Gum application in the food industry. Guar gum


We have all eaten yogurt more than once. For many, it is one of the favorite treats due to its lightness and delicate taste. Others use it solely to lose weight. Still others enjoy the fruity flavors of yogurt, believing in its ability to improve the digestion process in the stomach. We constantly use yogurt, but do not even think about its ingredients. We do not think why, after eating it, as a rule, the feeling of hunger disappears? Or why it has such a beneficial effect on the digestive system, lowering the level of fats and cholesterol. The thing is that one of the constituent ingredients of yogurt is guar gum. This is a special food additive of the group of stabilizers E400-E499, which is obtained from the seeds of the Indian guar plant, also known as the pea tree. In addition to most yoghurts, it is commonly used to make all kinds of sauces, puddings and other food products, and it is also known to be used in the manufacture of some cosmetics. That's all about it and will be discussed on the site further in the article "Guar gum: harm and benefit, application."

Origin of guar gum

The pea tree from which gum is obtained is a leguminous plant, sometimes reaching two meters with hollow stems. Its flowers are collected in tassels, and the beans, reaching 5-10cm, have cream-colored seeds. Usually the pea tree is harvested in October.

This annual plant is native to India, although today it is quite common in Afghanistan, Sudan, Ceylon and Pakistan. It is usually grown for food purposes, and the waste serves as a good fodder for livestock. However, a very large export goes to the countries of Europe and the USA, where guar gum is also used for the production of cosmetics.

Benefits of Guar Gum

Guar gum has a huge list of useful properties. It is considered to be a physiological laxative, which normalizes the functioning of the intestines, stomach and digestive tract, stabilizing its microflora. Also, this substance is able to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, as well as detoxify the body.

Guar also has reactions that inhibit the development of obesity and atherosclerosis.
The active ingredients of guar are fatty acids and galactomannan. According to its chemical content, guar gum is a natural polysaccharide and is found in pea beans. It is these beans that are the main reason for the cultivation of this type of plant.

One of important features What attracts regular consumers of yogurt is the feature of guar gum contained in it to curb appetite, as well as lower the level of fats, lipoproteins and liporeteids, due to its absorbent properties.

Studies by Jerusalem scientists of Israel on the study of galactomannan have shown that guar gum has the properties of hypoglycemic agents that reduce the intensity of sugar absorption in the stomach, which, as is known, is widely used in the prevention and treatment of diabetes. This can make a breakthrough in science and bring scientists to absolutely new level research on diseases such as diabetes mellitus.

Applications of guar gum

Not many people know about the medicinal properties of guar gum. However, those who are going to use it in the future for medicinal purposes should know that guar is not only strange name, which is so similar to some kind of chemically harmful substance. This substance can also be used for constipation, atherosclerosis, and diabetes. Guar gum is also useful for those who suffer from the problem of obesity, in addition to the targeted fight against fat, it is used to cleanse the body in various programs.

People have found wide use of guar gum in the food industry, in the manufacture of products such as jams, ice cream, and even in some varieties of sausages, one of the components is guar. However, it is not used at all to give sausage healing properties. The fact is that guar gum is also an excellent tool that increases the shelf life of foods. That is why, the export of powder obtained from pea tree beans is rapidly gaining growth every day.

Harm of guar gum

Any substance, before mass use in the food industry, initially undergoes various tests and studies in order to get on the shelves along with other stabilizers and flavors. However, the popular opinion about all nutritional supplements is not very credible. Therefore, we prepared an answer in advance to the question: “How harmful is guar gum?”.

It is worth recalling that guar is a derivative of plant origin and is practically not associated with chemistry. The only case when gum can be harmful is when it is used excessively. There may be signs of nausea, diarrhea, accompanied by pain in the abdomen. However, nothing strange, the same symptoms can be noticed by overeating, for example, jam.

Guar gum in cosmetics

In addition to the food industry, guar gum is also widely used in the production of cosmetics, due to its unique viscosity when mixed with water. Guar resin forms a special protective shell on the face. Preparations containing guar gum are recommended for people with dry skin type, since the main features of such preparations are moisturizing and moisture-saving properties.

In cosmetics, guar plays the role of various thickeners, emulsifiers. It is also used as a cleanser and protector. It is usually used in creams, lotions and shampoos at a concentration usually not exceeding 5%.
So if you suddenly notice guar gum in cosmetics, know that this drug can be extremely useful, but do not forget to also pay attention to other components of the cosmetic product.


Food supplement guar gum (E412) in last years is increasingly found on food labels, today you will learn all the details about what it is, what its benefits and harms are, and much more. She gained popularity among weight loss, including those who are on the Dukan diet, but is it dangerous to eat it? Read on.

What is guar gum?

Guar gum (also sometimes called guar gum, guar, E412) is a light-colored powdered product that is used to stabilize, emulsify, and thicken the texture of certain food and industrial products, such as coconut or almond milk, yogurt, soups, cosmetics, and more.

The scope of this additive covers several industries, but today the vast majority (more than 70%) of the world's guar gum reserves are in the food industry. In the list of ingredients, it is referred to as E412. It is used to improve the texture, taste and shelf life of processed foods.

  • Guar is widely used in the same way as pectin, as a thickener - a substance that, when added to a mixture, increases the viscosity without significant change taste and smell.
  • It is also used as a substitute for gluten in baking, and is valued by those with gluten intolerance and those on a gluten-free diet.

Guar gum appears as a white to yellowish powder. white color, which usually does not change appearance other ingredients in recipes.

Smell and taste

Guar gum has no distinct taste or odor and is considered to be virtually odorless, making it a convenient addition to many different foods.

How is guar gum obtained?

Guar gum is created by collecting, grinding and sorting the seeds of a leguminous plant called guar or pea tree (Cyamopsis tetragonolobus).

Today, it is grown all over the world for food, domestic or industrial applications, primarily in countries such as India, the United States, Australia and parts of Africa. India alone produces about 80 percent of the world's guar gum supply.

Guar is a herbaceous annual leguminous plant, reaching a height of 70 cm to 2 m. The stem is hollow, strong, erect, slightly branched in its lower part. The leaves of the plant are alternate, pinnately compound, with 3-5 oval or obovate sharp-toothed leaflets.

Guar flowers are collected in dense short racemes with small bracts. Corolla pale lilac.

The fruits of the plant are multi-seeded, ribbed beans, up to 10 cm long.

Guar seeds are shiny, round, flattened.

Guar beans contain endosperm, which is high in the polysaccharides of galactomannans, mannose and galactose.

The main operations associated with the processing of beans are cleaning, sorting, removing moisture, splitting and separating the endosperm, grinding and cleaning the powder.

Depending on further use, it is cleaned with alcohol or another agent to prevent the growth of bacteria.

general description

Guar gum (guar gum) has a very high water absorption capacity and quickly increases viscosity even in cold water. This property allows it to swell 10-20 times!

When combined with liquid, guar gum thickens to form a gel-like texture that is generally well maintained under moderate changes in temperature or pressure.

Another unique property of guar gum is that it is insoluble in oils, fats, hydrocarbons, ketones, and esters, making it useful for stabilizing fatty foods.

The use of this additive is very wide, it can be found in food, household or cosmetic products, for example:

  • Guar gum adds texture, thickness and/or viscosity to soups or stews.
  • Binds together ingredients in yogurt, ice cream and other dairy products.
  • Prevents the separation of solid particles in dressings.
  • Prevents coagulation or separation of plant-based milk ingredients (flax, almond, coconut, soy, etc.).
  • Helps slow down the absorption of glucose (sugar) when eating food.
  • As part of shampoos or conditioners, it moisturizes the hair. Also keeps the texture of lotions from changing by holding oils in place.
  • Forms a gel consistency in cosmetic products that are used on the hair or body.
  • Adds thickness to toothpastes.
  • Used in laxatives and helps treat constipation.
  • Keeps ingredients in medicines or dietary supplements bound and not separating.

How to choose and where to buy guar gum

Guar gum is marketed as a thickener and binder in gluten-free baking and cooking ingredients. It is usually packaged as a loose, light-colored powder that comes in a variety of textures ranging from coarse to fine.

If you decide to purchase guar, look for a fine powder, as it is of higher quality, swells better, absorbs water, and retains texture when baked.

Guar gum can be found in natural food and supplement stores, as well as online.

How to store guar gum

At proper storage the shelf life of guar gum can be long: its properties remain unchanged for 12-18 months. It should be packaged in moisture-proof bags/containers and stored in a cool, dry place away from heat and sunlight.

Chemical composition

Edible guar gum usually contains about 80% galactomannan, 5-6% protein (protein), 8-15% water, 2.5% crude fiber, 0.5-0.8% ash and no a large number of lipids, consisting mainly of free and esterified vegetable fatty acids.

According to the chemical composition, guar gum is a polysaccharide of plant origin, formed by galactose and mannose.

Benefits of Guar Gum

  • Guar gum is one of the popular binder resins in most gluten-free baking recipes. It can be used instead of wheat flour. It works by holding water and air in place, making gluten-free dough less crumbly or falling apart. Guar gum is an easy way to make crispy bread, cake, pizza if you have a gluten intolerance.
  • It prevents ingredients (including fats and oils) from separating. If you're planning to make homemade probiotic-rich kefir or yogurt, guar gum comes in handy to thicken and keep the texture uniform. The same goes for homemade fruit sherbet, ice cream, almond or coconut milk.
  • The high carbohydrate content of guar gum means that it has low digestibility and also swells up in the digestive tract, making it feel full. For this reason, it is often used as a bulking agent in meals, laxatives, and weight loss products.
  • Studies have shown that foods with guar speed up the feeling of satiety, which leads to eating significantly less food, slowing food digestion, and even reducing the absorption of cholesterol. Guar gum increases the viscosity in the intestines, which slows down the rate of absorption of carbohydrates and stimulates the production of bile.
  • Guar gum reduces the absorption of glucose (sugar) and normalizes cholesterol, which is very useful for diabetics or people with high level cholesterol. Soluble fiber has been shown to lower cholesterol, and guar has been shown to effective method get more of it in your diet.
  • Guar gum is a water-soluble type of fiber (dietary fiber) and works in the same way as psyllium husk, chicory, or inulin to reduce the rate at which sugar is absorbed in the small intestine after a meal. Research has shown mixed results regarding its anti-diabetic properties, but it appears to have a mild positive effect that helps avoid blood sugar spikes.
  • Guar treats or prevents constipation and is used as a laxative because it adds bulk to the stool, which improves intestinal motility.

Contraindications (harm) of guar gum

Despite its benefits, high doses of guar gum can cause harm, and in some cases, it can even be life threatening. Always use guar in moderation - no more than 20 grams per day.

Here are some side effects:

  • The use of guar in large quantities in any form, including diet pills, can cause constipation, choking, or obstruction of the esophagus or intestines due to the persistent gel-like consistency of the material when interacting with water.
  • Consuming too much of this substance causes problems with the gastrointestinal tract, especially if you are not used to eating fiber. Abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea, and excess gas (flatulence) may occur. Gas problems will go away if you continue to take guar gum.
  • Consumption of guar gum powder significantly reduces the absorption of antioxidant carotenoids such as beta-carotene, lycopene and lutein and also reduces absorption medicines.
  • Some forms of guar gum contain up to 10% soy protein, so soy allergy sufferers should avoid products containing this ingredient.
  • Some diet pills containing guar gum have been banned in Australia due to possible harm, and the Cal-Ban 3000 brand was banned in the US.

The possible harm of guar gum during pregnancy and lactation has not yet been studied, so you should refrain from taking it during this period, at least in large quantities. There are also no studies on the effects on the body of young children.

Guar gum E412 as a food additive - dangerous or not?

Chemical emulsifiers, which are often found in many products, Lately associated with health problems up to colon cancer. One reason for the potential danger is that they can alter healthy gut microflora.

Most of the emulsifiers that are of concern are highly chemically processed and thus differ from guar gum in this way.

E412 is not dangerous when consumed in normal amounts, this dietary supplement is officially approved and allowed to be added to products, including organic and cosmetics.

How to Use Guar Gum in Cooking

Guar gum is used in culinary preparations for gluten-free dishes to bind, thicken, and emulsify gluten-free ingredients and is popular with Dukan dieters.

Guar gum is put in dishes instead of flour or cornstarch. If it is not added to gluten-free products, then they will turn out to be a bunch of crumbs.

It is a good food thickener and is almost eight times more powerful than corn starch.

Guar has a tendency to clumping. To combat this, sprinkle it into your food evenly, stirring constantly.

Here are a few ways you can use guar gum at home:

  • Add a small amount to almond milk or other milk substitutes for thickening.
  • When making a sauce, marinade, or gravy, if you're looking for a low-calorie, low-fat dish, consider adding guar gum to give it a creamy-like texture.
  • Try guar in gluten-free recipes like pancakes, muffins, pizza or bread.

How much guar gum to add

1 teaspoon guar gum = 5 grams

For bakery products, for 1 cup of flour, it is recommended to add the following amount of guar gum:

  • Cookies: ¼ to ½ teaspoon.
  • Cakes and pancakes: ¾ tsp.
  • Cupcakes and bread fast food: ¾ tsp
  • Bread: 1.5 to 2 tsp
  • Pizza dough: 1 tablespoon.

For other dishes per 1 liter of liquid you need to put:

  • For hot foods (gravies, stews, sauces): 1-3 tsp.
  • For cold foods (salad dressing, ice cream, puddings): about 1-2 tsp.

For soups, use about 2 tsp. for 250 ml of liquid.

If you are adding guar gum in place of flour, then use a sixteenth of what is required in the recipe, for example:

  • 2 tbsp. l. flour replace 3/8 tsp. guar gum.
  • ¼ cup flour = ¾ tsp guar gum.

If you are replacing cornstarch as a thickener for a dish, use an eighth of what is required:

  • Instead of 2 tbsp. l. starch, take ¾ tsp. guar gum.
  • ¼ cup equals 1 ½ tsp. resins.

How to replace guar gum

Guar gum is often described as a healthy alternative to gluten, however, sometimes the question arises as to what it can be replaced with. Here are some of the completely natural substitutes for guar gum:

  • Chia seeds - their use in baking is now increasingly popular among health food lovers. Chia seeds are often added to boost nutritional value cakes or cookies, and they are also very good as a binder.
  • Psyllium husk is a common dietary supplement due to its soluble dietary fiber. It is very good for digestion and can lower cholesterol levels. Surprisingly, psyllium husk also works as a binder and improves the quality of baked goods.
  • Agar-agar is a vegan alternative to gelatin. It's made from seaweed and is a common food supplement. Like gelatin and guar gum, agar-agar is a thickening, gelling and binding agent.

Guar gum (guar) is a common powdered product, white or yellowish-white in color, practically odorless, used to stabilize, emulsify and thicken the texture of certain products, such as coconut and almond milk, yogurt, soups, body lotions, etc. There are many uses for guar gum, spanning several industries.

It is obtained by grinding the endosperm (seeds) of guar beans - the pods of the Indian acacia, which grows in India, Africa, South-East Asia, Australia, Pakistan and USA. The endosperm is rich in polysaccharides, especially galactomannans, mannose and galactose. When combined with water or liquid, guar thickens to form a gel-like texture that is well maintained with moderate changes in temperature or pressure.

Guar gum is low in essential nutrients, making it a low-calorie, high-fiber food. At the same time, like other emulsifiers added to many processed foods, guar gum can cause a number of side effects such as digestive problems and various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Guar gum absorbs a large amount of liquid in digestive system. There is an established belief that guar works well as a thickener in foods, much better than its counterparts: corn starch or gum of other legumes. In fact, guar gum is capable of holding almost eight times more water than cornstarch.

Benefits of Guar Gum

The general benefits and properties of thickeners and emulsifiers have been discussed earlier in previous articles. However, guar gum has specific properties.

Unique property is that guar gum is insoluble in oils, fats, carbohydrates, ketones and esters, which means that it is very effective in stabilizing fatty substances.

Guar gum can be used in place of wheat flour in baking. It is able to hold air and water in place, making gluten-free dough less crumbly and falling apart. Given texture sticking is a major barrier to gluten-free baking, guar gum is an easy way to make crispy bread or more. bakery product, such as a cupcake or pizza.

Guar gum also prevents ingredients such as fats and oils from separating. This property can be useful if you want to make probiotic-rich homemade kefir (see kefir mushroom article) or yogurt. Guar gum in this case is useful for compaction and keeping the texture uniform. The same goes for homemade fruit sherbet, ice cream, almond or coconut milk. Also, since guar exhibits emulsifying properties, it can be used to store emulsions, such as water with coconut cream or oil.

Guar gum contains a significant amount of carbohydrates, has low digestibility, and also swells in the digestive tract, which can make a person feel full. For this reason, it is often used as a filler in various products. It has been found that guar products can increase food satiety in humans, which can lead to eating less food, slow digestion, and reduce cholesterol absorption and glycemic index food. Guar increases the viscosity in the intestines, which causes a slower rate of absorption of carbohydrates and stimulates bile production.

As a result, the absorption of glucose (sugar) slows down and cholesterol normalizes. It may prove beneficial for pre-diabetics, diabetics, and individuals with high cholesterol levels. Soluble fiber has been shown to lower cholesterol, and guar gum has been shown to convenient way get more of this component.

Guar works in the same way as psyllium husk, chicory, or inulin fiber to reduce the rate of absorption of sugar in the small intestine after meals and promote slow gastric emptying. Guar has a mild effect, which helps to avoid sudden spikes and dips in blood sugar.

Another important benefit of guar is its ability to treat or prevent constipation. Guar gum is a common bulking ingredient in laxative supplements because it helps form stools by retaining water in the intestines. It promotes regular bowel movement and relieves symptoms associated with constipation or diarrhea. Drinking guar can help treat symptoms of Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, or irritable bowel syndrome.

And yet, guar gum is often added to toothpastes.

Harm from guar gum

Like any other dietary supplement, guar gum is best consumed in small amounts. First of all, pay attention to individual tolerance. If you find signs of any disorders, eliminate the guar from the diet.

Guar quickly gains volume and mass, which can be difficult to control when consumed in combination with liquid. In large quantities, it has been directly linked to serious problems, including death, as well as pulmonary embolism, obstruction of the lumen, mucus in the esophagus, and small bowel obstruction. In some people, guar gum causes an allergic reaction that includes breathing problems, redness, itching, diarrhea, and asthma. The risk group includes those people who are allergic to soy, as well as those who are regularly exposed to guar in industrial settings, while working in production.

Guar gum should be avoided in high doses in any form, including diet pills. Abuse can cause constipation, choking, obstruction of the esophagus or intestines due to the persistent gel-like consistency.

The dangers of using emulsifiers

Processed emulsifiers (see article on emulsifiers), which are commonly added to foods, have recently been heavily associated with health problems. One of the reasons why this happens is that they can change the normal (healthy) levels of bacteria in the human gut. This means that they (bacteria) can destroy the intestinal mucosa and contribute to chronic inflammation. low level.

In general, guar gum is a food stabilizer with thickening and emulsifying properties, created from natural raw materials. Guar absorbs a lot of water, which can make a person feel full of food. It is also able to regulate blood sugar and cholesterol. Guar gum is used from baking gluten-free cookies, making sauces and cosmetics, to adding to conditioners and shampoos. For all its health benefits, guar in large quantities can cause many problems, some of which are even life-threatening. Always use guar gum in very moderate amounts.

Hello friends!

Surely you have heard, seen on food packages and even in culinary recipes this name is guar gum!

It can be found everywhere, from cosmetics to ice cream, and even found in jars in the form of dietary supplements.

Let's figure it out ☺ what it is, and how this mysterious ingredient can be useful or harmful to us!

From this article you will learn:

What is guar gum and what is it made from?

Guar gum is a food additive, which is designated E412. In another way, it is also called guar, or guar gum. Used as a thickener to significantly increase the viscosity of the base product.

Guar gum is obtained from the pea tree, which is also called guar. The legume is grown in the USA, Africa, Australia and Canada.

In the same countries, resin is produced from pea beans (pea acacia), only the seeds are first dried, ground into powder, and only after that they go into production.

The pea tree actually resembles a bush, but with stronger stems.

Physical properties of the component

This substance is characterized by increased rigidity, but at the same time it is perfectly soluble in water and other liquids, regardless of their temperature.

If the product in which it is contained is frozen, ice crystals do not appear in it, but a kind of gel is obtained.

Where can you find guar gum?

You can meet gum in the composition of yogurt, jam, jelly, etc. confectionery. Ice cream also almost always contains this stabilizer.

In addition to the ability to change the consistency, guar has a positive effect on the appearance of the finished product. So it is often used in the manufacture of ketchups, juices, canned food, etc.

Sometimes it is added to ready-made restaurant dishes to make them more appetizing and attract the attention of customers.

Those who carefully study the information on the packaging can see the E412 additive in dry soups, oils, various fats, and sometimes even in animal feed.

Guar gum is also used in:

  • textile;
  • paper;
  • space;
  • gas and oil;
  • coal industries, as well as in the production of explosives.

Chemical composition

Gum refers to polysaccharides and contains residual parts of galactose.

The composition is very similar to the food additive E410 (locust bean gum).

There are a lot of fatty acids in guar, which are considered especially valuable for humans.

No matter what water (or any other liquid) is added to it, the result is a gel-like mixture that has a huge number of beneficial healing and cosmetic abilities.

What is the benefit of guar gum?

There is a lot of talk about nutritional supplements these days.

Starts them over scrutiny, facts are becoming known that just a couple of years ago no one could have suspected. Same with E412.

Consider the main useful properties:

  • It has been scientifically proven that guar gum is indispensable in terms of cleansing the body. It not only effectively removes toxins, but also reduces the harmful effects of heavy metals, prevents the growth of harmful bacteria, and regulates the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  • Also, this gel is a unique absorbent. Like a sponge, it absorbs all the dirt and debris that are in the human body and gently removes them.
  • Regular use of this natural remedy in food is an effective prevention of cardiovascular diseases, normalizes blood pressure, cleanses the blood, thins plaque in the vessels, and prevents vision and hearing loss.
  • A positive feature is that the additive is practically not absorbed in the intestines, which means it is absolutely harmless to humans.
  • At the same time, it promotes the absorption of nutrients from foods, especially potassium.
  • Quite often, it is E412 that is used to control blood sugar levels, systematically adding to it diet food diabetics, but such procedures should only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Another proven property is a noticeable decrease in appetite.

That is why it is often used for weight loss, but at this point we will dwell in more detail.

Guar Gum for Weight Loss

The use of E412 supplements really contributes to weight loss.

This action is explained by rapid saturation, which occurs even after eating a small portion, a gradual decrease in appetite, combined with body cleansing and normalization of metabolism.

Guar gum also has a slight laxative effect, which also has a positive effect on the figure.

Calorie content is 0.20 kcal per 100 g of product

But, at the same time, I found such information that it was this supplement that caused many deaths.

These cases occurred after the use of weight loss dietary supplements, which were based on guar gum.

People uncontrollably took the remedy, wanting to speed up the approach of their dream in the form of an ideal figure, they purchased non-certified goods and used it without control, in dosages exceeding all possible limits, and without any consultation with the attending physician.

There were many hospitalized after poisoning with dietary supplements, all because when the recommended amount is exceeded, guar gum leads to serious disturbances in the digestive tract: severe upset, diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration.

Therefore, if you decide to use this dietary supplement for weight loss, be aware of the possible side effects in case of an overdose!

Where is guar gum used?

Main areas of use:

  1. The additive E412 is used for the manufacture of dietary supplements and medicines, which are exclusive! on the recommendation of a doctor and under his control, diabetic patients suffering from obesity, atherosclerosis, gastrointestinal problems, and also having a predisposition to the listed health problems are used.
  2. The most well-known way of using the substance is in the food industry.
  3. This gelling stabilizer is often used in combination with agar-agar, and other substances that enhance the beneficial properties of guar. The additive looks like a milky or cloudy white powder. This is how it is introduced into products, and only after that, during mixing, thickening occurs.
  4. In the oil drilling industry, gum is used in much larger quantities and is more important. Its use improves the quality of clay, which is used to make the drilling fluid itself, and prevents the loss of fluid from it. Guar is injected directly under the earth formation to prevent possible explosion and make the contents of the well more homogeneous.
  5. The affordable cost of the additive is also important, although its quality is much higher than that of more expensive thickeners.

Sometimes the question arises: how to replace this stabilizer?

There are many ways to thicken (flour, starch, food additives), but the result will still not be the same. according to taste and appearance You may not notice obvious differences, but in a chemical study it will be clear that there is a difference and quite significant.

Considering that more and more representatives of the fair sex are beginning to give preference to natural self-care products, and are also learning how to make cosmetics at home, it is worth dwelling on the use of the E412 beauty supplement.

Guar gum in home cooking

Guar gum is widely used for baking products without wheat flour, from whole grains.

It is necessary so that the dough rises in the usual way, as when cooking from ordinary flour.

This product raises the dough to the right consistency and prevents the release of gases that occurs during normal kneading.

It is especially needed as a binder in free flour baked goods.

Guar gum in cosmetics

The resin obtained from guar beans has been widely used in the cosmetics industry.

Europeans were the first to appreciate its capabilities, but today the substance is increasingly used in our country.

The use of such cosmetics helps to actively moisturize the skin.

It forms an invisible film that protects against aggressive factors. environment, from wind, from dust, from UV radiation.

It is best to dissolve guar gum in a hydrolate made from medicinal plants or flowers, but plain water will also work. This will make a tonic. It will cleanse, moisturize, provide the skin with reliable protection. It is better to use it in the morning, wiping the face after washing.

Regular use will help you soon stop using decorative cosmetics used to hide visible defects on the skin.

If you apply additional oils, vitamin supplements, mixtures of herbs, or decoctions prepared on the basis of them, you can get an excellent mask that will restore freshness to the skin from the very first use.

Proven recipe. Take two large leaves of aloe vera, remove the skin, spoon the pulp into a clean container, add 2-3 drops of vitamin E, a pinch of guar. Mix everything thoroughly, cover with cling film and leave for half an hour in a warm place. The mass should increase slightly, swell. Apply to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté (necessarily cleansed and preferably well steamed) for 30 minutes.

You can use the ability of guara for hair.

If you make a mixture with hydrolate and essential oils, you get a chic hair conditioner that will provide shine, make curls silky, manageable and smooth.

You can also prepare a hair mask. For 300 ml of warm homemade kefir, you will need one egg and a pinch of guar gum. Everything is thoroughly mixed, heated in a water bath and applied to the hair under a plastic cap for 30-60 minutes.

Such a procedure, carried out once every two weeks, will prevent the formation of split ends, provide the necessary moisture to the scalp, and strengthen the hair structure along the entire length.

After such a procedure, the hairstyle retains freshness for a long time.

You can use a thickener to make homemade

To do this, prepare a strong decoction of the color of chamomile. Bring 2 tablespoons to a glass of water to a boil in a water bath, cool, strain. Then he will add one to the resulting broth egg, mix thoroughly and add a pinch of E412. Wash like regular shampoo. Store in the refrigerator for up to a week. Warm up before use.

With the help of guar gum, you can even prepare a shaving agent, which is especially recommended for sensitive skin.

For this baby soap grate, completely dissolve in a small amount of water. Add a pinch of thickener, essential oils and fragrances. Knead. Before use, heat, apply with a shaving brush.

Shower or bath gels are also very high quality.

You can, for example, use such a recipe. For 1 gram of guar gum you will need 180 ml of chamomile hydrolat, 20 drops of lavender oil (or any other), a table. a spoonful of olive oil. The mixture should be infused for a day, before use it will need to be shaken.

After use, the pores are cleansed, narrowed, the skin receives the necessary moisture.

Where to buy guar gum?

Buy natural guar gum powder Here

Possible harm and contraindications

Guar gum is a nutritional supplement that is absolutely harmless to humans, but there is such a thing as individual intolerance, so caution does not hurt.

During pregnancy, you can use products containing E412.

There is even quite a lot of evidence that they are exclusively beneficial for the woman and the unborn baby.

But at the same time, it should be remembered that research and experiments with women in position are extremely rare. You need to take care of your health and the health of an unborn baby on your own and lead the safest possible lifestyle, adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.

Most often, they manifest themselves in violations of the gastrointestinal tract: severe upset, diarrhea, vomiting, gas formation.

Such reactions can occur not only with the direct use of dietary supplements, but even with the consumption of foods for which low-quality E412 was used.

The main rule is everything is good in moderation.

Follow it and remember that nothing is more important than health. May you benefit from the use of guar gum.☺

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!!!

Hello dear readers. Some of us who scrutinize the ingredients in grocery stores have probably noticed guar gum on the ingredient list. The controversy surrounding this component does not subside - some argue that it is extremely harmful, while others do not really know what it is. So, what is guar gum, is it beneficial or harmful?

In fact, everything is much simpler. Gum is made from a tree called guar. It grows in Canada, Australia, Africa and the United States of America. Guar gum is labeled as E412 on labels, which scares many consumers. Guar gum is used as a natural thickener for the product or to increase viscosity. The seeds of the tree are thoroughly dried and then ground. Another name for the tree is pea because of the corresponding appearance.

properties of guar gum

Actually, why do manufacturers add such a strange substance to their products? One of the main properties of gum is the transformation into a gel after freezing. That is, ice crystals do not form in the product, which spoil everything.

Based on this, we can present a list of products in which this substance will be 100% contained:

  • Jams, preserves.
  • Jelly and desserts from it.
  • Ice cream.
  • Sauces - mayonnaise, ketchup and others.
  • Dry soups that need to be brewed with boiling water.

Gum can also be found in pet food. If we talk about other industries, then it is used in textile industry, production of gasoline, paper and rockets.

Guar gum benefits

To understand whether "guar gum" is useful, you first need to know its chemical composition. Gum refers to polysaccharides, and also contains a huge amount of fatty acids, which are very useful for the human body.

A few years ago, when E412 began to be used in the manufacture of products, panic arose - the additive is very harmful! Then, when the composition was fully studied and the method of obtaining the substance was discovered, the disputes subsided a little. However, even now you can find statements about the dangers of products with this additive. It is a myth! Here is the list beneficial influence guar gum on the body:

  • Due to its solid structure, it perfectly removes toxins from the body. The intestines are also completely cleansed.
  • The level of harmful substances in the blood is regulated, the harmful effects of heavy metals are neutralized.
  • Gum also perfectly cleanses human blood, removes cholesterol plaques in blood vessels, and with regular use lowers blood pressure.
  • Improves the absorption of beneficial trace elements such as potassium and magnesium.
  • The additive is very often added to products for diabetic patients. It has been scientifically proven that E412 lowers blood sugar levels and also regulates carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Significantly reduced appetite. That is why guar gum is often added to products for those who want to lose weight.

Use of guar gum for weight loss

On the topic of losing weight, you should dwell in more detail, because almost every woman wants to bring her figure into perfect condition. How does gum promote weight loss?

The first factor is a gradual decrease in appetite. Very often, weight is gained due to the constant feeling of hunger and harmful snacking. E412 due to its dense structure fills the stomach for a long time and gives a feeling of satiety. Metabolism slowly accelerates, as the body learns to completely process all food reserves, and then take on subcutaneous fat stores.

In addition, the supplement has an extremely low calorie content - about 20 kcal per 100 grams. And another bonus is a slight cleansing effect.

Alas, women who want to lose weight began to take drugs with guar gum uncontrollably, without a doctor's prescription and exceeding all permissible limits. As a result, several cases of death from the use of such additives have been recorded. And there is an explanation for this - a multiple excess of the dose of gum in itself leads to severe poisoning, vomiting, and diarrhea. It is these phenomena that lead to dehydration and death.

Therefore, it is extremely important to remember one old truth - medicine in a spoon, poison in a cup. This directly applies not only to the use of guar gum, but also to all food additives. Even harmless vitamins with an overdose can lead to disastrous results.

When it comes to self-care, guar gum has a huge list of health benefits. For example, on the skin, the substance creates a special film that protects the epidermis from cold, wind, sunlight, exhaust gases and other harmful substances. At the same time, oxygen exchange works as it should, the pores breathe.

The unique property of the additive is to enhance the moisturizing and nourishing effect of cosmetics. The gum added to the hydrosol will several times increase the hydration of the epidermis and the penetration of nutrients deep into the skin. When preparing homemade cosmetics, it is important to understand one point - total"guar gum" should not exceed 1, and preferably 0.5 percent. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting a huge number of side effects.

1 recipe- Mash a large fleshy aloe leaf with a fork, add a couple of drops of vitamin E and an egg yolk. We put a small pinch of gum, mix and let the mixture swell for about 20 minutes. We put the composition on a cleansed and steamed face for half an hour. Next, the mixture is thoroughly washed off.

2 recipe. tablespoon fat sour cream mix with mashed banana. Add a couple of drops of vitamin A and E, add a pinch of gum. As in the first recipe, let the mixture swell and put it on your face for half an hour.

Here are a couple more recipes for facial skin:

  • Dry skin will love the mixture of banana, cream and guar gum. We mix all the ingredients in a ratio of 1 to 1. Let the guara powder swell and apply the mixture on the face. After forty minutes, carefully remove the mask with a damp cloth.
  • Ideal for oily skin suitable mask from protein and lemon juice with gum. To do this, take the protein of one egg, add a couple of drops of lemon juice and a tiny pinch of guar gum. Mix the mixture and wait for swelling. We apply several layers on the face, as each one dries. After 20 minutes, remove the protein with cool water.

And the easiest option is to add a pinch of powder to the flower hydrolate, you get a very useful tonic for the skin of the face.

By the way, you can use the tool not only for face care, but also for hair.

Guar gum for hair

The recipe for the simplest mask is 100 ml. mix kefir with yolk and a pinch of guar gum. Apply to hair and cover with a shower cap. For the best effect, you can wrap your head in a towel. After an hour, wash off the mask and enjoy obedient curls. You can add to the mixture to get a pleasant smell.

If you take 160 ml. chamomile hydrosol and add about a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and a couple of pinches of gum to it, you get a wonderful shower gel. The mixture is shaken before use. By adding any essential oils, you can change the aroma to your liking. This product cleanses and hydrates the skin.

face gel

You can try to prepare a natural gel for the skin of the face. For this, 20 ml. warm water dissolve a teaspoon of powder. Let it swell, beat. Add a couple of drops of rosemary oil and a little almond oil, beat thoroughly again. The mixture is stored exclusively in the refrigerator and no longer than two weeks. It is best to use a clean spatula to apply rather than scooping up the gel with your fingers.

Anti-cellulite gel

It can be prepared from such components - 100 ml. water, a teaspoon of thickener, 10 drops each essential oils orange, grapefruit and lemon. Whisk the mixture. Use to massage problem areas.

Guar gum cooking recipes

As women increasingly prefer natural care products, as well as food. Let's start with home cooking:

  • The main use of E412 is homemade healthy baking without the usual white flour. For example, bran bread simply will not rise without it, therefore, as a result, you risk getting a sticky cake, and not airy bread. Yeast is also absent in this recipe, so the bread will be healthy and tasty. For those who are forced to use gluten-free flour, gum will also come in handy - it plays the role of a binder in the dough.
  • Homemade ice cream, jam, ketchup. Those who have ever tried to make homemade sauce or ice cream on their own note that it is very difficult to achieve a store-bought texture. By adding guar gum, you get a product that is identical to the store, but does not contain harmful preservatives and flavor enhancers.

Why not try gum as a natural thickener? This information will be especially relevant for those who prefer healthy eating, but cannot live without foods like ice cream, ketchup or mayonnaise.

So let's start with ice cream. In one liter of milk, put two tablespoons of sugar (varie according to your taste), a teaspoon of guara powder and beat thoroughly with a whisk. As soon as all the ingredients are completely dissolved, we put our ice cream in the freezer. It will be ready in a couple of hours. As you can see, the composition does not contain vegetable fat, palm oil, dyes, preservatives and other things.

Homemade mayonnaise is also very easy to make. Start beating one large egg with a small amount vegetable oil- about 50 ml. Add three grams of gum, 100 ml. kefir, a teaspoon of mustard and a drop of vinegar. Whisk the mixture well. Homemade mayonnaise is ready! If desired, you can add greens, pickled cucumbers or a little hot pepper to it.

Let's experiment and make homemade ketchup? If it is not possible to purchase seasonal tomatoes, we use high-quality tomato paste. And why add something to it if the pasta can already be used as ketchup, some will ask? The fact is that some people like the texture of store-bought ketchup. If you took fresh tomatoes, then pour boiling water over them, then ice water and remove the skins. We remove the seeds and grind the vegetable in a blender. Boil on fire to remove excess water. Now add a pinch of sugar, a pinch of salt, a pinch of gum and mix. The fire is off! Let the mixture swell. Taste ketchup, add if something is missing. A drop of vinegar and a little ground black pepper will make the taste brighter.

If you only have tomato paste, then warm it up a little on the fire. Pour a small pinch of guar gum, equal parts salt and sugar. Let's swell and try. You can add sour apple puree to the mixture, in which case the amount of sugar and salt increases.

Now you know everything about such an additive as guar gum. As you can see, the benefits from it are much greater than the harm. In addition, the scope of this natural thickener is wide, and the price is not high.

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