Always be a warrior of Christ. What is the lack of spirituality of society? (USE in Russian)


What is the manifestation of the “spirituality” of society? Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, a Russian philologist and art critic, reflects on this problem in the proposed text.

In order to draw the attention of readers to such a difficult issue, the author speaks of the "lack of spirituality", which at the present time is characteristic not only for our society, but also "in general<..>for all mankind." The writer draws attention to the fact that technology and all the comfort that is associated with it has flooded everything, leaving no time to enlighten oneself with the “true” culture. But the worst thing is that a person's spiritual life can be replaced by aggressive lack of spirituality, which must be combated by instilling cultural interests in oneself. This aggressiveness, according to the author, is an empty “thirst for activity” that needs to be filled with “full content”. Only then will the “desire for activity” take on useful forms, because real culture carries “attraction” in itself and gives an outlet to a person “thirsty for activity”.

D.S. Likhachev, discussing the definition of culture, points to its ambiguity and the difference in “shades of understanding”. Speaking of "classical culture", the writer emphasizes its main features, such as the upbringing and enrichment of a person "with his lyrical experience". Generalized by the author of the concept " man of culture” and “intellectual” make us understand that such people are called those who have become “more tolerant of strangers”, more respectful of others and softer in behavior.

The position of the author is clear to me. It lies in the fact that the "lack of spirituality" of society is manifested in the decline of the role of spiritual culture, in the absence of interest in its higher levels and elementary awareness of what it is.

As literary argument proving my point of view, one can cite the work of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin “The Gentleman from San Francisco”. In this story main character, having earned enough money, goes on a long journey with his family. When the Gentleman leaves from San Francisco on a ship, I.A. Bunin shows us the life of a bourgeois society that does not have any moral ideals. These people have only one goal - to be rich, and this speaks of their lack of spirituality. The hero's passion for drinking and "living pictures" shows him as a vulgar and obscene person. But no one will argue with his actions, because the society in which his journey takes place is the same. The writer shows an excellent example of the fact that a society consisting of hypocritical, ill-mannered and immoral people is unspiritual.

Another example is the work of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov "Ionych". The story depicts emptiness and lethargy provincial life city ​​C, to which Dr. Startsev came for medical practice. Once, the main character was invited to the Turkins' house. Their family, which was considered the most educated and talented, was in fact absolutely mediocre, because it did not have any high interests. What they do is not creativity, but a parody of it. Startsev becomes a frequent guest in this house, and he does not notice how the provincial mud is dragging him in. Arriving, he was filled with a craving for work, appreciated his mind and education, but the society of immoral and vile people reduced him to his level. A.P. Chekhov shows us that the lack of spirituality of society is manifested in the lack of spirituality of each person who makes it up.

Many similar examples can be found in literature and in life. This once again convinces me that a soulless society is one that does not have cultural values, high life aspirations, principles and ideals.

Effective preparation for the exam (all subjects) -

The problem of spirituality spiritual man- one of eternal problems Russian and world literature

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin(1870 -- 1953) - Russian writer and poet, first laureate Nobel Prize on literature

In "The Gentleman from San Francisco" Bunin criticizes bourgeois reality. This story is symbolic in its title. This symbolism is embodied in the image of the protagonist, who is collective image an American bourgeois, a man without a name, called by the author simply a gentleman from San Francisco. The lack of a name for the hero is a symbol of his inner lack of spirituality, emptiness. The idea arises that the hero does not live in the full sense of the word, but only physiologically exists. He understands only the material side of life. This idea is emphasized by the symbolic composition of this story, its symmetry. While “he was quite generous on the way and therefore fully believed in the caring of all those who fed and watered him, served him from morning to evening, preventing his slightest desire, guarding his purity and peace ...”.

And after the sudden death dead body the old man from San Francisco was returning home, to his grave, on the shores of the New World. Having experienced many humiliations, a lot of human inattention for a week, after wandering from one port shed to another, it finally landed again on the same famous ship, on which so recently, with such honor, they carried him to the Old World. The ship "Atlantis" sails in the opposite direction, only carrying the rich man already in a soda box, "but now hiding him from the living - they lowered him deep into the black hold." And on the ship all the same luxury, well-being, balls, music, a fake couple playing at love.

It turns out that everything he has accumulated has no meaning in the face of that eternal law to which everyone is subject without exception. Obviously, the meaning of life is not in the acquisition of wealth, but in something that cannot be valued in money, - worldly wisdom, kindness, spirituality.

Spirituality is not equal to education and intelligence and does not depend on it.

Alexander Isaevich (Isaakievich) Solzhenitsyn(1918-- 2008) - Soviet and Russian writer, playwright, publicist, poet, public and political figure, who lived and worked in the USSR, Switzerland, the USA and Russia. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature (1970). A dissident who for several decades (1960s - 1980s) actively opposed communist ideas, the political system of the USSR and the policies of its authorities.

A. Solzhenitsyn showed this well in the story "Matryonin Dvor". Everyone mercilessly used Matryona's kindness and innocence - and unanimously condemned her for this. Matrena, besides her kindness and conscience, did not accumulate other wealth. She is used to living by the laws of humanity, respect and honesty. And only death revealed to people the majestic and tragic image Matryona. The narrator bows his head to a man of great disinterested soul, but absolutely unrequited, defenseless. With the departure of Matryona, something valuable and important passes away ...

Of course, the germs of spirituality are embedded in every person. And its development depends on education, and on the circumstances in which a person lives, on his environment. However, self-education, our work on ourselves, plays a decisive role. Our ability to peer into ourselves, ask our conscience and not dissemble in front of ourselves.

Mikhail Afanasievich Bulgakov(1891--- 1940) - Russian writer, playwright, theater director and actor. Written in 1925, first published in 1968. The story was first published in the USSR in 1987.

The problem of lack of spirituality in the story M. A. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog"

Mikhail Afanasyevich shows in the story that humanity is powerless in the fight against the lack of spirituality that arises in people. In the center of it - incredible case transformation of a dog into a human. fantasy story based on the image of the experiment of the brilliant medical scientist Preobrazhensky. Having transplanted the spermatic glands and the pituitary gland of the brain of the thief and drunkard Klim Chugunkin into a dog, Preobrazhensky, to everyone's amazement, gets a man out of a dog.

Homeless Sharik turns into Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov. However, he retains the dog habits and bad habits of Klim Chugunkin. The professor, along with Dr. Bormental, is trying to educate him, but all efforts are in vain. Therefore, the professor again returns the dog to its original state. The fantastic case ends idyllically: Preobrazhensky goes about his direct business, and the subdued dog lies on the carpet and indulges in sweet reflections.

Bulgakov expands Sharikov's biography to the level of social generalization. The writer gives a picture of modern reality, revealing its imperfect structure. This is not only the history of Sharikov's transformations, but, above all, the history of a society that develops according to absurd, irrational laws. If the fantastic plan of the story is completed in terms of plot, then the moral and philosophical one remains open: the Sharkovs continue to multiply, multiply and assert themselves in life, which means that the “monstrous history” of society continues. It is these people who know no pity, no sorrow, no sympathy. They are uncivilized and stupid. They have canine hearts from birth, although not all dogs have the same hearts.
Outwardly, the balls are no different from people, but they are always among us. Their inhuman nature is just waiting to be revealed. And then the judge, in the interests of his career and the fulfillment of the plan for solving crimes, condemns the innocent, the doctor turns away from the patient, the mother abandons her child, various officials, for whom bribes have already become the order of things, drop the mask and show their true essence. Everything that is most lofty and holy turns into its opposite, because in these people the non-human has awakened. When they come to power, they try to dehumanize everyone around, because nonhumans are easier to control, they have everything human feelings replaces the instinct of self-preservation.
In our country, after the revolution, all conditions were created for the appearance of a huge number of ball dog hearts. The totalitarian system is very conducive to this. Probably, due to the fact that these monsters have penetrated into all areas of life, Russia is still experiencing Hard times

The story of Boris Vasiliev "Do not shoot the white swans"

Boris Vasilyev tells us about the lack of spirituality, indifference and cruelty of people in the story “Do not shoot at white swans”. Tourists burned a huge anthill, so as not to experience inconvenience from it, "watched how the gigantic structure, the patient work of millions of tiny creatures, was melting before our eyes." They looked with admiration at the fireworks and exclaimed: “Victory salute! Man is the king of nature.

Winter evening. Highway. Comfortable car. It is warm, cozy, music sounds, occasionally interrupted by the voice of the announcer. Two happy intelligent couples are going to the theater - a meeting with the beautiful is ahead. Do not frighten away this wonderful moment of life! And suddenly the headlights snatch out in the dark, right on the road, the figure of a woman "with a child wrapped in a blanket." "Abnormal!" the driver screams. And everything is dark! There is no former feeling of happiness from the fact that a loved one is sitting next to you, that very soon you will find yourself in an easy chair of the stalls and you will be spellbound to watch the performance.

It would seem a banal situation: they refused to give a ride to a woman with a child. Where? For what? And there is no space in the car. However, the evening is hopelessly ruined. The situation of "déjà vu", as if it had already happened, - a thought flashes through the heroine of the story A. Mass. Of course, it was - and more than once. Indifference to someone else's misfortune, detachment, isolation from everyone and everything - phenomena are not so rare in our society. It is this problem that the writer Anna Mass raises in one of her stories in the Vakhtangov Children cycle. In this situation, she is an eyewitness to what happened on the road. After all, that woman needed help, otherwise she would not have thrown herself under the wheels of a car. Most likely, she has a sick child, he had to be taken to the nearest hospital. But self-interest was higher than the manifestation of mercy. And how disgusting it is to feel powerless in such a situation, one can only imagine oneself in the place of this woman, when "people pleased with themselves in comfortable cars are rushing past." Pangs of conscience, I think, will torment the soul of the heroine of this story for a long time: "I was silent and hated myself for this silence."

"Satisfied people", accustomed to comfort, people with small property interests - the same Chekhov's heroes, "people in cases". This is Dr. Startsev in Ionych, and teacher Belikov in The Man in a Case. Let us recall how Dmitry Ionych Startsev rides "on a troika with bells, plump, red", and his coachman Panteleimon, "also plump and red," shouts: "Prrrava hold!" "Prrrava hold" - this is, after all, detachment from human troubles and problems. On their prosperous path of life there should be no obstacles. And in Belikovsky's "No matter what happened," we still hear the sharp exclamation of Lyudmila Mikhailovna, the character of the same story by A. Mass: "What if this child is contagious? We also, by the way, have children!" The spiritual impoverishment of these heroes is obvious. And they are not intellectuals at all, but simply - petty bourgeois, townsfolk who imagine themselves to be "masters of life."

Option 25. Assignments for the Unified State Examination 2018. Russian language. I.P. Tsybulko. 36 options

Read the text and complete tasks 1 - 3

(1) Review (from Latin recenzio - examination, examination) - a written analysis, review, containing critical appraisal scientific, artistic, journalistic work, performance, concert, film, book. (2) Usually, the review provides an analysis of the content of the work, expresses and substantiates its assessment, which requires the author of the review good knowledge the subject of what he writes about: literature, theater, cinema. (3) in the review, the artistic merits of the work (composition, performance, film), features of its construction, features of the author's language are noted.

1. Indicate two sentences in which the HOME information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) The word “review”, derived from the Latin “review”, “examination”, means “a written analysis, a review containing a critical assessment of a scientific, artistic, journalistic work, performance, concert, film, book”.

2) A written analysis of a work, which involves a critical assessment of its content, form features, artistic merits, and therefore requires the author to have a good knowledge of the subject matter, is called a review.

3) The review describes the content of a scientific, artistic, journalistic work, performance, concert, film, book and critically assesses the position of the author.

4) Review is written analysis a work that requires the author to have a good knowledge of the subject matter, as it involves a critical assessment of its content, form features, and artistic merit.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

Despite this

Vice versa,

3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meaning of the word LANGUAGE. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry. LANGUAGE, -a, m.

1) A movable muscular organ in the oral cavity, perceiving taste sensations, in humans also participating in articulation. Lick tongue. Try on ya (i.e. taste). Hold me. behind the teeth (trans.: do not say too much, keep quiet; colloquial).

2) (about objects and phenomena) That which expresses, explains something by itself. I. facts. I. flowers. Ya dance.

3) The historically established system of sound, vocabulary and grammatical means, objectifying the work of thinking and being a tool for communication, exchange of thoughts and mutual understanding of people in society. Great Russian l. Slavic languages. Literary me. History of language.

4) Speech, the ability to speak. Lose your tongue.

5) A system of signs (sounds, signals) that convey information. I. bees. I. gestures. Ya road signs. I. programming.

6) The totality of means of expression in verbal creativity based on a common sound, vocabulary and grammatical system, style. I. Pushkin. I. writers. I. fiction. I. journalism.

4. One of the following words has an accent error:

The letter denoting a stressed vowel is highlighted INCORRECTLY. write it out


speed up

5. In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Fix it lexical error choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

For execution repair work to replace damaged parts, for safety reasons, it is necessary to FENCE the danger zone.

Characters the plays staged by schoolchildren were easily recognizable.

An important factor in GROWING hair is the proper care of them.

REMINDER about it ancient city first found in the annals of the XII century.

Since last year, the fare has increased.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

MOKLA in the rain

in the most wonderful way

indirect cases

healthy gums

from hot deserts

7. Match between grammatical errors and sentences in which they are allowed: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover

B) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

B) violation in the construction of a proposal with an inconsistent application

D) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

D) incorrect construction of a sentence with participle turnover


1) One of the old houses mentioned in the guide has been demolished.

2) Thanks to synonyms, the same meaning can be expressed in different ways.

3) Peter's transformations covered not only the spheres of the economy, the systems of power and administration, but also culture.

4) Those who work passionately in any field of knowledge often become innovators.

5) The chief engineer, without reporting to anyone, made a decision that was contrary to the original plans of the company.

6) Daniel Defoe (1660-1731) - English writer, author famous novel"Robinson Crusoe".

7) When using the gerund, one must take into account the structure of the sentence.

8) Those who read the article by N. A. Dobrolyubov “A ray of light in dark kingdom”, are familiar with the assessment of the critic of the image of Katerina.

9) Peter I, having issued a decree, obliged all gunsmiths who did not work at the factory to move to the Armory Sloboda.

8. Determine the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.






9. Determine the series "in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words out with the missing letter.

pr .. managed, pr .. weaved

oh..guess, na..bite

ra..burn, be..stove


pr .. kind, pr .. thought

10. Write down the word in which the letter E is written at the place of the gap.






11. Write down the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the gap.

write down.. you




12. Define a sentence in which NOT with the word is written CLEARLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

(NOT) NOTICED by the pursuer, a gray bird fluttered out of the bushes.

(NOT) FAR from home, the forest began.

(NOT) SOLD-OUT toys during the month were discounted.

Dunya is (NOT) devoid of charm.

(NOT) FINDING support from classmates, Alexey was forced to fulfill the requirements of the head of the circle.

13. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(AND) SO, to summarize everything that has been said: the forest is our healer, our wealth and, (ON) THE END, the best outfit of the earth.

It was necessary to wait for the guys by all means, (FOR) BECAUSE you can’t leave friends in trouble.

SO (SAME), like yesterday, it's stuffy today, (FOR) THAT all the windows are open.

(B) DURING the summer I had to live outside the city, (IN) WHAT strangers.

Hundred years (ON) BACK (ON) FOR half a century on Moskovskaya Street in Kursk there was a two-story building, on

the facade of which flaunted the sign "N. P. Levashkevich's Confectionery".

14. Indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) is written HH.

The owner was wearing a fabric (1) shirt, sub-belts (2) leather (3) th belt, and pants (4) that had not been ironed for a long time.

15. Arrange punctuation marks. Write two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) The work went quickly and cheerfully and was completed on time.

2) Participles are able to both figuratively describe objects or phenomena and present their signs in dynamics.

3) The illogical connection of words creates a special psychological effect and attracts the attention of the reader and listener.

4) Sergei Nikolayevich got up and all the guests followed him.

5) And she only listens and is silent.

16. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) should (s) be a comma (s).

Among the eccentrics (1) who lived in Moscow in Griboedov's times (2) was a man (3) described in the comedy "Woe from Wit" under the name (4) of Maxim Petrovich.

17. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) should (s) be a comma (s).

Daniil Cherny (1) according to art critics (2) was a painter of the first magnitude. His greatest merit (3) however (4) is that he saw the talent of Andrei Rublev and influenced the development individual manner this the greatest artist.

18. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) should (s) be a comma (s).

in the gardens romantic style(1) it is impossible to do without tracks from natural stone(2) the naturalness (3) of which (4) is emphasized by the moss settled between the stones.

19. Place all punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers, in place of which commas should be.

Nikolai's hand trembled (1) and (2) when he handed the horse to the groom (3) he felt (4) blood rushing to his heart with a thud.

20. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by eliminating the extra word. Write out this word.

The official was sure that such abstract abstractions had no place at the exhibition of contemporary socialist art.

Read the text and complete tasks 21 - 26

(1) Now they talk a lot about the "lack of spirituality" of our society. (2) I will correct: “spirituality” has embraced not only our society, it is characteristic of the present time in general and for all of humanity. (3) In one way or another, of course.

(4) I do not undertake to give precise definitions of what "innocent" is.

(5) This, in any case, is the decline in the role of spiritual culture, the lack of interest in the highest levels of culture, the lack of a simple knowledge of what culture is, of elementary awareness.

(6) Technique filled everything and did not leave a person time and opportunity to devote himself true culture. (7) But nature does not tolerate emptiness. (8) Technology and all the comfort that is associated with it can supplant the spiritual life in human activity, but not replace it. (9) The external civilization and much connected with it replaced the spiritual life. (10) This much has one property - terrible aggressiveness. (11) Aggressive forms of culture (if they can only be called culture!) are spreading in our time with the speed of an epidemic.

(12) The best form of combating the aggressiveness of lack of spirituality is to calmly oppose spirituality and culture to it. (13) Aggressiveness comes from the need for activity. (14) This is an activity in pure form, no content. (15) Thirst for activity is a natural property of a person. (16) It needs to be armed with full content. (17) It is culture that gives worthy, high content to this thirst for activity. (18) Thanks to cultural interests, the desire for activity takes on useful forms - useful both for society as a whole and for individual. (19) It is necessary to oppose aggressiveness to a culture that is non-aggressive in nature. (20) Real culture does not need violence for its development. (21) She carries attraction in herself. (22) She does not repel anyone, but invites everyone. (23) Therefore, culture is eternal and gives way to a person who is thirsty for activity.

(24) What is a culture that can be opposed to an aggressive "mass" semi-culture? (25) There are concepts that are difficult to define. (26) All the more ambiguous is such a phenomenon as culture. (27) Culture of work, behavior, culture of the nation, people, culture of man, humanity. (28) How many different shades in the understanding of culture in all these phrases!

(29) Let's take only one phrase that we need in the future - “classical culture” or even simpler: “classics” - and focus on classical works. (30) Classical works are those that have passed the test of time, those that have remained modern for us.

(31) Classics is what remains constant in the world cultural tradition, continues to participate in the life of culture. (32) And most importantly, she educates, makes cleaner, more meaningful every person who joins her. (33) In what sense is "more meaningful"? (34) Meaningful cultural experience. (35) Classical works of literature allow you to live more than one life. (36) Classical poetry enriches a person with its lyrical experience, has healing properties.

(37) A cultured person is not someone who read a lot classical works, listened to classical music a lot, etc., and the one who was enriched by all this, to whom the depth of thought of past centuries was revealed, mental life others, who understood a lot and, consequently, became more tolerant of someone else's, began to understand this someone else's. (38) Therefore, I gained respect for other peoples, for their culture, beliefs.

(39) So, people who have become more tolerant of strangers based on the knowledge of the immortal in art and philosophy, who are able to discover new values ​​in the past and present based on their knowledge and cultural experience - these are people of culture, intellectuals. (40) Intellectuals are not just people engaged in mental work, having knowledge, or even just higher education, but brought up on the basis of their knowledge of classical culture, filled with the spirit of tolerance for other people's values, respect for others. (41) These people are soft and responsible for their actions, which is sometimes mistaken for indecision.

(42) An intellectual can be recognized by the absence of aggressiveness, suspicion, an inferiority complex in him, by gentleness of behavior.

(43) Aggressive is only a semi-intellectual who loses himself in shamanism " mass culture».

(According to D.S. Likhachev)

21. Which of the statements contradict the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

1) Culture is by its nature non-aggressive and does not need violence for its development.

2) Although technology gives people comfort, it cannot replace the spiritual life of a person.

3) Classic literature enriches the person with cultural experience.

4) Intellectuals are mostly indecisive and insecure people and therefore not prone to aggression.

5) Such a phenomenon as culture can be given an unambiguous definition: it is the experience of past centuries.

22. Which of the following statements are false? Specify the answer numbers.

1) In sentences 1-5, a description is given.

2) Sentences 6-11 present the narrative.

3) In sentences 12-19, reasoning is presented.

4) Proposition 23 contains a conclusion from the statements made in Propositions 21 and 22.

5) Sentence 34 clarifies what is said in sentence 32.

23. From sentences 33-36 write out obsolete word.

24. Among sentences 12-21, find one (s) that is (s) connected with the previous one using a personal pronoun. Write the number(s) of this offer(s).

25. "D. S. Likhachev engages his readers in a dialogue, using the technique - (A) ___ (sentences 24-28, 33-34). The concepts and phenomena that the author discusses seem unambiguous only at first glance - this is probably why the lexical means is so often found in the text - (B) ___ ("for someone else" - "one's own", "past" - "present" in sentence 39 ). The author shares with readers thoughts about what he considers important, focusing attention with the help of such a technique as (C) ___ ("useful" in sentence 18, "culture" in sentence 27), and such a trope as (D) ___ (proposals 16, 43)."

List of terms:

1) contextual synonyms

2) gradation

3) comparison

4) lexical repetition

5) antonyms

6) anaphora

7) rhetorical appeal

8) question-answer form of presentation

9) metaphor

26. Write an essay.

Option 25

Job number


Job number


so finally


123 or any combination of these numbers


1234 or any combination of these numbers




get stuck



not far away

1621 or 2116


    The problem of the importance of culture in our life. (What is the meaning of culture in our life?)

2. The problem of defining the concept of "culture". (What is culture?)

1. Culture fills a person’s life with high content, thanks to cultural interests, a person’s desire for vigorous activity takes on useful forms. In particular, classical culture educates every person who joins it, makes him purer, enriches a person with his experience.

2. It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of what culture is: there is a culture of work, behavior, a culture of a nation, a people, a culture of a person, humanity, and each of these phrases reflects different aspects of culture.

Now there is a lot of talk about the "lack of spirituality" of our society. I will correct: “spirituality” has embraced not only our society, it is characteristic of the present time in general and for all of humanity. In one way or another, of course. I do not undertake to give precise definitions of what "lack of spirituality" is. This, in any case, is the decline in the role of spiritual culture, the lack of interest in the highest levels of culture, the lack of a simple knowledge of what culture is, of elementary awareness.

Technique filled everything and left no time and opportunity for a person to devote himself to true culture. But nature does not tolerate emptiness. Technology and all the comfort that comes with it can supplant the spiritual life in human activity, but not replace it. The spiritual life has been replaced by external civilization and many things connected with it. This much has one property - terrible aggressiveness. Aggressive forms of culture (if they can only be called culture!) are spreading in our time with the speed of an epidemic. When a hefty voiceless guy yells the same phrase through a microphone a hundred times, a short one (you can’t compose a long one), which doesn’t have much meaning, and at the same time he is covered with sweat from tension and looks with distraught eyes, I’m not surprised at him, but at those who are his listens with equal zeal. This is aggression in its purest form. And it is no coincidence that after such concerts, the public, which has gone into a rage, seeks to satisfy its urge for aggressiveness: it begins to beat and break furniture in the hall, and when it goes out into the street, it overturns spittoons, pedestals, stalls, carts.

The love of a man and a woman has always served as the main stimulus and content of art, poetry - in the first place. But when love is replaced by naked sex, sex without clothes, then there is no need to talk about any Eros in a high sense. Pure aggressiveness, and at the same time in the most sacred. Do those who come to erotic sessions learn how to care for their girlfriend? Do they seek to give her flowers, to impress her with their delicacy, attentiveness, respectful attitude, culture of behavior, to show off their knowledge and abilities? To bow before the beloved, before the "eternal femininity"? "Eternal femininity" is ridiculous old-fashioned. Great-grandmother's naphthalene. In fact, everything is simple to the limit - like insects. Pure aggressiveness in love.

From spiritual emptiness and the aggressiveness in ideology generated by it. Politicians who want to instill in us the skills of parliamentarism need to know this. Simplified concepts of life (to a point of worldview!) fill human behavior with aggressiveness and dominate among young people. Hence the danger of the spread of extreme political theories: from "Memory", right-wing monarchism to anarchism. "The Black Banner is so beautiful!" "When people around you are afraid - it's so nice!" In all this there is an ersatz of courage, an ersatz of conviction. Hence the desire to amaze with incredible clothes, a monstrous hairstyle, to express their contempt for others with the slovenliness of their dress. “What about us? Let them watch and be patient!” Aggressiveness is both abuse and slang in its various forms (I have a special work on this in 1964). Aggressiveness is characterized by the desire to form into groups, to gather in gangs.

The void is aggressive. It threatens to burst with a bang, sometimes even with a danger to the lives of those around them, to their eyesight, in any case ... Sometimes an unspiritual person even wants to suffer, to get into a fight. This gives him the image of a person "suffering for his beliefs." Emptiness creates noise in which lack of spirituality is hidden.

Therefore, it is senseless to rely in the fight against growing aggressiveness on prohibitions, dispersal of the raging crowd by the police, etc. Aggressive people we need witnesses, spectators, scandals. They experience only satisfaction from this. It is better, if possible, to notice this loud emptiness as little as possible. Aggression, like any hysteria, should be extinguished by calmness and indifference. This was well learned by the British police, who "protected" the demonstrations of the protesters from those who were outraged by them.

“Vengeance is mine, and I will repay,” God says in the Bible. People, do not take revenge - evil (if it is only really evil, and not the despair of the right) will punish itself.

But of course, calmness alone is not enough in the fight against growing aggressiveness. We need to understand its origins. Aggressiveness based on lack of spirituality, which does not have a definite, serious goal, will always find for itself this goal and the opposing force that soulless aggressiveness needs so much (note that I constantly talk about aggressiveness not in itself, but caused by lack of spirituality).

The best form of combating the aggressiveness of lack of spirituality is to calmly oppose spirituality and culture to it. And here we come to the central idea of ​​my article. As I said, aggressiveness comes from the need for activity. This is activity in its purest form, without content. Thirst for activity is a natural property of a person. It needs to be armed with full content. It is culture that gives worthy, high content to this thirst for activity. Thanks to cultural interests, the desire for activity takes on useful forms - useful both for society as a whole and for the individual. It is necessary to oppose aggressiveness with a non-aggressive but inherently natural culture. True culture does not need violence for its development. It has its own attraction. It does not push anyone away, but invites everyone. That is why culture is eternal and gives a way out to a person who is thirsty for activity.

What is a culture that can be opposed to an aggressive "mass" semi-culture? There are concepts that are difficult to define. Moreover, such a phenomenon as culture is ambiguous. Culture of work, behavior, culture of the nation, people, culture of man, humanity. How many different shades in the understanding of culture in all these phrases!

Let's take only one phrase that we need in the future - "classical culture" or even simpler: "classic" - and focus on classical works. Classical works are those that have stood the test of time, those that have remained modern for us.

If there is something eternal in the spiritual realm, then it is beauty and morality. The beauty of many Russian epics has not been lost (especially those collected in famous collection 18th century Kirsha Danilov), laments of Irina Fedosova, folk lyric songs. The classics include The Tale of Igor's Campaign, and the poetry of Pushkin, Lermontov, Baratynsky, Nekrasov, Fet, Blok and others, the prose of the same Pushkin, Lermontov, Leo Tolstoy, Chekhov, Bunin, etc. The beauty of many ancient works has not been lost - in architecture, sculpture, philosophy, literature. Hundreds of classics Western literature, painting, sculpture. Special meaning have classical works of music, for music has the greatest power to unite people.

Classics - this is what remains constant in the world cultural tradition, continues to participate in the life of culture. And most importantly, it educates, makes it cleaner, more meaningful for each person who joins her, partakes of her. In what sense is it "more meaningful"? A richer cultural experience. Classical works of literature allow you to live more than one life. Classical poetry enriches a person with its lyrical experience, has healing properties.

A cultured person is not one who has read a lot of classical works, listened to classical music a lot, etc., but one who has been enriched by all this, to whom the depth of thought of past centuries, the spiritual life of others, has understood a lot and, consequently, has become more tolerant of someone else's, began to understand this someone else's. From here he acquired respect for other peoples, for their culture and beliefs.

So, people who have become more tolerant of strangers on the basis of immortal knowledge in art and philosophy, who are able to discover new values ​​in the past and present based on their knowledge and cultural experience - these are people of culture, intellectuals. Intellectuals are not just people engaged in mental work, having knowledge or even just a higher education, but brought up on the basis of their knowledge of classical culture, filled with the spirit of tolerance for other people's values, respect for others. These people are soft and responsible for their actions, which is sometimes mistaken for indecision. An intellectual can be recognized by the absence of aggressiveness, suspicion, his own inferiority complex, and gentleness of behavior in him. Only a semi-intellectual who loses himself in the shamanism of "mass culture" is aggressive.

From all my considerations about the aggressiveness generated by lack of spirituality, and, on the contrary, the social nature of culture, one indisputable conclusion follows. If we want to create a normal society, if we want normal economic, scientific and technical development, we should at all costs take broad and profound measures to raise culture. Although - I repeat what I have already said - the fall humanitarian culture, as far as I can tell, is not only in our country.

Many say: "First, feed the people, and then take care of the culture." Hence the "residual principle" in relation to culture. Culture in fact last place in all our cares and financial allocations. But from internal culture Each person individually and society as a whole depend on the economy, and technology, and science. Elementary honesty of the population is a prerequisite for the development of the economy. We have been hurt by the vulgarly understood formula "being determines consciousness." Ultimately, maybe so. But in very many specific cases, it is the consciousness of the need for change that entails changes in the being of the people. There are no economic laws in society if there is no culture of communication. Technique requires intuition, while intuition is created by the culture of the inventor, the designer.

Let us leave to the care of the ministries of education the rise of the teaching of the humanities - history, literature, language, music (at least singing), drawing, logic, etc.

Let us also leave to the care of the ministries of culture the extremely important now rescue of our perishing libraries, archives, museums, monuments of history and culture.

The business of the public is to create societies of collectors, lovers of this or that art or craft, societies of friends of museums, old gardens and manor parks (by the way, in the USA there is a society of friends of Pavlovsk Park; there is no such thing in Pavlovsk!), associations of local historians - to educate spiritual settledness, attachment to one's place, etc.

Public organizations dealing with the problems of raising culture, and primarily the Soviet Cultural Foundation, are faced with two tasks that determine two directions of its activity. One is local, in which the universal is hidden, the other is universal, in which the local is also embedded.

It is necessary to develop the spiritual settledness of people, their attachment and respect for their locality and their country. The activities of a wide variety of local history organizations are important here. Let some societies and circles deal with wooden architecture for which their city or village is famous. Others will revive traditional crafts for their area. Still others are working on creating the history of their region. Circles of "friends of the museum" should be organized around local museums. It seems to me that it would be very interesting to organize, for example, associations of "friends of the river" on which the city is located. After all, the river Holy place for the city. Taking care of its cleanliness, the beauty of the banks should be an important concern of any city on the river.

Second area of ​​activity public organizations culture - a revival of interest in the classics. It is necessary to create departments, branches, even just groups of the Classics society throughout the country. Their activities can be extremely diverse from the study of classical languages ​​​​(Latin, Greek, Church Slavonic, Arabic) to the creation of genuine choirs. folk song. It is genuine, that is, the one that has been tested by the generations of our ancestors.

The Soviet Cultural Foundation has not yet created the concept of such "Classic" societies in three years. However, this requires not only public initiative, but also agreements with museums, schools, theaters. Museums as educational institutions should be free for young people (this is done in all countries), for concerts classical music students must also purchase either free or discounted tickets. Culture cannot be unconditionally self-supporting. Her "return" does not come immediately.

The Soviet Cultural Foundation is obliged to work out a concept for the development of culture in the course of a broad public discussion. Those who apply to the fund should feel themselves not as beggars, but as accomplices in the great cause of raising culture in our country. Foundation house on Gogol Boulevard at number 6 should become the home of every intelligent person.

The play raises the problem of the lack of spirituality of the younger generation. Graduates come to the mathematics teacher in order to get the key to the safe, which contains examination papers. Everyone has a good reason to fix and replace work, justified by desire a better life Tomorrow. Their hypocrisy is just overwhelming. They bring a cake, flowers and a present to wish the teacher a happy birthday. Expecting that Elena Sergeevna, from the abundance of offerings, will consider herself obliged to meet the graduates halfway, they are surprised that the teacher would suddenly categorically refuse to participate in such an event. Infuriated, they subject the teacher to a search, searching through her clothes and apartment. They do not understand what humiliation they subject an elderly woman to, what pain they inflict on a person. Key not found. But the act ends tragically: the woman cannot stand such mockery. She is dying.

2. R. Bradbury "Veld"

Accustomed to only pleasure, pleasure, living off their parents in a house that does everything right down to lacing their shoes, Peter and Wendy have lost moral guidelines. They consider the demands of the parents unreasonable. Their thoughts and feelings are owned by the children's room, which reflects the children's consciousness and somehow miraculously realizes dreams. Children hated parents who decided to turn off the room and take them away from technological progress closer to nature. By deception, they lured the parents into the room and fed them to the lions, which became real.

3. V.P. Astafiev "Lyudochka"

The main character, by the will of fate, finds herself in a city where calculation reigns. Every evening it passes through the Vepeverze park, planted in the fifties, abandoned and polluted in the seventies. Some officials decided to lay a pipe through the park, dug a ditch, laid the pipe, but forgot to bury it.

Black, with crooked knees, as if trampled by cattle, lay a pipe in steamed clay, hissing, soaring, seething with a hot burdock.

4. E. Gabova "Do not let the redhead into the lake"

Classmates hate the girl, a student of her class. Their contempt is blind. They see her worn clothes, her red hair, and all this annoys them. Especially her singing when she floats on a boat to the middle of the lake and starts to sing high voice which they think is a howl. Nobody sees her as a person. And she forgives them everything. It is surprising that the girl did not break down, it was hard for her: no one communicated with her, everyone despised her, scoffed somehow petty, disgustingly. Everyone considered themselves first-class people, Svetka was outside the community of people. She did not fit their world of things. Happiness is that the girl managed to rise above the lack of spirituality, the emptiness of her class, “Svetka turned out to be golden. And we are red. The whole class is red."

5. A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin yard"

The center of the narrative in the story is Matryona - a woman who lived through a difficult ambiguous life. The author at the end of the story calls Matryona a righteous man. Not righteous, but righteous! She lived her life giving people everything she had: the goodness of her heart, pure thoughts, labor, generosity of soul. After her death, the neighbors who came running share the remaining good: rags, ficuses, a goat and a cat. They do not hesitate to speak unflatteringly about her, that she has not accumulated wealth, has not acquired good, belongings. No one talks about how much time she worked in their gardens, helping with the housework, how much health she lost. Things replace the memory of a kind and generous soul person. Thus the material replaces the spiritual.

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