How to be a healthy person. Formation of a healthy lifestyle. Golden Rules - how to be young and healthy forever


Despite the fact that many articles and books teach us how to become a completely healthy person, none of us has ever met such a unique individual. Yes, strictly follow a certain nutrition system, proper diet, exercise regularly exercise, improving the body - all this is very important. However, this will not be enough, although improving your health is not as difficult as it might seem. More precisely, for this there are several conditions that will need to be introduced into your life, it is these small changes that will create all the necessary prerequisites for healing the body.

Recovery should be done gradually with small exits. The body is unpacked, so we must resume slowly and be sure, saying that the margin of progress is huge. Please note that the equipment must be adapted to the physical practice.

What are the actions for patients with chronic diseases?

First of all, these patients should talk to their doctor and have additional tests, if necessary, to monitor physical activity. Patients with diabetes should already know that they can move. After three weeks, they will realize that they are less out of breath, says Martin Duclos.

A person every day, performs many of the same actions, which in ordinary life we consider insignificant. We walk, breathe, eat and drink automatically, without thinking about the correctness of these manipulations. But if you try to make some changes and start doing the same things, but only correctly and with health benefits, then it will not be difficult to achieve an amazing effect. All these little things can add up to one significant result, although each of them individually seems to be quite insignificant. How to become, if not completely healthy, then at least a strong person who does not suffer from numerous ailments? For this, there are a number simple rules to be followed regularly, and let them seem stupid, naive and not noteworthy, in fact, they bring amazing results that can be felt after a few weeks.

For example, for more athletic activities, patient associations may provide " good addresses» for clubs where professionals surround people with diabetes or obesity, for example. After a heart problem, avoid strenuous effort. On the contrary, it is completely inappropriate to smoke.

Less "risks" for assets than for sedentary people

Physical activity should be personalized according to the age, gender, health and tastes of the individual. Before resuming activities, a medical examination is recommended.

Do sports video games drive "movement"

It is possible to move and play sports with a game console. At "Noels", one of the housing units of the Mutualite Retreat, in Saint-Herblanc, residents play regularly. They mainly practice bowling. Tennis or golf is too physical or too fast. Valerie Gittono, facilitator, adapts to her abilities.

- Proper sleep. In order to recover, the body needs healthy quality sleep, and if you start saving time on it, the body will regularly be in a state of stress. It is stress that accelerates chemical reactions and cell aging. In order to determine your sleep needs, you need to go to bed a little earlier than usual and rest until you wake up on your own. Food should not be taken 3 hours before and caffeinated drinks 5 hours before bedtime. Getting enough sleep is very important for your health, both physical and mental.

Thus, older people fulfill their balance and their automatism. This is support for maintaining autonomy, explains Lillian Beloir, head of the house. Practicing these games can increase energy expenditure and sometimes increase muscle strength. But like any physical activity, there are risks of pain or injury. Sometimes there is tendinitis of the shoulder and elbow. Reason: Players tend to be unheated strength, says physiotherapist Benjamin Troussart. Therefore, it is necessary to choose suitable look sports, pre-warm up and take regular breaks.

"Bridging the gap between the world of health and sports"

Many international studies confirm the health benefits of physical activity. This is a reality, but today it is not taken into account in terms of the organization of the health system. A bridge must be created between the world of health and the world of sport, putting the possibilities of clubs at the disposal of the general public. These are important cultural change but it's a great challenge.

- Eating habits. All people eat - this is one of the main human needs, and over time, eating an adult becomes his habit. And habits, as you know, can be harmful. That is why it is necessary to reconsider your approach to nutrition, to find out what food will be right and healthy, how many meals a healthy person should have, how certain foods affect the body. Gradually introduce these rules into your daily ritual, eating according to other, more correct rules that positively affect health. The habit of eating healthy, not junk food, must be introduced gradually, and after some time you will feel much better.

Eat, Move: Lots of information on Inpe's institutional site, especially on the "move" prompts near you. Sports federations. . And if you were told that you can live up to 130 years or even more? No, this is not the field of a new sci-fi movie, but a target within reach for everyone.

With aging, telomere size and life expectancy become shorter. “The Mediterranean diet is preferable, it is rich in fruits and vegetables, blue-skinned fish is stuffed with omega-3s, nuts and poor in red meat,” says Philippe Taurand. On the side of things to avoid: Exiting refined sugars and charo for salt, which causes premature cardiovascular aging. We must learn again to take less, not to add salt when cooking and not to put salt on the table, he insists.

- Proper breathing. It may seem to someone that they are trying to teach him how to breathe correctly, because we do this from the very first minute of life to the last moment. However, you also need to be able to breathe correctly, it turns out that there are several healthy breathing techniques that allow you to achieve saturation of the body with the energy contained in oxygen. It helps to relieve stress, soothe muscles, and relax. A deep breath can be taken almost anywhere, at any time - and it is deep breathing that eliminates the first signs of fatigue and tension.

- Meditation. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to indulge in attempts to gain spiritual perfection or go to Buddhist monks. The purpose of meditation is to collect your thoughts, to relax. A couple of minutes of relaxation calms the excited mind, relaxes the body, puts it in order nervous system. Short meditation sessions are very useful both in the morning and at lunchtime, as well as before bedtime.

- Morning exercises. Human muscles are an elastic tourniquet that needs to be stretched periodically so as not to stagnate. Without the necessary and regular stretching, the muscles of the body become hard and tense, in turn, gymnastics improves blood flow and delivers all the necessary nutrients and trace elements to tissues and organs. Morning exercises are especially relevant for those who are mainly engaged in sedentary work.

- Walking. Every time you need to get somewhere, it is best to do it without the help of transport, that is, on foot. In addition, it is very useful to climb on foot and up the stairs.

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