50 cent is his name. Music was Curtis' main goal.


Biography of 50 Cent (real name Curtis Jackson)

50 Cent (real name Curtis Jackson) was born in 1976 in New York's Queens, one of the city's poorest black neighborhoods. His mother resold drugs to support the family and enjoyed great prestige in the local community. Once she was found murdered, the killer was never found. Curtis was eight years old that year. The boy was taken in by his mother's parents, who were careful to ensure that Curtis did not turn onto a slippery path. Didn't follow - already in high school the guy began to earn his living by distributing drugs. Around the same time, Curtis Jackson, like his peers, began to try to rhyme and fancied himself a badass rapper. The guy took his pseudonym "50 Cent" in honor of the tough gangster from Fort Green Projects, who had left this mortal world shortly before. “I took that name from him,” the rapper explains. “I thought it would be cool - because people, every time they see me, will remember him ...”.

At that time, Curtis did not yet consider composing music to be something useful, and only seriously thought about it when his handicraft recordings began to be popular on the streets. And the musician made the final decision to take up music seriously after the birth of his son.

The first person who drew attention to the abilities of an aspiring rapper was Jam Master Jay, a member of legendary band Run DMC. The collaboration did not last long, but 50 Cent still remembers his mentor with respect in his voice: “Jam Master Jay was the first person who taught me to pay attention to rhythm, rhyme and so on. I will be grateful to him for the rest of my life.” In 1999, the musician met with the production team The Trackmasters and through them was introduced to the bosses of the Columbia label. Interested in the newcomer, the major gives The Trackmasters carte blanche and 50 Cent goes into the studio to record his first album. As The Trackmasters recall, in two and a half weeks of hard work in the studio, 36 songs were recorded - far more than needed for the album. Columbia liked the material and signed a contract with the rapper to release the album. And then the unexpected happened. On May 24, 2000, while leaving his family's home in Queens, 50 Cent was attacked and shot nine times, including in the face. It happened the day before 50 Cent was supposed to shoot with the girls from Destiny "" s Child in their debut video and a few weeks before the release own album. Upon learning of what had happened, Columbia felt that they pulled out the wrong card - those who were wounded in the face usually do not become stars. The contract was terminated, which 50 Cent recalls with ill-concealed glee: “By that time, I received a deposit - half the amount for which the contract was signed. The second was to be received after the release of the album. But they got scared, they said that I would not be able to perform anymore and terminated the contract. So I made money for nothing and got my records back.”

“I spent 13 days in the hospital and spent a few more months at home. And I was much more scared after I was shot than when it happened - I didn’t know what to do now ... If I couldn’t perform anymore, make music ... I would return to that with which he began - the distribution of drugs. I never had a job, no insurance, nothing... I was really selling crack before I got into music... I got into music to escape the reality of the street... all I wanted to - is to make music. I couldn't do anything but music... and sell drugs."

Thus, the musician received his freshly recorded and freshly mixed album “Power Of A Dollar” in his hands and was free to dispose of it as he pleased. It is not surprising that "Power Of A Dollar" immediately ended up with bootleggers, who only managed to churn out more and more new copies. Such success was explained simply: along with others, the maliciously-joking song “How To Rob” was included in the album, which listed the most famous people hip-hop (including Master P and Timbaland) and how they were robbed. The noble "Robin Hood" in this song was, of course, 50 Cent himself. The party was delighted, but the victims of the "robbery" did not like the collision. And each of them considered it his duty to walk through the young rapper. “I had nothing against them, nothing personal,” says 50. “It's just a humorous ditty, a fantasy, nothing more. I was hoping that when they heard this song, they would say, “Who is this 50 Cent?”. And so it happened, and 50 Cent became a "folk" hero.

Without a record deal, 50 Cent continued to write songs and, as they accumulated, "wrote" albums and distributed them through bootleggers. The second album, "Guess Who" "s Back", was released in 2001 in collaboration with Sha Money XL. Around this time, a "support group" formed around 50 Cent and became known as G-Unit. Support groups only spring up around influencers, and G-Unit was a positive testament to 50 Cent's status.

In the same 2001, another album of the musician was released - "50 Cent Is The Future". Rumors about a new talent gradually reached the ears of the owners of major recording companies and the rapper fell into a real siege - everyone wanted to get him. But Eminem turned out to be the quickest of all, who noticed 50 Cent a few years ago and even managed to call him his “favorite new artist” in one interview. Before calling 50 Cent, Em, as an exemplary boy, came to consult with his mentor Dr Dre and got the go-ahead. Curtis Jackson did not consider Eminem and Dr Dre "fake", so he immediately agreed to work with them and signed a contract with Shady / Afterman Records. And he gave his new song Wanksta on the soundtrack of 8 Mile, Eminem's acting debut. The film became big sensation and brought a big box office, as well as the soundtrack. All those who still knew nothing about him finally learned about 50 Cent, and the mass media, on behalf of the workers, began to nervously inquire about the timing of the release of the rapper's debut album.

Work on "Get Rich Or Die Tryin""" began in the fall of 2002, as soon as Eminem figured out "8 Mile" (during this time, 50 Cent released another bootleg "No Mercy No Fear" to the people, which included the same "Wanksta "- about the "fake" rappers so unloved by Kurtis.). The work was carried out in Eminem's studio in Los Angeles, and 50 Cent recalls this time with great enthusiasm: “I can’t say that his songs turn me inside out or something like that, but I respect him - he is real. You know his mother's name, who Kim and Hailey are... He sings about his real life, I do the same. When we started working together, I realized how much strength and energy he puts into what he does. He can work on the same song for two days without being distracted by breaks! It works until it starts to consider the song a success. He's a perfectionist... I think he got that from Dre, that one is exactly the same...”

The rapper explains the title of his album simply and even somehow casually: “Become rich or die” is a long-standing life setting that many, many follow.”

"Get Rich Or Die Tryin""" was released on February 6, 2003. In total, 48 songs were recorded for the album, but only 16 were included. To avoid losses from pirated sales, the release of the album was moved a few days ahead, but according to the results of three days of sales (872 thousand copies!) It managed to get ahead of all the other releases released that week , immediately finding himself at the top of the Billboard. And then fell on the former drug dealer real Glory. For getting to the top of the "Billboard" at least once is automatically considered a star, and "Get Rich Or Die Tryin" "" spent in the top whole month in a row. In a week and a half from the start of sales, one and a half million albums were sold, which allowed 50 Cent to put a tick in the column "debut album sales record". With his success, in addition to his own incredible talent (50 Cent will obviously not die of modesty), the rapper is grateful ... to bootleggers, who, in his opinion, allowed everyone to get acquainted with his songs long before the release of his debut album. Well, at least someone pirates helped to achieve worldwide fame!

"I'm not worried about that," says 50 Cent. - I get enough money, I have enough. After all, people who buy my pirated CDs support me at concerts... I think that bootlegging is a great way to get your music out to people... Bootleggers need to feed their families too, and they won't do what does not generate income. And if people buy, if there is demand, then there will be supply. And one more thing. Thanks to pirated recordings, I can reach out to my listeners without intermediaries."

"Get Rich Or Die Tryin""" was liked not only by ordinary listeners, but also by critics. Thanks to Eminem and Dr Dre, who ate a dog while producing, the album turned out to be diverse and fresh, bringing a new stream to the stagnant genre, which gave the right to music reviewers to call "Get Rich Or Die Tryin" "" one of the the best works in hip hop for last years. The texts of 50 Cent also played their role - ironic and frightening, praising the author and trampling his rivals into the mud. It looks like the last one to wallow there for a long time - now the whole world prays for 50 Cent, as they prayed for Eminem a few years ago. Straight "unkempt" texts 50, telling about the illusions of street "brotherhood", the death of friends and the realities of the ghetto, have nothing to do with the readings of "glossy" rappers. 50 Cent talks about himself and his life, and he has no shortage of experience. The musical component of "Get Rich Or Die Tryin""" is distinguished by great fiction and differentiated approach for each track.

The main strength of 50 Cent is in his reality. Who, if not a former pusher, knows what is happening on the streets? Awareness of his “realness” gives the rapper the right to mock most of his colleagues: “There are too many “studio gangstas” divorced now, I think they are now 90% of the whole party ... How can they be trusted? Until I see them in real life life situation I can't believe they know what they're singing about." And 50 Cent is now in the public eye thanks to his fame. He lives in the same Queens and communicates with the same streets - so as not to lose a sense of reality. Sometimes gets into unpleasant situations- like other hip-hop characters: in new year's eve 2003 he was arrested for illegal possession firearms However, no charges were filed. A week later, the office of Violator, a firm representing 50, was riddled with bullets, but the shooter was never found. A little earlier, the organizers of the concert of the performer in one of the clubs in San Francisco canceled the concert, because some craftsman distributed fake tickets and the gathered crowd blocked the streets in front of the club building.

50 Cent is unlikely to be happy with what is happening around him, but he is not going to give up his beliefs: “I hope that I will never break ties with the street, because without knowing what is happening here, I will not be able to do what I am doing now.”

Curtis James Jackson, better known as 50 Cent, is one of the most bright rap artists modernity. He is talented, enterprising and has his own unique style which, in fact, made him a real star.

Currently, the famous "Fifty dollars" is at the pinnacle of success. He often performs on stage, and also pleases fans of his talent with bright and remarkable film roles. But is it possible to say that the path to the heights of popularity was given to him simply and easily? Of course not. After all, in fate famous rapper There were a lot of strength tests.

Early years, childhood and family 50 Cent

Curtis James Jackson was born on July 6, 1975. His home was the poor New York quarter of Queens, which at all times was not the most the best place for a child. At the time of the appearance of his son, his mother was only fifteen years old. She sold crack, so she spent most his life on the street. She practically did not participate in the upbringing of her child, but, feeling guilty for this, she constantly tried to make amends with money.

One day she completely disappeared from her life forever. little son. Deciding to abandon her former business, she fell out of favor with her former friends, and therefore died very soon under very dubious circumstances. From that moment on, Curtis remained in the care of his grandmother.

From the very early years in the life of the future rap artist there were only two main hobbies - music and boxing. From the age of eleven, he began to play sports, and also began to devote a lot of time to music. However, the last hobby very soon faded into the background, when drugs first appeared in the life of our today's hero. According to some reports, just like once his mother, Curtis has been selling drugs since the age of twelve. For a long time "boxing" and "crack" were the main words in his life.

But at some point in the life of the future musician, changes nevertheless occurred. In 1994, he was arrested for drug possession and subsequently sentenced to three years in prison. In prison, Curtis James Jackson stayed only part of the term and some time later managed to achieve parole.

Returning to freedom again, the young musician decided to finally change everything in his life. He abandoned the drug trade, began to compose again musical compositions, and also took the name 50 Cent in honor of the famous gangster of the past.

Rapper career 50 Cent

In 1996, Curtis James Jackson met the musician Jam Master Jay, who helped a lot. young guy in the early stages of his work. He taught 50 Cent to work in the studio, to feel the beat, to build the right intonations. Together they were supposed to record the first album of Curtis James, but the release of the disc fell through due to unknown circumstances.

50 Cent

The debut album of the musician was released only in 2000. The unofficial album "Power of the Dollar" immediately became quite popular in certain circles in the United States of America, and therefore, very soon, 50 Cent began to often act "as an opening act" along with other rap artists.

The rapid ascent to the summit was interrupted due to an attempt on the life of a musician that happened on May 24, 2000. Right on the street, the rapper was shot nine times in the face and chest. For several days he was on the border between life and death, however, in the end, he still managed to get out.

This episode gave the musician strength and self-confidence, and very soon he began to work with redoubled energy. In 2002, he began fruitfully collaborating with Eminem and, with his support, recorded an album with the symbolic title "Get Rich or Die Tryin'". The record was a huge success, and some time later the geography concert tours musician swept the whole of America.

Subsequently, our today's hero released four more successful albums, each of which was warmly received by the public. The main hits of "Fifty dollars" became a real classic of the genre and brought him a huge number of awards and prizes. The total circulation of the albums amounted to almost five million copies. Thus, already in the mid-2000s, 50 Cent became one of the most popular artists in the United States of America.

50 Cent

Career in other industries, 50 Cent filmography

Parallel to musical career our today's hero also systematically built a career in the film industry. IN different years he starred in twenty-three films, many of which, for sure, are well known to modern connoisseurs of cinema.

So, among the most notable films are the films Get Rich or Die, which, in fact, is the autobiography of the musician, as well as the films House of the Brave, Frozen Ground, The Right to Kill, Twelve. It is noteworthy that many of acting work musicians received very high reviews critics.

In addition, it is also worth noting that the musician also worked as a producer and / or screenwriter on the creation of some films (“Before I Self-Destruct”, “Frozen Earth”).

Special mention also deserves writing career 50 Cent. Currently, his bibliography includes about a dozen books. And that inspires respect.

In addition to everything else, as a model, the musician often participates in various advertising campaigns, and also works as an organizer of boxing matches.

50 Cent's personal life

Novels and hobbies of a musician rarely become public. Curtis James Jackson usually keeps the details of his personal life to himself. What is known for certain is that in 1997 famous rap artist son, Marquis Jackson, was born. The mother of the child was a girl named Shanigawa Tompkins. about a wedding or life together there was no talk.

Sabrina Jackson gave birth to Curtis on July 6, 1975. “She tried to provide for me, but she didn’t see a job at Burger King as an option. It remains to bang"

On September 11, the third album of the most famous rapper 50 Cent is released. Four singles were released in support of "Curtis", of which only one was on this moment was able to break into a hundred Billboard. In anticipation significant date collision releases 50 and Kanye West, whose singles also do not show much agility, Blender magazine tried to find some interesting facts about Fiddy's life that you might not know yet.

His mother was a drug dealer to raise her son.
Sabrina Jackson gave birth to Curtis on July 6, 1975. “She tried to provide for me, but she didn’t see a job at Burger King as an option. All that was left was to bang." So that she could calmly "work", her son had to be left with his grandmother. “Mom replaced her presence with gifts. Every time I saw her, the real Christmas began.

Mom told him that he was conceived immaculately
“Once I asked her: “Mom, why don’t I have a father?” She replied that I appeared as a result immaculate conception like Jesus. I tried to make you feel special."

50 never saw his father
“I don’t know who he was and I have no desire to know. Once his presence could have helped me, but that time has passed.

Before he was 50 Cent, his name was Boo-Boo
“My aunt always called me: “Come here, Boo-Boo!” It was terrible. That's when someone was called Terminator, then everyone said: "Oh-oh-oh, cool!"

In 1994, he was convicted of possession of 280 grams of crack and 110 grams of heroin.
To avoid prison, he passed special program in a prison camp. For six months I got up at 5.30, did push-ups and went to cut firewood.

His mom didn't date men
“I never saw men around my mother. She preferred women. But I've never seen anything about sex. It didn't affect me at all."

When 50 was 8, his mother was killed
In 1983, someone drugged Sabrina and turned on the gas in her apartment. “When they found her, the body was a complete f*ck.” He later recalled: “My biggest loss is my mother. Everything that was wrong in my life only came about because she was gone. I went to the park to sell drugs because she wasn't around."

He started dealing drugs 4 years after his mother's death
Under the same roof with Curtis lived his grandparents and eight uncles and aunts. There wasn't enough money. “Hustling was my only outlet. I wasn't thinking about a career, I was just looking for immediate gratification."

The first customers were uncles and aunts
“They were having a party, and at that time cocaine was like marijuana – everywhere. I promised them to get it and ran for my bag. And then I started every day from 3 to 6. My grandparents thought I was on an after-school program.”

... but one uncle found out about this bag
And he began to pour from there for his needs. 50 beat a relative with a stick. "Since then, Uncle Star and I haven't spoken much."

Virginity 50 lost at 12
“Everything went great - I'm 12, she's 21. I stayed at my friend's house, and a friend also came to his sister. Well, I began to pester her. I was a lustful puppy and I just didn’t leave her behind!”

He had to wear grandma's clothes
After being released, 50 was mistaken for the killer due to a similar motorcycle. At first, a patrol tried to stop him, and then a helicopter pursued him. 50 climbed into my grandmother's house, changed into her dress and wig. This is how I met the police. “They must have thought, ‘What an ugly bitch! The real killer was caught the next day.

He is a rather careless father.
Does he allow his 10-year-old son Marquis to listen to his songs? "Certainly. If I’m talking about something obscene there, then I ask: “Do you understand what I’m talking about?” He usually understands. He already understands everything. Kids are like that now. The problem is that parents don't ask them questions. One night I go into his room, and he is looking at a porn site - there are such big ass chicks. "I just clicked on the link!" - speaks. Well, children are children.

When he met Jam Master Jay he hadn't written anything yet
In 1997, 50 Cent met Run-D.M.C. member Jam Master Jay at a club. 50 has been a fan of Rakim since childhood, but by that time he had composed literally one text. "I don't remember exactly, but it was something street." However, Jay was impressed with the young rapper's pitch and eventually signed him to Columbia Records.

The birth of a son forced him to quit drug dealing
When his girlfriend Shanica Tompkins gave birth to Marquis, 50 quit crime. "The reason my mom started trading made me quit"

Ever since he was shot, he has been wearing a bulletproof vest. And still wears
When 50 started performing, his biggest complaint was that as a result of the publicity, people knew where he was. "I started wearing a vest because I knew I could play catch." In the first round of 50, the Marquis rode with him, and he also has his own bulletproof vest.

If anything, it can also be ordered for the celebration of Bar Mitzvah
50 performs at private parties of any direction. He also happened to perform at Bar Mitzvah - a holiday, the day of the thirteenth birthday, marking the onset of maturity of a Jewish boy. “For the last Bar Mitzvah, I got 500,000 in 30 minutes. It’s not a fixed fee, but this time everything happened right at the stadium.”

He collects his own brand of sneakers.
“I have 500 pairs. And all G-Unit. All colors, limited collections. Tony Yayo has a bigger foot than mine, but he curls his toes and borrows my sneakers.”

He likes George Bush
When Kanye West criticized the President of America during the Hurricane Katrina scandal, 50 supported the MP, calling him a real "gangsta".

Despite the extremely outrageous screen image(few people have not seen the video or articles in which the singer quarrels with colleagues), in real life, where there are no huge screens and bright spotlights, Curtis Jackson (that's what the real name of the rap singer sounds like) is extremely modest and secretive. Yes, he had a huge number of short-lived novels with long-haired and long-legged models, however, they did not last more than a few months.

The secret personal life of the rapper

That is why for journalists the miraculously unearthed news that the rapper has a son and ex-wife(previously, the son was called illegitimate, and the wife was considered just a mistress). Her name is Shanique Tompkins. Despite the fact that she and 50 Cent broke up a long time ago and earlier there were quarrels between them (which journalists were very fond of writing about, since it was one of the rare interventions in the rapper's personal life) and omissions, Shanicua gradually thawed and allowed the man to see the child.

But were there other women around the musician who wore his ring on their finger? Yes, all three. However, their stories differ dramatically:

1. famous singer Ciara. Despite the fact that their relationship with Curtis has long been forgotten, she still speaks of the rapper with warmth and tenderness. Unfortunately, the couple was only engaged, it never came to an official marriage (the reason for the breakup remained unknown even to the most experienced paparazzi, which once again confirms the secrecy of 50 Cent);

2. Chelsea Handler - this outrageous blonde (unfortunately, the ring she wore was ordinary, not engagement) for a long time poured out quotes from their ex-relationship with 50 Cent. However, even through the prism of her impeccable, but not always censored humor (which was worth the joke about the python brought to the film studio!) Sometimes the sadness of loss slipped through: “50 Cent is completely different from what you imagine him to be. He's funny and touching!”;

3. Daphne Joy - this girl still excites the public, tempting many journalists to write about marriage and engagement, which, in fact, could not have happened. It all started with the girl’s April Fool’s tweet (“I really want to be called 50 Cent!”). The rapper, in turn, jokingly called the beauty wife. However, attentive paparazzi did not find a single ring at the “newlywed”, at least more or less similar to an engagement ring. Then, as if in jest, after a while Daphne appeared in public with an interesting ring.

Biography 50 cent: parents and childhood

James Curtis Jackson was born on July 6, 1975 in poorest area city ​​of New York. Now he is one of the brightest rap artists, but the musician's childhood did not bode well. big money and worldwide popularity. The mother of the future "Fifty dollars" was a drug dealer in Queens and therefore did little to raise her son. Instead, she gave money to Curtis' grandmother. Feeling guilty before her son, she tried to abandon such a risky and illegal business, but she could not and died during unclear circumstances. The upbringing of Curtis completely passed on to the shoulders of his grandmother.

As a child, "Fifty dollars" was fond of music and boxing. However, once associated with drugs, the sport faded into the background. Rumor has it that Jackson has been distributing crack since the age of 12, however, there is no official confirmation. Be that as it may, in 1994, Curtis received a term for possession of narcotic drugs and went to federal prison for 3 years. There, for exemplary behavior, he achieved parole. After serving his sentence, the musician decided to change his life once and for all.

Music was Curtis' main goal.

He chose the pseudonym "50 cent" for himself and begins to record the first compositions. The key moment was the acquaintance with the musician Jam Master Jay. He helped the novice performer at the beginning of his work, teaching him how to work in the studio and how to feel tact. Debut album"Fifty dollars" was released in 2000. At the same time, the musician began performing "as an opening act" for famous rappers.

The album "Power of the Dollar" began to gain popularity throughout the United States, but the ascent of the future king of the rap industry was thwarted by an attempt on his life. The musician survived after 9 bullets were fired at him. After recovering, 50 cent, with redoubled enthusiasm, began to collaborate with another well-known.

With the support of Eminem, a few fans at that time saw in stores a disc with the album “Get Rich or Die Tryin”, which brought real recognition to the fifty dollars. The musician's tours took place throughout the United States and earned him the love of listeners. Following 50 cent recorded 4 more albums, which were sold in the amount of 5 million copies. By the mid-2000s, the rapper was known throughout the country.

50 cent as actor

Simultaneously with his musical career, 50 cent took part in the filming of 23 films. So, in the film "Get rich or die" Curtis "50 cent" Jackson, one might say, plays himself. Also, movie lovers are well aware of the films "House of the Brave", "Frozen Land", "The Right to Kill", "Twelve". In the film "Before I Self-Destruct" 50 cent was a producer at all. Now the musician often appears in commercials and organizes boxing matches. In November 2003, Curtis Jackson signed a 5-year contract with Reebok. The company was given permission to release shoes under the name "G-Unit Clothing".

The musician also voiced the main characters in the video games 50 Cent: Bulletproof and 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand. Glacéau's contribution brought the musician $100 million after Coca-Cola bought Glacéau in 2007. Curtis is also known as the author of 12 books, which makes him respect even more. Most famous received recordings of "From Pieces to Weight: Once upon a Time in Southside Queens". In addition, fans of the king of the rap industry fell in love and famous book The Ski Mask Way.

Personal life of Curtis Jackson

love affairs Curtis James Jackson is shrouded in mystery. It is only known that the musician and actor has a son, who was born in 1997 from Shanigawa Tompkins, but the wedding did not take place. Curtis' son is named Marquis.

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