famous ghosts. The most famous ghosts


William Hope was a renowned ghost photographer in the 1920s. Among his fans was even Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the Sherlock Holmes series. Unlike his hero, the writer willingly believed in mysticism - spirits and ghosts.

No one knows which elderly couple posed for the photo. Most likely, the photographer played on the emotions of the spouses who lost their only daughter and are ready to give any money to see her again. Maybe that's what makes the photo so creepy - the idea that someone was profiting from someone else's grief.

The ghost of the "stairs of tulips"


Reverend Ralph Hardy, a former minister from White Rock, British Columbia, was about to take a picture of the so-called "tulip ladder" at the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich. The ornate spiral staircase has often been photographed by photographers, and has always been without incident. But not this time. After taking the photograph in 1966 and developing it, Reverend Hardy was stunned.

A ghostly figure was ascending the stairs. Experts from all over the world tried to find a marriage in a strange picture, but to no avail - even experts from Kodak admitted that the picture was not a fake.

Mother-in-law's ghost in the backseat

In 1959, Mrs. Chinnery photographed her husband driving a car. When the couple showed the photo, they were horrified to notice a black figure with glowing eyes in the back seat. Looking closer, Mrs. Chinnery recognized the ghost as her own mother. This is how mother-in-law jokes come about.

Newby church monk

Also known as the "spirit of the Newby Church" manifested itself in the Church of Christ the Comforter in North Yorkshire. The picture shows the silhouette of a man, disproportionately tall, with a face covered with a bag. Probably the ghost wanted to cover up the traces of leprosy on his face.

Skeptics argue that the photo is nothing more than a joke played by one of the priests, who persuaded his friend to put a bag on his head. By overlaying one image on another, a similar effect was obtained. Or is this not a joke after all?

Ghost of Amityville

In November 1974, 23-year-old Ronald DeFeo Junior shot and killed his parents and four siblings in his home, which was located at 108 Ocean Avenue in Amityville, New York.

Two years later, professional photographer Gene Campbell joined the group of famed ghost hunters Ed and Lorraine Warren. They decided to spend the night in one of the scariest places in the world - the Amityville House of Horrors. Throughout the night, Ed and Lorraine tried to contact the spirits living in the house. All this time the photographer was filming.

In 1979, George Lutz, the owner of the house, showed the world the pictures taken by the photographer. One of them clearly shows the ghost of little John DeFeo, one of the children killed in the house.

Skeptics claim that the photo shows a completely alive paranormal researcher Paul Bartz, who kept his colleagues company that night.

Photo from Waverly Hills Sanatorium

The hospital was opened in 1910 - there were patients with tuberculosis. The only treatment for this terrible disease in those days was fresh air and sunlight.

Unfortunately, less than 5% of patients survived. About 8 thousand people died in the hospital. The exact number of deaths is unknown. Until now, dead bodies are found near the sanatorium, and among them is the body of nurse Mary Lee, who, according to rumors, contracted tuberculosis from patients and died. According to another version, she became pregnant from one of the doctors and was found hanging from a chandelier in room No. 502. The photographer caught on film the ghostly figure of Mary Lee. They say she still wanders the corridors of the hospital.

Freddie Jackson

The group portrait of Goddard's squadron, which served in the First World War with the ship "Dedalus", came out too ... group. That is, all the soldiers got into the frame, including the deceased Freddie Jackson.

His face is visible behind the pilot in the upper corner - fourth from the left. Freddie was an aircraft mechanic. He was killed by an airplane propeller two days before the group photo. But Freddie's funeral took place on the day of the shooting.

Ghost Cairn Terrier

Pictured is Lady Hehir with her Irish wolfhound Tara. But there is another participant in the photo: a small Cairn Terrier, nestled behind the giantess Tara.

It turns out that this is also Lady Hehir's dog named Katal. True, Catal died six weeks before the photo was taken. During life, Tara and Catal had very tender feelings for each other. Probably, the dog did not want to leave his girlfriend even after death.

Ghost in a broken window

The picture was taken on February 11, 1988 in the city of Vsevolozhsk. Someone knocked on the window of the house where the woman lived with her teenage daughter. The knocking was repeated until the mistress of the house went out into the street and carefully looked around.

When she returned, suddenly there was a strange sound, part of the glass fell out, forming an almost round hole. The next day, she asked her friend to take some pictures. In one of the photographs, the face of a mysterious woman is clearly visible, intensely peering into the lens.

Everyone knows the phrase “home sweet home”, but for some families coming home is not the most pleasant end of the day, because there is nothing sweet in a haunted house. The house should be a place where you can relax, sleep, enjoy communication with the whole family, but all these pleasures are not feasible if several ghosts live under the same roof with you and cannot calm down.

Manifestations of ghosts can be strange voices, mysterious shadows, tapping on the walls and loud footsteps. However, in some cases, ghosts behave much more clearly and hostilely - they not only touch living people, but also lower the owners of the house down the stairs!

Sometimes no one knows why the ghost is attached to a particular place, but most often it is due to some kind of terrible tragedy, which causes the appearance of an inconsolable or even furious spirit. There are countless complaints about ghosts taking over someone's home around the world, and in this list, you will learn about 10 such cases.

10. Beau-Sejour Palace

Beau Sejour Palace is a 19th century Lisbon mansion and is renowned as one of the most mystical places in all of Portugal. Probably, the ghost of its old owner, Baron of Gloria, who lived here two centuries ago, settled in this house. The ghost has been seen more than once both in the gardens around the house and wandering along the corridors of the residence.

Workers and visitors to the mansion have repeatedly reported that many strange things happen in this place, including inexplicable disappearances or movements of objects, slamming windows in calm weather, and the sound of non-existent bells. Today, a municipal organization dedicated to the study of the historical heritage of Lisbon runs a separate office, and its employees still complain that their books and boxes are inexplicably constantly moving somewhere.

9 Raynham Hall

Located in the English county of Norfolk, Raynham Hall occupies about 7,000 acres of land and is famous throughout the district for the ghost of a certain Brown Lady who lives in it. Locals believe that the spirit belonged to Lady Dorothy, who lived here in the 18th century. This ghost was called the Brown Lady because, according to eyewitnesses, the spirit always appears in a brown dress.

One of the most compelling and famous photographs of this ghost was taken back in the 1930s and shows a mysterious female figure standing on a staircase inside a house. According to rumors, Dorothy's husband treated her very badly and constantly kept her locked up. This is probably why her spirit still cannot leave this place ... The photographers who captured the famous shot worked for Country Life magazine, and during these shootings they were just on assignment from the editors.

8. Vicarage in Borgvattnet (Borgvattnet)

The modest Swedish village of Borgvattnet would be an unremarkable place if one of the local houses had not got its own ghost. The building was built in 1876, but the local chaplain first complained about the ghost in 1927. According to the priest, once he went up to the attic for clean linen when he found that his things had been scattered by someone.

Since then, more than once there have been reports of ghosts that settled in the parish house. For example, here people saw a lady in a gray robe, heard strange sounds and watched moving objects. One day, a guest at home saw with her own eyes three unfamiliar women staring at her in the middle. One of the chaplains who lived in this house claimed that some kind of ghost constantly shook him out of his chair.

7. Whaley House

Whaley's house is located in San Diego, California (San Diego, California, USA), and annually this place is visited by over 125,000 tourists admiring the historic district. Thomas Whaley bought this property in 1855. According to rumors, a certain Yankee Jim Robinson was hanged here in 1852. After this incident, many strange events began to occur in the house. People heard the knock of the gavel, which judges usually used during meetings, music and laughter somewhere in the walls of the house, someone saw a silhouette, as if looking out of the upper window, tiny footprints, and they also talked about the mysterious crying of children. Once, the ghost of a little girl was even seen in the dining room. Thomas Whaley's daughter, Violet, committed suicide, and many people acknowledge that her presence is still felt on the second floor of the mansion. Even the ghosts of Thomas and his wife Anna appeared in the house, as if looking after their beloved estate from the top steps of the main staircase.

6 Winchester Mystery House

Sarah Winchester was the heir to a considerable family fortune, earned in the production of famous rifles and shotguns. Having at her disposal family capital, she bought in San Jose, California (San Jose, California, USA), a simple cottage with 8 rooms, which occupied only a few acres of land. The house soon became almost unrecognizable as the widow repeatedly hired new carpenters to build additional additions to the house. Continuous construction was carried out for almost 36 years - until the death of the hostess in 1922. It is said that Sarah updated her cottage so often because it seemed to her that the souls of all the people killed with the legendary Winchester brand guns haunted her.

The huge house now has flights of stairs leading literally to nowhere, intricate corridors resemble real labyrinths, and some doors hide behind solid walls instead of rooms. People often hear mystical voices and footsteps here, especially on the third floor of the house. In the basement, many saw men in white overalls pushing a wheelbarrow to a coal chute. Strange images and spheres were noticed even in photographs and videos taken in this house.

5. Monte Cristo

Known to most as the most mystical house in all of Australia, Monte Cristo is a Victorian mansion built back in 1876 by Christopher William Crawley. A lot of troubles happened in this house ... More than a hundred years ago, a very small child fell from the stairs here, then a young groom burned alive, and one of the maids fell out of the balcony, and the watchman's son was kept in chains for 40 years until his body was found next to the remains of his mother. In addition, one of the caretakers was killed on the estate. People who lived in the house later admitted that the presence of the previous owners, Christopher and Elizabeth Crawley, was very palpable even after many years. Someone even once felt someone’s hand on his shoulder… The ghosts addressed the residents by name, and the new owners constantly seemed to be watching them, and someone’s steps were periodically heard on the empty balcony. A few photographs even managed to capture the mysterious silhouettes.

4. Rectory in Borley

In the English county of Essex (Essex) in the village of Borley is an old house, which many consider the most mystical haunted building in the whole country. The cottage was built in 1862 on land where an old monastery once stood. After news about the ghost of a nun appeared in the local newspaper in 1929, parapsychologist Harry Price was invited here to conduct his investigation and check whether something supernatural was really going on there. According to rumors, the nun's ghost wandered the garden, and she always walked with her head bowed sadly. Other testimonies mentioned the appearance of a strange glow, the sound of footsteps, whispers, the noise of a ghostly carriage, the silhouette of a man without a head, a girl in white clothes and the main architect of the house - Henry Bull (Henry Bull). In 1939, the house was almost completely destroyed by a strong fire, and in 1944 it was completely demolished. However, even despite the fact that the creepy building is no longer in its place, visitors to this place still complain about paranormal phenomena. Most often, people talk about the fact that someone threw stones at them.

3 Amityville Horror House

The script for The Amityville Horror (2005) was based on real events that took place in a real house in the town of Amityville, New York. It was in this house that a massacre took place in 1974 - a 23-year-old guy killed his entire family (father, mother and 4 brothers and sisters) right in his sleep. A few months later, the Lutz family moved into this house, which involuntarily encountered many terrible phenomena.

According to the family members, they often smelled other people's perfume and felt unusual cold in different parts of the house. Every night, without saying a word, they woke up at 3:15, and it was at this time that the family of the previous owners was killed. To make matters worse, objects began to fly in it, the crucifix on the wall turned upside down, green slime seeped through the walls, and the inhabitants more than once saw shining demonic eyes in the darkness. No wonder this house has been listed as one of the creepiest haunted houses in all of America.

2 Myrtles Plantation

The Myrtle's Plantation House is considered one of the most mystical otherworldly retreats in all of America. The plantation is located in the town of Saint Francisville, Louisiana (St. Francisville, Louisiana), and the house itself was built in 1796 by General Dave Bradford, also known by the nickname Whiskey Dave, because at one time he was an active participant in the Whiskey Rebellion (1791-1794).

It is said that at least 12 different ghosts live on the plantation, and many visitors have seen ghosts there that look like pre-Civil War slaves. Often, one girl appeared among them, who especially looked like a slave, and she was even given a name - Chloe (Chloe). Visitors to the house even managed to take a photo, in which Chloe is supposed to be standing between two buildings belonging to this plantation. Another famous photo was taken right in the fields, and in it you can see a girl in an apron, who looks out of the window of the house directly into the camera. Nobody recognized her, and as a result she received the nickname Ghost Girl (Ghost Girl).

1. Old Guest Court Ram Inn (Ram Inn)

Ram Inn is famous throughout England as the most mysterious hotel, which is inhabited by about 20 ghosts! The building was built back in 1145, and it is located in the town of Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire. According to the legend, the house was built on the land of a pagan cemetery, where once upon a time small children were sacrificed. In addition, a witch was supposedly burned here, and the daughter of an old innkeeper once hung herself in the attic.

Today, this house still functions as a guest house, but Ram Inn's guests often pack their suitcases in the middle of the night and drive out complaining of terrible visions. Some former guests claim that furniture even flew around their room, objects independently moved and rotated around their own axis, people were pressed to the beds, and someone saw the ghost of a little girl walking along the corridors of the hotel. Other guests heard children crying and screaming and saw a tall woman in the bedroom, looking like a pagan priestess.

The web is full of haunted photos, but not all of them are genuine. In this compilation, we have collected for you the most famous ghost pictures, the authenticity of which has been established by competent experts.

The picture was taken at an intersection in San Antonio, Texas. Andy and Debi Chesney made a special trip to this intersection to check out the ghost legend and take some photos. Quite unexpectedly, a transparent figure appeared on one of the pictures after development.

Freddie Jackson was an RAF mechanic during World War I and died in 1919 after being struck by a propeller. But two days later, he showed up in a squadron group photo, peeking over his best friend's head.

It is believed to be the ghost of Lady Dorothy Townshend, wife of Charles Townshend, 2nd Viscount Rayham, who resided at Rayham Hall in the early 17th century.

According to available records, she was buried in 1726. It is suspected that the funeral was a hoax, but in fact, Charles locked his wife in a remote part of the house and kept her there until her death.

In 1891, after his carriage overturned, Lord Combermere died. The photographer set up his camera in the lord's library with the lens shutter open for one hour.

And everyone else at this time was almost four miles from home for the funeral of the lord. After developing, everyone immediately noticed in the picture the outline of the head and hands of a person sitting in the owner’s favorite chair.

Ghost on the stairs at the Greenwich National Museum (England). The former clergyman took his famous photograph in 1966. Experts, including several specialists from Kodak Corporation, have concluded that this image is not a fake.

In 1959, Mable Chinnery went to the cemetery to visit her mother. She took a photo of her husband sitting in the front passenger seat. The film was developed, after which it turned out that someone with glasses was sitting in the back seat.

In 1996, Ike Clanton took a photo of his friend, who was wearing a cowboy outfit. And it was right in the middle of Boothill Cemetery near the town of Tombstone.

They both claim that no one was in sight of them when this picture was taken. Ike Clanton says it's impossible to take a photo like this without showing the legs of the person behind him.

This photo was taken during an investigation by the Society for the Study of Ghosts in the Bachelor's Grove cemetery. On August 10, 1991, several members of the society were in the cemetery near a small abandoned grave.

In 1924, James Courtney and Michael Meehan, two crew members on the steamship Watertown, were accidentally killed by a steam blast. They were buried at sea off the coast of Mexico. The next day, the crew photographed their "faces" appearing and disappearing in the water.

His Rev. K.F. Lord took a picture of the altar at his church in North Yorkshire, England. The photograph and the negative were carefully examined by experts who found no evidence of editing or re-exposure.

Mrs. Andrews came to the cemetery to visit her daughter Joyce, who died when she was 17 and didn't notice anything out of the ordinary when she took this picture. The woman claims that there were no children nearby.

In 1982, photographer Chris Breckley took pictures of the interior of St. Botolph's Church in London. On the top floor of the church, in the upper right corner of the photo, a translucent figure is clearly visible, shaped like the outline of a girl.

According to the book True Ghosts by author Brad Steiger, where this picture was published, there was only one photographer in the church at that time. Since the figure that appeared in the photo was all in black, it was assumed that it was a clergyman.

The photo was taken near Alice Springs, Australia in 1959. The translucent female figure in the foreground cannot be the result of using a double exposure, as experts say.

This famous photo was taken by a nurse at an unknown hospital from security camera footage. A dark figure stands on top of a patient lying on a bed.

The photo is known as “The Face in the Window”. A mysterious face looks out from a courthouse in Alabama. According to stories, this is the face of a former slave named Henry Wells, who was struck by lightning.

Photo of the so-called Ghost Bridge, according to legend, the photo shows the ghost of a woman drowned in the river.

The photo was taken in an abandoned sanatorium Waverly Hills, which was treated for tuberculosis. Because there was no effective treatment at that time, the mortality rate was very high.

After the discovery of antibiotics, the sanatorium was closed, but according to legend, the souls of patients still roam there, and in this photo one of the nurses, Mary Lee.

The Myrtle Plantation House in St. Francisville, Louisiana is one of the most famous haunted houses. The most famous of them is the ghost of the slave Chloe, who was hanged.

The Whaley House is also known for paranormal activity. So, it is believed that this photo captures the ghost of Thomas Whaley, who died from poisoning with ant poison.

This is a very old photo that was taken during the renovation of the house. It is believed to be the ghost of a Confederate soldier who died during the American Civil War.

Wedding photographer Neil Sandbach was filming the area when he photographed this barn in Hertfordshire, England. An incomprehensible white figure appeared in the photo, the explanation of whose presence Neal could not find.

In 1975, Diana and Peter Berthelot visited the Vorsted Church. Peter photographed his wife praying in silence on one of the pews in the church. Later, he learned that he managed to capture the White Lady in the photo, about which there are legends among the local population.

The picture shows a happy mother and son who have just moved into a new home in Chicago. After developing, the face of an old woman and a bulldog were found in the photo, which can be seen in the reflection of the door.

This photo was taken at Hampton Court Palace in England in 2003. According to experts, the image of a ghost at the door is not a photomontage.

The prison in the Old City of Charleston is over two hundred years old, thousands of prisoners died here. It is assumed that the bright figure in the photo is the ghost of one of them.

This is a photo taken at Lake Dorothy Dunn, Wisconsin, USA. According to the photographer, there were no children around during the shooting of the photo.

The Mary King Inn in Edinburgh, Scotland has long had a haunted reputation.

The teenager took this photo while attending a wedding at Tulloch Castle in Scotland in 2008. According to The Sun, the castle has been in existence since the 1200s and is haunted by the ghost of the “Green Lady”.

This photo is from the Decebal Hotel in Romania. Legend has it that an ancient Roman treasure is hidden somewhere in a 150-year-old building, and this ghost is guarding it.

Photo from Teahouse in Australia. Owner Dan Clifford reported that the motion sensor responded to something late at night, and this is what he found on the security camera.

The picture was taken in England, in Aston Church. Experts do not undertake to explain the nature of the ghostly figure.

The photo shows the ghost of a child looking out of the window of a famous haunted house at 432 Abercorn Street in Savannah, USA. Legend has it that a girl tied to a chair by the window died of heatstroke in the house.

This famous photograph was taken in the early 20th century. A disembodied hand is depicted on the bureau of Queen Anne.

The history of this photo is also widely known. The picture was taken before relatives took the old woman to a nursing home. Her husband, who had died 13 years earlier, also allegedly appeared behind her.

A police officer took a photo of the abandoned truck before it was towed. Later, a ghostly figure was seen inside.

This photo was taken at the famous Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, USA. Experts find it difficult to explain the nature of the ghostly figure in the photo.

Ghost stories can cause an eerie feeling of fear in some, although this phenomenon has not yet been proven.

The list below is specific phenomena witnessed by several people at different times, in the same place. The more witnesses, the more impressive these stories. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, these stories are amazing.

10. Bringing Kate Morgan

Del Coronado is a stunning Victorian resort and beach hotel in the southern Californian city of Coronado just south of San Diego. This story was very popular four years ago.

It all started when a beautiful young woman named Kate Morgan checked into a hotel 2 November 4, 1892. She appeared to have been very ill during her time at the hotel. Later it was suggested that she took a large dose of quinine in order to induce a miscarriage of an unwanted child.

Few arguments indicated that she was distraught. However, she was found on the territory near the beach on November 29 with one bullet hole in her temple, and a pistol lying next to her. Death came instantly as a result of suicide.

From that moment on, strange phenomena were periodically recorded in the hotel: suspicious sounds, flickering and self-switching lights, and sometimes even a ghostly woman in Victorian clothes wandered the halls.

It is worth noting that in this hotel there is a constant confusion with room numbers. If it is the administration that attracts its clients, in this way, if the ghost itself wants to attract attention - no one knows.

9. Ghosts in the hotel

Employees at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado, USA report that they often hear classical music in the grand ballroom when there is absolutely no one there. You can also hear children laughing and playing in the halls when there are no children at all in the hotel.

Many guests report seeing ghostly figures in their rooms at night, simply standing and staring at visitors.

The fourth floor of Stanley is said to be haunted by the ghost of the former owner of the land, named Dunraven, who can be seen in the window of room 407. He is often accused of missing jewelry or valuables in this hotel.

8. House with a ghost

Raynham Hall in Norfolk, England is the setting for one of the most famous ghost photographs ever photographed. This photo was called Lady Brown because she appeared in a rich brown dress.

It is widely believed that Lady Dorothy Walpole, sister of Sir Robert Walpole, died under mysterious circumstances in 1726, and observations of her spirit began shortly after death.

Although the reports of sightings have now weakened, and the photograph was taken as early as 1936.

Perhaps the most interesting observation was that of Major Loftus, who stayed at Raynham Hall in 1849 for one night with a friend named Hawkins. Loftus noticed a woman in a brown dress, who immediately disappeared as soon as the major approached her.

Determined, he stayed another night, out of curiosity, and saw her again in the same place. Loftus was frightened, but looked closely at her face and saw only two black rosettes on the wall instead of eyes.

7. Ghosts of the castle

If you have £2,750,000 to spare, then you could very well be the proud owner of Clifton Hall in Nottinghamshire, England. The property distinguished itself as early as the 11th century, under the Clifton family.

Since 1958 it has become a school, then another school, then another school, and after that they built luxurious apartments before they became a private residence, most recently owned by Mr. Anwar Rashid, his wife and their four children.

The residence boasts 17 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, 10 reception rooms, a chic gym and a cinema. Well, and, of course, a few ghosts. Rashid's family experienced a disturbing experience on their first night in the house in the form of knocking and male voices asking, "Hi, is anyone here?"

One time, Anwar's wife, Nabila, went downstairs to prepare milk for their 18-month-old son at five in the morning and watched her eldest daughter sitting in front of the TV. When she called her daughter, she received no answer. Nabila had a strange premonition at that moment.

She returned upstairs to her daughter's room and found that she was still fast asleep in her bed. Their family ran away from home after being haunted for 8 months. Although the couple was the last in this house, however, even after there were rumors about strange children appearing and screaming women who stood at the window of walled-up rooms.

6. Scary ghost

Ladies in white are undoubtedly the most common type of ghost anywhere in the world, and spirits in the Philippines join the list. Some residents of Manila, Philippines say that this is just a hoax, but we will admit that the story may be true.

It is those who believe who report a woman dressed in white with long black hair and a completely blank face, who stands in blood in the middle of the road on Balete Drive. People claim to avoid night driving in that area, but if you do dare, make sure you have passengers in your back seat.

Apparently, the White Lady wants a ride from those with empty back seats.

5. Evil ghosts

Legend has it that Chloe was a slave at the Myrtles Plantation home in St. Francisville, Louisiana. Chloe had a bad habit of eavesdropping on the keyholes of the locals.

Seeing such a scene one day, the owner of the house cut off her ear as punishment and forced Chloe to wear a green scarf on her head to cover the wound. To take revenge, she baked a cake with the addition of oleander leaves, which are very poisonous.

Although the owner of the house was, first of all, her target, the victims were still his wife and two daughters, who died in agony a couple of days after they ate the cake. Chloe ran away from home and was lynched by other plantation slaves.

Fortunately or not, however, there is no historical evidence to support this story. There is only an intriguing photo. True or not, there are many other ghosts in that place. Including the bringing of a young girl who scares people who dare to sleep in one of the rooms.

Myrtle Plantation is currently a place that hosts regular tours.

4. Bringing a hitchhiker

Traveling northeast of Archer Lane, between Willowbrook's Ballroom and Illinois Resurrection Cemetery, you can pick up a young woman hitchhiking on the side of the road. She has blonde hair and blue eyes, wears a white dress, and has been dead since the 1930s.

If you pick her up, she will ask you to stop in front of the Resurrection Cemetery and disappear from the car. The girl is a classic example of the "disappearing hitchhiker". This is the type of story that has been around for at least a few hundred years.

Moreover, all the narrators in this case claim that the girl always looks the same and disappears in the same place. It is also worth noting that stories about this ghost began to spread suddenly in the mid-thirties of the last century.

3. The ghost of the "Flying Dutchman"

It was 1641 when Captain Hendrik van der Decken swore to sail around the Cape of Good Hope, and now he is on the eternal voyage.

The ghost of a ship known as the "Flying Dutchman" is often seen around this cape. This ghost is always seen as a bad omen.

Such an incident was recorded by the future King of England George V in 1881: "At 4 o'clock in the morning the Flying Dutchman appeared. A strange red light shone from him, as if the masts, spars and sails of the brig were on fire." Later that morning, the sailor who had originally spotted the ship crashed to his death.

2 Lincoln Ghost

Legend has it that Lincoln saw his fate before he was killed. He told about a dream in his office, which he went to during some funeral at the White House, and when the president asked one of the mourners of the deceased, the man replied: "The president ... he was killed by an assassin."

Lincoln's ghost was seen by many guests and residents of the White House, including First Lady Grace Coolidge, Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands and even Winston Churchill.

Churchill claimed to have just stepped out of the bath, naked. As he entered the bedroom, he saw Lincoln standing near the fireplace. The Prime Minister of Great Britain, jokingly, said: "Good evening, Mr. President. You seem to have caught me at a disadvantage," after which Lincoln smiled softly and disappeared.

1. Real cast

The second wife of Henry VIII and the mother of the future Queen Elizabeth I, Anne Boleyn, is tired of her husband. Accused (most historians agree) of adultery, incest and witchcraft, she faced the executioner's sword with her head held high on May 19, 1536.

The executioner is said to have said, "Where is my sword?" in order to kill with one professional blow, relieving Anna's suffering.

Her ghost has been seen by several different people in different places: Hever Castle, Blickling Hall, one of the churches, Marvell Hall, and perhaps the most famous Tower of London. Although she most often appears as a reality: a beautiful woman in a chic dress (some are even upset that she has a whole head).

But she doesn't always show up with her head. Some people claim to have seen her pale ghost holding her head under her arm. She has become a true iconic image, often parodied in film, television and as Halloween costumes.

Each of us is free to believe or not to believe in the other world. Ghosts, spirits or ghosts have long been the main characters of folklore, fairy tales and various films. Do they really exist? It seems that there is no smoke without fire, in any case, many witnesses are vying with each other trying to convince others that they actually saw a ghost. Where can you find the most famous and creepy ghosts?

Killer Interest

In Europe, meeting a ghost is as easy as shelling pears. According to the form of their manifestation, ghosts are divided into “black monks” and “white ladies” - they are classified simply by their appearance. Blurry silent figures appear before their involuntary witnesses in the form of dark or white spots of ethereal substance. Hence such a simple classification of guests from the other world.
A very famous ghost in England is the “Black Nun”. It is said to be the ghost of Sarah Whitehead, whose brother worked as a clerk at the Bank of England in London. The dishonest worker was accused of financial fraud and sentenced to death. The sister tried in vain to save her brother from a harsh sentence and, after her death, does not stop trying to dissuade her relative from committing a financial crime. Is this really so - no one will know, but the ghostly figure of a woman is sometimes seen in the building of the ill-fated bank.

Married to the next world

One of the old houses in London in Berkeley Square sheltered a ghost, a meeting with which is fraught with a posthumous obituary in local newspapers. Anyway, several people died of heart failure after encountering the nightmare of the mysterious house.

Households claim that the ghost is seen in the form of a young girl whose integrity was encroached upon by her own uncle. Not wanting to stigmatize herself, the young lady committed suicide and was later reborn as a restless ghost within the walls of a dysfunctional house.

Other knowledgeable people say that the ghost appears to its victims in the form of a little boy who once died of fear within the walls of this building and now the ghost uses his image as a reminder of his first victim.

Still others argue that the ghost is actually a thin man with a pale face, one of the guests of the house, who, due to illness, was no longer destined to leave it. The only surprise is that if you believe in the destructiveness of meetings with the famous ghost, too many witnesses leave the notorious ghost alive. In any case, the institution is wildly popular with tourists.

Ghost of Anne Boleyn

The beauty Boleyn, whom the king of England laid eyes on in his time and made her queen, is the most famous ghost in the center of old London. An outstanding historical figure posed such a strong threat to the royal court that behind-the-scenes intriguers made titanic efforts to slander the rootless queen who gave England the next Queen Elizabeth. Anne Boleyn, who gave rise to the Renaissance and brought the idea of ​​the Reformation to Europe, was accused of terrible sins, adultery and treason to the king, for which, after imprisonment, she was executed by cutting off her head.

But strong-willed and determined people like Boleyn do not give up so easily. Therefore, many witnesses have repeatedly observed the unconquered queen in the bowels of the Tower of London in the form of a headless ghost, who walks around inside the fortress walls, holding a severed head in her hands, testifying silently against her executioners and envious people.

Ghosts of abandoned thousands

In northern Italy, there is actually a creepy place - the island of Poveglia. Many have heard about him as a forbidden territory belonging to numerous ghosts. The territory of the island is guarded by the police. But this is due to the fact that three years ago the Italian government decided to lease the territory of the abandoned island for a long-term lease.

The island itself has a sad history and reputation. The fact is that since Roman times, this small land located five kilometers from the coast of Venice was used as a quarantine reservation during plague epidemics. For several centuries, many people were brought here, who met their death here. Abandoned to the mercy of fate and abandoned by all, many thousands of unfortunate people dropped their exhausted, weakened bodies to the ground, deprived even of the luxury of a civilized burial. According to modern historians, about one hundred and sixty thousand people found their last restless refuge on the island.

The island was used in a similar way in later centuries, when a quarantine group of sailors who came from a long voyage were left on it. Very often, sailors died from diseases brought to the Old World from new open territories, and in this case, the island became their last refuge.

In addition, in the twenties of the last century, a psychiatric hospital was built on the island, which did not at all add to the popularity of the place. One can only guess how many restless ghosts live within the boundaries of this island. The head physician of a psychiatric hospital could shed light on this mystery if he had not committed suicide under mysterious circumstances. In any case, eyewitnesses claim that they often hear bells ringing in the evening from the side of the island abandoned by everyone.

Sukharev tower

In the capital, Sukharev Tower has always been considered one of the creepiest places. Back in the time of Peter the Great, the well-known scientist, astronomer and alchemist Jacob Bruce conducted his research in the tower. It is believed that he managed to find the notorious Book of Darkness in the depths of the ancient library - the most coveted artifact of various kinds of warlocks and cultists. Whether the old wise man began to study this gift from the underworld, or whether he still did not dare to break the seal of Satan is not clear. Only the light in the lonely room at the top of the gloomy tower for some reason lit up by itself even after the death of the scientist, and the stooped, thin ghostly figure was occasionally observed by late passers-by after many years on dark cloudy Moscow evenings.

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