calendar, the name Sabina is absent, but in consonance with the name of the martyr Savina of Smyrna, the girl can be baptized as Savina. Angel Day in this case is celebrated on March 24th.

Characteristics and influence of the name

In accordance with the interpretation of Boris Khigir, Sabina is distinguished by a difficult character, because both the feminine and the masculine are intertwined in her name. The girl has an attractive appearance, pays a lot of attention to her image. He likes to dress fashionably and beautifully. Thanks to aristocratic roots, it has an unsurpassed taste. The life path of a girl can be difficult, because her true purpose is lost behind external attributes and the desire to surround herself with luxury.

Among the positive qualities of Sabina can also be noted:

  • purposefulness;
  • good nature;
  • generosity;
  • eloquence.

However, like any other person, Sabina has flaws:

  • rancor;
  • waywardness;
  • stubbornness;
  • vanity.
Poppaea Sabina - second wife of Emperor Nero

Sabina's childhood

Often Sabina is the only and long-awaited child in a wealthy family, so she knows no refusal in anything. It leaves its mark. The girl is capricious, self-willed, stubborn. She has no authority. The girl has a strained relationship with her mother, she obeys her father more, but sometimes she can argue with him. Parents should take this fact into account and try to raise the baby in a more strict environment. It is very important from early childhood not to indulge the whims of Sabina, not to be led by a little egoist.

Despite some negative aspects of his character, Saba easily converges with his peers. She is very sociable, loves to be in a circle of friends and like-minded people, to feel their attention on herself. The girl loves to feel needed, so she needs an environment where she will be a leader and her opinion will be listened to.

In adolescence, Sabina's character can change and, unfortunately, not for the better. The girl becomes more emotional and quick-tempered. She, like a candle, "lights up" from any trifle. She is characterized by pomposity and self-confidence. You should never argue with Sabina the teenager, because for her there is no other opinion than her own. Any dispute with Sabina turns into a huge conflict, in which even those people who were not even close at that moment can be involved. The principle and uncompromising nature of the girl turn into big problems for her. Sabina has enough ill-wishers both among classmates and in the teaching staff.

Despite her emotionality and unwillingness to make concessions, Sabina studies perfectly, often goes to the gold medal. Her characteristic commitment, diligence, desire to bring everything to the end help her always achieve her goal. Natural data also play an important role. A girl from early childhood is drawn to the exact sciences, but her innate pride does not allow her to “fill up” the rest of the subjects.

Sabina Mustaeva is the winner of the second season of The Voice. Children"

Sabina's adult life

Adult Sabina has an unpredictable and strong-willed character. It has the following features: love of freedom, arrogance, narcissism and self-sufficiency. A woman is firm in her decisions and does not give in to other people's influence, she is subjective in her actions and decisions. She knows how to create intrigue, impulsive and ambitious. If, for any reason, she did not like a person, she would not hesitate to “trample him into the mud” and step over, watching his “torment”. A wealthy life in childhood leaves its mark on the character of a girl - she rarely shows an attitude to everything related to money matters. Sabina does not feel any discomfort from being supported by her parents or her husband. For a girl, recognition of the masses, prestige and success are more important.

Talents and passions

Sabina does not have any special talents, but she has a lot of hobbies. The girl is an excellent cook, well versed in design and floriculture. Often attends art cutting or needlework courses. He loves sports, and can be both a good team captain and a great single player who deservedly takes more than one gold medal.

Professions, business and career

Of particular interest to Sabina is social life. Therefore, she often chooses a profession in the field of psychology or journalism. Sometimes a girl combines work and hobbies. In this case, she can become a florist, designer, decorator.

Sabina is very independent and purposeful, so she may well try herself in business. The girl is used to bringing any business to the end, she will not calm down until the business she has started begins to bring a stable income. Moreover, she will do this not out of financial interest, but in order to once again prove to everyone her worth.

Sabina often suffers from migraines


As a rule, the owners of the name Sabina do not know health problems. Their passion for sports and a healthy lifestyle plays an important role in this. The only thing a woman can suffer from is migraines and otitis media. She may also be concerned about her lungs. Therefore, smoking Sabina is strictly prohibited.

Love, sexuality, marriage

Thanks to her attractive appearance, Sabina is surrounded by fans. However, for a long time the girl cannot decide on the choice of a life partner. She wants to have a family and mutual love, but monotony is unacceptable for her. For a long time, Sabina rushes between these two mutually exclusive concepts, so she gets married late - having worked up plenty.

In marriage, Sabina is completely immersed in caring for her husband and children. As husbands, she often chooses experienced and respectable men, who are often much older than her in age. This is explained by the fact that for life Sabina needs not just an attractive macho, but a partner and earner, on whom she can always rely. The girl herself also does not accept "shadow games". The husband can be sure of her fidelity and reliability. Sabina will never trade stable family stability for a fleeting fling.

Table: Sabina's compatibility with other names

NameCompatibilityThe nature of the relationship
Sergey87% This is a creative union in which one partner complements the other. This couple does not have a traditional outlook on life. They are freedom-loving and independent, which, however, does not prevent them from building a strong union in which there is no place for betrayal, lies and falsehood.
Eugene54% The relationship between Eugene and Sabina cannot be called boring. They can both have a lot in common, and not suit. Eugene is proud of the beauty and refinement of his companion, She, in turn, is grateful to him for the fact that he can constantly surprise her and control the excessive emotionality inherent in Sabina. On the other hand, the girl is annoyed by some infantilism of Eugene, the lack of careerism in him and the desire to increase his capital. Most often, a couple breaks up due to an elementary lack of livelihood.
Alexander98% There is a certain spiritual connection between Sabina and Alexander, which cannot be broken by any insults and obstacles. They are perfect for each other. Their life together is full of discoveries and accomplishments. Young people never rest on their laurels, they always move forward, which makes their relationship interesting and multifaceted.
Dmitriy36% The quick-tempered and secretive Dmitry may initially dote on the beautiful Sabina. However, the emotionality inherent in each of the partners will not allow them to be together. The couple will constantly converge, then diverge, until the union finally bursts.
Andrey83% This union is solid and harmonious. Decisive and self-confident Andrey knows how to conquer women. In the relationship between them there will never be monotony, which is necessary for Sabina, since boredom kills love in her. The only thing that can destroy their union is Andrey's frivolity. However, if he comes to his senses in a timely manner, then the couple will live a long and happy family life.
Alexei96% This union can be considered one of the most reasonable. Relations here are incredibly multifaceted, they include cooperation, friendship, and love. Young people are incredibly comfortable with each other, as they suit each other both psychologically and sexually. However, even here it was not without a fly in the ointment. Alexey strives to win the palm, which does not suit Sabina, who also has developed leadership qualities. On this basis, partners often quarrel.
Novel64% Both partners like the feeling of freedom and independence. This union is filled with passion and activity. Relationships between young people are like a roller coaster. There are ups and downs, meetings and partings. However, an invisible thread will always keep them close, not allowing them to finally part. Sabina and Alexander are unlikely to be able to create a family union, but as lovers they will be ideal.
Vladislav73% This is a union of powerful and strong people, in which it will be difficult for partners to coexist with each other. Each of them will strive to put himself above the other, to be the head of the family. However, if young people can understand this in a timely manner, they will be able to live a happy life together.

Significant years of Sabina:

Table: astrology named after Sabina

Video: characterization of the name Sabina

The influence of the letters of the name on the character of Sabina

The letters that make up a person's name affect his character traits:

  • C - indicates a person who finds it difficult to find his way in life. The desire for power and universal admiration;
  • A - symbolizes purposeful activity, the desire to create. People whose name contains this letter are born leaders;
  • B - love of love, the ability to achieve goals, despite obstacles;
  • And - a sign of spirituality and innate grace, delicate taste and the ability to recognize falsehood;
  • H - inner strength, sharp critical mind, excessive pickiness in the choice of contacts;
  • A is a repeat.

The influence of the season on the character of Sabina

"Winter" Sabina has a difficult character. Nature rewarded her with a mass of talents and an attractive appearance, but it is not easy to communicate with her. The girl does not know how to listen at all, for her there is nothing but her own "I". She is capricious and domineering. As friends, he chooses people who are soft and compliant, who are easy to manage.

Sabina, born in the spring, is characterized by impatience and inconsistency. She is one of those people who act first and think later. The girl has a strong and independent character. He loves travel and sports.

"Autumn" Sabina is prudent and proud. However, along with this, the girl has a kind and gentle heart. He does not like conflicts and does his best not to give rise to gossip.

Summer endows Sabina with modesty and indecision. Excessive caution prevents such women from getting close to a man. In them, they see only insidious seducers who are ready to take advantage of the virginity of the girl. This character trait does not allow Sabina to marry at a young age. Most often, a woman creates a family in adulthood or even remains an old maid.

Horoscope named after Sabina

Sabina Yapparova - famous ballerina

Sabina is a strong and independent woman. Her relationships with others can be complicated due to the excessive selfishness and self-confidence of the girl. But in family relationships, it is a faithful and reliable companion, for whom falsehood and betrayal are unacceptable. At work, Sabina is valued for her extraordinary mind, her ability to quickly concentrate and find a way out of even the most difficult situations.


AriesSabina-Aries has an unpredictable and impulsive nature. The girl is an active and brutal materialist, but at the same time she is noble, honest and cannot stand injustice. She will always take the side of the weak, even if it will only bring her problems.
TaurusA cunning and vindictive nature. Easily manipulates people and always achieves what he wants. She never forgives her offenders, moreover, she will definitely take revenge on them as soon as an opportunity presents itself. Late marriages are characteristic of her, since it is psychologically difficult for a girl to leave her father's house.
TwinsSabine-Gemini is characterized by softness of character and good nature. She is very vulnerable, she can be offended by any little thing, but she is completely unvindictive. The girl always forgives her ill-wishers and even finds an excuse for their actions.
CancerInfantile and insecure lady. For her, it does not matter at all what is happening around, the main thing is that she is comfortable. Sabina-Cancer is used to using people and their good location for selfish purposes. She just doesn't know how to make friends.
a lionSabina Leo is naturally endowed with leadership qualities. She is incredibly energetic, never sits still. At the same time, the girl is straightforward and honest. She, like Robin Hood, is always ready to defend the interests of the weak. The downside is that she transfers her leadership qualities to her family. However, not every man is ready to sit "under the heels." Therefore, most often a girl has several marriages behind her.
VirgoA straightforward and quick-tempered nature that will never adapt to the interests of others. Sabina-Virgo, achieving her goal, always goes ahead. The girl does not even try to avoid sharp corners so as not to create conflict situations.
ScalesA stubborn and narcissistic person who knows how to “splurge” very beautifully. After Sabina-Libra convinces others that she is right, she will use them for selfish purposes. The girl is incredibly ambitious, she always achieves her plans.
ScorpionPower-hungry and not too friendly lady. Has many detractors. It is almost impossible to negotiate with her, unless, of course, it will be beneficial to her. Only a truly strong man who can restrain her impulses can get along next to Sabina-Scorpio.
SagittariusSabina-Sagittarius is an open and independent person who only moves forward, not even remembering the past. She has a sharp tongue, and is not shy in her statements, even if a person holding a high position is standing in front of her. However, her criticism, although ruthless, is always justified. People understand this and respect the girl.
CapricornThe sign of Capricorn endows Sabina with a practical mindset. Before embarking on any business, the girl will think 100 times, weigh all the pros and cons. She gets married once and for all, and remains faithful to her husband under any circumstances.
AquariusA completely impassive person, for whom it does not matter what her fate will be tomorrow. She lives one day and does not even try to change anything. In relationships with men, he also rarely shows his feelings, which only scares them away. She is considered a somewhat eccentric and indecisive person who lives in her own mysterious world.
FishA good-natured, soft and supple woman, for whom spiritual values ​​come first. She is an extremely intelligent lady, but if her feelings are hurt, she will never be silent. Moreover, he will be able to put the offender in his place in such a way that he will feel guilty for a long time.

Short form of the name Sabina. Sabinka, Bina, Ina, Binchen, Zaza, Bine, Sasa, Bibi, Saba, Sava.
Synonyms for the name Sabina. Savina, Sabine, Saben, Sabin, Zabina, Savine, Savina.
Origin of the name Sabina The name Sabina is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic.

The name Sabina has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Sabina comes from the Roman cognomen (personal or generic nickname) Sabinus - "Sabine". In ancient Rome, the cognomen Sabinus was a generic nickname in the Calvisi and Claudian families.

According to the second version, the name Sabina is a female version of the male name Sabina. Sabin is the ancestor of the Sabines, an ancient and strong people of central Italy. The Sabine women were famous for their beauty, so the word "Sabine" could mean "beautiful." It is possible that the first and second versions of the origin of the name Sabina have something in common with each other. Therefore, the translation of the generic nickname "Sabine" could mean "beautiful" for a woman, and "strong" for a man.

In the Catholic tradition, St. Sabine, Bishop of Canosa (Canossa), who is considered the patron saint of the Italian city of Bari, is revered, and St. Sabina of Rome is the patroness of housewives.

In Orthodoxy, the name Sabina is pronounced Savina. Saint Savina of Smyrna is a martyr.

Sabina is often the only child in the family. She grows up to be a spoiled girl. Winter Sabins are the owners of a difficult character. They are talented. They have a beautiful appearance, which often attracts the opposite sex. But it is not easy for men to communicate with them. Sabina is domineering and capricious. She likes to subdue people. Financially often dependent on parents.

Summer Sabina is distinguished by modesty and shyness. She is very careful with men. She often sees in them not reliable support and support, but insidious seducers trying to take advantage of her gullibility.

Sabins born in autumn, despite their pride and prudence, are non-conflict and kind. They take care of their appearance. They love to be told about their attractiveness. Sabina's family life is usually happy. They usually have daughters. The name Sabina is perfect for girls born in summer or autumn.

Sabina's character is quite strong-willed. She is firm in her decisions and does not give in to other people's influence, she is subjective in her actions and decisions. Such a woman knows how to create intrigues, loves money. Sabina can be impulsive and ambitious, but behind all this lies a cold mind and logical actions. She is vindictive and touchy, has a well-developed intuition and a practical mindset.

Sabina has very few friends. They must have a strong character and endurance. Sabina is charming and dangerous at the same time. Sabina is a wonderful hostess, she knows how to support any conversation, she often receives guests at home.

A woman named Sabina can become an excellent artist, researcher or restorer. She is decisive and tactful, can succeed in almost any field of activity.

Sabina's name day

Notable people named Sabina

  • Poppea Sabina ((30 - 65) official name - Divine Augusta Poppea Sabina; second wife of Emperor Nero)
  • Vibia Sabina ((c.85 - 137) wife of the Roman Emperor Hadrian)
  • Sabina Meyer (German clarinetist)
  • Sabina Bergman-Pohl ((born 1946) German politician, member of the Christian Democratic Union party)
  • Sabina (Sheive Naftulyevna) Shpilrein ((1885 - 1942) in marriage - Sheftel, then - Spielrein-Sheftel; Russian and Soviet psychoanalyst, teacher, student of K.G. Jung)
  • Sabina Imaykina (Russian pair skater)
  • Sabina Lisicki (German tennis player of Polish origin)
  • Sabine Azema (French actress)
  • Sabina Akhmedova (actress of theater and cinema)
  • Sabina Valbuza (famous Italian skier, Olympic and World Championship medalist, multiple World Cup winner, participant in five Olympics. Specialist in both sprint and distance races, prefers free skiing. The younger sister of the famous Italian skier Fulvio Valbuza.)
  • Sabina Klassen (real name - Sabina Hirtz; vocalist of the German thrash metal bands Holy Moses and Temple of the Absurd. She is one of the first vocalists to use growling.)
  • Sabine Lancelin (French cinematographer)

The female name Sabina is not popular in countries with a Russian-speaking population, but is in great demand in the countries of modern Europe, especially in Holland and Italy. It has the strongest energy, capable of directly influencing the character, nature and fate of the bearer. Astrologers claim that it has excellent compatibility with many Russian and English male names, despite the direct relation to the Catholic culture of religion, and not to the Orthodox ...

History and origin of the name

The origin of the name Sabina, according to the main version that exists today, is due to the Roman cognomen "Sabinus", which was once a generic nickname. In translation, the cognomen "Sabinus" means "Sabine". That is why in Italy the name Sabina appeared first, and after some time it began to spread to other European countries. But in most states it came modified: Sabina, Sabina, Savina.

There is another version of the origin of the name Sabina. If you believe in her, then the name Sabina was formed from the male name Sabine, which came from the ancient Roman word, meaning “beautiful” or “strong” in translation (it is not known exactly).

There is another, less popular version. It speaks of the initial appearance of the name Sabina in Aramaic culture. Its basis could be the verb "Saba", which in translation from the Aramaic dialect means "wise" and "unpretentious" woman. By the way, many male variations of names could also come from the same verb, for example, Savva and Saveliy.

The name Sabina is revered in the Catholic Church, and with it Saint Sabin, Bishop of Canosa (Canossa), who is considered the patron saint of the Italian people called "Bari". And there is also Sabina of Rome, another saint - she is the patroness of housewives.

It is believed that the name Sabina is endowed with the strongest energy, thanks to which it can be compatible not only with Catholic male names, but also with Christian, Orthodox, popular in Russia and other Russian-speaking countries.

The meaning of the name Sabina

According to experts, meaning of the name Sabina can promise the character of a girl named in this way many good qualities. Usually, the following traits dominate in girls called Sabina: purposefulness, seriousness, modesty, kindness, generosity, goodwill, rancor, straightforwardness, honesty, eloquence and curiosity. Although, in each individual girl, these traits manifest themselves in different ways. It all depends on the time of year of Sabina's birth, on the influence of the energy of the zodiac sign, and on parental education in the end.

Plus, at each age stage of life, Sabina can change in terms of character and nature. Well, the features themselves can appear gradually, not all together ...

Early childhood

In a girl whose parents decided to give the popular female name Sabina, in childhood, nature can be endowed with such traits as curiosity, goodwill, generosity, energy and activity, efficiency and pomposity, obsession and purposefulness. Usually these are energetic girls with a lot of talents. Thus, any work is given with ease. In any business, such people invest maximum efforts and efforts, which accordingly affects everything, both in relations with parents and in communication with peers. Sabina is diligent and smart, she never gives up, and always goes ahead to her goal. In fact, this is a role model in childhood.

It can be extremely difficult for parents to raise Sabina. The problem is her assertiveness, perseverance, inability to accept other people's opinions. Even a mother may never become an authority for her, a person whose opinion she will listen to. Sabina is too independent in childhood, independent, freedom-loving, she will never listen to the opinion of her mother or father, or even friends, it is important for her to know that she is able to make important and responsible decisions on her own.

As for communication with peers and friends, everything is simpler here. Sabina easily makes contact, is very sociable and enjoys meeting people. She loves to be surrounded by friends and like-minded people, their attention. It is important for her to feel needed, a person who needs the environment, whose opinion is listened to ...


Sabina, who has reached adolescence, can become a little more difficult, more aggressive, more receptive. Usually, in adolescence, all Sabins become too sensual and receptive, emotional, impressionable, and along with this, diligent, and even more serious. A teenager girl, who is patronized by the meaning and energy of the name Sabina, may manifest such traits as impulsiveness, perseverance, assertiveness, commitment, seriousness, impracticality, sensitivity and receptivity. But again, this is just a theory...

Based on the same theory, Sabina can be pompous, self-confident and independent. Such already, as they say, "do not put your finger in your mouth - it will bite off." You shouldn’t argue with her, she can bring any dispute to a quarrel and a real conflict, and in general, a teenage girl named Sabina has so many principles that it will be difficult even for parents to get used to them.

But in studies there can be great success. Her serious attitude to all matters, commitment and reliability, diligence and diligence will contribute to her academic success. Moreover, unlike many, Sabina does not have a penchant for any specific subjects. On the contrary, the meaning and energy of Sabin's name can give rise to a tendency in her to study the exact sciences and to study the humanities.

As for communication with peers, this is also not without problems. The principle of this girl, uncompromisingness and unwillingness to make concessions, can give rise to many problems in terms of communication with peers, and with teachers too.

grown woman

Growing up Sabina is a very unpredictable person. Having reached maturity, Sabina, the meaning of this name promises the following traits: swiftness, unpredictability, love of freedom, arrogance, arrogance, narcissism, self-confidence and self-sufficiency. Often such women become too unbearable - it is difficult to communicate with them, they find a counterbalance to every word, they never yield to anyone in disputes, and in general, they behave too defiantly. Eloquence is also promised by such a factor as the meaning of the name, but it can manifest itself in each Sabina in different ways - it all depends on the influence of astrological factors and upbringing. But one thing is known for sure - it is impossible to argue, swear, quarrel and conflict with such a girl, because this can end very badly.

As for professional activities - in general, Sabina will certainly have leadership inclinations, but it may be too difficult for her to show them. Sabina is a self-confident, obligatory and diligent, reliable and responsible, but shy and kind person - it is almost impossible to get along with all these features together in one person, and even claiming leadership. You can rely on her, she will bring any business to the desired condition, she will overcome any obstacle. And the value can reward her with amazing intuition, which is no less important.

Relationships with men

As for relationships with members of the opposite sex, everything is complicated here. The problem is in her own nature. Sabina is always a person, rushing between the dream of a family and mutual love, and the desire for diversity. Until maturity, Sabina can change partners like gloves, it is important for her to constantly feel that people need her, that she can become loved and the only one for someone. But in maturity, everything will change. And from a fickle girl, she can turn into a permanent and faithful wife.

Astrological symbolism

  • Talisman stone - Pearl and Onyx.
  • The ruling planet is Saturn and Venus.
  • The patronizing element is Air.
  • The animal symbol of the bearer of the name Sabina is Hoopoe.
  • Plant symbol - Cumin.
  • The best zodiac is Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius.
  • Lucky day is Saturday.
  • The ideal season is Winter.

Famous people

Sabina Meyer (German clarinetist)

Sabine Bergman-Pohl (German politician)

Sabina (Russian and Soviet psychoanalyst)

Sabina Imaykina (Russian figure skater)

Sabina Lisicki (German tennis player)

Sabine Azema (French actress)

Sabina Akhmedova (actress of theater and cinema)

Additional information

A very rare, unusual female name Sabina, so unusual for hearing, is most often associated with eastern civilizations. But this is not entirely true, since there are several theories where it came from, and therefore the meaning of the name Sabina remains an unsolved mystery.

Choosing this mysterious name for a girl, parents must prepare for constant confrontation with this wayward person. Already in childhood, little Sabina shows her character, and if you do everything as she wants, you will communicate with the most wonderful and benevolent child in the world. But if you refuse to buy a toy, you run the risk of running into a little monster who defends his rights with furious fury for a child.

Often Sabins are incredibly beautiful, pleasing to the eye and admirable. At school, they often do not have girlfriends, and this has its own interpretation: classmates simply envy beauty, and the girl’s ability to charm any boy with just one innocent look from under thick eyelashes. But her friends of the opposite sex are in great abundance, because the boys, attaching great importance to her beauty and ability to present themselves, are simply crazy about her.

It is not easy for a girl to go through adolescence, when her negative qualities strive to show themselves to the fullest. Often she can simply intimidate or humiliate a girl she doesn’t like, she emphasizes a sense of power and significance.


Sabina has a practical mind, which means that even tender feelings she always looks sober. She attaches great importance to money, luxury, expensive gifts, and therefore a guy who has not a penny for his soul will ever be among her fans.

In sexual matters, the girl is very suspicious, distrustful of men, and she can regard even the most sincere feelings as an attempt to seduce and quit. That is why the owner of this name gets married either late or never.

Yes, and it’s hard for men with her, she is able to crush anyone with her demands, whims, and such a characterization of the name Sabina will allow only the most persistent and strong to achieve the hand and heart of this woman.


In family life, Sabina calms down, becomes more obedient and flexible. Choosing only a wealthy person as her husband, she, without needing anything, becomes just an excellent housewife. And this means that something is constantly cooking on her stove, the house is cozy and clean, and her husband is well-groomed and satisfied.

For her children, she will be a wonderful mother, as she treats them as the greatest treasure, does not get tired of working with them, teaching, instructing. But her difficult nature still manifests itself when her greatest asset, her children, is treated inadequately and unfairly. She attaches great importance to their authority and self-esteem, and therefore sometimes personally comes to school and rolls serious scandals there.

Business and career

This woman cannot be called capable of creating her own business, or even simple work. She fully relies on her patron, which means that she often enjoys the fate of a housewife. But the fact that she can unmistakably determine the person who can support her cannot be taken away from her, such is the meaning of the name Sabina.

Nevertheless, sometimes the owners of this name have a good career. She will make a good artist, and thanks to her excellent external characteristics, she can easily become a sought-after model. She is also attracted to professions where you can show yourself, your good taste, for example, floristry, restaurant business, design and choreography.

origin of the name Sabina

The great secret of the name Sabina is that it is not known for certain where this name came from. On the one hand, the etymology of this word takes us to ancient Rome, at the time of its construction. Then Romulus and Remus, in search of caring wives, stole all the women from the neighboring tribe of the Sabines, and when the leader went to bring them back, the most beautiful of them, his daughter, whose name was Sabina, opposed this.

Another story of this word is from the Aramaic "Saba", which means "baptized" in translation. And according to the third version, the translation of this word from Arabic means "small sword".

Characteristics of the name Sabina

Unbridledness, stubbornness, materialism and self-confidence are the main concepts that are invested in the meaning of the name Sabina, and the character of this woman will not be “too tough” for everyone, someone will be afraid of her decisiveness and uncompromisingness, and someone, on the contrary, will be delighted with these qualities.

Like everyone else, this name has its pros and cons. Sabina's strength is intuition, which she sometimes does not attach importance to, and follows the dictates of the mind, although it is more correct to always listen to your "sixth sense". Intuition often helps her out in situations where she is under stress, is "on emotions." That is why it is very difficult to deceive her, although she herself is sometimes cunning, and by no means harmless.

This girl will never cancel her decision, she just has an iron will, and no matter how hard she tries, she will trust her subjective ideas about the world. One of the worst qualities is the tendency to intrigue, gossip, it is because of this that she has so few real friends.

Mystery of the name

  • Stone - Pearl.
  • Name day - August 24, 29 (Catholic calendar).
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign - Libra.

Famous people

  • Sabina Babayeva is an Azerbaijani singer, finalist of the Eurovision Song Contest 2012.
  • Sabina Appelmans is a Belgian professional tennis player and sportscaster.
  • Sabina Imaykina is a famous Russian figure skater, pair skating.

Different languages

The origin of the name Sabina is not completely determined, but the translation of this name is found in many languages ​​​​of the European group, although it is pronounced the same in all languages.

It should be especially noted how this word is translated from Latin - beautiful, beautiful, and this is completely true, because very often women so named have incredible beauty.

In Chinese, this word is pronounced exactly the same as in Russian, and with the help of hieroglyphs it is written as 沙芬. In Japanese, the pronunciation is the same story, but this word is written -サビナ.

Name Forms

The name Sabina is somewhat exotic for our language, but loving parents do not attach much importance to this, and very gently and affectionately call their daughter. An example would be such diminutive Sabinochka, very affectionately - Sabinushka, or even Sabinenok.

In the youth circle, this name also has other derivatives, more often than which the short and slightly derogatory Sabinka is used, and the completely abbreviated Sabi. The abbreviation from the first syllable of Bina or Bina is also used.

The full name Sabina lends itself to the rules of declension, like other similar words in Russian, such as Karina, Alina.

Although the scripture mentions the owner of this name - the daughter of the leader of the Sabines, but
according to the church calendar, it can only be found in Catholicism, but in Orthodoxy it does not occur, therefore, at baptism, the priest will give the girl an Orthodox name that corresponds to the name day on her date of birth.

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