How culture influences the environment. The influence of culture on human psychology


With the help of culture it is possible to analyze the behavior of people, especially in groups, since culture provides a structure for the analysis of human behavior. But it should be noted that since people are very complex and diverse, and our knowledge of the influence of culture on behavior is relative and preliminary, generalizations must be made very carefully and be aware of the possibility of many exceptions. In addition, we must remember that in considering the behavior of others, each of us tends to rely on own experience and the level of training and that actions that seem bizarre or reprehensible to us may be acceptable and normal for other people.

Culture is manifested by a group, organization or nation in customs and traditions, in group beliefs, rituals, myths, symbols, morality, ways of thinking, language, standards, laws, art, architecture, technology, etc. These manifestations of culture, its principles can be rational or irrational, explicit or implicit.

The principles of a culture, i.e., its "truths", are expressed in behavior or taboos on what group members should not do. Typically, group members refuse to question or change the beliefs held in their community. daily life as a result of following these rules, it becomes simpler and more predictable. Unfortunately, however, culture can also be a means of perpetuating ignorance, misinformation, prejudice and bigotry.

Rice. 5.1. The influence of culture on behavior

Each group can be characterized in terms of its cultural orientation. The cultural orientation of a society and a group reflects the complex interplay of values, attitudes, and behaviors of the members of the society and the group. As shown in fig. 5.1, individuals express culture and its normative properties through the values ​​they hold about the essence of life and the world around them. These values ​​in turn influence their attitudes and the form of behavior appropriate to any given situation. The continuous change in patterns of individual and group behavior eventually affects the culture of the society and the group, and the cycle begins again.

What is the difference between values, attitudes and behavior? Values- this is what is desirable (explicitly or implicitly) to a person or group and influences the choice of methods, means and the performance of an action. Values ​​can be both conscious and subconscious. Thus, values ​​are relatively general beliefs that determine what is right and what is wrong and establish people's general preferences. Research has shown that personal values ​​influence corporate strategy, and that leaders' values ​​influence all forms of organizational behavior, including choice of motivation system, boss/subordinate relationships, group behavior, communication, leadership, and levels of conflict.

For example, Hispanic managers believe that the family is a very important value, and this encourages them to hire members. own family whenever the opportunity presents itself. American managers believe in the value of individual achievement, so when applying for a job, they are more likely to focus on the performance of a candidate's qualifying exams than on family membership. These examples illustrate behavior that is influenced by values.

Attitude is an attitude that exhibits values ​​and induces a person to act or respond in a certain way. Relations are characteristic both for interpersonal and intergroup interactions, and for interaction between a person and some object.

Behavior any form of human action. For example, distances of interpersonal interaction depend on culture. Representatives of southern Europe during the conversation stand closer friend to each other than Scandinavians and Japanese. Hispanics touch each other during business negotiations more often than North Americans, and both touch each other more often than Japanese do.

Thus, people's behavior is determined by their culture. Culture is characterized by both diversity and unity. Although we all belong to a certain culture, its manifestations differ depending on the place and circumstances. Knowing that we are all members of different cultural groups can help us understand the behavior of others, become more tolerant in our judgments and attitudes, and be more effective in resolving cultural conflicts. By evaluating the impact of culture on people, we may be less likely to blame, punish, and be less hostile towards those who are different from us. The more we understand the concept of culture, the more we are able to develop cultural skills and manage our own change. Today, managers can apply the strategy of managing cultural differences in order to improve the effectiveness of the organization.

Organizational culture

In addition to the norms accepted in society, each group of people, including an organization, develops its own cultural patterns, which are called business, or organizational, culture. Organizational culture does not exist on its own. It is always included in cultural context given geographical region and society as a whole and is influenced by the national culture. In turn, the organizational or corporate culture influences the formation of the culture of departments, work and management groups and teams.

Rice. 5.2. Correlation and mutual influence of cultures various levels

The figure shows the relationship and mutual influence of cultures of different levels. In doing so, we note that:

National culture is the culture of a country or a minority in a country;

Organizational culture - the culture of a corporation, enterprise or association;

Working culture - the culture of the dominant type of activity of the society;

Team culture is the culture of the work or management team.

Organizational culture is a complex phenomenon that does not always lie on the surface, it is difficult to “feel” it. If we can say that an organization has a soul, then this soul is organizational culture.

K. Scholts noted that corporate culture is an implicit, invisible and informal consciousness of the organization that controls the behavior of people and, in turn, is itself formed under the influence of their behavior.

According to O.S. Vikhansky and A.I. Naumov, organizational culture is a set of the most important assumptions accepted by the members of the organization and expressed in the values ​​declared by the organization that give people guidelines for their behavior. These value orientations are transmitted to individuals through the symbolic means of the spiritual and material intraorganizational environment.

E. Shine believed that the forms of organizational culture respond to two main challenges that the organization faces: the aggressiveness of the external environment and internal disintegration. Accordingly, in order for the organization to function as a whole, it needs to perform two main functions - adaptation and survival in the environment and internal integration. Integration is seen as the creation of effective business relations among departments, groups and employees of the organization, as an increase in the measure of participation of all employees in solving problems of the organization and searching for effective ways her work. According to E. Shine, organizational culture is a set of basic assumptions invented, discovered or developed by a group in order to learn how to cope with the problems of external adaptation and internal integration. It is necessary that this complex function for a long time, confirm its viability, and therefore it must be transmitted to new members of the organization as the “correct” way of thinking and feeling in relation to the problems mentioned.

Organizational culture includes the following components:

1) beliefs the employee's perception of what is right in the organization;

2) values , dominant in the organization determine what is to be considered important in the organization. The areas in which values ​​can be expressed include: caring for and respecting people, caring for consumers, entrepreneurialism, fair treatment of employees, etc. T. Peters and R. Waterman, exploring the relationship between culture and organizational success, formulated a series of organizational culture values ​​and beliefs that have made companies successful (Figure 5.3).

Rice. 5.3. Organizational Culture Values ​​of Successful Companies

3) norms they are unwritten rules of conduct that tell people how to behave and what is expected of them. They are never expressed in writing and are transmitted either orally or by the attitude of others to behavior. The norms of conduct reflect such moments in the activities of the organization as: manager-subordinate relations, honesty and compliance with the law, behavior in case of conflicts of interest, obtaining and using information about other organizations, political activity within the organization, use of organization resources, etc.;

4) behavior daily activities that people perform in the process of work and in connection with their work when interacting with others (rituals and ceremonies, as well as the language used in communication);

5) psychological climate this is a stable system of internal relations of the group, manifested in the emotional mood, public opinion and performance results. The climate in an organization is how people perceive the culture that exists in their organization or department, what they think and feel about it. It can be assessed by studying relationships.

None of these components alone represent the culture of an organization. Together, however, they can provide insight into organizational culture.

Thus, organizational culture - it is a set of values, beliefs, attitudes common to all employees of this organization, predetermining the norms of their behavior. They may not be clearly expressed, but in the absence of direct instructions, they determine the way people act and interact and significantly affect the course of work and the nature of the life of the organization.

Corporate culture It is the main component in achieving organizational goals, improving the efficiency of the organization and managing innovation. the main objective corporate culture - ensuring external adaptation and internal integration of the organization by improving personnel management.

Corporate culture can either help the organization by creating an environment conducive to productivity and innovation, or work against the organization by creating barriers that prevent the development and implementation of corporate strategy. These barriers include resistance to innovation and ineffective communication.


2. Ethno-cultural component

4. Musical education of children

5. Implementation musical ability across cultures

6. Identification, development and improvement of young talents

7. Genes - carriers of information

8. Diagnostics creativity children

9. Cultural analysis of modern education

10. Reforms creative education children in various ethno-cultural formations


The social development of mankind has been well studied, and its laws have been formulated by historical materialism. Spontaneous development social forms through socio-economic formations are inherent only to a person who is in a team, and is in no way connected with his biological structure. Outside the ethnos there is not a single person on Earth. Ethnicity in the human mind is a universal phenomenon.

Norms and values individual groups or microcultures are called ethnic models that affect many areas of life, including the sphere of education, including creative.

Definition ethnic background is the process of identifying oneself and other people with the help of ethnic labels. For example, subjective attributes reflect a person's ethnic self-identification. An objective definition of ethnicity is based on sociocultural criteria.

The goal facing us in this work is to consider the ethno-cultural component as an opportunity to realize the child's creative abilities in musical education.

The tasks of the work are to study the problem of influence public environment per person; consider what the ethno-cultural component is and how it affects the development of the child's creative abilities.

1. The problem of influence on a person public culture

One of the first researchers who drew attention to the influence of culture and emphasized its importance was B. Simon in 1958. B. Simon especially sharply emphasized that the assessments of the subjects that the researcher receives, first of all, do not reflect their true capabilities, but those social conditions in which they were born and raised. As an example, a number of verbal tests are given using words, the meaning of which the child must know in order to answer the test questions well. The words used in the tests are better known to some children, worse to others, and to others they are not known at all. Thus, children who did not have the opportunity to read much or develop colloquial speech were at a disadvantage.

B. Simon's study refers only to English children, that is, children brought up in one national culture, despite all its diversity. Naturally, these properties of tests become brighter when the objects of diagnostics are representatives of various ethnic groups, different national cultures, as well as persons of a different social environment. IN last years diagnostic studies are expanding, covering children and adults who were brought up and formed in conditions that differ from those that are generally called European culture, for example, representatives of some African ethnic groups.

The formation of individual psychological differences between people is influenced by socio-economic and cultural factors. The role of heredity is also not excluded. The revealed features of people are considered as a product of the joint action of the environment and heredity.

Now let's take a closer look at how social culture affects a person and his development.

I must say that culture includes both abstract and material elements. Let's look at their differences. Abstract elements are values, beliefs, ideas, personality types, religious performances. Material components include books, computers, tools, buildings, and so on.

Culture gives a person an awareness of himself as a person and an understanding of acceptable behavior patterns. The most important worldview and behavioral aspects that are formed under the influence of culture are:

Awareness of oneself and the world;

Communication and language;

Clothing and appearance;

food culture;

Ideas about time;


Values ​​and norms;

Faith and beliefs;

Thought processes and learning;

Work habits.

Values ​​are beliefs or social norms that unite individuals. Norms are rules of conduct developed by a group based on the consent of all its members.

Culture is passed down from generation to generation, primarily through public institutions like family, school, religion. Previous experience and interactions with peers are also sources cultural property. So, three institutions - family, religion and school - make a huge contribution to the transmission and assimilation of traditional values ​​and pave the way for a harmonious perception of new realities.

2. Ethno-cultural component

People constitute a separate ethnic group, depending on how common the members of the ethnic group are the features of the worldview and worldview, which are different from the views of other ethnic groups. Just as human behavior is conditioned by culture, social environment, it is also determined by the sense of one's own ethnicity.

In the concept of an ethno-cultural component, such cultures are distinguished, such as, for example, the culture of the indigenous inhabitants of a country; culture national groups; culture of religious-ethnic groups. And there are also multicultural societies, such as the US, Russia and Singapore, where cultural diversity and equality are highly valued.

Microcultures are formed around nationality, religion, geographic location. Some ethnic groups contribute more to the cultural diversity of any country than others, but the variables that are important for success tend to be the same for everyone, regardless of nationality.

The influence of the ethno-cultural component on the development of people's creative abilities is enormous. Each ethnic group has its own cultural characteristics And creative achievements in art, literature, music.

Since the purpose of this work is to consider the ethno-cultural component as an opportunity to realize creative abilities in the musical education of a child, the relationship between the ethno-cultural component and psychology should be considered. creative education child.

3. Children's creativity

Sometimes the creativity of children borders on genius, especially if they provide an opportunity to get ahead of their time and comprehend new areas of knowledge and experience.

If we take a point of view that has a pronounced social connotation and agree that talent is not a happy gift given by nature, but the result of special optimal conditions for learning, diligence and curiosity, then the assertion that an individual who has not received an education cannot be considered talented, far from being true. It has long been and repeatedly proven that even in the most democratic society, people are not born with the same abilities.

The main question that interests us in this work is the question of whether the environment can have a serious impact on the development of a child's creative abilities? There is a lot of controversy in psychology today about this. Many scientists believe that the environment and external environment are important only for the disclosure and application of natural talent.

Others, on the contrary, are convinced that every child is influenced by his environment and, accordingly, is a product of his environment. Consequently, creative abilities are formed under the influence of psychodynamic influences, that is, under the influence of an environment that can be friendly or hostile to him.

It should be said that the practical implementation of our innate inclinations increases the functionality of the body, and beneficial effect environment makes this process more productive.

The development of innate abilities is possible only if there is an environment conducive to their development, and the environment helps the development of abilities only if there is a good hereditary basis. If there is no such foundation, then the environment is also powerless. If the environment does not have its beneficial effects, then the best inclinations may be unclaimed.

With the interaction of good hereditary material and the favorable influence of the environment, optimal conditions are created for the development of creative abilities.

As for the influence of the ethno-cultural component on the development of the creative abilities of children, numerous studies have shown that in terms of development and talent, all people of different ethnic groups are equal.

Let us give an example of such an equality. The young violinist comes to the fore. Behind her is one of the most famous symphony orchestras in the world. At the age of 12, she already enjoys well-deserved prestige among musicians and critics, who highly appreciate her performing skills. When the famous American conductor first heard the play young talent, she impressed him so much that he invited the girl to be the soloist in a concert of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra. With her performance of Paganini's Concerto No. 1, she delighted the audience. The name of this violinist is Sarah Chang, she was born in America in a family of Korean immigrants. The public, having learned about the Asian-American origin of Sarah Chung, was very surprised. Since many psychologists have proved that the level of intelligence and creativity is lower than that of whites.

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Changes in cultural sphere inevitably has an impact on crime. In turn, changes in crime are always somehow connected with cultural processes.

It is possible to change the standards of people's behavior by changing both the culture itself and the mechanisms of its regeneration in the social environment: the transfer of elements of culture from one person to another, from generation to generation.

A. Culture change is a natural and continuous process. Culture has a dual nature. On the one hand, it is formed spontaneously in the process of interaction of an ethnic group with environment. In this sense, culture appears before each generation as a kind of given. On the other hand, every generation and every person contributes to culture, to the processes of its functioning.

Culture change factors can be:


The level of development of science and technology;

Understanding the world around, the essence and meaning of being.

Culture can change spontaneously: under the influence of natural environment or in connection with scientific discoveries and advances in technology. And purposefully - under the influence of the conscious activity of people to achieve certain social goals. As society develops, the development of the trend of managing cultural processes is more and more visible. There were such phenomena as the Ministry of Culture, cultural revolutions. Control cultural development society is a reality.

One of the goals of influencing the cultural environment is to influence crime. Moreover, it is far from always the intentions of certain subjects to change culture in order to reduce crime. In any society there are criminal and anti-criminal, constructive and destructive vectors of cultural development. The sources of impulses for the destructive development of culture can be both external (probable adversary, economic competitors) and internal (the criminal world, the comprador bourgeoisie, and other consortia for which the cultural environment of the people is alien). In this connection, of interest are Dulles' reflections on the implementation of the American post-war doctrine against the USSR: “Having sowed chaos there, we will imperceptibly replace their values ​​with false ones and force them to believe in these false values. How? We will find our like-minded people, our allies and assistants in Russia itself. Episode after episode, the grandiose tragedy of the death of the most recalcitrant people on earth, the final irreversible extinction of its self-consciousness will be played out ... Literature, theaters and cinema - all will depict and glorify the basest human feelings. We will in every possible way support and elevate the so-called artists who will plant and hammer into the human consciousness the cult of sex, violence, sadism, betrayal - in a word, any immorality ... Honesty and decency will be ridiculed and will not be needed by anyone, will turn into a relic of the past. Rudeness and arrogance, lies and deceit, drunkenness and drug addiction, animal fear of each other and shamelessness, betrayal, nationalism and enmity of peoples, above all, enmity and hatred for the Russian people - we will cultivate all this deftly and imperceptibly. And only a few, very few will guess or even understand what is happening. But we will put such people in a helpless position, turn them into a laughingstock, find a way to slander them and declare them the dregs of society.

The transformation of culture occurs mainly due to a change in the ways in which needs are met. Sometimes this can change the need standards. Basically, the change in the hierarchy of needs occurs under the influence of ideology and religion. At the same time, it should be taken into account that, in addition to the processes, the possibilities of controlling which the society has relatively large (modeling of certain elements of culture, persuasion and coercion), the change in culture depends on the readiness of society to perceive the new. This phenomenon is relatively autonomous.

Culture change can be radical or gradual. They can be carried out both at the macro level (society), and at the mini-level (group) and micro-level (culture). individual). With regard to the scale of organized cultural processes, the following should be kept in mind. The larger the task, the more forces and means will be required for its implementation, the more time will be required for this, the more serious the preparation should be, including both the theoretical understanding of the problem and the material side of the support, the higher the likelihood that final results will not meet the original goals.

In the modern situation, in the conditions of interaction and mutual influence of many cultures with a change in national culture we are talking, as a rule, not about the emergence of something fundamentally new, but about the introduction of elements of another into one culture, as a result of which a new one may arise cultural structure leading to systemic changes in society and the way of life of people.

B. The world cultural environment is extremely diverse and polyphonic. There are cultures that deny crime, and vice versa - develop it. Under these conditions, it is not so much the process of formation of new elements of culture that acquires special significance, but the promotion of the spread of anti-criminal cultures (the development of healthy national traditions, perception of the positive from the outside) and preventing the development of their antipodes. In this context, we are talking about the affirmation of a positive cultural ideal in society and its all-round dissemination.

The cultural ideal is almost impossible to formulate in a comprehensive form, but its main elements may well be outlined:

The development of spiritual needs (including orientation to higher justice), the creation of a priority for them in the social hierarchy of needs;

Exclusion of elements that develop social pathology - culture should contribute to strengthening the health of the nation, prevent social disorganization and degradation;

Limitation and gradual displacement of violence and individualism as forms of social life.

The mechanisms for the dissemination of culture must be controlled by society in two aspects:

Support for the dissemination of a cultural ideal, finding means to increase the efficiency of the channels for disseminating such a culture;

Restriction, and in a number of aspects, a ban on the propaganda of anti-culture (everything that denies the cultural ideal).

Today in Russia many cultural processes have exactly the opposite direction, anti-culture is actively introduced into public consciousness. current situation in our country can be assessed as a kind of testing. Signs of a viable culture are: 1) rejection of elements that initiate destruction; 2) the ability to self-repair after destructive external influences. The ability of the culture of the Russian people to self-healing V.O. Klyuchevsky refers to the essential characteristics of our country as a social organism: “One of hallmarks a great nation is served by its ability to rise to its feet after a fall. No matter how hard his humiliation is, but the appointed hour will strike, he will gather his confused moral forces and embody them in one great person or in several great people, who will lead him to the straight historical road that he has temporarily abandoned.

Literature on the topic

Herder I. Ideas for the History of Humanity Philosophy. M., 1977; Dolgova A.I. Crime and society. M., 1992; Karpets I.I. crime: illusions and reality. M., 1992; Sorokin P.A. Human. Civilization. Society. M., 1992; Pozdnyakov E.A. Philosophy of politics. M., 1994; Fromm E. Anatomy of human destructiveness. M., 1994; Introduction to cultural studies. IN 3 volumes. M., 1995. T.1. ; Gumilyov L.N. Ethnogenesis and biosphere of the Earth. M., 1997; Criminology. Textbook (under the editorship of A.I. Dolgova) M., 1997; Crime: strategy of struggle. M., 1997; Crime and reforms in Russia. M., 1998; Ter-Akopov A.A. Human security. M., 1998; Crime and culture. M., 1999.

Section IV. Impact on certain types crime


Man is a social being. Our behavior is dictated by genetic predisposition, environment, or some one-of-a-kind combination of many factors.

Culture refers to a set of values, ideas, artifacts, and other significant characters, which help individuals communicate and interpret and evaluate each other as members of society. Akimova M.K. Psychology. Tutorial. - Moscow: "Pedagogy", 2000. - With. 95

The social development of mankind has been well studied, and its laws have been formulated by historical materialism. Spontaneous development of social forms through socio-economic formations is inherent only to a person who is in a team, and is in no way connected with his biological structure. Outside the ethnos there is not a single person on Earth. Ethnicity in the human mind is a universal phenomenon.

The norms and values ​​of individual groups or microcultures are called ethnic models that affect many areas of life, including the sphere of education, including creative.

Ethnicity definition is the process of identifying yourself and other people with ethnic labels. For example, subjective attributes reflect a person's ethnic self-identification. An objective definition of ethnicity is based on sociocultural criteria.

The goal facing us in this work is to consider the ethno-cultural component as an opportunity to realize the child's creative abilities in musical education.

The tasks of the work are to study the problem of the influence of the social environment on a person; consider what the ethno-cultural component is and how it affects the development of the child's creative abilities.

The problem of the influence of social culture on a person

One of the first researchers who drew attention to the influence of culture and emphasized its importance was B. Simon in 1958. B. Simon especially sharply emphasized that the assessments of the subjects that the researcher receives, first of all, do not reflect their true capabilities, but the social conditions in which they were born and grew up. As an example, a number of verbal tests are given using words, the meaning of which the child must know in order to answer the test questions well. The words used in the tests are better known to some children, worse to others, and to others they are not known at all. Thus, children who did not have the opportunity to read much or develop spoken language were at a disadvantage. Psychological diagnostics. Problems and research. Edited by Gurevich K.M. - Moscow: "Pedagogy", 2000. - p.11

B. Simon's study refers only to English children, that is, children brought up in one national culture, despite all its diversity. Naturally, these properties of tests become brighter when representatives of various ethnic groups, different national cultures, as well as persons of a different social environment become the objects of diagnostics. In recent years, diagnostic studies have expanded to cover children and adults who were brought up and formed in conditions that differ from those generally referred to as European culture, for example, representatives of certain African ethnic groups.

The formation of individual psychological differences between people is influenced by socio-economic and cultural factors. The role of heredity is also not excluded. The revealed features of people are considered as a product of the joint action of the environment and heredity.

Now let's take a closer look at how social culture affects a person and his development.

I must say that culture includes both abstract and material elements. Let's look at their differences. Abstract elements are understood as values, beliefs, ideas, personality types, religious ideas. Material components include books, computers, tools, buildings, and so on.

Culture gives a person an awareness of himself as a person and an understanding of acceptable behavior patterns. The most important worldview and behavioral aspects that are formed under the influence of culture are:

awareness of oneself and the world;

communication and language;

clothes and appearance;

food culture;

ideas about time;


values ​​and norms;

faith and beliefs;

thought processes and learning;

work habits.

Values ​​are beliefs or social norms that unite individuals. Norms are rules of conduct developed by a group based on the consent of all its members. Kozlova V.T. Psychology and culture. Tutorial. - Moscow: "Nauka", 2001. - With. 411

Culture is transmitted from generation to generation, primarily by such social institutions as family, school, religion. Previous experiences and interactions with peers are also sources of cultural values. So, three institutions - family, religion and school - make a huge contribution to the transmission and assimilation of traditional values ​​and pave the way for a harmonious perception of new realities.

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