Comparison of Onegin and Lensky table. Onegin and Lensky: comparative characteristics of images


Onegin and Lensky are central figures poem "Eugene Onegin". In order to better understand the essence of these characters, to clarify their character, to study the author's idea, one should refer to the comparative characteristics of these characters.

Onegin was born and raised in noble family, and his tutor was engaged in his upbringing from infancy. The child was surrounded by endless care and luxury, and thus had nothing to do with truly Russian national customs. The whole way of his life was subject to aristocratic ideals, compliance with which was put at the forefront.

Lensky is described as an attractive young man, full of youthful enthusiasm, and also very rich. The author does not cover the nature of the hero's upbringing.

As for education, one can say about Onegin that he learned a lot, but extremely superficially. He has a good education, but deep knowledge does not provide. Interestingly, the French language, unlike Russian, Onegin knows perfectly. In addition, he is an excellent interlocutor, he can support almost any conversation and express his opinion on various issues. Onegin got good historical education, once studied political economy, has an understanding of how society and the state work.

Vladimir Lensky is a student. A smart young man who is fond of philosophy and poetry. He studied in Germany, and, apparently, this promised him a great future. And yet, as it turned out, "... an ordinary poet was waiting for a lot."

From the point of view of life ideals, Onegin and Lensky are very different. Eugene strives for harmony through the internal struggle of the eternal (national) and the temporal (what is fixed in the personality of the hero due to public influence and foreign philosophy). Lensky's ideal is love, bright and real, as well as true sincere friendship.

By nature, Onegin is extremely contradictory and unpredictable. Surely it can be said about him that he is a lazy, proud, cold person. Onegin is not at all shy about flattering and hypocrisy. In addition, he is a big fan of slander and criticism. For society it extra person, he stands out among people and seeks to find himself in this world, to understand the meaning of his life. He is disgusted with work, he is overcome by blues and boredom, he is full of skepticism. All these qualities characterize him as an unnecessary, superfluous person.

Vladimir Lensky is the opposite of Onegin. A real romantic, devoid of a rebellious spirit. An inspired dreamer, sincere, always striving to unravel the mystery, the riddle. This is his meaning of life. the main task this character - to emphasize the character of Onegin due to the contrasting difference between these heroes. One thing unites them - the lack of a clear goal in life, lack of strength and fortitude.

Option 2

Two young people by the will of fate living in the neighborhood. They seem to be the same, but at the same time, they are so different. Onegin is a hereditary nobleman. He was brought up by a governess, then by a French tutor. They taught him little by little, they didn’t force him much. But at the same time, he knew French perfectly, spoke and wrote it. In those years, it was possible not to know the native, Russian language. But not knowing French was impossible. The society of such a person immediately rejected.

Onegin knew everything superficially. AND classic literature, and history, and social Sciences. With a learned look, he reasoned spatially about what he did not know. That was enough to keep the conversation going.

Lensky. A handsome man with shoulder-length black curls, a rich fellow. What are his ideals, Pushkin does not specify. Studied in Germany at the university. He was fond of the philosophy of Kant. His future is the miserable existence of a poet.

What do our heroes believe in, what do they aspire to? Onegin strives for harmony. Lensky believes in eternal love and holy friendship to the grave. Typical youthful exuberance. That's right, Onegin is already twenty-six years old (it's time to take up the mind, start a family). Lensky is eighteen years old. Haven't walked yet.

Onegin is lazy, why should he work? He is also a nobleman. Hypocritical, flattering, sarcastic. Likes to show off and play "in public". He is superfluous at that celebration of life.

Lensky is a naive young man. Full of delight, nature is dreamy, romantic. Not yet spoiled by life and people. Trying to find its meaning in life. They shade each other like black and white, like day and night. But at the same time, they are very similar. They have no future, no real business. They waste their days aimlessly.

Onegin writes some epigrams. It was not enough for serious poetry. He could not even tell one meter from another. Lensky is a dreamy romantic. Secretly writes love poems. You can call him a singer of love. And Onegin? This skeptic who has seen everything and knows everything. Doesn't believe in love.

Lensky is still a naive boy. Idealizes both Olga and Onegin, and their friendship. Freely kept in both men's and sorority. Therefore, he does not see that Olga is reckless and naive, and not very smart, if she is crazy about his mediocre rhymes.

Onegin has already grown out of short teenage pants. He acquired a cold mind, prudence, completely disappointed in life. Wrapped up at the balls and in secular salons, learned small talk and flirting. His soul has become like an old bilious skeptic who has seen everything, knows everything, and does not expect anything good from life, because he knows its other side.

It's just not clear how such two different people could be friends. There was no one else around to talk to on long, empty evenings.

Composition Comparative characteristics of Onegin and Lensky

The novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" is one of the most significant works in the work of A.S. Pushkin, on which the writer worked for about 8 years. In the novel, the author showed the life of the young nobility of the 19th century, highlighted the main features of the society of that era. Central characters narratives appear two very bright not similar friend on a friend's personality - a young rake, bored in secular society- Eugene Onegin and his young friend with a clean and noble soul Vladimir Lensky. Despite the difference in character and life principles, these people converge, spend a lot of time together. Based on the characteristics of the two heroes, which the writer provided to the reader, we will try to find out what made them become friends, albeit for a short time.

Let's start with the fact that the heroes had that age difference, which in their youth is considered quite large: Onegin was 25 years old, Lensky turned 18 not so long ago. Onegin considered himself a more experienced person in the affairs of secular society, in matters of love, so very often listened to Lensky's "young nonsense" with a smile. Yevgeny's soul had time to cool down, turn into stone, while Vladimir's ardent temper was mobile and unpredictable like a wave of the sea.

Both heroes got enough a good education. Onegin studied at home, first as a governess, and then, when the boy grew up, she was replaced by Monsieur Frenchman, who studied with Yevgeny "half-jokingly." But one way or another, he received an education that allowed him to be considered in society as a not stupid person: he knew French perfectly, could translate from Latin, understood economics (read Adam Smith). In his mind, he is much higher than his peers. But endless balls, love affairs, theaters made the hero gradually begin to lose the taste and meaning of life. His mind cooled, his ardent heart cooled: Onegin drove himself into a deep melancholy, which accompanied him everywhere like a "shadow".

Eugene tries to look for the purpose of life in some kind of work: he writes poetry, reads. But this activity does not find a response in his soul, and he leaves it. In the village where Eugene came on inheritance, he also seeks to occupy himself with something: he canceled the corvée, replacing it with a light quitrent. But selfishness and a hostile attitude to work win in him. He again attends balls, participates in love affairs. Onegin is the person who is able to step over the feelings of other people, inflict pain and suffering on those who love him. Having received a challenge to a duel, and feeling that he was wrong, he nevertheless accepts the challenge and kills his best, and maybe even only, friend. Why did he do that? No matter how Onegin despised the society in which he lives, he still turned out to be dependent on his opinion. The death of Vladimir completely turned Eugene's life upside down. He becomes more responsive to the experiences of other people. Feeling of boundless guilt, pangs of remorse help the hero feel life again, open his heart to love. But it is in love that he endures complete collapse Perhaps this becomes a punishment for the crime he committed.

The opposite of Onegin in the work is Vladimir Lensky. This hero plays a significant role in understanding the character of Eugene. Lensky is younger than his friend, he received his education in Germany, but what he studied is not reported to the reader. The spiritual world of the hero is completely opposed to the worldviews of Onegin. Lensky is a poet, his soul is not at the mercy of the intrigues of the world, his mind is covered with beautiful world dreams Vladimir believes in true friendship, in sincere light love, in honesty and decency of people. In his own way, this hero is a little naive. But on the other hand, Lensky is a lively, mobile person, he loves to live and enjoys life.

But what made such different people get together? Probably, after all, they were similar: both belonged to the generation of young nobles, both were not stupid thinking people, despising the emptiness and corruption of the world. The enthusiastic soul of Lensky is in constant search for something beautiful. Onegin watches his naivety from above, believing that this is the temporary ardor of a young man who, with years will pass, cool down. No one knows how life would have disposed of Lensky's fate. Perhaps he would have become a Decembrist, or maybe a simple layman, slowly losing his taste for life.

Both characters are deep thinkers. Their inner world very rich and genuine. The feeling of realizing mistakes for Eugene comes too late, only after he takes his friend's life. Probably, Onegin simply became a victim of a cynical empty society, but he also found his victims in best friend and the girl who loved him. He was never able to get out of the vicious circle of passions.


Onegin: "The wretched Frenchman, so that the child would not be exhausted, taught him everything jokingly, did not bother with strict morality" - he was educated simply, without much tension, but enough to enter society. "He could speak and write in French perfectly." "What do you want more? Light decided that he was smart and very nice." "We all learned a little something and somehow." And in the opinion of many, Onegin was a "scholarly fellow" - he quite pretended smart person: "With a learned air of a connoisseur, to remain silent in an important dispute."

He knew Latin quite well, but "he could not distinguish iambic from chorea." His "vocation" was different: "he knew more firmly than all sciences the science of tender passion"

Lensky: "He brought fruits of learning from foggy Germany." Lensky was well educated, loved poetry, was an admirer of Kant, and was himself a poet. As is typical of any poet, he was overwhelmed with "freedom-loving dreams, an ardent spirit." main science for him it was art, or to be more precise, poetry. "He traveled the world with a lyre; under the skies of Schiller and Goethe." "And the mind, still in unsteady judgments, and eternally inspired gaze." "The poet, in the heat of his judgments, read, forgetting himself."


Onegin: brought up in the spirit of the secular society of that time, and the main thing in education was - compliance with society, its requirements. Onegin "easily danced the mazurka and bowed unconstrainedly." "So education, thank God, it is not surprising for us to shine." Eugene was "an exemplary fashion pupil": he was always well dressed, in fashion, taking care of himself: "It can be efficient person and think about the beauty of nails." "Fearing jealous condemnations, he was a pedant in his clothes." "He spent at least three hours in front of the mirrors and came out of the dressing room like a windy Venus."

Lensky: Lensky was brought up as a romantic and a dreamer, "rich, good-looking, everywhere he was accepted as a groom." He almost did not know Russia, its ideals, since he lived in Germany, and therefore he formed such special opinions about art, the soul, friends of love. And "he still did not know the anguish of the heart."


Onegin: In his still young years, Onegin was already tired of everything, he was "oversaturated" with everything. Early on, his feelings cooled down in him, he got tired of the noise of light; beauties were not long the subject of his primary thoughts; treason managed to tire, friends and friendship got tired", "he finally fell out of love, and scolding, and a saber, and lead." He was tired of the theater: "I put up with ballets for a long time, but I got tired of Didlo." Over time, he loses interest in many things and gets tired of life (later he became interested only in Tatyana).

Lensky: "freedom-loving dreams, an ardent and rather strange spirit" took possession of him. "From the cold depravity of the world, before he had time to fade, his soul was warmed by the greeting of the spirit, the caress of the virgins; he was still an ignorant heart, he was cherished by hope." He overshadowed all doubts with a dream, believed in friendship and love, in people. He became even more romantic when he fell in love with Olga: "She gave the poet the first dream of delight for young people," He fell in love with dense groves, solitude, silence.


Onegin: This village was a charming place, but even Onegin got tired of it: "The village where Eugene missed." Neighbors thought he was "a most dangerous eccentric." "At first everyone went to him, but since they usually served him a Don stallion from the back porch, only along high road their domestic drogs will hear them, offended by such an act, all friendship has ceased with him. "Our neighbor is an ignoramus, crazy, he is a freemason, he drinks one glass of red wine; he doesn’t fit the ladies’ hand, everything is “yes” yes “no”; will not say "yes-s" or "no-s". "That was the general voice."

Lensky: "The new landowner gave a reason for equally strict analysis in the neighborhood." Eugene alone could appreciate his gifts. Lensky tried to avoid the feasts of neighboring villages. He believed that the neighbors' "prudent conversation, of course, did not shine with either feeling, or intelligence, or poetic fire, or sharpness, or intelligence, or hostel art; but the conversation of their dear wives was much less intelligent." In a word, he did not like the company of neighbors.


Onegin: He is rather indifferent to poetry (although he listened to Lensky with a smile, let him enjoy "minute bliss"). "He had no desire to rummage through the life stories of the earth; but he kept the anecdotes of bygone days in his memory." "I couldn't tell the iambic from the chorea. He scolded Homer, Theocritus, but read Adam Smith."

Lensky: He was a poet, poetry enlivened his soul, thoughts, he put many of his feelings into it. And the lyre was his faithful companion. "Under the sky of Schiller and Goethe, their poetic fire ignited his soul." Poetry helped him "to believe the world's perfection."


Onegin: “Having received a letter from Lensky, where he called him to a duel, Onegin said to himself that he was “always ready.” He did not like the whole idea, but it was impossible to stop - honor.

Lensky: Vladimir wanted not to allow "the corrupter to tempt the young heart with fire and sighs and praises." However, in the morning I realized that I got too excited, but there was no way back.

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Onegin and Lensky, despite the fact that both belong to, received a different upbringing. grew up in St. Petersburg under the supervision of French tutors, was educated at home.

Monsieur l'Abbé, poor Frenchman,
So that the child is not exhausted,
Taught him everything jokingly
I did not bother with strict morality,
Slightly scolded for pranks
And in Summer garden drove for a walk.

What did the “wretched Frenchman” Eugene manage to teach? First of all, French which he, as a native speaker, was fluent in. The child did not yet know how to speak, and a French Madame was assigned to him, who, communicating with him, taught the baby French. Evgeny's parents: a father busy "squandering the estate", and a mother who preferred not to interfere in anything - did not pay due attention to their son, did not communicate with him in his native language. Therefore, it can be assumed that Eugene did not know the Russian language for a long time, as well as Pushkin himself. Monsieur taught Eugene to dance the mazurka and behave in a secular society. It was enough to give the impression of a smart and sweet young noble.

Pushkin clearly belittled the merits of the French educator. Onegin, within certain limits of his knowledge, could keep up the conversation, and when he felt that his knowledge was not enough, he preferred to keep quiet with a smart look. The ability to remain silent in time is also not given to everyone. He knew a little Latin, could quote some ancient Roman poets.

Onegin knew by heart the witty epigrams with which he did not miss the opportunity to flash in front of the female sex, he was the narrator of funny anecdotes "from Romulus to the present day."

Eugene did not understand poetry at all, "scolded Homer, Theocritus", probably for a heavy poetic line. But he was fond of economic issues, read Adam Smith.

Finally, Eugene received freedom from parental care and tutors. Caught in high society, he saw the hypocrisy, flattery, the game of love that reigned in society. He easily accepted these rules of conduct and communication.

But let's not touch on his education in the field of "science of tender passion", especially since the sphere love relationship has a rather distant relation to his upbringing, but rather let's move on to.

In Russia at that time there were few young people who received a university education. It was not customary for the nobles to send their offspring to educational establishments. It can be assumed that after the death of Vladimir's parents, his relatives decided to send the child to study in Germany, so as not to engage in his upbringing themselves.

Be that as it may, Vladimir Lensky received his upbringing and education at the University of Göttingen, where he talked with young people like himself who believed in love and friendship, and who were ready to make sacrifices for the sake of friendship. Fervor and sincerity were the main features in the character of Lensky.

Kant's admirer and poet.
He is from foggy Germany
Bring the fruits of learning:
freedom dreams,
The spirit is ardent and rather strange,
Always an enthusiastic speech

Unlike Onegin, who could not distinguish an iambic from a chorea, Lensky understood poetry, was a fan of Goethe and Schiller, and composed elegies.

They were different - Onegin and Lensky. in age, upbringing and worldviews gave rise to controversy.

And it got me thinking:
Tribes of past treaties,
The fruits of science, good and evil,
And age-old prejudices
And fatal secrets of the coffin,
Fate and life in turn
Everything was judged by them.

And the more interesting they were together.

Onegin did not go to the neighbors. Moreover, when he saw that someone was going to him, he demanded a horse and simply ran away from home. Lensky, unlike Onegin, paid courtesy calls, but talk of "kennels and wine" was boring to him. single family, to which he went with pleasure almost every evening, was the Larin family. His beloved lived there. The girl is simple, unsophisticated, but lively and energetic. Vladimir dedicated his poems to Olga, dreamed of marriage. And everything foreshadowed a quick marriage between them.

But what Eugene Onegin and Vladimir Lensky lacked in their education and upbringing was their enthusiasm for any occupation, their lack of usefulness to the state and society. If Lensky could still put his knowledge into practice - become a good poet or journalist and publish in magazines, then Onegin was not at all adapted to any kind of work. Hence his throwing, blues and boredom.

In general, when you write about friendship, you understand friendship as gratuitous support, common interests, readiness to help out at any moment and come to the rescue in trouble, it is based on sympathy, mutual understanding, trust. There is no rivalry between friends. And what do we see in Pushkin's work? Was there friendship or enmity between Onegin and Lensky? And how does the friendship between Onegin and Lensky end? And this friendship ends with a duel with a tragic end, because one of the heroes dies at the hands of the other. So can the relationship between Lensky and Onegin be called friendly?

No. Most likely, they can be called friends, but not friends. If the friendship of Onegin and Lensky were real, then there would be no tragic denouement, and the author himself writes that their fate brought them together by chance and they became friends "from doing nothing."

What, then, was the reason for the friendship between Onegin and Lensky?

Onegin and Lensky were so different that it is hard to believe that a small spark of friendship appeared between them. Lensky is hot, loves life, breathes deeply, while Onegin is indifferent, lazy, passive, Lensky is clean, and Onegin is vicious, Lensky is cheerful and young in his soul, when Onegin managed to get tired of life. The author writes about two friends, comparing them: “They got together. Wave and stone. Poetry and prose, ice and fire…” So different and many would say that opposites always attract, so Onegin and Lensky found each other, becoming friends.

How did the friendship between Onegin and Lensky end?

They were supposed to complement each other, but they were united by their class status, education, youth, even though Onegin was a little older. However, the friendship was not real, they united so as not to be completely alone in the village, because solitude is not a burden only for hermits. For this reason, because of a mere trifle, Onegin and Lensky quarreled at the ball. Onegin was offended by Lensky for luring him to a social event, and, deciding to take revenge, began to flirt with Olga, whom Lensky is in love with. In turn, Lensky regarded this as a betrayal and challenged Onegin to a duel.

Why didn't Onegin talk Lensky out of the duel? Yes, all because there was no friendship, it was just an illusion, a misunderstanding. For him, as it turned out, it was not friendship that was more important, but the opinion of the world, which believed that it was shameful to refuse a duel, although Onegin despised this very world. But, he did not go to explain himself, but accepted the challenge and, as a result, a duel that ended in the death of Lensky.

The source of the development of society at all times was the displeasure of people own life and social principles. On the threshold of the nineteenth century in Russia, among the progressive youth of the nobility, unconsciously, gradually, discontent began to be felt. surrounding reality. Typical representatives this circle are Eugene Onegin and Vladimir Lensky - the heroes of the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".

Home common feature Onegin and Lensky is their dissatisfaction noble society, although they received an upbringing typical of the nobility of that time. Cut off from Russian culture, brought up by French tutors, they did not have any serious goal in life. Therefore, Onegin soon became disillusioned with the idle bustle of the world: “although he was an ardent rake, he finally fell out of love with scolding, and a saber, and lead,” “he completely cooled off” to life. Lensky was also alien to secular interests: "he did not like feasts, he fled from noisy conversation."

In the countryside, living among limited, self-satisfied landowners and being spiritually superior to those around them, they became friends, although they represented opposite human natures. Onegin in best years fell into a blues, was "indifferent to everything", Lensky - a lyrical nature, possessing "freedom-loving dreams", always "enthusiastic speech", he was "an admirer of Kant and a poet." Lensky considered poetry to be his element, while in Onegin Pushkin emphasizes "a sharp, chilled mind."

In Lensky, the poet notes love for nature, "the noble aspiration of feelings and thoughts of the young, high, tender, daring", "thirst for knowledge and work and fear of vice and shame." On Onegin’s arrival in the village, “for two days, secluded fields seemed to him new, the coolness of a gloomy oak forest, the murmur of a quiet stream, on the third - a grove, the hills no longer occupied him”, “hard work was sickening to him”, and when he, “ yawning, he took up the pen, ”it didn’t work out for him. Being by nature an outstanding person, Onegin cannot apply himself to anything in the society in which he is forced to live, and he himself suffers from this.

In Onegin, Pushkin highlights the ability to understand people, to be critical of them. He immediately understood Olga's mediocrity and at first glance appreciated Tatyana's originality, highlighting. her from the others. The poet shows Lensky as a person who lacks knowledge and understanding of reality. “A dear ignoramus with a heart,” Pushkin characterizes him in this way. Lensky idealizes Olga, simple girl. Her behavior after the ball is taken for treason. This circumstance leads to an unreasonable duel and his death. But if Lensky behaves in connection with the duel like a sentimental youth with an impractical attitude to life; then Onegin, being sober thinking person, “loving the young man with all my heart,” was supposed to prove himself to be “a ball of prejudices ... but a husband with honor and intelligence.” But Onegin turned out to be below the prejudices of the society that brought him up, he turned out to be an egoist and, frightened by the “whisper, laughter of fools”, killed a friend. Onegin's false concept of noble honor pushed him to kill Lensky. Belinsky called Onegin a suffering egoist, an unwilling egoist, since his egoism is due to the upbringing he received in a noble society.

In the images of Onegin and Lensky, Pushkin showed characteristic path, inner life a whole layer of young people in Russia of that time. Smarter, more sensitive, more conscientious, they could not find a calling in life and faded away.

For us now, I mean my generation, it is not at all easier to find a calling in life. In today's society of chaos and disorder, it is very difficult not to make a mistake. It seems to me that every person is destined to create something in his life, to leave a mark, otherwise why are we humans created?

You must always remember this and strive for your calling. Yes, it's difficult, maybe impossible, but I'll try not to give up.

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